HUS 208 Test 4
Which of the following has been identified as a possible explanation for marijuana's effect on short-term memory?
A) Drug action interferes with the neurochemical processes operative in memory.
According to research, what percentage of U.S. adults with one mental disorder also met criteria for at least one other disorder?
C) 45%
Barbiturates decrease heart rate and blood pressure at higher doses.
a) True
Children whose parents have taken LSD are more likely to suffer from birth defects.
Marijuana has been shown not to cause irreversible lung damage.
North America has the highest prevalence of marijuana use among all regions of the world.
Physical dependence to marijuana has been reliably and consistently demonstrated in laboratory studies.
Recent research suggests that focusing prevention efforts on marijuana use will not have an effect on the prevalence of use of harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
Research has shown that lithium and the benzodiazepines are safe to take during pregnancy.
The Mayans considered peyote to be so sacred that they included icons to it in their temples.
The amount of time that marijuana smoke is held in the lungs does not significantly affect absorption.
The Aztecs used seeds from what plant to make the hallucinogenic drug they called ololiuqui?
morning glory Not A) peyote cactus
Mescaline comes from the peyote cactus.
Users of what substance must avoid most cheeses and some alcoholic beverages in their diets?
All night parties or raves have become associated with which of the following drugs?
What is the difference between LSD and MDMA?
A) MDMA does not produce visual hallucinations. NOT C) MDMA users report no memory of their experiences.
What is the primary psychoactive agent in marijuana?
What is the main drawback to the medical use of cannabis and THC synthetics?
A) a variety of regulatory barriers
Antianxiety drugs are also referred to as what kind of drug?
A) anxiolytic
What is the most common physiological effect of marijuana?
A) blood-shot eyes
How do high doses of marijuana affect a person's sleep?
A) decrease in REM sleep NOT B) more intense dreams
Who most often reports negative emotional effects of marijuana use?
A) inexperienced users NOT B) experienced users who have developed a tolerance to marijuana
Marijuana cigarettes contain how much tar as compared to tobacco cigarettes?
A) more tar than tobacco cigarettes NOT C) the same amount of tar as tobacco cigarettes
Salvia is inactive when taken how?
A) orally
LSD is thought to act in the brain by influencing what neurotransmitter?
A) serotonin
People who see sounds as colors have what condition?
A) synesthesia
Benzodiazepines are thought to act through what system in the body
A) the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex
Cyclic antidepressants are generally more effective in the treatment of depression than are MAOIs.
A) True
Greater use of psychotherapeutics is found in those with more education and higher income levels.
A) True
Most drug overdose deaths are due to the combined effects of taking more than one drug.
A) True
Some people with depression demonstrate signs of hyperactivity such as restlessness or hand wringing.
A) True
Research has clearly shown that marijuana use can result in irreversible, long-term damage to how many systems in the body?
A) none NOT one
Which of the following drugs produce pupil dilation?
Which of the following drugs can be used in the treatment of mania by patients who cannot tolerate lithium or do not respond to its effects?
B) Tegretol
Which of the following is an unusual feature of the withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines?
B) They may not appear for several days after quitting.
Which of the following is a side effect of benzodiazepine use?
B) anterograde amnesia
Which of the following is a symptom of withdrawal from barbiturates?
B) delirium tremens (DTs)
Marijuana's effects on psychomotor activity and performance appear to be related to what?
B) dosage
What reduces pain by rendering the patient unconscious?
B) general anesthesia
Based on current research findings showing limited effectiveness of cannabis, which of the following medical uses of marijuana warrants additional study?
B) improving symptoms of PTSD NOT A) improving symptoms of dementia
What is the active chemical in the Peyote cactus?
B) mescaline
For which of the following conditions does current medical research support administration of marijuana?
B) multiple sclerosis NOT D) epilepsy
Which of the following effects on the reproductive system is associated with chronic marijuana use?
B) nonovulatory menstrual cycles in women
Which of the following drugs comes from a mushroom?
B) psilocybin (Says its wrong but its the right answer)
When LSD was first discovered, what was its common application?
B) psychotherapy
A person who has difficulty sleeping after they stop taking barbiturates for a short time is experiencing what kind of insomnia?
B) rebound
Symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal include which one of the following?
B) rebound insomnia
Which of the following drugs is not currently subject to federal regulations?
B) salvia
What is the most common method of drug classification in psychiatry?
B) therapeutic usage
Having an Italian dinner with cheese-filled ravioli and Chianti wine would present a health risk for a person using a tricyclic antidepressant.
B) False
Of the people who have a mental illness, over three-quarters of them get treatment.
B) False
The prevalence of psychotherapeutic medication use is twice as high among men as among women.
B) False
The psychotherapeutic use of stimulants is particularly effective with severely depressed patients.
B) False
The therapeutic effects of cyclics and MAOIs usually occur within hours of administration.
B) False
Which of the following is most likely to cause the user to commit suicide?
Barbiturates NOT A) benzodiazepines
During which time period would you first see widespread use of hallucinogenic drugs?
C) 1960s
The roots of psychopharmacology are based in what century?
C) 19th
Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population experiences some form of mental disorder in any given year?
C) 25%
Approximately how much of the THC available in a marijuana cigarette is present in the smoke?
C) 50%
Which of the following is true of PCP?
C) It has been associated with psychotic reactions.
What drug is regularly used in veterinary medicine?
C) Ketamine
What legislation, passed in 1937, markedly decreased prescribed medicinal uses of marijuana?
C) The Marijuana Tax Act
Which statement is true for all hallucinogens?
C) They alter perception and states of consciousness.
A sudden reoccurrence of a hallucinogenic experience is called what?
C) a flashback
What is the name for a cigar that is emptied of tobacco and refilled with marijuana?
C) blunt
Which of the following drugs would be most likely to produce changes in perception of one's body image?
C) ketamine
What is the only drug in psychiatry for which there is effective prophylaxis against disease recurrence?
C) lithium
Distortions of reality, profoundly blunted mood, and hallucinations are all symptoms of what disorder?
C) schizophrenia
Warning labels and restrictions have been put in place for administering antidepressants to children due to an increased risk of what?
C) suicide
What is the minimum dose of LSD required for a user to experience effects?
D) 25 micrograms
Who discovered the hallucinogenic properties of LSD?
D) Albert Hofmann
Which city was the center of marijuana use and distribution in 1920s America?
D) New Orleans
Is marijuana a "gateway" drug?
D) No, because most people who smoke marijuana do not go on to use stronger drugs.
What herb has been used extensively in Europe for mild to moderate depression?
D) St. John's wort
Which gas was used as a treatment for psychoses and neuroses before psychotherapeutic drugs were developed?
D) carbon dioxide
Which of the following was an early treatment for severe depression and is still used today?
D) electroshock therapy
Which of the following is a typical effect of MDMA (ecstasy)?
D) mild euphoria and increased emotional warmth NOT C) vivid visual hallucinations
What term is used to describe those drugs that have a special or unique effect on the mind or on mental functioning?
D) psychotherapeutic
Almost all marijuana smokers eventually enter a stage of what?
D) relaxation
Which of the following is true regarding the research evidence on the social environmental effects of marijuana?
Marijuana use combined with preexisting personality characteristics may produce the amotivational syndrome. NOT A) Marijuana interferes with competence in social situations.
Which of the following terms describes the majority of physiological effects caused by marijuana use?
acute NOT C) cognitive
The finding that experienced users are more sensitive to cannabis effects than novice smokers is probably due to what factor?
learning NOT D) dependence
Manic patients are most commonly prescribed what drug to stabilize their moods?
lithium NOT C) librium
Which of the following barbiturates has the longest duration of action?
phenobarital D) pentobarbital
Which of the following is an effect of barbiturates?
respiratory depression NOT D) rapid heart beat
When do marijuana's effects on speech (i.e., rapid or slurred speech, circumstantial talk, and loquaciousness) occur?
the early stages of use NOT C) the later stages of use
Anticholinergic hallucinogens are characterized by a loss of memory for the experience.
Ketamine has shown promise in the treatment of depression.
LSD was popularized in large measure by a Harvard psychologist named Timothy Leary.
Marijuana in the United States today is stronger than it was in the 1980s.
Marijuana is an accepted medical treatment for the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapies.
Most committee reports have come to the conclusion that marijuana use is not particularly harmful to the user or to society at large.
People generally learn how to feel high from smoking marijuana.
Psilocybin and peyote were originally used for religious purposes by the Aztecs and Mayans.
Psilocybin is derived from mushrooms.
THC metabolites can be detected in the bloodstream at least 30 days following ingestion of a single dose.
The hallucinogenic properties of LSD were discovered by accident.
The most common emotional effect of marijuana use is a carefree relaxed state.
The short-term memory impairment associated with marijuana use can occur with fairly low doses.
Violent psychotic reactions have been reported with use of PCP