HY 104 Midterm Triad Terms

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Sedition Act

-(1918)forbade obstructing the sale of war bonds and using "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive" language to describe the government, constitution, flag, or military uniform -opponents claimed that it violated citizens' rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment -created the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) who jailed many by the end of the war

Zimmerman Telegram

-1917 a letter was sent from Germany addressed to German minister in Mexico City in hopes to create an alliance -said that Mexico should attack the U.S. if U.S. goes to war with Germany (needed that advantage due to Mexico's promixity to the US) -in return, Germany would give back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona etc to Mexico -it got intercepted by the British

Woodrow Wilson

-28th President of the United States who was a democratic progressivist challenger of TR -leading figure at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 -was unable to persuade the U.S. Congress to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations -claims individual freedom is threatened by trust -proposed to break up trusts aggressively -won the election because TR and Taft split the Republican vote -declared the U.S. neutral in WWI -in 1917 after the Zimmerman telegram was intercepted, he wanted war because he wanted freedom to travel the seas, economic repercussions of maritime rights, Germany's antagonism, and desired for a seat at the peacetable -under Wilson, the Germans were forced to take blame for the war and it's repercussions

USS Maine

-U.S. Battleship that exploded in Havana Harbor in February of 1898 -evidence from mechanics suggests an internal explosion, however Spanish military was framed by Yellow Journalism -the incident was what caused the Spanish American War -McKinley gives Spain an ultimatum

The Harlem Renaissance

-a period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art, music, and literature flourished -brought broad movement into the cities

National Origins Act

-act which restricted immigration from any one nation to two percent of the total number of people already in the U.S. of that national origin -severely restricted immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, and excluded Asians entirely -there were no limits on Western Hemisphere

Ellis Island

-an immigrant receiving station that opened in 1892, where immigrants were given a medical examination and only allowed in if they were healthy -"old" immigration was composed of many immigrants from England, Ireland, and Germany -"new" immigration was composed of immigrants from Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Russia (these were considered "bad" immigrants to nativists because they consisted of many catholics and Jews)

Theodore Roosevelt

-at first was Mckinley's VP but then became the 26th president (Republican) in 1901 after McKinley was assassinated -apart of the rough riders -he believed that American men were becoming soft because of the Industrial Revolution and the fact that there hadn't been a war in a long time -was governor of NY -called for a big liberal government and believed that he should have the most power in the country -increased size of Navy, "Great White Fleet" -added Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine -"Big Stick" policy -received Nobel Peace Prize for mediation of end of Russo-Japanese war -would fight wars that were not declared by congress -said Cuba could live freely but made them make a constitution that said that the U.S. was the only country that could interfere with them -formed the Progressive party (bull moose Party) -did not want war and said that anyone is not with them should be seen as an alien against them

Social Security Act

-established a federal pension (tax) system where workers would pay a monthly tax that was matched by employers that would fund retired people at the age of 65 -created a cooperative federal-state unemployment insurance (would give checks to those were not working but could prove that they were looking for work) -created aid to dependent children without fathers present -initially hurt people of color and women

Andrew Johnson

-he became president after Lincoln was assassinated -opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto -stayed loyal to the union and was a traditional southerner (white supremacist) -the first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote -very weak president.

Underwood Tariff

-lowered tariff on incoming goods -establishes a graduated income tax -tended to target more of the wealthier people

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

-march 1911 fire in New York clothing textile factory that trapped young women workers inside locked exit doors -nearly 50 ended up jumping to their death while 100 died inside the factory -led to the establishment of many factory reforms, including increasing safety precautions for workers -eventually led to workers compensation

Interstate Commerce Act

-monitors the business operation of carriers transporting goods and people between states -created to regulate railroad prices -it created federal interstate commerce commission -prohibits pools, rebates, and rate discrimination -weak enforcement provisions and supreme court


-movement in the late 1800s to increase democracy in America -fought to end corruption in government and business, and worked to bring equal rights of women and other groups that had been left behind during the industrial revolution -it ended abuses of power, reformed social institutions, brought scientific principles and efficiency to a chaotic world, and made industrialization humane

Great Migration

-movement of over 500,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920 -many white people did not like this -there was typically more segregation in the North but they did not have as many laws against them as the South did

Dumbbell Tenements

-places where lower class or those in poverty mainly lived -had ventilation shafts in the center of the building to provide windows for each room to supposedly bring in fresh air -eventually became dumping grounds for trash and dead bodies -very cramped and there were many diseases

Franklin Roosevelt

-president of the U.S. during the Great Depression and World War II -had New Deal strategies that sought to bring relief, economic planning, and long-term security -ran against Hoover in the 1932 election -democrat from the white south -in 1921 he got polio and was bed ridden for two years resulting in the loss of feeling in his legs yet was not known to the public because the media didn't advertise it -his saying was "freedom from fear" -he closed down many banks but gave money to private banks to keep them operating

Dust Bowl

-region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade -left many farmers without work or substantial wages -soil turned to dust because the vegetation was gone which caused windstorms because there was nothing to hold the dirt down -often times it would be pitch black at noon -many feared choking and began to move West

Herbert Hoover

-republican candidate who assumed the presidency in 1929 -promised the American people prosperity -attempted to first deal with the depression by trying to restore public faith in the community by believing in local charities and organizations -believed strongly in individualism -would make jokes about the country going into depression -became hated because he seemed insensitive

Ku Klux Klan

-secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights -was started because they rejected the loosening of morals especially with immigrants -the second one was native born white protestant supremacists -they didn't want immigrants to "pollute" the white race -second one typically started in North East then spread to large cities typically -many women were apart of it -many people left after a scandal with gruesome rape and murder by the leader


-supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle against the privileged elite -wanted change from the government doing secret work -worked to change the nature of ownership and economic exchange -persuaded the federal government to play more expansive role in the U.S. economy -populists wanted to abolish private banks, federal ownership of railroads and telegraph, direct election of U.S. senators, federal control over currency to expand the money supply, and a shorter work day


-system in which landowners leased a few acres of land to farmworkers in return for a portion of their crops -you didn't own the land -it was easy to get caught in debt if the market was not wanting what you were producing -was popular right before black men began gaining more rights -during the Great Depression many workers were evicted because people were not buying many things so the labor was not needed


-the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol was prohibited in the United States as written into the 18th amendment -the taking away of alcohol forced assimilation among immigrants -Al Capone played a large part but eventually got jailed because of tax evasion even though he committed much worse


-the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers. -many people were buying cars and 80% bought on credit -the budgets of many families increased by 1,00'0's of dollars because of new electronics -advertising became very popular during this time -the more people bought cars, the more the wealthy moved to the suburbs -many things were not advertised for what they could do but rather for how they made you look -more money was being spent on ads than education

Radical Republicans

-they came after the Civil War ended -a group that believed the South should be harshly punished -thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South -they were angry because although slavery was not still around, there were laws that still resembled whites over blacks

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