HY 120 Chapter 3

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Small family farms that produced food for local consumption. 1. New England 2. Virginia and South Carolina 3. Middle Colonies


Half of the wealth at mid-century was concentrated in the hands of the richest ____ percent of the population.


ruled by the former New York governor, who did not have to answer to an elected assembly, reinforcing impressions that James II was an enemy of freedom; super-colony made up of New England colonies by James II in order to extract more money from America

Dominion of New England

Pennsylvania did not prosper under Penn's policies. T/F


Huguenots were...

French Protestants who fled Europe to North America.

established in England to oversee colonial affairs

Lords of Trade

__________________ ________________ was a fundamental principle. Quakers upheld a strict moral code.

Religious freedom

Carolina was established as a barrier to what?

Spanish expansion north of Florida

By 1770, nearly all upper-class _______________ had inherited their wealth.


The _______________ ______________ of 1737 used deceit to gain more land from the Pennsylvania Indians.

Walking Purchase

News in America of the Glorious Revolution in England resulted in ...

a reestablishment of former colonial governments.

By the eighteenth century, colonial farm families viewed land ownership almost as....

a right

Desperate to follow an ____________ lifestyle, many planters fell into debt.


What was the most rapidly growing region in North America?

the backcountry

As Pennsylvania grew, what would change?

the benevolent Indian policy

Slave plantations that produced tobacco. 1. New England 2. Virginia and South Carolina 3. Middle Colonies


Fifty thousand convicts were sent to the ____________-- to work in the tobacco fields.


Many migrants settled into the British colonies. Identify the statements that describe the redemptioners. 1. Unmarried English emigrants in search of religious tolerance. 2. Formed tightly knit farming communities in rural New York, western Pennsylvania, and the southern backcountry. 3. Wealthy Scottish and Scotch-Irish immigrants. 4. Indentured families that received passage to the New World in exchange for an agreement to work off their debts.

2, 4

Farmers that produced grain for their own use and sale abroad. 1. New England 2. Virginia and South Carolina 3. Middle Colonies


There were many rebellions that occurred in the late seventeenth century in both England and the colonies. Most triumphant were the Maryland rebels. Identify the statement that describes what caused the end of religious toleration in Maryland. 1. Natives attacked and took over Jacob Leisler's leadership. 2. An African American revolt created fear and led to Captain Jacob Leisler establishing a dictatorship. 3. Maryland's Protestant Association overthrew the colony's Catholic proprietor, Lord Baltimore. 4. A group of disgruntled landless men seized Lord Baltimore and publicly executed him.


Alliance formed in the 1670s between the English and the Iroquois nations.

Covenant Chain

Eighteenth-century British America was much less diverse than the English population. T/F


Germans tended to travel alone. T/F


Hiring indentured servants was more beneficial than owning slaves. T/F


known as "the best poor man's country."


A crisis of trials and executions in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 that resulted from anxiety over witchcraft.

Salem witch trials

Religious group in England and America whose members believed all persons possessed the "inner light" or spirit of God; they were early proponents of abolition of slavery and equal rights for women.

Society of Friends (Quakers)

Prior to being taken over by the English in 1664, New York was called what and controlled by whom?

called New Netherland and controlled by the Dutch.

Great Britain eclipsed the Dutch in the eighteenth century as a leader in trade. This included colonial products like ... (2) ... and manufactured goods such as ... (7) ...

coffee and tea; linen, metalware, pins, ribbons, glassware, ceramics, and clothing

In 1667, the Virginia House of Burgesses decreed that conversion to Christianity (did/did not) release a slave from bondage.

did not

Why did the labor from the Indians and white indentured servants in the West Indies cease after 1600?

disease had killed off the Indians and white indentured servants were no longer willing to do the backbreaking work required on sugar plantations

Despite there being more consumer products, women's work (increased/decreased).


Increase Mather published Cases of Conscience concerning Evil Spirits, which advised people....

not to take accusations of witchcraft seriously.

In the prevailing theory of mercantilism, the government should...

regulate economic activity to promote the nation's power.

Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what staple crop?


Initially, Carolina settlers tried raising cattle and trading with the natives, but what cash crop was ultimately responsible for Carolina's success?


The spread of __________ led settlers to turn to slavery.


When the English took over New York from the Dutch, they continued to allow religious toleration but minimized the rights the Dutch had given to which of the following groups of people? 1. women 2. men who did not own property 3. blacks 4. the Iroquios (HINT: 2 are correct.)

1, 3

Membership in the empire had many advantages for the colonists including... (3)...

1. Colonists did not complain about British regulations of trade. 2. British lax enforcement led to smuggling. 3. The Royal Navy protected American shipping.

In the Salem witch trials, ______ women and ______ men were executed before the governor halted all prosecutions.

14; 6

The restoration of the English monarchy came in _______, and the government chartered new ___________ _________ such as the Royal African Company.

1660; trading ventures

In what year did King Philip and his forces attack nearly 45 New England towns?


A governor was appointed in London rather than elected. T/F


During the eighteenth century, British colonies diversified along ethnic and religious lines. T/F


In 1705, the House of Burgesses enacted strict slave codes. T/F


In the English colonies as a whole, half of the wealth at mid-eighteenth century was concentrated in the hands of the richest 10 percent of the population.T/F


Most colonies barred Catholics and Jews from voting and holding public office. T/F


Most colonies did not adhere to separation of church and state. T/F


No mixed-race class existed, as the law treated everyone with African ancestry as black. T/F


Primogeniture meant that estates must be passed intact to the oldest son. T/F


Slavery in the United States started in the Chesapeake Bay region, but it eventually spread throughout the colonies in order to support the cash crop production as fewer indentured servants came over from Europe. T/F


Taxes were levied to pay for ministers. T/F


The Salem witch trials revealed serious issues with Massachusetts's system of justice and, as a result, the court of Salem was dissolved by the governor and all prisoners were released. T/F


The better-off in society tended to view the poor as lazy and responsible for their own plight. T/F


The slave code of 1705 was created by the House of Burgesses, and it incorporated legislation from the previous century on slavery. The code is significant because it was the first time that it outlined the principle of white supremacy, justifying the ownership and treatment of slaves by their masters. T/F


Vastly more people living in the colonies had far greater opportunities-to vote, own land, worship freely-than existed in Europe. T/F


An infamous 1737 purchase of Indian land in which Pennsylvanian colonists tricked the Lenni Lanape Indians. The Lanape agreed to cede land equivalent to the distance a man could walk in thirty-six hours, but the colonists marked out an area using a team of runners.

Walking Purchase

People, ideas, and goods flowed back and forth across the Atlantic. Goods from North America and the ___________ became a major market for British manufactured goods. Tobacco grown in ___________ was marketed in Britain, and then sold to Europe by British merchants. And rum produced in the West Indies was a popular good in ____________.

West Indies; Chesapeake; North American colonies

Revolt of Yamasee and Creek Indians, aggravated by rising debts and slave traders' raids, against Carolina settlers. Resulted in the expulsion of many Indians to Florida.

Yamasee uprising

The English of New York got an elected assembly, which drafted what in 1683?

a Charter of Liberties and Privileges

One significant consequence of the Glorious Revolution for the American colonies was...

a renewed sense of entitlement to liberty, as the birthright of all English subjects.

Cities served mainly as gathering places for ..... and for ..... to be distributed to the countryside.

agricultural goods; imported items

A "praying Indian" was the term for...

an Indian who converted to Christianity.

The city was home to a large population of...


Early settlers sought Carolina-area Indians as allies and encouraged them to...

attack and capture Florida Indians as slaves.

What were three prominent liberties that attracted settlers?

availability of land, lack of military draft, and absence of restraints on economic opportunity

In colonial America, the area stretching from central Pennsylvania southward through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and into upland North and South Carolina.


The terms of Dutch surrender guaranteed some freedoms and liberties but reversed others, especially for...


____________, not territorial plunder, was the foundation of the English empire.


New York colonists demanded more liberties, especially the right to ...

consent for taxation.

The rebellion's aftermath left Virginia's planter elite to ...

consolidate their power and improve their image.

As infant mortality (increased/decreased), women spent more time engaged in child care.


With growing colonial structure, opportunities for women (increased/decreased).


As England's economy improved, large-scale migration was ...

draining labor from the mother country.

In some ways, Bacon's Rebellion was a clash between two different _______ groups.


New York was divided along ________ and ___________ lines.

ethinic, economic

The tie that held the elite together was the belief that ...

freedom from labor was the mark of the gentleman.

What did Bacon promise to anyone who joined his ranks?

freedom, including access to Indian lands

After Leisler's rebellion, Leisler was ....., and New York politics remained polarized for years afterward.


After the overthrow of James II, Parliament issued a Bill of Rights (1689) guaranteeing ...

individual rights such as trial by jury.

In New England, _______ ownership, not church membership, was required to vote.


What was Bacon's Rebellion (1676) largely fought over?


Quakers believed that __________ was a universal entitlement.


During the Glorious Revolution, the overthrow of James II entrenched the notion that ...

liberty was the birthright of all Englishmen.

In 1691, Massachusetts was transformed when a new charter, issued by the English government, absorbed Plymouth into Massachusetts, and...

made property ownership, not church membership, a requirement for voting in General Court elections.

In Pennsylvania, Penn established an assembly elected by whom?

male taxpayers and "freemen"

Policy of Great Britain and other imperial powers of regulating the economies of colonies to benefit the mother country.


The theory that the government should regulate economic activity to promote national power.


On paper, slaves in Spain's American empire had (more/less) legal rights than slaves in the English American empire.


A Virginia law of 1662 provided that in the case of a child born to one free parent and one slave parent, the status of the offspring followed that of the ....


The Glorious Revolution in 1688 established __________________ _______________ and secured the ____________ succession to the throne.

parliamentary supremacy; Protestant

An early word for a colony, a settlement "planted" from abroad among an alien population in Ireland or the New World. Later, a large agricultural enterprise that used unfree labor to produce a crop for the world market.


In the Chesapeake and Lower South, ___________ accumulated enormous wealth.


A goal of religiously minded English Protestants was to convert natives to their faith. Identify the name given to those native Christian converts.

praying Indians

Indentured families or persons who received passage to the New World in exchange for a promise to work off their debt in America.


The economy in Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what crop that would make them the wealthiest elite in English North America?


Along with sugar, the West Indies also produced this increasingly popular product enjoyed by both North American colonists and Indians.


Good, free land was _________ for freed indentured servants, and taxes on tobacco were __________ as the prices were __________.

scarce; rising; falling

The Navigation Acts stimulated what industry for New England?


Why did slavery develop slowly in the New World?

slaves were expensive and their death rate was high in the 17th century

By the early eighteenth century, Virginia had transformed from what to what?

society with slaves to slave society

From 1670 until 1720, Carolina engaged in a slave trade that ...

sold captured Indians to other mainland colonies and to the West Indies.

William Penn owned all of Pennsylvania's colony's land and did what with it rather than granting it outright?

sold it to settlers at low prices

The New England colony had to abide by the Toleration Act, which increased the power of ...

some non-Puritan merchants and landowners.

Important cash crops; for example, cotton or tobacco.

staple crops

In 1705, the House of Burgesses enacted what?

strict slave codes

In North America, the line between slavery and freedom was more permeable in the seventeenth century than it would become later. Some free blacks were allowed to...

sue and testify in court.

By 1600, huge _________ plantations worked by slaves from Africa were well established in Brazil and the West Indies.


This was the first New World crop to be mass marketed to Europe.


Nathaniel Bacon, an elite planter, called for what three things? His campaign gained support from what four classes?

the removal of all Indians, lower taxes, and an end to rule by "grandees."; small farmers, indentured servants, landless men, and even some Africans.

Great Britain eclipsed the Dutch in the eighteenth century as a leader in what?


Identify the statements that describe the colonial elite. 1. The colonial elite enjoyed time in Charleston or Philadelphia, both urban centers at the time that provided theaters and social events. 2. The colonial elite often sought to emulate the lifestyle and customs of the British elite, by wearing English fashion and encouraging their sons to go to school in England. 3. There was a very small gap between rich and poor in North American colonies. (HINT: 2 are correct.)

1, 2

American slavery flourished for many reasons, especially among the Chesapeake planters. Identify the statements that describe why Chesapeake planters found African slaves more suitable as a source of labor compared to indentured servants. 1. Slaves' terms never expired. 2. The children of slaves had no rights and, therefore, also became slaves. 3. Indentured servants cost more than slaves. 4. Slaves were more resistant to epidemics than natives were. (HINT: 3 are correct.)

1, 2, 4

Identify the statements that describe the Covenant Chain and its outcomes. 1. The Iroquois Nations helped the British attack the French and their Indian allies. 2. It led Iroquois Nations to adopt a policy of neutrality, allowing them to play European empires off each other in their attempt to profit from the fur trade. 3. It led to King Philip's War. 4. The English formed an alliance with the Iroquois Nations and pledged to support each other in territorial acquisition and defeat of other tribes. (HINT: 3 are correct.)

1, 2, 4

Identify the statements that describe the consumer revolution in the eighteenth century. 1. Items that used to be considered luxuries, available only to the wealthy, became accessible to modest farmers. 2. As a result of mass production, consumer goods became widely and cheaply available. 3. British merchants supplied American traders with loans, allowing them to import goods and sell them on the frontier. 4. Shops in port cities flourished. (HINT: 3 are correct.)

1, 3, 4

Identify the statements that describe staple crops and why they were so important to settlers. 1. Crops like tobacco and rice that were produced for the world market created great wealth for the farmers. 2. Staple crops included luxury goods such as silks, linens, and ceramic plates. 3. Staple crops enabled the colonists to become financially independent from Britain. 4. Because of the lack of credit and money, colonists had to rely on creating their own wealth, and farming staple crops was a reliable source of revenue. (HINT: 2 are correct.)

1, 4

Identify the statement that explains why Virginia and Maryland shifted toward a reliance on slave labor. 1. The cost of supporting indentured servants increased dramatically, making slavery a more attractive labor option for settlers. 2. The freedoms of Pennsylvania offered European settlers led to a decrease in indentured servants sailing for Virginia and Maryland, causing those settlements to seek alternative labor sources. 3. Pennsylvania's aggressive enslavement of Indians led to an increase in crop production, which caused Maryland and Virginia to shift to slave labor in order to compete. 4. Although Quakers viewed all people as equal, they did not want any blacks in Pennsylvania so slaves were sold to Maryland and Virginia.


Identify the statements that describe the Glorious Revolution in England and its impact on the colonies. 1. The Glorious Revolution outlined the terms of the English Bill of Rights. 2. The Glorious Revolution was the culmination of the long struggle between Parliament and the crown for the English government, which established parliamentary supremacy. 3. As a result of the Glorious Revolution, fault lines in colonial society were exposed, providing an opportunity for local elites to regain authority. 4. As a result of the Glorious Revolution, Protestant domination was secured in most of the colonies. (HINT: 3 are correct.)

2, 3, 4

Mercantilism encouraged the use of commerce to enrich countries. Identify the statement that describes how the Navigation laws supported mercantilism between England and its colonies. 1. English colonies had to trade their raw materials among each other internally without participating in exporting their goods. 2. English colonies were encouraged to trade directly with any ship that came to their ports, as long as 20% of the profits were given to the mother country of England. 3. English colonies of the New World had to export their raw materials only on English ships and sell them at English ports. 4. English colonies had to trade directly with specific countries that were approved by England. (HINT: Only 1 is correct.)


Which of the following was not a significant feature of the Salem witchcraft hysteria of the early 1690s? 1. Accusations of witchcraft tended to befall women who deviated from prevailing gender norms. 2. Many inhabitants accused others of witchcraft in order to deflect suspicion from themselves. 3. Many were tried on charges of witchcraft, but no one was actually convicted. 4. It reflected a widespread belief in the supernatural.

3. Many were tried on charges of witchcraft, but no one was actually convicted.

Which was not part of the aftermath of King Philip's War? 1. Metacom was captured and executed. 2. Puritans sold Indian children from the warring tribes into slavery. 3. The Iroquois, having attacked the colonists, were destroyed. 4. The image of Indians as bloodthirsty savages became entrenched in the view of New England colonists.

3. The Iroquois, having attacked the colonists, were destroyed.

Which of the following was an effect of Bacon's Rebellion? 1. the increased use of the headright system 2. the increased use of Native American slaves 3. the increased use of African slaves 4. the increased use of indentured servants

3. the increased use of African slaves.

When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called for all except... 1. a decrease in taxes. 2. removal of all Indians from the colony. 3. an end to rule by "grandees." 4. the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians.

4. the freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians.

In the eighteenth century, __________ and non-___________ ____________ arrivals skyrocketed.

African; non-English European

Unsuccessful 1676 revolt led by planter Nathaniel Bacon against Virginia governor William Berkeley's administration because of governmental corruption and because Berkeley had failed to protect settlers from Indian raids and did not allow them to occupy Indian lands.

Bacon's Rebellion

Virginia's shift from white indentured servants to African slaves as the main plantation labor force was accelerated by ...

Bacon's Rebellion.

Carolina was an offshoot of _______________. It was a _________ colony, yet _______________ was not initially central to the economy.

Barbados; slave; agriculture

Virginia's government ran a corrupt regime under Governor ______________, who maintained peaceful relations with the Indians.


The English briefly held an alliance with the Five Nations known as the ______________ ___________, but by the end of the century, the Five Nations had adopted a policy of ______________.

Covenant Chain; neutrality

Consolidation into a single colony of the New England colonies—and later New York and New Jersey—by royal governor Edmund Andros in 1686; dominion reverted to individual colonial governments three years later.

Dominion of New England

To create wealth, between 1686 and 1685 James II created a "super-colony," the ... The new colony threatened...

Dominion of New England; liberties

The __________ ___ ________ governed New York, and by 1700, nearly 2 million acres of land were owned by only ______ New York families.

Duke of York; 5

Rather than risk a Catholic succession through James II, a group of English aristocrats invited the whom to assume the throne?

Dutch Protestant William of Orange

Eighteenth-century colonial society enjoyed a multitude of consumer goods from what two places?

England and Asia

Colonial elites began to think of themselves as more and more ....


A series of laws enacted in 1689 that inscribed the rights of Englishmen into law and enumerated parliamentary powers such as taxation.

English Bill of Rights

A 1690 act of Parliament that allowed all English Protestants to worship freely.

English Toleration Act

"Enumerated" goods were the most valuable colonial products in the mercantilist system between England and its colonies. Identify the items that were considered "enumerated" goods: tobacco, wooden furniture, manufactured clothing, sugar

Enumerated: tobacco, sugar Not enumerated: wooden furniture, manufactured clothing

18th century British America was a "melting pot," and ethnic groups lived and worshipped in heterogenous communities. T/F


After 1667, the Virginia House of Burgesses held that Christians could not enslave other Christians. T/F


Catholics and Jews had the right to vote and held the majority of office positions in most colonies. T/F


In the late seventeenth century, the Iroquois were known for their fierce hatred and courageous fighting against British colonists. T/F


Slaves showed little inclination to challenge their enslavement in seventeenth- and early-eighteenth-century Virginia. T/F


The Walking Purchase of 1737 represented fair dealings between colonists and natives. T/F


The ___________________ _________________ of Carolina envisioned a feudal society, but it was not established as such. The colonial government did allow for what three things?

Fundamental Constitutions; religious toleration, an elected assembly, and a generous headright system

Who formed the largest group of newcomers from the European continent?


A coup in 1688 engineered by a small group of aristocrats that led to William of Orange taking the British throne in place of James II.

Glorious Revolution

____________ communities were well integrated into the British imperial system.


In the West Indies, prior to 1600, who had done the labor?

Indians and white indentured servants

How did the English Toleration Act of 1690 impact the society of Massachusetts?

It created tension by forcing Puritans to accept Protestants into their communities and leadership roles.

A multiyear conflict that began in 1675 with an Indian uprising against white colonists. Its end result was broadened freedoms for white New Englanders and the dispossession of the region's Indians.

King Philip's War

During the Maryland uprising, who was overthrown?

Lord Baltimore

An English regulatory board established to oversee colonial affairs in 1675.

Lords of Trade

In 1675, England established the ______ _____ ______ to oversee colonial affairs, but the colonies were not interested in obeying London.

Lords of Trade

The chief of the Wampanoags, whom the colonists called King Philip. He resented English efforts to convert Indians to Christianity and waged a war against the English colonists, one in which he was killed.


...... was a Jewish silversmith from New York whose career reflected the opportunities open to men of diverse backgrounds in colonial cities.

Myer Myers

Law passed by the English Parliament to control colonial trade and bolster the mercantile system, 1650-1775; enforcement of the act led to growing resentment by colonists.

Navigation Act

Identify the colony that first belonged to the Dutch but later came under English control and King James's brother, the duke of York.

New Netherland

In 1664, during an Anglo-Dutch war, _______ ____________ was surrendered by the Dutch without a fight in order to retain their holdings in __________, ________, and _________ _____________.

New Netherland; Africa; Asia; South America

Jacob Leisler, a Calvinist, took control of ...

New York

Identify the colony that was founded as a place of spiritual freedom and of peace between Indians and settlers.


The colony founded by a leader who hoped women and blacks would be given equality along with all persons was...


__________________ was the last seventeenth-century colony to be established and was given to proprietor _______________ ________.

Pennsylvania; William Penn

In the mid-eighteenth century, colonial America's leading commercial port and cultural center was...


In New England, ____________ was absorbed into Massachusetts, and the political structure of Massachusetts was transformed.


Eighteenth-century migrants included Scottish and Scotch-Irish, who were mostly of what religion?


After the overthrow of James II, Parliament adopted the Toleration Act (1690), which allowed ...

Protestant Dissenters to worship freely, although only Anglicans could hold public office.

A ___________, Penn envisioned a colony of peaceful harmony between colonists and Indians and a haven for...

Quaker; spiritual freedom

The richest group of mainland colonists was ...

South Carolina planters.

____________ colonial cities were much more populated than British North American cities.


After King Philip's attack on New England in 1675, the settlers counterattacked in 1676. What did this affect?

The Indians' power--it broke it once and for all

This required colonial products to be transported in English ships and sold at English ports.

The Navigation Acts

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