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Since the change in potential energy equals qV and the charge on an electron is the elementary charge, then 1ev= how many joules?

1.60 X 10⁻¹⁹ J

A power supply is device that

Acts like a battery

lines of equal potential

Are perpendicular & form concentric circles around the charge

Potential has its highest mag

At the surface of a charge & diminishes to 0 at infinity

W equals

Change of KE

Which of the following choices represents the quantity that is equal to the electric potential?


A positively-charged particle is held at point A between two parallel metal plates. The plate on the left has a net positive charge +q and the plate on the right has a net negative charge q. The particle is then moved to point B. How does the electric potential energy at point A compare with that at point B?


Electric Potential can be thought of as an

Electrical pressure at a point a in space

This potential provides the

Electrical pressure needed to push charges throughout a circuits

Equipotential lines

Every point on a particular equipotential line has the same potential

High voltage

High potential for charges to move & greater chance of an electric shock

Electric Potential is 0 at


Electric potential

Is unique to charged objects

Neg charges

Low neg potential

When the electric field is perpendicular to an equipotential surface work being done when a charge moves along it?

No work is being done

Which one of the following statements concerning equipotential surfaces is false?

No work is done by the net electric force as a charge moves from one equipotential surface to another.

Neg charges move

Opposite of the electric field

If KE is increasing

PE is decreasing

The Electric Field of point charges are radially oriented

Point away from Pos & toward - charges

Electric potential is a

Scalar quantity measured in V

Electric potential can be viewed as line

That are perpendicular to the electric field & equally spaced

. Point charge A is located at point A and point charge B is at point B. Points A and B are separated by a distance r. To determine the electric potential at the mid-point along a line between points A and B, which of the following mathematical approaches is correct?

The algebraic sum of the two electric potentials is determined at a distance r/2 from each of the charges, making sure to include the signs of the charges.

The mag of the field has a max value at the surface of

The charge & becomes weaker with the inverse square of the distance from the center of the charge

Which one of the following statements best describes the equipotential surfaces surrounding a point charge?

The equipotential surfaces are concentric spheres with the charge at the center.

Which one of the following statements concerning equipotential surfaces is true?

The net work done by electric forces that move a charge along an equipotential surface is equal to zero joules.

. Points A, B, and C lie along a line from left to right, respectively. Point B is at a lower electric potential than point A. Point C is at a lower electric potential than point B. Which one of the following statements best describes the subsequent motion, if any, of a positively-charged particle released from rest at point B?

The particle will accelerate in the direction of point C.

Two positive point charges are separated by a distance R. If the distance between the charges is reduced to R/2, what happens to the total electric potential energy of the system?

The total electric potential energy is doubled.

. Which one of the following statements is true concerning the work done by an external force in moving an electron at constant speed between two points in an electrostatic field?

The work done depends only on the displacement of the electron.

what is the equation for calculating PE between two point charges


When a charge is moved between equipotential surfaces, what is the equation for work done?


Electric Potential is associated

With electric potential energy Work of electricity Conservation of energy

Electric potential energy is defined in a similar manner to the gravitational potential energy. Complete the following statement: These two potential energies are analogous to each other because

both the electric and gravitational forces are conservative forces.

∆V = ∆U / q

change in electric potential

Since the electrostatic force is a __________ force, a potential energy can be associated with it.


An increase in r results in a

decrease in V

What is the name of unit of energy that is the amount by which the electric potential energy of an electron when it moves through a potential difference of one volt?

electron volt (eV)

Complete the following statement: The electron volt is a unit of


Electric potential energy is analogous to this type of energy.

gravitational potential energy


if W is the work done by an electric force, the change in a charge's electrical potential energy, ∆U, is defined by ___

since electric potential is a scalar quantity...

if multiple charges are present the total electric potential is found by adding the potential due to each charge (no need to take into account direction).

electric potential difference definition

is energy per unit charge

units of electric potential are measured in

joules per coulomb, or volts

Pos charges accelerate in the direction

of the electric field

equipotential surface

one in which all points on the surface are at the same potential


one joule per coulomb is called one ___

When a charge is placed in an electric field, the charge experiences a force. Work is done on the charge by the field when it moves ____________ (direction) to the field.


electric field is always ___________ to an equipotential surface.


. A conducting sphere is connected via a wire to the ground. For a very short time, electrons move from the ground to the sphere. Then, no more electrons move to the sphere. Complete the following sentence: Before the wire was connected, the sphere's electric potential had a

positive value.

The amount of work required to move a charge against the field would equal the increase in __________ energy.

potential energy

V is directly proportional to

potential energy

Define electron volt

the amount by which the potential energy an electron changes when the electron moves through a potential difference of one volt.

Which one of the following phrases best describes the electric potential of a charged particle?

the potential energy per unit charge

Which of the following units are the SI units for the electric potential?

volt (V)

Work is done

when a charge moves in an electric field

∆V= ?


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