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The mechanical age

(1450AD-1840AD) -manual calculator evolve into mechanical calculator by gears, lever and/wheels

Pre-Mechanical Period

(3000 BC - 1450 AD) -use verbal communication -simple pictures drawings (petroglyphs, Egyptian Wall drawing) -invention of paper -use manual calculator to keep track of its calculation step

The electro mechanical age

-1840AD-1940AD -The beginning of the telecommunications field -invention of telephone, radio, morse code, telegraph -provide the basis for advancement and progress of ict

Herman Hollerith

-He invented the "Tabulating Machine." The Tabulating Machine used punch cards to store information. It was later used to tabulate the U.S. Census. -established the IBM

Example of mechanical calculator

-The pascaline (known as pascal calculator, arithmetic mechine) - 1642 -shickard's calculator - 1623 -de colmar's arithmometer-1820

The used of ict

-To communicate -to create, disseminate, store and manage information.

IBM Automatic Sequence Controllled Calculator

-also know as Harvard Mark I -51 feet long, 8 feet high and weight 5 tons

What is ict according to UNDP?

-information handling tool -goods, application and services Used to produce, store, process and distribute and exchange information

4 periods of ict evolution

1. The pre mechanical age 2. The mechanical age 3. The electromechanical age 4. The electronic age

The history and evolution of computer and ict

3000b.c until present time

digital format

A means of storing recorded sound, made possible by computer technology, in which each sound wave is represented by combinations of the numbers 0 and 1.

ICT (meaning)

Information communication technology

IBM 1620

First College Machine, used for scientists

IBM 1401

For business


Rectangle shaped, consist of beads fixed on rods, each bead represents a number

binary number system

The number system used by computers; it has only two numbers, 0 and 1, called binary digits, or bits.


a group of 8 bits

The electronic age

an era of instant communication; a return to the global village with all-at-once sound and touch

IBM 650

first mass produced computer


the first general-purpose electronic computer

Digital Data Representation

the process of representing data in digital form so it can be understood by a computer

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

the universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand

Charles Babbage invented

◾the different engine (1822) -an automatic mechanical calculator operated by steam that has more than 4000 gears, levers and wheel. ◾The analytical engine(1834) -a general purpose calculating device -one of the basis for the modern computer


A contraction of "Binary Digit". A bit is the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1.

Colossus Computer

Developed by British to break German codes during WWII.

UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)

Early computer used by businesses first built in 1957.

coding scheme

Patterns that define the combinations of 0s and 1s that represent uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols

Fourth Industrial Revolution

Phase of industrialization known for the Internet of things, robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, nanotechnology, and biotechnology:

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

Pioneering mathematician, considered the father of computer science. He created a mathematical model of a computer that could simulate any computer algorithm, and used it to prove the uncomputability of the Halting Problem. He also designed the Automatic Computing Engine, one of the world's first computers and the fastest computer at the time.

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