Ignite Seminar - quiz 1 study

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______ means the fulfilling of something to the highest degree; perfect completion


Which of these Scripture references are examples of God's omnipotence?

Daniel 4:35 - God does as He pleases. Genesis 1:1-3 - God created the heavens and the earth. Psalm 107:25-29 - God calms the storm and waves. James 4:12-15 - Only God knows what will happen tomorrow.

Describe the difference between the deistic belief regarding God's role in creation and the biblical belief.

Deistic belief states that God created the world, and then let it be. As the example given in the lesson, He created the world like a watch. He wound it up, and then let it tick on its own. That is not true though, and biblical belief states that God still continues to be involved in His creation. He didn't just make His creation and leave it to "chance". He is actively involved and in control of everything that happens.

We can find the account of the creation of man in _____.

Genesis 1:26

_____ determines what will happen in the future.


The Bible's account of the creation of man is the first reference to the Trinity because _____.

God had a divine counsel before creating man both pronouns in the creation account are plural God refers to Himself as "us"

Write an essay of no less than 300 words, providing examples from Scripture which show God teaching people and people teaching each other.

God has given man a unique ability that sets him apart from the rest of creation - the ability to think and reason. Thus, because man has this ability, God teaches people many things, so that they can fill their head with good things and ponder that which is godly. In turn, man can then share this information with other people, thus sharing and increasing knowledge in good things. Many examples are shown and exemplified in Scripture. In Exodus 18:20, God says that we should teach people ordinances and laws, showing them the way that they must walk and the work they must do. 2 Chronicles says that Hezekiah spoke to the Levites telling them of the good knowledge of the Lord, and thus as a result they confessed to the Lord of their sins. In Psalms 25, David implores the Lord to show him His ways and His paths. He wanted to learn about the Lord and to receive teaching. The next instance where teaching and receiving is exemplified in the Scripture is through the well known Proverbs 22:6. It says that if you "train up a child in the way that he should go", when he gets to be older, he will remember your teachings and not depart from them. In the ultimate example of teaching through Jesus, many people wanted to hear His words, they wanted to learn and grow in knowledge. Jesus talked everywhere, and people wanted to hear Him everywhere. He taught them of the things of God, and most learned and changed because of His words. In Timothy 3:2, the qualifications for being a bishop are listed. One of them, a very important one, is that the person must be able to teach and teach often, everywhere he goes. Teaching is very important in communication and revealing the gospel to others as shown in Titus 1:9. There are many Bible passages that show this important and relationship of teaching and hearing.

The attributes of man are similar to God's attributes. Match man's finite attributes with God's infinite attributes. Man has a limited amount of wisdom. Man has ability to obey laws. Man has certain creative gifts and abilities. Man is able in a limited way to express acts of love. Man has the power and ability to perform a finite variety of deeds. Man must be in only one place at one time.

God is omniscient. God is righteous in all He does God can create something out of nothing. God is all-loving. God is omnipotent. God is omnipresent.

Explain what is meant when we say that God is sovereign over His creation, and give an example of God's sovereignty.

God's sovereignty is his supreme power and authority over his creation. He is the creator of everything, including mankind. That means that He owns us and has a will or purpose for His creation. He also knows just how His creation works, and how to 'maintain' it. An example of God's sovereignty is shown through nature, and how God makes the sun rise each morning, and the moon shine each night.

Which of these scripture references are examples of God's omnipresence?

Job 22:12-14 - God can see us from heaven. Psalm 139:7-12 - Darkness cannot hide you from God. Jeremiah 23:23-24 - God can see you everywhere you go.

Which of these Scripture references are examples of God's holiness?

Job 34:10 - It is unthinkable for God to do evil. Leviticus 11:43-45 - Don't make yourself unclean because God is holy.

Which of these Scripture references are examples of God's love?

John 3:16 - God wishes us to have eternal life. John 16:27 - God loves those who believe in Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-5 - By God's grace we have been saved. 1 John 4:8-16 - God sent us His only son.

_____ is an attribute of God which is free from prejudice or impulse.


______ is the attribute which leads Him to award blessings.

Loving kindness

Describe how man is a special creation and reflection of God.

Man is a special creation because he is made in the image of God, a reflection - though dim - of Him. In every attribute God has, man has it as well, just an imperfect version. For example, God is all-loving while man is only sometimes loving. Lastly, man is such a special creation and God demonstrates it by making man stewards of the earth. We have something no other creature has - stewardship - and it shows our reflection of God and His love for us.

_____ means all-powerful.


______ means being in all places at all times.


_____ means all-knowing


_______ is the care exercised by God over the universe and His foresight and care for the future.


Which of these Scripture references are examples of God's righteousness and justice?

Psalm 116:5 - God is righteous and merciful. Ezra 9:15 - We cannot stand in God's presence with our guilt. 2 Timothy 4:8 - God will reward his faithful with a crown of righteousness. Hebrews 6:10 - God will not forget your hard work and is not unjust. Jeremiah 12:1 - God is just.

Which of these scripture references are examples of God's omniscience?

Psalm 147:4-5 - God calls the stars by name. Matthew 10:29 - God even knows what happens to birds. Proverbs 5:21 - God thinks about man and knows where he is going. Proverbs 15:3 - God's eyes are everywhere.

God's control over the physical world God's control over the affairs of nations God's control over the animal creation God's control in protecting the righteous God's control over the universe at large God's control over man's birth and destiny God's control over the success and failures of men's lives God's control in answering prayers God's control in fulfilling the desires of His people God's control in exposing and punishing evil God's control over things that seem coincidental or irrelevant

Psalm 4:8 Psalm 135:6 2 Chronicles 33:13 Psalm 75:6-7 Deuteronomy 8:3 Psalm 139:16 Matthew 10:30 Job 12:23 Psalm 103:19 Matthew 6:26 Psalm 11:6

Which of these Scripture references are examples of God's mercy and loving-kindness?

Psalm 86:15 - God is full of compassion. 2 Peter 3:9 - God keeps His promises and wants men to come to repentance. Psalm 103:8 - The Lord is gracious and slow to anger. Deuteronomy 4:30-31 - If you turn to God, He will not forsake you.

Describe how the Bible clearly demonstrates you are of great importance to God.

The Bible demonstrates people are of great importance to God in a few ways. First, the way God created humans is special and we are all made in the image of God. Second, we are brought to life with the breath of God from the dust. Lastly, God put man in dominion over all the earth and all the animals. These show that we are of great importance to God.

Which of these important presuppositions will most affect all we see, hear, or do?

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

What is the true meaning of Romans 8:28?

The true meaning of Romans 8:28 is that no matter what happens - good OR bad - God is in control and everything is part of the plan to bring glory to His name.

The terms righteousness and justice work together because they are closely related to each other. Which of the following are true about the connection between God's righteous and justice?

They both have to do with God's laws. God always does both what is right and what is just. They are both attributes of God.

Give examples of the two ways man learns from God.

Two ways man learns from God are:1. His Word. An example of this is someone reading the Bible and seeing that Jesus commanded us to share the gospel with everyone so they change their actions and start sharing the gospel.2. Nature. An example of this is Adam and learning more about God through creation, such as the garden of Good and Evil, and then out in the world with weeds and sin.

God's _____ is/are His nature, distinctive qualities, and characteristics.


The Great Commission was presented by Jesus to His disciples and includes _____.

baptizing teaching all nations

When one ______something, he not only owns it, but knows exactly how it works.


In evaluating art, we need to look at (Select ALL that apply):

direction structure

In this present study, Genesis 1:28 is called the

dominion mandate

In Scripture, true life means _____.

enjoyment of the relationship with God communion with God

_____ means that God has no beginning or end.


As steward, man is the owner of the earth.


Eternality and immutability mean basically the same thing.


God placed His creatures under constant laws and then left them to work out their destiny by their own powers.


God's holiness in dealing with humanity is demonstrated in His loving-kindness.


In Scripture, the word love is only presented as a strong emotion.


Man has total control over the earth God created.


Many religions present God as 'love.'


The mercy of God has to do with His creation of earth.


When man sinned, his nature became flawed, but God accepted him anyhow.


When one rightfully owns something, he or she does not possess the right to control it.


Man becomes closer to God's image through _____.

growth in Christ new life in Jesus Christ

_____ means that God is unchangeable.


Which of these are examples from Scripture of visible manifestations of God revealing His glory or indicating His presence?

in Malachi as the angel of God in Job where God is in the stormy winds in I Kings where God is revealed in a still, small voice in Exodus where God is in fire and clouds of smoke

Mercy and loving-kindness refer to God's _____.

kindness compassion goodness

God's ______ leads Him to provide a way of escape from the guilt of sin.


By _____ attributes, we are referring to the demonstration or the actions of God.


Holiness, righteousness, justice, mercy, loving-kindness, and love are God's ___ attributes


By the term _____ attributes we mean what God's nature is like.


Omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, eternality, and immutability are God's ______ attributes


Which sort of death was a result of Adam's sin?

physical death for Adam subjection to God's wrath spiritual death separation from God physical death for the entire human race

A biblical worldview will help us become men and women who are ________ God

pleasing to

God's sovereignty means His supreme ___________ His creation.

power and authority over

God is the earth's sovereign and providential owner, so He _____ us.

provides for cares for protects

God placed man in a special position in His creation. What did God say man was to do in Genesis 1:28?

rule all nature be fruitful and multiply make all creatures subservient to his will and purpose rule all creatures

When God breathed into the nostrils of man, he became a living


To ______ means to uphold and support, to keep from sinking or falling.


Who determines the purpose for which someone creates something?

the one who creates it

In Romans 12, Paul tells his readers they are to present their bodies as living sacrifices. This means we are _____.

to use our bodies to use the Word of God called to action

According to deists, after God created everything, He ceased to exercise specific oversight of His creation.


After the first five days of creation, God declared that it was good.


Alexander Graham Bell was the rightful owner of the telephone.


An invention is similar to a creation.


Before he sinned, man was a clearer reflection of God.


God cares for the earth in a personal way.


God is the owner of the world by virtue of having created it.


Holiness is the opposite of sin or evil.


Looking at Adam before he sinned gives us a clearer understanding of God.


Man is the only creature with the ability to manage the earth.


Man's body was formed out of previously created material.


Reflection is a synonym for image and likeness.


The justice of God is devoid of prejudice or impulse.


The words of the Bible are the most profitable words for all humanity.


To create means to make something out of nothing.


God created man in His own image. God gave man greater _____ than all His other creatures.

unity of spirit and body natural affections dominion over lower creatures knowledge and wisdom love and holiness intellectual power moral freedom

After God created man, God declared that this was

very good

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