Immune & Lymphatic System Study Guide

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What is not an effector activity of antibodies?

Phagocytosis of antigenic particles

One kind of vaccine consists of a solution containing?

A harmless variant strain of a disease causing microbe

All effector mechanisms of the immune system involve a specific recognition and attack phase

A nonspecific destruction phase

Anaphylactic shock is an example of an?

Allergic response

A substance that can elicit an immune response is called an?


What type of immune response is always disadvantageous to a person?


What cell type is specifically responsible for humoral immunity?

B cells

Why do diseases involving widespread infection usually result in a fever?

Because the brain's temperature control center responds to systemic inflammation by creating a hot environment unfavorable to microorganisms.

What are considered to be the main fluids in which HIV is transmitted?

Blood, saliva and semen

What best explains why people with Hodgkin's disease often show signs of immunodeficiency?

Both Hodgkin's disease itself and the radiation and chemotherapy used to treat it tend to depress the immune system

Monoclonal antibodies are produced?

By cells that are formed when a B cell us fused to a tumor cell

The human lymphatic system does not consist of?


The basic function of T cells is to identify and destroy invaders in our?


Complement proteins assist the immune response by?

Coating the surface of microbes, thus making it easier for macrophages to phagocytize them

What kind of protein circulates in the blood and coats the surfaces of microbes to make them more susceptible to engulfment by macrophages?


What may destroy cancerous cells?

Cytotoxic T Cells

The major result of the inflammatory response is to?

Disinfect and clean damaged tissues

When a B or T cell is primed by an interaction with its particular antigen, the cell?

Grows, divides, and differentiates further

What compounds are mast cells specialized to secrete?


When you cut yourself, the damaged cells immediately release what chemical alarm signals?


What is not an immediate function of histamine?

Increasing systemic blood pressure

What mobilizes our nonspecific defense system?


When an antigen-presenting cell interacts successfully with a helper T cell, it secretes a signal molecule that assists in the activation of helper T cell. This signal molecule is?


What best describes the life history of a plasma cell?

It is generated by multiplication of a B cell in response to an antigen and lives several days.

What genes are responsible for coding for self proteins?


What kinds of cells wander the interstitial fluid eating whatever bacteria and virus-infected cells they encounter and recognize?


The transfer of antibodies from breast to an infant is an example of what immunity?


What substances does a cytotoxic T cell secrete to destroy a target cell?


Antibodies are?


The two main functions of the lymphatic system are?

Returning tissue fluid to the circulatory system and fighting infections.

What is one of the body's first first lines of defense against infection?

Several nonspecific obstacles such as skin and mucus

What is not true about antibodies?

The antibodies of mammals can be divided into four major classes

The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular microorganisms because?

The body contains an enormous diversity of lymphocytes, each with a specific kind of antigen receptor

What is a primary immune response?

The immune response elicited by the first exposure of lymphocytes to a particular antigen

A researcher detects interferon in a laboratory rat and concludes that?

The rat has, or recently had, a viral infection.

What is a major function of natural killer cells?

To attack virus-infected cells in a nonspecific way

What is not an effect of interleukin-2?

To stimulate antigen-presenting cells

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