Implicit Bias

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Reflexive Processing

automatic processing (implicit, unconscious memory/requires little effort, fast) results in thin slice judgments or blinks (fast judgments or perceptions)

strategies to reduce bias

awareness of own biases, conscious efforts to reduce impact on behavior, exposure to counter-stereotypical stimuli, positive experiences with other groups, call it when you see it

Bias in Hiring

- preference/bias to names (cultural) - more preference given to white candidates in interview/resume studies overall

IAT testing

Test these associations and biases against certain group along with the strength of associations

double bind

Women leaders are faced with decisions to be likable or competent which can result in being a pushover, too aggressive, etc.

Reflective Processing

controlled processing (explicit, conscious memory/effortful)

Implicit Bias

positive or negative attitudes/stereotypes held at a subconscious level that affect our understanding, actions, or decisions toward a person, thing, or group activated involuntarily and w/o an individual's awareness or control

Implicit associations

subconscious that cause us to have feelings/attitudes about other people

How does the test reveal biases

test through timing and mistakes by associating positive or negative qualities to certain groups

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