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How should an infant be weaned from breast or bottle? when should this be done?

*during the day time* you should take one bottle/breastfeeding a day and replace it with a cup. (You gradually extinguish their need for breast milk/formula) Starting at 6 months

An infant should be able to perform a pincer grasp by _____

10 months

The infant should be able to move from prone to sitting position by ____

10 months

Words begin to hold meaning by ___

10-11 months

What is the best juice type for an infant?

100% white grape juice

An infant should be able to remove objects from a container by ___

11 months

An infant should be able to walk with assistance by ___

11 months

An infant should be able to build a tower of two blocks by ____

12 months

An infant should be able to walk alone by ___

12 months

By ____ months, an infant should be able to say 3-5 words WITH meaning

12 months

If a baby is formula fed, you should continue to give formula until ___

12 months (NO COW'S MILK)

The anterior fontanel closes at ____ The posterior fontanel closes at _____

12-18 months 2-3 months

Head lagging should begin to subside by ____

2 months

The ability to grasp objects begins by _____

2-3 months

What is the normal RR for an infant?


How long will it take an adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine to manifest itself?

30-60 days

No infant/child should have more than _____ oz. of juice a day


When does an infant start to make pancreatic enzymes?

4-6 months

Separation anxiety develop around ___

4-8 months

The infant should be able to roll over from belly to back by ____

5-6 months

By 12 months of age, an infant should have how many teeth?


An infant develops the ability to shiver and at ____ months should have a regulated temperature.

6 months

Juice should not be given to an infant until ____

6 months

An infant doubles their birth weight by ____ and triples their birth weight by _____

6 months 1 year

An infant should know their mother and should be firmly attached to her by

6-12 months

What is the normal age for crawling (commando crawling with belly on the floor)?

6-7 months

An infant should have _____ to _____ teeth by the end of the first year.


Stranger anxiety is common around ___

6-8 months

An infant should be able to transfer objects by ____

7 months

An infant should have developed object permanence by age ____

7 months

The infant should be able to sit by ___

7 months

An infant doesn't have fully develops depth perception until 2-3 years, but they begin to develop it around ____ , when the _______ reflex is initiated.

7-9 months parachute

What is a normal HR for an infant?

70-120 (at rest)

An infant can sit unsupported by ____

8 months

An infant should be able to use simple sounds by ___

8 months

What is a normal BP for an infant?


What is the normal creeping age (crawling without belly on floor)?

9 months

When can baby food be introduced?

After 6 months

Why does an infant sometimes become physiologically anemic?

Because at around 5 months be fetal RBC's begin to die off, and the fetal HGB is turning into adult HGB.

Why does an infant drool?

Because they are unable to keep up with the saliva production by swallowing

Why is an infant only breastfed/bottle fed?

Because they lack the enzymes to digest food until 4-6 months old

What toy is best for a 6 month old? Why?

Blocks They are interactive

What should be the first food introduced around 4-6 months?

Iron fortified rice cereal

What are pros of a pacifier?

It calms the child It can be taken away when the time is right It can decrease the risk for SIDS

What is the concept of graduated extinction?

Laying the baby in the crib ... letting baby cry for a few minutes, then come in and reassure baby .... repeat process, each time allowing the baby to cry longer before coming in (allows the baby to sooth itself)

What vaccine is given sub Q?


Is thumb sucking a good idea?


Does teething normally cause fever, diarrhea, or vomiting?

NO, the child is sick

Infants do not need foot wear until ____

They are walking

If an infant does not develop trust within the first few months of life, what will happen?

They will grow up with a basic sense of mistrust

For the first 6 months, infants lack the ability to concentrate urine. What does this mean?

They will urinate frequently, and the specific gravity will be very low

Why should only one new food be introduced per week?

To evaluate the child's allergy response to that food

How should a parent clean their infant's teeth?

Wash the teeth with a cool wet washcloth

When is an infant more at risk for infection?

When the maternal antibodies leave the baby's system

Is an infant's hearing as developed as an adult?


Is it normal for an infant to sometimes have an irregular heartrate?


Should you always put the baby to bed awake?


If a child is still experiencing head lag by 6 months what should be done?

a neurological assessment

Reactive attachment disorder develops due to ____

an infant never developing a basic sense of trust, and are unable to attach to a specific person (manipulating everyone to get needs met)

When should iron supplementation begin for an infant? when should it be given and how?

at 4 months between meals via a dropper

When should fluoride treatments begin?

at 6 months, when the primary teeth erupt

An infant should have the ability to open their hands (not stay tight fisted) by -

at least 5 months

What type of breather is an infant?

belly breather

What should be the only form of nutrition for the first 6 months of life?

breast milk (with vitamin D fortification) or formula

What can cause a diaper rash?

change in diet not changing a dirty diaper

The first form of communication an infant uses is


In the first 3-4 months, what is the most important social activity for an infant?

food intake

An infant not pulling up to stand by 12 months is a sign of ____

hip dysplasia

What should a nurse teach the parents about iron supplementation?

may turn stool black/tarry do not give with milk products may cause constipation may stain teeth

What is the last food type you should introduce to an infant?


What are some treatments for a diaper rash?

mild soaps/unscented wipes dry the baby's bottom before putting a new diaper back on use barrier creams (zinc oxide) change diaper frequently keep a diaper rash exposed to air (keep a diaper off when you can)

How can you prevent dental carried in an infant?

not propping bottles not laying an infant down with a bottle not putting juice in a bottle

What are some foods that should NOT be given to a child under the age of 1?

peanut butter honey wheat products cows milk eggs citrus

An infant from 1-4 months is considered to be in the ___ stage of the sensorimotor phase?

primary circular reactions (Doing/liking the same thing over and over)

At 7 months, an infant will interact by?

reach out / grasping

An infant from birth to 1 month is considered to be in the ____ stage of the sensorimotor phase?

reflex stage

A serious adverse reaction to a vaccine is usually seen ____

right away

An infant from 4-8 months is considered to be in the ___ stage of the sensorimotor phase?

secondary circular reactions (They realize certain actions illicit a certain response)

What is an infant's cognitive development phase?


A typical 3-4 month old should ____

sleep through the night (at least 9 hours at a time)

What type of play do infants experience?

solitary play

What are some common reaction to immunizations?

tenderness at injection site low grade fever swelling at injection site irritability in infants

What is the last feeding that is taken away?

the bed time feeding

An infant should be vaccinated unless ____

they have a mild to moderate illness immunocompromed patients should not get a live vaccine (*MMR*)

What is the Erikson's stage for an infant?

trust vs mistrust

How should juice be given to an infant?

via a sippy cup

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