Informatics Ch1

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National Informatics Agenda for Education and Practice

1. Educate nursing students and practicing nurses in core informatics content 2. Prepare nurses with specialzed skills in informatics 3. Enhance nursing practice and education through informatics projects 4. Prepare nursing faculty in informatics 5. Increase collaborative efforts in nursing informatics


Help Evaulation through Logical Processing-integrates a sophisticated clinical decision support system that provideds information to clinical area. First hospital information system that collacted data for clinical decision making and integrated it with a medical knowledge base.

National Center for Nurisng Research Program goals

1. Establish a nursing technology 2. develop methods to build clinical information databases 3. Determine how nurses give patient care using data, inforamtion, and knowledge 4. Develop workstations that provide nurses with needed information 6. Develop appropriate methods to evaluate nursing information systems

2008-2012 Strategic Plan Goals

1.Patient-focused health care: inform clinical practice with the use of electronic health records(EHR); interconnect clinicians so that they can echange health information using advanced and secure electronic communication, while protecting patient privacy; personalize care with consumer-based health records and better information for consumers 2. Population Health- improve public health through advanced biosurveillance methods and streamlining the collection of data for quality measurement and research

Info. Def. (Turley 1996)

Added cognitive science to the base of nursing informatics- added to previous definitions.

Info. Def. (Hannah, Ball, and Edward 1994)

Any use of information technologies in carrying out nursing function.

Informatics Competencies

Beginning Nurse: basic information management and computer technology skills-ability to access data,use computer for comminucation, basic desktop software, and use decision support system Experienced Nurse:Highly skilled at using information management and computer technology to support major area of practice-make judgements on basic trends and patterns within data elements and to collaborate with nursing informatics nurses to suggest improvements in nursing systems Informatics Nurse specialist; ability to meet information needs of practicing nurses by integrating and applying information, computer, and nursing science Informatics Innovator-conduct informatics research and generate informatics theory Computer Fluency-implies that an individual has a lifelong commitment to acquiring new skills for being more effective in work and personal life( graphical interfaces and application programs[word processing, excel, databases, etc)

Info. Def.(Stagger Thompson 2002)

Believed evolution of definitions would continue- noticed that current definitions underemphasize the role of the patient and that the role of a nurse as an integrator of information has been overlooked

Benefits of Informatics

Buried data now usable-provided information about problems, show patterns;improved communication among all healthcare providers; easy, quick storage and retrieval of healthcare records; saving of time and money with computerized of tasks-easier method for recording charges(no lost charges);enhance practice and allows nursing science to develop;improves documentation-decreases time spent on documentaion; uses data for quality control and research due to complete documentation; builds evidence-based nursing knowledge

Info. Def. (ANA 2001)

Combines nursing, information, and computer sciences for the purpose to managing and communicating data, information, and knowledge to support nurses and healthcare providers in decision making-added wisdom to the data, information and knowledge conceptual framework later

Info. Def.(Schwirian 1986)

Created a model to be used as a framework for nursing informatics investigators; four elements arranged in a pyramid with a triangular base. The top of the pyramid was the desired goal of the nursing informatics activity and the base was composed of three elements:1-users, 2- raw material or nursing information, 3- the technology

The progession of Computer and Health Care

First compterized information management task:Numeric manipulation; use do computers beginning in late 1950s and early 1960s, to manage financial information, then a few computerized patient care application: PROMIS(with POMR) and HELP , System progression- initially process oriented, now introduction of data standards in terminology and protocols

Evidence based Care

Foundation is Infomations literacy; informatics allows for accurate to be gathered and used for evidence based evidence. INformatics ensures information is complete and can be easily gone through

Driving Forces

National-President's Information Technology Advisory Committee(PITAC) and groups to study standardizing terminology , Federal to move Towards(EHR), Institute of Medicine(IOM)[adviser to improve healthcare-named informatics as a core competency for health professionals] Nursing-Ntional Center for Nursing Research Goals, National Informatics Agenda for Education and Practice, AACN's(American Association of Colleges of Nursing) lost of core competencies,Nursing Shortage Tiger (Technology infomatics Guiding Educational Reform), National League for Nursing(NLN)-position papers,ANA(American Nurses Association) committees Other Forces-Patient safety-bar coding for med administration, safety databases(use aggregated health-care data to identify safety issues, CPOE(Computerized provider order entry Costs- Leapfrog Group- business ppl trying to get a handle on the ROI for health care to their employees

Informatics Defination(Scholes& Barber(1980)

Nursing Informatics was the use of computer technology in all nursing endeavors: nursing services, education, and research


Problem-Oriented Medical Information System; first attempt at provding total integrated system covering all aspects of health-care including treatment; patient oriented and used Problem-Oriented Medical Record(POMR)[a device]; Designed to over come 1. lack of coordination, 2. reliance on memory, 3. lack of recorded logic of delivered care, 4. lack of effective feedback loops; not widely accepted

AACN core competencies

Recommendations like-use of information and communication technologies, the use of ethics in the application of technology, and enhancement of one's knowledge using information technologies


Technolgy Informatics Guiding Educational Reform-Objective: making nursing informatics competcies part of every nurse's skill set, make informatics the stethoscope of the 21st century, ensure nurses are educated in using informatics, nurses deliver safer, high-quality, evidence-based care

Info. Def. (Goosen 1996)

Used Graves and Corcoran def as basis then expanded meaning of nursing informatics to include the thinking that is done by nurses to make knowledge-based decisions and inference for patients care.


What it is? Use of inforamtions technology in healthcare, focus on information management What does it involve Information(patients med history, vitals, etc), use of technology to manage information, uses Health Information Technology(HIT), data

Info. Def.(Graves, and Corcoran)

a combination of computer science, information science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data , information and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and delivery of nursing care.

Informatics Literacy

ability to know when information is needed and how to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively; critical thinking and problem solving necessary; part of foundation for evidence-based practice

2008-2012 Strategic Plan Purpose

the federal activites necessary to achieve nationwide implementation of this technology infrastructure throughout both the public and private sectors; created two goals

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