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The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, transformed the international atmosphere, domestic political environment, and defined the Bush presidency. What were some of the immediate reactions to the attacks?

An outpouring of spontaneous, popular patriotism followed the attacks. Public trust in government rose dramatically, and public servants became national heroes.

In President Clinton's speech on the signing of NAFTA, he spoke about the time of change that America, and the rest of the world, were experiencing. Why, according to Clinton, was NAFTA necessary?

Because it promoted international commerce, allowing for the exchange of goods to flow more freely throughout North America and promoting economic growth for the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Identify the statements that describe the rights revolution at the end of the twentieth century.

Conservatives sought to get government out of economic regulation and environmental regulations. Moral conservatives, or those who sought to have the government set the moral standard for the country, were in the minority at the time. Personal liberty became the dominant point of view, as individuals sought greater freedom in how they chose to live their life.

Which of the following arguments support globalization and global free trade?

It provided a path to better living standards. greater worldwide freedom

As of 2011, nearly 2.3 million Americans were incarcerated, with 70 percent of that population being black. T or F?


The sign below represents what phenomenon that received greater attention during the culture wars in the 1990s?

undocumented immigrant families crossing into the United States

In 1999, the Declaration for Global Democracy was written in protest against what aspect of the World Trade Organization's role within the global community?

The WTO represented the interests of corporations rather than that of the ordinary citizen.

The presidential election of 1992 was reminiscent of the 1912 election in several ways. Use the information provided on the maps to complete the passage. In both elections, the third-party candidate siphoned votes away from the major-party candidates. Both Theodore Roosevelt and Ross Perot came into their elections without the support of Democrats or Republicans but served as a voice for disenfranchised voters who did not feel represented by the major parties. Ultimately, the economic downturn of the 1990s, coupled with a more divided electorate enabled Bill Clinton to take office.

Third-party, Ross Perot, Bill Clinton

With the end of the Cold War and the breakup of the Soviet Union, the map of eastern Europe was redrawn. Match each post-Cold War country to its Soviet era counterpart.

Yugoslavia Correct label: Croatia Czechoslovakia Correct label: Slovakia Soviet Union Correct label: Ukraine Uzbekistan

During the Clinton administration, a landmark free trade agreement was approved by both the executive and legislative branches of the government. The effects of this agreement were long lasting on the American economy and domestic workers across the country. Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage. In an effort to bolster trade between America and its neighbors, President Clinton sought congressional approval in 1993 for the North American Free Trade Agreement. It authorized the creation of free-trade zones located in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

North American Free Trade Agreement, free, Canada

Bill Clinton's popular appeal was due, in part, to some of his more liberal leanings toward abortion, gay rights, and civil rights. One of the policies enacted during his first term was to institute the policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" within the military. Which is the best description of this policy?

The U.S. military would no longer seek out and dismiss soldiers based on their sexual orientation.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the Bush v. Gore case with their vote of 5-4?

This ruling mandated that the recount taking place in Florida be halted, and it granted Jeb Bush the right to certify that his brother, George Bush, had won the state and presidency.

The Culture Wars of the 1990s were battles over the moral values of Americans. The Christian Coalition was organized in opposition to what it perceived as an attack on "traditional" American values. These organized counterattacks were against which tenets of perceived social liberalism?

gay rights secularism abortion clinics

What effect did outsourcing as a result of NAFTA and other international trade agreements have on the American economy and workers during the 1990s and beyond?

Companies could employ workers overseas for a fraction of the cost had they hired Americans, which lowered prices for consumers but also drove American wages downward.

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing immigration trends in the United States. According to the map of 1910, the ethnic origin of the largest majority immigrant group to the United States was German, whereas the largest majority immigrant group in 2013 was of Mexican descent.

German, Mexican

After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, in February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm, which was successful in ending the conflict and restoring security to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. At the time, American efforts were considered successful. What were some of its more lasting consequences?

The U.S. army quickly repelled the Iraqi army from Kuwait and then proceeded to set up six permanent U.S. military bases there. A large American military presence was established in Saudi Arabia.

Globalization was made increasingly possible through advances made in communications technology toward the end of the twentieth century. T or F?


The Gulf War was an international crisis between the United States and Mexico over oil drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico. T or F?


Place the events from the 2000 presidential election in chronological order.

01. Al Gore picks the first Jewish-vice presidential candidate. 02. Democrats demand a hand recount of the Florida ballots. 03. The supreme court orders a halt to the recount of Florida ballots. 04. George W. Bush takes office as president.

Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.

01. fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan 02. declares "war" on the United States. 03. Terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U. S. embassies in Africa 04. Terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001

What did the countries of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea have to do with President Bush's war on terror?

President Bush identified them as the "Axis of Evil."

Which statements best describe what this political cartoon is saying about religious tolerance and religious fundamentalists?

Religious intolerance abounds in the twenty-first century. Religious fundamentalism exists within every religion.

Two weeks after the events of September 11, 2001, President Bush gave a speech outlining his policy elements of the war on terror. Match each element with its appropriate descriptor. the Gulf War global

global crusade to root out anti-American, anti-Western Islamist terrorist cells Correct label: War on Terrorism President George W. Bush's foreign policy principle wherein the United States would launch a war on terrorism Correct label: Bush Doctrine the name President Bush gave the war in Afghanistan, fought against the Taliban and Al Qaeda Correct label: "Enduring Freedom"

The war on terrorism raised the problem of striking a balance between which two values?

security and liberty

By naming the invasion of Iraq "Operation Iraqi Freedom," President Bush tried to promote the idea that America was defending American freedoms, while spreading them around the world.


During President Clinton's 1996 reelection bid, he used a political strategy later termed "triangulation," where he adopted some of the most popular Republican policies like welfare reform, making his opponents' positions seem extreme among middle-class voters. T or F?


The rise of multiculturalism in the 1990s caused alarm within certain groups over perceived cultural fragmentation. The response to increased visibility of cultural diversity played out in American politics. Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage concerning Proposition 187. In 1994, voters in California approved Proposition 187, which denied health services, among other things, to undocumented immigrants and their children. In addition to its many other consequences, Proposition 187 mobilized Latino voters and helped make the state solidly Democratic in following elections.

California, health services, democratic

What population trends are evident in this table?

For the first time in U.S. history, Asian immigrants outpaced European immigrants to this country in the 1970s. Immigrants from the Western Hemisphere made up more than half of the newcomers to the United States between 2001 and 2010.

In the 1990s, with an increasingly diverse populace due to immigration and reproduction, the idea of multiculturalism was used to describe the new awareness of diversity in America, not only in the present but also the past. What impact did this new awareness have on American colleges and universities?

Higher education institutions moved aggressively to diversify their faculty and staff and revise the traditional curriculum

The picture below shows American icon Barbie dressed as the Statue of Liberty. What message is the artist trying to convey about the outsourcing of the American economy?

This artwork is a satirical look at how free trade zones in foreign countries now enabled American companies to use low-wage laborers over Americans to produce something as iconic as the Barbie doll.

One hundred years ago, the United States took in immigrants and asked them to assimilate their diverse cultural heritages into the American cauldron dubbed the "melting pot." Today, which factors of technology allow immigrants to be more of a "salad bowl"—able to retain their strong cultural ties to their countries of origin without completely surrendering them to prevalent American culture?

access to global communications cheaper air travel

With nearly half of all American households owning a personal computer by the year 2000, it is no surprise that investors were interested in the potential of new businesses that operated online. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the economic boom and subsequent recession at the turn of the millennium. With the advent of the microchip, affordable personal computers and other electronics became widely available to the public. Because the Internet connected users across America and the world, investors were attracted to the idea of - being conducted over the Internet. This led to a rapid increase in - investment, creating an unsustainable - that burst in April 2000 and drove stock prices down for the next - years.

business, dot-com, three

Using the map of U.S. involvement in the Middle East since World War II, match the following countries with their role in American incursions into the region.

contains a large concentration of American troops Correct label: Syria contains the most American military bases in the region Correct label: Saudi Arabia remains a strategic part of the Middle East with its ability to restrict access to both the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea Correct label: Egypt

The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed by Congress in 1990. It provided certain rights and protections for Americans with disabilities. Which of the following are provisions of that act?

prohibited discrimination in hiring and promotion against persons with disabilities required that entrances to public buildings be redesigned to ensure access for the disabled

During Franklin Roosevelt's First Hundred Days, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act to regulate banking and investments that were a major cause of the stock market crash in 1929. This law protected consumers from corporate misconduct by separating two types of banking: commercial and investing. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the influence of the Glass-Steagall Act in the 1990s. During the 1990s economic boom, the model of free trade and deregulation allowed for Congress to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, one of the protections for consumers against the creation of superbanks. The absence of the Glass-Steagall Act allowed corporations to engage in increasingly high-risk business ventures and investments, and would eventually lead to the 2007-2008 housing bubble collapse that sunk America into the Great Recession.

repeal, housing bubble, the Great Recession

During the presidential election of 2000, major issues like health care, race relations, and economic inequality went virtually unmentioned during the campaign. T or F?


With an increasing emphasis on human rights within international affairs, the 1990s saw the growth of international human rights organizations. Which two choices represent human rights issues most relevant in the 1990s?

women's rights aboriginal rights

With the Cold War coming to a close, George H. W. Bush took the office of president in 1989 having to face a "new world order," unseen by his predecessors. What is the best way to describe this new order?

shift from Cold War tensions to unquestioned American predominance

Newt Gingrich, a Republican congressman from Georgia, led the charge that saw both the Senate and House of Representatives come under Republican control. His campaign strategy was grounded in his Contract with America, wherein conservatives listed promises in response to the supposed liberalism of President Clinton's administration. Which best describes the goals of Gingrich's Contract with America?

"drain the swamp" by getting members of Congress to agree to term limits so that fresh faces could not be tied to lobbyists due to financial munificence decrease the size and role of the federal government cut funding to social, educational, and environmental programs

The American torture policy's extent was not fully uncovered until the release of a Senate committee report in 2014. This report showed that torture was used systematically at secret U.S. prisons around the world. The report also concluded, however, that an incredible amount of information was obtained from prisoners through the use of these brutal methods.


Identify the statements that describe the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program and its relation to the Clinton administration.

Bill Clinton signed a Republican bill in 1996, abolishing the AFDC program. After the abolition of the AFDC program, the number of families receiving welfare fell.

President Bush's administration was divided over the purpose and objectives of the war in Iraq. Although he was ignored, which member of his administration believed the conquest and stabilization of Iraq would require hundreds of thousands of American soldiers and should not be undertaken without the support of America's allies?

Colin Powell

Since Lyndon Johnson advocated opening our country again to immigrants in 1965, the country has become more culturally diverse. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing an impact of that diversity on the United States since then. Whereas previously immigrants most commonly came from Europe, in the latter half of the twentieth century there was increased immigration from places like Latin America and Asia. The census bureau has projected that by 2050, less than 50 percent of the American population will be white.

Europe, Latin America and Asia, 50 percent

With the successful completion of Operation Desert Storm and the dissolution of the Soviet Union a few years earlier, the United States emerged as the most dominant worldwide military power. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney disagreed on the path that America should take with this new responsibility, each arguing from different standpoints. Powell argued that America should use its power to reshape the world, preventing hostile states from gaining power, and maintain strategic dominance through independent military actions if necessary. T or F?


Which of the following statements are true about the demographics and economic status of African-Americans as an ethnic group at the turn of the twenty-first century?

Half of all black children lived in poverty. One-third of the black population lived in predominantly black suburbs.

Conservative pundit, and former presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan called for a "religious war for the soul of America" in 1992. Which types of issues did Buchanan and other cultural conservatives believe would ruin the moral character of the country?

gay rights secularism in schools

What trends can be extrapolated from these maps, which compare immigration patterns from 1900 and 2010?

The Deep South was not a magnet for immigration in the twentieth century. Northeast cities continued to attract immigrants to the United States.

Conservative pundit, and former presidential candidate, Pat Buchanan called for a religious war for the soul of America in 1992. What groups was he worried would ruin the moral character of the country?

homosexuals feminists

As the war in Iraq continued with no end in sight, comparisons with the American experience in another overseas conflict that tore the country apart in the 1960s began to reappear. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the similarities between these two wars. In both the Iraq War and the Vietnam War, American policy was made by officials who possessed little or no knowledge of the countries to which they were sending troops. In both instances, as the war continued, public opinion fell and many American citizens (and military advisers) considered the war a lost cause.

Vietnam, fell, lost cause

Which of these things increased efficiencies, increased instantaneous communication across larger geographical spaces, and democratized access to information during the 1990s?

computers and the Internet

Through the twentieth and into the twenty-first century, the American government has contended that times of perceived or real crisis necessitate a limitation of civil liberties, the repression of free speech, or even persecution of specific groups. Match each of the following groups or ethnicities to the relevant crisis in which they experienced curtailed civil liberties or persecution.

the Great War, 1917-1918 Correct label: German-Americans McCarthyism during the Cold War Correct label: perceived Communists World War II, 1942-1945 Correct label: Japanese-Americans War on Terror Correct label: Muslims

Though the Clinton administration largely focused on domestic issues, there remained a number of international issues that required the attention of America. Match each foreign policy initiative or issue with its corresponding region.

the Middle East Correct label: Oslo Accords Africa Correct label: Rwandan genocide southern Europe Correct labels: Balkan crisis ethnic cleansing

The USA Patriot Act conferred unprecedented power on law enforcement agencies charged with stopping the new crime of "domestic terrorism." Which of the following powers were granted to law enforcement agencies as a result of the USA Patriot Act?

the power to wiretap telephone conversations the power to open letters sent through the U.S. Postal Service the power to spy on American citizens

Confronted with the spreads of AIDS in the early 1980s, the gay community responded in a variety of ways. Which of the following were part of the strategy to combat this epidemic?

worked to prevent discrimination against people suffering from AIDS pressed the federal government to devote greater resources to fighting the disease demanded that the drug AZT be placed on the market to treat the disease

As a result of 9/11, it appeared that the United States was bent on establishing itself as a new global empire. Which items were used by critics to prove the United States' ambition to become the next global empire?

America surpassed other countries in the three indexes of power: culture, economics, and military. The United States was the only country that deployed its navy on every ocean. The United States' military defense budget was astronomical.

In the 1840s Irish Catholics came to America in search of economic opportunity. Due to their economic status and religious difference, they were the most discriminated immigrant population of the nineteenth century, but they were willing to take jobs that others did not want. Today, which group of lower socio-economic standing, majority-Catholic peoples have faced the brunt of economic discrimination and are forced to take the jobs that few others volunteer to do?


In the 1990s, the personal computer became more easily available to the average American consumer. Which factors played a role in its increased availability?

microchip Silicon Valley the Internet

Many identify increased globalization as a main factor that led to the economic resurgence seen in the 1990s. Although globalization has been an important part of international commerce since the Columbian Exchange between the Old World and the New World beginning in the 1500s, the globalization of the late twentieth century is unique in many ways. Fill in the blanks to complete the passage describing the response to globalization at the World Trade Organization conference in Seattle in 1999. In 1999, the World Trade Organization (WTO) met in Seattle to discuss trade negotiations for the new millennium. During this meeting, protesters drew attention to many issues associated with unrestrained global commerce, from the depletion of atmospheric ozone, to the shift of production to low-wage centers. Others protested the risks to Earth's ecology through unregulated economic development and unrestricted ocean fishing.

protesters, low-wage, unregulated

The major initiative of President Clinton's first administration was to address the rising cost of health care and the growing number of uninsured Americans. Although the idea of providing universalized health care ultimately failed to get congressional approval, what were some of this plan's initial goals?

provide health care for citizens who could not normally afford it and typically need it the most to provide universal health-care coverage through large groupings of medical care businesses to extend what Medicare and Medicaid did for the elderly and poor by extending coverage to more Americans

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