INS312 Chapter 24

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Nature of Annuities

+ Comparison with life insurance - Annuity is "insurance in reverse" - "Upside-down" life insurance - Living "too long" vs. Dying "too soon" - Different mortality table used for annuities and life insurance. Annuitants live longer. - Safety built in to annuity mortality tables by adding to life expectancies of annuitants (lowering mortality rates). Opposite for life insurance.

Number of lives covered

+ Single + Joint + Joint and survivor

Joint life annuity

- "first-to-die"- pays until first of two (or more) annuitants die. +Not commonly used. - Joint-and-last survivor annuity: pays until both annuitants die. + Very common Estate option. - Can combine with other refund options, like joint and survivor, 10 years certain. - Can choose payout with lesser amount for survivor - eg. Life annuity with 50% survivor

Deferred Annuities

- Accumulation period (deferral) + Upon death, greater of gross premium without interest, or cash value (before annuitization begins) * whichever is LARGER. + Cash surrender provision : terminate contract, withdraw full cash value (minus surrender charges) . - Liquidation period + Annuitization (payout period) + Can elect to commence before or after specified date.

Actuarial Considerations

- Annuity mortality tables different than life insurance (Better longevity - lower mortality) + Focus on surviving lives and longevity. + Improving mortality is bad for annuities. + Women enjoy greater longevity. + Sick people don't buy annuities, healthy people do (adverse selection).

Annuity units (Variable annuities)

- Exchange accumulation units for annuity units at liquidation. + Number of units is fixed and revalued annually, reflecting current experience. + Number of units results from company assumptions regarding mortality, expense and market value. + Income payable determined by multiplying number of units times current annuity unit value.


- First payment comes 1 full payment period after purchase.


- First payment comes more than 1 full payment period after purchase. + Often purchased with periodic payments over time.

Variable Annuities

- Guarantees popular today- GMIB, GMAB, GMWB. +Some companies leaving market or reducing guarantees, due to low interest and cost of derivatives backing the guarantees.

Time when payments begin

- Immediate - Deferred

Pure annuities

- Lifetime benefit only, no refunds or benefits after annuitant dies. + Largest payment (smallest premium).

Classification of Annuities

- Method of premium payment + Single premium + Installments -Nature of insurer's obligation (time when payments stop) + Pure annuity (straight life, life-no refund) + Refund annuities - cash and installment - Type of Benefits + Fixed dollars + Variable dollars (accumulation and annuity units)

Equity Indexed Annuities

- Participation rate (percentage of index increase) - Cap rate (maximum crediting rate) - Crediting floor (minimum crediting rate): minimum rate is guaranteed - Many methods for calculating contract value at end of term - Indexes: S&P most common (many others) - SEC regulation- Rule 151A - Dodd-Frank financial reform ruled this is not a variable product subject to SEC regulation

Structured Settlements

- Payouts in personal injury and wrongful death cases. - Annuity can provide lifetime income for the injured party, using a human life value approach. - Annuity provides financial security to injured party, benefits can match needs, funds are managed and payments guaranteed.

The Annuity Principle

- Pooling: those dying early pay for those living longer - Law of Large Numbers: reflect assumed mortality of premium calculation -Mortality, Interest, Expense: elements of premium (similar to life insurance) - Periodic payments + Fixed time (annuity certain no life contingency) + Life contingency (life annuity) + Payments consist of both principal and interest

Immediate Annuities

- Pure annuities - Refund annuities

Refund annuities

- Return some or all of purchase price. + The longer the guarantee or expectation of payments, the smaller the payment (larger the premium). - Life certain (10-years certain) - Installment refund (full cost recovery over time) - Cash refund (full cost recovery as lump sum)

Accumulation units (Variable annuities)

- vary by market performance (appreciation or depreciation). + like Net Asset Value (NAV) or share prices of stock. + total market value divided by number of shares.

"Pooling" is a factor in life insurance but has no importance in annuities.


A characteristic (disadvantage) of a joint-an-last survivor annuity is that it must be purchased with a single premium


If Joe and Maria purchase a joint-and-survivor annuity and Joe died after 5 years, payments would continue to Maria until her death and to her beneficiary after Maria's death.


Payments from an immediate straight life annuity will continue for at least 10 years after the death of the annuitant


A life annuity certain is always more expensive per dollar of income than a straight life annuity, all other things being equal.


A life annuity certain will pay a designated number of payments whether the primary annuitant lives or dies


A pure (or Straight) life annuity provides the maximum amount of income per dollar of outlay (premium).


Annuities can be used to both accumulate funds and then to liquidate those funds over an annuitant's remaining lifetime.


Life certain (10-years certain)

— More expensive than straight life annuity

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