Int. Biochem & Organic Chemistry Final Review

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Monochlorination of pentane, C5H12, leads to formation of how many different products?


The sugar found in an RNA nucleotide is ________.


Which choice is an example of a material that is transported across cell membranes by active transport?


Which molecule shown is an ether?

Option D

What is the common name of the molecule shown? O || CH3CH2CH2 - C - OH acetic acid oxalic acid lactic acid formic acid butyric acid

butyric acid

Functional group of: CH3COOH

carboxylic acid

If methylamine reacts with hydrochloric acid, the major product will be

methylammonium chloride.

If methylamine reacts with hydrochloric acid, the major product will be trimethylammonium chloride. methylammonium chloride. dimethylammonium chloride. methylammonium hydroxide. ammonium chloride.

methylammonium chloride.

All of the following are globular proteins except


Substances the bind to an enzyme and increase its activity are called

positive regulators

Which carboxylic acid is used to prepare the ester shown? CH3-CH2-O-C-CH2-CH-CH3 || || O CH3 CH3COOH CH3CH2COOH CH3(CH2)3COOH (CH3)2CHCOOH (CH3)2CHCH2COOH


The reaction that occurs between an amine and an acid is best illustrated by (CH3)2NH + HCl → (CH3)2NH2 + Cl-. (CH3)2NH + H2O → (CH3)2N + H3O+. (CH3)2NH + HCl → (CH3)2NH Cl- + H3O+. (CH3)2NH + HCl → (CH3)2NH2+ + OH-. (CH3)2NH + HCl → (CH3)2NH + Cl-.

(CH3)2NH + HCl → (CH3)2NH2 + Cl-.

When the nitrogen atom in an organic compound has four covalent bonds, it is called a -primary amine. -tetraammine. -secondary amine. -tertiary amine. -quaternary ammonium ion.

-quaternary ammonium ion.

The number of hydrogen bonds between cytosine and thymine in DNA is ________.


What is the IUPAC name of the molecule shown? CH3 CH3 1,2-dimethylcyclobutane dimethylcyclobutane cyclohexane 2,2-dimethylcyclobutane 1,1-dimethylcyclobutane


What is the name of the product when 1-pentene reacts with Cl2?


What is the IUPAC name of the molecule shown?


What is the IUPAC name of the molecule shown?CH2=CHCH=CH2

1-3 - butadiene

The IUPAC name of the following molecule is: CH3CH2CH2-O-CH2CH3


Which of the following would at best be only very slightly soluble in water?


What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown?


What is the complementary strand for a single DNA strand with the sequence TCGA?


What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown?


Functional group of: CH3CH2CHO


Functional group of: CH3OCH3


The type of lipid that is predominant in cell membranes is


Codons provide the information needed to synthesize


An alcohol is classified as primary, secondary or tertiary based on

the number of carbon atoms bonded to the carbon bearing the OH group.

Which base is normally found in DNA but not in RNA?


Which base is normally found in RNA but not in DNA?


Arrange the following in order of INCREASING boiling point. 1 is lowest, 5 is highest.

1. Ethane 2. Propane 3. Butane 4. 2,2-dimethylpropane 5. Pentane

Arrange the following in order of INCREASING boiling point.

1. Pentane 2. 3-butanone 3. 3-butanol 4. Propanoic acid 5. Propanamide

The number of hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine in DNA is ________.


The number of hydrogen bonds between thymine and adenine is


What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? CH3-CH-CH-CH3 | | Cl Cl 1,2-dichloro-1-methylpropane 1,2-dichloro-1,2-dimethylethane 2,3-dichlorobutane di(chloroethane) 2,3-dichlorbutane


What is the IUPAC name for diisopropyl ketone?


What is the product of reduction of 2-butanone?


The addition of HF to 2-butene produces


The major product obtained from dehydration of 2-hexanol is


What is the correct IUPAC name of the compound shown?

2-methyl aniline

The IUPAC name for this compound is: CH3C(CH3) =CHCH2CH3


What is the product of the reduction of 2-methyl-3-pentanone?


What is the product of reduction of 2-pentanone?


How many chiral carbons are contained in a molecule of ribose? O OH. OH OH || | | | CH-CH-CH-CH-CH2OH


How many secondary carbons are in this molecule? CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH2CH3


The number of hydrogen bonds between cytosine and guanine in DNA is


What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? N-methyl butanamide 2-methyl butanamide 2-methyl propanamide 3-methyl butanamide N-methyl propanamide

3-methyl butanamide

What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? O CH3 || | H-C-CH2-CH-CH3


The name 3-methyl-1-hexanone is not correct. Draw the structure implied by the name, then identify the correct name below.


The correct name for CH3CH(CH3)CH2COCH3 is 2-methyl-4-pentanone. isobutyl acetone. 2-methyl-4-butanone. 4-methyl-2-pentanone. 4-methyl-2-butanone.


Monobromination of methylcyclohexane leads to how many different products?


A nucleotide is a(an)

5'-monophosphate ester of a nucleoside

Which alcohol should be used to produce 2-methyl-3-hexene by dehydration?


How many carbon atoms are there in the longest continuous chain of the molecule shown? (CH3)3C(CH2)3CH3


How many three letter combinations are there present in the genetic code?


How many carbon atoms are there in the longest continuous chain of the molecule shown? (CH3)2CH(CH2)5CH3


The tripeptide represented as ala-leu-gly is named


Which molecule shown is a tertiary alcohol?

CH3 | CH3-CH-CH-CH3 | | OH CH3

Which molecule is a fatty acid?


Which molecule is an unsaturated fatty acid?


Which of the following molecules is an example of a secondary amine?

CH3-N-CH2-CH3 | H

Which of the following molecules is an example of a primary amine?

CH3-N-H | H

Which compound has the highest boiling point?


Which compound has the lowest boiling point? CH3CH2OH CH3CH2CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2OH CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CHO


Which pair of compounds can react to form a hemiacetal?


Which equation correctly represents the dissociation of a carboxylic acid in water?


Which molecule shown is an L-isomer?

CHO | HO- C -H | HO- C -H | HO- C -H | CH2OH

The central belief of molecular genetics states that

DNA stores genetic information and RNA reads, decodes, and uses that information.

In DNA, a DNA sequence complementary to the strand shown below is C-G-G-T-T-A-G


Which amine has the highest boiling point?

H | CH3-CH2-N-CH2-CH2-CH3

An amine that is insoluble in water can be made to dissolve by adding it to an aqueous solution of -NaOH. -a different amine. -an amide. -HCl. -none of the above; it can't be made water soluble.


Which reactant should be used to convert 2-methyl-1-butene to 2-chloro-2-methylbutane?


The product of an esterification reaction between which of the following molecules would be an oil? I. CH3 (CH2)14COOH II. CH3 (CH2)7CHCH(CH2)7COOH III. HOCH2CH2OH IV. HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH

II and IV

After initiation of protein production, the correct order for the steps in the manufacture of proteins is I. elongation II. peptide bond formation III. termination IV. tRNA binding with ribosome


Which of the following processes involve protein denaturation? -cooking egg whites -permanent waving of hair -whipping cream -More than one response is correct

More than one response is correct.

What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? O || CH3-CH2-CH2-C-NH-CH3


Which molecule is not an isomer of the molecule shown? C2H5OC2H5

O || CH3 CH2 -C-CH3

What are the products of this reaction? O || CH3CH2-C-NHCH2CH3 =NaOH

O || CH3CH2-C-ONa+ + CH3CH2NH2

Which molecule is an alpha amino acid?

O || HO-C-CH2-NH2

Which molecule is N,N-dimethylpropylamine?

Option D

Which amine has the lowest boiling point?

Option D (third option).

Which molecule shown is trimethylamine?

Option D (third option).

Which of the following is a hemiacetal?

Option E (last option)

The reaction of an amine with water is best represented by R-NH2 + 2 H2O R-NH4+2 + 2 OH-. R-NH2 + H2O R-N2- + M+ + H3O+. R-NH2 + 2 H2O R-N2- + 2 H3O+. R-NH2 + H2O R-NH3+ + OH-. R-NH2 + H2O R-NH- + H3O+.

R-NH2 + H2O R-NH3+ + OH-.

All of the statements about RNA are correct except

RNA molecules are smaller than DNA molecules, but form double helices like DNA.

Which of the following fat-soluble vitamins is associated with good night vision?

Vitamin A

Which of the following fat-soluble vitamins is associated with blood clotting factors?

Vitamin K

Enantiomers are a form of stereoisomer in which each molecule in the pair of isomers has

a carbon atom bonded to four different groups and the isomers are mirror images.

Gentle oxidation of a secondary alcohol will produce

a ketone

An amino acid has the form shown at O || R-CH-C-O- | NH2

a pH greater than its isoelectric point.

Which of the following objects is chiral?

a shoe

Which of the following has the highest boiling point?

acetic acid, CH3COOH

The process of transport across cell membranes which costs biochemical energy is

active transport

One pair of nitrogen bases in DNA is

adenine and thymine.

Which protein is considered to be a globular protein?


Functional group of: CH3OH


The functional group illustrated by ROH is an


The products of acid hydrolysis of an ester are

alcohol + acid

Ribose can be classified as a(an)


Functional group of: CH3CH2CH3


Functional group of: CH3CH=CH2


Functional group of: CH3C≡CCH2CH3


Local hormones ________. act near their point of synthesis can be leukotrienes can be prostaglandins are short-lived all of the above

all of the above

The backbone of a nucleic acid molecule consists of

alternating sugar and phosphate groups linked by phosphate ester bonds.

Functional group of: CH3NHCH3


All of the following are associated with replication of DNA except

amino acids

Amines can be considered organic derivatives of the inorganic compound: sodium hydroxide. water. ammonia. carbon dioxide. none of these


When an amide is hydrolyzed under basic conditions, the products are

an amine and a carboxylate ion.

All of the following are B vitamins except

ascorbic acid.

Steroids are

based on a tetracyclic ring system with substituents at various positions.

When common names are used for acids, the carbon atom {in brackets} in the molecule shown would be designated as the ________ C atom. O || CH3 {CH2} CH2 - C - OH #2 beta alpha #1 gamma


What is the IUPAC name of the molecule shown? O O || || HO-C-CH2 CH2-C-OH ethanedioc butanedioic acid dibutanoic acid diethanoic acid pentanedioic acid

butanedioic acid

What is the product of oxidation of butanal?

butanoic acid

What is the common name of the molecule shown? O || CH3 CH2 CH2 -C-OH formic acid oxalic acid lactic acid acetic acid butyric acid

butyric acid

Glycolipids are similar in structure to sphingomyelins, except that the phosphate group has been replaced by a(an)


The name of the molecule shown is trans-3-chloro-3-pentene. cis-3-chloro-2-pentene. cis-3-chloro-3-pentene. trans-3-chloro-2-pentene. monochloro-2-cis-pentene


When a molecule similar to the correct substrate interacts with the active site of an enzyme, the process is called

competitive inhibition.

Transcription and translation of the mRNA involved in protein synthesis occur in two different locations in the cell. Translation occurs in the


When a protein is ________, its primary structure is maintained, but other aspects of its structure are disrupted.


When a β-N-glycosidic bond forms between guanine and deoxyribose, the resulting molecule is called


Replication of DNA produces two daughter DNA molecules in which

each daughter molecule contains one parent strand and one newly synthesized strand.

Triglycerides belong to which general class of organic molecules?


The chemical makeup of oils is

esters of glycerol with three predominantly unsaturated fatty acids.

The tertiary structure of most enzymes is


Mutarotation is process where

glucose undergoes reaction to form an equilibrium mixture of anomers.

A sphingomyelin includes all of the following components except


The molecule shown can be classified as a(an)


Which of the following is the typical shape of a plot showing the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction as a function of the enzyme concentration with excess substrate?

graph with straight line up showing an increase

Insulin is an example of a(an)


The bonding forces between the two DNA strands in a double helix are

hydrogen bonds

Which reaction can be used to convert oils into fats?


The following reaction would most likely be catalyzed by an enzyme of which class? sucrose + H2O → glucose + fructose


An enzyme that is classified as a hydrolase is involved in ________ reactions.


When a protein is ________, its primary structure is destroyed, thus destroying the other aspects of its structure.


Polar R groups, along with acidic and basic R groups, are said to be ________ because they are attracted to water molecules.


The carbohydrate portion of a glycolipid extends ________ in order to allow the molecule to function as a ________.

into the extracellular fluid; receptor site

An enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of a cis double bond to a trans double bond is classified as a(an)


Which compound is a primary amine? -isopropylamine -N,N-dimethylethylamine -trimethylamine -N-ethyl-N-methylpropylamine -diethylamine


Functional group of: CH3COCH3


Enzymes function as catalysts by

lowering the value of the activation energy.

Translation is

making a protein molecule based on information contained in RNA.

What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? CH3CH2COOCH3

methyl propanoate

What is the common name of the compound shown?CH3CH2CH2OCH3 isobutyl ether butyl ether 1,2-etherbutane propyl methyl ether methyl propyl ether

methyl propyl ether

Which statement about eicosanoids is not correct? -Linolenic acid is a precursor to arachidonic acid. -The parent molecule, arachidonic acid, contains 20 carbon atoms. -All of the molecules in this category are unsaturated. -Eicosanoids function as "local hormones," acting as short-term chemical messengers. -none of the above

none of the above

A nucleotide is composed of a ________ with a ________ added to it.

nucleoside; phosphate group

Phospholipids differ from fats and oils by having

one of the fatty acid ester linkages replaced by a phosphate ester linkage.

Which of the following would be the product of the oxidation of 2-methyl-3-pentanol?

option B

Using systematic names, the structure shown could be called H3C ---- <()> ----- CH3 1,3-dimethylbenzene. para-dimethylbenzene. ortho-dimethylbenzene. 1,2-dimethylbenzene. meta-dimethylbenzene.


Phosphoglycerides differ from glycerides in that one of the hydroxyl groups of the glycerol is esterified with

phosphoric acid.

Cellulose is produced by ________, and its major function is ________.

plants; as a structural component

Another term for substances that bind irreversibly with the active site of an enzyme is


The carbon atom marked with * is a ________ carbon atom. C C* | | C-C-C-C-C


When comparing amine compounds of different classes but similar molar masses, which type will most likely be the highest boiling point? -primary amines -secondary amines -tertiary amines -quaternary ammonium salts

primary amines

The amino acid sequence of a protein is known as its

primary structure

In replication of DNA, each new double strand consists of one template strand and one new strand. Therefore, replication is said to be


Enzymes increase the rates of only certain reactions involving certain substances. This general characteristic is called


The molecule shown can be classified as a(an)


The most common reactions involving aromatics are ________ reactions.


Which molecule is not a reducing sugar?


All of the following are non-covalent interactions important in maintaining the secondary, tertiary, and quaternary aspects of amino acids except

sulfur-sulfur bonds.

What is the IUPAC name of the compound shown? H CH3 | | CH3CH-CH2-CH-C=C | | | CH3 CH3 H


The process in which information from DNA is used to manufacture RNA is called


Fats and oils can be referred to by the general term ________ because ________.

triacylglycerols; they are formed by reaction of 1,2,3-propanetriol with three fatty acids

The maximum number of substrate molecules that one enzyme molecule can act on in a given unit of time is the

turnover number

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