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True or False: a herbivore eats only plants



Taxonomic domain consisting of eukaryotes (any organism whose cells contain a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes). Eukaryotic organisms may be unicellular, or multicellular. Includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists.


Taxonomic domain consisting of single-celled prokaryotic organisms (organisms whose cells lack a defined nucleus) that have distinct molecular characteristics separating them from bacteria (the other, more prominent group of prokaryotes)


Taxonomic domain consisting of single-celled prokaryotic organisms that live in enormous numbers in almost every environment on Earth, from deep-sea vents to deep below Earth's surface to the digestive tracts of humans. They differ from archaea in their ability to form spores and to remain dormant.


Taxonomic group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring.


Taxonomic rank below class and above family. Contains one or more families.


Taxonomic rank below family and above species. Contains one or more species.


Taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class. The kingdom Animalia contains approximately 35 phyla, Plantae contains 12, and Fungi contains 7.


Taxonomic rank below order and above genus. Contains one or more genera.


Taxonomic rank below phylum and above order. Contains one or more orders.


The study of the general principles of scientific classification.

Where do plants get their energy from?

The sun


The systematic grouping of organisms based on shared characteristics.

What are abiotic factors?

nonliving things

What are decomposers?

organism that breaks down and obtains energy from dead organic matter

What does the arrow in a food chain show?

which animal is receiving the energy or eating the organism


A taxonomic category above the kingdom level. The three domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.

Primary Consumer

An animal that feeds on plants


An organism that makes its own food.


An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms


Ancient Greek philosopher who designed the first classification system which divided living things into two categories: plants and animals.

Secondary Consumer

Animals that eat herbivores


Any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants.


Any animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances.


Any animal that feeds on flesh.

Name 2 primary consumers

Anything the eats grass or plants. eg zebra, giraffe, cow, rabbit etc

What are biomes?

Are major life zones characterized by vegetation type or physical environment

Name 1 type of decomposer

Bacteria or Fungi

Trophic level

Each step in a food chain or food web

What travels through a food chain or web?


Carl Linnaeus

Father of taxonomy; an 18th century Swedish botanist who proposed the modern system of biological nomenclature.

Describe the difference between a food web and a food chain

Food web = shows an animal eating more than one other organism Food chain = single line (ie animal eats one organism)

Describe what would happen if one link of a food chain were to die off.

Gradually all the other parts of the food chain would die off too

What is the biosphere?

It is the part of Earth where life exists

Who's ecosystem is larger, a lion's or a toad's?


Where are biotic factors?

Living things

True or False: if one part in a food web dies off everything else will die off to.

Not necessarily. In a food WEB animals can find another source of food to survive


Organism capable of makes its own food from simple organic substances. Plants are autotrophs because they use photosynthesis to create food.


Organism that depends on complex organic substances for nutrition. Humans are heterotrophs.


Organisms that feed on decaying matter.

What are producers?

Organisms that make their own food

What is the first level of a food chain called?

Primary Producers

Which trophic level must have the most amount of animals?

Primary Producers

Phytoplankton is part of which Trophic Level?

Primary Producers Level 1

What is the missing link in this food chain? Grass - _______ - Fox



Second highest taxonomic rank below domain. Kingdoms are divided into smaller groups called phyla. The six kingdoms are Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea and Bacteria.

What are trophic levels?

levels of nourishment in a food chain

Food chain

A series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten

What is an ecosystem?

A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

Binomial Nomenclature

A biological species name consisting of two terms, e.g. Home sapiens (humans) or Canis familiaris (dogs).

Tertiary consumer

A carnivore at the top most level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.

Food web

A community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains


A living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently

population density

the average number of individuals per unit area

carrying capacity

the maximum number of individuals of a species an ecosystem can support


the movement of individuals INTO the population


the movement of individuals OUT of the population


the movement of individuals in and out of the population

population size

the number of individuals in a population

population distribution

the pattern, or spread, of individuals in a given area


a direct of indirect initeraction between organisms that harms each other's chances of survival


a group of the same species that inhabits a geographical area

invasive species

a nonnative species that lives in an ecosystem

What is an ecosystem?

a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment

What is mutualism?

both organisms benefit

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