International Aviation Learning Objectives

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What are the Latin origins of the word "aviation"?

"Aviation" is derived from the Latin word "Avis" meaning bird.

What does the acronym "SARPs" stand for and explain its two elements? What operative verbs are used to differentiate between them in the Annexes?

"Standards and Recommended Practices". Standards use the operative verb "shall", and Recommended Practices use the operative verb "should".

The Convention, its Annexes and associated documents state that in regards to foreign operators, a national authority should have two things in place. What are they?

(1) A system of issuing and renewing Foreign Operator AOCs, and (2) A continuing surveillance program (ramp inspections) of foreign aircraft.

Describe the four State of Design obligations?

(1) Issue a Type Certificate, (2) Provide information about the continuing airworthiness and safe operation of the aircraft, (3) Detail a continuing structural integrity program to ensure the airworthiness of aircraft over 5,700kg, and (4) Establish a system for operators to report faults etc., and then make decisions on airworthiness matters and promulgate those decisions.

IATA assigns the three letter airport codes such as SYD=Sydney, BNE = Brisbane, and OOL = Gold Coast (Coolangatta). These are more familiar to people than the ICAO airport codes that are used for flight planning. What are the three common uses for the IATA airport codes?

(1) Reservations, (2) Ticketing, (3) Baggage Checking.

What does a country have to do to become and ICAO contracting State?

(1) Sign the Convention, (2) Ratify the Convention by passing legislation which gives force to the State's obligations, and (3) Establish a State Safety Oversight System which fulfils said obligations.

What month and year did the Wright Brothers conduct the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier than air flight?

(17) December 1903.

Describe a balanced safety oversight system?

A balanced safety oversight system is one in which both the State and aviation community share the responsibility for safe, regular and efficient civil aviation activities.

What is the difference between a bilateral and multilateral agreement?

A Bilateral agreement is between two States, whereas a Multilateral agreement is between two or more States.

The State of Design issues a certificate which defines the design of an aircraft type and certifies that this design meets the appropriate airworthiness requirements of that State. What is this certificate called?

A Type Certificate.

What were the responses of the two airlines which were operating under the Australian Government's Two-Airline Policy when they were given notice of it coming to an end?

Strong objection. The Pilots' Dispute occurred in 1989 and was caused by different views on a new domestic pilot's pay associated with the conditions agreement.

How do third country operators (TCO) flying to any of the 28 EU Member States and/or to the European Free Trade Association States (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) acquire safety authorisation?

TCO's must hold a valid TCO authorisation in order to operate a commercial flight in European airspace. Under the Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) Program, TCO's must undergo ramp inspections of which are managed by the EASA.

Safety Oversight ensures that the national aviation industry provides a safety level equal to, or better than, what?

That defined by the SARPs.

The Convention on International Civil Aviation is commonly referred to as what?

The 1944 Chicago Convention.

Air transport is the safest form of transportation in the world with the 2016 global accident rate being what figure? What does this mean?

The 2016 global accident rate was 0.39, and this represents the hull losses per 1 million flights.

The carriage of dangerous goods is important. ICAO provide SARPs and technical guidance and States regulate their carriage for aircraft on their national register. Who publishes and in what document are the industry standards and operational procedures associated with the carriage of dangerous goods?

The 2017 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Manual.

What aircraft type is considered to be the beginning of the 'jet age' and in what year did it commence commercial services?

The Boeing 707 which commenced its commercial service in 1958.

What was the first wide-body aircraft built and in what year did it commence commercial service?

The Boeing 747, which commenced its commercial service in 1970. It held he passenger capacity for 37 years.

The Concorde was in service from 1976 to 2003. Why what this aircraft important in regard to air travel?

The Concorde was he first jet-powered supersonic passenger jet airliner, with a maximum speed of 2.04 Mach.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) comes under what Department?

The Department of Transportation.

Does the Government have any control over air transport industry in a deregulated market like Australia?

The Federal Government has little control over the activities of the Australian aviation industry and in keeping the with 'market economy' approach, manages the industry through Government legislative, regulation and oversight processes.

Although the technology was tested as early as 1931, the first commercial aircraft in wide use to have cabin pressurisation was what aircraft type and in what year did it enter service?

The Lockheed Constellation which entered commercial service in 1945.

What was the first large passenger aircraft carrying 16 people and two tonnes of freight and when was its first flight?

The S-22 Ilya Muromets, which performed its first flight in 1913.

Describe the USOAP process and the part that CMA plays in it?

The USOAP is the audit of contracting States to encourage them to develop and implement plans to address safety deficiencies or maintain and improve current safety strategies. The Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) allows contracting States to self-report their safety performance on a routine basis. (NOTE: ICAO will physically audit "high risk" States).

The Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (Doc 8335) provides States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations. It lays down the foundation and objectives of the State Safety Oversight System. What are the foundation and objectives?

The foundation is "the oversight of the operator by the State". The objective is "to ensure that the national aviation industry meets requirements equal to, or better than, those defined by the SARPS, to ensure an acceptable level of safety".

What does the term 'deregulation' mean?

The reduction or elimination of government controls on the commercial market to create more competition within the industry.

What does the acronym FAA pay for?

Federal Aviation Administration.

The world's airspace is divided into a series of contiguous regions within which air traffic services are provided. What is the term for these contiguous regions?

Flight Information Regions (FIRs).

What does the term 'protectionism' mean?

Protectionism is Government actions and policies that restrict or restrain international trade, often to protect local businesses and jobs from foreign competition.

What is the topic of Annex 2?

Rules of the Air. "Annex two what do I do"

What is the topic of Annex 19?

Safety Management. "Annex nineteen

What is the topic of Annex 17?

Security: Safeguarding.

There are eight critical element of industry safety oversight. Which ones are considered critical elements in relation to establishing a safety system and which ones are considered critical elements in relation to implementing a safety system?

See notes.

What year did Ansett Airlines collapse and bring to an end the dominance of two major domestic airlines in Australia?

September 2001.

Where and on what date was the Convention signed and by how many States?

Signed on the 7 December 1944 by 53 contracting States.

The largest technology leap for aviation was the invention of the jet engine. In modern times, who was the inventor of the jet engine and in what year did he have a working model?

Sir Frank Whittle, who had a working model in 1937.

What makes it difficult to define the volume of airspace a State has sovereignty over?

There is no Convention or international legal precedent relating to the vertical extend of territorial airspace.

What is IATA's vision?

To be the force for value creation and innovation driving a safe, secure and profitable air transport industry that sustainably connects and enriches our world.

The Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (Doc 8335) provides States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations. Continuing safety oversight of an operator by the State of the Operator is inherent in the system of certification. It is an essential part of the responsibility of a State to ensure what?

To ensure that the required standard of operation is maintained in order to provide a safe and reliable commercial air transport service to the public.

What is the prime objective of air traffic services?

To prevent collisions between aircraft. See Annex 11.

What is the mission of the FAA?

To provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.

What is IATA's mission?

To represent, lead and serve the airline industry.

What is the topic of Annex 5?

Units of Measurement.

What are the two general rules that aircraft must be flown under?

VFR and IFR.

The LCC model has led to strong and growing passenger demand in Europe. What is its current LCC market share and growth percentage?

Current market share is 45%, and growth percentage is 14% per year.

What are the Australian government organisations that provide the national aviation structure?


What is the topic of Annex 18?

Dangerous Goods. "Annex eighteen, you can't carry gasoline!"

One of the events that demonstrated the potential of the aeroplane was the first crossing of the English Channel by Louise Bleriot, a French adventurer, in his self-designed Bleriot XI monoplane on 25 July 1909. This was the first time that an aircraft had done what?

Defied the water and international boundaries with confined other forms of transport.

What is the topic of Annex 16?

Environmental Protection. "Annex sixteen keep it clean"

What does the EASA stand for?

European Aviation Safety Administration.

What is the topic of Annex 9?

Facilitation. "Annex nine prevent the swine" or "Annex nine my duties have been assigned"

IATA assigns the 2-letter airline designators. What are the 2-letter airline designators for Qantas, Virgin Australia, Jetstar, Tigerair Australia, and Rex?

OF, VA, JQ, TT, and ZL.

The ICAO Council relies on advice from what body when it comes to technical matters?

On the Air Navigation Commission. 19 Members are assisted by technical experts from the States who serve on panels, working groups and study groups.

The Pacific Aviation Safety Organisation (PASO) is a regional safety oversight organisation in the South-West Pacific. Why was it formed?

PASO serves to provide an internationally-recognised oversight program for States which individually, would struggle financially to provide the required level of technical expertise.

Year on year there continues to be global growth of airline passengers with the 2016 passenger numbers expected to double over what period?

15 - 20 years. The growth in 2016 was 6.3%.

ICAO came into being in what year?

1947 (March).

IATA is the peak representative body of the airline industry and plays an important role in the daily activities of airports, airlines, ground handlers, and many other players. How many member airlines does it have and what is their share of the scheduled air traffic in the world?

275 member airlines, which share 83% of the world's scheduled traffic.

How many airline passengers were carried worldwide in 2016?

3.8 billion.

In Australia, the Government adopted the Two-Airline Policy for domestic interstate operations until the market was deregulated in what year?

30 October 1990, following the 1989 Pilots' Dispute.

There are reactive and pro-active oversight approaches that can be used by the State safety oversight agency. What is the effect on industry of they completely dominate it?

A reactive State relies almost completely on the aviation industry's technical and organisation competence and commitment to safety, whereas a proactive State involves itself with close day.-to-day oversight with firm direction an control of activities.

What does the term "supra-national regulator" mean?

A supra-national regulator brings benefits to cross-border issues by harmonising or influencing legislation and regulations in other States.

The Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (Doc 8335) provides States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations. It lays down a requirement for air transport operators to have an AOC. What does this acronym stand for and what is its purpose?

AOC stands for an "Air Operator Certificate". It's purpose is to "certify that specified commercial air transport operations are authorised by the State of the Operator and are to be conducted in compliance with applicable regulations and rules".

What is the topic of Annex 14?


What is the topic of Annex 4?

Aeronautical Charts. "Annex four contour galore"

What is the topic of Annex 10?

Aeronautical Communications.

What is the topic of Annex 15?

Aeronautical Information Services.

What is the topic of Annex 11?

Air Traffic Services.

What is the topic of Annex 7?

Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks.

Why was the signing of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation ('The Paris Convention, 1919') on 13 October 1919 important? What was the pre-occupation of States that led to this happening?

Airspace sovereignty. The signing of a binding international Convention was just in time to place some boundaries on the large number of airlines that were now operating. The States were concerned with other States using their airspace for hostile, commercial or other purposes without permission.

What is the topic of Annex 8?

Airworthiness of an Aircraft. "Annex eight what is my aircraft's state"

Are contracting States bound by SARPs?

Although Article 37 calls on all States to adopt the approved international SARPs, and other published procedures, Article 38 tells States that if they depart from any of these, then they are to advise the ICAO Council within 60 days.

What is the difference between a full service carrier and low cost carrier?

An FSC offers full services (Legacy Carriers) with a high cost base as they offer additional services to make the flight an 'experience' rather than a commodity. An LCC however offers limited services with a low cost base as they reduced their services and business complexity.

All pilots should know where to find information about their profession. In what Annex would you look if you were investigating personnel licensing including medical requirements?

Annex 1.

It is important that wherever you fly in the world that someone is taking responsibility for search and rescue should you have a major accident or incident. In what Annex are the SARPs for search and rescue presented?

Annex 12; Search and Rescue. "Annex twelve allows you to delve"

If you were asked about investigation aircraft accidents and serious incidents, in which Annex would you find the information?

Annex 13; Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. "Annex thirteen, this was unforeseen"

The pilot in command has the final responsibility to ensure an aircraft is prepared and ready for safe flight. In what Annex (number and name) would you look to find out about PIC responsibilities?

Annex 6; Operation of Aircraft. "Annex six the Captain picks" or "Annex six controls the hydraulics"

Which Convention Article addresses adoption of International Standards and Recommended Practices?

Article 37.

Which Convention Article tells us the procedures if a State is not compliant with International Standards and Recommended Practices?

Article 38.

The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) Program has two goals being to: (1) improve aviation safety worldwide, and (2) reduce the number of overall audits as previously airlines were auditing each other independently for the purposes of business agreements, code sharing, interlining, etc. An airline must be on the IOSA Register to have membership of what organization?

As of 2009, it became a requirement as a condition of IATA membership, that an airline be on the IOSA register.

Why is it difficult for a legacy/network/full service carrier to compete with a low cost carrier on ticket price?

Because in order to compete, they must keep their labour and service costs down however most are older, more established airlines with bureaucratic structures; long-term labour contracts; and high supplier contracts. However LCCs use different industrial approaches such as reduced employment conditions.

Why are the IATA Airport Handling (AHM) and the IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) so important? Which airports use policies, standards and procedures coming from these documents?

Because the AHM covers the airport handling policies and standards and thus outlines "what to do" in regards to ground handling. Whereas the IGOM is a compilation of essential ground handling procedures for all airlines and ground service providers, and thus covers the key aspects of "how to do" of ground handling. The two together (the IATA AHM and IGOM) are the industry standard reference, and are used by most international airports and a growing number of domestic airport service providers.

Why are the FAA's FARs so important?

Because they are used as a model by many countries and further develop the ICAO SARPs by being designed to promote safe aviation, protecting pilots, flight attendants, passengers and the general public from unnecessary risk.

Which Australia agency has the primary function to conduct the safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the operation of Australian aircraft overseas?

CASA (established under the Civil Aviation Act, 1988).

What was the name of the Australians and in what year was the first flight from England to Australia flown?

Captain Ross Smith and Lieutenant Keith Smith in 1919.

The FAA conducts regular Ramp Inspections of foreign airlines operating to the US and if these, or any other intelligence indicates, then the FAA will conduct an audit of the national civil aviation authority of the country concerned under the International Aviation Safety Assessments (IASA) Program. As a result a country is classified as Category 1 or 2. What does Category 1 and 2 mean?

Category 1 means that a country does comply with ICAO standards. Category 2 means that the country does not comply with ICAO standards. This rating is applied if the civil aviation safety authority is assessed as not meeting one of the eight critical elements.

What was the name of the Australians and in what year did they cross the Pacific Ocean for the first time?

Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm in 1928.

EASA's major responsibilities are developing two things. What are they?

Common aviation safety and environmental rules at the European level.

Lawrence Hargrave, an Australian, is credited as being one of the aviation pioneers. What were his achievements in what calendar timeframe?

He built models of flying machines in 1885, which were powered by tiny motors of his own design. In 1889, he built the world's first radial aircraft engine, then invented the box kite design in 1893.

In what year did Qantas offer services (in conjunction with partner airlines) from Australia to England?

In 1935, with the aid of connecting Imperial Airways flights from Singapore to London.

In what year was the US domestic airline industry deregulated?

In 1978, under the Deregulation Act 1978.

There are two extremes of public policy being a 'planned economy' or a 'market economy'. What's the difference?

In a planned economy, the Government makes decisions, according to their plan, regarding production and investment. Whereas in a market economy, such decisions regarding production, investment and distribution are based on supply and demand, and the prices of goods and services are determined in a free market system.

What does IATA stand for?

International Air Transport Association.

The Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (Doc 8335) provides States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations. The State regulations and procedures for the approval, surveillance and resolution of safety issues, associated with commercial air transport operations by an operator from another State (herein after referred to as a "foreign operator") should be in conformity with what?

Is in conformity with the Annexes to the Convention.

What is the role of the ICAO Council and how many members does it have?

Is the governing body of the ICAO and is composed of 19 members.

What is the role of the ICAO Assembly, who attends the meetings and how often does it meet?

Is the sovereign body of the ICAO, composed of representatives from all contracting States who meet every 3 years. [Last meeting was in 2016].

Manual of Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance (Doc 8335) provides States and operators with detailed guidance concerning the establishment and maintenance of safe, regular and efficient international commercial air transport operations. It states that an operator must comply with the national laws and regulations but must also do something else. What is it?

It also states that "an operator also has the responsibility developing the operating instructions necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of an operation".

What is the purpose of the EC's 'black list'?

It was a blunt approach which addressed political concerns, following the rapid growth of airlines operating in the EU in the mid-1990's, about unsafe airlines with poor maintenance standards and minimal safety oversight from their State of registration, and thus prohibited said airlines from operating within the EU's airspace.

What are the two largest costs in operating an airline?

Labour and Service costs.

What are the four forces that need to be managed if an aircraft is to fly safely?

Lift (aircraft design), Gravity/Weight (natural forces), Drag (natural forces) and Power (thrust).

What is the topic of Annex 3?

Meteorological Services. "Annex three is it drizzly"

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