International PR Exam 2

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Global Social Networks

Facebook: The worlds largest social media platform has 1.415 billion active users. can be used in 90 different languages. truly global: one of the top two website everywhere except china. Countries with the largest number of facebook users: mexico, u.s, india, brazil, indonesia, the UK, Japan, france, germany and italy. Has the olest users among the eight largest non-chinese social networks. Almost 25% are over 45 years old. How to use it for PR: Build a facebook page that people can like in order to receive your updates. share content regularly. Important to be visual because people are more likely to comment on, like, and share photos and videos. Facebook groups are an excellent way to manage membership relationships for a group. If you're just starting a group, or looking for a more cost effective tool for managing communications to your members, posting an events calendar, or providing additional networking benefits for your members, facebook is an excellent option. Physical location> "facebook place" page where people can virtually check in and it will alert their friends Youtube: one billion monthly active users. Owned by google. banned in some countries but still world's most poular video sharing site. available in 61 languages. the 100 most viewed youtube channels get most views in The UK, India, Germany, Canada, France, South Korea, Russia, Japan, Brazil, and Mexico. a fifth of youtube traffic is generated in the US. about 75% of youtube traffic comes from countries whose primary language isn't english. Saudia arabians are worlds most avid youtube viewers. Since facebook and twitter are monitored by the government, saudis flock to the unregulated YouTube. The average saudi contributes 3 views each day. Post many different types of videos including animated videos, slideshows, and people on camera in how to videos about your organization. LinkedIn: the worlds largest professional network. countries with the most users are the US, india, brazil, the UK, and canada. still has a stigma to overcome in asia and europe where some employees feel that using the site signals to their employees that they are hunting for new jobs. Craft long-form posts on behalf of your senior executives. This allows members who are not personally connected with the executive to choose to follow their posts. Posts on linked in tend to be industry and career related, and are a nice way to position your executives as thought leaders in your industry and your organization as an attractive place to work. LinkedIn Pulse is a great tool for sharing content and info with the masses. anyone is able to post their blogs there. good way to network and reach new connections, showing an executive as the true expert in his/her field. Being active in groups is another way to get your company and its employees noticed. Twitter: one of the main distinctions between twitter and facebook is that twitter's conversations are typically much more public. Less than 5% of all twitter users keep their updates private since most of them opt for all-inclusive, completely open conversations. Countries with the most users: US, UK, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, France, India, South africa. Limits of 140 characters make brevity the key challenge on twitter. Tweets should be a mix of text posts and images. Twitter allows for multiple images to be posted. Much of the content that gets retweeted and goes on to trend on twitter is generated by the traditional U.S. media which covers sports (NYT, CNN and ESPN) one of the best ways to influence the conversation on twitter is actually to influence the traditional press. Instagram: relies on users posting hashtags with their images which allows people to discover related images or search for something specific. the hashtags work through other supporting sites like twitter to make it a social network that stands alone or that integrates seamlessly into other platform. Most traffic on IG: US, Russia, Brazil, the UK, Turkey. Youngest users (along with tumblr) more than 75% are under age 35. Upload creative photos and videos that grab attention. Requires unique real-time content visually appealing photos (avoid stock images), micro videos (how tos, announcements, sneak peaks), and reposting quality photos from followers using the re-post app. Give users incentive to upload photos of themselves interacting with your brand. Use hashtags so that your posts are easily found by others interested in the same topic. Snapchat: 55% of users are in North America ..32% in Europe... 5% in Oceania and 4% in south america. Where the youth demographic is. teens to 25 years old. snapchat requires commitment in the form of regular updates. More about building honest relationships with followers-really entertaining and engaging with friends- while still holding true to your brand. all content must be created specifically for snapchat and must be creative and authentic. good for brands looking to generate some type of hype. Can promote new product launches, offer sneak peeks, and provide a behind-the-scene look at things. Good for contests: can have users go on scavenger hunts, ask them to submit their photos for chance to win prizes, or ask trivia questions. Harder for users to miss your messages on snapchat. The challenge is time. Tumblr: Create a blog and post text videos and links. One of the great features about tumblr is that users can add comments only if they reblog your posts which cuts down on comments from trolls. Countries with most traffic: US, UK, Canada, Brazil and Germany. Tend to be young users more than 70% are under age of 35. simplicity is key. isn't about long blog posts and information-loaded content. It's for quick visual inspiration and consumer lust. Photos, videos, charts, quotes, and Q&As fill tumblr streams. an underused resource for connecting with your customers passion points, because it uses visuals. (which are the best form to connect emotionally with people)

Brian edelman says that as growth slows, governments become more unpredictable towards foreign brands. What does he suggest foreign firms demonstrate?

contributions to society

canada pr

second largest country in the world by total area, french and english language. Immigrant nation. 10th largest economy in the world, scarce population. Early pr in canada was the government hosting promotional materials to attract new immigrants.

How culture impacts pr in latin america


How culture impacts pr in middle east

(page range starting at 300) Roots of three major faith groups: islam, christianity, judaism. colonial history: great britain, fance, italy, spain, german occupation etc. Oil haves and have nots high power distance, high masculinity, vary in individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance , high context, some say no (authoritarian press model dominates, governments control communication to varying degrees, culture of democracy lacking, public opinion not often a factor of policy) Egypt signs 1.8 million dollar contract with US pr firm. with 2 pr firms in DC. Firms will boost relations with us and boost Egypt economic development programs. first time the US intelligence has taken the lead in Egypt.

3 categories of UK Newspapers

1. Quality newspapers such as the guardian (considered to be more liberal), the daily telegraph (considered to be more conservative), Financial times (the key business paper, famous for being printed on salmon colored paper) and the times (owned by the news corporation) these papers are often referred to as broadsheets because of their traditionally larger size 2. middle market tabloids such as the daily mail 3. mass market tabloids such as the sun and daily mirror.

Pitching info to media outlets

1st: become deeply familiar with them. Watch and read their coverage religiously to learn about their programs, personalities, and styles of coverage so that you can craft successful story ideas for them 2. You need to know how stories are covered by these outlets and by individual reports and presenters. Never pitch a story without first doing your homework, understanding the outlet, and ensuring that your idea is right for it

Global Broadcast media:

Al Jazeera: (ARAB)REaches over 220 million households. Enjoys an unprecedented margin of freedom which makes it a haven for free speech in the Arab world. Popular because it discusses sensitive topics and tackles controversial issues. Previous topics: government corruption, human rights record of arab regimes, the persecution of political dissenters, islamic law, the incompatability of islam and democracy, and islamic fundamentals. BBC World news and BBC World: BBC operates the biggest broadcast newsgathering operation in the world. began as the Uk's national broadcaster and gave the world the concept of public service broadcasting. Under a public model, a media outlet is owned by the state rather than private interests. Is funded by a license fee that is paid by television owners. Provides television news programming that is available in300 million households and 1.8 million hotel rooms in more than 200 countries. Makes world service radio one of the very best ways to reach audiences in africa especially those who are illiterate. Bloomberg: TV. Describes its audiences as affluent and influential, including entrepreneurs and "leaders of the new economy". Wire service providing breaking business, financial and economic news to more than 325,000 professionals who subscribe to its professional service. Key programs: charlie rose whose presenter is famous for interviewing top players in global affairs, first up with angie lau which opens the business day and is produced out of Asia, and countdown which broadcasts breaking news before european markets open CCTV News: International arm of China's state-run broadcaster. English-language news channel. News programs such as News Hour and News Update. Asia Today and China 24 focus on the latest developments in the region and country. Other programs include Dialogue and World Insight which offer perspectives on global affairs, Biz Asia and Biz Talk. Experts still see the hand of the chinese government in its coverage China Xinhua News Network Corporation (CNC): english television service. can be accessed on cable and wireless digital tv networks. The network presents an international vision with a china perspective. (inevitably shadowed by China's extensive Censorship) CNN en Espanol: key programs include the morning show cafe CNN, the international news program Panorama mundial; nuestro mundo (which focuses on news from the Americas); the evening news program conclusiones; the women's focused show NotiMujer; the entertainment program Showbiz; and Aristegui a program focused on current affairs in Mexico presented by the influential and hard hitting mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui. CNN international: The international version of the domestic CNN. CNN newsroom, connect eh world with becky anderson, amanpour, and th emore intellectual fareed zakaria global public square (GPS). A primarily interview based program with very high level players in global affairs Deutsche Welle: Germany's international public broadcaster with television news in german, english, spanish and arabic and radio programming. English-language television news programs include DW news and Business. France24: Broadcasts television news in french, english, and arabic. Key programs: focus business daily, the world this week, the debate, and the interview. NHK world: the international arm of japan's public broadcaster RT: Russia Today. funded by russias government. seen as propaganda arm of the russian president. Sky news International: British subscription television broadcaster. reaches UK ireland italy germany and austria.

Dove self esteem project

Dove: Self-Esteem Campaign Platforms used: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube website What Dove did... #RealBeauty: A lot of brands preach it nowadays, but Dove was a pioneer that helped bring self-esteem and self-love into marketing. Dove's global campaign has taken many forms since it first launched nearly 15 years ago, but it has become more than a campaign since then—it's extended into a corporate mission. The company has commissioned independent research on self-esteem that it has used in its television and print advertising as well as its social campaigns, and its website features resources to educate consumers of all ages on issues related to self-esteem, bullying, the online world, and more. Hashtag campaigns, including #RealBeauty, #NoLikesNeeded, and #SpeakBeautiful have encouraged users to show off their inner beauty. And after discovering that 70 percent of women don't feel represented in advertising, the company pledged to stop retouching all photos used in its marketing by 2019. In 2018, Dove began a two-year collaboration with Cartoon Network's Steven Universe "to take on body confidence and self-esteem issues." The first video in the series, published to Cartoon Network's channel in July 2018, has more than 2 million views, 103,000 likes, and 9,500 comments—many of them very positive.

Three types of traditional media outlets

Global outlets( reach massive international audiences) Regional media outlets (reach important regional audiences) Domestic Media outlets(reach audiences or readers within a particular country or community) It is now possible for you to reach a significant percentage of the people on earth by pitching just a few key outlets, such as Al Jazeera, the BBC, CNN International, the Associated Press, and Reuters

how culture impacts pr in north america

Page 339+

4 models of PR identified by European Scholars Pr is practiced with sophistication in Europe

Reflective: to analyze changing standards and values and standpoints in society and discuss these with members of the organization, in order to adjust the standards and values/standpoints of the organization accordingly. Stresses the need for us as practitioners to be aware of not just how we are impacting our stakeholders, but also our broader footprints within communities and how our organizations must adapt in order to keep up with changing societies. practicing reflective pr requires investigating how an organization is impacting society, engaging in dialogue, and symmetrical communication with members of that larger society, understanding and responding to changing public expectations, and proactively communicating how an organization is acting as a responsible member of society. Managerial: to develop plans to communicate and maintain relationships with public groups, in order to gain public trust and/or mutual understanding Operational: to prepare means of communication for the organization (and its members) in order to help the organization formulate its communications. This role is concerned with services and is aimed at the execution of the communication plans developed by others Educational: to help all the members of the organization become communicatively competent, in order to respond to societal demands


Task: increase awarness of innovative features of ford fiesta weekly photo contest: take pic add filter add hashtag and upload to instagram. Facebook was hub for campaign where prizes and galleries and judges were shown. content was good for mobile. reach was vast because of share features Physical galleries were made, live billboards. 16,000 photos were taken. 120,000 fans were made. earned media rampant.

Global Newspapers

The Guardian: progressive and influential london-based english language newspaper enjoys a wide readership outside of the U.K. the largest global audience of any UK quality newspaper website Financial times: famous for being printed on salmon-colored paper, london based english language business and economics focused publication . Audience includes business leaders, government ministers, international entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, educators, and students International New York Times:shares content with the new york times. Covers economics, the financial world, globalization, technology, foreign affairs, global affairs, development and human rights, trade, conservative culture politics and the social sciences. pop culture american politics and international affairs. Also publishes a chinese edition in Mandarin featuring both material from its U.S. edition and content written specifically for chinese audience. The wall street journal: New york based english language business and economics focused publication whose main competitor is the financial times. Its latin america edition is published in business sections of top 16 newspapers across the region and is reportedly read by six million business decision makers.


The chinese version of the personal influence model. Refers to access to a group or organization. When the chinese say "we have to find Guanxi" that is to say we have to find the entree to the group or organization. To find the door, personal connections or ties must be developed. We are inclined to fly in, get down to substantive business right away and then leave, this will not work in china, where it is important to first invest in building relationships with your partners. RElationship based culture


Three million girls in Africa are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) each year. ActionAid challenged the firm to get more people in the UK talking about this subject. To highlight this most brutal of cuts, the firm created a #BrutalCut: a 10-second #BrutalCut video message from Kenyan girls facing FGM, that would be unexpectedly cut into content. Synchronized content Without warning on launch day, the message interrupted vlogger videos, content from digital publishers, influencer and celebrity posts, cinema ads, festival screens and outdoor digital ads to deliver the message: "This cut might be irritating, but some cuts are life-destroying". The disruptive video had a total reach of over 152 million, with 9,204,218 views of influencer, celebrity and publisher content featuring the #BrutalCut.

Weber Shandwick and Storyful

Weber Shandwick uses Storyful to monitor international social media activity and trends.

Confucianism: (Pages 212-216)

a social tradition derived from the teachings of confucius, a philospher who lived in china . places supreme importance on social harmony and avoiding conflict. encourages indirect rather than direct communication in order to avoid conflict and allow individuals to save face. . High context rather than low-context communication. this often prevents individuals from openly criticizing others, questioning authority and revealing mistakes.

Saving face

avoiding conflict.. prevents individuals from openly criticizing others, questioning authority and revealing mistakes.

What do asians use to signal their success and social standing?


Prada campaign

ethical, responsible and sustainable company can win over the hearts and minds of todays consumers enocourage the perception of the prada group through a new lens and present the company as ethical, responsible and sustainable. Talks about company's social and environmental initiatives . took people behind the scenes and showed manufacturing. Campus for culture and the arts. Showed how the brand enriches people's lives with beauty and shared lives. Eco-conscious culture and nature as a key design. New perspectives on prada group was successful through article engagement and appreciation for company as well as international conversations

How culture impacts PR in Asia and the pacific.

hierarchical system. Face is very important, high context communicators. Personal influence model of pr. Highly collectivist culture in nature. High context communication (communicate in a way to help you avoid conflict and save face) Long term orientation which means theres a focus on the future/long term goals (saving money instead of spending) avoid risky communication hierarchy: more accepted Mobile is used the most. Confucianism: social harmony, humility, virtue, saving face(avoiding conflict and having personal respect and for the whole group to which you belong). China: Government censorship, social media influencers, guanxi Japan: Homogenous, giving permission/making things japanese, decisions by consensus, national press, social still viewed with some suspicion South Korea: personal affiliations, avoid exclusives, advertorials, photo calls South Asia: cambodia, india, indonesia, iran, laos, malaysia, pakistan, the phillpines and thailand. Collectivist but there's a greater ease with individualism here than there is in confucian asia. More relaxed attitudes towards life and the law. Saving face. High power distance. High context communication. India: segmentation: local media in vernacular languages, folk media, radio in villages, social media and newspapers in richer areas. Making sure you're communicating effectively per region Indonesia: social, involve people in CSR, envelope journalism, greater accountability, two way communication

Pr campaign brazil

lack of blood in blood bank. To increase donations of blood, they wanted people to donate blood for their greatest passion: their football team. Changed uniform of team and took off red and for the color to come back, they had to donate blood. REd stripes were added as blood was donated. the campaign reached 130 million people and recorded a 46% volume increase in blood donations. Fans were encouraged to post on social media when they had donated blood and to post photos as each new stripe of red was added back to the shirt. As a result, the campaign delivered huge amounts of free publicity for Vitoria too. It received more than one billion page views on the club's website as fans tracked the progress of the campaign. The campaign captured the attention of all media channels. There were 935 minutes of television exposure and significant print news coverage. The total cost of educating thousands of consumers, changing habits, building blood stocks and delivering massive exposure - $15000! This shows how great content really can trigger the right action if you connect to things that your audiences really care about.

low context vs high context cultures

low context culture- ppl are expected to be direct and say what they mean high context-taught to speak in a less direct way. speech is more ambiguous

how culture impacts pr in subsaharan africa

page 376+ the progress of PR in africa: collaboration between home grown pr companies and international pr agencies. Locally experienced. Africa doesn't realize its globally competitive. out of the worlds 10 fastest growing economies. 4 or 5 are in africa. the problem is that PR in africa isn't one because their are different cultures and markets all throughout. Different ways to communicate throughout africa. which is key to understanding PR in this region South Africa: Diversity. over 51 million people. 11 diff languages. Communicating to this vast nation is a challenge. No blanket communications campaign because of language, cultures and differing beliefs. poverty, low life expectancy, low literacy, poor health and nutrition, prevalance of diseases such as malaria and HIV/Aids. Nature of PR in africa: emphasis on nation building, development communication.. primarily in government sector, information model.. programs and campaigns benefit from folk media "pavement radio".. Opportunities growing as reforms take hold and spread.

How culture impacts PR in europe

page range (250-300) Diversity: no truly pan-european media. need segmented strategies anglo europe: the uk of great britain and northern ireland: individualism and high performance orientation The UK: people are more likely to debate/dispute messages, skepticism, tough questions from reporters, understatement/irony, tabloids Latin Europe: france, french speaking switzerland, italy, portugal, spain. High humane orientation, high institutional collectivism, influence of roman catholic church, more hierarchical than other parts of europe, work to live not live to work, paternalism France: the french ask why, demand for CSR, Creativity, give journalists background info, social and interactive, brand conscious Germanic Europe: Austria, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, German-speaking parts of switzerland: High uncertainty avoidance (like rules and order), punctuality, high performance orientation, rigorous thinking, low context communication/high assertiveness, high future orientation, debate Germany: Need to support information provided. Expectation for all sides to be discussed, facts/figures, many reporters believe CEO personal lives are fair game, privacy laws, some reticence toward publicity. Nordic europe: Denmark, finland, iceland, norway, sweden. work to live, quality of life. high gender egalitarianism, high future orientation, high institutional collectivism (needs of group), high uncertainty avoidance, punctuality, law of jante/not standing out, minimalism and functionalism, irreligious. Sweden: Openness and transparency, integrity of journalists, direct interpersonal communication, expectation to consult stakeholders, corporate social responsibility, internal communications Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia (recently communist places).. transitonal pr, collectivist towards family and less so at work, moderately competitive, high assertiveness. Russia: vast diverse, state ownership/influence of media, self censorship by media and fear of kremlin, western media available, influential bloggers, expectation for payments to journalists, black PR, lack of tradition transparency

how culture impacts pr in North africa

page starting at 300

What stakeholder (In asia and the Pacific) is the focus of a particularly large effort of public relations in this region

the government

Mexico PR to combat negative perception

tourists disappeared, cruise ships avoided ports, travel warnings, the goal was to help the government tell the real story that the media was flooding people with. Key messages: the conflict was contained and the drug wars were over Isolate the violence issue. Assured people the violence was limited in a small area. Leveraged influential americans who talked about great times in mexico. Online communities for sharing positive stories of their experience in mexico. POwerful business leaders telling unscripted stories about the mexico they know. pr and advertising campaign showing the beautiful luxury mexico. tons of interviews and positive articles to come out of this. Critical shift in tone that turned the country reputation around. Hotels doubled investment, cruise lines returned, tourism is back.

Best pr practice in australia

very strategic lots of research about impact before going to market the best practice is when pr is very integrated with marketing with internal communications with social media and the legal department. When pr is the heart of communications , that is best practice You make sure you're communicating to an environment ready to receive your message understand the market you're getting into, and how people feel about you when communicating to them how is australia different? you need to be able to develop a plan, creative execution, write content, and analyze post campaigns. even though australia has seen a rise in social media, people still want traditional media coverage both on and offline. important to build media networks what should a global company/individual do in australia? Research, how people feel about you, then develop local statistics and local stories that can endorse or help you communicate your message and make it relevant to a market. pr strategies must be highly tailored

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