Into to HTML
The <head> element contains the metadata for a web page.
The <html> element will contain all of your HTML code
The element name, surrounded by an opening (<) and closing (>) angle bracket
You can add a title to your web page by using the <title> element, inside of the head.
Code for visible HTML content is placed inside of the <body> element
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to create the structure and content of a webpage.
How to include a comment into your code
Comments are written in HTML using the following syntax: <!-- comment -->
HyperText is text displayed on a computer or device that provides access to other text through links, also known as "hyperlinks."
Information about the web page, like the title, belongs within the <head> of the page
Document Type Declaration
The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration should always be the first line of code in your HTML files
Opening Tag
the first HTML tag used to start an HTML element. The tag type is surrounded by opening and closing angle brackets
The <body> tag defines the document's body. The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.
a unit of content in an HTML document formed by HTML tags and the text or media it contains
Closing Tag
the second HTML tag used to end an HTML element. Closing tags have a forward slash (/) inside of them, directly after the left angle bracket.
Markup Language
A markup language is a computer language that defines the structure and presentation of raw text
A webpage's title appears in a browser's tab
Metadata is information about the page that isn't displayed directly on the web page.
Self-Closing Elements
Single-closing tags cannot enclose raw text or other elements
Whitespace between HTML elements helps make code easier to read while not changing how elements appear in the browser
<br /> *explain why there isn't a closing tag
The line break element <br /> is one example of a self-closing tag. You can use it anywhere within your HTML code. The result is a line break in the browser.
The HTML <p> element represents a paragraph of text.
Indentation also helps make code easier to read. It makes parent-child relationships visible