Intro & Unit 1 Test - Caribbean Studies

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Laws of Burgos

"We order that no person or people shall whip or abuse an Indian."

Columbus' 2nd Voyage

- 1493 - 17 ships - Sailed further South naming many of the Lesser Antilles - Explored Cuba and Jamaica - Brought farm animals, sugarcane, grapes, wheat (items not native to the Caribbean) - Visited La Navidad to find it empty

Columbus' 4th Voyage

- 1502 - 4 ships - Given strict orders to not go to Hispaniola - Explored parts of Central America - Stranded in Jamaica for about a year

Columbus' 3rd Voyage

- 1948 - 6 ships - Tensions rising in New World as Native revolts increased - Queen displeased

"New World"

- Americas - Caribbean Islands

Portuguese Navigation

- Caravels - Wind Patterns - Constellations - New Maps

"Old World"

- Europe - Asia - Middle East - Africa


- Haiti - Means mountainous lands

Columbus' 1st Voyage

- Left August 3, 1492 from Palos, Spain - Difficult journey across the Atlantic - Near mutiny (sailors anxious and upset at CC) - Landed October 12, 1492 (Columbus Day) in Bahamas - Named land "San Salvador" - "My Salvation" - 3 ships - Returns to Spain a Hero

Native Lifestyle

- Men hunted and fished - Women worked the land and raised children - Communities were hierarchical


- People of Greater Antilles - May have been other groups (Lucayans) but just called _______ - Depicted as peaceful, religious


- People of Lesser Antilles - People Columbus first encountered - More aggressive warriors who fought newcomers - Though to be cannibals - Not religious

Ways Natives Rebeled

- Poisoned Arrows - Worked Slow - Sabotaged Equipment - Escaped into Forset


- Step Spain took to control the economy in the NW - Gave plots of land - Crown allowed certain colonists to recruit Indians for forced labor - If wanted one had to apply, stating that the Indian labor provide the country with essential food and goods


- Step Spain took to control the economy in the NW - Portuguese for "factory" - Trading posts / commercial centers established in colonies - Served as warehouse, settlement, & staging point for exploration with a grant from the crown - Columbus wanted to mine gold


- Step Spain took to control the economy in the NW - Spaniards were allotted pieces of land, receiving at the same time the native people living on them - The allotments themselves were known as _________ and the process was the repartimiento


- Thought to be japan by Marco Polo - Had gold in great abundance - Palace with windows trimmed with gold - Paving throughout with slabs of gold

How Columbus Treated the Natives

- Would steal from them - Forced them to work - Conquered their lands - Brutally killed them

Nicolas de Ovando

2nd Man sent to govern in place of Columbus in Hispaniola.

Prince Henry the Navigator

A Portuguese man, who on July 25, 1415, sailed out of Lisbon, Portugal to reach Ceuta in North Africa, his target destination.


A history of connections and crossings (trade across the sea).


A volcanic island with a beautiful, fertile landscape that was rich in wood, explored in 1420 by the Portuguese and where in 1478-79 Columbus arrived and married a nobleman's daughter.

Amerigo Vespucci

America bears whose name because Columbus refused to admit that he never found the East?


An island too far north for sugar production but prospered with wine and grain, explored by the Portuguese in 1439.

Cape Verde Islands

An island with an arid desert climate, explored in the 1460s by the Portuguese.

Dutch Islands

Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao make of the .... ?

"Protector of the Indians"

Bartolome de las Casas nick name...

Diego & Batholome

Columbus and his brothers __________ & _____________ returned to Spain in chains.

Portuguese, English, French

Columbus got rejected by the ... in search for someone to fund his trip.


Columbus made ___ mistakes: - didn't know where North America is - though the earth was smaller

La Navidad

Columbus named the 1st settlement this because it was close to Christmas.


Columbus wanted to sail which direction to get to Asia? (away from Asia)


Cuba is the only island to have .... because the Europeans brought them to the Caribbean.


Despite Bartolomes' efforts who replaced the Indians as laborers?


Did Henry ever win in attacking the islands?


Did the natives (later on slaves) revolt and rebel against the Europeans?


Establishing colonies and settling the land is...


Europeans described these people as "going quite naked, except for a girdle of palm trees".

Christopher Columbus

Explorer from Genoa, Italy, who read the works of Marco Polo; An eager and ambitious despite his humble beginnings because he became a knowledgeable navigator due to the time he spent in Portugal observing his father-in-law who was a navigator.

Spain, England, Holland, France

For more than 500 years, the Caribbean were colonies of which 4 major European powers?

Colombian Exchange

Goods shipped from Old to New World is called? and was the constructive process of the Europeans.

Treaty of Alcacovas

In 1479, Spain got the Canary Islands and Portugal got Madeira, Azores and Cape Verde.


In 1490, Who eventually took control of the Canary Islands and began sugar production?

Old and New Worlds

In 1492, Columbus connected the ....

Treaty of Tordesillas

In 1494, Spain and Portugal established a line of demarcation.


In 1509, Columbus' son was given control of Hispaniola, after Ovando. What was his name?


In return, these people would give "tributes" (gold, maize, wheat or any other agricultural product) and were worked resentfully // Work, "Tribute"


In what year did Prince Henry organized an expedition of 2500 men that ended up being a disaster because the Guanche people strongly defended themselves?


It took ___________ 2 months to get from Spain to the Bahamas.

Glory to Spain

Italian Columbus representing Spain brought ...


Land is __________.

Francisco de Bobadilla

Man sent to govern in place of Columbus in Hispaniola.

La Isabella

Name of replacement settlement for La Navidad?


Population of Natives in Hispaniola at the time Columbus arrived =

Canary Islands

Prince Henry planned another expedition to the _________ ____________ when he heard that the French had been exploring them and then decided that he wanted Portugal to control the islands.

Super Highway

The 16 century sea, Atlantic Ocean.

North and South America

The Caribbean Islands look like a bridge between .... and there are thousands of islands.

South America

The Dutch Islands and Trinidad and Tobago are close to .... ?


The ___________ explored the islands of Madeira, Azores and Cape Verde Islands as a stopping point for the burgeoning maritime traffic and slave trade.

Elements of Caribbean History

The following makes up the ...... ? - CONNECTIONS between the islands and Europe - Persistence of myths and legends - Emotions: Dreams, Fantasies, Riches - Legacy of Slavery - Europeans started a process both destructive and constructive - Settlement was a time of upheaval (lethal combo of guns and germs, destroyed by Native Americans) - Clash between Old World and New required adaption to diaspora, slavery and disease. - Gold, Glory, God


The islands are mountain peaks except for where?

Fernidad and Isabella

The leaders of Spain, ________ & ________, were willing to listen because the Reconquista had just ended and they needed the riches to fix up the destroyed, bloody land.

Guns and Germs

The lethal combo that killed off the Native Americans.


The search for new lands and to get to know the areas resources.

Large Animals

There are no ____________ ____________ native to the Caribbean.

Population of Canary Islands

There were about 6,000 - 60,000 people when the Europeans arrived.


These Spaniards were to "Christianize" the natives, protect from pirates, and instruct them in the Spanish language // Protect, Shelter, Instruct

Columbus' Initial Encounter

This was not what he imagined: - "Indians" were handsome and tall - He was in the Caribbean not Asia/Indies


Trade winds blowing from what direction moderate the climate in the Caribbean?

Diaspora, Slavery, Disease

What are 3 things the New and Old World have to adapt to?

Caribbean Islands

What creates a chain that is 2,500 miles long and only 160 miles wide?


What did Europeans hope to find?


What does the Caribbean have that similar to us in Florida?


What empire was huge and rich?


What includes over 700 islands, mostly uninhabited, in the Atlantic and east of Florida?

Greater Antilles

What makes up the large islands of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti & DR) and Puerto Rico?

Lesser Antilles

What makes up the smaller islands that looks like a semicircle of islands enclosing the Caribbean to the east of Puerto Rico?

Claim and Acquire Land and Building and Empire

What was Columbus' goal to conquest?


What was the 2nd voyage the start of?

Disease, Labor, Murder

What were the natives main cause of death?


What year did Columbus died?

West Indies

What's another name for the Caribbean?


When the Muslims were all forced out of Spain of forced to convert to Catholicism.


Where did Columbus land first?


Where has there mostly been severe soil erosion (overworked soil)?

Bartolome de las Casas

Who is the Priest, missionary, ecomendero: Whose ecomienda was making him a wealthy man?

Guanche People of the Canary Islands

Who were the tall descendants of the North African Berber tribes?


With good ______ , everything will grow. Such as tropical fruits, sugar cane, tobacco, coffee.


____________ had conditions to his fundings as well they were: - title of Admiral of the Ocean Seas - viceroy over lands claimed - 10% of all profits

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