INTRO Test Sample Questions

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Hammers, pot handle, soda can

Examples of how to use a cylindrical grip

Facing forward, moving in a zigzag fashion

How should a patient using both upper extremities for wheelchair propulsion be taught to navigate up a particularly steep ramp or incline?

In the line of movement, Applied gradually

How should resistance be applied for strength assessment?


How should stairs be ascended with a wheelchair?

The patient may have tremors and extreme hunger

If a diabetic patient has too much insulin:

Above the elbow

If a supine patient has a flaccid upper extremity, how should the hand be positioned?


In an isotonic contraction:

Continue to rub until the hands are dry.

In applying an alcohol-based hand rub, what is the appropriate step to take after rubbing the product briskly over all surfaces of the hands?

At least every 2 hours

In general, how frequently should a dependent patient's positioned be changed?

It increases the base of support of the wheelchair and makes the wheelchair less "tippy."

In preparation for transferring a patient from a wheelchair to the bed, the caster wheels on the wheelchair should be aligned forward. Which of the following is the MOST CORRECT reason?

Fair Minus (F-) = 3-

Moves through less than available motion (at least 50%) against gravity and takes no resistance.

Poor Minus (P-) = 2-

Moves through less than full available motion (at least 50%) in gravity eliminated and takes no resistance

Zero = 0

No observable motion and no contraction tension is palpated

Trace (T) = 1

No observable motion but muscle contraction tension is palpated.


The prehension pattern that does NOT require thumb opposition is

Insufficient trunk support Difficulty positioning knees below a table difficulty propelling the wheelchair Poor posture when forearms rest on armrest

What may result if the wheelchair seat height is too high?

Increase his activity level Encourage fluid intake

When treating a patient with prolonged immobilization, we can help prevent urinary system problems by having the patient do which of the following:

Hook grip

Which grip is the thumb not involved in?


Which of the following creases is NOT associated with motion?

In the clinic, the therapist must take care to not pull on, dislodge or compress any tubes attached to the patient during the transfer.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding transfers?

The Informed Consent Process includes items such as a description of the proposed treatment and expected benefits from the treatment.

Which of the following is TRUE:


Which of the following should you do if your patient has a seizure?

By keeping your COG (Center Of Gravity) close to the COG of the object to be moved, the effect of levers on your body is reduced.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the principles of body mechanics?


Which of the following types of bed provides pressure relief by oscillating from side to side?

Pes Planus

Which of the following would MOST likely result in flat feet?

Focus on warming the extremities first to prevent neurological damage

Which of the following would NOT be appropriate when treating a patient with moderate hypothermia:


Which of the following would be covered by the ADA?

Elongated and weak L hip adductors

Which of the following would you NOT expect to find with a Left Handedness posture?

Prolonged hip flexion

Which position is most detrimental to a patient with a transfemoral amputation?

Prolonged hip flexion and external rotation, and ankle plantar flexion

Which positions of the involved lower extremity are most detrimental to a patient with hemiplegia?


Which postural deviation would result in the greatest anterior displacement of the greater trochanter in relation to the plumb line?

Seat width

Which wheelchair dimension should be examined if excessive pressure to the greater trochanters is noted?


A gravity eliminated movement occurs when the moving segment


For which motion is it necessary to prevent hip external rotation?


Position of the hand that allows for finger and thumb contact and facilitates manipulation of objects (grasping )

Tip prehension

What is the weakest pinch pattern?

Increased pressure on distal posterior aspect of thigh, Decreased function of upper extremities when propelling chair, unsafe mobility due to lack of clearance

What may result if wheelchair footplates are too low?

Increased pressure in popliteal area, Skin discomfort

What may result if wheelchair seat depth is too long?

Decreased trunk stability - less support under thighs, Increased weight on ischial tuberosities, Poor balance as BOS is reduced

What may result if wheelchair seat depth is too short?

Difficulty propelling when using upper extremity Difficulty perfomring a standing or lateral swing transfer, Difficulty moving through narrow hallways, Postural deviations

What may result if wheelchair seat width is too wide?

Seat height/Leg length Seat Depth Seat width Back height Armrest height

What parts must be accounted for, for wheelchair fitting?

A safety belt

What should a caregiver grasp to guard a patient during transfers?

Sliding board transfer, Lateral swing transfer

What sitting transfers are used when the patient has strength in the arms?


When a patient performs 75% or more of an activity but still needs assistance to complete the activity, this would be CORRECTLY noted as:

Sitting with the forearm and wrist both in neutral and resting on the table

When goniometrically measuring index finger MCP flexion the MOST correct patient position would be:

Following certain abdominal or back surgeries

When may a gait belt be contraindicated?


When propelling a wheelchair up an incline, in which direction should the patient lean?

Wheelchair push-ups and weight shifts

Which exercises would help a patient bound to a wheelchair alleviate pressure on the ischial tuberosities?


Which of the following boney prominences is NOT at risk in the prone position?


Which of the following is NOT an indication for passive exercise?

Extreme hip and knee flexion can affect ICP

Which of the following is TRUE regarding a patient on an Intracranial Pressure Monitor (ICP)

A patient may become susceptible to bladder infections, pneumonia, and constipation.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the effects of immobility?

-To shorten the lever arm of the legs -To decrease the friction of the legs on the bed -To allow the patient to assist with the movement

You are helping your patient move upward in bed (assisted mobility). Which of the following is/are reason(s) you will ask the patient to flex the hips and knees to place the feet on the bed?

TDWB with a small base quad cane

Your patient cannot put full weight on his left foot. Which of the following would NOT be appropriate?

Sliding board transfer

Your patient has recently undergone below knee amputations bilaterally. This is his first time to therapy. The patient's upper extremities are strong. You want to teach the patient to transfer from the wheelchair to the mat table. The type of transfer that would be most appropriate would be:


Your patient is having trouble reaching the handrims on his wheelchair so it is difficult for him to propel the wheelchair independently. This difficulty MOST likely results from which of the following errors in measurement?

Positions of comfort

Concerning burned or grafted burn areas, what should be avoided?

An adduction pillow to prevent excessive hip adduction

Following a total hip replacement, what device is often used for proper positioning?

Knee extension

Following a total knee replacement, in what position is it important to keep the affected extremity at rest?


Goniometry is used to measure which of the following

Forward or Backward

How can a curb be ascended with a wheelchair?

Forward or backward

How can a curb be descended with a wheelchair?

Measure from seat of chair to olecranon process with user's elbow flexed to 90 degrees, add 1 inch

How is the wheelchair armrest height measured?

Measure from posterior butt cheek, along lateral thigh to popliteal fold, subtract 2 inches to avoid pressure from front edge of seat

How is the wheelchair seat depth measured?

From user's heel to the popliteal fold, add additional 2 inches to allow clearance of the footrest

How is the wheelchair seat height measured?

Measure widest aspect of user's butt, hips, or thighs and add 1.5 inches

How is the wheelchair seat width measured?

Measure from seat of chair to the floor of the axilla with shoulder flexed to 90 degrees and subtract 4 inches

How is wheelchair back height measured?

Approximately through the greater trochanter

Ideal plumb alignment from a lateral view includes which of the following (what should the position of the plumb line be in relation to the landmarks)?

Normal (N) = 5

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes maximal resistance

Fair Plus (F+) = 3+

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes minimal/slight resistance.

Good (G) = 4

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes moderate resistance.

Good Plus (G+) = 4+

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes nearly maximal resistance

Good Minus (G-) = 4-

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes nearly moderate resistance.

Fair (F) = 3

Moves through full available motion against gravity and takes no resistance.

Poor (P) = 2

Moves through full available motion in gravity eliminated and takes no resistance.

To allow alignment with the appropriate landmarks Allows for proper stabilization and prevents deviation So the joint being measured is placed at the starting position To allow full ROM

Proper positioning for ROM measurements is important for which of the following reasons?


The most common grasp pattern is

Axillary crutches with a 3-point gait pattern

The patient is a 32 y.o. factory worker with a right femur fracture following a MVA. The patient is NWB on the right and has a long leg cast. His strength is WNL for both UEs and the L LE. Choose the MOST appropriate assistive device and gait pattern.

Prone with the head of the bed flat, with his hips in neutral and his knees in as much extension as possible.

The patient is a 35 y.o. whose left leg was surgically amputated below the knee following a motorcycle accident. He is six weeks post surgery. Upon evaluation you find a 17 degree flexion contracture of the left knee and tightness in the left hip flexors. Which of the following would be the BEST position for this patient?

Reciprocal walker with a 4-point gait pattern

The patient is a 43 y.o. with MS (multiple sclerosis), a long-term neurological disorder. The patient currently has global weakness (her legs are weaker than her arms) and her balance is fair (pretty wobbly). Choose the MOST appropriate assistive device and gait pattern.

Elbow flexion Shoulder adduction and internal rotation

The patient is status post burn graft to the right anterior shoulder/axilla and elbow. What position(s) should be AVOIDED when positioning this patient for long term?

Difficulty propelling chair forward, Skin irritation

What if the wheelchair back height is too high?

Lateral prehension

What ist he strongest pinch pattern?


With an Anterior Pelvic Tilt you would expect to find all the following EXCEPT:


Your patient uses a monopoint cane on the right. Which of the following gait patterns would be APPROPRIATE for this patient?

Posterior pelvic tilt

All of the following can lead to a Kypholordotic Posture Except:

stand by assistance (SBA)

Patient may need verbal or tactile cues, Caregiver is positioned close but not touching the patient

maximum assistance

Patient performs 25-50% of activity

moderate assistance

Patient performs 50-75% of activity

minimum assistance

Patient performs 75% or more of the activity

Increased pressure on ischial tuberosities, Difficulty getting chair under table/desk, Decreased trunk stability

What may result if wheelchair footplates are too high?


What structure will contribute to a firm endfeel?

Standing, Lateral swing as COG is lower

What transfers may be difficult if wheelchair seat is too low?

Apply resistance to the R plantar flexors

When performing a strength assessment in preparation for transferring a patient who had a R total hip replacement (THR) 3 days ago, it would be MOST appropriate for you to:


benefit of passive exercise EXCEPT:


Signs of hypoglycemia

Take the segment to the end of the available range, apply overpressure, state the end feel based on the response to the overpressure

The correct technique for determining end feel is:

Widen your stance in a staggered (anterior/posterior) position and Widen your stance in a parallel or lateral stance (feet side by side)

The easiest way(s) to increase your Base of Support when lifting a heavy object from the floor to a shelf at your shoulder level is to:


The grasp that is used to hold a flat object such as a book or plate is:

flexion to decrease tension on the biceps brachii

To measure shoulder hyperextension, the elbow should be in

Change of direction

What do caster wheels allow?

Prevent patient from falling out or sliding forward in chair

What is a wheelchair lap belt used for?

plan ahead so you are not carrying it for very long

When carrying a heavy item it is best to:

Opening a jar/lid

When is the disc grasp used?

Lateral ears, lateral ribs, greater trochanters, and humeral epicondyles

Which areas of the side-lying patient are at greatest risk for pressure sores?

Increased diuresis resulting in increased plasma production

All of the following are effects of immobilization on the cardiovascular system EXCEPT: -Decreased vessel regulation resulting in decreased blood pressure -Orthostatic Hypotension which could result in syncope -Decrease in venous return to the heart -Increased diuresis resulting in increased plasma production -Thrombus formation which could result in a pulmonary embolus


During an isometric contraction the muscle

With the hips and knees flexed and feet flat on the bed

During an upward movement transfer of a supine patient, how should the patient's lower extremities be positioned?


During hip flexion the knee is allowed to flex so:

a. Adduction of the replaced hip beyond midline b. Internal rotation c. Hip flexion beyond 90 degrees Correctd. All of the above

In transferring a patient with a recent total hip replacement from a chair to a bed, which motions should be avoided?

Trace Plus (T+) = 1+

Minimal observable motion (less than 50 %) in gravity eliminated and takes no resistance.

Sidelying on the left side, with the head supported in midline, left scapula positioned in slight protraction; left arm in reverse T; right arm brought forward and supported on several pillows to prevent shoulder adduction and internal rotation, the elbow in as much extension as possible, wrist in neutral or slight extension and the fingers extended.

The patient is 68 y.o. who had a Left CVA resulting in Right hemiplegia. The Right upper extremity has increased muscle tone and rests in shoulder adduction and internal rotation with the elbow, wrist and hand in flexion. There is a stage II pressure ulcer on the patient's sacrum and on the Right heel. Which of the following would be the BEST position for this patient?


The patient is a 45 year old with a spinal cord injury. The patient has no volitional movement of the legs. The patient spends 10 hours a day sitting in a wheelchair. Where is the patient at greatest risk for developing pressure ulcers?

Sidelying on the Left (Right side toward the ceiling)

The patient is a 49 year old who is in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator. Pressure ulcers have developed in the following locations: the occiput, the right scapular spine, the right heel, and the right lateral malleolus. How would this patient be BEST positioned in a regular hospital bed?

Hemiwalker with a modified 4-point gait pattern

The patient is a 65 y.o. who had a right CVA one week ago resulting in left hemiplegia. Strength of the right extremities is normal. The L UE is flaccid and the L LE has moderate weakness. Balance is good. The patient can ambulate in the parallel bars and is ready to progress. Choose the MOST appropriate assistive device and gait pattern.

Rolling walker with a modified 3-point gait pattern

The patient is a 72 y.o. female who had a fall at home when getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. She is in the hospital following a R THR 2 days ago. Her doctor has ordered 20% PWB on the R. Her strength is normal for both UEs and the L LE. Choose the MOST appropriate assistive device and gait pattern.

15-30 seconds

What is the recommended length of time for hand washing with ordinary soap and water?


T/F In this course we will always use a safety belt (or gait belt) when performing a patient transfer.


The wheelchair that would be most appropriate for a patient with orthostatic hypotension is: (Select 1)(1pts)

Round objects, balls, apples

What is the spherical grip used for?

Lowering the head of the bed to decrease the work of moving for you and the patient

You need to move your patient up in bed. Your patient is watching TV in bed so the head of the bead is elevated approximately 10 degrees with a thin pillow under his head. The MOST appropriate method to move the patient up in bed (assisted mobility) would include which of the following?

Holding flat objects

What is the intrinsic grasp used for?

combination of strong thumb flexion and adduction with powerful flexion of the ring and small fingers

What is the power grip?


symptom of heat stroke EXCEPT

Left side lying, with the right arm supported on pillows, a pillow behind the back above the sacrum to stabilize the trunk, and with the right hip and knee flexed and supported on pillows.

A hospitalized patient has developed a pressure ulcer on her sacrum and right lateral malleolus. Which of the following is the BEST option for this patient's long term positioning?

3 degrees of extension and 138 degrees of flexion of the R knee 3 - 138 degrees of R knee flexion

A patient remains in 3 degrees of R knee flexion when the ankle is supported on a towel and the calf is off the support surface. Knee flexion is measured at 138 degrees. How would this range accurately be recorded?

The shoulder remains in 5 degrees of external rotation when the therapist attempts to move the shoulder into internal rotation

A therapist recorded R shoulder internal rotation as - 5 degrees of zero. This means:

Lower extremity amputation

A wheelchair in which the rear wheel axle is positioned approximately 2 inches posterior to the normal position is designed to accommodate a patient with:


According to ADA guidelines, a ramp with a two-foot vertical rise should be at least

Contact Guard Assistance (CGA)

Caregiver is positioned close to the patient with hands on the patient or safety belt

Increase blood flow

Effects of prolonged immobility DO NOT include:

-Decreased muscle mass -Decreased muscle strength -Decreased endurance -Changes in muscle bulk which begins within hours of immobilization

Lack of muscle use from prolonged immobilization may result in which of the following

Poor Plus (P+) = 2+

Moves through full available motion in gravity eliminated and takes minimal slight resistance.


On the first rep of shoulder flexion the patient's humerus comes to rest against the surface of the table before finding the end of the available range of motion. The BEST course of action would be to:


Passive exercise should be discontinued when


Positioning the patient so that the head is lower than the body is used to treat which form of shock:


T/F Patients with an endotracheal tube should avoid cervical spine movement

A Deep Squat Lift requires a full squat and a Power Lift requires only a partial squat

The difference between a Deep Squat Lift and a Power Lift is


The normal value for ankle dorsiflexion is


The normal value for hip abduction is:

Axillary crutches with a platform attachment on the L with a 3-point gait pattern

The patient is an active 52 y.o. who tripped and fell while hiking, fracturing the R lateral malleolus and the L distal radius. The patient has a short leg cast on the R and is NWB. The L wrist and hand are casted. Strength in the L LE and R UE are WNL. The patient has no other injuries and her balance is good. Choose the MOST appropriate assistive device and gait pattern.

Corresponds with the distal row of carpal bones

The proximal transverse arch

Could you repeat that to make sure you can follow my instructions?

We will ask our patient to repeat our instructions prior to attempting the transfer. Which of the following statements would NOT be an appropriate way to make this request?

Ankle edema, Color changes in toes, feet, or legs, Decreased sensory response to surface stimuli Loss of hair follicles

What are signs and symptoms of decreased circulation to the lower extremities?

Standing dependent pivot, Standing assisted pivot

What are the 2 types of standing transfers?

False perception of strength

What could testing a joint at end range result in?

The distance from the user's posterior buttock to the popliteal fold, minus 2 inches

What distance is used to determine proper wheelchair seat depth?

Increased base of support of wheelchair

What does having the caster wheels forward allow?

Information to allow you to decide which transfer to use

What does strength assessment provide for transfers?

Palm to flatten or cup to accommodate different sized objects

What does the longitudinal arch allow?

Height is below inferior angle of scapulae

What does the subtraction of 4 inches for wheelchair back height allow?

Fine motor coordination

What does the tip prehension require?

a. Internal rotation of the femurs b. Difficult lateral sitting transfers c. A tendency for the pelvis to slide forward Correctd. All of the above

What is a potential disadvantage of a sling or hammock seat cushion?

To hold small objects, tying a shoe lace or bow

What is the function of palmar prehension?

Where the head swings, the hips will swing in the opposite direction

What is the heads/hips relationship?

cylindrical grip

What is the most common type of grip?

They should be put into specially designated containers without manipulation.

What is the proper protocol for disposing of sharp instruments?

Extends civil right to persons with disabilities Improves opportunity for employment Access to public transportation Access to public services Access to certain types of telecommunications

What is the purpose/intent of the ADA?

Standby assistance

What level of assistance is used if a patient requires only verbal cues to perform an activity safely and within an acceptable time frame?

Difficulty changing position, Excessive pressure on greater trochanters, Difficulty wearing bulky garments

What may result from wheelchair seat being too narrow?

Maximal assistance

What type of transfer assistance is used when the patient performs only 25 to 49 percent of the activity?

on the patient's scapula by bringing your hands between the patient's arms and trunk with your forearms near the patient's axillae

When assisting a patient to move up in bed you should place both of your hands:

Area to be observed is exposed while protecting patient's modesty Area to be treated can be moved and remained draped Patient asked if gown or clothing can be adjusted or removed

When draping a patient, which of the following must be considered:

When patients has one involved leg which is weaker, painful, or injured

When is standing assisted pivot transfer used?

With loss of median and ulnar nerve function

When is the intrinsic grasp unable to be used?

Patient has equal strength in both legs, both legs should be blocked

When is the standing dependent pivot transfer used?

external rotation to keep the greater tubercle of the humerus from hitting the glenoid fossa or acromial process

When measuring shoulder complex abduction, the humerus should be placed in:

Move individual body segments a small amount at a time

When performing dependent or assisted bed mobility with a patient in the clinic or hospital, one should:

overhead in full shoulder flexion, if the patient has the range

When rolling a pt. from supine to prone, towards the patient's left side, the left UE should be positioned:

Hand washing should be performed after all of the above activities.

When should hand washing be performed?

Acromion processes, forehead, crests of the tibias, and dorsum of the feet

Which areas of a prone patient are at greatest risk for pressure sores?

Occipital tuberosity, spines of the scapula, sacrum, and heels

Which areas of a supine patient are at greatest risk for pressure sores?

anterior superior iliac spines (ASISs)

Which body areas with bony prominences are at risk of pressure in the prone position?

Persons with a BKA (below knee amputation) are susceptible to soft tissue contractures in the position of hip flexion, external rotation, abduction, and knee flexion.

Which of the following are TRUE regarding patient positioning?

The size of the goniometer is important and should be selected based on the size of the joint

Which of the following is CORRECT for Goniometry:


Which of the following is NOT a sign of decreased circulation in the legs?

Caregivers should be instructed to monitor the user for signs of decreased circulation in the legs.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding long term wheelchair use?

Confirm patient; proposed treatment/benefits; potential negatives; offer alternative treatment; re-emphasize benefits of proposed treatment; request permission.

Which of the following is the MOST CORRECT order for an informed consent


Which of the following is the primary source of pain in Flat Back posture?

Subjects name, age and gender Date and time of the measurement Deviations from the typical position Type of motion being measured

Which of the following should be included with goniometry documentation:

You should provide a clean contact to help the patient activate the appropriate muscle group.

With regard to the strength assessment, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Left arm across the trunk with the elbow flexed and the left hand near the right shoulder

You are helping your patient (assisted mobility) move from supine into right sidelying. What is the appropriate positioning of the left arm to minimize the risk of the hand getting caught under the trunk during the roll into sidelying? Left arm across the trunk with the elbow flexed and the left hand near the right shoulder -Left arm across the trunk with the elbow extended and the left hand at the midline of the chest -Left arm in a Reverse T position -Left arm by the patients left side -Left arm in complete shoulder flexion, if the patient has the range

0-145 degrees of L shoulder abduction

You are recoding the PROM for a patient with a left shoulder injury. The patient is able to start at neutral and his left arm abducts to 145 degrees. The proper documentation would be

10 - 125 degrees of R knee flexion

You are recording goniometric measurements for R knee ROM. Your patient is lacking 10 degrees of knee extension and is able to flex the knee to 125 degrees. The appropriate documentation for the patient's ROM would be:

The patient should push his feet down into the bed to help lift the pelvis

You are watching a patient lying in the supine position perform independent bed mobility side to side. Which of the following is/are CORRECT? The patient should move the upper trunk and lower trunk together


You are working with an immobilized patient with a quadriplegic spinal cord injury. You roll the patient from supine to left sidelying and note an area of skin overlying the sacrum that is blanched (lighter in color than surrounding areas). Is this a cause for concern

Have him tuck his R ankle behind his L ankle and lie down on his R side

Your patient had a R CVA resulting in L hemiplegia. He is sitting on the edge of the low mat table and you are going to assist him to lie down. Which of the following would be MOST appropriate?

Have both hands over the tops of the patient's shoulders as he uses his arms to push his trunk up into sitting then keep one hand on his trunk and use your other hand to guide his left leg off the left side of the bed.

Your patient had a left TKR (total knee replacement) yesterday and you are assisting the patient with moving from supine to sitting on the edge of the bed. Which of the following statements is the BEST method to assist the patient?


Your patient suffered traumatic amputations of the R LE above the knee and the L LE below the knee. He will soon be trained with bilateral prostheses (artificial legs). The BEST position to recommend to this patient to prevent hip contractures would be:


Your patient uses a unilateral device on the left. The patient moves the left hand/device forward simultaneously with the right foot, then moves the left foot forward. Which gait pattern is the patient using?

A rib hump is most evident when the patient is standing erect

true about Scoliosis EXCEPT

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