Intro to Mass Media Exam #2

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Categories of Consumer Mags

1. Alternative: Mother Jones 2. Business/money: Money, Black Enterprise 3. Celebrity and entertainment: People, Entertainment Weekly 4. Children's: Highlights, Ranger Rick 5. Computer: Internet, PC World 6. Ethnic: Hispanic 7. Family: Fatherhood, Parenting


100 mags---> 600 mags

Saturday Evening Post

1821, continued for 148 years they became more successful and prominent because of increased literacy and cheaper printing--also social movements like labor reform

Specialization ranks

1: Toiletries and Cosmetics ---> 10: Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Toiletries are on top and drugs are #2, tech isnt listed

How many mags are sold in the US every year? and how much $ is profited and from where?

360 million, $30 billion/year, $15 billion of it due to advertising

Trends and convergence in Mag publishing stats

60% of readers 14 and older say they pay more attention to print advertising in magazines than online (why? Paper magazine dedicated to ads instead of online where there is too much noise 8 in 10 prefer reading printed version) 70% enjoy reading print magazines even though know they can find most of the same info online

What percent of sales are subscriptions or single copy?


Who are audiences for magazines?

94% of people w some college education read at least one magazine, overall 93% of all americans read a magazine and adults on avg read 7.7 issues a month

American Magazine

Andrew Bradford

General Magazine

Ben Franklin

The Era of Specialization

Collier's mag was first to cease publication bc TV was making it's rise, alterations in nations culture (social movements, tv) no matter what mags couldn't keep up w TV. Mags were weekly and tv continuous.

Developing Media Literacy Skills

Detecting the use of and determining the informational value of advertorials is only one reason media literacy is important when reading magazines.

Trends and convergence in Magazine Publishing

Even though number of ad pages declining, total readerships of American consumer magazines continue to grow. This is part of convergence ^ As one goes down, other is increasing

Accountability Guarantees

Guaranteeing through independent testing that it's readers are able to recall content, they are unable to recall on an agreed upon level the adv will receive free ad pages until recall reaches the benchmark

Scope of magazine industry

Mags now exceed 20,000 and in 2012 new mags being launched totaled 227

Problem w circulation then and now

NO internet/now we have digital version that must be computed

Measuring circulation

Regardless of how circulation occurs, it is monitored through research

Advertiser Influence over Magazine Content

Sometimes controversial - influence that some advertisers attempt to exert over content Magazine editors must satisfy advertisers as well as readers One common way is to shape content is in the placement of ads

Magazines were truly America's first national medium


Incorporation of digital

The ABC became platform against agnostic due to the recognition that circulation should include digital editions and apps ABC renamed itself Alliance for Audited Media (AAM). Provides reliable circulation figures, as well as important population and demographic data Try to incorporate digital


The revolving cylinder he used to play the horses running-machine for projecting slides onto a distant surface o Muybridge was an assistant to Thomas Edison

Muckrackers cont.

Theodore Roosevelt coined it as an insult, but they wore it proudly. Their targets were the powerful, beneficiaries the poor

Contemporary mags divided in 3 types

Trade: professional business magazines (specific professions distribute themselves) Industrial: company sponsored magazines (for employees) Consumer magazines: sold ny subscriptions at newsstands and other retail outlets ex. New Yorker


ads that appear in magazine and take on the appearance of genuine editorial content: •Goal is to put commercial content before readers, cloaked in respectability of editorial content

Magazines and their audiences

audiences changed, WW2 changed the nature of america and they became more interested in narrower publications such as GQ and Self (ex. narrowcasting) the new secret to success was specialization and lifestyle orientation

Why did ad agencies want magazines?

bc read by large national audience, literacy increase, price decrease, and production increase. Great way to reach wide demographic and illiterate people can still recognize advertisement so circulation became the most important for setting ad rates

Independent studios

branched out and moved to Hollywood o Weather was better and it stayed lighter longer

Pass along readership

circulation changed bc of it. someone buys magazine and someone who didn't pay for it reads it after, ex. Doctor office or library. Advertisers demand more precise measurements and new metrics are being formed in and out of the industry

Digital Fakery

commercial manipulating woman's face for AD People still willing to read magazine or look at ads even though we know they are edited. People still appreciate altered images - like how they look


could film, Print and project from one machine and was mobile to move

ad pull policy

demand for an advance review of a magazine's content, with threat of pulled advertising if dissatisfied with that content • ^ is that fair? If paying, want to make sure ad is placed in right spot • From agency perspective (agree), from journalism (not so sure)

Audit Bureau Circulations

established to provide reliability to booming magazine industry


expose corruption (eg. chicago meat factory) the difference between investigative reporter and muckrackers is time period, they are synonoyms. It isnt as important nowadays because there are so many ways to get information

Early Magazine Industry

favorite medium of the british elite and two prominent colony printers hoped to duplicate success in the new world: Andrew Bradford and Benjamin Franklin

Time mag

first published 1923, made profit within a year, still alive and well

Single Sponsor Mags

having only one advertiser throughout an entire issue--Benefits- guaranteed income from that advertiser, more content, allows for reduced clutter and competition (budweiser beats out other companies but costs more) Ex. Salute to America mag- Ford was only adv in 75 page mag and adv a specific audience-troops over seas

The magazine's identity

in 1850's: now US material, specialist writers took hold, detailed illustrations (yellow journalism), but still aimed at literate elite w short stories and poems

Kinetograph vs Kinetoscope, Cinemography and kinetograph

kinetograph- first motion picture camera kinetoscope-doesnt project images, allows u to see them cinematography-photographed and projected films onto a screen

Commercial media impressions

mag adv ranked first in making a pos. impression and second is video game ads, more adults trust magazine ads then they do tv and advertising

Magazine Advertising

mag specialization exists bc they are demographically similar readership of publication is attractive to advertisers, they want to target ads for their products and services to those most likely to respond despite 30% tumble in # of ad pages ads still lucrative


more intimate to read hard copy than having other browsers open focused on specific magazine content *


multiple mediums become integrated

1906 australia

o "Ned Kelly Game" o Costed $2,250 o 16 minutes long, 12 are in existence today

Louie La Prince

o 1888 Paris o 1st short sequences of film o Motion capture cinematography sequences o Mysterious disappearance on his way to show his invention in Paris

The Lumiere Brothers

o 1895 showed 10 Lumiere films o Hosted in the Grand Café in Paris o 1st to charge an entrance fee o 1 Frank to enter o

Edwin S. Porter

o 1903- "The Greatest Train Robbery o Used a monta o 12 minutes long o The 1st to tell a western story and edit the film


o 1st sound was in 1853 o It was a cylinder phonograph

Camera Obscura

o Box with a reflective glass, so when light entered the box, the mirror would reflect the image onto the wall o Originated in Italy in 17th century, but artist unknown

George Meiles

o French Filmmaker o Made narrative motion picture "movies that tell a story" -Edison and Lumiere were becoming boring


o GE (general Electric) made and Warner Brothers bought oUsed a disc system o "The Jazz Singer" o It used black make up to signify an actor playing an African American o At this time (1927) Jews and African Americans were still seen as outsiders

Serge Eisenstein

o In Russia he was using montage as well o Montage is just putting images together to mean something o For example, Ear + Door = Ease dropping

Thomas Edison

o Made 1st movie parlor, "kinetoscope" parlor o Made picture shows o "Black Maria" the name for a police paddy wagon at the time o These were completed films, not projected

DW Griffith

o Made 1st movie, sound and film, o "Adventure of Dolly" o He directed over 450 films in his life o First to schedule rehearsals before final shootings, costume and lighting designs, close up angles, and the portray of emotions vividly o "Film of a nation" was a Civil War movie, that proved to be racist and he was disliked for it. o He had a 17 year exile from Hollywood before he died because of how controversial his movies were

Edward Muybridge

o Series of still shots o Example: He took still shots of a horse race, and when he later played them at a faster pace, the horses appeared to be running


o Studied and wrote about light rays o Used a camera obscura

companies at this time

o The Triangle Company o 20th Century Fox o Universal o Paramount


o They were theaters that costed a nickel to go into

• William Fox Talbert

o Was the first to use negative and positive photo type o This was important because he could put the images on paper o He could print again and again on paper to mass produce an image

Postal Act of 1879

permitted magazines to be distributed cheaply

Mass Circulation Era

prospered in civil war years, by 1885 3,300 mags and crucial expansion was women's magazine because of the women's suffrage social movement taking place, advertisers wanted to be in the mags

Controlled circulartion

refers to providing magazine at no cost to readers who meet some specific set of advertiser attractive criteria, this is controlling demographics, it is no cost to tap into specific audience ex. airline and hotel mags

Who were these mags aimed at and were they successful?

small number of literate colonists and no because they had no postal service

Split Runs

special versions of a given issue in which editorial content and ads vary according to some specific demographic or regional grouping (think abt editorial ads varying between groups and reigons) Ex. Time as 8 reigon editions, more than 50 state trends and 8 professional oriented editions

Types of circulation

subscription, or single copy sales , controlled circulation

Why are magazine readers more attentive?

they dont always get right to it, something you look forward to, level of engagement w buyer, consumers pay for mags, personal experience

Change in mag style

they focused more on US matters so it began to look less like London publications and journalism historians called it "the time of significant beginnings"


total number of issues of a magazine are sold (NOT about amount of magazines read)

Social and demographic changes in the post-Civil-War-era

urbanization, Indistrialization, spread of railroads, development of consumer brands and brand names and they all helped produce and explosion in the number of advertising agencies

Reason's for growth in MCE

widespread literacy increased, Postal Act of 1879, spread of railroad, reduction in cost

Early Entrepreneurs

• California Governor, Leland Standord o Needed assistance from a friend, Edward Muybridge


• Created in the first century by the chinese • Rotating cylinder with images in succession

The magic lantern

• No one origin • A simplistic slide projector

Big Studios

• Thomas Edison opened Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) in 1908 • 10 companies that controlled the entire film industry • They controlled with an "iron fist"

1824- Peter Mark Rojey

• persistence of vision • when a series of pictures is displayed in a quick enough manior it is seen as a moving image • It was proven that this was a process in the mind not in the eye- an illusion

Ways adv find out the data:

•In 2006, audience assessment firm Mcpheters & Co. rolled out a new measurement service, (3/30 links worked. Even though textbook said it was an emerging system, it is not today) o Designed to provide near real-time information on magazine distribution, readership, and engagement it Tallies # of people magazine reaches, but also effect its ads have on brand awareness, and readers' intent to buy (now not a matter of circulation but centered around predictability)

Video: C-Span Video

•Teddy Roosevelt made up the name Muckraker because he was friends with these people •Muckrakers today could be the late Michael Hastings? •He had an impact and was well-researched •However, difference was they mobilized public opinion in order to force the government to do something •Muckrakers created information that were well researched and 20000+ words

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