IPC Test #1 (ch 1-3)

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6 Suggestions to increase Self-Esteem

1. Attack self destructive beliefs 2. Seek out Nourishing people 3. Be aware of the impostor phenomenon (disregard your signs of success) 4. Secure affirmation (I AM statements) 5. Work on projects that will result in success 6. Remind yourself of your successes

Key principles of IPC (7/8 of them)

1. Communication is purposeful 2. communication is transactional 3. communication is a package of signals 4. communication is a process adjustment 5. communication involves content and relationship dimensions 6. communication is ambiguous, 7. communication is punctuated 8. communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable

Nature of IPC (6)

1. Interpersonal comm involves interdependent individuals 2. Interpersonal communication is inherently relational 3. Interpersonal communication exists on a continuum 4. Interpersonal communication involves verbal and nonverbal messages 5. Interpersonal communication takes place in varied forms 6. Interpersonal communication involves choices

Nature of IPC 6

1. Interpersonal comm involves interdependent individuals 2. Interpersonal communication is inherently relational 3. Interpersonal communication exists on a continuum 4. Interpersonal communication involves verbal and nonverbal messages 5. Interpersonal communication takes place in varied forms 6. Interpersonal communication involves choices

Self-Esteem (Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral)

A measure of how valuable you think you are. Cognitive: thinking about who you would like to be, strengths and weaknesses. etc. Affective: feelings about yourself garnered through cognitive process. Behavioral: your behaviors, assertiveness, etc.

Impression Formation: Self fulfilling prophecy

A prediction that comes true because you act on it as if it were true. It occurs when you act on your schema as if it were true and in doing so make it true.

Impression Formation

A variety of processes that you go through in forming an impression of another person

5 stages of perception: 5. Recall

Accessing the info you have stored in memory. Recall info consistent w/schema. We reconstruct what has happened. We store the reconstruction. Might make us revise our schema.


Adopting traits of dominant culture-- immigrants do this.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is ambiguous

All messages and all relationships are potentially ambiguous

Ways to increase accuracy in impression formation

Analyze Impressions, Check perceptions, Reduce Uncertainty, Increase Cultural Sensitivity


Anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows down the transmission of information

Ways to grow in Self-Awareness

Ask yourself about yourself, listen to others, seek info about yourself, see your different selves. Increase open self! Tell people about yourself.

Communicating with Minduflness

Beware of relying too heavily on first impressions, Become conscious of unproductive communication patterns, be open to new information and points of view.


Both functions are performed by individuals. But this means the person who starts/initiates the conversation.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is punctuated

Communication events are continuous transactions, punctuated into causes and effects for convenience

Nature of IPC: Exists on a continuum

Communication ranges from impersonal to highly personal. (social role versus personal information), (societal versus personal rules), (social versus personal messages).

5 aspects of culture

Cultural evolution/cultural relativism, sex and gender, the transmission of culture, the importance of culture, the aim of a cultural perspective

5 aspects of culture: cultural evolution/cultural relativism

Cultural evolution: human species evolved from earlier life forms to homo sapiens, cultures also evolve. Means some cultures are more advanced than others. Cultural relativism: all cultures are different but no culture is either superior or inferior.

Ways to manage impression

DRESS well, be interested in the other person, Request rather than demand, show credibility, influence other, monitor what you say in interactions

5 aspects of culture: the importance of culture

Demographic changes: We need to adapt to new ways of communicating as our demographics change and develop. Sensitivity to cultural differences, we value cultural differences. Economic dependence. Advances in technology, make intercultural communication easier. Interpersonal comm is culture specific.

Ways to check perceptions

Describe what you see/hear, seek confirmation, see if you are describing the situation accurately

How has a communication channel either helped or hindered the communication that was taking place?

During summer sessions I have taken classes online from my hometown through ASU. I like to be in contact with my professors, so online communication through emails has proven to be extremely beneficial. Without the ASULearn interface and email, I would have not been able to keep in contact with my instructors.

7 impression management goals: To hide faults- self monitoring strategies

Emphasize the positive and minimize the negative.

Encoding vs. Decoding

Encoding refers to the act of producing messages (i.e. speaking). Decoding is the reverse and refers to the act of understanding messages, for (i.e. listening).

7 impression management goals: To be believed- Credibility strategies

Establish competence, character and charisma. Mention background, things you have done, be honest, have positive personality.

How do you approach communication?

Future oriented: always thought about my future education/what my goals were.

5 stages of perception: 3. Interpretation-evaluation

Greatly influenced by experiences, needs, wants, values, beliefs about the way things are or should be, expectations, etc. Interpret/evaluate through your schema.

Aspects that should be a part of IPC ethics

Honesty, respect, understanding, kindness. These will encourage positive IPC.

Cultural Differences: power distance

How power is distributed in society. High power distance: power is concentrated in the hands of a few, great difference between the power held by these citizens (Russia, Romania.) Low power distance: power is more evenly distributed, more comfortable approaching people in power.

How have I used the fundamental attribution error?

I have a friend that attends a different university and we did not talk with one another for quite some time. I would try to contact her, but she would only send short replies. I thought she was angry or just being rude, contributing it to her internal personality. She eventually got back to me and told me that she was having a really busy semester and was sorry that she could not talk as much, so it was actually the context of the situation that was causing the communication issues.

My Johari Window

I have a sizable open self portion, there is a good amount of information that both I and others know. Since I am very open, my hidden self is smaller, there is not much information about myself that I know but others do not. Since I try to be self-aware, my unknown self portion of the window would be the smallest. I am sure that there are still things that I do not know about myself, but others are aware of-- making my blind self window area a medium size to compliment the entire window.

How have you used the 6 ways to increase self esteem?

I seek out nourishing people often, as these are people are positive and optimistic. Friends that enhance my self esteem and make me feel good about myself are great for whenever I feel down about myself. They can also help remind myself of all of the things that I have succeeded in. For example, all of the projects that I have completed-- such as my honors thesis. These show that I have competency in skills and prove that I am capable of success. I often look at old projects to help uplift my feelings towards myself.

Halo/Reverse Halo Effect

If a person has some positive qualities, you are likely to infer that she/he has other positive qualities. If a person has negative qualities, you infer that they have other negative qualities.

Primary/Recency effect

If what comes first exerts the most influence it is primary, if what comes last exerts the most it is Recency.


Image of who you are, consists of your feelings and thoughts about your strengths and weaknesses, you abilities and limitations, and your aspirations and worldview.

Impersonal vs Personal Relationships

Impersonal: Server and customer, taxi driver and passenger, drive through worker and customer Personal: Long time lovers, close and best friends, parents and children, members of organizations

7 impression management goals: To be liked- Affinity Seeking/Politeness Strategies

Increase your chances of being liked, help others, important in initial interactions. Make ourselves to appear likable, positive/negative face. Positive: viewed favorably, negative: desire to do as we wish.

Cultural Differences

Individual and collective orientation, high and low context cultures, power distance, masculine and feminine cultures, high ambiguity/low ambiguity, long/short term orientation, indulgence/restraint

Informer vs. Meformer

Informer: those who shared info and also replied to others Meformer: give out information about themselves only

Nature of IPC: Involves choices

Interpersonal messages are the result of the choices you make. WE MAKE CHOICES. Choice points: moments when you have to make a choice about whom you you communicate with, what you say, etc.

Nature of IPC: Inherently relational

It takes place within a relationship, the way you communicate is determined in great part by the kind of relationship that exists between you and that person. It also influences the relationship you develop.

Ways to adjust communication

Learn individuals signals, as everyone is unique. Different cultures have different rules. Communication accommodation: speakers adjust to or accommodate the speaking style of their listeners to gain social approval. Each culture has RULES.


Medium through which messages pass, bridge connecting source and receiver.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable

Messages are almost always being sent, cannot be uncommunicated and are always unique (one-time) occurrences

5 aspects of culture: the aim of a cultural perspective

Must understand cultural influences to understand how communication works. It influences how you interact with your friends/family. Need a cultural understanding to communicate effectively in intercultural situations. You don't have to follow these alternative cultures/or even your own, just understand they influence.

A situation where you have seen these principles in action

My roommate tries to take back her words a lot with us. There have been several times where she will say hurtful things, but attempt to backtrack and redact the things that she has said. This goes against the principle of communication being inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable. What she said to me already had processed through my mind, which meant that her attempts to rephrase fell on short ears. This concept definitely helps reveal how people can hurt others without even realizing it, because they can never truly take their words back.

Fundamental attribution error

Occurs when you assess someone's behavior but overvalue the contribution of internal factors (personality) and undervalue the influence of external factors (the context). People do things bc that is the type of person they are.

Example of Halo/Reverse Halo Effect

One of my professors from this past semester was very friendly, supportive, and helpful when teaching us class material. Since they had all of these positive traits, class members began to assume that our instructor had other positive qualities, such as work ethic and dedication. I also had a standoffish professor last semester, which led to inferring that they did not care about us or our learning. We also assumed that they were not interested in helping us with assignments/other things.

How someone has used an impression management strategy well/poorly?

One of my roommates frequently utilizes self-handicapping strategies in her interpersonal interactions. She will provide excuses for reasons why she has not completed a task or some of her other behaviors. The other day there were dishes left in the sink, all belonging to her. Instead of doing them, she created an excuse as to why she could not even do them in the first place. Since she does this so often, the excuses are now falling on deaf hears. We all are now just annoyed with her behaviors, showing that she did not use this strategy well.

5 stages of perception: 4. Memory

Perception and interpretations, evaluations are put into memory, they're stored with cognitive tags. Store things by our schema. (i.e. Ben Williams failing Spanish is consistent w/bad football player/student schema)

Perception as it applies to IPC

Perception is the process by which you become aware of objects, events, and people through your senses. It is an active process. IPC Perception is a series of processes: 1. you sense a stimulation, 2. you organize the stimuli in some way, 3. you interpret and evaluate what you perceive, 4. store it in memory, 5. retrieve it when needed

2 Reasons we should study IPC

Personal success: close friendships and romantic relationships are developed, maintained and sometimes destroyed through interpersonal interactions-- satisfying convo is important Professional success: employers want good interpersonal skills so you can communicate with coworkers and customers!

Communicating with cultural sensitivity

Recognize differences, be rule conscious, recognize differences within group, and prepare yourself.

Code Switching

Refers to using different language styles depending on the situation (talking to a kid vs a friend)


Represents the extent to which you know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, thoughts and feelings and your personality tendencies.

Table 1.1 Face to Face and Computer Mediated Communication

SEE PAGE 7 copy this chart down

5 stages of perception: 1. stimulation

Sense organs stimulated, selective perception: selective attention and selective exposure.

7 impression management goals: To excuse failure- self handicapping strategies

Set up barriers or obstacles that make the task impossible, make failure inevitable. Make excuses as to why you are not doing well.

5 aspects of culture: sex and gender

Sex refers to the biological distinction between male and female, determined by genes and biology. Gender is the social construction of masculinity and femininity within a culture. Gender are the attitudes boys and girls learn through culture. GENDER IS A CULTURAL VARIABLE.

7 elements of IPC/The communication process

Source/Sender, Receiver, Messages, Channel, Noise, Context, Ethics

4 stages of culture stock

Stage one: the honeymoon: fascination, enchantment Stage two: the crisis: differences between culture start creating problems. Stage three: the recovery: you gain the skills necessary to function effectively, learn language etc. Stage four: the adjustment: adjust to and come to enjoy the new culture and the new experiences.


Takes place in an environment that influences the form and content of your messages-- like background music.


Tendency to single out one or two obvious characteristics of a person and attribute everything that person does to this one or these two characteristics.

How can cultural perspective help?

The cultural perspective is especially helpful in intercultural situations. For example, when traveling to Poland there were times where we utilized the cultural perspective in interactions. There were some locations that had less English speakers, but we should not rely fully on our native language around them. In Gdansk, the front desk hotel staff did not know English well. We utilized technology to communicate with them, showing how cultural perspective/understanding can be beneficial.


The listener, observer, the one that decodes the message.


The process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group.


The study of good and bad, right and wrong. PLAYS A ROLE IN HOW WE COMMUNICATE.


The tendency to see others and their behaviors through your own cultural filters, often as distortions of your own behaviors. Thinking your culture is superior. When you are ethnocentric, you are closing off your ability to be open to other cultures. When thinking your culture is superior, it allows you to ignore the possibility of gaining something from another.

Nature of IPC: Involves verbal/nonverbal messages

The words you use and the facial expressions/other nonverbals are equally important in interpersonal comm. NONVERBALS DO NOT MAKE UP 90% of COMM

Nature of IPC: Involves interdependent individuals

These individuals are interdependent, what one person does has an impact on the other person. The actions of one have consequences for the other person.

5 aspects of culture: the transmission of culture

Transmitted from one generation to another through enculturation, learn about native culture and develop an ethnic identity.

7 impression management goals: To confirm self image- image confirming strategies

Utilize behaviors that confirm you own self image, this is who you are and how you want to be seen.

7 impression management goals: To be followed- influencing strategies

Want people to see you as a leader, someone to be followed in thought and behavior. Use logic, similarity, agreement, positive social proof.

7 impression management goals: To secure help- self deprecating strategies

Want to be taken care of, need someone to come to your aid. "i don't know anything about plumbing"

5 stages of perception: 2. Organization (3 ways we organize, by rules, schemata, scripts)

We organize the info we sense. Rules: Proximity- a rule that we organize by physical closeness, things close are viewed as a unit, people who are together belong together. Similarity- Things that are similar belong together as a unit. Contrast- when items are different from each other, they don't belong together. Schemata: Mental templates that help you organize the millions of items of info you come into contact with every day. Schema: general ideas about people. Scripts: Type o schema, organized body of info about some action/event/procedure. How an event should unfold. Script of how to behave in certain places.

Venture through culture shock

When arriving in Poland, I was fascinated by all of the architecture and history to learn about. We were able to go to a lot of beautiful places. Some differences began to get to me, which is where stage two of culture shock set in. We had to pay for bathrooms and purchase water everywhere, as water fountains are not common. Stage three came through as us buying water in bulk the day before our outings and remembering to utilize the restrooms in our hotels and restaurants. By week four of our trip, we had adjusted to the culture and were fully enjoying the experience.

Key principles of IPC: may be symmetrical or complementary

When symmetrical, you mirror each other's behaviors. In a complementary relationship you mesh well, one such as a teacher/student.

Self serving bias

When you take credit for the positive and deny responsibility for the negative.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is a process of adjustment (extra one)

comm can take place only to the extent that the communicators use the same system of signals

Key principles of IPC: Communication is transactional

communication elements are always changing, and interdependent, communication messages depend on the individual for their meaning and effect, each person is both speaker and listener. they are responding to one another.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is purposeful

communication may serve a variety of purposes, for ex: to learn, relate, help, influence or play.

Cultural Differences: high and low context cultures

high context: the information in communication is in the context or in the person-- i.e. info that was shared through previous communications, through shared experiences, info is known but not explicitly stated. low context: most of the info is explicitly stated in the verbal message, formal transactions. Stated or written.

Cultural Differences: high ambiguity vs low ambiguity

high: don't feel threatened by unknown situations, uncertainty is a normal part of life. (U.S.) low: anxious about what will happen next, have clear cut rules for communication. Want to know all of the answers (Russia, Greece).

Cultural Differences: individual vs collective

individualism: teaches members the importance of individual values such as power, achievement, hedonism, and stimulation, U.S. collectivistic: teaches members the importance of group values such a s tradition, conformity, China, Venezuela, etc.

Cultural Differences: indulgence vs restraint

indulgence: emphasize the gratification of desires, focus on having fun and enjoying life, (Mexico, Venezuela). restraint: foster curbing of such gratification and its regulation by social norms, live with little to no leisure time. (Egypt)

Cultural Differences: long vs short term orientation

long term: promotes the importance of future rewards, members of culture save for the future and to prepare for the future academically. short term: they look more to the past and the present, spend their resources for the present and want quick results.

Cultural Differences: masculine vs feminine cultures

masculine: values aggressiveness, material success, and strength. (Japan) feminine: values modesty, concern for relationships and quality of life and tenderness. (Sweden)

Key principles of IPC: Comm involves content and relationship dimensions

messages may refer to the real world, to something external to both speaker and listener (the content), and to the relationships between the parties


signals that serve as stimuli for a receiver and are received by one of our senses-- auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, or any combo of these senses. ANYTHING CAN SEND A MESSAGE.

Key principles of IPC: Communication is a package of signals

verbal/nonverbal messages usually work together in packages to communicate the same meaning, but sometimes they create different or even opposing meanings

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