ISCI 4002

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The breakdown of rocks through the action of plants and animals.



The time that it takes the object to make one full orbit around the Sun, relative to the stars. This is considered to be an object's true orbital period.

Why do wind and ocean currents follow similar patterns and paths as they move around Earth?

The wind moves the water on the surface, therefore driving surface currents, and wind and ocean currents are redirected due to the Coriolis Effect.

It is cold in the winter because:

There are fewer hours of daylight and the Sun's path is lower in the sky to deliver less energy.

It is hot in the summer because:

There are more hours of daylight and the Sun's path is higher in the sky to deliver more energy.

Thermohaline circulation in the ocean is driven by:

temperature and salinity

Weather conditions during positive and negative North Atlantic Oscillation phases are due to changes in pressure conditions. Changes in pressure are related to changes in:

temperature and wind patterns

A positive-phase NAO occurs when:

the Icelandic low pressure center is very low and the Azores high pressure center is very high

The area of low pressure that forms where the Northeast Trade Winds meet the Southeast Trade Winds near Earth's equator is called:

the Intertropical Convergence Zone

Which of the following represents the energy source that drives atmospheric circulation and the movement of masses of air and water from one place on Earth to another?

the Sun

As you get higher in the atmosphere the air pressure decreases because:

the air pressure decreases because there is less atmosphere and there are fewer air particles pressing down at the higher altitude

Early astronomers who believed we live in a geocentric universe based their understandings on:

the apparent lack of movement of Earth and the visible movement of celestial bodies

The North Atlantic Oscillation is a climate pattern defined by the relationship between:

the center of low atmospheric pressure over Iceland and the center of high pressure above the Azores

Human activity since ______________ has resulted in an unprecedented increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

the industrial revolution

Which statement about the angle of incoming solar radiation is most true?

the lower the Sun is in the sky, the more energy is reflected

Which of the following does NOT affect the rate of glacial erosion:

the season in which the ice formed

The average salinity of the ocean is about:

35 parts per thousand (ppt)

If a diver is at a depth of 50 meters, what is the ambient pressure, in atmospheres, on the diver?

6 atmospheres

When would you expect to see a waning gibbous moon rise?

9 p.m.

In the picture shown below, Solar Path 2 models the path of the Sun at which point in it's orbit?


You can expect the Sun to rise due east and set due west with about 12 hours of daylight on which day?

Fall or spring equinox

Phases of the Moon are caused by the Earth's shadow.


The idea that water in a sink or toilet rotates one way as it drains in the Northern Hemisphere and the opposite way as it drains in the Southern Hemisphere is:


The more water vapor in the air, the less solar radiation the air will trap.


clastic and (bio)chemical

From magma cooling below Earth's surface From lava cooling above Earth's surface

The breaking apart of a rock due to the pressure of water freezing inside the rock cracks and expanding.


Direct evidence that some objects orbit other objects in the sky was helpful in supporting the heliocentric model of the Solar System. The first evidence of this came when:

Galileo observed the four largest moons orbiting Jupiter.

At which point in the Moon's orbit will the phase be a Waning Gibbous Moon?

H- (image) left and below earth with sun directly right

The theory of seafloor spreading was put forward by:

Harry Hess

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Dwarf Planet:

Has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

Which ocean current is most likely to bring a cold water current to the western coast of South America?

Humbolt current

mild to warm summers and cold winters, large temperature differences (as much as 45 to 63 degrees) throughout the year, evenly distributed precipitation throughout the year

Humid, Continential

warm to hot summers and cool winters; evenly distributed rainfall through the year; most often found in the interiors of continents, between 25 and 40 degrees latitude

Humid, Subtropical

water vapor in the atmosphere


Why do hurricanes only form in specific regions during certain times of the year?

Hurricanes need the warmth and moisture from oceans to form. This occurs in the late summer and early fall when water temperatures are at a maximum.

Match the process through which the rock was formed with the appropriate category of rock.

Igneous-Lava cools and solidifies/Magma slowly cools and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface Sedimentary- Water evaporates, leaving behind the minerals it carried or minerals are precipitated from the water/Sediments are cemented and compacted over time Metamorphic- Foliation becomes more obvious with heat and pressure/Preexisting rock is altered by heat, pressure, and hydrothermal solution

Land areas closest to the oceans receive more mild temperatures than areas farther inland because:

Temperatures are moderated by the transfer of energy from the water to the air, which impacts coastal weather and climate.

The Bermuda Islands are considered to be tropical islands, despite their location at approximately 32 degrees north latitude in the North Atlantic Ocean. How is the the tropical-like climate here explained?

The Gulf Stream current carries warm water from the equator to these islands, creating a tropical climate.

One way in which the Gas Giants (Jupiter and Saturn) are different from the Ice Giants (Neptune and Uranus) is that:

The Ice Giants have a great deal of methane gas in their outer layer

Why is ocean water clearer around coral reefs?

Light is more intense in equatorial regions and there are fewer suspended nutrients in the water.

Made mainly of carbonates of calcium and magnesium in the ocean.


The telescope allowed astronomers to make more detailed and precise observations of celestial motion. This instrument was first invented by:


Match the name of each of Earth's layers to its density.

Lithosphere 2.9 - 3.3 Asthenosphere 3.9 - 4.6 Mesosphere 4.6 - 9.7 Outer Core 9.7 - 12.7 Inner Core 12.7 - 13.0

Layered strata of windblown silts formed over thousands of years by the accumulation of wind-eroded materials is called:


Magnetic striping is one line of evidence that supports the the theory of seafloor spreading. This occurs because:

Magnetite in basalt aligns with the Earth's magnetic field as it forms the ocean floor.

Based on the climate graph shown below, Denver gets the most precipitation during which month?


Which terrestrial world has NOT had a probe land on it?


Put the planets in order according to their size (diameter).

Mercury Mars Venus Earth Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter

Jovian planets are characterized by (check all that apply):

Multiple moons Faster rotations Composed largely of hydrogen and helium Less dense with thick atmospheres

The movement of individual particles as variable leaps, or jumps, driven by the action of wind or water.


Chiefly formed of naturally cemented sand grains.


A fine-grained rock formed by the compaction of clays or muds. Shale is the most common sedimentary rock.


Match each astronomer to his contribution to astronomy

Sir Isaac Newton- Developed laws of universal gravitation that showed that the gravitational attraction between two objects depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Johannes Kepler- First developed the laws of planetary motion. Nicolaus Copernicus- Produced the first workable model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets rotate around the Sun in the center. Aristarchus- Celebrated as the exponent of a Sun-centered universe and for his pioneering attempt to determine the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about variables affecting the transfer of energy through the ocean:

Solar energy is absorbed in great quantities by ocean water, resulting in warmer surface waters.

Asteroids and meteorites have similar compositions. Why might this be the case?

Some meteorites may be pieces of asteroids.

Imagine a seismic wave passing from one material into another. The densities of the materials are provided, and you must decide if the seismic waves passing from one material to the other will speed up, slow down, or stay the same.

Speed Up- from medium to high density Slow Down- from high density to low density Stay the Same- from low density to low density

short, cool summers and long, bitterly cold winters, common freezes even in midsummer; snow arrives early and lasts through the early summer, most often found at or above 50 degrees latitude


Solids that are not in true solution and can be removed by filtration.

Suspended solids

kinetic energy of air molecules


Ultraviolet images of Venus have revealed that:

clouds travel in an east-west direction and complete a circuit around the planet in four days

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments that are:

compacted then cemented

The process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.


Which process releases heat into the atmosphere?


What is required in order for water to condense and form water droplets in the atmosphere?

condensation nuclei

Energy is transferred from the surface of Earth to the atmosphere by:

condensing of water that evaporated then rose from Earth's surface

Mountains, such as the Himalayan Mountains, form at convergent boundaries where:

continental crust collides with continental crust

The mechanism for atmospheric circulation and the movement of air and water from one place on Earth to another is:


Very hot rock deep within a deformable layer such as the asthenosphere moves toward cooler rock above it. The rising hot rock displaces some of the cooler rock, which is more dense and therefore sinks. This circulation of heat and slow movement of rock is called:


The evaporation of warm surface water and the sinking of cold water in the oceans produce:

convection currents

Which of the following is the primary transfer mechanism causing ocean waters to mix?

convection driven by solar energy

Ocean trenches are associated with which type of plate boundary?


Subduction zones are associated with which type of plate boundary?


High air pressure is usually associated with:

cool, dry weather

Hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere rotate __________ while hurricanes that form in the Southern Hemisphere spin in a __________ direction.

counterclockwise, clockwise

What surface feature is shared by all terrestrial planets?


The principle that a rock sequence or an individual layer is older than something that disrupts it, such as a fault or an intrusion is called:

cross cutting relationships

Complete the sentence: A stream with a high gradient __________.

cuts deep valleys due to erosion

Put the following steps in the correct order in the evaporation of water:

(1)Heat energy is absorbed by the water molecules. (2)Water molecules increase in speed, and bump into each other more frequently as they move farther apart. (3)The volume of the water increases, reducing its density. (4)Lower-density, warmer water then rises.

Put these wavelengths of light in order from longest (largest) to shortest (smallest):

(1)Infrared (2)Visible - yellow (3)Visible - blue (4)Ultraviolet

What is the correct order of events that formed the Grand Canyon?

(1)Regional Metamorphism (2)Deposition, Uplift, and Erosion (3)Periods of Deposition and Erosion (4)Erosion and Down-Cutting

Place the following energy transfers in order in terms of which must take place first (1), second (2), etc. as far as weather and climate.

(1)energy comes from the Sun (2)energy is absorbed by the surface (3)water molecules are heated and evaporate (4)water vapor in the air is moved to different regions by convection (5)water vapor rises and condenses (6)condensation of water vapor releases heat to the atmosphere (7)condensed water forms rain droplets

Starting with the oceans absorption of solar energy (#1), put the following events in order in terms of the development of circulation patterns in the ocean.

(1)solar energy is absorbed by the ocean (2)some water is evaporated, causing the water to become more dense and sink (3)sinking dense water is replaced by moving surface water (4)cold, dense ocean water moves to areas where warmer ocean water is rising (5)the convection of ocean water moves heat and moisture from one area to another

According to the information given about salinity and water density, what is the range of ocean water density that will allow the growth of coral reefs?

1.016 to 1.029

Water pressure increases by one atmosphere of pressure for every _____ meters of depth.


Hadley cells are:

A major Earth atmospheric circulation pattern that consists of rising air at or near the Equator and sinking air at or near 30 degrees north or south of the Equator.

At which point in the Moon's orbit will the phase be a Full Moon

A- (image)directly left of earth when sun is directly right

Which of the following Jovian planets do NOT have rings?

All Jovian planets have rings.


Any small solid extraterrestrial body that enters the Earth's atmosphere.

Which city has the greatest range of seasonal temperatures?

Atlanta, GA

the force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of the air above that surface

Atmospheric pressure

In the picture shown below, Solar Path 3 models the path of the Sun at which point in it's orbit?


You can expect there to be 24 hours of daylight or darkness at some point of the year if you live:

Between 66.5° N and S latitudes and the pole

A body of coarse particles that move along the bottom of a stream.

Bed load

In the picture shown below, Solar Path 1 models the path of the Sun at which point in it's orbit?


At which point in the Moon's orbit will the phase be a First Quarter Moon?

C- (image) directly above earth when sun is directly right

Increasing ______________ levels in the air result in increasing carbonic acid levels in the ocean, lowering the __________ of the water.

Carbon Dioxide; pH


Celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the Sun, mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

Match the appropriate description(s) with the type of sedimentary rock below.

Clastic-sand-sized grains compacted and cemented together (sandstone)/made from fragments of pre-existing rocks Chemical or Biochemical- secreted by marine organisms such as coral/water evaporates creating rock salt, for example/made from minerals precipitated or separated from water solution

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding air temperature and its capacity to hold moisture?

Colder air holds less moisture than warmer air.

The concept that large plates of continental crust have moved freely across a substratum of oceanic crust is called:

Continental Drift Theory

At which point in the Moon's orbit will the phase be a Waxing Crescent Moon?

D- (image) right and up from the earth when the sun is directly right

The Earth is closest to the Sun in it's orbit during which month?


The part of a stream load carried as ions dissolved in water.

Dissolved minerals

A type of physical weathering caused by a reduction in the pressure on a rock's upper layers, allowing slabs of the outer rock layers to break off.


Which statement about Earth's orbit is NOT true?

Earth is closer to the Sun during the northern hemisphere summer and farther away during the northern hemisphere winter.

Match each of the following rock descriptions to the appropriate rock classification.

Intrusive Igneous- granite Intrusive Igneous- large mineral grains visible Intrusive Igneous- cools slowly beneath the surface Extrusive Igneous-basalt Extrusive Igneous- small or barely visible mineral grains Extrusive Igneous-cools quickly at the surface

Which moon has evidence of active volcanism?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Dwarf planet?

It has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit (classical planets must clear the neighborhood around their orbits).

The hottest days usually occur about a month after the summer solstice because:

It takes a number of weeks for land to warm up and much longer for water to gain energy from the Sun.

Because water has a specific heat that is twice that of land....

It takes longer to heat up than land and stores heat longer than land

Water has a specific heat that is twice that of land. This means that:

It takes twice as much energy to heat water compared to the same amount of land.

Pluto and Ceres (previously the largest asteroid) have recently been reclassified as dwarf planets. Which of the following is NOT true about dwarf planets?

It's orbit is nearly a perfect circle.

Which of the following is NOT a class of asteroids?


Georgie Town in the Bahamas is located at latitude 23.5 N. On what day could you expect to see the Sun directly overhead?

June 21

The temperature of Earth's interior reaches 5,000 degrees Celsius at which layer?

Outer core

Identify each of the following processes by matching to either chemical or physical weathering.

Physical Weathering- breaking of rock by tree roots detachment of rock layers by exfoliation expansion due to freezing of water in cracks Chemical Weathering- rusting of iron minerals corrosion by acid rain limestone dissolving from water

Since we know early astronomers finally settled on a heliocentric "Universe," how can retrograde motion be explained without using a complex system of spheres as modeled by Ptolemy?

Planets closer to the Sun take less time to orbit, so as Earth passes planets farther out, they appear to change direction.


Plates that act the same as the large, main tectonic plates, but are considerably smaller in size.

water vapor in the atmosphere that cools and condenses then falls to the surface


The Earth-Moon-Sun angle is greater than originally thought, which means that the Sun is farther away from Earth than the Moon. What does this tell us about the size of the Sun?

The Sun is much larger than the Moon.

If you live in a city located at a latitude of 40° either N or S, which of the following statements is NOT true?

The Sun will be directly overhead twice per year.

Which of the following is evidence that supports Wegener's theory or continental drift? (Check all that apply)

The distribution of similar fossils and geologic formations across many continents. The apparent puzzle-like fit of the South American and African coastlines. Evidence of past climate preserved in the form of grooves carved by glaciers in places like South America, Africa, and India.

Why is the ocean warmer at the equator (mid-latitudes) than at the poles?

The equator receives the most direct sunlight throughout the year.

What best explains why the Colorado River has cut a deeper valley than the Mississippi River?

The gradient of the Colorado River is steeper gradient than the Mississippi.

Using a hydrometer allows you to distinguish between ocean water and fresh or tap water. How can you tell that cylinder #2 contains ocean water?

The hydrometer in cylinder #2 is floating higher, so it is filled with salt water which is more dense than distilled water.

What commonalities are there in the atmospheric conditions of the planets?

The outer planets have lighter elements (such as hydrogen and helium) as their main gases.

The phases of the moon are caused by:

The position of the Moon in its orbit, relative to the Sun and Earth.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an index fossil:

They are the same for all geologic eras

What do images of Earth and Venus taken in the infrared reveal?

They both emit heat from their surfaces.

mostly warm to hot temperatures, with fluctuations during the day and throughout the year; moderate rainfall with wet and dry seasons, generally found on the edge of tropical wet climates

Tropical Savannah

When water condenses, the energy in the surrounding atmosphere increases.


The fracturing of igneous rocks exposed to surface pressure. When erosion brings igneous rocks closer to the surface, the rocks experience a drop in pressure, and expand outward, producing the fractures.


How can a volcanic eruption affect weather and climate globally?

Volcanic eruptions can result in considerable cooling globally.

If Earth didn't tilt on its axis:

Without a tilt, there would be no seasons.

When carbon dioxide is absorbed in ocean water, it forms carbonic acid and lowers ocean pH. This results in:

a reduced growth rate for corals

Which of the following is NOT a property of water?

a weak surface tension which allows it to dissolve solids

Increases in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have what effect on Earth's oceans?


Which of the following reflect the most incoming solar radiation and therefore absorb the least amount of heat?

aerosols in the atmosphere

Using ice core, scientists can look back in time to what conditions on Earth were like for over 650,000. Information from past climates comes from:

air bubbles trapped in the ice

Which of the following is NOT a factor in how much dissolved oxygen is in the water?

air pressure

The pressure all around an object.

ambient pressure

During El Niño, there is:

an increase in storms over South America, but the South Pacific experience drier-than-normal conditions

When looking at Venus through high-powered telescopes in wavelengths of light other visible wavelengths, we can see:

and detect surface features by seeing through the clouds

Support for Laplace's nebular hypothesis theory of the Solar System's formation include mathematical calculations for:

angular momentum

The point in the orbit of a planet or comet that is at the greatest distance from the Sun is referred to as:


A geological formation or structure that stores and/or transmits water, such as to wells and springs.


In order to form and support hurricane development, water temperatures must be:

at least 80°F

The force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of the air above that surface.

atmospheric pressure

Sedimentary rocks can be sorted into two groups:

clastic and (bio)chemical

The formation environment of igneous rocks with large or clearly visible mineral grains, generally speaking, is:

beneath Earth's surface

The relationship between levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and global temperatures over the past millennium can be summarized as:

both have increased together

Physical weathering is a process that:

breaks a rock into fragments

What is the difference between climate and weather?

climate is the average pattern of atmospheric conditions for a region over a span of many years, while weather is a description of daily atmospheric conditions

A decrease in ocean pH levels can lead to a decrease in the coral polyps' ability to produce _______________ skeleton structures.

calcium carbonate

The rate of plate movement is measured in _____________ per year.


Anthropogenic refers to:

changes in climate caused by humans

When continental and oceanic plates meet....

dense, oceanic crust is subducted under less-dense continental crust

The speed at which earthquakes travel through our planet depends on properties of the material through which it passes. Which of the following properties affect the velocity at which seismic waves travel?

density and rigidity

The East African Rift Zone is an example of which type of boundary?


The principle that the order in which sedimentary rocks occur in strata one above the other, the highest bed being the youngest is referred to as:


The process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor.


Which process results in cooling?


Which of the following is NOT a source of water vapor in Earth's atmosphere:

evaporation from aquifers and groundwater

Chemical weathering requires which of the following:

exposure to water or oxygen

Information from past climates can be understood by studying all of the following EXCEPT:

foliation patterns in metamorphic rock

Deep sea ocean sediment provides information about past climates by studying oxygen isotopes in:

foraminifera shells

The principle that fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order; therefore, any time period can be recognized by its fossil content is referred to as:

fossil succession

Which of the following can cause mechanical weathering? (Check all that apply)

freezing (ice wedging) wind wave action plant roots

The idea that the Earth was at the center of the solar system is referred to as the __________ model.


Water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces, aquifers, and in the fractures of geologic formations.


A scientific instrument called an infrared spectrometer allows us to see:

heat emitted by an object

Which of the following conditions inhibit hurricane formation?

high wind shear

The process by which particles are deposited in order of decreasing size as the velocity of the stream decreases is called:

horizontal sorting

What determines how long it takes for water that falls on land to return to the ocean? Choose all that apply.

how much water is carried by streams above land and underground how fast the water flows the distance between the source of the water and the ocean edge

The pressure an object or organism feels under water.

hydrostatic pressure

Water that is on Earth's surface, such as in a stream, river, lake, or reservoir.

surface water

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct answer to fill in the blank: Temperature __________ the rate of chemical reactions. The amount of moisture _________ chemical weathering.

increases, accelerates

Ferromagnesian minerals are:

iron and magnesium rich dark in color

A comet's tail:

is always pointing away from the Sun.

Terrestrial planets, rather than gas planets, formed in the inner solar system because:

it was so warm that planetesimals could form only from materials with high melting points.

High energy environments of deposition are associated with:

large sediment

Warm air is __________ dense than cold air. This difference in density causes warm air to __________ and cool air to ____________.

less, rise, sink

Changes in polarity of the Earth's magnetic field over time creates:

magnetic striping of the ocean floor

When referring to layers of the Earth, the Mesosphere is another name for the:


The movement of soil and surface materials under the pull of gravity is called:

mass wasting

Eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference of Earth more than 2,000 years ago by:

measuring the angle of sunlight passing into a well in both Syene and Alexandria, Egypt.

Which of the following, besides Carbon Dioxide, is considered a greenhouse gas?


If the Sun and Moon were the same distance away from Earth, as thought by early astronomers, then on the first quarter Moon we would be able to see:

more than half the Moon illuminated

Erosion is a process that:

moves materials accumulated by mass wasting

Which of the following inhibit the growth of coral reefs?

murky water rich in plankton

The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere is:


A first quarter moon will rise at about ______ and set at about _____.

noon, midnight

Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?


Metamorphic rocks share characteristics of their:

parent rock

The point in the orbit of a planet or comet where it is nearest to the Sun is referred to as:


During summer in the Southern Hemisphere, Earth's north polar axis is:

pointing away from the Sun

An individual of a solitary cnidarian or one member of a cnidarian colony is referred to as a/an:


Atmospheric interactions between widely separated regions that have been identified through statistical correlations (in space and time) are called:


A rotating, circumstellar disk of dense gas and dust surrounding a young newly formed star from which planets may eventually form or be in the process of forming is called a/an:

protoplanetary disk

A psychrometer is an instrument that measures:

relative humidity

Terrestrial planets are characterized by: (check all that apply)

relatively thin atmospheres slow rotation a high density few or no moons

The apparent backward motion of a planet against the background of fixed star is called:

retrograde motion

What feature do all Jovian planets have that terrestrial planets do not have?


Comets are made of:

rock and water, ammonia, and methane ices.

What evidence has helped determine that Earth is much older than the rocks currently found on its surface? (Check all that apply)

rocks from the Moon radioactive isotopes in rocks and minerals meteorites found on Earth's surface

Increasing global temperatures may increase water temperature, leading to changes in ocean water density and:


Ocean oscillations, such as El Nino and La Nina, are caused by:

sea-surface temperatures that differ by greater than 0.5°C from normal conditions.

Which of the following features is NOT caused by wave action:


The phenomenon whereby the date of maximum average air temperature at a geographical location is delayed until some time after the date of maximum insolation is called:

seasonal lag

Ocean sediment provide evidence for the increasing age of the ocean floor outward from the mid-ocean ridges because:

sediments are thickest near the edges of the ocean while sediments near the center of the ocean are thinnest

Which are features of the ocean floor around mid-ocean ridges?

sediments are thinnest and the crust is youngest

Which two lines of evidence support the conclusion the Earth is made up of layers?

seismic waves refract and S waves stop

Compared to their parent rock, new metamorphic rocks will have

similar composition but may have a different texture

The pH of ocean water is such that the water is considered to be:

slightly alkaline (basic)

The velocity of a river changes as it moves along a meandering path. The velocity _____________ along the inside bank and ______________ along the outside bank.

slows down/speeds up

Which of the following surfaces has the greatest albedo?


Sea breezes occur because:

solar energy heats the land faster than it heats the water

When it is fall in Sydney, Australia, what season is it in Atlanta, GA?


Which of the following factors affect mass wasting? Check all that apply.

steepness of the slope precipitation seismic activity

Which of the following are evidence of past glaciation?

striations in rocks and erratics

The conversion between the solid and the gaseous phases of matter, with no intermediate liquid stage.


The day of the year with the longest photoperiod is:

summer solstice

The Coriolis effect refers to:

the tendency of winds to be deflected to the right or left due to Earth's rotation

Earth's crust is defined as:

the upper portion of the lithosphere

Oceans have a profound effect on weather and climate because:

their great size relative to the land and their ability to contain thermal energy

The main agents responsible for altering preexisting rock to metamorphic rock are: (check all that apply)

thermal solutions pressure heat

Ocean oscillations such as El Niño cause important changes in global weather patterns because:

they change the pattern of thermal energy released into the atmosphere

The San Andreas Fault is an example of which type of boundary?


The process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere.


The cloudiness of water, usually caused by the suspension of fine particles in the water column, is referred to as:


The fundamental principal that geological processes and natural laws now operating to modify the earth's crust have acted in much the same manner and with essentially the same intensity throughout geologic time, and that past geologic events can be explained by forces observable today is referred to as:


Warmer air can hold more water vapor than cool air can because:

warm air temperatures also allow for more evaporation

Low pressure is associated with:

warm, wet weather

La Niña is characterized by:

warmer than normal water in the western Pacific Ocean, and colder than normal sea-surface temperatures in the eastern Pacific Ocean

Which surface absorbs the greatest amount of sunlight?


Latent heat, also referred to as "hidden heat," is released when:

water vapor condenses and changes back to the liquid state

Being able "to see" water vapor (through its heat signature in the infrared) is important because:

water vapor is one of the principal contributors to weather

The area from which a river collects water is known as a:


Light is a form of energy that travels in waves. The distance (measured in the direction of propagation) between two points in the same phase in consecutive cycles of a wave is referred to as:


Based on global air circulation patterns, the prevailing winds in Georgia are the:


Shifts in the ITCZ are responsible for:

wet and dry seasons in much of the tropics

The major source of energy powering ocean waves is:


Wind is less effective than water in eroding landscapes because:

wind is less dense than water

These single-celled plants live endosymbiotically in association with one of a variety of invertebrate groups. In corals, they provide carbohydrates through photosynthesis, which are used as one source of energy. These are:


Based on current evidence, scientists believe the age of the Earth to be approximately:

4.5 billion years old

When would you expect to see a waxing crescent moon set?

9 p.m.

What do the changes in S and P wave velocities indicate?

A change in the properties of the material


A fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra.

Put the events related to the Solar System formation in order:

A large gas and dust-filled interstellar cloud forms. An outside force, such as a supernova exploding nearby, causes a disturbance. The cloud collapses, rotating faster ad faster as it flattens into a disk. The center condenses to become a protostar with a disk of debris surrounding it. A star is created as the temperature and pressure at the center increases and the fusion of hydrogen begins. Small particles in the disk accrete over time to form planetesimals. Solar winds push the remaining dust and gas into interstellar space, ending planet formation.

Which of the following can NOT be the origin of a meteorite?

A piece of a star that has died and fallen to Earth.


A point where an orbit crosses a plane


A relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a rocky core and icy exterior that originates in the outer edges of the solar system.


A streak of light in the sky that results when a small extraterrestrial body hits Earth's atmosphere and friction causes the meteoroid to melt, vaporize, or explode.

Objects in the Solar System have been battered and impacted by all types of smaller bodies. Based on this statement, which of the following conclusions is valid?

All of the planets, including the gas giants, were probably battered.

subduction zone

An area at a convergent plate boundary where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle beneath another plate. These can be identified by a zone of progressively deeper earthquakes.


Any solid object from interplanetary space that has fallen to the earth's surface without being vaporized by frictional heating during its passage through the atmosphere; a stony or metallic object large enough to reach the ground.

planetary conjunction

As seen from some place (usually the Earth), two or more celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky.

At which location would the sediment of the ocean floor be the thickest?

C(sediments are thicker away from the ridge, where the seafloor is older and has more time to accumulate)

Describe the motion of plates associated with the following boundary types by matching them appropriately.

Convergent Boundary- pushing together Divergent Boundary- pulling apart Transform Boundary- sliding past

Meteor showers occur when:

Earth passes through a group of meteoroids during its orbit around the Sun.

On which moon have ice geysers of liquid water been observed?


Place the sections of a 5E instructional model for teaching science in the correct sequence.

Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

Even though the inner core is the hottest of Earth's layers, it is solid because of:

Extremely high pressure and high density

The debris-field of icy objects, beyond Neptune's orbit, that are are left over bodies that never coalesced to form planets during the formation of our solar system are called:

Kuiper Belt Objects

Which of the following discrepancies about our Solar System is most difficult to explain using our current understanding of the Solar System's formation?

The Sun's small amount of angular momentum.

Rock in the asthenosphere is deformable or plastic and can flow VERY slowly. Plastic deformation is defined as:

The ability of a rock layer to bend without breaking as a result of continuous exposure to pressure below the Earth's surface.

Our current model for understanding the formation of our Solar System explains which of the following characteristics of our Solar System? (Check all that apply)

The direction in which most planets rotate on their axes is the same as the Sun's (counterclockwise). The direction of the planets' orbits is the same as the rotational direction of the Sun Most of the known moons revolve around their parent planet in the same direction as the planet rotates on its axis. The planets' orbits lie in roughly the same plane and are roughly circular.

The different characteristics and features of the inner and outer planets can be attributed to which of the following?

The gravitational influence on material of varying mass.


The great circle representing the apparent annual path of the Sun; the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun that makes an angle of about 23o with the equator.


The point in its orbit where a satellite (natural, such as the Moon, or man-made satellites) is at the greatest distance from the Earth.


The point in its orbit where a satellite (natural, such as the Moon, or man-made) is nearest to Earth.


The tearing apart of a tectonic plate to form a depression in the Earth's crust and often eventually separating the plate into two or more smaller plates.


The time that it takes for an object to reappear at the same point in the sky, relative to the Sun, as observed from Earth. This is the time that elapses between two successive conjunctions with the Sun and is the object's Earth-apparent orbital period. The synodic period differs from the sidereal period since Earth itself revolves around the Sun.


The transfer of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by molecular motion.

Where is the asthenosphere located?

The upper part of the mantle

How is Earth's interior like the other terrestrial planets?

They all have a core, mantle and crust.

What can you deduce about the origin of the moons of Mars and some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn which have similar structure?

They are more similar in shape to an asteroid than are moons around other planets.

What happens to meteors as they fall through Earth's atmosphere?

They generally burn up due to friction as they move through the atmosphere at high speeds.

Which statements are true about continental and oceanic crust? (Choose all that apply)

They make up the outer part of the lithosphere Oceanic crust is composed of mafic, basaltic rocks.

Which moon has evidence of liquid lakes on the surface?


Which of the following is NOT a dwarf planet?


Which of the following exceptions can be explained by collisions happening as part of their evolution?

Uranus's axial tilt

How do we think we know the age of the Solar System?

Using primitive material such as comets, which are basically unaltered since the Solar System was formed.

Match the image of the Moon to each phase. The white part of the image represents the part illuminated by sunlight.

Waning Crescent- A(crescent illuminated on the left) First Quarter- B(half illuminated on the right) Full Moon- C(All Illuminated) Waxing Gibbous- D(partial circle illuminated on right) New Moon- E(Nothing illuminated) Waning Gibbous- F(partial circle illuminated on the left) Waxing Crescent- G(crescent illuminated on the right) Third Quarter- H(half illuminated on the left)

Suppose you were studying seismic waves in an infinitely large vat of completely uniform Jell-O™. At one spot, called the focus, you are able to produce the seismic waves. How would you expect the waves to behave in this medium?

Waves would travel in concentric spheres at a constant velocity outward from the focus.

How does the discovery of new planets help us understand our Solar System?

We've learned that planets orbiting a star are not unique to our Solar System and similar processes may be at work.

Mid-Ocean ridges are associated with which of the following:

divergent plate boundaries

How long is the Moon's orbital period around Earth?

either 27.3 or 29.5 days, depending on your frame of reference

The orbital path of a comet is most influenced by:

gravitational forces of larger bodies.

What force is responsible for pulling a subducted plate toward the center of the Earth at a convergent plate boundary?


Small solid bodies thought to have existed at an early stage in the formation of the solar system that are the building blocks of planets and other objects in the Solar System are called


Scientists decided to reclassify Pluto in 2006 as a Dwarf planet after the discovery of:

several other Pluto-sized with similar characteristics that share Pluto's eccentric and inclined orbit.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Jovian planets?

shorter revolution (orbital) period

The stream of gas and charged particles, mostly protons and electrons, moving radially from the Sun is called the:

solar wind

Our young Sun's transfer of angular momentum to the disk of remaining gas and dust surrounding it is most likely the result of:

strong magnetic fields

A new moon will rise at about ______ and set at about _____.

sunrise, sunset

The boundary marking the edge of the Sun's influence is considered to be:

the Heliopause

During a Full Moon, which of the following statements is correct?

the angle between the Sun and the Moon is 180°

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