ISDS 3115

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The ES of an activity that only has one predecessor is simply the EF of that predecessor.


A simple CPM network has three activities, A, B, and C. A in an immediate predecessor of B and C. B is an immediate predecessor of C. The activity durations are A=4, B=3, C=8.

The critical path is A-B-C, duration 15.

A simple CPM network has three activities, D, E, and F. D is an immediate predecessor of E and of F. E is an immediate predecessor of F. The activity durations are D=4, E=3, and F=8.

The critical path is D-E-F, duration 15

Activity M on a CPM network has predecessors N and R, and has sucessor S. M has duratino 5. N's late finish is 18, while R's is 20. S's late start is 14. Which of the following is true?

The last start time of S is impossible.

Which of the following statements concerning CPM activities is FALSE?

The late finish of an activity is the earliest late start of all preceding activities.

Which of the following statements regarding PERT times is true?

The optimistic time is an estimate of the minimum time an activity will require.

Which of the folllowing statements regarding PERT times is TRUE?

The probablye time estimate is calculates as t= (a + 4m +b)/6

Which of the following statements regarding Bechtel is TRUE?

ALL OF THE ABOVE ARE TRUE (its competitive advantage is project management, Bechtel was the construction contractor for the Hoover Dam, bechtel's procurement program is global in nature, AND while helping to rebuild Iraq, Bechtel's crews had to travel under armed escort)

Which of the following statements regarding CPM is true?

All activities on the critical path have their LS equal to their predecessors EF

Which of the following statements about Bechtel is true?

Bechtel is the world's premier manager of massive construction and engineering project

The-------distribution is used by PERT analysis to calculate expected activity times and variances.


If an activity whose normal duration is 15 days can be shortened to 10 days for an added cost of $2,000, the crash cost per period is


If an activity whose normal duration is 13 days can be shortened to 10 days for an added cost of $1500, the crash cost per period is

$500 (look at 67)

A local project being analyzed by PERT has 42 activities, 12 of which are one the critical path. If the estimated time along the critical path is 105 days with a project variance of 25, the probablility that the project will be completed in 95 days or less is.

0.0228 (if need more practice-54)

A project being analyzed by PERT has 60 activities, 13 of which are on the path. If the estimated time along the critical path is 214 days with a project variance of 100, the probability that the project will take 224 days or more to complete is:


Contract requirements state that a project must be completed within 180 working days, or it will incur penalties for late completion. Analysis of the activity network reveals an estimated project time of 145 working days with a project variance of 400. What is the probability that the project will be completed before the late payment deadline?


Analysis of a PERT problem shows the estimated time for the critical path to be 108 days with a variance of 64. There is a .90 probability that the project will be completed before approximately day

118 (if need more 60)

An activity on a PERT network has these time estimates: optimistic=1, most likely=2, and pessimistic=5. Its expected time is


An activity on a PERT network has three time estimates: optimistic=2, most likely=3, and pessimistic=8. Its expected time and variance (if its a critical activity) are

3.67, 1

An activity on a PERT network has these time estimates: optimistic=2, most likely=5, and pessimistic=10. Its expected time is


A project organization

A and E are both true (is effective for companies with multiple large projects AND is formed to ensure that programs/projects get proper management and attention)

One responsibility of a project manager is to make sure that the project meets its quality goals.


Project mangers have their own code of ethics, established by the Project Management Institute.


Slack is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the entire project.


The expected activity time in PERT analysis is calculated as

the weighted average of A, M, and B, with M weighted 4 times as heavily as A and B

Which of the following statements regarding Gantt charts is true?

Gantt charts are visual devices that show the duration of activities in a project.

Which of the following statements regarding CPM networks is TRUE?

If a specific project has multiple critical paths, all of them have the same duration.

The Beta distribution is used in project management to

NONE OF THE ABOVE (calculate slack on activities not on the critical path, calculate the probability that a project will be completed within its budget, calculate pessimistic and optimistic activity times, and determine which activity should be crashed)

Which of the following statements regarding critical paths is true?

On a specific project, there can be multiple critical paths, all with exactly the same duration

Which of the following statements regarding PERT analysis is TRUE?

Only critical activities contribute to the project variance.

What was the name of the construction project to rebuild the Pentagon after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001?

Project Phoenix

Which of the following statements regarding project management is false?

Project organization works well when the work contains simple, independent tasks.

By their very nature, projects have a limited lifetime, and that sets project mgt apart from the mgt of more traditional activites.


Ethical issues which can arise in projects include bid rigging, bribery, and "low balling".


Every network has at least one critical path.


Gantt charts give a timeline of a project's activities, but do not adequately show the interrelationship of activities.


In PERT analysis, the identification of the critical path can be incorrect if a noncritical activity takes substantially more than its expected time.


Which of the following statements regarding time-cost tradeoffs in CPM networks is FALSE?

Crashing sometimes has the reverse result of lengthening the project duration

In project management, crashing an activity must consider the impact on all paths in the network.


One phase of a large project is scheduling.


Activity D on a CPM network has predecessors B and C, and has successor F. D has duration 6. B's earliest finish is 18, while c's is 20. F's late start is 26. Which of the following is tru?

D is critical, and has zero slack.

The findamental difference between PERT and CRM is that PERT uses the beta distribution fo rcrashing projects while CPM uses cost estimates.


A project organization works best for an organization when the project resides in only one of its functional areas.


PERT, but not CPM, has the ability to consider the precedence relationships in a project.


Shortening the project's duration by deleting unnecessary activities is called "project crashing"


The PERT pessimistic time estimate is an estimate of the minimum time an activity will require.


The critical path can be determined by use of either the "forward pass" or the "backward pass".


The shortest of all paths through the network is the critical path.


The standard deviation of project duration is the average of the standard deviation of all activities on the critical path.


Work Breakdown Structure is a useful tool in project mgt because it addresses the timing of individual work elements.


A simple CPM network has five activities, A, B, C, D, and E. A is an immediate predecessor of C and D. B is an immediate predecessor of C and of D. C and D are both immediate predecessors of E.

There are four paths in this network.

Ethical issues that may arise in projects large and small include:

all of the above (bid rigging, expense account padding, compromised safety or health standards, AND bribery

In a PERT network, non-critical activities that have little slack need to be monitored closely

because near-critical paths could become critical paths with small delays in these activities

The Beta distribution is used in project management to:

calculate expected activity times.

Which of these statements regarding time-cost tradeoffs in CPM networks is TRUE?

crashing shortens the project duration by assigning more resources to one or more of the critical tasks.

A code of ethics especially for project managers :

has been established by the Project Management Institute

Divulging information to some bidders on a project to give them an unfair advantage

is known as bid rigging

A network has been crashed to the point where all activities are critical. Additional crashing:

may require crashing multiple tasks simultaneously

The phases of project management are:

planning, scheduling, and controlling

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