Islam terms - KOK

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"peace be upon him"- said after reference to Muhammad in order to bless and honor him


7 times which Hajjis circle around the Kaa'ba

Allahu Akbar

"Allah is most great" or "God is greater than"/ a part of the daily call to prayer sounded from minarets around the world


A pre-islamic cubed building in mecca believed by muslims to have been built by Abraham. It is the center of the Muslim Pilgrimage.


An Arabic word meaning "permissible" usually refers to permissible foods under Islamic law.


Arabic word literally meaning "forbidden" - typically refers to foods that are prohibited for Muslims to eat; includes non-Halal meat, pork products, gelatin products, and alcohol.

Abu Bakr

Companion of 1st muslim leader after Muhammad. Regarded by Sunni's as the 1st caliph and rightful succesor. The Shi'ah regard him as a traitor of Muhammad. Known as best interpretter of dreams following Muhammad's death.


For Shi'i Islam, an early successor to Muhammad and leader of Islam (most Shi'i's acknowledge twelve Imams); believed to have special spiritual insight


Islam's fourth pillar, wealth sharing. Muslims are required to contribute 2.5% of their liquid assets annually

saum (or sawm)

Islam's third pillar calls for fasting and reflection. Ramadan is an important component of this for Muslims.


Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (aka Islamic State of Iraq and Levant); it is a jihadist, extremist militant group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate


Member of Sufi Muslim group; known for their practices of very energetic dancing, whirling, chanting, or singing.


Muslim religious community

seal of the prophets

Name recognizing Muhammad as the last and greatest prophet.


One of the chapters in the Koran.


Place of worship for followers of Islam which literally means a place of prostration


Religous duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād translates into English as struggle


The Arabic word for God; primarily used in Islam


The confession of faith, the first of the Five Pillars and central creedal statement of Islam: "There is no god except God. Muhammad is the messenger of God."


The man who leads prayers in a mosque


Traditional long full garment worn by some Muslim women. Covers all of body except eyes. Taliban required it be worn.


a group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996 requiring strict adherence to so-called sharia law (like making women wear burquas)


a teacher and master in Islam


an Islamic model for living, based on the life and teachings of Muhammad, an Islamic model for living, based on the life and teachings of Muhammad


an adherent of Sufism, the form of Islam characterized by a mystical approach to Allah, who is experienced inwardly


during the hajj, a place where they camp & cast 7 stones at each of the three pillars to show muhammad rejecting the devil


literally "party or faction" of Ali this is the branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali. Mainly found in Iran and a small part of Iraq. It is the state religion of Iran. A member of this group is called a Shi'ite.


ritual cleansing of oneself before prayer by Muslims


robe which the undertakers of the Hajj wear on Hajj, also state of ritual purity

Sunni Islam

the branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors to Muhammad, the largest branch of Islam, comprising ~ 85% of the total Muslim population of the world. Sunni Muslims "people of the tradition of Muhammad")


the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth


the fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca once during a believer's lifetime


the fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites (NOT Muhammad Ali - as pictured)


the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace


the literal translation means "story"; traditional teachings based on Muhammad's words and actions; these traditions are traced to eyewitness accounts


the ninth month of the Islamic calendar; month during which Sawm (fasting) happens


the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina

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