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How can virtualization improve enterprise reliability and disaster recovery?

-redundancy/reliability -live migration -move all virtual assistants and migrate off other host -failover -build virtual test network -disaster recovery

VMWare says that eliminating 1 server has the same carbon reduction as eliminating _____.

1 car

Salesforce data says that cloud computing is _______ more efficient than standalone servers.


What top three server virtualization systems were discussed in lecture?

-VMWare -Microsoft Hyper-V -XEN-open source virtualization (available from Citrix with commercial support

How does virtualization impact server deployment and enterprise agility?

-deploy VMs from templates -reduced cost -faster turnaround -fewer errors

Creative Commons

("Some rights reserved") Easy to use, standardized licenses

What does TCO stand for?

(Total Cost of Ownership)

Sometimes organizations must write their own custom application software. What is the business manager's role in making this process successful? (5 best practices)

- Documentation - Testing - Realistic use cases/ scripts - Boundary conditions - Maintenance

What are some issues with subscription-type software licenses?

- Exit clauses - Liability - Maintenance - Support

In the Magic Quadrant, what do the four quadrants represent?

- Leaders: make their good ideas happen -Visionaries: full and complete vision but don't execute well -Challengers: companies that do it well but their vision is narrow -Niche Players: successfully focusing on a small market segment

What top two causal factors were described?

- Poor Business Analysis - Poor requirements specification (failure to really understand

What are the 3 key technology enablers?

- The Cloud - App Stores - Social Media

What are the 3 aspects of project failure?

- Time - Cost - Result

What is the difference between total and marginal failure?

- Total is complete and marginal is just partly failure

What measures can you take to minimize cloud risks?

- audits - data location (where is it kept) - disaster recovery -exit strategy

What are the characteristics of Open Source Software (OSS)?

- cost - no license fee doesn't mean free, TCO - access to source code - program of the codes so you can fix bugs yourself and modify the behavior, add features (open source requires free distribution, source code, derived works) - community - not just code (collaborative development, support resource, contribute) - development model - distribution- you can download open source code

What are some key potential "treasure" outcomes of the following disruptions to the software industry?

- open source-shared development (competition and innovation) - cloud-rent someone else's data center (scalability, reduced costs) - virtualization-one computer run multiple jobs (flexibility for consumers, environmental impact)

What are the pros and cons of distributed computing?


What three tests are often used to determine fair use?

-Nature of work used -Amount used -Commercial impact on copyright owner

How many U.S internet users are there?

290 million

How many global internet users are there?

3.8 billion

How is globalization a disrupter?

3.8 billion global internet users. 290 million US internet users. Reverse innovation. Increased mobile phone use drives economic growth.

How is mobile a disrupter?

5 billion mobile phone users worldwide. Almost 1.2 billion daily mobile users. Nearly 50% of searchers from mobile devices.

What percentage of IT project fail?


What is the "golden age of tech entrepreneurship?

A list of 3 key technology enablers that Gallaugher created

What are the "copyright requirements" for ISM3004 assignments?

Abide by the CC license terms for content you use (as if you were a business) -Proper attribution is critical ("Alligator 1" by Rasmus Bogeskov Larsen is licensed under CC BY 2.0)

What are some examples of share economy?

Airbnb, Uber

Define the term "API." What is the role of an API in distributed computing?

Application Programing Interface: rules ('code') and specifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each other

What does CC stand for?

Attribution (BY) give credit

What does NC stand for?


How do OSS business make money?

Offer support and services, plugins and enhancements, corporate sponsors

How does the Hype Cycle help organizations make good decisions about technology?

On the vertical axis is our expectation level. Not a fixed scale but the horizontal axis depicts a series of phases.

How does a work become "public domain" ?

Once the copyright has expired

What does it mean that tech skills have a "half-life" and how to solve this?

Because things are always changing you have to be agile, learn how to learn, be curious, be creative.


Chief Information Officer: most senior executive responsible of information technology.


Chief Information Security Officer: important when it comes to threats with security


Chief Privacy Officer: makes sure private info is kept private.


Chief Technology Officer: related to science and technology of external things.

What are the roles of the client and the server in distributed computing?

Client: web browser on notebook/desktop, Facebook app on mobile device Server: thousands of Facebook servers

What is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (powerful for selling, privacy is critical)


Desktops as a service (Dell, Citrix, Amazon web services) -rapid deployment "Gold Image" (set up just the way you want -publish applications -rapidly scale up/down -reduced support cost -any user device -no data on user devices

How does a manager avoid "putting the cart before the horse" when selecting software?

Determine your needs, choose software, choose the rest of your platform (hardware). Start with putting the first thing first.


End User License Agreement. Answers who is allowed to use the software and for how long. It's a contract.

What is SCM?

Supply Chain Management

How is social media a disrupter?

Facebook Nation has more people than anywhere. One in 5 couples met on line and 1 in 5 divorces are blamed on FB. 55% of people share their purchases on social.

What are examples of OSS solutions?

Firefox, Linux OS, Enterprise and Desktop

Who is the pioneer who proposed Moore's Law?

Gordon Moore

In the Magic Quadrant, what do the two axes represent?

Horizontal-Completeness of Vision Vertical-Ability to Execute

How long does copyright last?

Individual-70 years, Company-100 years

How does a smart manager use the Magic Quadrant?

It's the first step. Focus on your business goals and requirements. Don't be a slave to the chart.

What is workstation virtualization?

Multiple operating systems on one physical host machine


Platform as a Service (amazon web services, windows azure) -don't buy hardware -don't build an expensive datacenter -install your own software on their servers -7x24 support for the platform -scalable...probably -operating expense

Examples of Federated authentication technologies:

Shibboleth, SAML, Oauth

Operating Systems - Why do we need them? What do they do for us?

Sits between application and hardware and helps them communicate. Gives us device drivers


Software as a Service (Google apps, Office 365) -don't buy any hardware -don't install software -don't have to patch upgrade -rapid deployment -scalable -operating expense

What is the "layer cake" metaphor? Why is it valuable?

Software is architected in layers. USER - APPLICATION - OS - HARDWARE (API application program interface)


audits that report on a cloud vendor that have been examined

What is meant by "abstraction" of resources?

Taking a physical resource and carving it up in multiple pieces and presenting the pieces to a virtual computer (CPU, Memory, Storage, NIC)

How does the cloud enable tech?

The cloud means a startup can rent the computing resources one previously had to buy a a great expense.

What are OOTB business processes?

The way the ERP's have already set of processes.

What question does the Magic Quadrant answer?

Their ability execute

What 3 clients were discussed for Office365?

Web browser on notebook/desktop, outlook desktop application, mail app on mobile device

What is meant by "the cloud"?

You look up at a cloud, you see the outside but you can't see what's inside it.

What are "shrink wrap" and "click wrap" licenses?

Your action = assent to their terms

What is a Platform?

a certain set of tools so programmers can create apps for us. (GUI)

What is fair use?

a legal defense to use copyrighted material. You can use for teaching, news reporting, parody, critical comment.

Perpetual license vs. "ownership"

allowed to use contract forever but you don't technically own it

What types of things can be copyrighted?

books, plays, music, dance, movies and pictures

What is the Manager's Role to make IT successful?

business process must be well-defined, mature. Clear statement of goal, requirements clearly stated, version control - avoid "feature creep"

Describe a system software system:

collection of programs that are needed for the smooth functioning of a computer and its peripheral devices

How does IT enable share economy?

creates a means so you can broadcast what you want to share

How does social media enable tech?

done right can virally spread awareness of a firm with nary a dime of conventional ad spending.

How is IT characterized as a career?

everything relies on tech these days. Every discipline is affected. Every budget is an IT budget.

Enterprise data centers

expensive room for servers (expensive buildings/rooms, lots of computers, storage devices, AC, power)

What does Moore's Law state?

for improvement every two years you should be able to double the number of transistors in a circuit and sell for the same price.

How do app stores enable tech?

give code jockeys immediate, nearly zero-cost distribution to a potential market of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Describe an application software:

helps you accomplish a task (do the real work)

Who can use copyrighted works?

if you have written permission, copyright has expired (public domain), or U.S. Federal Gov. works (domestic use only)

"Democratization of IT"

low cost tech items to give in poorer parts of the world

What does Share Alike stand for?

must use same derivatives to share the work.

What does (Total Cost of Ownership) mean?

o Acquisition cost, "beyond the price tag" things o Free puppy = lots of TCO o 80 % of total IT cost occurs after initial purchase.

Federated Authentication

o Single Sign-On (SSO) -Minimizes user support -integration can be tricky

What does No rights stand for?

public domain

Rouge App

put confidential data in a none approved cloud

What is meant by "look behind the curtain"

see where cloud companies are outsourcing

What is ERP?

technology strategy that integrates a set of business functions and their financial records. (They have modules, huge code base, customization, integration.)

Marginal costs

the cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service

Switching costs

the costs associated with switching to a different product

What is Enterprise Application Software?

the exact same program is used by entire organization

"Cloud-First Strategy"

the first thing a company does is say where can we put this in the cloud

Network effects:

the value of the product increase as the number of users grows

How is technology a disrupter?

to interrupt the normal progress or activity of something

What is share economy?

when you own something but you don't use it all the time so you rent it out.

Proprietary software

you have no idea what is going on in the "black box" (vender develops and maintains)

What does No Derivatives stand for?

you need to give credit and not used for commercial

What is virtualization?

• A way to take advantage of underutilized resources - A technique for running multiple "virtual computers on a single physical host computer system

LAMP stack - What is it?

• popular open source web platform commonly used to run dynamic web sites and servers. It includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Python/Perl and is considered by many the platform of choice for development and deployment of high performance web applications which require a solid and reliable foundation.

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