IT 117 QA Quiz 2

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Initially, an ideal problem for a team is one than can be solved in:

3/4 maths

Initially, an ideal problem for a team is one than can be solved in:

3/4 months

The Baldrige National Quality Award application is divided into how many key categories of criteria?


Dr. Deming attributed what percentage of responsibility for quality related problems to management?


The proper sizing of a team is:

A complex balancing of considerations of inclusion and manageability

One would define team consensus as:

A decision that all team members can support

Which of the following are typical descriptions of actions used in conflict resolution?

Accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, compromising

Team success is most dependent on which of the following?

Active support by mid-managers

From an external customer's standpoint which of the following stakeholders is responsible for poor product quality?

All employees of the producing company

A company should optimize its profit margin primarily for the benefit of:

All stakeholder requirements

Which of the following would normally be considered an internal versus an external stakeholder concern?

An ability to weather tough economic times

In order to be a member of a team, a person should have all of the following prerequisites, EXCEPT:

An emotional interest in the problem

Community or society quality benefits would include which of the following?

An enhanced ability to pay taxes and safe products to use

An endorsed team charter should:

Authorize expenditures of corporate resources

Conflicts within a team:

Can have positive consequences

The conflict resolution technique that is considered intermediate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness is considered to be:


When the team is creating their guidelines, the issue of what information will be shared outside the team is called:


Which of the following techniques is the preferred team problem resolution option?


A thorough review of the work of the major quality gurus would indicate which of the following to be the most effective way to create quality?

Continuous process improvement

Which of the following quality concepts is identified with W. Edwards Deming?

Create constancy of purpose

The quality management perspective, user perspective, and manufacturer's perspective are respectively associated with:

Crosby, Deming, and Juran

The "next process is your customer" refers to:

Desire for better cooperation among departments

A process flow chart is ideal for:

Displaying both work and information flow

Which of the following quality gurus was very critical of merit pay, individual bonuses, management by the numbers, management by objectives, and the forced ranking of employees by performance?

Dr. Deming

Which of the following quality professionals is considered a folk hero in Japan and founder of the third wave of the industrial revolution?

Dr. Deming

Which of the following is a Deming imperative?

Drive out fear throughout the organization

The internal customer can be helped through which of the following methods or practices?

Effective communications between departments

Deming felt that slogans and exhortations should be:

Eliminated, because they're meaningless

When Deming said "to drive out fear," he meant:

Encourage creativity

Quality control relies on:


Which two of the following quality gurus are most closely associated with the terms "total quality control" and "total quality management?"

Feigenbaum and Ishikawa

In describing the Juran Trilogy® or quality trilogy, Dr. J. M. Juran often describes a parallel between this quality sequence and which of the following management processes?


Deming's Continuous Improvement Helix, Juran's Quality Trilogy®, and Crosby's PONC are:

Forms of feedback mechanisms

Deming's Continuous Improvement Helix, Juran's Quality Trilogy®, and Crosby's PONC are: Conflicting process approaches Forms of feedback mechanisms Focused on quality from the customer's point of view In disagreement on who determines quality

Forms of feedback mechanisms

Excessive conflict within a work team:

Has a negative effect on team members and should be avoided

Why does Crosby emphasize quality improvement in terms of money to such a great extent? He believes that it will require the creation of quality cost reports He believes that it will capture the attention of management He believes that it will prompt corrective action He believes that it would lower costs to the customer

He believes that it will capture the attention of management

Dr. Deming states that 94% of quality problems are the responsibility of management. What does he mean?

I and II only

Which of the following would be the most appropriate reasons for providing rewards and recognition to improvement teams? I. To provide positive reinforcement for correct behavior II. To share Significant monetary gains with those who generated them III. To show the company's sincere thanks and appreciation IV. To connect a material award with achievement

I and III only

To discourage a team from selecting an expensive problem solution, which is not cost effective, team members should be trained to ask the question:

If this were my money, would I spend it on this solution?

Deming wanted constancy of purpose for what end?

Improvement of product and service

According to Dr. Deming, responsibility for quality properly belongs where?

In the hands of everyone

Individual training needs are most effectively developed when:

Individual training needs are most effectively developed when:

To empower a team, management should provide which of the following:

Information and resources

One would say that communications within an organization's stakeholder groups would most effectively be handled by which of the following mechanisms?

Internal company processes

Deming wanted . a vigorous program of education and self-improvement because:

It helped employees become better workers

Which of the following quality luminaries would be most clearly identified as a proponent of improvement and breakthrough projects?


Which of the following quality gurus align with their corresponding basic orientation toward quality?

Juran: Process driven

Within the evaluation of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, which of the following criteria categories carries the greatest point value?


What primary activities take place during most team meetings?

Learning the teamwork process and improving the work process

The current BNQP contains 7 categories and 17 elements with a total value of 1000 points. It is reported that companies scoring over 600 points in a paper audit will receive a plant visit by Baldrige examiners. This probably indicates that:

Many U.S. companies have a long way to go

The team's charter describes the team's:

Mission, scope, and objectives

Philip Crosby's quality message is most clearly identified with which of the following perspectives?


Dr. Juran believes that the "last word" is: Feedback Replicating quality processes that have been used successfully elsewhere Accountability Moving a process to a better and improved state of control

Moving a process to a better and improved state of control

Group cohesion develops during the:

Norming stage

Dr. W. Edwards Deming promoted and used which of the following techniques?

Parable of the red beads

Which of the following events would most likely affect a company's outgoing quality immediately?

Poor internal company quality

The relevant stakeholders in an important project would typically include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Potential competitors

The team has brainstormed two viable options for correcting a problem. The best way to select one over the other is:

Present pros and cons for each idea and have team discussion

Which of the following is contrary to Deming's profound knowledge and is violation of his obligations of top management?

Putting forth 110% effort

Dr. Juran's Quality Trilogy® involves which of the following?

Quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement

The Baldrige National Quality Award:

Recognizes American companies for outstanding performance

An "empowered" team is able to:

Request information from all organizational levels

When a company ends the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag, they are:

Seeking the best value for the entire process

What quality pioneer is generally recognized as being the creator of the control chart?


Initial projects selected by teams should:

Show a fairly rapid benefit and success outcome

Keeping records of team meetings is important because:

Single meeting progress may be slow

The Baldrige award is open for competition among which of the following?

Small businesses and health care organizations

If a company fails to meet their quarterly projected sales and profit forecasts, which of the following stakeholders groups would be LEAST affected?


Of all of an organization's stakeholder groups, which would be considered the most removed from internal processes?


In today's society, which ofthe following would be most likely to enjoy a long-term relationship with a product organization?


Divided member loyalties, having personal confrontations, thinking individually, and learning team members roles are indicators that a team is in which evolutionary stage?


When a team has a tendency to jump immediately to problem solutions, a facilitator should take all the following actions, EXCEPT:

Strive for quicker decision making

The key attribute for individual team members is:

That they value teamwork in the problem solving process

Which of the following is a significant difference between the BNQA criteria and the Deming philosophy?

The BNQA has rating categories; whereas, Deming's points are "all or nothing"

Which one of the following best describes machine capability?

The inherent variation of

Most of the power that a team enjoys comes from:

The organization's management

A work instruction gives information about which one of the following?

The steps necessary to perform certain work

Crosby defines quality as "conformance to requirements" and Juran defines quality as "fitness for use." Which of the following statements is correct?

These are good examples of beauty lying in the eye of the beholder

Why does Juran suggest that chronic waste in an organization will often go unnoticed by management.

These wastes are built into the standards and become accepted

The most common management argument against improvement teams is:

They believe that the U.S. industrial climate will not support them

The MBNQA was created by Public Law 100-107 in 1987. It is now called the BNQAP (Baldrige National Quality Program). Which of the following statements is correct with regard to P?

U.S. businesses, education organizations, and health care organizations are eligible to apply

Internal customers are important to all organizations. Quality and other staff departments should adopt a philosophy of:

We are a service department

According to the Deming philosophy, common causes of faults:

a result of the system

Without prior approval, an employee spent $500 of company money to purchase a device that simplifies work flow in his area. This is an example of:

employee empowerment

When a team is unsure of their spending limits, without management approval, they are lacking:

ground rules

Which of the following descriptors is most applicable to service quality?


The most difficult stage for any team to work through is:


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