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Act with integrity and honesty in dealing with the public, end users, coworkers, management, and competitors", would likely be covered in which of the following?

. A professional code of ethical behavior

The relationship between carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries is summarized by which of the following sentences?

. All carpal tunnel injuries are repetitive strain injuries

____ is not a common source of job stress among user support workers

. All of these are common sources.

Which of these personal characteristics of successful troubleshooters is the most important?

. All of these are important characteristics.

Which of these types of documents is primarily intended to catch the eye of the reader and promote an event?

. Brochure or flyer

Which of the following kinds of questions is designed to determine whether a help desk job applicant has specific educational and work experience required for a position?

. Directed question

Which of the following are more likely to use subjective selection criteria to choose among competing computer products?

. Small organizations

An electronic magazine organized like a print publication, but distributed via a Web site, that may contain product reviews and comparisons is called ____.

. an ezine

The purpose of a preinstallation site visit is to ____.

. anticipate possible installation problems

A user's forearms should extend ____ to a keyboard.

. down slightly

A schematic diagram that uses symbols to represent the parts of a system is a(n) ____.

. flowchart

Dirt on computer keyboards can be cleaned with ____.

. isopropyl alcohol

When analyzing the feedback on an evaluation form, a trainer should look for ____.

. items where there is a pattern of low ratings

When choosing alignment for a paragraph of text, the easiest to read is ____ text.

. left-aligned

A cross-reference or link to where a reader can find additional information about a topic is called a(n) ____.

. pointer

A writer who performs each procedure or technical step in a document and tests each step with the hardware and software is doing a(n) ____ check.

. technical accuracy

A trainee who learns best by seeing a demonstration is called a(n) ____.

. visual learner

The average time it takes a help desk to respond to incidents is ____.

. wait time

Phases in the needs analysis and assessment process

1. Preparation 2. Investigation 3. Decision

A computer adaptive test may be able to determine a test taker's proficiency level by asking as few as ____ questions


A computer adaptive test may be able to determine a test taker's proficiency level by asking as few as ____ questions.


Businesses and organizations first began to use data communications and network technology to connect computer systems in the ____.


Widespread use of the Internet by business and home users first occurred in the ____.


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that the number of computer and network support specialist positions in the United States will grow at about ____ percent over the next 10 years.


- Put the numbered versions of a software package in sequence from the most significant change to the least significant: 1 -" build #, 2 -"" release #, 3 -"" version #," 4 - update #.

3 - 2 - 4 - 1

Put the numbered versions of a software package in sequence from the most significant change to the least significant: 1 -" build #, 2 -"" release #, 3 -"" version #," 4 - update #.

3 - 2 - 4 - 1

- Which of these version numbers is likely the most recent version of a software package?


Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of which common computer problem?

A - Ergonomics

A computer user who purchases a software package that will not operate on their hardware configuration is a victim of which common computer problem?

A - Waste of resources

A software program that enables users to find and display information stored as HTML pages on the Internet is a(n) ____.

A - Web browser

Peripheral devices are part of a computer system's ____.

A - hardware

The position description for the Information Technology Specialist in the USDA in this chapter illustrates that ____.

A - network support and user support may be combined in a single position

A company that contracts with another organization that specializes in user support is using ____.

A - outsourcing

In order to make effective use of a new or upgraded computer system, a user may require ____.

A - training

An organization that provides a wide range of support services to users is called a(n) ____.

A - user support center

Computer software that helps a user enter, edit, format, store, and print text information is a ____.

A - word processor

An internal user is one who is a(n) ____.

A - worker in an organization

Really Simple Syndication RSS

A Web service that aggregates selected information from various Web resources, including newsgroups, blogs, forums, and other news and information services and delivers it to a user's desktop in a convenient, easy-to-use format.


A alternative identified in a needs analysis that solves a problem in a reasonable way, but not necessarily the best way is a(n) ____ solution. optimal maximal low-cost satisficing

. cost-benefit analysis

A balance sheet that weighs the expenses associated with a computer system against the advantages of the system to an organization is called a ____.


A blog is a Web site where users who are angry or abusive can go to post complaints about a company's products or services.

isopropyl alcohol

A chemical used by support specialists to clean many computer components is ____.


A commitment to customer service excellence means the customer is always right.


A communication skill that involves a support agent describing the solution to a problem so the user understands why the problem occurred and the steps required to resolve it.


A communication skill that involves you restating in your own words what you think you heard the speaker say.


A communication skill that permits a troubleshooter to confirm his or her perception that a problem is solved.

Active Listening

A communication skill that results in a listener being as involved and engaged in the communication process as the speaker; paraphrasing is an example of active listening.


A comparison between an unfamiliar concept and a familiar one; an analogy highlights the similarities between things; for example, the CPU in a computer system is analogous to an office calculator in a manual system.


A comprehensive client service orientation among support staff applies to every staff member, and to every mode of user communication.


A computer network that uses the Internet to connect remote users to a corporate network; a VPN uses authentication and encryption to enhance security on a network.


A concrete word or concept that is designated by another word; for example, in Before you insert a CD, inspect it for scratches, the word CD is the referent of it; avoid pronouns such as it, them, and their when the referent is unclear.


A cross-reference in a document indicating where a user can find more information on a topic; often used in technical writing to reduce the size of a document by including directions to appendices, attachments, exhibits, figures, tables, and other related materials.

A computer product vendor's response to an RFP usually includes all but which of these?

A description of problems with the competitor's products

Which of these is not normally part of an explanation to a user?

A description of the various alternatives the support agent considered to find a solution

Goal State

A desired outcome or objective; in troubleshooting, a common goal state is to diagnose or repair a computer subsystem to return it to a normal operational state.

power conditioner

A device that regulates the electrical power on a circuit into which a computer will be connected is a(n) ____.

business interruption insurance

A disaster management tool that can provide an organization with additional financial resources at the time an unforeseen event occurs is ____.

is at a 90-degree angle to the light source

A display screen should be positioned so that it ____.

Justified Text

A document or paragraph format in which the text is extended to both the right and left margins; commonly used in books and newspapers, but can be difficult to read.

Hierarchical organization

A document organization style that flows from top to bottom; information is arranged from general to specific; online help systems are an example.

Sequential Organization

A document organization style that follows a step-by-step approach whereby information is arranged in the order in which the steps are executed; procedural and operational documents are examples.

Tutorial Format

A documentation style that guides a user step-by-step through the features of a program with frequently used features covered first; compare to reference format.

Reference Format

A documentation style that pulls together all the information on a specific topic in a single page, section, or chapter; compare to tutorial format.


A factor or an aspect in a problem-solving situation that can change or be changed; eliminating variables by removing components simplifies a complex problem so it is more manageable and can be solved

Dangling Modifier

A few words (or a single word) at the beginning or end of a sentence that add little to the meaning of the sentence.


A follow-up question designed to elicit additional information from a user about a problem; a sequence of probes often clarifies a problem situation.

Hypertext Link

A highlighted word or phrase in a document that acts as a pointer to additional information; when a user clicks a link, the software displays a Web page, opens a different document, jumps to another location in the current document, or displays a popup window.


A light source that may flicker at the same rate as an older CRT display screen is a(n) ____ bulb.

Style Sheet

A list of common terms, formats, and writing conventions that describes the preferred use and spelling of a documentation department or organization so that writers use consistent terminology and formats.

. log

A list of events or activities recorded in the sequence in which they occur is called a(n) ____.

Which of these is a primary benefit of buying an off-the-shelf computer system?

A mass-market system often costs less.


A method used to generate a list of potential ideas or topics; the brainstormed list is then prioritized and pared down, as needed.


A narrative or diagram that explains the structure and operation of a new or existing computer system is called a


A narrative or diagram that explains the structure and operation of a new or existing technology solution is called a ____. prototype turnkey model report

I-P-O chart input, processing, and output

A needs assessment tool that breaks a procedure into input, processing, and output steps is called a(n) ____.

I-P-O chart

A needs assessment tool that breaks a procedure into input, processing, and output steps is called a(n) ____. I-P-O chart Gantt chart breakdown chart project chart


A packaged system that includes hardware, software, and support from a single computer vendor is called a(n) ____ system.

Module Replacement

A problem-solving strategy that involves replacing a hardware or software component whose operational status is unknown with a component that is known to be operational.


A problem-solving tool whereby a difficult or complex problem is referred to a higher-level support person or team for resolution.

Problem Solving

A process of moving from a current state of events X (the problem state) to a future desired state of events Y; the objective of problem solving is to get from X to Y quickly, accurately, effectively, and efficiently.

Iterative Process

A process that involves several paths or approaches to problem solving; steps are repeated in a loop until a fruitful path is found; troubleshooting is an iterative process in that it uses and reuses a variety of tools and skills.

Gantt chart

A project planning tool that shows basic information about each project task as horizontal bars on a timeline graph is call a ____. planning chart pie chart predecessor chart Gantt chart

Gantt chart

A project planning tool that shows basic information about each project task as horizontal bars on a timeline graph is called a ____.

Critical Question

A question designed to elicit important information from a user that may force a support agent to challenge some basic assumptions about a problem.


A receipt from a credit card transaction is an example of a(n) ____ form.


A receipt from a credit card transaction is an example of a(n) ____ form. charter source output input


A rising inflection at the end of a sentence communicates that a support agent is unsure or lacks confidence.

. flowchart

A schematic diagram that uses symbols to represent the parts of a system is a(n) ____.

Passive Voice

A sentence in which the subject of the sentence receives the action indicated by the verb; for example, The documentation was prepared by me is in passive voice, whereas I prepared the documentation is in active voice.

Active Voice

A sentence in which the subject performs the action indicated by the verb; for example: Mary will present a tutorial on Excel macros on Monday; compare to passive voice.

project charter

A short narrative statement that describes the objectives, scope, methods, participants, deliverables, and timeline for a needs assessment project is a ____.

Project charter

A short narrative statement that describes the objectives, scope, methods, participants, deliverables, and timeline for a needs assessment project is a ____. model prototype cost-benefit analysis project charter

Multiple systems installed in an office or training facility

A site management notebook is especially useful in which of these situations?


A situation in which a fact established through investigation rules out, or contradicts, a potential solution.

12 or fewer

A small group training session usually includes ____ trainees

learning management system

A software tool that automates many of the tasks associated with a training program, such as authoring, testing, and administration, is a ____.

project management software

A software tool that helps a needs assessment analyst organize the tasks in a project, set priorities, monitor project costs, and schedule activities is ____.

Serif Typeface

A style of type in which each character includes fine lines (called serifs) that project from the top and bottom of each letter; serifs lead the reader's eye from letter to letter across the line, improving readability; compare with sans serif typeface.

Sans Serif

A style of type that does not have fine lines (serifs) added to each character; often used in titles and headings; compare with serif typeface.

Specialty Typeface

A style of type that is intended for special uses, such as invitations, brochures, or flyers; draws attention to text, although it makes general text more difficult to read; script typefaces are an example.


A support agent should always be honest in every response to a user's questions.


A support agent should work to deny the sense of self-importance of users who are "power users."


A support agent who handles complaints or incidents from angry, upset users should try to move the incident into the problem-solving stage as rapidly as possible.

tool for support specialists

A system installation checklist is ____.

nut driver

A tool used by computer installers to remove the case from a computer is a ____.

auditory learner

A trainee who learns best by listening to an explanation of a task is called a(n) ____.

experiential learner

A trainee who learns best by performing a task is called a(n)

. visual learner

A trainee who learns best by seeing a demonstration is called a(n) ____.

a case study

A training delivery method that encourages trainees to make the transition from a training environment to the business world is ____.

down slightly

A user's forearms should extend ____ to a keyboard.


A word formed from the initial letters of words in a phrase; for example, CPU is an acronym for central processing unit; define acronyms to ensure readers' understanding.


A working model that a support analyst builds to help users evaluate the design of a new system is called a(n) ____.

Parallel Structure

A writing strategy in which similar items are treated consistently throughout a document; examples include consistent verb tenses and consistent phrasing in lists.

____________________ include the ability to listen or read effectively, understand a user's problem, and relate a solution to a problem.

ANS: Communication skills communication skills Communications skills communications skills Communications communications

An organization-wide commitment that client relationships and client satisfaction are the most important aspect of a business is a(n) ______________________.

ANS: customer-service ethic customer service ethic client-service ethic client service ethic

"I can give you a workaround for this problem, then later we can diagnose the cause of the problem so you don't encounter it again." is an example of ____. a. empathy b. probing c. sincere greeting d. nonverbal communication


When a support agent does not know the answer to a question, a good incident management strategy is to tell the user ____. a. the support agent will research the question and get back to the user b. the support agent doesn't know and nobody else does either c. the question isn't as important as other questions d. to call back later when a different agent is available


A feature of a Web site where discussions are posted by members of a user community is called a ____. a. blog b. user forum c. chat room d. Twitter


Dissatisfied clients are more likely than satisfied clients to ____. a. resolve support incidents quickly b. contact the help desk repeatedly for assistance c. resolve support incidents at a low tier d. convey a positive business image to other users


One measure of whether a support agent understands a problem is that he or she can express the user's problem in ____. a. the user's words b. the support agent's own words c. industry standard vocabulary d. none of the above


Posts to a user forum with commentary on a single topic, arranged in date order, are called _____. a. Web 2.0 b. a thread c. a blog d. Web 3.0


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) measures ____. a. customer service ethic b. personality and work style preferences c. nonverbal behavior d. user self-reliance


The most effective strategy for using a script is to ____. a. read the script verbatim to the user b. restate the script in your own words c. memorize the script d. use the script only when needed


Which of these is not a recommended incident management strategy for support agents? a. Ask goal-directed diagnostic questions. b. Don't admit that you're wrong or don't know. c. Say thanks. d. Teach user self-reliance.


Which of these is not one of the four goals of incident management? a. Make the user more self-reliant. b. Complete the incident in the least amount of time possible. c. Manage stress levels for both user and support agent. d. Provide the user with the information he or she needs.


A script to handle a support incident has ____. a. a single sequence of questions and dialog from beginning to end b. a sequence of questions with one decision point c. several sequences of questions with multiple decision points or paths d. none of the above


A support agent should aim to use language that is ____ the language level that the user uses. a. slightly above b. at the same level as c. slightly below d. none of the above


A support agent who feels that a user needs substantial assistance with the organization of files on his or her computer system should ____. a. indicate how upset he or she is with the user's file organization b. tell the user how to straighten out his or her file organization c. point the user to useful information about file organization d. intimidate the user into changing his or her file organization


Analysis and evaluation of a user's message are likely to occur during which type of listening? a. Discriminative b. Comprehensive c. Critical d. Relational


Excellent customer service in a support organization is based primarily on which of these factors? a. The ability to solve user problems b. The ability to communicate effectively with users c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B


In a telephone communication, which of the following is the telephone activity a support agent least likely needs to develop? a. A call greeting b. A way to transfer a call c. A way to hang up on abusive users d. A dialog to put a call on hold


Incidents that involve complaints ____. a. should be terminated as soon as possible b. are likely from angry and frustrated users c. are a valuable source of feedback and suggestions about products d. should be escalated immediately to experienced support staff who know how to handle them


Inexperienced support agents tend to speak ____ when they experience stress in a conversation with a user. a. too slow b. about the right speed c. too fast d. none of these


A Web site that contains large numbers of misspelled words and grammatical errors fails which of these general criteria? a. Content b. Organization c. Format d. Mechanics


A user's first impression of a support agent comes from the ____. a. solution to the problem b. incident script used c. tone and style d. incident greeting


Effective communication skills are based primarily on a support agent's ability to ____. a. listen and read effectively b. understand a user's problem c. communicate solutions to a user d. any of these


Effective communication skills are important primarily to support agents who communicate ____. a.via telephone c.via email b.face-to-face d.any of these


Support Web sites that use Web 2.0 technologies differ from earlier support Web sites primarily in ____. a. including frequently asked questions (FAQs) b. the authoring language used to build and maintain the site c. improved site navigation tools d. an emphasis on collaboration and communication among users


Which of these is not a primary strategy for a support organization that aims for customer service excellence? a. Treat clients with respect. b. Explain to clients what the support organization can do for them. c. Return calls to clients when promised. d. Meet all of a client's demands.


Which type of nonverbal behavior is suggested for effective voice quality? a. Use inflection to add interest. b. Speak at a normal pitch. c. Use a warm, upbeat tone of voice. d. All of these


Which type of nonverbal behavior is the least effective posture for support agents? a. An open stance b. Face the user c. Establish eye contact d. Fold arms


The three essential communications skills are ____, understanding, and responding.

ANS: listening

One purpose or type of listening is to develop rapport with a user. This type of listening is called _____________________.

ANS: relational

Which of the following is not a primary benefit of computer industry certification?

Ability to identify a worker whose performance has fallen below industry standards

The sentence "Larry will present a tutorial on Excel macros on Tuesday next week." is in ____ voice.


The concept that a listener is an involved participant in the communication process is called ____.

Active Listening

Which of these personal characteristics of successful troubleshooter is the most important?


Which of these personal characteristics of successful troubleshooters is the most important?

All of the above

Which of these is an important topic in a help desk staff training program?

All of these

Which of these would you expect to find as members of a product standards committee?

All of these


An I-P-O chart is a diagram that represents the Input, Processing and Output steps required to perform a task.


An Internet discussion group in which participants with common interests in a topic post messages; similar to an electronic bulletin board.


An alternative identified in a needs analysis that solves a problem in a reasonable way but not necessarily the best way is a(n) ____ solution.

reduce the risk of damage to computer components

An antistatic wrist strap is designed to ____.


An automated email service that distributes all (or selected) email messages posted to the ListServ to every member who has subscribed to the ListServ; organized around a topic of special interest to its members.

Mental Model

An automated email service that distributes all (or selected) email messages posted to the ListServ to every member who has subscribed to the ListServ; organized around a topic of special interest to its members.

Format consistency check

An edit pass through a draft document in which a writer checks to make sure that the headings and subheadings, fonts, indentation, centering, boldface, italics, underlining, and other format elements are used consistently throughout a document.

Technical accuracy check

An edit pass through a draft in which a writer tests any procedural or technical steps in a document by performing the steps with the hardware or software; helps reduce errors in step-by-step instructions or other technical information.


An initial guess, hunch, or prediction based on experience.

delivery method

An instructional technology, medium, or approach to presenting information in a training session is called a ____.

Knowledge Base

An organized collection of information, articles, procedures, tips, and solutions to existing problems that can serve as a resource in a problem-solving situation.

a. battery

An uninterruptible power supply contains a ____.

Ways in which the current problem is similar to other problems are called ____.


source document

Another name for an input form is a ____.

Viewing a system as a group of subsystems begins the search for a problem at ____.


Which of these can be examined for industry certification?

Any of these

When a troubleshooter tries to print a page on a printer that a user says no longer prints, the troubleshooter is using which problem-solving strategy?

Attempt to replicate the problem

A troubleshooter who tries to print a page on a printer a user says no longer prints is using the ____ problem solving strategy.

Attempt to replicate the problem.

A(n) ____________________ is a process to determine which software versions are installed on a PC or network server to verify software licenses.


In help desk jargon, ACD stands for ____.

Automated Call Distributor

The first PCs were used in businesses and homes in the ____.

B - 1970s

The purpose of support standards is to accomplish all but which of the following?

B - Expand supported products

Which of these is not a service you would expect of a help desk or hotline?

B - Operate a local area network

Which of these was not a primary characteristic of mainframe computer use in the 1950s and 1960s?

B - Served as an Internet host computer

Applications software that is intended for use in a specialized business environment is called ____.

B - an industry-specific application

Severe hand or wrist pain due to an inflammation of the tendons in a user's hand and wrist is called ____.

B - carpal tunnel syndrome

Applications software used to prepare printed materials that include graphic images, such as newsletters, flyers, brochures, and posters, is called ____.

B - desktop publishing

A software package used to prepare budgets, reports, forecasts, and financial statements is a ____.

B - spreadsheet program

Computer technology generally doubles in capacity every two ____.

B - years

What is the sequence of these steps in the technical writing process? A) Proofread the document. B) Generate a list of ideas. C) Arrange for an outside reviewer. D) Write a first draft.


Which letter sequence represents the order of the following steps in the request for proposal process? A) Send the RFP to vendors. B) Develop product specifications. C) Evaluate RFP responses against the criteria. D) Define the selection criteria.

B, D, A, C

Which of these sequences is the order of the following steps in the iterative problem-solving process? A) Formulate and test a hypothesis. B) Collect information. C) Analyze the results. D) Consider alternative explanations.

B, D, A, C

What is the sequence of these steps in the technical writing process? A) Proofread the document. B) Generate a list of ideas. C) Arrange for an outside reviewer. D) Write a first draft.

B, D, C, A

In the classification of skill levels below, what is the sequence in which skills are usually built? A) Basic skills B) Concepts C) Expertise D) Understanding


Which of these sequences is the order of the steps below in the iterative problem-solving process? a) formulate and test hypothesis b) collect information c) analyze results d) consider alternative explanations


close all open programs

Before a support specialist installs an application software package, he or she should ____.

Detailed steps for performing a task are generally described in which part of a document?


Benchmark tests on competing products can be used to select ____.

Both hardware and software products

A list of as many topics as a writer can think of that might be useful to a reader is the result of ____.


Businesses and organizations first began to use data communications and network technology to connect computer systems in the ____.

C - 1980s

Mass-market applications software and personal computer operating became available in the ____.

C - 1980s

Widespread use of the Internet by business and home users first occurred in the ____.

C - 1980s

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic forecasts that the number of computer and network support specialist positions in the United States will grow at about ______ percent over the next 10 years.

C - 20

Which of these software packages is likely to be the most expensive?

C - Computer-aided design package

Which of these devices is not a peripheral?

C - Internal memory

Which of these categories of computer software can add thousands of dollars to the cost of a computer system?

C - Specialized software

Applications software that enables users to create, maintain, and update Web pages is called ____ software

C - Web site development

KSA stands for ____.

C - knowledge, skills, and abilities

Employees who provide informal peer support to other users in an organization ____.

C - often have little or no training in user support

Making an illegal copy of a software program is called ____.

C - piracy

A hardware device that was a first step toward decentralized computing was the ____.

C - terminal

Which sequence of letters represents the order of the steps below in the weighted point evaluation method? A) Compute the total ratings for each product. B) Assign a weight to the importance of each criterion. C) Decide on the evaluation criteria. D) Weight the product ratings for each criterion by the importance of the criterion

C, B, D, A

- Which of these hardware devices is more likely to fail during the operation of a computer system?

CD or DVD drive

Most operating systems are now distributed on ____.

CDs or DVDs

A training delivery method that encourages trainees to make the transition from a training environment to the business world is ____.

Case Study

Which of these is least likely to be a purpose of proofreading the final draft of a document?

Check definitions of terms

Which of these training formats is generally the most cost-effective because the ratio of trainees to trainers is highest


Critical Thinking

Cognitive skills a problem solver uses to analyze a problem, search for the underlying logic or rationale, or strive for alternate ways to explain an event or situation.

Tools a troubleshooter uses to get a description of a computer problem, learn a user's perspectives on the problem, and explain the solution to the user are called ____.

Communication Skills


Compared to other parts, the nuts and bolts in a computer system tend to be ____.

perform tasks and build expertise

Compared with education, the primary goal of training is to ____.

- Which of these sources of hardware problems is not one of the primary categories that account for most hardware support problems?

Component design problems

Which of these sources of hardware problems is not one of the primary categories that account for most hardware support problems?

Component design problems

"Technical writing should be concise and it should be informative." is an example of a ____.

Compound Sentence

Which of these answers is least descriptive of the information on a Web page?


Which of these categories of workers is expected to increase at about the same rate as employment in the U.S. economy over the next decade?

Computer Support Specialists

Which of these testing methods is often used in industry certification exams?

Computer adaptive test

Web-based training is most similar to which of these other training delivery methods?

Computer-based training

Which of these is not a characteristic of technical writing?

Concludes with the most important point at the end of a section

Incomplete coverage of a topic violates which of these four writing criteria?


During the development of a first draft, a technical writer is probably least concerned with ____.

Correct Spelling

Analysis and evaluation of a user's message are likely to occur during which type of listening?


A troubleshooter's ability to design and test hypotheses in order to solve a computer problem is based on ____.

Critical Thinking

Which of these software packages includes features to present graphical information?

D - All of these - Desktop publishing program - Word processing program - Spreadsheet program

Which of these is not one of the trends that led to growth in end users during the 1980s and 1990s?

D - Increased in the cost of large-scale computer systems

Due to increased use of the Internet, which of these are likely to increase in the future as a percentage of the total cost of a computer system?

D - Information costs

Which of these is not a primary reason the growth in the demand for user support workers has declined from the 1990s?

D - Interest rates in the United States were low during the 2000s

Which of these is an advantage to outsourcing as a way to provide user support?

D - Outsourcing takes advantage of expertise a company does not have

A computer user who enters an incorrect formula in a spreadsheet that results in a serious error is a victim of which common computer problem?

D - User mistake

Which of these categories of workers increased during the 1980s and contributed to growth in the number of computer end users?

D - Workers in offices who work with information

Which of these responsibilities would you least expect to find in a position description for a user support specialist?

D - Writes computer programs in COBOL

A distributed computing system usually includes ____.

D - all of these

Use of a computer for unauthorized access to information about a customer, patient, or student is called ____.

D - an invasion of privacy

A computer virus can be spread through ____.

D - any of these

The user support staff is most likely to experience conflict with the IT department over ____.

D - application software development

Theft of information, use of a computer to commit sabotage or embezzlement, and fraudulent use of a computer are examples of ____.

D - computer crimes

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the demand for user support workers in the next 10 years will ____.

D - increase significantly

Another name for needs analysis is ____.

D - needs assessment

Applications software that helps a user maintain a calendar, appointment book, to-do list, and address book is called a ____.

D - personal information manager

Classifying end users as internal versus external is a classification by ____.

D - relationship

The process of unpacking, setting up, and configuring a new computer system for a user is ____.

D - system installation assistance

Which sequence of letters below is the order of steps in managing a special project? A) Monitor B) Plan C) Terminate D) Define E) Implement

D, B, E, A, C

In the early part of a training session, how should the topics below be organized into a sequence? A) Present new material B) Establish motivation C) Introduce new topic D) Review previous topic

D, C, B, A

A(n) ____________________ is a real-time display of statistical performance information and service fault alerts in a visual, graphic format.


In a user needs assessment project, an analyst develops a model of the proposed new system and makes a build-versus-buy recommendation during which of these phases?


When a troubleshooter must select from among several diagnostic tests to gather information about a problem, the selection is based on ____ skills.

Decision Making

A(n) ____________________ utility rewrites all the files and folders on a disk drive so they are stored in contiguous blocks in order to improve disk performance


Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to solve performance problems?

Deleted file recovery

Which of these is not normally part of an explanation to a user?

Description of the various alternatives the support agent considered to find a solution.

Which of these is not a role that user support trainers are likely to perform in the future?

Design and develop CBT and WBT modules


Designers of customer service Web sites find that since Web site content changes frequently, the design of a Web site is less important than its contents.


Designing computer systems and laying out workspaces to minimize health problems and maximize worker safety, productivity, and comfort is called ____.

Which of the following kinds of questions is designed to determine whether a help desk job applicant has specific educational and work experience required for a position?

Directed question

isopropyl alcohol

Dirt on computer keyboards can be cleaned with ____.

Which of these is not a recommended incident management strategy for support agents?

Don't admit that you're wrong or don't know.

The number of hours when a computer system is unavailable for use due to a failure is called ____.


Establish motivation

During which of these steps in a training session should a trainer cover what trainees will achieve by the end of the training and why the training is useful?


During which stage in the management of a special project can the project manager make statements such as, "If the staff and budget resources specified are available, the project's estimated completion date is the first of next month."


During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager ask the question, "How will adding resources now affect the project's completion date?"


During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager develop a tentative calendar?


During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager develop a tentative calendar? Planning Definition Monitoring Implementation


During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager divide the project into specific tasks or objectives?


During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager write a final project report?


During which stage in the management of a special project does the project manager ask the question, "Can what I learned from this project improve performance on future projects?"


During which stage in the management of a special project does the project manager communicate with stakeholders about how changes in project specifications may impact the project timeline?


During which stage in the management of a special project is scope creep a major concern of a project manager?


During which stage in the management of a special support project does a project manager write a final project report? Planning Termination Monitoring Implementation


During which stage in the management of a special support project does the project manager ask the question, "Can what we learned from this project improve performance on future projects?" Planning Termination Monitoring Implementation

Describe next steps

During which step in a training session should a trainer provide pointers to additional information and resources for trainees who are interested?


During which training step does a trainer develop details about the specific topics to cover and how to present them?

vacuuming the inside of the case

Dust buildup inside a computer case can be managed effectively by ____.


Employers usually hire support agents whose Myers-Briggs personality type is extrovert.


Empty phrases, such as "Now let me see...," are effective ways for a support agent to fill pauses in a conversation.

A(n) ___________________________________ is a legal contract between a vendor and a user that governs the use of a software package or an information service.

End-user License agreement

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of which common computer problem?


During which of these steps in a training session should a trainer cover what trainees will achieve by the end of the training and why the training is useful?

Establish motivation


Even in a telephone call, clients can often tell whether a support staff member values the call.

The purpose of support standards is to accomplish all but which of the following?

Expand supported products

Which of these skill levels deals with an ability to perform a task effectively and efficiently?


Which of these application software installation options installs the most commonly used set of features and capabilities?



Eye contact and facial expression are examples of nonverbal behavior.

Which of these is not a common method used to conduct a user satisfaction survey?

Face-to-face interview


Factors such as personality type probably have little impact on the working relationship between a support agent and his or her colleagues.

- Most computer performance problems indicate that a hardware component is about ready to fail.


- Plug and Play hardware automatically adjusts software settings to take maximum advantage of the hardware's capabilities


- The Windows Registry contains hardware and software configuration information that can be easily modified by end users.


A PC that operates at some level, but not as efficiently as it should, is called vaporware.


A blog is a Web site where users who are angry or abusive can go to post complaints about a company's products or services.


A commitment to customer service excellence means the customer is always right.


A computer professional in an organization, such as a programmer, is generally considered to be an external user.


A computer professional in an organization, such as a programmer, is generally considered to be an external user. (True/False)


A crash course is an intensive class designed to prepare those with no previous experience to take and pass a certification exam.


A dashboard is a visual display to alert each help desk agent that incidents assigned to them are waiting to be handled


A knowledge base is the personal experiences a support agent brings to the table to solve a problem.


A knowledge worker is another name for a computer user. (True/False)


A learning management system is a software package that automates the role of trainer for small businesses that cannot afford a trainer position


A multimeter is a software utility that can detect whether multiple operating systems are installed on a PC.


A professional association is a labor union that represents the interests of a group of agents who work for an organization.


A purpose of technical documentation is to tell readers everything they would ever want to know about a topic.


A sequence of repetitive operations performed to evaluate a PC system's ability to operate at peak efficiency for a defined time period under a maximum processing load is called a benchmark.


A sequential organization and a hierarchical organization of a document are one and the same thing.


A service level agreement is a contract between a help desk agent and their manager that specifies the percent of incidents the agent will handle correctly during each work shift.


A software evaluation copy is a trial version of a program that will automatically delete itself from a PC after 30 days.


A stress test is a process to determine which software versions are installed on a PC or network server to verify software licenses.


A support specialist who installs an application software package normally edits the system Registry and configuration files before the software will operate correctly.


A task that a worker can either perform or not perform is called essential knowledge.


A task that a worker can either perform or not perform is called essential knowledge. (True/False)


A technical writer should use several different fonts, underlining, italics, and boldface to draw a reader's attention to the document and increase his or her interest level.


A training session that introduces new material, presents the new material, and then summarizes what was learned is too repetitious.


A troubleshooting strategy that removes components from a system in order to get back to a base configuration is called module replacement.


A turnkey system is hardware in a case that must be powered on with a specially coded key designed to prevent unauthorized use.


A user support center provides a wide variety of user services, but a help desk is limited to answering user questions.


A user support mission statement usually states how an organization's business transactions will be processed on a corporate computer system.


A workaround is designed to correct a problem in which a computer works, though ""poorly, and not as efficiently as it should."


A workaround is designed to correct a problem where a PC works, though poorly, and not as efficiently as it should.


All knowledge workers are computer professionals. (True/False)


All users prefer online documentation to printed documentation because of its easy access to the information needed.


Although end users benefit from training, help desk staff are generally self-taught and usually do not benefit from an ongoing training program


An Erlang unit is a measure of the number of telephone calls received where a user hung up before a help desk agent was able to answer the call.


An automated incident tracking procedure is primarily useful in a large help desk operation, but of limited use in a small help desk operation.


An hypothesis is a sequence of trial and error guesses a troubleshooter makes to try to find a problem solution.


An incident's priority code is based on the number of incidents in a queue ahead of it


An incident's priority code is based on the number of incidents in a queue ahead of it.


An intangible benefit of a project is one that is difficult to quantify or measure and therefore should be omitted from a cost-benefit analysis


An online chat is an asynchronous type of communication between a user and support agent


An online chat is an asynchronous type of communication between a user and support agent.


An update is a new version of an existing program.


As a general rule, dominance in the software industry does not change over time; the bestselling products in the early 1980s are still the bestselling products today.


As a training delivery method, hands-on training activities are not as effective as demonstrations


Because a goal of technical writing is to keep documents concise, pointers to additional materials and information should be omitted because they add to the length of a document.


Because computer users are primarily adults, no explanation of motivation (e.g., "Why are we learning this?") is needed in a training session.


Because there are few agreed-upon standards in the computer industry, it is very difficult to agree upon a code of ethics for IT professionals.


Benchmark tests of competing computer products are widely used, but are often influenced by the biases and personal opinions of product evaluators.


Bestselling computer products usually meet or exceed every user's specialized requirements.


By the early 1980s, hardware and software on personal computers were standardized in most organizations.


Call management is another term for incident management.


Cloud computing is a new way to access software that uses satellite technology to download applications to end users.


Commercial help desk software packages are available for large help desk operations, but are too expensive for small-scale help desks.


Computer departments in most organizations today are called data processing departments. (True/False)


Computer hardware sold today is so reliable it rarely needs repairs or replacement. (True/False)


Computer vendors are usually not a good source of troubleshooting information because they are biased toward their own products.


Computer-based training (CBT) and Web-based training (WBT) are two words for the same delivery method.


Decision making is the ability to select the correct alternative from among all of the wrong alternative ways to solve a problem.


Demonstrating bells and whistles (i.e., less frequently used features) is an important way to add interest and reduce boredom in a training session.


Disk fragmentation indicates that a PC's hard disk drive is likely to fail


Distributed computing links large-scale systems and personal computers to meet both organizational and individual worker needs.


Documentation for end users refers to information available to end users in a printed format. (True/False)


Documents organized in a reference format guide a reader step-by-step through the features of a program or the operation of a PC.


Due to the popularity of self-paced training materials and online, interactive training delivery methods, the role of support specialists as trainers is likely to disappear in the next few years.


During the 1980s, support costs were kept to a minimum because support staff could easily answer questions about competing hardware and software products.


Economics is a field that studies how to design a work environment that promotes employee health, safety, and productivity. (True/False)


Electronic components are much more likely to fail than electromechanical components.


End-user evaluation of new computer products is cost-effective because there are so many new products each year that the user support staff cannot possibly evaluate all of them.


End-user needs assessment is a formal procedure to analyze a user's computer needs; it involves a specific set of steps that are performed in sequence in each assessment project.


Entry-level help desk staff are usually not concerned with performance measures and the justification of help desk services; performance and justification are primarily management responsibilities.


Ergonomic problem that apply to technology users do not necessarily apply to help desk support agents.


Ergonomics is a field that studies how to make computers financially affordable for end users. (True/False)


Escalation is an unfortunate incident management step that indicates lower level tier help desk agents failed to perform their responsibilities.


Even when an incident is escalated to a higher level tier in the multi-level support model, the help desk agent who initiated the incident retains ownership of it.


Even when an incident is escalated to a higher level tier in the multilevel support model, the help desk agent who initiated the incident retains ownership of it.


Every help desk incident, no matter what kind, goes through the 12 steps of the incident management process described in the book, even if some of the steps don't always apply.


Experienced technical writers use many gender-related pronouns in their writing to avoid insulting their audience.


Experienced trainers do not rely on the evaluation feedback from trainees because trainees are rarely qualified to provide feedback to experienced trainers


Factors such as personality type probably have little impact on the working relationship between a support agent and her or his colleagues


Factors such as personality type probably have little impact on the working relationship between a support agent and his or her colleagues.


Freeware is software that can be downloaded without any cost, but users must pay a licensing fee prior to the use of the program.


Given a choice, most technical documents are written in past tense.


Help desk software is intended primarily for internal help desk use and do not usually include email or Internet access capabilities.


Help desk software packages often include a report generator to prepare custom reports, but they do not include anything as powerful as a programming language.


Help desk software tools are available for support agents and managers, but few tools are available to help users access a help desk.


Help desks that solve problems for end users rarely get complaints about the features of computer products. (True/False)


In a help desk queue, the incident that will be handled next is the most recent incident to enter the queue.


In a help desk that uses a multi-level support model, the highest level of support is the most knowledgeable and experienced, so it usually handles most of the incidents.


In comparison with technical support, user support deals with a higher-level of troubleshooting and problem. (True/False)


In general, sans serif typefaces are easier to read than typefaces that contain serifs.


In order to educate users, a support agent should use technical terms and explanations in communications with users.


In problem solving, a contradiction occurs when the current problem is unlike any problem a troubleshooter has experienced before.


In technical writing, writers should vary the words they use to refer to an object or concept in order to maintain the reader's interest level.


In the checklist of document evaluation criteria, content refers to whether words are spelled correctly and sentences are grammatically correct.


In troubleshooting a user problem, a probe is the use of a volt-ohm meter to measure whether the input electrical voltage is within the specification.


Installation of office computers is now standardized so there are few installation issues that are likely to confront support specialists.


LBE Helpdesk software contains many of the most common help desk software features, but managing technology assets is an add-on module.


Many user support specialists need to write computer user guides, handouts, and email messages, but rarely need to be able to write business correspondence, such as memos, letters, and proposals.


Most computer hardware components function well, even if the quality of electrical power is very poor.


Most hardware troubleshooters don't use Internet search engines to locate potential problem solutions because they rarely know the exact model number of hardware devices with problems.


Most open help desk and user support positions are advertised in the newspaper


Most technical documents should contain a mixture of compound and run-on sentences.


Multimedia materials are an effective, low-cost delivery method for training materials.


Narrative passages are preferable to bulleted or numbered lists when a sequence of facts or steps need to be communicated.


One benefit of help desk certification is an automatic increase to step 2 in starting pay for an entry-level agent.


One goal of an effective computer training class is to eliminate the need for documentation.


One goal of an effective computer training class is to eliminate the need for documentation. (True/False)


One goal of incident management is to give users information about how they should organize their files, improve their personal work habits, and make more effective use of their technology.


One of the categories the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) addresses is best practices in hardware diagnosis and repairs


One of the categories the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) addresses is best practices in hardware diagnosis and repairs.


PCs that are advertised in newspapers are usually complete end-user systems.


PCs that are advertised in newspapers are usually complete end-user systems. (True/False)


Personal characteristics of a troubleshooter are simply part of a support specialist's basic personality and cannot be modified with experience, feedback, or coaching.


Plug and Play hardware automatically adjusts software settings to take maximum advantage of the hardware's capabilities.


Poorly designed office chairs are a principal cause of eyestrain


Prescreening is an incident management step where incidents that a help desk cannot handle are rejected.


Problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making are different names for the same skill.


Project management software should be used by needs analysts for even very small projects such as the selection of a home computer


Project manager is a career path option that is usually not available to user support workers.


Scripts designed to guide a support agent through an incident should ideally be memorized to be effective.


Self-guided tutorials permit trainees to work at their own pace and are cost-effective, and help is available any time it is needed.


Since computer products change constantly, user support staff are not expected to evaluate new products for end users. (True/False)


Since email messages are addressed primarily to other workers in a company, support specialists need not be overly concerned about their writing style in an email message.


Software that attempts to discover a user's online password by making repeated, obvious guesses or by repeated brute force attempts is called a rootkit.


Subjective criteria should not be used when selecting among competing computer products.


Support agents develop their own incident management strategy from scratch.


Support agents should avoid apologizing to users who have been kept on hold or who have been given the runaround.


Support specialists should practice using the troubleshooting tools in this chapter until they can use all the tools equally well.


Support staff should always provide the information or services a customer needs, no matter what the request.


Teams of support agents are generally less effective at working on a complex problem because each team member has a different approach, and they frequently cannot agree on how to tackle a problem.


Teams of support agents are generally less effective in working on a complex problem because each team member has a different approach and they frequently cannot agree on how to tackle a problem.


Technical support costs are generally included in the purchase price of a computer product, and are therefore free to users. (True/False)


Technical writers often use nominalization in a document to make their writing sound more professional.


The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a document of operational rules help desk organizations must follow to retain their industry certification.


The Intranet is the new name for Web 2.0 technology


The Intranet is the new name for Web 2.0 technology.


The ability to design an effective local area network is a critical job skill for user support staff members. (True/False)


The academic version of LBE Helpdesk featured in the text book is a subset of the features of the full commercial version.


The dollar amounts in support budgets vary little from one help desk operation to another; these amounts are based on industry standards.


The first computers used widely in businesses were available during the 1940s. (True/False)


The font size of a body of text should be at least 20 points in order to be readable.


The footprints of a computer case are rubber protectors mounted to the bottom of a case that will rest on the floor.


The goal of computer product standards is to define a clear, one-product-fits-all-needs approach to product selection.


The medium used to transmit a piece of technical writing (print or online) makes little difference in the length or writing style of a document.


The more time a technical writer spends on the first draft of a document, the less need there is for an outside review of it.


The percentage of incidents that cannot be resolved during the incident management process is essentially zero.


The primary goal of technical writing is to entertain readers and hold their interest.


The purpose of an engineering inspection is to prevent damage than can occur due to a disaster.


The purpose of computer product standards is to make the widest possible array of products available to workers in an organization. (True/False)


The recommended height of a laptop keyboard is not the same as the recommended height of a desktop keyboard because laptops are often used outside an office environment


The software uninstaller utility described in the chapter is often unnecessary because operating systems include a built-in function to uninstall application software.


The text book recommends against using repetition in technical writing because it lengthens a document and readers can always re-read information they want to repeat.


The textbook recommends against using repetition in technical writing because it lengthens a document, and readers can always re-read information they want to repeat.


The total cost of ownership of a personal computer is primarily the cost of the hardware part of the system. (True/False)


The weighted point evaluation method can be used to compare two products, but is too complicated and confusing to use when more than two products are being considered.


To avoid mistakes and misinformation, scripts designed to guide a support agent through an incident should be read verbatim to the user.


To operate a graphical user interface, a user types keyboard commands to tell a computer which tasks to perform. (True/False)


To restate a problem description using the user's exact words is called paraphrasing.


Training to use a computer is usually a free service. (True/False)


Troubleshooting computer problems is a fixed sequence of steps a support specialist follows from the initial problem description to the resolved problem.


True or False? A computer system that operates at some level, but not as efficiently as it should, is called vaporware.


True or False? By the time a software package has gone through extensive testing and quality assurance, all the bugs have generally been eliminated.


True or False? Freeware and open source are two ways of referring to the same kinds of software.


True or False? Most hardware problems are the result of component failures due to incorrect voltages in a computer system.


True or False? One difference between end users and computer professionals is that the latter do not make mistakes while using a computer.


True or False? Plug and Ply-compatible hardware guarantees that users will not experience installation problems with new or upgrade hardware.


User support and technical support are two names for the same user support services


User support and technical support are two names for the same user support services. (True/False)


User support staff recommend computer products to end users based primarily on each user's personal product preferences.


User support staff recommend computer products to end users based primarily on the user's personal product preferences. (True/False)


User support staff recommend technology products to end users based primarily on the user's personal product preferences.


Verification is a troubleshooting procedure that tries to repeat the same problem on another PC.


Web site development software package enables users to create, maintain, and update a list of participants in a chat room. (True/False)


Website development software packages enable users to create, maintain, and update a list of participants in a chat room.


When a new operating system is marketed by an organization like Microsoft, most organizations adopt it immediately as a new standard in order to take advantage of its productivity features for their employees.


When a particular combination of hardware, operating system, and application software do not operate together, a support specialist often recognizes that the problem is too complex to solve.


When an organization adopts new support standards, support for existing products should be terminated in order to reduce the cost to support both old and new products.


When setting computer product standards, hardware standards are generally set first, followed by software product standards.


When sitting at a keyboard, the keyboard should be 2 to 3 inches higher than the user's elbows.


Work colleagues are rarely a good source of troubleshooting information because they usually have similar experiences and access to the same information resources as other troubleshooters.


True or False. A payroll clerk is a reliable source to determine whether a new payroll software package is needed.


True or False. A turnkey system is hardware in a case that must be powered on with a specially coded key designed to prevent unauthorized use.


True or False. An optimal solution is a solution in a needs assessment project that solves a problem in a reasonable way, but not necessarily the best way.


True or False. End user needs assessment is a formal procedure to analyze a user's computer needs; it involves a specific set of steps that are performed in sequence in each assessment project.


True or False. Since office workers may not understand the extent of problems with a computer system and possible alternatives to the present system, their input in a user needs assessment project is usually of minimal valuable to a support analyst.


True or False. Since vendors are biased toward their own products, they can rarely contribute to a user needs assessment project.


True or False. The build-versus-buy decision in a needs analysis project applies primarily to computer hardware.


True or False. The goals and objectives of an organization are long-term and do not normally impact decisions about the immediate need for computer systems and services.


True or False. The three phases in a user needs assessment project are 1) preparation, 2) investigation, and 3) implementation.


It is illegal to test the stress tolerance of an applicant for an entry-level help desk position.



Feedback from users, other support agents, and supervisors is useful information for a support agent who wants to develop a personal incident management strategy.


Fire extinguishers purchased for use around computer equipment should be rated for ____ fires.

A(n) ____________________ is a hardware device or software utility designed to intercept and prevent unauthorized access to a computer system from an external network.


Which type of nonverbal behavior is the least effective posture for support agents?

Fold arms

A utility that inputs a file in one format and outputs the same information in a file with a different format is called a(n) ____________________ utility.

Format converter

Social Media

Forms of online communication that provide interactions with people around the world who share similar interests and problems; examples include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and blogs.

Hypothesis Testing

Formulating a hypothesis about the cause of a problem and designing an experiment that will prove or disprove the hypothesis.

Which of these application software installation options often requires the most disk space on a user's hard drive?


A project planning tool that shows basic information about each project task as horizontal bars on a timeline graph is called a ____.

Gantt chart

A troubleshooting activity where there is a current state of events X, a future desired state of events Y, and the troubleshooter's objective is to move from X to Y is called____.

Goal State


Goal-directed diagnostic questions are designed to move a support incident to a successful resolution.

The most effective fire extinguisher for computer equipment is ____.

Halon gas or a substitute

During the 1980s, the number of competing operating systems and software packages had which effects on employee cross-training and productivity?

Hard to cross-train employees; productivity was decreased

In a troubleshooting situation, a modem failed to work when a replacement USB cable was installed. Which of these critical questions would likely lead a troubleshooter to the source of the modem failure?

Have you made any recent changes to your PC?

In a troubleshooting situation, a modem failed to work when a new Internet browser program was installed. Which of these critical questions would likely lead a troubleshooter to the source of the modem failure?

Have you made recent changes to your system

Which of these aspects of help desk operation would not normally be covered in a user support mission statement?

Help desk fees for services

____ is not one of the five critical questions suggested in the chapter.

How much experience do you have using this system?


How much information a support agent can divulge to a user is often determined by an organization's policies.

. both the trainees and the trainer

How well trainees perform on a performance test is feedback primarily to ____.

A(n) ____________________ is a file format that contains software in an archived form that can be burned (copied) onto a CD or DVD for installation on a PC.

ISO image

less than 15 amps

If a computer is plugged into a 15-amp circuit, the total amperage of all devices plugged into the circuit should be ____.

. on the project's critical path

If a project task must be completed on time in order for the entire project to be completed on time, the task is ____.

on the project's critical path

If a project task must be completed on time in order for the entire project to be completed on time, the task is ____. on the project's critical path a predecessor step an unnecessary task on the project's Gantt chart

Which of these is not a primary use of the software utilities described in this chapter?

Improve user productivity.

uninterruptible power supply

In a computer facility, a UPS is a(n) ____.

increase revenue

In a cost-benefit analysis, a software package that permits an organization to offer its customers expanded services would be considered an opportunity to ____.

increase revenue

In a cost-benefit analysis, a software package that permits an organization to offer its customers expanded services would be considered an opportunity to ____. lower acquisition costs lower operating costs reduce expenses increase revenue

operating cost

In a cost-benefit analysis, hardware maintenance and repairs are generally considered a(n) ____.

operating cost

In a cost-benefit analysis, hardware maintenance and repairs is generally considered a(n) ____. acquisition cost operating cost reduction of expenses intangible cost


In a cost-benefit analysis, operating costs are ____ costs.

acquisition cost

In a cost-benefit analysis, the development or purchase of software is generally considered a(n) ____.

acquisition cost

In a cost-benefit analysis, the development or purchase of software is generally considered a(n) ____. acquisition cost operating cost reduction of expenses intangible cost


In a cost-benefit analysis, the fact that an up-to-date computer system would increase employee morale is probably a(n) ____ benefit

the time it takes for the benefits to exceed the costs

In a cost-benefit analysis, the payback period is ____.

the time it takes for benefits to exceed costs

In a cost-benefit analysis, the payback period is ____. the time it takes for the costs to equal zero the time it takes for the benefits to equal zero the time it takes for costs to exceed benefits the time it takes for benefits to exceed costs

reduction of expenses

In a cost-benefit analysis, the use of technology to lower inventory costs is an example of a(n) ____.


In a special project, if step X must be completed before step Y, step X is called a ____ task.


In a special project, if step X must be completed before step Y, step X is called a ____ task. successor goal predecessor critical


In a user needs assessment project, an analyst develops a model of the proposed new system and makes a build-versus-buy recommendation during which of these phases?


In a user needs assessment project, an analyst develops a model of the proposed new technology and makes a build-versus-buy recommendation during which of these phases? Preparation Investigation Decision None of these


In a user needs assessment project, an analyst tries to understand the organization goals, the decision criteria, the roles of stakeholders, and the sources of information during which of these phases?

Concepts, Understanding, Basic skills , Expertise

In the classification of skill levels below, what is the sequence in which skills are usually built?

Review previous topic. Introduce new topic ,) Establish motivation ,Present new material

In the early part of a training session, how should the topics below be organized into a sequence?


In which training format are differences in skill levels among trainees a common problem for trainers?

The ____ help desk position is normally staffed by an entry-level employee.

Incident Screener

During the ____ step in the incident management process an incident is categorized as a request for information, a question, a problem, a complaint, or a work order.

Incident screening

Which of these is not one of the trends that led to growth in end users during the 1980s and 1990s?

Increase in the cost of large-scale computer systems


Inexperienced support agents tend to speak too slowly when they experience stress during a conversation with a user.

Due to increased use of the Internet, which of these are likely to increase in the future as a percentage of the total cost of a computer system?

Information costs

Which of these is not a common physical access control used in computer facilities?

Internet firewall

The intended audience of a document is generally described in the ____.


The content criterion of good technical documentation is primarily concerned with which of these questions?

Is the information accurate?

Which type of cleaner is generally not recommended for use on laptop display screens?

Isopropyl alcohol

Troubleshooting computer problems can best be described as a(n) ____.

Iterative, repetitious procedure

An organized collection of information, articles, procedures, tips, and problem solutions is called a ____.

Knowledge Base

When choosing alignment for a paragraph of text, the easiest to read is ____ text.

Left aligned

An automated email service that distributes all (or selected) email messages to its members is called a ____.


An automated service that consolidates and distributes information from newsgroups, blogs, forums and news websites is called ____.


Which of these learning methods generally results in the lowest retention and poorest trainee performance?


Rebooting a system in an attempt to fix a problem is an example of which problem -solving strategy?

Look for an obvious solution

Rebooting a system in an attempt to fix a problem is an example of the ____ problem-solving strategy.

Look for an obvious solution.

Which of these proficiencies (KSAs) would a user support manager usually not specify in a position description for a user support position?

Marketing ability

A Web site that contains large numbers of misspelled words and grammatical errors fails which of these general criteria?


A document with misspelled words violates which of these four general writing criteria?


Which of these is not a primary strategy for a support organization that aims for customer service excellence?

Meet all of a client's demands

In creative thinking, a hypothesis is usually based on a ____.

Mental Model

In critical thinking, a hypothesis is usually based on a ____.

Mental Model

Reinstalling a software package to fix a problem with an inoperative program is an example of the ____ troubleshooting strategy.

Module Replacement

Reinstalling a software package to fix a problem with an inoperative program is an example of which troubleshooting strategy?

Module Replacement

During which stage in the management of a special project does the project manager communicate with stakeholders about how changes in project specifications may impact the project timeline?


CDs or DVDs

Most operating systems are now distributed on ____.


Most support workers and computer users are considered to be a mixture of the personality types on the Myers-Briggs dimensions.


Most users who are angry or frustrated are personally upset with the support agent.

text, images, animation, images, sound

Multimedia materials are a combination of ____.

A site management notebook is especially useful in which of these situations?

Multiple systems installed in an office or training facility

When a sequence of facts or steps is described, technical writers try to avoid which of these?

Narrative Passage

The ____ position is unlikely to exist in a help desk that is organized in a multi-level support model.

Needs Assessment Analyst

The sentence "Development of software is not a frequent user support function." is an example of ____.


One of the first vendor-specific certification programs was offered by ____.



One goal of incident management is to give users information about how they should organize their files, improve their personal work habits, and make more effective use of their computers.


One goal of incident management is to help users be more self-reliant.


One goal of user self-reliance is to make users change the way they use computers.


One method support agents use to communicate effectively with a user on the telephone is to visualize the use and communicate with the visual image.

user training program

One of the most effective ways to enable users to be more self-reliant is through a ____.

reflects light

One primary cause of eyestrain is a display screen that ____.

training is usually longer term; education may be short term

One way to explain the different goals of training and education is ____.

Which kind of training format tends to be the highest cost method?

One-to-one training

Which of these forms of documentation often contains hyperlinks to related topics?

Online Help Systems

____ feasibility considers analysis of the other systems or procedures a new system must interact with.


A(n) __________________________ is an input component on a Web form that permits a user to agree to receive specified services and provisions

Opt-in check box

The sentence "I know I saw the information I need in this document, but now I can't find it." violates which of these four general writing criteria?


Which of these is an advantage of outsourcing as a way to provide user support?

Outsourcing takes advantage of expertise a company does not have

The concept that similar items should be handled consistently throughout a document is called ____.

Parallel structure

Software that attempts to discover a user's online password by making repeated, obvious guesses or by repeated brute force attempts is called a(n) ____________________.

Password guesser

The ____________________ of a software package is an evaluation of whether all current updates have been downloaded and installed to fix known bugs.

Patch status

Which of these is not one of the steps in the training process?



Performance objectives for a training session should be ____.

____ is not a category of management issues covered by the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library).

Personnel management

During which stage in the management of a special project can the project manager make statements such as, "If the staff and budget resources specified are available, the project's estimated completion date is the first of next month."


- Most hardware components today use which of these strategies to maximize compatibility with computer systems?

Plug and Play standards

Most hardware components today use which of these strategies to maximize compatibility with computer systems?

Plug and Play standards

- Support staff can reduce the likelihood of hardware configuration problems today by purchasing ____.

Plug and Play-compatible hardware

A cross-reference or link to where a reader can find additional information about a topic is called a(n) ____.


Which of the following levels of support services likely costs the most to provide to users?

Premium level services

Which of these levels of user support is likely to be the most responsive to a user's needs?

Premium support

In a user needs assessment project, an analyst tries to understand the organization goals, the decision criteria, the roles of stakeholders, and the sources of information during which of these phases?



Printed materials designed to be taken from a training session to refresh a trainee's memory later are called ____.

A(n) _____________________ is a statement that describes how an organization collects, maintains, and uses information provided by and about its customers or end users, including sales of information to third parties.

Privacy policy

When there is a current state of events X and a future desired state of events Y, and the troubleshooter's objective is to move from X to Y, the troubleshooting activity is called ____.

Problem Solving

One-to-one training

Problem solve

Documentation that describes the steps to perform a task or a checklist of steps is ____.

Procedural Guide

Which of these knowledge, skills, and abilities would a help desk manager probably not seek in an applicant for a help desk position?

Programming skills

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to provide information that could be included in a site management notebook?

Project status monitor

Which of these is not a primary step in the needs analysis and assessment process?



Putting a caller on hold is considered a poor customer service tactic.

vacuuming printer dust inside the case

Recommended preventive maintenance for a computer printer often includes ____.

A(n) _____________________ is a disk medium that contains software images to reinstall, repair, or restore an operating system on a PC's hard drive to its original operational state.

Recovery disk

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to solve problems with application software?

Recovery disk

Complete information on a particular end-user topic is usually organized together, in one document, organized in a ____ format.


Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to diagnose a problem with an inoperable system?

Registry cleaner

(n) ____________________ is invisible malware that activates during a system's start-up process and permits viruses and spyware to be installed on a PC without the user's knowledge or consent



Scripts designed to guide a support agent through an incident should ideally be memorized to be effective.

Under normal circumstances, the body of a document should be formatted in a ____ typeface.


Fine lines that extend from the top and bottom of a font's letters are called ____.


Which of these was not a primary characteristic of computer use in the 1950s and 1960s?

Served as an Internet host computer

A(n) _________________________ is any interruption of service in a network environment that degrades or disrupts normal services to users.

Service fault

Social learning (peer-to-peer) is most common in which kind of learning format?

Small groups/teams

eyeglass cleaner

Smudges on a laptop display screen can be cleaned periodically with ____.

Small groups/teams

Social learning (peer-to-peer) is most common in which kind of learning format?

Which of these categories of computer software can add thousands of dollars to the cost of a computer system?

Specialized software

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful in a network support situation?

Start-up process monitor

A repetitive operation performed to evaluate the ability of a PC to operate at peak efficiency for a defined time period under a maximum processing load is called a(n) ____________________.

Stress test


Support agents develop their own incident management strategy from scratch.


Support agents should avoid apologizing to users who have been kept on hold or who have been given the runaround.


Support staff should always provide the information or services a customer needs, no matter what the request.

A writer who performs each procedure or technical step in a document and tests each step with the hardware and software is doing a(n) ____ check.

Technical Accuracy

Which of these help desk positions is often staffed by an employee with programming or product development experience

Technical Support

A help desk manager would probably emphasize which of these skills in a job search for an advanced technical support staff member?

Technical knowledge and skills

____ feasibility considers project risks due to reliance on a new, untested software package


A reading level that is appropriate for most technical documentation is ____.

Tenth Level

During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager write a final project report?


Decision Making

The ability to select one alternative from among a number of alternatives, based on some evaluation criteria; an important skill for troubleshooters.


The ability to think about thinking; the ability of a troubleshooter to step back from a problem-solving situation and analyze his or her thought processes.

within arm's reach of the user in a normal working position

The best location for a peripheral, such as a printer, that a user accesses frequently is ____.

printer paper dust

The biggest enemy of most printers is ____.

Which of these statements is true of Honolulu Community College's computer support policies described in the chapter?

The college offers a choice of PC and Macintosh computer platforms.


The critical-thinking ability to find a novel or innovative solution to a problem; the ability to see a problem from new and different perspectives.


The end result of a user needs assessment project that recommends the purchase, modification, upgrade, or building new technology is called a ____. charter prototype report deliverable

. deliverable

The end result of a user needs assessment project that recommends the purchase, modification, upgrade, or building of a system is called a ____.

the width times the length of the case

The footprint of a desktop computer case is __.

26 to 28 inches

The height of a keyboard from the floor should normally be ____.


The likely result of increased user self-reliance will be to eliminate the need for user support agents as an occupation.

up slightly

The monitor connected to a computer system should be located so a user does not have to look ____.

Halon gas or a substitute

The most effective fire extinguisher for computer equipment is ____.


The number of hours when a computer system is unavailable for use due to a failure is called ____.

Training measures one's ability to perform tasks; education measures one's ability to explain concepts.

The outcomes of education and training are generally measured and evaluated in which of the following ways?


The process of defining, diagnosing, and solving computer problems; involves the use of several thinking and communications skills, information resources, strategies, and methods.


The process of trying to repeat a problem in a different situation or environment to reproduce a problem.

Root Cause Analysis

The process of trying to repeat a problem in a different situation or environment to reproduce a problem.

shut down normally

The purpose of a UPS backup battery is to permit a computer system to ____.

identify and fix trouble spots in the presentation

The purpose of a beta test run of a training presentation is to ____.

anticipate possible installation problems

The purpose of preinstallation site visit is to _.

All carpal tunnel injuries are repetitive strain injuries.

The relationship between carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries is summarized by which of the following sentences?


The sentence "Describe the steps in the user training process." is an example of a(n) ____ objective.


The stakeholders in a project who make the final decisions and provide the financing for the project are usually ____.


The use of -tion, -ing, -ment, and other word endings to create nouns; for example, Capitalization can be performed with the Change Case command could be rewritten to avoid nominalization as: To capitalize words, use the Change Case command.


To avoid mistakes and misinformation, scripts designed to guide a support agent through an incident should be read verbatim to the user.


Total user self-reliance is probably not achievable, but it is a worthwhile goal.

. somewhat below the average level

Trainers should aim the level of the training at ____ of the group of trainees.

an installation wrap-up

Training opportunities are normally reviewed with a user during ____.

- "Vaporware is a technology product that is announced in the media, but that does "not yet exist or is not yet available for sale.


- Installation software utilities have automated many of the manual tasks required to install and correctly configure software packages.


- Some support problems occur because users are poorly trained or do not read the documentation that came with their computer system


A "techie" who works exclusively with hardware and software, rarely comes into contact with people, and who talks in technical jargon, will probably not enjoy a career in the user support field.


A common organization for a technical document is: 1) Introduction, 2) Body, 3) Summary


A common organization for a technical document is: 1) Introduction, 2) Body, 3) Summary.


A common piece of information in a site management notebook is warranty and repair information.


A common problem with media backups of user data is failure to test file restoration procedures.


A common reason new or upgraded hardware or software do not operate correctly in a computer is that the configuration requirements don't match the existing system.


A common reason new or upgraded hardware or software does not operate correctly in a computer system is that the configuration requirements don't match the existing system.


A comprehensive client service orientation among support staff applies to every staff member, and to every mode of user communication.


A computer system can be viewed as a group of subsystems linked together to form a complete system.


A computer virus is a program that can destroy information in a computer or adversely affect the operation of a system.


A cost-benefit analysis is intended to increase the likelihood that a support analyst has considered the major advantages and disadvantages of each alternative in a needs assessment project.


A dangling modifier is a word or phrase in a sentence that adds little to the meaning other than to make the sentence longer.


A dashboard is a real-time display of statistical performance information and network service fault alerts in a visual, graphic format.


A delivery method is a choice a trainer makes among several instructional technologies, media, and ways to present information


A digital camera is an example of a computer peripheral. (True/False)


A disadvantage of classroom training is that all trainees do not learn at the same pace.


A disadvantage to organizing user support under the IT department is that IT staff often have priorities other than user support that they feel are more important.


A disadvantage to organizing user support under the IT department is that IT staff often have priorities other than user support that they feel are more important. (True/False)


A focus group is a small group of selected users who represent a larger group of users and participate in an interview when including every user is impractical


A graphics program is used to prepare pictures, charts, maps and diagrams to analyze trends, summarize data, and show relationships visually.


A graphics program is used to prepare pictures, charts, maps and diagrams to analyze trends, summarize data, and show relationships visually. (True/False)


A help desk incident that is a simple question may get identified early and not go through every step in the incident management process.


A help desk provides a single point of contact for computer users in need of support.


A help desk provides a single point of contact for computer users in need of support. (True/False)


A hierarchical organization of a document flows from top to bottom because information is organized from general to specific.


A niche or vertical market for computer products is one that is highly specialized, such as video rental stores or real estate offices.


A project goal is a specific, measurable end result that is the ultimate target or outcome of a project.


A remote access utility permits a support specialist to access, diagnose, and troubleshoot problems on a user's PC without being physically at the user's site.


A rootkit is software and file folders that are hidden from view and permit viruses, spyware, and malware to be installed on a PC without the knowledge or consent of a user.


A sentence is in active voice when its subject performs the action indicated by the verb.


A server farm is a collection of interconnected computers with large, networked storage devices that hosts cloud computing over the Internet.


A software utility advertised as a "free download" may provide limited use until the user pays a fee.


A style sheet is a list of common terms, formats, spelling conventions, and writing conventions that an organization uses to ensure consistency among technical writers.


A support agent who can empathize with a user is one who understands the problem or question from the user's point of view.


A support operation that is organized as a profit center has both an income and an expense budget.


A support portal is a single point of web access for support services


A support portal is a single point of web access for support services.


A task that an employee can get better at with additional training or experience is called a job skill.


A task that an employee can get better at with additional training or experience is called a job skill. (True/False)


A techie who works exclusively with hardware and software, rarely comes into contact with people, and talks in technical jargon will probably not enjoy a career in the user support field.


A technical document with a sequential organization follows a step-by-step approach.


A technical writer should stop editing a document when edit passes result in fewer and fewer significant changes in the document.


A technical writer should try to eliminate unclear referents in a document.


A troubleshooter who uses creative thinking is one who can see a problem from a new and different perspective.


A troubleshooting strategy that swaps a hardware or software component whose status is unknown with one that is known to be operational is called module replacement.


A troubleshooting tool that permits a support worker to access a user's PC without traveling to the user's physical location is called remote access.


A user support specialist who does not enjoy the problem-solving process will probably not enjoy user support as a career path.


A visual learner would probably prefer to read a manual rather than listen to a lecture on a training topic.


Active listening occurs when a support agent is as engaged in the communication process as the user with a problem.


Ads for $500 computers may mislead purchasers because hardware costs account for only about 20 percent of the total cost of a computer system over a period of years.


Ads for $500 computers may mislead purchasers because hardware costs account for only about 20% of the total cost of a computer system over a period of years. (True/False)


After a solution to a user problem has been found, an explanation is a communication where a support agent describes the solution so a user understands both the problem and the solution.


Among the reasons for the growth in decentralized computing was the availability of inexpensive personal computer hardware and productivity software. (True/False)


An advantage of assigning primary responsibility for user support to the IT department is that all computer activities are combined and users know who to contact about various computer problems. (True/False)


An analogy is a useful technical writing tool because it compares an unfamiliar concept to one that may be familiar to a reader.


An assistive device is a computer peripheral or software that adapts a system so users with various physical limitations can be more productive.


An automated call distributor (ACD) is a combination of computer and telephone technology that can answer and greet callers, provide menus and route calls to specific agents or queues.


An example of a metacognitive question a troubleshooter might ask is, "What assumptions did I make in working on this problem that led me in the wrong direction?"


An interactive Web-based messaging service that allows two or more online users to communicate is called a chat session. (True/False)


An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is an electrical device that includes power conditioning circuits as well as a battery backup for use when power is interrupted.


An upgrade is a new version of an existing program that is sold at a reduced price to owners of a previous version of the program.


As the result of an analysis project, a project deliverable may be a recommendation to buy or build a new system, or to change or upgrade the existing system


Authentication is an incident management step to determine whether it is appropriate for a help desk to handle a user's incident


Automated project management tools, while useful, cannot substitute for careful project planning, good estimates, and analysis of project risks.


Before an analyst recommends replacing an existing system, he or she should investigate successful systems in operation in other, similar organizations.


Belarc Advisor is an example of a utility that audits and reports on system information


Brainstorming is a method used to generate a list of possible topics that may or may not be included in the final document.


Build-versus-buy decisions may apply to all components of a computer system, but apply primarily to software acquisition decisions.


Documents organized in a reference format pull together all the information on a specific topic in a single section or chapter.


Documents organized in a tutorial format guide a reader step-by-step through the features of a program or the operation of a computer.


During an interview for a help desk position, a behavioral question gives an applicant an opportunity to describe actions he or she took in a specific help desk situation.


During an interview for a help desk position, a directed question is often used to find out whether an applicant has specific educational or work experience.


During the preparation step, a trainer decides on specific topics that will be covered and the sequence of topics.


Effective end-user documents should result in a lower volume of user support calls and emails.


Employment in the category of Computer Support Specialists is expected to increase at about an average rate compared with other occupational categories in the United States during the next decade.


End-user computing refers to the everyday use of computers for both business and personal use. (True/False)


Even for organizations with an in-house programming staff, the cost of custom software often outweighs its benefits if there are reasonable packaged software alternatives.


Eye contact and facial expression are examples of nonverbal behavior.


Goal-directed diagnostic questions are designed to move a support incident to a successful resolution.


Help desk operations retain an archive of previously resolved incidents in a knowledge base to document the steps to resolve each incident as an information resource to help desk agents.


Help desk software often includes tools to help agents manage their time, such as calendars, reminders, scheduling, collaboration tools and project management tools.


Help desk software often includes tools to help support managers measure user satisfaction.


Help desk software packages often prepare statistical reports to provide support management with the information they need to operate the help desk.


Help desk software that includes asset management can help a support staff control an organization's equipment inventory.


If a user reinstalls a software package from the original distribution media, they must also install any patches that had been previously installed to fix bugs


In a cost-benefit analysis, when costs outweigh benefits, an organization should be reluctant to spend resources on a project.


In a help desk that uses a multi-level support model, the goal is to handle as many calls at the lowest possible support level.


In a user needs assessment project, although managers may not work with a system on a daily basis, their input needs to be considered because they may make the final decision on a project.


In addition to listening to a user describe a computer problem, a troubleshooter should listen to the words the user chooses to explain the problem.


In discriminative listening, a support agent's purpose is to learn about the user, such as his or her knowledge level


In general, organizations that operate in the same industry are likely to have similar requirements for computer technology and often select the same computer products.


In some cases, hardware components that work when installed individually in a PC do not operate correctly when installed together in the same system.


In some incident management workflows, the assignment of an incident simply moves it from one queue into another queue.


In the 1980s, organizations often found that the larger the number of different types of computers it owned, the larger the inventory of spare repair parts were required


In the checklist of document evaluation criteria, format refers to whether a document's layout helps guide the reader and whether format elements are used consistently.


Industry-standard certification exams are vendor-neutral.


Installation software utilities have automated many of the manual tasks required to install and correctly configure software packages.


Jargon words are those that are understood primarily by readers experienced in a field.


Job stress results from physical and emotional responses to a mismatch between an agent's personal characteristics and their job requirements


Justified text that is aligned on both the right and left margins can make a document more difficult to read.


Knowledge bases in help desk software are sometimes called smart databases.


LBE Helpdesk software includes a knowledge base that can be searched for problem resolutions.


Listening to a lecture is not an effective retention and performance training method for most learners.


Many offices today that were designed for paper-and-pencil activities are over-lit for computer use


Materials designed for web access should be short with hyperlinks to lead readers to additional information.


Metacognition is used to analyze a troubleshooter's problem-solving process and, as a result, improve it.


Most computer problems are not difficult ones for a support provider to handle.


Most hardware components that malfunction are replaced rather than repaired.


Most problems a support specialist encounters are ones they have seen before or can quickly locate the solution to in a database of problem solutions.


Most problems support specialists encounter are ones they have seen before or can quickly locate the solution to in a database of problem solutions.


Most user support groups do not provide software programming as a service to their users; although, they may be able to assist with some aspects of application development projects.


Most user support groups do not provide software programming as a service to their users; although, they may be able to assist with some aspects of application development projects. (True/False)


Most user support staff members receive on-the-job training and continuing education. (True/False)


Network problems are often combinations of hardware, software and operating system problems.


Occasionally support agents encounter problems they have never seen before.


Of the three essential communication skills, listening comes before understanding and responding.


One aspect of the target audience a technical writer needs to determine is its reading level.


One factor that can be evaluated using the weighted point evaluation method is availability of product support.


One factor that often determines product and support standards is an organization's computer culture.


One goal of incident management is to help users be more self-reliant.


One purpose of user support staff training is to help agents meet the performance objectives of their position.


One type of critical thinking is the use of cognitive skills to build a mental model to understand or explain an event or a situation.


One way to classify end users is whether they use a computer occasionally, frequently or extensively in their work. (True/False)


Peer support is a form user support in which users look to their work colleagues for help with computer problems. (True/False)


Performance measures for a help desk operation may be reported as statistics, but are often reported as a visual graphic, such as a histogram.


Problem solving is a process of moving from the problem state to the goal state (an operable system).


Problem solving is the process of moving from the problem state to the goal state (an operable system).


Product support standards are useful because it is impossible for an organization to support every possible hardware and software configuration.


Product support standards are useful because it is impossible for an organization to support every possible hardware and software configuration. (True/False)


Reading materials selected for a training session should match the reading level of the trainees.


Rebooting a PC to troubleshoot a problem falls in the category of looking for a simple, obvious solution.


Replication is a troubleshooting procedure that tries to repeat the same problem on another PC.


Root cause analysis is a troubleshooting strategy that attempts to go beyond a problem's obvious symptoms to determine why a problem occurs.


Setting product standards reduces the cost to support computer products.


Setting product standards reduces the cost to support computer products. (True/False)


Small companies often meet their need for computer support by combining user support with another position.


Small companies often meet their need for computer support by combining user support with another position. (True/False)


Some help desk operations use a script to guide an agent through the steps in the incident management process.


Some troubleshooters find that just describing a problem situation to a work colleague may result in new insights into the problem.


Specialty typefaces add interest to a document, but they can be more difficult to read and should not be overused.


Support managers often use recordings of monitored support calls to help workers identify areas where performance improvement is needed.


Support staff in a help desk may perform a product marketing and sales function. (True/False)


Support staff should return a telephone call when promised, even if no progress has been made on a problem.


System installation usually takes less time for a user support specialist than for an end user.


The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) describes procedures to manage incidents, problems, changes, releases and configurations


The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a collection of best practices in the user support industry based on experiences of successful help desk operations.


The Information Technology department is a modern name for the Data Processing department.


The Information Technology department is a modern name for the Data Processing department. (True/False)


The ability to write documentation in English is an important job skill for user support staff members. (True/False)


The applications development backlog was due to the inability of computer professionals to design and write programs fast enough to keep up with the demand for new applications. (True/False)


The best evaluation articles in computer publications are those that compare several products against specific criteria and explain the pros and cons of each product.


The best training objectives begin with a verb, such as plan, describe, or perform


The books and manuals in a troubleshooter's personal or professional library are part of the troubleshooter's knowledge base.


The criteria used to evaluate the performance of a support employee should be related to the support mission statement and to the employee's professional growth objectives.


The design of a help desk work area should reduce distractions, noise, and interruptions to the extent possible


The design of a help desk work area should reduce distractions, noise, and interruptions to the extent possible.


The easiest documents to read are those that contain white space in margins and between paragraphs.


The goal of incident logging in the incident management process is to begin to document the incident and the problem


The goal of incident logging in the incident management process is to begin to document the incident and the problem.


The goal of technical writing is to communicate effectively and efficiently information that users need.


The goal of transaction processing on early computers was to replace as much manual processing of business information as possible with automated processing. (True/False)


The larger an organization, the more likely it is to need specialized or customized software products to meet its special requirements.


The larger the number of incompatible software packages an organization owns, the greater the cost to train and retrain employees.


The outsourcing method of support may be combined with an in-house support function in some organizations.


The outsourcing method of support may be combined with an in-house support function in some organizations. (True/False)


The percentage of incidents where a user hung up or gave up before a support agent responded is called the abandonment rate.


The purpose of a format consistency check is to ensure that format elements such as fonts, centering, and underlining are used consistently and are not overdone.


The purpose of a waterfall seat design is to take pressure off the back of a user's legs and promote better circulation.


The purpose of incident tracking is to document the complete history of activities that occurred while handling an incident.


The purpose of technical documents is to move readers from what they already know to what they need to know.


The purpose of the screening step is to determine whether an incident is a request for information, question, problem, complaint or work order.


The strategy of removing components to return a computer to a basic configuration is designed to eliminate variables that may make a computer problem more difficult to solve.


The weighted point evaluation method of product comparison attempts to treat competing products equally and eliminate favoritism or bias among evaluators


The writer of a technical document should help readers decide whether the document is intended for them or not.


Total cost of ownership of a computer system includes all of the costs to purchase, upgrade, and support a computer system over its expected useful lifetime.


Total cost of ownership of a computer system includes all of the costs to purchase, upgrade, and support a computer system over its expected useful lifetime. (True/False)


Training assessment measures whether training activities have met the planned learning and performance objectives.


Troubleshooting a computer problem is more an iterative process than a fixed sequence of steps a support specialist follows.


True or False? freeware and shareware may cause compatibility problems when installed because they may not be tested as extensively as commercial software.


Use of a computer's graphical user interface means that users no longer have to remember which command to enter to perform a task. (True/False)


Use of acronyms or initialisms where they are not defined or well-known makes documents difficult to understand.


User support expense budgets are often divided into two large categories: personnel and facilities.


User support is a constantly changing field that requires the ability to learn new information and procedures.


User support managers monitor several aspects of their support operation, including the percentage of calls that were abandoned by the user


User support staff often have more resources, tools, and expertise to install a computer system faster and with fewer errors than an end user.


User support staff often have more resources, tools, and expertise to install a computer system faster and with fewer errors than an end user. (True/False)


User support staff often have more resources, tools, and expertise to install technology faster and with fewer errors than an end user.


Using acronyms where they are not defined or well known makes documents difficult to understand.


Using too many design elements, such as color, clip art, shading, borders, and fonts, can distract a reader from the information in a document.


Virtualization is a method of allocating the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments, each of which may execute its own operating system and application software.


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that may permit more support workers to telecommute.


Web-based user support offers a cost-effective way to communicate support information to end users


Web-based user support offers a cost-effective way to communicate support information to end users.


When a support specialist tries to understand the goals of end users and an organization, one issue is what plans the organization has to grow or expand.


When organizing an idea list into an outline, some ideas become major topics and others become minor topics.


True or False. . Even for organizations with an in-house programming staff, the cost of custom software often outweighs its benefits if there are reasonable packaged software alternatives.


True or False. .In a user needs assessment project, software requirements should be considered first, followed by hardware needs.


True or False. A model is a tool to help a needs assessment analyst understand a business activity with narrative descriptions or graphic diagrams.


True or False. A satisficing solution is a solution in a needs assessment project that solves a problem in a reasonable way, but not necessarily the best way.


True or False. A turnkey system is a package that includes hardware, software, and support services from a single vendor.


True or False. Although users may not know the exact or correct answers to a user analyst's questions, it is important for an analyst to begin with the right list of questions.


True or False. Before a support analyst can consider alternatives to the existing system, they must understand how it works and what users like and dislike about it.


True or False. Before an analyst recommends replacing an existing system, he or she should investigate successful systems in operation in other, similar organizations.


True or False. Build-versus-buy decisions may apply to all components of a computer system, but apply primarily to software acquisition decisions.


True or False. In a user needs analysis project, an analyst often considers alternatives to the existing system that involve both packaged, off-the-shelf software and custom developed software.


True or False. In a user needs assessment project, although managers may not work with a system on a daily basis, their input needs to be considered because they may make the final decision on a project.


True or False. Some problems user support analysts study turn out to be organizational problems instead of technological problems.


True or False. Stakeholders are a small group of selected users who represent a larger group of users and participate in an interview when including every user is impractical.


True or False. The criteria an organization uses to make a decision about a new computer system or service are often based on the feasibility of time, staffing, money, and technology.


True or False. When a support specialist tries to understand the goals of end users and an organization, one issue is what plans the organization has to grow or expand.



True/False? A flowchart is a graph that shows the percent of paper that is actually used in an office workflow and the percent paper that is recycled.


True/False? A payroll clerk can often make the final decision on whether a new payroll software package is needed.


True/False? A predecessor task is one that must be completed prior to the beginning of work on the actual project itself.


True/False? A project goal is a specific, measurable end result that is the ultimate target or outcome of a project.


True/False? A project task is a specific, measurable end result that is the ultimate target or outcome of a project.


True/False? A turnkey package is hardware in a case that must be powered on with a specially coded key designed to prevent unauthorized use.


True/False? Although users may not know the exact or correct answers to a user analyst's questions, it is important for an analyst to begin with the right list of questions.


True/False? Another name for an output form is a deliverable.


True/False? As the result of an analysis project, a project deliverable may be a recommendation to buy, change, upgrade, or build new or existing technology.


True/False? Automated project management tools, while useful, cannot substitute for careful project planning, good estimates, and analysis of project risks.


True/False? Before a support analyst can consider alternatives to the existing technology, they must understand how it works and what users like and dislike about it.


True/False? Before an analyst recommends replacing an existing technology, he or she should investigate successful technology in operation in other, similar organizations.


True/False? Build-versus-buy decisions may apply to all components of a PC, but apply primarily to software and service decisions.


True/False? Even for organizations with an in-house programming staff, the cost of custom software often outweighs its benefits if there are reasonable packaged software alternatives.


True/False? If procedural documentation of office technology operation effective, it is rarely needed to train new workers.


True/False? In a cost-benefit analysis, an alternative to the present technology that has substantial costs but primarily intangible benefits is not likely to be an attractive choice.


True/False? In a cost-benefit analysis, when costs outweigh benefits, an organization should be reluctant to spend resources on a project.


True/False? In a cost-benefits analysis, the initial cost of software is an example of an operating cost.


True/False? In a needs assessment project, a charter often specifies how a project's success will be measured or evaluated.


True/False? In a phased implementation of a special project, the existing technology is terminated as soon as the new technology becomes operational.


True/False? In a special project, if the deadline for any project task is missed, the project's completion date will slip.


True/False? In a user needs analysis project, an analyst often considers alternatives to existing technology that involve both packaged, off-the-shelf software and custom developed software.


True/False? In a user needs assessment project, although managers may not work with technology on a daily basis, their input needs to be considered because they may make the final decisions on a project.


True/False? In a user needs assessment project, hardware requirements should be considered first before software is considered.


True/False? In a user needs assessment project, software requirements should be considered first, followed by hardware needs.


True/False? One test the text suggests to determine whether a support analyst understands an existing technology well enough is if the analyst can operate the technology correctly without assistance from end users.


True/False? Project management software should be used by needs analysts for even very small projects such as the selection of a home PC.


True/False? Scope creep is a tendency for a project to grow or change in unexpected ways, which often increases the time frame, resources and cost to complete the project.


True/False? Since office workers may not understand the extent of problems with technology and possible alternatives to the existing technology, their input in a user needs assessment project is usually of minimal valuable to a support analyst.


True/False? Some problems user support analysts study turn out to be organizational problems instead of technological problems.


True/False? The build-versus-buy decision in a needs analysis project applies primarily to hardware.


True/False? The goals and objectives of an organization are long-term and do not normally impact decisions about the immediate need for technology solutions and services.


True/False? The payback period for in a cost benefit analysis is the amount of time for the benefits to exceed the costs.


True/False? The tasks accomplished during a special project are often more complex than routine operational support tasks.


True/False? When a support specialist tries to understand the goals of end users and an organization, one issue is what plans the organization has to grow or expand.

A document that is organized as a step-by-step introduction to the features of a computer program is called a ____ manual.


Which of these types of documents is often used to describe the steps to install a software package?

User Guide or manual

Which of these types of documents is often used to describe the steps to install a software package?

User guide or manual

A computer user who enters an incorrect formula in a spreadsheet that results in a serious error is a victim of which common computer problem?

User mistake

One of the most effective ways to enable users to be more self-reliant is through a ____.

User training program

Another name for diagnostic software tools is ____.

Utility Software

Remote Access

Utility software that lets a support agent view and control events on an external user's computer.

after the operating system is installed

Utility software, such as virus checker, screen saver, and security software, is usually installed on a computer system immediately ____.

Remote access to a user's PC can be implemented with a ____.


Which of these forms of knowledge bases is the least interactive?

Vendor Manuals

Which of these is not among the special project risk factors described in the chapter?

Vendor bankruptcy

Which of these forms of knowledge bases is the least interactive?

Vendor manuals

"I want to confirm that, with the changes we made to your software, you can now enlarge the font in your document." is an example of ____.


The sentence I want to confirm that, with the changes we made to your software, you can now enlarge the font in your document. is an example of ____.


Which of the following is not a common type of certification used in the information technology field?

Verification of prior employment during a job interview

Which of the following does not normally occur during the first step in the incident management process

Verify that the caller is authorized to call.

Which of these technology trends may permit a support agent to answer questions about multiple operating systems from a single PC?


(n) ____________________ is software that can attach itself to other software or to disk media and cause harm to the programs and data stored in a computer.


Any weakness in a PC that is connected to the Internet or other network that permits an outside attacker to violate the integrity of the system is called a(n) ____________________.


A software program that enables users to find and display information stored as HTML pages on the Internet is a(n) ____.

Web browser

Computer-based training

Web-based training is most similar to which of these other training delivery methods?

Which of these product evaluation methods uses several criteria of predefined importance to arrive at a numerical score for each competing product?

Weighted point method

Metacognition involves a troubleshooter asking all of these questions except ____.

What recent change in configuration caused the user to experience a problem?

Metacognition involves a troubleshooter asking all these questions except ____.

What recent change in configuration caused the user to experience a problem?


When an HVAC technician considers the air conditioning requirements for a computer facility, the technician calculates the ____.

items where there is a pattern of low ratings

When analyzing the feedback on an evaluation form, a trainer should look for ____.

. bells and whistles

When covered in a training session, hardware or software features that are unusual and rarely used are sometimes called ____.

change to an existing system

When investigating alternatives in a user needs assessment project, a decision to reconfigure existing software is an example of a(n) ____.

change to existing technology

When investigating alternatives in a user needs assessment project, a decision to reconfigure existing software is an example of a(n) ____. change to existing technology upgrade to existing technology new hardware components new application software

establish a baseline of the skill levels that trainees bring to the table

When planning a training session, the purpose of a pretest of trainees is to ____.


When reading a lengthy, prepared response to a user, the best strategy is to tell the user you are reading a passage to him or her.

More individual assistance is available.

Which is true of small group training versus larger classes?

One-to-one training

Which kind of training format tends to be the highest cost method?

RAM memory

Which of the following is least likely to cause a fire in a computer system?


Which of the following tools can be used to build a prototype of new technology to evaluate its design? Microsoft Access Fortran COBOL Microsoft Project

Microsoft Access

Which of the following tools is often used to build a prototype of a new computer system to evaluate its design?

Collaborative learning

Which of the following training delivery methods does not necessarily make use of computer technology as part of the delivery method?

Solve a problem, Observe a task ,Read a book ,Listen to a lecture

Which of the sequences below ranks learning methods from highest retention and performance to lowest?

Know ,Analyze ,Synthesize,Evaluate

Which of the sequences below ranks the cognitive skills in Bloom's Taxonomy from simple to complex?


Which of these application software installation options installs the most commonly used set of features and capabilities?


Which of these application software installation options is likely to ask the most questions of the installer and require the greatest expertise?


Which of these application software installation options often requires the most disk space on a user's hard drive?

Is based on well-defined procedures

Which of these characteristics does not describe the work performed on a special project?

Is based on well-defined procedures

Which of these characteristics does not describe the work performed on a special project? Is based on well-defined procedures Usually takes longer to perform than routine work Occurs on an irregular schedule Includes more complex tasks than routine work

Desktop ATX case

Which of these computer cases has the largest footprint?

A custom system may have features that provide a competitive advantage.

Which of these is a primary benefit of building a new system from scratch (versus buying one)?

- Major coding mistakes made by programmers when they write software are called ____.


The relationship between carpel tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries is ____. a. All repetitive strain injuries are carpel tunnel syndrome. b. There is no relationship between carpel tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries. c. All carpel tunnel injuries are repetitive strain injuries. d. Carpel tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries are two words for the same thing

c. All carpel tunnel injuries are repetitive strain injuries

Web based training is most similar to which of these other training delivery methods? a. Product demonstrations b. Tutorials c. Computer based training d. Handson activities

c. Computer based training

Which of these learning methods generally results in the lowest retention and poorest trainee performance? a. Problem solve b. Observe c. Listen d. Read

c. Listen

During which stage in the management of a special project is scope creep a major concern of a project manager? a. Definition b. Implementation c. Monitoring d. Planning

c. Monitoring

In a computer facility, a UPS is a ____ a. Undesirable Power Surge b. Unix Print Services c. Uninterruptible Power Supply d. United Parcel Service

c. Uninterruptible Power Supply

A software utility tool of primary use to a support specialist who assembles or installs hardware devices is ____. a. a network performance utility b. a software audit tool c. a burn in utility d. a file backup utility

c. a burn in utility

One of the primary causes of eyestrain is ____. a. a display screen that is too large (21" or more) b. a display screen that has no color controls c. a display screen that reflects light d. a display screen that is too small (14" or less)

c. a display screen that reflects light

Which of these is not normally a network installation task on a new office PC? a. configure network connectivity b. install client software c. backup network server media d. grant access rights to resources

c. backup network server media

Reviewing training opportunities with a user normally occurs ____. a. during hardware installation b. during software installation c. during an installation wrapup d. during a preinstallation site visit

c. during an installation wrapup

Fire extinguishers purchased for use around computer equipment should be rated for ____ fires a. gas b. extreme temperature c. electrical d. wood and paper

c. electrical

"Describe the steps in the user training process." is an example of a(n) ____ a. skillbuilding objective b. unachievable objective c. learning objective d. performance objective

c. learning objective

If a PC is plugged into a 15amp circuit, the total amperage of all devices plugged into the circuit should be ____. a. about 15 amps b. no greater than 20% more than 15 amps c. less than 15 amps d. amperage is not as critical as the quality of power

c. less than 15 amps

Performance objectives for a training session should be ____. a. verifiable b. flexible c. measurable d. achievable

c. measurable

A working model that a support analyst builds to help users evaluate the design of new technology is called a(n) ____ a. turnkey package b. flowchart c. prototype d. IPO chart

c. prototype

A trainee who learns best by seeing a demonstration is called a(n) ____. a. auditory learner b. experiential learner c. visual learner/verbal d. visual learner/nonverbal

c. visual learner/verbal

When investigating alternatives in a user needs assessment project, a decision to reconfigure existing software is an example of a(n) ____.

change to an existing system

The ____ technology trend may change the way users access software and data.

cloud computing

HelpSTAR is an example of a(n) ____.

commercial help desk package

Tools a troubleshooter uses to get a description of a technology problem, learn a user's perspectives on the problem, and explain the solution to the user are called ____.

communications skills

In the early 1980s, significant differences between competing computer products were thought by vendors to have ____.

competitive strengths

Technical writing should be concise and it should be informative." is an example of a ____.

compound sentence

A hardware component that has its jumper pins set incorrectly is an example of a hardware ____.

configuration problem

A mismatch between the type of printer connected to a system and the software printer driver installed is an example of a ____.

configuration problem

A mistmatch between the type of printer connected to a system and the installed software printer driver is an example of a:

configuration problem

A situation where two software packages use system resources in incompatible ways is called a(n) ____.


A(n) _______ is a situation in which two software packages use system resources in different and incompatible ways.


Dissatisfied clients are more likely than satisfied clients to ____.

contact the help desk repeatedly for assistance

During the development of a first draft, a technical writer is probably least concerned with ____.

correct spelling

A balance sheet that weighs the expenses associated with a computer system against the advantages of the system to an organization is called a ____.

cost-benefit analysis

A mental model to help a computer troubleshooter understand and explain a problem situation is based on ____.

critical thinking

A troubleshooter's ability to design and test hypotheses in order to solve a computer problem is based on ____.

critical thinking

A troubleshooter's ability to design and test hypotheses in order to solve a technology problem is based on ____.

critical thinking

The cognitive skills a troubleshooter uses to understand and explain an event or a situation are called ____.

critical thinking

Which of these training delivery methods uses a combination of tutorials, multimedia, product demonstrations, and hands on activities? a. Case studies b. Combined training c. Collaborative learning d. Computer based training

d. Computer based training

During which stage in the management of a special project does a project manager divide the project into specific tasks or objectives? a. Implementation b. Planning c. Monitoring d. Definition

d. Definiton

Most operating systems are now distributed on ____ a. USB flash drives b. removable hard disks c. CD or DVD disks d. Internet downloads

d. Internet downloads

Which statement accurately describes the costs associated with tutorials as a training delivery method? a. The development cost is high, and the cost per user is high. b. The development cost is low, but the cost per user is high. c. The development cost is low, and the cost per user is low. d. The development cost is high, but the cost per user is low.

d. The development cost is high, but the cost per user is low.

Which of these is not among the special project risk factors described in the chapter? a. Employee illness b. Conflicts among project workers c. Poor initial estimates of resources d. Vendor bankruptcy

d. Vendor bankruptcy

The purpose of a preinstallation site visit is to ____. a. train the user b. complete a wrapup checklist c. get acquainted with the user d. anticipate possible installation problems

d. anticipate possible installation problems

When investigating alternatives in a user needs assessment project, a decision to reconfigure existing software is an example of a(n) ____. a. new application software b. upgrade to existing technology c. new hardware components d. change to existing technology

d. change to existing technology

An instructional technology, media or approach to presenting information in a training session is called a(n) ____. a. learning style b. training approach c. training strategy d. delivery method

d. delivery method

A display screen should be positioned so that it ____. a. faces the same direction as the light source b. faces the direction recommended by the manufacturer c. faces the opposite direction (180degrees) from the light source d. is at a 90degree angle to the light source

d. is at a 90degree angle to the light source

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to solve problems with file and folder management? a. file format converter b. backup utility c. deleted file recovery d. patch status monitor

d. patch status monitor

The biggest enemy of most printers is ____. a. paper jams b. voltage spikes c. refilled ink cartridges d. printer paper dust

d. printer paper dust

Which of these would you least expect to find in a project charter? a. project methods b. project objectives c. project stakeholders d. project budget

d. project budget

Another name for an input form is a ____ a. survey form b. procedure document c. report form d. source document

d. source document

In a costbenefit analysis, the payback period is ____. a. the time it takes for the costs to equal zero b. the time it takes for costs to exceed benefits c. the time it takes for the benefits to equal zero d. the time it takes for benefits to exceed costs

d. the time it takes for benefits to exceed costs

One way to explain the different goals of training and education is ____. a. training and education are both usually short term b. training is usually longer term; education may be short term c. training and education are always aimed at the long term d. training may be short term; education is usually longer term

d. training may be short term; education is usually longer term

Recommended preventive maintenance for a printer often includes ____. a. disassembling the printer to check for loose connections b. scrubbing the printer case with hot, soapy water c. changing the ink cartridges every month d. vacuuming printer dust inside the case

d. vacuuming printer dust inside the case

When a troubleshooter must select from among several diagnostic tests to gather information about a problem, the selection is based on ____ skills.

decision making

An instructional technology, medium, or approach to presenting information in a training session is called a ____.

delivery method

Application software used to prepare printed materials that include graphic images, such as newsletters, flyers, brochures, and posters, is called ____.

desktop publishing

The purpose of prescreening an incident is to ____.

determine the type of incident and how the help desk staff will handle it

- Most software problems that impact end users occur ____.

during the installation and configuration of the software

Which of the following forms of communication between a user and an agent is asynchronous?


"I can give you a workaround for this problem, then later we can diagnose the cause of the problem so you don't encounter it again." is an example of ____.


Designing computer systems and laying out workspaces to minimize health problems and maximize worker safety, productivity, and comfort is called ____.


An incident management step, in which an incident is transferred to a support staff member who has greater experience or resources to handle difficult questions, is incident ____.


The incident management step in which an incident is transferred to a support staff member who has greater experience or resources to handle difficult questions is incident ____.


When planning a training session, the purpose of a pretest of trainees is to ____.

establish a baseline of the skill levels that trainees bring to the table

When one hardware device conflicts with another device's use of system resources, the problem can often be diagnosed effectively by ____.

examining the configuration

"By the time a software package has gone through testing and quality assurance, a"ny remaining bugs are extremely rare.


"Freeware is software that can be downloaded without any cost, but users must pay" a licensing fee before using the program


- "A computer system that operates at some level, but not as efficiently as it should, is called vaporware."


- "A workaround is designed to correct a problem in which a computer works, though ""poorly, and not as efficiently as it should."


- A new release of a software package generally contains more new features than a new version.


- All shareware software is written to conform to industry-wide program development standards and is compatible with other software on the systems for which it was developed.


- Plug and Play compatible hardware guarantees that users will not experience installation problems with new or upgraded hardware.


- The Windows Registry can be edited with most word processors that can work with text files.


- The difference between end users and computer professionals is that the latter rarely make mistakes while using a computer.


A hypothesis is a sequence of trial-and-error guesses a troubleshooter makes to try to find a problem solution.


A new release of a software package generally contains more new features than a new version.


A service level agreement is a contract between a help desk agent and his or her manager that specifies the percentage of incidents the agent will handle correctly during each work shift.


A support agent who handles complaints or incidents from angry, upset users should try to move the incident into the problem-solving stage as rapidly as possible.


A troubleshooting strategy that removes components from a system in order to get back to a basic configuration is called module replacement.


An automated incident tracking system is primarily useful in a large help desk operation, but of limited use in a small help desk operation.


Because a goal of technical writing is to keep documents concise, pointers to additional materials and information should be omitted because they add to the length of a document.


Communication is a one-way process that involves an effective transmission from sender to receiver


Effective communication skills are more important in telephone conversations than in face-to-face, email, or other forms of communication with users.


Every help desk incident, no matter what kind, goes through the 12 steps of the incident management process described in the book, even if some of the steps don't always apply.


Help desk software is intended primarily for internal help desk use and does not usually include email or Internet access capabilities.


Help desk software packages often include a report generator to prepare custom reports, but they do not include anything as powerful as a programming language


HelpSTAR software contains many of the most common help desk software features, but managing technology assets is an add-on module


In a help desk queue, the incident that will be handled next is the most recent incident to enter the queue.


In general, sans serif typefaces are easier to read than typefaces that contain serifs.


Job stress in a help desk position often indicates that an agent has worked in the support industry too long.


Most computer performance problems indicate that a hardware component is about ready to fail.


Most hardware component problems are the result of failures due to incorrect electrical supply to a computer system.


One goal of incident management is to give users information about how they should organize their files, improve their personal work habits, and make more effective use of their computers.


One goal of user self-reliance is to make users change the way they use computers.


Organizations that have specialized software needs generally select products from among the mass market, bestselling products.


Personal characteristics of a troubleshooter are simply part of a support specialist's basic personality and cannot be modified with experience, feedback, or coaching.


Plug and Play compatible hardware guarantees that users will not experience installation problems with new or upgraded hardware.


Restating a problem description using the user's exact words is called paraphrasing.


Support specialists should practice using the troubleshooting tools in this chapter until they can use all the tools equally well.


Teams of support agents are generally less effective at working on a complex problem because each team member has a different approach, and they frequently cannot agree on how to tackle a problem.


Technical writers often use nominalization in a document to make their writing clearer and easier to read.


The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a document of operational rules help desk organizations must follow to retain their industry certification.


The Windows Registry can be edited with most word processors that can work with text files.


The academic version of HelpSTAR included in the textbook is a subset of the features of the full commercial version.


The font size of a body of text should be at least 20 points in order to be readable.


The intranet is the new name for Web 2.0 technology


The medium used to transmit a piece of technical writing (print or online) makes little difference in the length or writing style of a document.


The purpose of client feedback features in a help desk software package is to terminate support agents with poor customer service skills.


To keep documents short, a technical writer should recommend to the reader a dictionary where he or she can find the definitions of any technical terms used.


When a particular combination of hardware, operating system, and application software do not operate together, a support specialist often recognizes that the problem is too complex to solve.


Work colleagues are rarely a good source of troubleshooting information because they usually have similar experiences and access to the same information resources as other troubleshooters


A light source that may flicker at the same rate as an older CRT display screen is a(n) ____ bulb.


The usual sequence of incident escalation during help desk incident management is ____.

from incident screener to product specialist

The usual sequence of incident escalation during help desk incident management is ____.

from incident screener to technical support

Printed materials designed to be taken from a training session to refresh a trainee's memory later are called ____.


Which of the following hardware devices is most likely to fail during the operation of a computer system?

hard drive

Peripheral devices are part of a computer system's ____.


One way to organize user support services that provides a single point of contact for an organization's workers or customers uses a(n) ____.

help desk

A user's first impression of a support agent comes from the ____.

incident greeting

During the ____ step in the incident management process, an incident is categorized as a request for information, a question, a problem, a complaint, or a work order

incident screening

- Computer hardware components that cannot operate together in the same system are called ____.


Computer components that cannon operate together in the same system are said to be:


In a cost-benefit analysis, a software package that permits an organization to offer its customers expanded services would be considered an opportunity to ____.

increase revenue

A chemical used by support specialists to clean many computer components is ____.

isopropyl alcohol

Smudges on a laptop display screen can be cleaned periodically with ____.

isopropyl alcohol

Troubleshooting computer problems can best be described as a(n) ____.

iterative, repetitious procedure

The primary purpose of help desk performance statistics is to ____.

justify the value and expense of support services

KSA stands for ____.

knowledge, skills, and abilities

If a computer is plugged into a 15-amp circuit, the total amperage of all devices plugged into the circuit should be ____.

less than 15 amps

The principle concept in the multi-level support help desk model is ____.

lower level help desk staff can refer difficult problems to higher levels

- Software with harmful or malicious intent to disrupt the business operation of a computer or network or to steal information or money is called ____.


Software with harmful or malicious intent to disrupt the business operation of a computer or network or to steal information or money is called ____.


Performance objectives for a training session should be ____.


The ability to step back from a troubleshooting situation and analyze one's own thinking process is called ____.


- A user who bypasses the documentation to get a new hardware or software package operational as rapidly as possible is a victim of ____.

misrepresentation of a vendor's product

A help desk structured into levels or tiers of support uses a ____ support model.

multi-level support model

The ____ position is unlikely to exist in a help desk that is organized in a multilevel support model.

needs analyst

A substantially rewritten software package that contains major new features is called a(n) ____.

new version

A substantially rewritten software package that contains major new features is called a(n):

new version

The sentence "Development of software is not a frequent user support function." is an example of ____.


A vendor-specific certification is ____.

none of these

Employees who provide informal peer support to other users in an organization ____.

often have little or no training in user support

If a project task must be completed on time in order for the entire project to be completed on time, the task is ____.

on the project's critical path

optimal solution

one that is the most feasible, has the lowest cost, and offers the most benefits. The best solution may be the most expensive.

CBT and WBT for those preparing for certification exams are ____ courses.

online tutorial

A communication skill commonly used in active listening is ____.


- A replacement for one or a few modules in a software package that fixes one or more known bugs is called a(n) ____.


- A software company that discovers a bug in an infrequently used feature of a software package is likely to fix the problem by issuing a(n) ____.


"If a computer, over a period of time, takes longer and longer to perform a task ""such as a File Save operation, it likely has a ____.

performance problem

- "If a computer, over a period of time, takes longer and longer to perform a task ""such as a File Save operation, it likely has a ____.

performance problem

- A computer system that operates but does not work as efficiently as it should has a ____.

performance problem

A computer system that operates but does not work as efficiently as it should has a ____.

performance problem

Objective measures of the user support or help desk operation are called ____.

performance statistics

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) measures ____.

personality and work style preferences

Making an illegal copy of a software program is called ____.


A follow-up question a troubleshooter asks to get additional information about a problem situation is called a(n) ____.


When there is a current state of events X and a future desired state of events Y, and the troubleshooter's objective is to move from X to Y, the troubleshooting activity is called ____.

problem solving

Written instructions that describe how to perform a business transaction or handle an organizational procedure are called ____.

procedure documentation

A short narrative statement that describes the objectives, scope, methods, participants, deliverables, and timeline for a needs assessment project is a ____.

project charter

A software tool that helps a needs assessment analyst organize the tasks in a project, set priorities, monitor project costs, and schedule activities is ____.

project management software

A working model that a support analyst builds to help users evaluate the design of a new system is called a(n) ____.


- A user who bypasses the documentation to get a new hardware or software package operational as rapidly as possible is a victim of ____.

quick start behavior

A user who bypasses the documentation to get a new hardware or software package operational as rapidly as possible is a victim of ____.

quick start behavior

_____ is a tendency among users to want to get a new hardware or software product operational without reading the installation documentation.

quick start behavior

In a cost-benefit analysis, the use of technology to lower inventory costs is an example of a(n) ____.

reduction of expenses

Experienced computer users who need information on advanced topics are likely to need a ____.

reference manual

A(n) _____ is a database of hardware and software configuration information collected into one large file in a Windows system.


Classifying end users as internal versus external is a classification by ____.


Most hardware devices that malfunction today are ____.


RFP stands for ____.

request for proposal

The incident management step in which a user's problem is satisfactorily dealt with is called incident ____.


An operation that obliterates data in disk files and folders by repeatedly writing random bit patterns on disk media is called a(n) ____________________ operation

secure erase

A script to handle a support incident has ____.

several sequences of questions with multiple decision points or paths

- Network problems are often traceable to ____.

some combination of all of these

Network problems are often traceable to ____.

some combination of all of these

Another name for an input form is a ____.

source document

A software package used to prepare budgets, reports, forecasts, and financial statements is a ____.

spreadsheet program

"Vaporware is a technology product that is announced in the media, but that does "not yet exist or is not yet available for sale.


- "If a user reinstalls a software package from the original distribution media, he" or she must also install any patches that had been previously installed to fix bugs.


- "Installation of software packages in the 1980s was primarily a manual process, in which a user typed commands to create directories and copy files.


- "Network problems are often combinations of hardware, software, and operating system problems.


- A burn-in test is the operation of a new computer continuously for 48 to 72 hours to identify obvious problems or temperature-sensitive components.


- A conflict occurs when a computer component uses system resources in a way that is incompatible with another component.


- A dual-boot option can permit a user to run two or more operating systems on a computer system.


- A patch is a replacement for one or a few modules of a software package intended to fix known bugs.


- A workaround is a procedure or method that accomplishes the same result as a feature that does not work due to a bug or other malfunction.


- An upgrade is a new version of an existing program that is sold at a reduced price to owners of a previous version of the program.


- Installation software utilities are capable of examining the hardware configuration to determine whether the software and hardware are compatible and adjust software settings to match hardware.


- Most hardware components that malfunction are replaced rather than repaired.


- Open source software is developed collaboratively by a loose-knit team of programmers who agree to improve a software product and make the program freely available to any user.


- Quick start behavior is a tendency among computer users to bypass reading an installation manual and attempt to get a new product operational quickly.


- Some support problems occur because users are poorly trained or do not read the documentation that came with their computer system.


- Users who forget passwords and PINs are a common source of support problems


A burn-in test is the operation of a new computer continuously for 48 to 72 hours to identify obvious problems or temperature-sensitive components.


A common organization for a technical document is: 1) Introduction, 2) Body, 3) Summary.


A hierarchical organization of a document flows from top to bottom because information is organized from general to specific


A paper CNE is someone who has passed the CNE certification exam, but has little practical, hands-on experience with computer networks.


A rising inflection at the end of a sentence communicates that a support agent is unsure or lacks confidence


A sentence is in passive voice when its subject receives the action performed by the verb.


A support agent who can empathize with a user is one who understands the problem or question from the user's point of view.


A support portal is a single point of Web access for support services.


A techie who works exclusively with hardware and software, rarely comes into contact with people, and talks in technical jargon will probably not enjoy a career in the user support field.


A technical document with a sequential organization follows a step-by-step approach


A technical document with a sequential organization follows a step-by-step approach.


A technical writer should stop editing a document when edit passes result in fewer and fewer significant changes in the document.


A troubleshooting strategy that swaps a hardware or software component whose status is unknown with one that is known to be operational is called module replacement


A user satisfaction survey is a questionnaire that measures how satisfied users are with the support services they receive


Active listening occurs when a support agent is as engaged in the communication process as the user who has a problem.


An advantage of assigning primary responsibility for user support to the IT department is that all computer activities are combined and users know who to contact about various computer problems


An example of a metacognitive question a troubleshooter might ask is, What assumptions did I make in working on this problem that led me in the wrong direction?


An extraneous variable is one that could bias the results of a benchmark test and should be eliminated if possible.


Authentication is an incident management step to determine whether it is appropriate for a help desk to handle a user's incident


Communication skills are more often difficult for a new help desk agent to learn than technical skills or business skills.


Even in a telephone call, clients can often tell whether a support staff member values the call.


Eye contact and facial expression are examples of nonverbal behavior.


Feedback from users, other support agents, and supervisors is useful information for a support agent who wants to develop a personal incident management strategy.


Help desk operations retain an archive of previously resolved incidents in a knowledge base to document the steps to resolve each incident as an information resource to help desk agents.


Help desk software that includes asset management can help a support staff control an organization's equipment inventory


Help desk software that includes asset management can help a support staff control an organization's equipment inventory.


How much information a support agent can divulge to a user is often determined by an organization's policies.


If a user reinstalls a software package from the original distribution media, he" or she must also install any patches that had been previously installed to fix bugs.


In technical writing, use the same word to refer to an object or a concept throughout a document instead of using a variety of different words that are synonyms.


In the checklist of document evaluation criteria, format refers to whether a document's layout helps guide the reader and whether format elements are used consistently


Installation of shareware software may conflict with existing software and cause a system to fail to operate.


Installation of software packages in the 1980s was primarily a manual process, i"n which a user typed commands to create directories and copy files


Installation software utilities have automated many of the manual tasks required to install and correctly configure software packages.


Most support workers and computer users are considered to be a mixture of the personality types on the Myers-Briggs dimensions.


One method support agents use to communicate effectively with a user on the telephone is to visualize the user and communicate with the visual image.


One type of critical thinking is the use of cognitive skills to build a mental model to understand or explain an event or a situation.


Open source software is developed collaboratively by a loose-knit team of programmers who agree to improve a software product and make the program freely available to any user.


Parallel structure is a writing strategy in which all paragraph indentations in a document start with a consistent tab size.


Permitting employees to purchase whichever computer system they need may maximize purchasing flexibility, but it can increase support and maintenance costs to an organization.


Some help desk operations use a script to guide an agent through the steps in the incident management process.


Some support problems occur because users are poorly trained or do not read the documentation that came with their computer system.


The applications development backlog was due to the inability of computer professionals to design and write programs fast enough to keep up with the demand for new applications.


The design of a help desk work area should reduce distractions, noise, and interruptions to the extent possible.


The five critical questions described in this chapter are designed to force a troubleshooter to challenge the assumptions he or she may have made about a problem situation.


The purpose of a format consistency check is to ensure that format elements such as fonts, centering, and underlining are used consistently and are not overdone.


The purpose of incident tracking is to document the complete history of activities that occurred while handling an incident.


The purpose of the screening step is to determine whether an incident is a request for information, question, problem, complaint, or work order


Users who forget passwords and PINs are a common source of support problems.


Virtualization is a method of allocating the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments, each of which may execute its own operating system and application software.


Web-based user support offers a cost-effective way to communicate support information to end users.


An automated call distributor (ACD) is a combination of computer and telephone technology that can answer and greet callers, provide menus, and route calls to specific agents or queues.


A packaged system that includes hardware, software, and support from a single computer vendor is called a(n) ____ system.


In a computer facility, a UPS is a(n) ____.

uninterruptible power supply

- A software package that contains few new features but primarily fixes known bugs in a previous version is called a(n) ____.


A software package that contains few new features but primarily fixes known bugs in a previous version is called a(n) ____.


- A common source of user misunderstanding and subsequent calls to help desks is poorly designed ____.

user documentation

A common source of user misunderstanding and subsequent calls to help desks is poorly designed ____.

user documentation

- A user who expects a software product to be able to perform a task for which it was not intended is a victim of a ____.

user misunderstanding

A user who expects a software product to be able to perform a task for which it was not intended is a victim of a ____.

user misunderstanding

An organization that provides a wide range of support services to users is called a ____.

user support center

Another name for diagnostic software tools is ____.

utility software

Dust buildup inside a computer case can be managed effectively by ____.

vacuuming the inside of the case

- Hardware or software products that have been announced by vendors but do not actually exist are ____.


Hardware or software products that have been announced by vendors but do not actually exist are ____.


The Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ exam is an example of a ____.

vendor-neutral exam

The sentence I want to confirm that, with the changes we made to your software, you can now enlarge the font in your document. is an example of ____.


Software designed specifically for a highly specialized industry is called ____.

vertical market software

Remote access to a user's PC can be implemented with a ____.

virtual private network

Which of these technology trends may permit a support agent to answer questions about multiple operating systems from a single PC?


The average time it takes a help desk to respond to incidents is ____.

wait time

When an HVAC technician considers the air conditioning requirements for a computer facility, the technician calculates the ____.


The best location for a peripheral, such as a printer, that a user accesses frequently is ____.

within arm's reach of the user in a normal working position

A procedure or method to accomplish the same result as a feature that does not work due to a big or other malfunction is called a(n) _____.


Computer technology generally doubles in capacity every two ____.


Custom solutions may have features that provide a competitive advantage

Which of these is a primary benefit of building new technology from scratch (versus buying one)? One-size-fits-all philosophy lowers development costs Custom solutions may have features that provide a competitive advantage Custom solutions may lower maintenance costs Custom software has fewer bugs

A mass-market system often costs less.

Which of these is a primary benefit of buying an off-the-shelf computer system?

Mass market often lowers costs

Which of these is a primary benefit of buying off-the-shelf technology? Mass market often lowers costs Solution can be customized to meet special user needs Always less expensive to buy off-the-shelf technology Programmers are too busy to build effective software

a. Adjustable chair, b. Footrest, c. Document holder

Which of these is an ergonomic device?

Internet firewall

Which of these is not a common physical access control used in computer facilities?


Which of these is not a primary step in the needs analysis and assessment process?


Which of these is not a primary step in the needs analysis and assessment process? Purchase Investigation Decision Preparation

Design and develop CBT and WBT modules

Which of these is not a role that user support trainers are likely to perform in the future?

Vendor bankruptcy

Which of these is not among the special project risk factors described in the chapter?

Back up network server media

Which of these is not normally a network installation task on a new office PC?

Which of these is not one of the four goals of incident management?

Which of these is not one of the four goals of incident management?


Which of these is not one of the steps in the training process?

Plan, Prepare, Present, Progress

Which of these is the sequence of steps in the training process?


Which of these learning methods generally results in the lowest retention and poorest trainee performance?

Problem solve

Which of these learning methods results in the highest retention and trainee performance?

None of these

Which of these skill levels deals with an ability to perform a task effectively and efficiently?

Concepts and understanding

Which of these skill levels deals with the meanings of the words people use to exchange information about a subject?

Computer-based training

Which of these training delivery methods uses a combination of tutorials, multimedia, product demonstrations, and hands-on activities?


Which of these training formats is generally the most cost-effective because the ratio of trainees to trainers is highest?

A project budget

Which of these would you least expect to find in a project charter?

project budget

Which of these would you least expect to find in a project charter? project objectives project stakeholders project methods project budget

D, B, E, A, C Plan,Monitor, Implement,Define,Terminate

Which sequence of letters below is the order of steps in managing a special project?

D, B, E, A, C

Which sequence of letters below is the order of steps in managing a special project? A) monitor B) plan C) terminate D) define E) implement B, D, A, E, C A, B, D, C, E D, B, E, A, C B, A, E, D, C

D, C, A, B Understand the organization's goals. Identify sources of information.Investigate alternatives to the current system.Make a build-versus-buy decision.

Which sequence of letters represents the correct order of the following four steps in the user needs analysis process?

D, C, A, B

Which sequence of letters represents the correct order of the following four steps in the user needs analysis process? A) investigate alternatives to the current technology B) make a build-versus-buy decision C) identify sources of information D) understand the organization's goals A, B, C, D D, C, B, A C, A, D, B D, C, A, B

The development cost is high, but the cost per user is low.

Which statement accurately describes the costs associated with tutorial training delivery methods?

Isopropyl alcohol

Which type of cleaner is generally not recommended for use on laptop display screens?

Root cause analysis is an iterative process that asks a series of ____ questions.


Root cause analysis is an iterative process that asks a series of ____ questions. Why


An alternative to the Windows operating system GUI interface that accepts keyboard text commands is called the ______________________________.

Windows command-line interface


Words that are understood only by those experienced in a field; for example, hacker is jargon, whereas unauthorized user is more general; define jargon words to ensure that readers understand them.

Which of these responsibilities would you least expect to find in a position description for a user support specialist?

Writes computer programs in COBOL


Written communication intended to provide user support information to end users; can be printed or online; includes brochures, flyers, newsletters, handouts, training aids, user guides, handbooks, manuals, online help systems, proposals, letters, memos, email and chat messages, procedural and operational documentation, Web pages, and troubleshooting guides.

procedure documentation

Written instructions that describe how to perform a business transaction or handle an organizational procedure are called ____.

List three strategies for dealing with users who forget important information.

Written reminder note, save password in operating system, reference sheet, script, checklist


____ feasibility considers analysis of the other systems or procedures a new system must interact with.


____ feasibility considers project risks due to reliance on a new, untested software package.


____ feasibility considers project risks due to reliance on a new, untested software package. Economic Operational Technological Timeline


____ feasibility considers when a computer system must be operational as well as other project scheduling requirements.


____ feasibility determines whether there are specific budget limitations on a project decision.

During _______, a computer system is operated nonstop for a 48- to 72-hour period to give marginal components a chance to fail.

a burn-in test

A software utility tool of primary use to a support specialist who assembles or installs hardware systems is ____.

a burn-in utility

LBE Helpdesk, featured in this chapter, is an example of a(n) ____.

a commercial help desk package

A utility that can search disk media and recover a file that was accidentally removed is called a(n) ____________________ utility.

a file backup utility

One way to organize user support services in a way that provides a single point of contact for an organization's workers or customers is to use ____.

a help desk

Tools to manage service level agreements (SLAs) in a help desk software package probably are of greatest use by ____.

a help desk manager

Which category of help desk incident is: "My PC runs slowly when I access the Internet with a modem in the evenings"?

a problem

A revision to a software package that contains a collection of patches to fix documented problems with a program is called:

a service pack

A 48- to 72-hour period during which a system or component is operated nonstop before installation at a user site is ____.

a system burn-in test

- A user who presses the wrong sequence of keys in a software program is a victim of ____.

a user mistake

A user who presses the wrong sequence of keys in a software program is a victim of ____.

a user mistake

- A user who purchases an image scanner that is incompatible with the computer system to which he or she wants to connect it is a victim of ____.

a wrong product purchase

A user who purchases an image scanner that is incompatible with the computer system to which he or she wants to connect it is a victim of ____.

a wrong product purchase

Which letter sequence is the order of the steps below in the incident management process? a) authenticate the user b) archive the incident c) log the incident d) prioritize the problem

a, c, d, b

Which of the following training delivery methods does not necessarily make use of technology as part of the delivery method? a. Collaborative learning b. Tutorials c. Hands on activities d. Computer based training

a. Collaborative learning

____ feasibility determines whether there are specific budget limitations on a project decision. a. Economic b. Operational c. Technological d. Timeline

a. Economic

Which of these characteristics does not describe the work performed on a special project? a. Is based on welldefined procedures b. Occurs on an irregular schedule c. Includes more complex tasks than routine work d. Usually takes longer to perform than routine work

a. Is based on welldefined procedures

. ____ feasibility considers project risks due to reliance on a new, untested software package. a. Technological b. Timeline c. Economic d. Operational

a. Technological

During which stage in the management of a special support project does a project manager write a final project report? a. Termination b. Implementation c. Planning d. Monitoring

a. Termination

. A PC's performance may be improved by erasing temporary, unused, damaged, obsolete and archived files. a. True b. False

a. True

. An experiential learner and a kinesthetic learner are two words that mean the same thing a. True b. False

a. True

A PC may be vulnerable to attacks from the Internet if some software patches have not yet been downloaded and installed. a. True b. False

a. True

A cost benefit analysis is a sidebyside comparison of the expenses associated with a project and its advantages to an organization or a user. a. True b. False

a. True

A costbenefit analysis is intended to increase the likelihood that a support analyst has considered the major advantages and disadvantages of each alternative in a needs assessment project. a. True b. False

a. True

A delivery method is a choice a trainer makes among several instructional technologies, media and ways to present information. a. True b. False

a. True

A disadvantage of classroom training is that all trainees do not learn at the same pace. a. True b. False

a. True

A display screen should be positioned so it is viewable by looking straight ahead or slightly down a. True b. False

a. True

A project goal is a specific, measurable end result that is the ultimate target or outcome of a project. a. True b. False

a. True

A rootkit is software and file folders that are hidden from view and permit viruses, spyware and malware to be installed on a PC without the knowledge or consent of a user. a. True b. False

a. True

A secure erase operation is often performed on a PC before it is handed down to another user or recycled. a. True b. False

a. True

A software utility advertised as a "free download" may provide limited use until the user pays a fee a. True b. False

a. True

A trainer who is unsure of the ability levels in a group of trainees may need to administer a short pretest to determine their baseline ability levels. a. True b. False

a. True

A turnkey package is one that includes hardware, software, and support services from a single vendor a. True b. False

a. True

A visual learner/nonverbal would probably prefer to read a manual rather than listen to a lecture on a training topic. a. True b. False

a. True

A weakness in a PC connected to the Internet or other network that permits an attacker to violate the integrity of the system is called a vulnerability a. True b. False

a. True

Although a prototype is a useful tool to help evaluate the design of a proposed technology, prototypes often operate slowly, especially when large amounts of data must be stored or processed. a. true b. False

a. True

An IPO chart is a diagram that represents the Input, Processing and Output steps required to perform a task a. True b. False

a. True

An assistive device is a peripheral or software that adapts technology so users with various physical limitations can be more productive. Select one: a. True b. False

a. True

An interruption of service in a network environment that degrades or disrupts normal services to users is called a throughput bottleneck. a. True b. False

a. True

An opt in check box is an input form on a website that asks a user to agree to various services and provisions, but may contain misleading options. a. True b. False

a. True

Another name for an input form is a source document. a. True b. False

a. True

Assessment of training activities measures the performance of both the trainees and the trainer. a. True b. False

a. True

Automated project management tools, while useful, cannot substitute for careful project planning, good estimates, and analysis of project risks. a. True b. False

a. True

Before a support analyst can consider alternatives to the existing technology, they must understand how it works and what users like and dislike about it. a. True b. False

a. True

Before installing and using any utility software, a support specialist should research and understand its features and limitations. a. true b. false

a. True

Belarc Advisor is an example of a utility that audits and reports on system information. a. True. b. False

a. True

Build versus buy decisions may apply to all components of a PC, but apply primarily to software and service decisions. a. True b. False

a. True

Collaborative learning is based on the idea that not all useful information must flow from a trainer to trainees. a. True b. False

a. True

In a costbenefit analysis, when costs outweigh benefits, an organization should be reluctant to spend resources on a project a. True b. False

a. True

Information in a site management notebook should be able to answer questions such as, "Which software is legally licensed to be installed and used on this device?" a. True b. False

a. True

It is generally advisable for a trainer to try to cover a little less material than to attempt to cover too much. a. True b. False

a. True

Most preventive maintenance on printers involves removing paper dust particles and ink or toner spills. a. True b. False

a. True

Multimedia training presentations are often effective because they use two or more learning styles a. True b. False

a. True

OpenNMS and Zoho's OpManager are examples of utilities designed to monitor network performance and diagnose network problem a. true b. false

a. True

Optimizing a PC's performance often involves utilities that can defragment disks, clean a system's Registry, scan for malware, repair disk and file errors and update Windows and Internet configuration settings. a. True b. False

a. True

Reading materials selected for a training session should match the reading level of the trainees a. True b. False

a. True

Role playing is an effective method for training user support specialists in communication and customer service skills because trainees rehearse actual work environment situations. a. True b. False

a. True

Secunia Personal Software Inspector is a utility that is designed to detect whether the application and utility software on a PC is uptodate a. True b. False

a. True

Since there are no user serviceable components inside a display screen, preventive maintenance is limited to external cleaning and adjustment. a. True b. False

a. True

Technology equipment is often sensitive to devices like motors or generators that are plugged into the same electrical circuit. a. True b. False

a. True

The best performance objectives for a training session specify how well a trainee needs to be able to perform a task, such as speed or accuracy a. True b. False

a. True

The best training objectives begin with a verb, such as "plan", "describe" or "perform". a. True b. False

a. True

The criteria an organization uses to make a decision about new technology or services are often based on the feasibility of time, staffing, money, and available technology. a. True b. False

a. True

The highest quality power strips include protective circuits to minimize damage to technology equipment due to power surges or spikes. a. True b. False

a. True

The perfmon command in Windows prepares a System Health Report on a PC. a. True b. False

a. True

The purpose of a recovery disk is to reinstall, repair or restore an operating system on a PC's hard drive to its original operational state. a. True b. False

a. True

The purpose of business interruption insurance is to help offset the cost of returning an organization to normal operation after an unforeseen event. a. True b. False

a. True

The textbook states that mass market training materials may change the role of user trainer from preparer and presenter to coordinator and evaluator a. True b. False

a. True

To calculate the air conditioning requirements for most installations, an HVAC specialist considers the heat generated by both the equipment and end users. a. True b. False

a. True

Users usually need at least a basic understanding of a computer's operation before they can become skills users of technology. a. True b. False

a. True

When a support specialist tries to understand the goals of end users and an organization, one issue is what plans the organization has to grow or expand. a. True b. False

a. True

When a user receives an email warning about the dire consequences of possible virus attacks on their PC or tablet, it is often a virus hoax. a. True b. False

a. True

When preparing training materials, trainers should respect copyrighted materials and avoid copying verbatim from a single source a. True b. False

a. True

When sitting at a keyboard, a user' s forearms should extend to the keyboard in a relatively straight line, or tilted slightly downward a. True b. False

a. True

it is preferable to reduce the number of training topics and to cover them thoroughly rather than to try to cover too much material. a. True b. False

a. True

A backup utility can write copies of important data files and folders on ____. a. any of these b. a network server's disk drive c. an Internet server's disk drive d. an internal hard disk drive

a. any of these

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to solve problems with Internet access a. device driver scan and update b. spyware scanner c. bandwidth speed tester d. Internet vulnerabilities tester

a. device driver scan and update

A schematic diagram that uses symbols to represent the parts of a system or office procedure is a(n) ____. a. flowchart b. modeling tool c. Gantt chart d. IPO chart

a. flowchart

The purpose of a UPS backup battery is to permit a PC or server to ____. a. shutdown normally b. operate at half power c. withstand a voltage spike d. operate indefinitely

a. shutdown normally

A useful source of information about the content trainees need is their position descriptions. a. true b. false

a. true

Dust buildup inside a desktop PC case can be managed effectively by ____. a. vacuuming the inside of the case b. installing air conditioning c. using a keyboard dust cover d. covering the vent holes in the case

a. vacuuming the inside of the case

In a cost-benefit analysis, the development or purchase of software is generally considered a(n) ____.

acquisition cost

The concept that a listener is an involved participant in the communication process is called ____.

active listening

Utility software, such as virus checker, screen saver, and security software, is usually installed on a computer system immediately ____.

after the operating system is installed

Which of these support management concerns directly affects the support staff's job?

all of these

Which type of nonverbal behavior is suggested for effective voice quality?

all of these

A measure of the number of support incidents that can be processed in a given time period, often used in staffing the help desk group, is ____.

an Erlang unit

Support Web sites that use Web 2.0 technologies differ from earlier support Web sites primarily in ____.

an emphasis on collaboration and communication among users

Application software that is intended for use in a specialized business environment is called ____.

an industry-specific application

Turnkey system

an integrated package of hardware, software, network connectivity, and support services purchased from a single vendor, and may include a combination of off-the-shelf and customizable components.

A help desk software package that includes asset management can help a support staff control ____.

an organization's equipment inventory

A way in which a current problem is similar to other problems are called ____.


A backup utility can write copies of important data files and folders on ____.

any of these

A computer virus can be spread through ____.

any of these

Effective communication skills are based primarily on a support agent's ability to ____.

any of these

Effective communication skills are important primarily to support agents who communicate ____.

any of these

Viewing a system as a group of subsystems begins the search for a problem at ____.

any of these starting points

The user support staff is most likely to experience conflict with the IT department over ____.

application software development

The incident management step in which a closed incident is stored for later use in a knowledge base of solved problems is ____.

archive the incident

The incident management step in which a closed incident is stored for later use in a knowledge base of solved problems is called ____.

archive the incident

A support agent should aim to use language that is ____ the language level that the user uses.

at the same level as

Most hardware problems occur:

at the time a component is purchased and installed

A telephone system that can answer calls, greet callers, provide menus, and route calls is a(n) ____.

automated call distributor

- A software package feature that periodically checks the vendor's Web site for software updates is called ____.

automatic update

A software package feature that periodically checks the vendor's Web site for software updates is called ____.

automatic update

_____ is a feature of an operating system or application program that periodically checks a vendor's Web site for modifications that can be downloaded and installed in a user's system.

automatic update

A utility tool that can change the software that is launched automatically at system start-up is a(n) ____ utility.


A small group training session usually includes ____ trainees. a. 15 to 25 b. 12 or fewer c. 1 to 5 d. any number less than 40

b. 12 or fewer

Which of these application software installation options is likely to ask the most questions of the installer and require the greatest expertise? a. Full b. Custom c. Minimal d. Express

b. Custom

Which of these is a primary benefit of building new technology from scratch (versus buying one)? a. Custom software has fewer bugs b. Custom solutions may have features that provide a competitive advantage c. Custom solutions may lower maintenance costs d. One size fits all philosophy lowers development cost

b. Custom solutions may have features that provide a competitive advantage

A PC Software Configuration sheet includes information about the operating system and version installed on a PC, but need not include information about application software because versions change frequently. a. True b. False

b. False

A browser header is an input form on a website that permits a user to agree to receive specified services and provisions. a. True b. False

b. False

A learning management system is a software application that automates the role of trainer for small businesses that cannot afford a trainer position a. True b. False

b. False

A performance monitor is a hardware device or software utility designed to intercept and prevent unauthorized access to a PC from an external network. a. True b. False

b. False

A performance objective is a statement of the knowledge and skills trainees need to learn by the end of a training session. a. True b. False

b. False

A sequence of repetitive operations performed to evaluate the ability of a PC to operate at peak efficiency for a defined time period under a maximum processing load is called a benchmark a. True b. False

b. False

A system information utility displays statistical performance information and network service fault alerts in a visual, graphic format. a. True b. False

b. False

An express software installation option and a minimal installation are two words for the same option. a. True b. False

b. False

An intangible benefit of a project is one that is difficult to quantify or measure and therefore should be omitted from a costbenefits analysis. a. True b. False

b. False

An uninterruptable power supply (UPS) is an electrical device that guarantees PC or server can operate in critical situations for an extended period when no electrical power is available a. True b. False

b. False

At the end of the planning step, a trainer can describe both the training objectives and how the training will be presented A. True b. False

b. False

Because vendors are biased toward their own products, they can rarely contribute to a user needs assessment project a. True b. False

b. False

Demonstrating bells and whistles (less frequently used features of technology) is an important way to add interest and reduce boredom in a training session a. True b. False

b. False

Disk fragmentation indicates that a PC's hard disk drive is likely to fail. a. True b. False

b. False

Downtime is a count of the number of times a PC or server reboots each week or month. a. True b. False

b. False

Due to the popularity of selfpaced training materials and online, interactive training delivery methods, the role of support specialists as trainers is likely to disappear in the next few years a. True b. False

b. False

Every technology installation always follows the steps listed in the installation checklists provided in the text. a. True b. False

b. False

Experienced trainers agree that a single learning style is effective for most trainees. a. True b. False

b. False

Experienced trainers prepare a complete set of notes which they read to trainees to make sure that no important material is omitted. Select one: a. True b. False

b. False

Freeware versions are utility software that can be downloaded and used at no cost and without any use limitations a. True b. False

b. False

Handouts or reference sheets for trainees to take away from a training session should be simple, but comprehensive. a. True b. False

b. False

In a costbenefits analysis, the initial cost of software is an example of an operating cost. a. True b. False

b. False

In a phased implementation of a special project, the existing technology is terminated as soon as the new technology becomes operational. a. True b. False

b. False

In a training session, the division of time between reviewing previous material and introducing new material should be about 5050 a. True b. False

b. False

Installation of office technology is now standardized so there are few installation issues that are likely to confront support specialists a. True b. False

b. False

Projectors that can be used in training sessions are expensive, which limits their use primarily to large corporations and educational institutions. a. True b. False

b. False

Repetitive strain and carpal tunnel syndrome are two names for the same injury. a. True b. False

b. False

Since users are primarily adults, no explanation of motivation ("Why are we learning this?"), is needed in a training session a. True b. False

b. False

The Windows Drive Fitness Test (WinDFT) utility described in the chapter only works on Western Digital brand hard drives a. True b. False

b. False

The electrical code in most areas recommends the use of power strips as electrical extension cords for technology equipment a. True b. False

b. False

The footprints of a PC case are rubber protectors mounted to the bottom of a case that will rest on the floor a. True b. False

b. False

The most effective training format for end users is small classes. a. True b. False

b. False

The software utilities and information services described in this chapter are designed to be used on all recent versions of Windows. a. True b. False

b. False

The three phases in a user needs assessment project are 1) preparation, 2) investigation, and 3) implementation. a. True b. False

b. False

The values in the Windows Registry database have restricted access and can only be modified by directly by Windows; access by software utilities is not permitted. a. True b. False

b. False

To analyze the feedback on training evaluation forms, a trainer should look for very high or very low scores because these are most helpful in identifying strengths and ways to improve training a. True b. False

b. False

Training is a teaching and learning process that aims to provide conceptual understanding and longterm thinking skills. a. True b. False

b. False

Versions of the Windows operating system after Windows XP no longer have a command line prompt feature. a. True b. False

b. False

When trainers begin to prepare specific training materials for a session, they generally start from scratch to avoid copyright problems a. True b. False

b. False

Which of these is a primary benefit of buying offtheshelf technology? a. Programmers are too busy to build effective software b. Mass market often lowers costs c. Always less expensive to buy offtheshelf technology d. Solution can be customized to meet special user needs

b. Mass market often lowers costs

A site management notebook is especially useful in which of these situations? a. A home PC installation b. Multiple PCs installed in an office or training facility c. A tablet PC in an office d. A laptop PC

b. Multiple PCs installed in an office or training facility

Which of these is not a primary step in the needs analysis and assessment process? a. Investigation b. Purchase c. Decision d. Preparation

b. Purchase

Social learning (peertopeer) is most common in which kind of learning format? a. Formal classes b. Small groups/teams c. One to one training d. Self guided tutorials

b. Small groups/teams

Which category of utility tools prepares documentation on a PC that would likely be included in a site installation notebook? a. Bandwidth Tester b. System Information c. Network Support d. Rootkit

b. System Information

During which stage in the management of a special support project does the project manager ask the question, "Can what we learned from this project improve performance on future projects? a. Planning b. Termination c. Implementation d. Monitoring

b. Termination

One to one training is a very flexible format, but the costs tend to be higher than other formats. a. True b. False

b. True

The end result of a user needs assessment project that recommends the purchase, modification, upgrade, or building new technology is called a ____. a. report b. deliverable c. charter d. prototype

b. deliverable

A boot analyzer is a software utility that permits support specialists to change the bootup options on a PC a. true b. false

b. false

Because mobile devices are relatively secure, few software utilities are available to diagnose and repair problems with mobile technology a. true b. false

b. false

In a cost benefit analysis, a software package that permits an organization to offer its customers expanded services would be considered an opportunity to ____. a. lower acquisition costs b. increase revenue c. reduce expenses d. lower operating costs

b. increase revenue

When analyzing the feedback on an evaluation form, a trainer should look for ____ a. items with the lowest ratings b. items where there is a pattern of low ratings c. items with a mixture of high and low rating d. items with the highest ratings

b. items where there is a pattern of low ratings

Which of these utility tools would you least expect a support agent to find useful to increase security for end users? a. antivirus utility b. network performance monitor c. spyware utility d. rootkit utility

b. network performance monitor

Written instructions that describe how to perform a business transaction or handle an organizational procedure are called ____. a. user manuals b. procedure documentation c. narrative procedures d. prototypes

b. procedure documentation

A alternative identified in a needs analysis that solves a problem in a reasonable way, but not necessarily the best way is a(n) ____ solution. a. maximal b. satisficing c. lowcost d. optimal

b. satificing

A package that includes hardware, software, and support from a single vendor is called a(n) ____ package. a. integrated b. turnkey c. model d. prototype

b. turnkey

The best location for a peripheral, such as a printer, that a user accesses frequently is ____ a. under the user' s desk where it takes less space b. within arm' s reach of the user in a normal working position c. in a central location where all users can access it d. any of these

b. within arm' s reach of the user in a normal working position

When covered in a training session, hardware or software features that are unusual and rarely used are sometimes called ____.

bells and whistles

Detailed steps for performing a task are generally described in which part of a document?


Performance problems in a computer system are usually due to ____ problems.

both A and B

Performance problems in a computer system are usually due to:

both hardware and software problems

Any interruption of normal network traffic that reduces or halts the flow of data on a network is called a(n) _________________________.


Steps in needs analysis and assessment process

step 1 Understand the end user's and the organization's goals. step 2 Understand the decision criteria and constraints. step 3 Define the problem clearly step 4 Identify the roles of stakeholders. step 5 Identify sources of information. step 6 Develop an understanding of the existing technology. step 7 Investigate alternatives to the existing technology. step 8 Develop a model of the proposed solution. step 9 Make a build-versus-buy decision.

Whether to use the form Plug-n-Play or Plug-and-Play in a document would likely be specified in a ____.

style sheet

The process of unpacking, setting up, and configuring a new computer system for a user is ____.

system installation assistance

Which of these help desk positions is often staffed by an employee with programming or product development experience?

technical support

In the weighted point evaluation method, if more than one support person evaluates competing products, the score a product receives is usually ____.

the average score of all evaluators

In the weighted point evaluation method, the product that is usually selected is the one with ____.

the highest overall score

The goal of the multi-level support model is to handle most support incidents at ____.

the lowest support level

The footprint of a desktop computer case is ____.

the width times the length of the case

Inexperienced support agents tend to speak ____ when they experience stress in a conversation with a user

too fast

The process of updating the information about an incident as it is processed and as information is added to the incident record is called incident ____.


One way to explain the different goals of training and education is ____.

training may be short term; education is usually longer term

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