JC act 4 and 5

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What opinion does Brutus have of suicide? Why?

He believes it is an honorable death. Brutus values his honor more than he values his life, and if was put in a situation where his honor was at risk, he would kill himself.

What does Titinius compare Cassius to when he returns? Why is this an apt metaphor?

He compares Cassius and his death to the setting sun. This is an apt metaphor because Cassius's death signifies the end of the conspirators, just like the setting sun signifies the end of the day.

What does Cassius do after he gets this news?

He feels guilty for his capture and orders Pindarus to stab him in the chest.

Why does Titinius kill himself?

He feels guilty for the death of Cassius, since Cassius died because of his actions.

Who is young Cato? What happens to him?

He is a soldier who is the son of Marcus Cato, which makes him Cassius's brother and Brutus's brother-in-law. He gets killed in the second battle.

What is he asking his friends to do?

He is asking them to help him kill himself.

What is Brutus' mood at the beginning of this scene?

He is very, very upset and wants to die.

Who does Lucilius pretend to be? Why?

Lucilius pretends to be Brutus, so that they will take him instead of the real Brutus.

According to Shakespeare, when will the second battle occur? When did it actually occur?

In the book, the second battle occurs the same day as the first battle at 3 o'clock. However, in real history, the whole Battle of Philippi lasted around two weeks, which makes the posibility of the only two battles of the event occuring in one day very unlikely.

What is an "itching palm"?

It's a metaphor for a greedy person.

What is a "parley"? What is the purpose of the parley in the play?

A parley is an interaction between two opposing sides in a conflict. Brutus is trying to get the other side to reason with them, but they just tease him. This shows the character and personality between the different people.

What is Antony's opinion of Brutus at the end of the play?

Antony views him as an honorable and good person, even though he was on the other side. He recognizes that Brutus was a true Roman, and allows him to be remembered in that manner.

what is a triumvirate and who was part of the first group?

1st Triumvirate: Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

How does the Antony in this scene differ from the one seen at Caesar's funeral?

Antony in the speech scene is smart, and calculatedly appeals to the crowd's emotion. Antony now, however, seems power-hungry, he is arguing about Lepidus's place (something that has already been established), and even agrees to kill his own nephew. He is very aggressive.

Who has Brutus accused of taking bribes?

Brutus accused Cassius of taking bribes from other people, which is a big scandal for people in power.

After Brutus tells Cassius, how would you contrast their emotional states? How do you account for this difference?

Brutus was unbothered and stoic, while Cassius was in shock. I think it shows that Brutus really does not care for anything except Rome (not even his own wife), and that even though Cassius wanted to kill Caesar and Antony at one point, he is not entirely evil and heartless

Who is older - Brutus or Cassius?


What does Cassius mean in lines 45-47 when he says Brutus can thank himself for the offending tongue?

Cassius means that if he were in charge instead of Brutus, then Antony would not be there insulting them.

What plan does Cassius have regarding Antony's forces at Phillipe? Does Brutus agree? Why?

Cassius wants Antony and his army to leave Phillipi and come to them so they will be tired, but Brutus disagrees. He believes if they go to Philippi instead of staying, they will gain the support of the people.

Cassius expresses a death wish. How does this wish echo earlier threats?

Cassius would rather die than lose his honor, which he threatened earlier and now.

What does Cassius ask Titinius to do?

He asks Titinius to take his horse and go scout, in order to discover whether those soldiers are friends or the enemy.

themes :

Fate v Free Will and Public v Private

How many times has the ghost of Caesar appeared to Brutus?

He appeared to him twice.

What omen has Cassius seen?

He saw birds of prey circling around, yet they did not eat the dead soldiers' bodies. This is unusual, and shows that there is something wrong with the natural world, which also means that something is wrong in the human world.

Who are the "villains" that Cassius refers to?

He says his own side are the villainous cowards; when the flag-bearer ran away, he killed him.

What message does the ghost have for Brutus?

He says that he will see Brutus again at Philippi, foreshadowing Brutus's death there.

What does Pindarus report to Cassius?

He says that the soldiers were the enemy and they captured Titinius.

What does Brutus cry when he sees Titinius and Cassius?

He says that they were the last true Romans.

Where does Brutus send Messala?

He sends him away to his soldiers, so that they will all go into battle.

After the poet and other soldiers leave, Brutus tells Cassius what has been bothering him. What is his news? How and why did it happen?

He tells Cassius that Portia is dead. She "swallowed fire" because she was upset about the result of the conspirators' plan and Antony.

What does Brutus want Cassius to remember?

He wants him to remember the Ides of March, and that Caesar died because they wanted justice. He is asking that now, should they change their morals and become greedy, bribe-accepting Romans?

Why does Brutus want to go into his tent to talk to Cassius once he arrives?

He wants to argue with Cassius, but he wants to do it in private so that their army will not suspect any conflicts.

Where has Lucillius been?

He was with Cassius.

In Shakespearean tragedy, the dominant leader always utters the final hopeful lines. Shakespeare is letting the audience know that in the inevitable struggle for power between Octavius and Antony, one will become dominant. Which character speaks the last lines? What is the message of those last lines?

Octavius is the last person to speak, which makes him the person who will become the leader of Rome. The message is that he will honor Brutus, which shows that Octavius is a respectable person and will make a good leader, and that his leadership will be bright.

Explain what has happened in the proscription by 2nd triumvirate? What specific senator is mentioned?

Seventy senators were killed by order the Second Triumvirate, including Cicero.

Why is it significant that Cassius mentions Caesar at this moment?

Since Cassius dies with the sword that killed Caesar, it is like Caesar is getting revenge.

Who finally accepts Brutus' request?

Strato is the one who agrees to help Brutus.

Who are the members of the new triumvirate?

The members are Mark Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus.

According to Cassius, what will happen to the losing army after the battle?

They will be slaves and be paraded through Rome, which is extremely humiliating.

What simile is used to describe how Lucilius has been treated?

The simile is like horses hot at hand

What was the outcome of the first battle?

The two sides are even; both lost one battle and won one battle.

What anachronism do you see in the scene between Brutus and Lucius before the ghost appears?

There is a book, which is an anachronism because the printing press was not around.

What are they doing in this opening scene of Act IV? What does this show about the triumvirate?

They are arguing about whether or not Lepidus should be in the triumvirate or not. This shows that their struggle with the conspirators is not their only struggle; they are struggling amongst themselves.

What brief argument do Antony and Octavius have before the parley?

They argue about what side the other will take in the battle.

What details suggest that this triumvirate is showing signs of strain?

They badmouth their own members, and in this particular meeting, talk more about themselves than the conspirators, who are supposed to be the real enemy. They are also trying to change Caesar's will so more money goes to the war.

How does the quarrel between Cassius and Brutus end? Have they resolved their original grievance?

They drink wine together and move on. Their original grievance is solved; they agree to stop fighting and be friends.

What special day is this for Cassius?

his birthday

What does Cassius call Antony and Octavius?

stingless honeybees

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