KAAP350 practice questions

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Tightening a screw with a screwdriver using the right hand depends significantly upon the action of the _____. A. Pronator teres B. Brachioradialis C. Biceps brachialis D. Triceps brachii

Biceps Brachialis

The femoral nerve innervates all of the following muscles except? A. Rectus femoris B. Vastus lateralis C. Biceps femoris D. Vastus intermedius

Biceps femoris

Which of the following muscles externally rotates the knee? A. Semitendinosus B. Biceps femoris C. Vastus lateralis D. Semimembranosus

Biceps femoris

Cervical nerves 5 - 8 & thoracic nerve 1 form the ______ plexus. This supplies motor & sensory function to the upper extremity and most of the scapula. A. lumbar B. sacral C. cervical D. brachial


Radioulnar supinators include all of the following except? A. Biceps brachii B. Brachialis C. Brachioradialis D. Supinator muscle


The rectus femoris is more powerful in extending the knee when the hip is in _____. A. Flexion B. External rotation C. Internal rotation D. Extension


If desiring to emphasize work on the gluteus maximus during resisted hip extension exercises, the knee should be placed in _________. A. Flexion B. External rotation C. Extension D. Internal rotation


The rectus femoris is more effective in hip flexion when the knee is in _________. A. Flexion B. Adduction C. Abduction D. Extension


Which of the following is the sole action of the brachialis muscle? A. Flexion of the elbow B. Pronation from supinated position C. Supination from a pronated position D. Weak flexion of the shoulder

Flexion of the elbow

Which of the following muscles performs adduction of the wrist? A. flexor carpi ulnaris B. palmaris longus C. flexor pollicis longus D. extensor carpi radialis longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

The frontal plane divides the body into ____________. A. Right and left halves B. Medial and lateral halves C. Front and back halves D. Top and bottom halves

Front and Back Halves

Actions of the elbow and radioulnar joints occur in all of the following planes except? A. Horizontal B. Transverse C. Frontal D. Sagittal


The gluteus medius muscle is located ________ and performs ________ of the hip joint. A. Posteriorly, extension B. Medially, adduction C. Laterally, abduction D. Anteriorly, flexion

Laterally, abduction

Which of the following muscles is included in the anterior compartment? A. peroneus tertius B. plantaris C. flexor hallucis longus D. popliteus

Peroneus tertius

What is forward movement of shoulder girdle away from spine or abduction of the scapula? A. Elevation B. Depression C. Protraction D. Retraction


Which of the following is not true regarding the hamstring muscle group? A. Located in posterior compartment of thigh B. Consists of 3 separate muscles C. Responsible for knee flexion D. Provides static stability to the knee joint

Provides static stability to the knee joint

The tibial division of the sciatic nerve innervates all of the following muscles except? A. Semimembranosus B. Semitendinosus C. Biceps femoris D. Sartorius


Which of the following best describes the anatomical location of the head with respect to the left arm? A. Inferior and lateral B. Anterior and medial C. Superior and medial D. Distal and lateral

Superior and Medial

Which of the following muscles can perform inversion of the foot when concentrically contracting? A. peroneus longus B. tibialis anterior C. peroneus tertius D. extensor digitorum longus

Tibialis anterior

The most commonly injured ligament in the elbow due to throwing is the ______. A. Radioulnar ligament B. Annular ligament C. Radial collateral ligament D. Ulnar collateral ligament

Ulnar Collateral ligament

Movement of the little finger side of the hand toward the forearm in the lateral plane is _______. A. ulnar flexion B. palmar flexion C. radial flexion D. volar flexion

Ulnar Flexion

Movements in the transverse plane occur around which axis? A. Horizontal B. Vertical C. Mediolateral D. Anteroposterior


Actions of the brachioradialis muscle include all of the following except? A. Pronation from a supinated position to neutral B. Supination from pronated position to neutral C. Flexion of the elbow D. Weak flexion of the shoulder

Weak flexion of the shoulder

The primary movers in cervical spine extension (against resistance) are the: A. semispinalis cervicis B. scalenes C. erector spinae D. sternocleidomastoid s

erector spinae

Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the wrist? A. extensor digitorum B. extensor carpi radialis longus C. flexor carpi ulnaris D. palmaris longus

extensor carpi radialis longus

An action common to the posterior deltoid, teres minor, and infraspinatus is ______. A. external rotation B. adduction C. abduction D. internal rotation

external rotation

Elbow extension where the triceps applies force to olecranon process in extending the non-supported forearm at the elbow is an example of which type of lever arrangement? A. third class B. second class C. first class D. none of the above choices are correct

first class

Which of the following muscles flexes the distal interphalangeal joints of the fingers? A. flexor digitorum superficialis B. flexor pollicis longus C. flexor digitorum profundus D. flexor digitorum communis

flexor digitorum profundus

Kinematics is the description of motion and includes consideration of each of the following except? A. velocity B. forces C. time D. displacement


Which of the following muscles can perform knee flexion when concentrically contracting? A. tibialis anterior B. soleus C. flexor digitorum longus D. gastrocnemius


Triceps surae refers to the ____. A. triceps fibularis B. gastrocnemius and soleus C. peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, peroneus tertius D. the Tom, Dick & Harry muscles

gastrocnemius and soleus

For two objects in contact with each other which of the following would result in the greatest amount of friction? A. one object sliding across the other B. one object rolling across the other C. one object sitting stationary on the other D. the amount of friction would be the same in all of the above examples

one object sitting stationary on the other

Which of the following muscles is innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve? A. rhomboid B. trapezius C. serratus anterior D. pectoralis major


What muscle is responsible for stabilization and protection of the sternoclavicular joint? A. pectoralis minor B. levator scapulae C. subclavius D. serratus anterior


Muscles that flex the knee include all of the following except? A. Gracilis B. Biceps femoris C. Sartorius D. Tensor fascia latae

tensor fascia latae

What term is used to describe the motion of bringing the dorsum of the foot closer to the anterior leg? A. Dorsiflexion B. Extension C. Plantar flexion D. Flexion


Which of the types of muscle contraction is usually utilized in causing an object's deceleration? A. isokinetic B. isometric C. concentric D. eccentric


When sitting which of the following movements would most likely result in the process of attempting to flex the right hip? A. Anterior pelvic rotation B. Left lateral pelvic rotation C. Posterior pelvic rotation D. Right lateral pelvic rotation

Posterior pelvic rotation

Which cranial nerve is responsible for smell and identifying familiar odors? A. Olfactory B. Vagus C. Glossopharyngeal D. Optic


A baseball player hits a homerun. He runs 90 feet from home plate to first base, 90 feet from first base to second base, 90 feet from second base to third base, and 90 feet back to home plate. What is the total displacement he traveled? A. 180 feet B. 0 feet C. 90 feet D. 360 feet


Which of the following is not true regarding the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis? A. Power may be measured by the vertical jump test B. Generally desired to be 25% to 33% stronger than hamstring group C. All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis D. All attach to the patella then to tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon

All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis

Which of the following muscles does not perform wrist extension? A. extensor pollicis longus B. extensor digitorum C. abductor pollicis brevis D. extensor carpi ulnaris

Abductor pollicis brevis

The iliopsoas muscle is located ______ and performs _______ of the hip joint. A. Anteriorly, flexion B. Posteriorly, extension C. Medially, adduction D. Laterally, abduction

Anteriorly, flexion

The deltoid muscle is innervated by what nerve? A. Axillary B. Lateral pectoral C. Thoracodorsal D. Medial pectoral


When attempting extreme external rotation the total shoulder range of motion is enhanced by what motion of the scapula? A. Adduction B. Downward rotation C. Upward rotation D. Abduction


The most common serious knee ligament injury involves the _____. A. posterior cruciate ligament B. medial collateral ligament C. anterior cruciate ligament D. lateral collateral ligament

anterior cruciate ligament

The sartorius muscle is located _________ and performs _________ of the hip joint. A. Laterally, abduction B. Posteriorly, extension C. Medially, adduction D. Anteriorly, flexion

anteriorly, flexion

The teres minor muscle is innervated what nerve? A. Suprascapular B. Dorsal scapular C. Subscapular D. Axillary


Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the great toe when concentrically contracting? A. peroneus longus B. flexor hallucis longus C. peroneus tertius D. peroneus brevis

flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles does not perform eversion of the foot? A. peroneus brevis B. peroneus tertius C. flexor hallucis longus D. peroneus longus

flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles does not act in flexion of the elbow? A. Brachioradialis B. Biceps brachii C. Brachialis D. Pronator quadratus

Pronator Quadratus

The subconscious mechanism by which the body is able to regulate posture and movement is _____. A. reflex B. kinesthesis C. pathogenesis D. proprioception


What is a tear in the superior aspect of the glenoid labrum, running from anterior to posterior? A. SC sprain B. SLAP lesion C. AC sprain D. LAGS tear

SLAP tear

Elbow extension takes place in what plane? A. Sagittal B. Transverse C. Longitudinal D. Frontal


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the deep peroneal nerve (L4, L5, S1)? A. peroneus brevis B. flexor hallucis longus C. peroneus longus D. peroneus tertius

peroneus tertius

Actions of the biceps brachii include all of the following except? A. Weak flexion of the shoulder joint B. Pronation of the forearm C. Flexion of the elbow D. Supination of the forearm

pronation of the forearm

The radial nerve innervates all of the following muscles except? A. Brachioradialis B. Triceps brachii C. Pronator teres D. Anconeus

pronator teres

In performing lateral flexion against gravity such as in a lateral sit-up, which of the following muscles would be least effective? A. internal and external abdominal oblique B. erector spinae C. quadratus lumborum D. rectus abdominis

rectus abdominis

The infraspinatus muscle is innervated by what nerve? A. Dorsal scapular B. Subscapular C. Thoracodorsal D. Suprascapular


Which of the following is not a rotator cuff muscle? A. infraspinatus B. supraspinatus C. subscapularis D. teres major

teres major

Which of the following is not among the general factors that positively affect the achievement of balance? A. a lower center of gravity B. the center of gravity falls outside the base of support C. a larger base of support D. a greater weight of an object

the center of gravity falls outside the base of support

Which of the following movements occur at the shoulder joint but not at the knee? A. Flexion B. Circumduction C. Extension D. Rotation


Which of the following is not a property of skeletal muscle tissue that allows for force production and movement about joints? A. elasticity B. constrictability C. irritability D. extensibility


Shaking the head "No" occurs in which plane? A. Transverse B. Sagittal C. Frontal D. Oblique


"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is swelling and inflammation from increased pressure in carpal tunnel that results in decreased function of the what nerve? A. ulnar B. radial C. musculocutaneous D. median


Which of the following positions would be best to stretch the pectoralis minor? A. depression B. protraction C. retraction D. elevation


Which of the following is true regarding concentric muscle contractions? A. contractions cause movement against gravity or resistance B. causes a body part to remain stable against gravity or external forces C. results in the joint angle changing in the opposite direction of the applied muscle force D. the force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance

A. Contractions cause movement against gravity or resistance

Which of the following is not true regarding the quadriceps muscle group? A. Located in anterior compartment of the thigh B. Covered by the vastus fascia C. Consists of 4 separate muscles D. Serve to extend the knee

Covered by the vastus fascia

The muscles that perform radioulnar pronation include all of the following except? A. Pronator teres B. Pronator quadratus C. Brachioradialis D. Brachialis


Which of the following is an action of the middle fibers of the deltoid muscles? A. Adduction B. Abduction C. Flexion D. Extension


Using a quick short squat to increase force before attempting a jump is an example of what reflex? A. Righting reflex B. Stretch reflex C. Patella tendon reflex D. Golgi tendon organ (GTO) reflex

Stretch Reflex

Which of the following statements is true regarding isometric muscle actions? A. varying degrees of tension in muscles are causing joint angles to change B. tension is developed to either cause or control joint movement C. dynamic type of contraction D. tension is developed within a muscle but joint angles remain constant

Tension is developed within a muscle but joint angles remain the same

Which of the following is true regarding an eccentric muscle action? A. the muscle does not control the movement with gravity or resistance B. described as a positive type of contraction C. results in the joint angle changing in the direction opposite that of the resistance or external force Correct D. the force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance

The force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance

All of the following actions are common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis and pectoralis major except __________. A. adduction B. abduction C. extension D. internal rotation


Which of the following are not actions of the subscapularis muscle? A. Internal rotation B. Extension C. Abduction D. Adduction


Which of the following is not an action of the pectineus muscle? A. Abduction of the hip B. External rotation of the hip C. Adduction of the hip D. Flexion of the hip

abduction of the hip

Which of the following muscles does not perform wrist flexion? A. flexor pollicis longus B. flexor carpi radialis C. abductor pollicis longus D. palmaris longus

abductor pollicis longus

Which of the following muscles performs an action in the frontal plane? A. abductor pollicis longus B. extensor indicis C. extensor digitorum D. flexor digitorum superficialis

abductor pollicis longus

Agonist muscles during hip flexion include all of the following except? A. Psoas major B. Adductor magnus C. Rectus femoris D. Pectineus

adductor magnus

Which of the following could be done to reduce the amount of force needed to move a lever? A. decrease the amount of resistance B. apply the force further from the axis C. move the resistance closer to the axis D. all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the diaphragm muscle? A. all of the above choices are correct B. responsible for breathing during quiet rest C. as it contracts and flattens air is inspired D. when larger amounts of air are needed other thoracic muscles have a more significant contribution to inspiration

all of the above choices are correct

Proximal interphalangeal joint motion occurs about the ___ axis. A. transverse B. vertical C. sagittal D. bilateral


Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the abdominal muscles? A. both of the above choices are correct B. some sections of these muscles are linked by fascia and tendinous bands C. these muscles do not attach completely from bone to bone D. none of the above choices are correct

both of the above choices are correct

The actions of the lower portion of the trapezius muscle include all of the following except... A. Adduction B. Elevation C. Depression D. Upward rotation


Which of the following actions is performed by the levator scapulae? A. elevation B. upward rotation C. downward rotation D. depression


Which of the following is the Law of Reaction? A. none of the above choices are correct B. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction C. a body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force D. a change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it

for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction

The wrist joint moves through the ____ plane about the _____ axis with ulnar and deviation. A. transverse, vertical B. sagittal, bilateral C. frontal, anteroposterior D. frontal, frontal

frontal, AP

The 3rd metacarpophalangeal joint moves in which of the following planes? A. transverse, sagittal B. frontal, coronal C. frontal, sagittal D. frontal, transvers

frontal, sagital

Which of the following is not true regarding the force arm of a lever? A. is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force B. also known as the moment arm or torque arm C. is the shortest distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force D. the greater the distance of the force arm then the more torque produced by the force

is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force

When performing the up portion of the sit-up with rotation to the left, which of the following muscles are utilized the most? A. Right internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal B. Left internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal C. Right internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal D. Left internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal

left internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique

Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the right shoulder while lying on the left side? A. Right splenius capitis B. Right sternocleidomastoid C. Left sternocleidomastoid D. Right erector spinae

left sternocleidomastoid

Increased posterior concavity of the cervical spine is known as _____. A. scoliosis B. kyphosis C. lordosis D. recurvatum


Which of the following muscles does not perform plantar flexion? A. flexor hallucis longus B. peroneus tertius C. peroneus brevis D. peroneus longus

peroneus tertius

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by sit-ups? A. quadratus lumborum B. rectus abdominis C. sternocleidomastoids D. internal and external abdominal obliques

quadratus lumborum

Which of the following does not contribute to the relative stability of the acetabular femoral joint? A. Strong ligaments B. Bony architecture C. Rich nervous innervation D. Large supportive muscles

rich nervous innervation

When standing on the right foot and attempting to abduct the left hip as much as possible, which of the following will most likely result? A. Posterior pelvic rotation B. Right lateral pelvic rotation C. Right transverse pelvic rotation D. Left lateral pelvic rotation

right lateral pelvic rotation

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion? A. Right sternocleidomastoid B. Right splenius capitis C. Right splenius cervicis D. Left sternocleidomastoid

right sternocleidomastoid

Which of the following muscles internally rotates the knee? A. Tensor fascia latae B. Vastus medialis C. Biceps femoris D. Semimembranosus


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the long thoracic nerve? A. pectoralis minor B. serratus anterior C. trapezius D. rhomboid

serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles would best strengthened by the bench press exercise? A. rhomboids B. trapezius C. levator scapulae D. serratus anterior

serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles would most likely be substantially weaked in an individual with a winging scapula? A. trapezius B. rhomboids C. serratus anterior D. levator scapulae

serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles only performs plantar flexion? A. flexor digitorum longus B. soleus C. gastrocnemius D. tibialis anterior


From medial to lateral the erector spinae muscles are the ________. A. longissimus, semispinalis, iliocostalis B. semispinalis, spinalis, longissimus C. spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis D. iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis

spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis

___________ is the study of systems that are in a constant state of motion. A. Statics B. Biomechanics C. Dynamics D. Kinetics


What is the articulation between the clavicle and the most superior part of the sternum, called the manubrium? A. the sternoclavicular joint B. the glenohumeral joint C. the scapulothoracic joint D. the acriomioclavicular joint

the sternoclavicular joint

The "Tom, Dick, and Harry" phrase refers to the ______. A. tibialis posterior, extensor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus B. tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus C. tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus D. tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following is an action performed by the serratus anterior? A. upward rotation B. flexion C. extension D. downward rotation

upward rotation

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