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All of the following are open chain exercises except for the a. squat b. alternating prone extension c. sit up d. abdominal curl up


Which exercise best targets development of the middle trapezius and rhomboids?

Bent over dumbbell rows

Which of the following statements is not a potential cause of "shin splints"? Stress fracture compartment syndrome Periostitis


Most of the rotation within the cervical region occurs in the joint between ______.

C1 and C2

Which of the following statements is true about circumduction?

Combination of flexion, extension, addiction and abduction

This muscle originates on the lateral third of the clavical, the lateral aspect of the acromion, and the spine of the scapula.


Inferior movement of the shoulder girdle is referred to as


What term is used to describe the movement of the ankle that results in the top of the foot moving toward the anterior tibia in the sagittal plane.


Which of the following actions performed by the levator scapulae muscle


Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by abdominal curl-ups without rotation to the right and the left correct: sternocleidomastoids internal and external abdominal obliques Rectus abdominus

Erector Spinae

Which of the following muscle would be the most effective in contributing to anterior pelvic rotation? Internal oblique rectus abdominus External oblique

Erector spinae

Which of the following muscles does not perform plantar flexion?

Extensor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles extends in the lesser toes?

Extensor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles is included in the anterior compartment?

Extensor hallucis longus

A dumbbell bicep curl is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


Contraction of the rectus abdominis can produce anterior pelvic tilt.


During the arm pull/leg push phase of the rowing exercise , the shoulder girdle performs retraction.


During the pull-up phase of the bent-over dumbbell row, the shoulder joint performs horizontal adduction


Flexion is an example if the movement in a frontal plane about an anteroposterior axis.


Reposition of the spine is defined as a return movement from the later flexion to a neutral position.


The articulation of the occipital condyles with the superior articular facets of the axis is known as the antlantooccipital joint.


The cuboid bone is medial to the navicular bone.


The flexor pollicis longus maybe palpated in the posterior surface of the thumb.


The horizontal indentations that transect the rectus abdominis muscle, giving it segmented appearance, are the linea alba.


The lowering phase of the squat is characterized by high concentric activity of the quadriceps.


The main difference in the gait cycle between walking and running is that the flight phase during running is shorter in duration than that in the walking.


The medial malleolus is an anatomical landmark located in the fibula.


The vertebral bodies in the cervical spine are larger than those in the thoracic and lumbar regions to the withstand the high forces during rotation of the neck.


There are approximately 400 muscles in the human body.


When performing a "squat" exercise, the hip is extended during the lowering phase.


the diaphragm contracts and flattens during expiration.


There are seven pairs of false ribs, and three pairs of floating ribs.

FALSE -- 5 pair false; 2 pair floating

The glenohumeral joint is a sellar joint.

FALSE -- entharthrodial /ball and socket

Movement of the humerus away from the midline of the body, in a transverse plane, is an example of horizontal adduction.

FALSE --abduction

Immovable joints are referred to as diarthrodial joints.

FALSE --synarthrodial

Each toe has three interphalangeal joints.

FALSE-- Toes 2-5 have two, and the great toe only has one

The soleus performs the muscular actions in the frontal plane.

FALSE-- sagital

Inversion is the turning of the ankle and foot outward away from the midline of the body where the weight in the medial edge of foot

FALSE--Thats eversion

During the process of bone remodeling, osteoblasts resorb existing bone and osteoclasts form new bone.


Heel-strike normally occurs by landing on the heel with the foot in pronation and the in external rotation.


Concentric deltoid action during a dumbbell raise results in shoulder


Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the base of the distal phalanx of each of the four lesser toes? gastrocnemius soleus tibialias anterior

Flexor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles can perform knee flexion


Which of the following muscles may be palpated on the upper half of the posterior aspect of the lower leg? Flexor digitorum longus tibialis anterior soleus


The movement that occurs between the superior and the inferior articular processes of the vertebral facet joints is characterized as ______.


Which of the following is an example of a transverse plane movement?

Internal rotation of the right shoulder

Which of the following is a key application of the serratus anterior muscle?

It is used strongly in doing push ups

Which of the following statements is true about the carrying angle?

It permits the forearms to clear the hips in the swinging movement

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "open kinetic chain"? upper extremities examples include dumbbell shoulder shrugs lower extremity example is a seated knee extension it allows any one joint to move separate

It requires the movement of other joints in the extremity

When performing the up portion of the curl-up, with rotation to the left, which of the following muscles are utilized most?

Left internal oblique and right external oblique

Increased posterior concavity of the cervical spine is known as _____.


Which of the following muscles has its origin on the distal third of the anterior fibula Flexor hallucis longus Peroneus longues peroneus brevis

Peroneus tertius

Which of the following is not an action of pectoralis major


Movement of the shoulder girdle in the horizontal plane away from the spine is called


In performing lateral flexion against gravity, which of the folowing muscles would be the least effective external oblique erector spinae quadratus lumborum

Rectus abdominis

Which of the following muscles does not perform hip extension during the lifting phase of the "squat" exercise? Gluteus maximus semimembranosus bicep femoris

Rectus femoris

Which of the following terms refers to a position of the foot and ankle resulting from a combination of ankle plantar flexion, subtalar inversion, and forefoot adduction?


Which is the following is the most often injured rotator cuff muscle?


Each of the following joints allows a slight amount of motion to occur except symphysis synchondrosis syndesmosis


A loss of collagen would lead to an increase in the brittleness of bone.


A sideward deviation of the spine is know as scoliosis.


A substantial number of low back problems are caused by improper use of the back over time.


Another name for a hinge joint is a ginglymus joint.


Both the size and shape of bones can limit and allow movements


Contraction of the trapezius muscles can result in scapular retraction.


Dorsiflexion involves moving the dorsal aspect of the foot toward the anterior tibia.


During the "follow-through" phase, velocity of the moving body segment progressively decreases, usually over a wide range of motion, via high concentric activity in the antagonist muscles.


Each thoracic vertebra has one pair of ribs that attaches to it laterally.


Each toe has three phalanges, except for the great toe, which has only two.


Functions of the abdominal muscles including assisting in spinal stabilization and respiration.


In eccentric actions, muscles lengthen under tension and control the exact opposite action of their concentric action.


Increased pressure on the spinal nerves may result from a herniated lumbar disc and may result in radiating pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the lower extremity.


Motions of the metatarsophalangeal joints of toes include flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.


Pronation is a combination of ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar eversion, and forefoot abduction.


Spinal flexion is defined as anterior movement of the spine where the head moves toward chest and the thorax moves toward pelvis.


The ankle and foot joints are composed of 26 bones in each foot


The atlantoaxial joint is a pivot or trochoid joint.


The distal attachments of the radioulnar joint muscles are located on the radius


The extensor digitorum is the only muscle involved in extension of all four fingers.


The extensor hallucis longus muscle can perform weak inversion of the foot


The iliocostalis is an agonist for extension of the spine.


The linea alba runs vertically from the xiphoid process through the umbilicus to the pubis and divides the rectus abdominus muscle.


The location of the erector spinae muscles enables them to extend the spine and assist in rotation and lateral flexion.


The normal curves of the cervical and lumbar portions of the spine are lordotic.


The only muscle involved in extending all of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the four lesser toes is the extensor digitorum longus


The origin of the pectoralis minor muscle is the anterior surfaces of the third to fifth ribs.


The pectoralis major inserts on the intertubercular groove of the humerus.


The scapula is an example of a flat bone.


The subscapularis and infraspinatus muscles are antagonists.


The ulna is much larger proximally than the radius.


The vertebral column has 24 articulating vertebrae.


Toe flexion is movement of toes toward plantar surface of the foot.


the dead lift is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


the wrist flexor muscles have their origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.


Most outer bone is composed id cortical bone, with cancellous bone underneath.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lifting phase of the supine barbell bench press? the shoulder joints extend. the wrist flexors act concentrically. the shoulder girdle perform adduction

The elbows perform extension.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lowing phase of the standing overhead barbell press? The shoulder girdle performs elevation. the elbow performs extension. The shoulder joint performs flexion

The shoulder girdle performs eccentric downward rotation.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "preparatory phase" of sports skills? May be referred to as the cocking or wind-up Becomes more dynamic as the need for explosiveness in the Used to lengthen the muscles to enable greater for development

Used to set joint angles in their correct positions with respect to one another and the sport surface

Lowering the arm to the side or the thigh back to the anatomical position is an example of


The most common serious knee ligament injury involves the

anterior cruciate ligament

The most common type of ankle sprain involves the

anterior talofibular ligament

Motion between the articular surfaces of bones is known as


All of the following are open chain exercises except for the ________. Bench press lat pull bicep curl


The insertion of the brachialis is on the

coranoid process

the internal oblique abdominal muscle inserts on the _______?

costal cartilage of the 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs and the linea alba

The deadlift strengthens the knee extensors through ________.

eccentric contractions during the lowering phase

The abdominal curl-up strengthens the abdominal muscles through _________.

eccentric contractions during the return to the starting position

A/An ________ is a device used to measure dynamic range of motion and regular velocity.


Preparing kickball for a home run


A "boxers fracture" is an injury to the

fifth metacarpal

The frontal plane divides the body into

front and back halves

during walking, the time from when one foot contacts the ground and the time when contacts the ground again is a

gait cycle

Triceps surae referes to the

gastrocnemius and soleus

The squat and the dead lift are similar in that they both can target strengthening of the ________. Hip flexors knee flexors abdominal obliques

hip extensors

The latissimus dorsi inserts on the

intertubercular groove of humerus

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the tibiofibular joint it is a syndesmosis joint minimal movement occurs at this joint the bones of this joint are joined at both their proximal and their distal ends

it is a diarthrodial joint

Which of the following statements is true about the shoulder joint?

it is classified as an enarthrodial joint

which of the following statements is not true regarding the kinetic chain concept

it is possible for a distal segment, like the right hand to simultaneously engage in both open and kinetic chain exercise

Supinator originates on the

lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna

Which of the following is not considered to be in the muscular compartment of the lower leg? lateral compartment superficial posterior compartment anterior compartment

medial compartment

The 'push-up' phase of both the push-up and bench press exercises are similar in that the both strengthen all of the following except ________. Serratus anterior pectoralis major triceps brachii

posterior deltoid

Which of the following muscles is not strengthened to any substantial degree by crunches/curl-ups? Sternocleidomastoid internal oblique rectus abdominis

quadratus lumborum

Which of the following is not a common mechanism of spraining the AC joint?

receiving a direct blow the coracoid process

Which of the following muscles are used powerfully in performing chin-ups, as an individual hangs by the hands from the horizontal bas and pulls his/her chin above the bar?

rhomboid muscles

Which of the following muscles contracts concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

right sternocleidomastoid

The three specific types of accessory motions are

roll spin, glide

Which bone lies deep to the "anatomical snuff box"?


Which of the following muscles has its origin in the surface of the upper nine ribs at the side of the chest?

serratus anterior muscle

Which of the following muscles has insertion of the posterior surface of the calcaneus


Which of the following muscles only perform plantar flexion


From the medial to the lateral, the erector spinae muscles are the _______.

spinalis, longissimus, iliocstalis

Why are most hernias surgically repaired? What is the most dangerous consequence?


Which of the following is the not a common contributor to impingement syndrome?

teres minor tendonitis

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the hip include all of the following except ________. The gluteus maximus The bicep femoris the semimembranosus

the vastus medialus

The most prominent tendon crossing the ankle anteromedially and the easiest to palpate is the

tibialis anterior

Which of the following muscles can invert the foot? Peroneus tertius Extensor digitorum longus Peroneus longus

tibialis anterior

The "Tom, Dick, and Harry" phrase refers to the _______, respectively.

tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

Which muscle below is not a prime mover in lateral pelvic rotation. erector spinae Internal oblique External oblique

transverse abdominis

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of the shoulder flexion when performing the "alternating prone extension" exercise? coracobrachialis deltoid bicep brachii

tricep brachii

Adduction movement at the wrist in the frontal plane of this little finger side of the hand toward the medial forearm is called

ulnar deviation

The lateral head of the of the triceps brachii originates from the

upper half of the posterior humerus.

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of hip extension when performing the "alternating prone extension" exercise? bicep femoris semitendinosus gluteus maximus

vastus mediallis

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