KIN 305:Midterm 1

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Which of the following WAS NOT a festival in the Panhellenic Crown Games of ancient Greece?

Delphinian Games

According to intro lecture slideshow, which of the following IS NOT a reason I discussed about why kinesiologists should study history and philosophy:

It gives us the ammunition we need to downplay the importance of other' more-theoretical' disciplines

Which of the following branches of philosophy is implicated in the following question: Does the line of reasoning I've used make sense and produce a valid conclusion?


The Western view of the opponent in sport, according to the authors, was primarily which of the following:

O As the "Other", or someone who stood between me and my victory

What are the TWO factors the authors argue have led to our current state of poor health?

• Moving Too Little & Consuming Too Many Calories

Which of the following is the correct chronological order for the three most famous Greek philosophers:

• Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Of the many comparisons between the Roman munera of ancient Rome and the Mesoamerican games, the authors describe all the following similarities, EXCEPT:

• They both allowed women and children could attend

Western cultures view the relationship between winning and losing as one of zero-sum, where one person or team wins, and all the other competitors lose. Eastern cultures, however, find winning and losing to exist on a degree of difference, where some mix of failure and success combine in any one given contest.

• True

What does the term "human" come from?

• humus, meaning "of the earth"

While movement as work is a necessary burden we all must deal with, the authors suggest that when we view our movement as play, we can escape the necessity of work, and thus will never have to do anything we do not want to do.


To say that kinesiology is an 'interdisciplinary' field of study is to say which of the following:

A group of related disciplines that intends to study a similar questions from many different points of view.

What did the authors argue are the two evolutionary factors that have contributed most to the current health crisis?

Ability to travel long distances, and the ability to store fat in times when food is scarce.

Which of the following branches of philosophy is implicated in the following question: Given the popular notions of what people are attracted to, how can I define beauty for me?


Unlike other types or systems of ethics, such as utilitarianism and deontology, virtue ethics is best described by which of the following:

An ethics that emphasizes a person's character traits.

Fill in the the following blanks: "Typically, _____________is preceded by ____________because we need to know what things are and how they differ before we can assess their relative worth."

Axiology: Metaphysics

Referring to the l-shaped stadiums built by ancient Mesoamerican cultures, the rubber that was indigenous to the area provided the materials for what kind of common event in places like ancient Mexico and Latin America?


According to the authors, all of the following describe how history and philosophy 'overlap' in their efforts to better understand human movement, EXCEPT

Both disciplines refer statistical data sets to determine their conclusions.

When discussing the different methodologies employed by the various humanities disciplines, the authors argue that all of the following features of how these disciplines conduct research, EXCEPT:

Calculate Statistical Significance

Which of the following WAS NOT discussed in the author's explanation of why the movement as tool paradigm is limited, or is more challenging than its counterpart.

Changing habits is an easy-to-achieve outcome for many people.

The authors describe a concept called the "medicalization of exercise". Which of the following best describes this concept?

Controlled, predictable environments where doses and benefits can be closely monitored.

From our discussion on critical reading skills from the intro to the course slideshow, all of the following were given recommendations except:

Develop skills skimming the text for bolded words and section titles

Which of the following branches philosophy is implicated in the following question: How should a person act, given that their actions invariably affect other people?


According to the authors, and citing the work of Johan Huizinga, the phenomenon of play was a very recent innovation, sometime in the last 50,000 years, in the evolution of human being.


In keeping with the ideals of 'amateurism', where no one played for rewards, fame, or prizes of any kind, the ancient games represented a purity of ideal and intrinsic motivations, where the athletes played not for glory or riches, but for the sake of the competition itself.


The authors argue forcefully about the character of play that it must be freely chosen, and must not be governed by rules or have any goal- directed nature whatsoever.


The authors argue that the Neolithic Revolution was the first time in the history of human evolution that communication was used to advance the establishment of human society, and was the catalyst for how human beings became dependent on being 'social creatures'.


The authors argue that the ancient Romans adopted wholesale all of their sporting traditions and ideologies from their Greek neighbors. In other words, they changed nothing about the way sport was played and practiced in Greece, and absorbed these traditions into their own society.


The authors claim that philosophers work in the domain of particulars, or the tangible stuffs of our material reality. Existence to the philosopher that which we can see, touch, taste, hear, and smell.


The authors go to great lengths to describe the widespread acceptance by all of Roman, Greek, and Mesoamerican societies of the various games they played; especially the ancient Romans, who all viewed their gladiatorial games as the cornerstone of their democracy.


What do the authors regard as the 'earliest and greatest literary depictions of Greek sporting competition' found in ancient Greece?

Homer's The Illiad & The Odyssey

What primary question must we ask, according to the authors, in order to properly assess the 'jewel' value of physical activity?

Is movement good in itself?

The authors argue that when we present movement as being 'good for you', or as something you do in order to get what you really want, we emphasize the rational side of human understanding and behavior, which suggests that people will not act unless they have good reason for doing so.

O True

When the authors argue that modern kinesiology now focuses on studying "human problems", which of the following most nearly describes what they mean?

Problems that demonstrate how integrated and interrelated human movement really is.

When discussing the relevant features of the field of study known as, Humanities, which two things do the authors argue hold this cluster of disciplines together:

Subject Matter & Methodology

To say that play is "autotelic", according to the authors, means most nearly which of the following:

That its meaning lies in the doing

In their discussion of the similarities and differences between Eastern and Western approaches to sport, which of the following WAS NOT discussed:

The Inherent Violence

The authors discuss how the lonian Enlightenment was important for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:

The architecture created during this time persists in modern day societies.

In their discussion of the relationship between 'means' and 'ends' as they related to human goals and values, the authors quote Aristotle in his description of these concepts. Aristotle's quote is described best by which of the following:

The ends carry more weight than the means.

When discussing the 'costs' of developing/improving human cognition, which of the following was described by the authors as the downside to higher levels of intelligence:

The fact that we must now deal with cognitive issues, such as depression, anomie, and boredom.

The Eastern view of the purpose of sport is most nearly which of the following:

The point was to develop a kind of enlightenment, or self-knowledge.

The "key to the evolution of modern kinesiology", the authors argue, is most nearly which of the following:

The separation of the discipline from the profession.

What does the "Neolithic" era refer to, in relation to the advances made by early human beings?

The systematic domestication of plants and animals.

Which of the followoing attributes DID NOT lead human being to become what physiologist Bernd Heinrich called, "super-endurance predators"?

Their physical dominance over other Savannah predators.

Of the various 'tensions in kinesiology' described by the authors, which of the following best describes the point they are trying to make about these tensions, according to the authors?

These tensions demonstrate the debate about the proper emphases that should 'carry the most weight in deciding the future direction of kinesiology.

Arguing that our highly intelligent clients look for meaning and enjoyment outside of work, and that we provide them with that by introducing them to challenging games, physical play, and a variety of adventurous leisure activities, the authors are making the case that unique human evolution has created a need for movement professionals modern societies.


As the Olympic Games reflected the broader social hierarchy of ancient Greek society, women altogether excluded from the Olympic Games, both in their participation and in their attendance to the games spectators.


Work and play, rather than being diametric opposites, are in fact simply a complementary pair that, when viewed this way, can become an interrelated, holistic, unity in which any experience can be viewed as a blend of the two.


Which of the following best describes why the authors believe bipedalism made hominids the best thermoregulators on the savannah?

Walking on two legs exposed far less surface area to the sun, which allowed them to hunt in the midday sun.

The authors argue that behavior modification requires persistence and creativity. Professionals likely need to be not just ______but _______this is, they must intuit the right moves, the right incentives, the right blend and sequence of tool and jewel approaches for each client. (Fill in the blanks.)

mechanics; artists

Which of the following triads do the authors argue contributed (or, even combined) to form the basis for an origin story of what we understand today as 'sport'?

• Hunting, Religion, & Warfare

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