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what are the odds of a high school athlete making it to the professional level?


How does sport affect media?

70% claim to follow sport allowed media growth and brings in money to media

how does sport detriment black athletes?

Black kids think that sport is the only way to be successful. athletes sometimes are bankrupt after their playing careers

why were the original olympics banned?

Christian emperor banned pagan worship

positive deviance

actions in attempt to win, ie trains so hard they injure themselves or playing injured

what are some of the contributing factors to off field violence?

alcohol escalates violence incidence, some sports attract people who are already violent, challenges to manhood can arise off the field

compare ancient Greek olympics to modern olympics

ancient olympics had very few competitions, only foot race but later added long jump, spear throw, sprint, discus, and wrestling. common men vs soldiers. only seven days while modern is quite long

How do the Olympic Games promote nationalism?

athletes represent country, ceremonies include flags and anthems, athletes march behind their flag, gov't use games to promote political causes


behavior that does not conform to generally accepted rules of sport. ex. breaking team rules, school rules, rules of competition. drink alcohol, haze

How can social class limit one's chances of success in sport?

being more wealthy allows one to participate in more individual sports, join club sports, and engage in personal training

what sports were jewish men dominating in the US during the 1920s-1940s?

boxing and basketball

what are we referring to when we use the term social class?

category of people with similar positions based on their economic level, education, occupation, and social interaction

how has christianity influenced sport in the US (past & present)

church attract people through gyms and sports. ie CYO and YMCA. invented volleyball and basketball instills hard work, self discipline desired code of conduct

what are the financial responsibilities/expenses a host city must consider before making the decision to place their bid to host the olympics?

cost and lasting effects, new stadiums and athletic facilities, cost overruns, direct operating expenses (security), infrastructure improvement, repayment of construction debts

what has been the trend of media coverage of women's sport through sport networks like ESPN and Fox sports over the past decade?

coverage has declined since 2000, 2004 dropped to 6%, 2009 4%, and 2013 1.3%


example: drastically altering food intake to gain or lose weight and using supplements to improve strength or bulk up muscles. do not carry to extreme that causes deviant behavior

what is hooliganism and which sport is it closely associated with?

fans acting obnoxiously and most associated with British soccer

what should coaches emphasize differently when coaching girls vs boys?

girls: more motivated by cooperation, caring and sharing males: emphasize winning at all costs, blaming shift and basing performance on weather or luck both: role models, helpful, assertive, cool under pressure, dedicated, willing to help

what was the relationship between religion and sport for ancient greeks?

greeks used sport festivals to honor gods

which sports are more likely to be associated with athletes who develop eating disorders? why?

gymnastics, sports heavily on aesthetics. may be pressured by coaches or parents

contrast ancient greek olympics to modern olympics

held every four years. still have foot races, spear throw, discus. wealth became huge motivator

Asian participation rise in what sport? why?

high participation in sports that match body types and part of cultural heritage like martial arts

rule breaking has declined, why?

improved officiating, clearer rules, video replays, immediate media commentary, and certain maturity

in terms of overall numbers of males participating in sport, how has this changed since the passage of title IX?

increased but not as drastically as women

does islamic religion prohibit sport participation? if so, how?

it does not

What is Title IX and why was it passed in 1972?

it prohibits discrimination in federally supported education programs. it was passed since financial support for females was very lopsided

how do athletes use religion to enhance their sporting activity?

justify commitment to high performance, reduce pressure and uncertainty, enhance bonds bw teammates, guide moral decision making

what sport has the Native American population contributed to most significantly?


How does media affect sport?

media helps create excitement for certain sporting events, conveys to fans the significance of the game and develops a personal attachment. expanded popularity of sport, free publicity for teams

From which social class do most olympic champions come?

middle class

how does social class impact sport participation?

more money, more sport wealthy: tennis, golf, sailing individual sports and lacrosse and hockey working class: community sports; basketball, football, soccer. team sports

How is the US Olympic Committee funded?

no funding from govt. funded by private donations and sponsors

negative deviance

player, manager, spectator or anyone breaks the rules or ethics ie PED, cheating, fan violence, illegal betting on outcome

what is the difference between race and ethnicity?

race: attributes that are passed along genetically ethnicity: cultural heritage of a group of people

Since Title IX what happened to the ratio of females who coach women's sports?

ratio went down

what is stacking in sport?

refers to an unusual distribution of whites and blacks in certain sport positions that cant be explained by random distribution eg blacks being RB and whites QB

what is the difference between social capital and cultural capital?

social capital: resources available to a person based on memberships, relationships and social & business networks Cultural Capital: skill and abilities we have based on education

how does sport contribute positively to racial equality?

sport offers hope for a way out of poverty, crime, and disillusionment. can lead to scholarships to school after school programs. programs to encourage minorities to other sport

5 positive effects/influences of a coach

success is defined differently for level of play public may define a positive as having a winning record consistency, innovation, loyalty, contribution

what are major objections to legalizing sports gambling at college level?

takes away integrity of sport, student-athletes are easy targets, law breaking, NCAA prohibits

how do groups or orgs use sport to promote religion?

use sport as an attraction to the religion ie Notre Dame and BYU. use religion to unify team

formal deviance

violation of official rules and laws that are punished by official sanctions administered by people in positions of authority

informal deviance

violations of unwritten customs and shared understandings that are punished by unofficial sanctions administered by observers or peers

5 negative effects/influence of a coach

volunteer coaches, environment, physical punishment/negative feedback competitive drive abuse


when a person's ideas, traits, or actions are perceived by others to fall outside their normal range of acceptance in society

difference between media coverage of white males vs POC and women

white male: powerful, dominant, violent, athletic females: feminine, attractive, sexualized POC: blacks seen as physically talented along with violence and drugs. native american chants & mascots, asians seen as smart

can one be muslim, female, and an athlete? if yes how might participation vary in comparison to non-religious females in the US or in comparison to Muslim male athletes?

yes, may have to be accompanied by men and wear certain attire

why is there a lack of adequately or highly trained coaches in youth sport?

youth sport coaches are usually volunteers including parents without a lot of previous experience or training

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