Kines 100 Exam 3 quizzes

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In Richard Mandell's reconstruction in "Greece" of a "typical" Olymic Games, the festival took place over how many days?


According to Bernd Heinrich in the "evolution of intelligent running ape people" why did men and women take different roles in regards to hunting and running in early human cultures? a. the requirements of child-rearing limited female capacity to join in the hunt and created a division of labor in which men generally led the hunting parties. b. our male ancestors coerced women by physical strength into accepting subordinate roles c. women got tired of hunting and demanded that men do more work. d. men traded sex for the opportunity to hunt and escape their families e. in all species, males are inevitably faster and superior hunters. Human evolution reveals this natural law.


According to S.L. Price in "A Good Man in Africa," all above are accurate about George Weah except which of the following?" a. Weah fought alongside Jack-the-Rebel in the fight against the previous gov't b.Weah returned home to coach and play for the Liberian national soccer team C. Weah grew up in grinding poverty on "the wrong side of the tracks" d. weah became an international soccer star who earned wealth and fame in europe's pro leagues e. weah had family and friends who suffered torture at the hands of the gov't


When Geertz argues that cock fights are "a balinese reading of balinese experince, story they tell themselves about themselves," he means that A. the balinese use cockfights to define who and what they are much more like modern americans use baseball, or football, or other sports to define who they are B. no one but balinese can understand what cockfighting means to balinese C. the balinese perform plays, like we perform Macbeth. mainly about cockfighting D. the balinese write novels mainly about cockfighting E. the stories they tell about their roosters are more important than the actual fights


According to Bernd Heinrich in the "evolution of intelligent running ape people", how did female "sexual selection" reinforce the evolution of endurance hunters? a. women chose mates on the basis of who were successful hunters and could provide for the women and their offspring more of the essential proteins from meat that spurred human development. b. women chose mates on the basis of foot races and hunters had the most trophies since running was the original human sport. c. women chose mates on the basis of who could outrun predators in order to breed swift children. d. men used hunts to fool women into thinking they were good providers but then got lazy after the children arrived and it was too late to find another partner. e. women chose mates on the basis of dancing rituals and hunting helped to train the better dancers.


S.L. Price in "A Good Man in Africa," explains that liberians think their national soccer team is A. a symbol of unity in a divided and conflicted nation B. better off without a prima donna such as george weah C. a pawn in the army of their brutal dictator, Charles Taylor D. a waste of the money and resources in a nation afflicted by extreme poverty E. ultimately unable to generate any hope for his nation


According to Clifford Geertz, in "deep play" the central feature is A. The dating possibilities it opens up for young men and women B. the gambling opportunities it creates for men to compete w one another C.the racial barriers it reinforces in balinese D. the info it provides about raising chickens E. the religious meanings of the sport


Clifford Geertz used the english philosopher Jeremy Bentham's concept of deep play to explain which of the following characteristics of balinese cockfighting? A.the fact that the british introduced cockfighting to balinese B. the fact that gambling stakes are so high in many of the cockfights that, from a rational, economic perspective, it is irrational for men to engage in these activities C. the total immersion of men and women in the psycho-sexual dynamics of the event D. the escape from work and money concerns that the cockfights provides more for the village E. the hatred of animals demonstrated by people who participate in cockfighting.


How are the balinese "playing with fire" in their gambling on cockfights? A. they literally play w fire B. they live in a very stratified society in which people know their place and do not normally get out of their defined niches--except in cockfights where the rich can lose a lot of money and fall down the social ranks or the poor can win a lot and climb up the social ranks C. they can get caught by the gov't engaging in cockfights and sent to prison D. they can get addicted to gambling and ruin their lives C. they roast the losing roosters in ritual BBQ's after fights


look at #10 on phone, answer is ...


According to Clifford Geertz, "deep play," A. the balinese use cockfights to initiate girls into woman hood B. the balinese use cockfights to define concepts of manhood and masculinity C. the balinese use cockfights to create opportunities for men and women to interact in public spaces D. the balinese use cockfights to avoid any discussion of status in their society E. the balinese use cockfights as components of marriage ceremonies


According to Clifford Geertz, balinese cockfights involve demonstrations of each of the following except? a. status b. models for the transition from girlhood to woman hood c. political alliances d. kinship e. cultural ideas of violence


In "deep play" does Geertz agree w/ Jeremy Bentham that "deep play" in this case the cockfights, are totally irrational behaviors on the part of the balinese? A. Yes, Geertz agrees w Bentham and thinks cockfights area form of human cruelty towards animals B. no, Geertz does not agree w Bentham and argues that cockfights provide a social logic about status, manhood, power, and conflict resolution that helps to keep balinese society functioning. C. yes, Geertz argues w/ Bentham and thinks that Balinese cockfights make no sense and are a huge waste of time and money D. no, Geertz does not agree w Bentham and argues that cockfights help to produce equality between men and women in balinese society E. No, Geertz does not agree w/ Bentham and thinks the cockfight is totally irrational and impossible to understand.


According to Katherine Beard's article in US News and world report, the american heart ass.'s 2013 study on children's fitness revealed that the decline in children's fitness a. is much worse in girls than in boys b. is much worse in china than in the USA c. is much worse in developed Western nations d. is much worse in the Africa and other developing areas e. is much worse in australia than in anywhere else in the world


Clifford Geertz, in "deep play: notes on the balinese cockfight," notes that before he and his wife went to the cockfight, a. they had decided that they would focus their study not on the traditional anthropological categories of family life, religion, and the economy but instead on sport and games b. they had studied the culture of cockfighting in the rural US. c. they were treated as if they were "invisible" and almost completely ignored in the village. d. they had been welcomed into a balinese village and were collecting valuable anthropological data since the locals were so cooperative e. they went to several balinese soccer games and learned that sport was an important part of balinese culture


In "Nature by Design: american ideas about sport, energy, evolution and republics," Mark Dyreson notes that American thinkers in this period a. insisted that theories of evolution did not shed any light on the problems of developing human energy. b. argued that play belonged to the primitive human past and had no role in a modern industrial civilization c. tried to design challenges for Americans that would produce the same kind of benefits that "the hunt" had provided for our distant ancestors. d. insisted, following the lead of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, that sport and recreation programs designed to produce more energetic people only worked for men and were not appropriate for women. e. insisted that modern america had evolved by beyond the need of physically demanding sports and sought to ban football


In the "sports gene" David Epstein observes that according to Yannis Pitsiladis, a physiologist who has extensively studied the genetic traits of elite athletes, a. west africans clearly have a genetic advantage for sprinting. b. East africans clearly have a genetic advantage for distance running c. None of the answers among these responses is accurate in regards to what Pisiladis have discovered d. Southern europeans have a genetic advantage for swimming e. northern europeans clearly have a genetic advantage for nordic skiing

C.. none

According to Bernd Heinrich in the "evolution of intelligent running ape people" were the ancestors of humans stronger or swifter than either the prey they hunted or the predators they sought to escape? a. they were slower than some and weaker than others b. they were swifter than some and stronger than others. c. he claims early humans could not run. they could barely walk they were not e. yes they were


According to Katherine Beard's article in US news and world report, the american heart ass..'s 2013 study on children's fitness reveals A. that diet and exercise patterns do not explain the data B. that more money and resources for schools will not help solve the fitness crises C. that the type of exercise in which children participate is unimportant- just get them involved in anything D. that children today are significantly slower runners in most endurance tests than children were in the 1960s E. that children are much lazier than they were 30 years ago


According to S.L. Price in "A Good Man in Africa," George Weah is a. a rare man who knows that politics and sport do not mix b. a good friend of Charles Taylor, the leader of Liberia c. A very unpopular character in Liberia since he supported the dictator and turned his back on his homeland to earn a fortune playing soccer in other nations d. the leader of "lone star" e. one more example of an african soccer player who could not adjust to the European style of the game and had to return to Africa to find success


The experts cited in Katherine Beard's article, recommended, A. less focus on walking, cycling, and running, and more focus on weight-lifting B. less focus on activity that "makes you sweat" and more focus on stress reduction C. the elimination of physical education courses and recess in schools D. that children get at least one hour of exercise per day E. a vegetarian diet for children under 14


According to "Nature by Design: american ideas about sport, energy, evolution and republics," who among the following dubbed rigorous PA such as football the "moral equivalent of war" and hoped it would someday replace combat? A. the politician who became president, Theodore Roosevelt B. the physical educator Dudley Allen Sargent C. the athletics organizer Luther Halsey Sargent D. the womens right advocate Charlotte Perkins Gilman E. the philosopher William James


According to Bernd Heinrich in the "evolution of intelligent running ape people" which of the following is NOT one of the important components of bipedalism that helped make our ancestors "super endurance predators"? a. bipedalism limited the amount of surface area that humans exposed to the sun and helped tremendously in thermo-regulatory processes. b. bipedalism raised human eyes above the grass line of the African savannah and helped our ancestors to see better at long distances. c. bipedalism freed human hands to carry things (tools, weapons, water)that made them better hunters d. bipedalism allowed humans to carry their offspring and thus create a mobile, nomadic, hunting culture. e. bipedalism increased human speed dramatically as running on 2 legs is far more efficient than running on 4 legs. Bipeds are always faster than quadrupeds


According to Clifford Geertz in "deep play," a. cockfighting is the only clue anthropologists have available to understand Balinese culture B. balinese women and children participate heavily in cockfighting C. gambling is very minor component of the fight D. it is strange that a vegetarian culture such as the balinese would be so heavily into cockfighting E. cockfighting reveals important patterns about who the balinese are, just like baseball and other sports can reveal important things about who modern americans are and want to be


According to Clifford Geertz in "deep play," for what purpose were the villagers staging the cockfight that the government forces raided? A. they were raising money to pay their village tax bill B. they were raising money to send their children to college C. they were raising money to fight a guerilla war against the gov't D. they were raising money to buy a new flock of chicken E. they were raising money to build a new school


According to Katherine Beard's article in US News and world report, the american heart ass.'s 2013 study on children's fitness studies drew data from, A. 25 billion children in china and the US B. 25 thousand children in 280 countries C. 250 thousand children in 200 countries D. 25 million children in africa and asia E. 25 million children in 28 countries.


According to Richard Mandell's chapter on "greece" the greeks, A. never allowed athletes to "change" city-states and compete for a rival polis B. celebrated athletes who tried but lost rather than manifesting the win at all costs attitudes of modern people C. practiced a strict form of amateurism for many centuries D. drew their ideal of beauty from female athletes E. linked athletic contests to their religious beliefs


According to David Epstein in "sport genes" how much of the population has ACTN3, the so-called "Speed gene"?

billions of us have the speed gene. it is a very common genetic trait.

In the "sports gene" David Epstein quotes what biologist, author, and the 1981 North American 100 K champioon, who argued that "genes are very plastic" and do not determine who is a great runner and who is not? a. Mark Dyreson b. Theodore Roosevelt c. Bernd Heinrich d. Ralph Waldo Emerosn e. Yannis Pitsiladis


super bowl has become a holiday in which americans celebrate what

consumption and consermerism

According to Katherine Beard's article in US news and world report, experts pinned the blame for declining fitness levels on

obesity and lack of exercise

in the super bowl article, what city in particular fought the image of "rustbelt" decay through its super bowl dynasty?


what city-state (polis) dominated the early history of greek athletics?


look @ the rest in phone, 6 of them from cockfighting.


Before the NFL garnered its own holiday, the college version of the game had become a part of the celebrations of which of the following 2 american holidays?

thanksgiving and new years day

In Richard Mandell's reconstruction in "Greece" what was the most important athletic events in ancient greece?

the olympic games

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