Kohl's interview questions

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Why/how did you choose your major of study

As a child I have always loved clothes and fashion. I would go shopping and found myself curious about how it all operated. I would see employees go to the "back room" and wonder what it was like. You know I wanted to be in on the secret, Fast forward to the 11 th grade im in my honors English class and we are assigned a college and career project . Prior to starting the project we all took a carrer aptitude test just to help guide us,and the results suggested I pursue a career in either retail, economics or marketing.from there I then decided to explore the retail route and that is how I discovered merchandising and what's it was in its entirety. With this information I narrowed down institutions in ga that offered a Merchandising major and essentially that is how I finalized my decision to major in fashion Merchandising.

Explain your decision making process when addressing a problem

Define the problem. Prioritize the problem, what needs to be fixed first. Look for potential causes of the problem. I will then identify and list ways to solve the problem. After that process I will take action and implement my solution.

Describe a situation that required you to be analytical

During my summer long project at Lowe's one of my main assignments was to help grow the attachment rates within the grilling category. I had to compare the costs of our protection plans to our competitors. I had to analyze information such as cost, length of plan, benefits offered to customers and services provided by lowes. I had to use this information to see where we fell in value, and the likely hood that customers would opt to purchase our protection plans for their grills as opposed to the competition.

What makes a good team

Effective communication : being able communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully sets the foundation for a successful team.. Being Focused: setting goals with a clear and organized plan to achieve them. Fair contribution: each group member should contribute their fair share of work and understand their responsibility and role to the team. And lastly being Supportive team members: team members should be happy to help one another because truthfully you are only as strong as your weakest link.

Why kohls

For the past six years I've held many jobs, and they were just that, jobs. With Kohl's I believe this is the place to not only launch my career , but the growth opportunities are endless. I appreciate how there is a clear ladder in place on how you can achieve your career goals here. As a merchandise analyst trainee I know exactly what it is im working towards,and I'm not walking blind. I know what role comes next and it is clear what is expected of me to be successful within this company and that is very hard to come by.

What on your resume are you most proud of ?

I am definitely most proud of my Merchandising internship with Lowe's home improvement. This was my first relevant internship to my degree, whereas my other internships where either Marketing, field retail or design. I earned that position and learned how to apply the lessons I learned from my classes realistically. I Applied Excel lessons from my CISM class, I also applied retail math from my retail management course and because of my summer long project I learned how to analyze competitors and make decisions based off of the data presented.

Tell me about a time you disagreed with other group members and how you overcame this challenge

Honestly I hardly disagree with my group members because it takes a lot for me to get to the point where I allow difficulties or conflicts to arise. However, one instance would have to be my final project I had to comeplete with my group in my visual merchandising class. Our class collaborated with a local boutique owner to create a wall display for her store and we were given a strict $40 budget. The majority of my team members wanted to do a 90s era display whereas me and one other member wanted to do a 70s theme. Financially a 70s theme would have been a better option based off of the current merchandise the retailer had in stock and the props Currently possessed by my allie group member. The boutique clothing featured lots of corduroy, warm color palettes and 70s inspired wide leg denim pants. My group member also had a vintage record player and a box of old records that would add a creative element to our display. To get the other members on board me and her decided to present this information to our other group members with pictures and a clear execution plan. Ultimately we all decided the 70s theme was the best choice.

Why should I hire you

Honestly, you should hire me because I'm not supposed to be here. Realistically Ive faced many obstacles that could have prevented me from chasing my dreams and doing something great with my life.this may sound cliche but I made lemons out of lemonade. I worked two jobs my entire academic career while being a full time student, because that was the only way I could afford school. I couldn't afford to go to scad or fit and I've really had to pay my dues, ive waited tables, cleaned hotel rooms, and worked unpaid internships just to get to where I am today.y days would start at 7am, I would work on campus between classes untill 5pm, and I would turn around from 6pm to sometimes as late as 12 am at a second job. I had to make time to make schooly top priority when there really weren't a lot of hours in the day. I am resilient, ambitious, and deserving at the end of the day this wouldn't just be a job to me, this would be everything I've fought and worked so hard for, for a very long time.

What are your weaknesses

I am Not spontaneous. I am not the go with the flow type of person. I like clear cut plans and goals. Maybes and what ifs are very unsettling to me but that is a weakness because retail is spontaneous it is fast paced and ever changing so that is definitely something I need to work on. I've also been told that I can be critical: my honesty and high expectancy can come off as blunt or harsh to teammates, where in all honesty, I just want to suceed and produce quality work, I always want to ensure that I am putting my best foot forward and sometimes that can be misunderstood. I'm naturally shy and reserved. For a very long time growing up it was difficult for me to make friends because I was much smaller than my peers and very soft spoken. Ive had to actively work and develop outside of my shell the older Ive gotten but sometimes I still can come off as quiet and reserved.

What are your strengths

I am Self motivated, the second I clock in I get straight to work, I know exactly what is expected of me, without having to be told to do so. I am Accountable, when I do make mistakes, and I do because nobody is perfect, i own them and I quickly correct them to ensure it is not a repeat offense. I am Responsible: I've been self reliant and supporting since I was 17 so Ive never had room for error and I dont plan on stopping now. Lastly I amFocused: when I have a set goal before me I have tunnel vision untill it is reached or accomplished.

What are you passionate about?

I am most passionate about Self improvement and development. I do whatever I can to ensure that Im being the best me I can be , because at the end of the day the only person I have control over is myself. some self impovement activities I participate in include yoga,meditation, prayer, diet,exercise, I even read self help books, just anything that allows me to be better tomorrow than I am today is very important to me.

What are you most proud of

I am most proud of obtaining my bachelor's degree in fashion Merchandising. Merchandising and retail was always something I've been passionate about and to break barriers by obtaining my degree was astounding. neither of my parents were able to complete there bachelor's degree program the first time, so for me to obtain my degree, it was very monumental.

What can you offer us that someone else can't

I believe I can offer a lot to this company that someone else can't . The saying goes hard work beats talent and that's true, but what if I told you I have both.everything I have I've worked for, and I've earned. Whether it was putting myself through college, financing my first car at 19, and obtaining a corporate level internship with no strings or connections, I'm a walking accomplishment and I believe my grit,determination and drive sets me apart from others.

How would you describe your leadership style

I defiantly lead by example. I lead side by side and demonstrate what needs to be done. I make sure my team is organized and make sure we are all on the same page and contributing equally.

What is something Kohl's should add to it's inventory

I fee as if Kohl's should Expand more on their home improvement inventory, things such as grills or lawnmowers can really help balance out your inventory offerings.

What country would Kohl's expand to

I feel Kohl's would benefit greatly by expanding to Canada. To my knowledge Canada is fairly similar in climate to Wisconsin. Canada is also not too far from home office and the United States, it's a very convenient international market. there is also a Canadian influence in the us with celebrities such as Drake,Justin beiber, Celine dione, and Ryan reynalds all possible candidates for endorsements.

How do you deal with problems

I feel that it is best to deal with any challenges and problems head on. When I worked at Ann Taylor we received a new pos system that many of our older associates did not take to well to. I decided to go out of my way and write notes on sticky pads just to help aid them through the checking out process when myself or either another tech savvy associate was unavailable. I could have easily grown irritated or annoyed with their lack of understanding on the technology, but instead I decided to be a helpful teammate and help find a solution to the problem.

Walk me through your resume

I first got my start in retail As a seasonal style advisor at justice tween brands in 2015. From there I obtained a position as a student assistant on campus in October of 2015 which lasted until my graduation this past December. My first internship was as a fashion marketing intern for a start up e commerce boutique which lasted from January 2017 untill May 2017. In sept 2017 I was a volunteer during New York fashion week ss18 for the talisha White company. That same year I became a brow babe brand ambassador for a local beauty bar called the wax strip. In the summer of 2018 I was a merchandising intern for Lowe's home improvement at their corporate headquarters in charlotte North Carolina. And more recently I was an elevated sales associate for Ann Taylor from sept 2018 until December 2018. on a more informal note I was a memeber of my university's programming board, I was a broadcast journalist for fresh faces journalism, and was a model for Blaqshion fashion company and house of jinx showroom savannah.

Why retail?

I have decided to pursue a career in the retail industry because it is is one of the most diverse industries for career advancement. there are a wide range of options and deparents that are not offered within other industries. there is merchandising, buying,marketing, IT, accounting essentially the possibilities are endless.

Qualities you look for in a manager

I look for a manager that is Empathetic- I want to feel as if I'm not just a worker to my manager. I want them to be a genuine person. Optimism- when things go wrong I want my manager to be level headed and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Knowledgeable- I want them to be a source of information for me if I have questions I find great comfort in managers that know how to answer them. Fair & honest- you want people in leadership positions to be trustworthy and leading by example.

Tell us about a time you made a plan and how you achieved your end goal

I purchased my first car at 19. And in order to reach that long term goal of mine I had to make a strategic plan execute it. I had to first learn what my options were and do my research on car ownership options. I decided that financing a car was my best option. After six months of searching, establishing credit, and by a abiding by a strict 50-30-20 plan I was able to obtain my first vehicle that was reliable and affordable.

Where do you shop

I shop almost anywhere. I like amazon, target, old navy, Instagram etc. I tend to stick to a strict budget so whenever I find something that's on trend, affordable, and of quality chances are I'm going to buy it, regardless of where it's from.

Tell me of a time you failed

I time I have failed would have to be in my Fashion illustration course. Even though I was a merchandising emphasis I was still Required to take this class. it was very challangeing for me because I do not consider myself a designer so it was very challenging to grasp certain techniques and material, the first assignment we had I had I Scored fairly poor. I wasn't horrible at illustration it was just outside of my element whereas it seemed to come more naturally to design majors. I really had to buckle down and correct my craft. I would practice daily, take all the constructive criticism into consideration and trust me there was alot and I just had to believe that I could perform well in this class. In the end after all of my hard work my final project was displayed in my senior showcase. This was pretty big deal because this showcase featured guests from scad for my school was only an hour away from Savannah so my department did a lot of collaborative events with them. It was a moment I was proud of because scad was my dream school prior to attending ga southern and to have professors and students compliment my work it really felt good.

Why do you want to be an analyst

I want to be an analyst because I believe the skills and Qualities required to be a successful analyst come naturally to me. I am analystical and detail-oriented, I can quickly spot when the information presented in front of me is flawed or lacking. I have Great communication skills that is very useful when working cross fucntionally with buyers, vendors or other internal teams. and lastyly Computer literacy and proficiency comes easy to me, I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop and illustrator in a matter of hours. I love learning new softwares and programs to increase productivity.

Why do you want to work for Kohl's

I want to work for Kohl's Because I expect great things. That slogan resonates with me because I live my life with great expectancy. I believe that mission statement, although it was used in the past, is still relevant to the standards I have set for my life. I dream big, aim high, work hard and only expect positive outcomes in the process, regardless of what obstacles I face.

What would you bring with you on a deserted island

I would bring Matches: they provide heat, lighting, fire can be used to boil water and cook food I would bring a Tent: for shelter and protection And I would bring my Bible: it has gotten me through so much and I will surely need spiritual guaindance if I'm stranded on an island.

Any new celebrity endorser for Kohl's, who would it be and why?

I would definitely select Rhianna as a celebrity endorser for Kohl's. She is already breaking boundaries accross multiple platforms such as music, fashion, and beauty, giving her a competitive advantage amoungst most celebrities. Aside from her being a household name. Her stamp can help her reach a younger demographic much like pop star Brittany Spears did in 2005 with the candies campaign.

What would you do if you make a mistake

I'm very self accountable, so in the event that I do make a mistake I will own my error. If needed I will quickly inform my supervisor if I can not correct the issue on my own. I will not try to cover it up or point fingers, it is best to just make corrections as swiftly as possible and ensure It will not happen again.

What's an example of when you had to be analytical with finances.

I've been financially independent since the age of 17, so I had to learn how to monitor my expenses and income responsiblly. Because of this I abide by an excel spreadsheet that outlines my financial expenses, discretionary spending and savings. I ensure I do not make any financial decisions without first referencing it. These spreadsheets allow me to be analytical and in control of my personal finances.

What leadership roles have I held in the past?

I've held leadership roles as far back as In high school when I was varsity cheer captain and sports editor of my yearbook. In college I was a student trainer during my role as a student assistant in the registrars office,so whenever we go to new student workers in the office I would be there go to person to show the man how to clock in and out, request time off, understand our filing system and how to use our database banner when it pertains to student questions or concerns. I also was an elevated sales associate at Ann Taylor more recently where I performed various supervisor duties such as floor resets, processing credit card applications and completing returns for customers.

A time you had to analyze data for a project and how you learned from it?

In my retail management class we were assigned a retail store simulation project to complete throughout the semester. The simulation was essentially a realestic scenario where I was the owner of a trendy boutique. Within the simulation there were various kpi's to help us measure the performance of our businesses. Because I decided to operate a trendy boutique I decided to focus my kpi's on customer satisfaction and retention. I analyzed how many returns I would get on average and how that affected my revenue. I analyzed the feedback the simulation gave me in regards to what my customers said about my inventory, assortment, and return policy. This information allowed me to make strategic business decisions to increase my revenue every quarter. In the end I learned that pleasing my customers directly affected my sales and revenue more than the merchandise itself, I had to maintain the same reliable prices, ensured my inventory was updated and restocked every quarter, and even had to give incentives for customers to come to the store and shop just to maintain a reasonable percentage of foot traffic.

Something you like to do for fun

In my spare time I Enjoy making mood boards and forecasting trends. I enjoy shopping and styling so I like to forecast trends for fun. I can spend hours watching designer runway shows and predict what trends will hit the stores next.

How best should Kohl's Target mileneals

Kohl's will best target milleneals by continuing to master the omnichannel experience. Mileneals are very tech savvy and have multiple electronic devices, so being able to attract accross multiple channels is the most effective way to Target them. I've read in an article on business of fashion that Mileneals do not care for call representative help desks. So having services such as a 24 hr chat or text help desk attracts I know myself for example when I have a problem with my phone service I opt to use sprints onlin chat feature versus calling the help center. I also feel that offering mobile payment options at brick and mortar locations such as Apple pay or Google pay can make an impact as well.

What are some of your favorite jobs

My favorite jobs were my sales associate opportunities: I enjoyed working for Ann Taylor because I felt good to make someone's day. Sadly, Kindness isn't very common in customer service, so when I am kind and friendly, it was rewarding to hear how appreciative customers were. My Merchandising internship and my student assistant job on campus were also enjoyable because I love solving problems and being of service. I loved the sense of family, because in these administrative positions you tend to grow with a team, rather than experiencing high turnover or large teams as you would in field positions. The clerical skills I learned as a student assistant really helped me to be successful in my internship.

What role do you normally take in group projects

My role in group projects are normally situational. My role is dependent on what the group needs and what I have to offer. I've filled roles as both a team leader and a supportive team member. It all boils down to what I have on my plate,what is best for the project , and the attributes of the other group members.

Describe the characteristics of your favorite manager

One of my favorite managers would have to be my supervisor Miss Tiffani Genuine she was the assistant registrar for my University and one of her best qualities was how genuine she was. Regardless of how important her job was and her status , she didn't treat me as someone that just clocked in and out daily she actually cared about me as a person. She was also patient: when I messed up she corrected me quickly and went out of her way to ensure I was successful and comfortable in my position. And lastly she was clear and direct: she did accept mediocrity from herself or anyone and had very high standards and required all of her employees to have a high pedigree of responsibility and self accountancy.

Why is retail a puzzle

Retail is a puzzle Because there are so many different singular parts and facets that need one another to complete the picture. you can not be successful in retail without having all the pieces of the machine working together. You can't have visual Merchandising without buying, you can't have marketing without accounting, and so on and so forth,one without the other would not make for a pretty picture.

Strengths working in groups

Some strengths i have working in groups is my high level of comfort with public speaking or presenting, because of this I tend to gravitate towards leadership roles because I am so vocal and know how to get my point accross effectively. I am also fair and open minded, I know when majority rules. Every suggestion or idea I have isn't going to be implemented and that's okay.

How would someone important in your life describe you

Someone close and important to me would say that I am Reliable and debenpdable I'm that person that no matter what I will always be there for you and when you call I will answer. I am genuine and trustworthy if there is a task that you need to be completed you can believe and trust that it will be handled with integrity and grace And lastly they would say I am ambitious. I have big goals and even bigger dreams and have overcome many obstacles to achieve them.

What history do you know about the company

The 1st store opened in Brookfield Wisconsin in 1962 and was founded by maxwell kohl. I know Kohl's abides by the greatness agenda where they strategize around the five pillars. Amazing product, incredible savings, personalized connections,easy experiences and winning teams. With the help of these five pillars and your values of putting customers first, acting with integrity, building great teams, and driving results, Kohl's has been able to open over 1100 stores in 49 states, And more recently Michelle gass was appointed the first female ceo after joining Kohl's in 2013 as the chief customer officer. She quickly moved to be the chief merchandise and customer officer back in 2015. And, Prior to Kohl's she worked for Starbucks for over 16 years.

What is one thing you will change about a Kohl's store

The one thing I would change is actually currently being improved upon. If would just say continue to incorporate more color and brightness into store. Lighting and upbeat decor can ultimately change a consumers entire shopping experience and it is always good to make improvements no matter how minor.

What can Kohl's do a better job of

Well it's not that I don't feel Kohl's is doing a bad job at this but in my opinion it would be Advertising and promotion. I can't recall the last time I've seen a Kohl's commercial or ad, and if I did it did not stand out or leave a lasting impression. that's not to say the promotional content is not effective, i just think Kohl's can do things more creatively and fun.

How would you deal with a vendor that sent flip flops to Wisconsin instead of California in November?

Well my first call them action would be to track the status of the shipment. Where is it? Is it still in route? Can it be stopped or reversed? If so how much will this cost me to recover the merchandise? Next, I will find the answers to my questions. Whether it would be to contact the logistics, the distribution center, or the vendors directly, my primary goal would be to have the flip flops sent to the required destination as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Are pop up shops a good or bad idea

Well, Traditionally pop up shops were used by smaller or e-commerce brands that weren't easily obtainable. I feel the only way it would be beneficial to a big box retailer such as Kohl's, is if it were providing an experience that coule not be found In store such as celebrity meet and greets or a brand launch. But even that can be done in store as well, so Ultimately I dont feel there is a need for a pop-up shop, there aren't many incentives to get your consumers to a pop up shop when they could just go to their local store.

Have you used excel before what do you know how to do

Yes I have used Excel before , both in my college courses and my Merchandising internship. I know how to create Basic spreadsheets and pivot tables . I called also Apply formulas, and use v-lookup to analyze data.

Where do you see yourself in five years.

in five years I want to be seen as an employee with great expertise and execution here at Kohl's. I am hoping to take on more managerialism responsibilities in the next five years. I've been fortunate enough to have worked with some great managers , so developing into a great manager myself is definently something I look forward to.

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