L23 - Female Histology Pt. 2

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3 Layers of the Uterus

perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium

3 phases of menstrual cycle

proliferative, secretory, menstrual

Mammary Gland histology; Modified sweat glands that produce an exocrine secretion via the apocrine mechanism

Identify Glands and funciton

Cervical Glands; lined by simple columnar epithelium; secretory in nature

Identify glands and function

Spiraled arterioles in Stratum Functionalis

Identify these blood vessels and where int eh Endometrium they are

Uterine glands; secrete "uterine milk" - found in Endometrium

Identify these glands and what they secrete (C)

perimetrium of uterus; contains serosa/adventitia

Identify this layer of the uterus and what it contains

endometrium of uterus; contains uterine glands; what undergoes changes every month

Identify this layer of the uterus and what it contains (A)

Myometrium of uterus; 4 Smooth muscle layers and large blood vessels/where find fibroids

Identify this layer of the uterus and what it contains (b)

stratum functionalis of the endometrium; loss during menstruation and repairs - contains spiral arteries

Identify this section of the Endometrium (A) and function

stratum basalis of endometrium; remains during menstruation - contains straight arteries

Identify this section of the Endometrium (B) and function

Uterine Cervix; External aspect bulges into vagina and is covered by stratified squamous - non-keratinized epithelium

Identify this section of the Female Reproductive system transition

Vagina histology; Consists of mucosa, muscle layer and adventitia; Mucosa consists of stratified squamous epithelium and a lamina propria; no vaginal glands present

Identify this section of the female reproductive system

Actively Secreting Uterine Glands

In what state are these Uterine Glands (active or inactive)?

What uterine layer experiences hypertrophy (increase in size) and hyperplasia (increase in muscle cells) during pregnancy?


What hormones stimulate myometrial contraction and which inhibit it?

Stimulate = Oxytocin & Prostaglandins Inhibit = Progesterone

inner cell mass of blastocyst; becomes an embryo

What is this part of the Blastocyst and what does it become through development?

How many layers of smooth muscle are in the myometrium?


Inactive Mammary Gland; alveoli are small and not numerous

Are these mammary glands inactive or active (lactating)? If lactating, what does the milk contain?

Lactating Mammary Gland; Milk contains fat, proteins and sugarsd

Are these mammary glands inactive or active (lactating)? If lactating, what does the milk contain?

Menstrual Phase of Uterus

Beginning of menstrual bleeding Walls of the coiled arteries contract thus causing ischemia and necrosis of the endometrium (Occurs when implantation fails and steroid levels begin to fall) At end of phase, only stratum basalis remains (has own blood supply)

Secretory Phase of Uterus

Begins at ovulation Progesterone Dominated (stimulates glands to secrete embryonic nutrition before implantation occurs) from CL Uterine glands become TORTUOUS, DILATED AND SECRETE

What cells in mammary gland connective tissue secrete IgA into milk to provide "passive immunity" to infants?

Plasma Cells

Proliferative Phase of Uterus

Estradiol Dominated Termed the "follicle phase" Stratum basalis remains and proliferates; Uterine gland cells proliferate, migrate to surface and reform the epithelial lining of the endometrium (to restore functionalis)

What hormones cause growth of the duct system during puberty

Estrogen and Progesterone

Describe order of hormonal secretion in the Menstrual Cycle

GnRH secreted from hypothalamus --> FSH (follicle enlarges) secreted from anterior pituitary gland --> granulosa making estrogen --> positive feedback/induction of LH --> ovulation --> CL left behind after

What hormone stimulates myoepithelial cells to promote "milk let-down"?


What hormone "softens" the cervix by increasing the blood supply and tissue fluid content?

Relaxin --> Cervix DILATES at parturition to accommodate the fetus

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