Lab 9 - Plant Evolution

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What is the function of the "ears" on the pine pollen grain?

The "ears" on the pine pollen grain function kind of like wings so the wind/air can carry them further away from the parent plant when it comes to dispersal. This also likely increases the chances of successful fertilization because the pine pollen grain may land on an open female cone.

Would you say the fern requires water for fertilization?

The fern would require water for fertilization because water is needed for the sperm to be able to reach the egg.

What are the names of the individual parts of the gynoecium?

The individual parts of the gynoecium are: stigma, style, and ovary

ovaries superior?

(petals+sepals perianth and stamens attached below the ovary)

ovaries inferior?

(petals+sepalsperianth and stamens attached above or to the top of the ovary)

Are members of the gametophyte generation in mosses haploid or diploid? The sporophyte?

Members of the gametophyte generation in mosses are haploid, and then the members of the sporophyte generation in mosses are diploid.

in nonvascular plants (bryophytes) haploid phase is _____________ (gametophyte). Fertilization requires water. t or f?

dominant true

Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Cycadophyta (Cycads): Cycads are well known in the fossil record as they formed the ..... on earth during the reign of the dinosaurs. Today, they are restricted to a few regions and many species are near extinction. Therefore, cycads are shrinking in numbers of individuals and species over time. There is only one species of cycad native to the U.S., occurring in Florida.

dominant vegetation

Fertilization in angiosperms thus is a ......, one producing a zygote and the other producing nutritive endosperm.

double fertilization

The seed develops from the ovule and contains the embryo and endosperm. A fruit is a mature ripened ovary plus any associated tissues and thus contains the seeds. The fruit provides protection for the seed and, since fruits serve as food for many organisms, may also be involved in seed dispersal. Fruits may be either ..... Dry fruits are surrounded by a tough, hard wall and often split at maturity to release their seeds

dry or fleshy.

Archegonia are flask shaped and consist of a swollen basal portion which contains the _______, and an elongate neck with a row of cells in the center called the ...... When the archegonium is mature and the egg ready to be fertilized, the neck canal cells do what?

egg ;;; neck canal cells. disintegrate leaving a neck canal through which the sperm can swim to reach the egg

gynoecium (a collective term referring to the .....)

female parts or carpels/pistils

what are the most abundant group of seedless vascular plants?


Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Cycadophyta (Cycads): Cycads are very ancient plants that superficially resemble palm trees or tough, leathery-leaved tree ferns. Generally, a little-branched trunk is crowned by a whorl of frond-like leaves. Cycads have _____________ sperm, and produce large cones that bear either ovules and seeds, or pollen. Usually each scale of the female cone will produce two large seeds after pollination and fertilization. Cycads are typically slow-growing and rare, and are found primarily in tropical regions.


relative to the Polytrichum Mature sporophyte: Calyptra is a cap that surrounds the capsule, n because it comes from ____________ The very tip of the capsule is covered by a small lid or ________________. Peristome teeth cover the opening in the capsule. when do they open and close which allows spores to be discharged gradually and the wind carries them long distances

gametophyte. operculum open under dry conditions and close when it is moist

Are members of the gametophyte generation in ferns haploid or diploid? The sporophyte?

members of the gametophyte generation in ferns are haploid, and the sporophyte would be diploid.

Alternation of generations involves two _________________ stages called a gametophyte and a sporophyte. The gametophyte produces ____________ from structures called antheridia, and ___________ from structures called archegonia. The sporophyte produces ____________ from structures called sporangia

multicellular sperm ; eggs spores

Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Coniferophyta (Conifers): Conifers include woody plants like pines, spruces, hemlocks, junipers, redwoods, firs, and many others. Recognizing a conifer is simplified by the fact that most conifers bear ___________-like leaves and ....... cones, although exceptions do exist.

needle ;; woody or papery

Gymnosperm Seed Plants: ovule rests exposed. Cycads are very ancient plants that superficially resemble ...... Generally, a little-branched trunk is crowned by a whorl of frond-like leaves. Ginkgo biloba is the sole living representative of the phylum _____________. The plant is a heavily branched tree bearing distinctive fan-shaped leaves. Veins appear at first glance to be completely parallel, but they are fairly branched (i.e., similar to a cladogram or phylogenetic tree).

palm trees or tough, leathery-leaved tree ferns Ginkgophyta

Regardless of their size or shape, all flowers share certain major features. The conspicuous and showy parts of the flower are typically attached in circles or whorls. The outermost whorl, called the calyx, is composed of the ____________. The next whorl, called the corolla, is composed of the _____________. The calyx and corolla taken together are called the _____________.

sepals petals perianth

Many species of charophyte algae inhabit ....... Under selective pressure, individuals would be at an advantage if they were able to withstand periods of time when they were not submerged. The accumulation of these traits enabled descendants of these charophytes to become the first land plants. The terrestrial habitat offered sunlight, increased amounts of carbon dioxide and soil with many mineral nutrients. However, plants on land had to overcome the effects of gravity and the threat of drying out.

shallow waters around the margins of lakes and ponds, areas that are subjected to occasional drying

The other major plant group, the bryophytes, includes many species that entirely lack vascular tissues and move material by ...... There are many bryophytes, however, that possess simple vascular tissues, but these tissues differ from those found in the vascular plants. The bryophytes are generally ___________ than vascular plants and possess a simpler body.

simple cell-to-cell diffusion smaller

The sporophyte produces spores from structures called ____________


in nonvascular plants (bryophytes) the ________________ is dependent on the gametophyte for nutrients


relative to Phylum Coniferophyta (Pinus), the female gametophytes develop completely within the _______________ from megaspores (larger, female spores that make eggs). The megaspore is produced inside of a megasporangium, which is in turn wrapped in an ____________. After development of the female gametophyte (produces egg) is complete, the integument-wrapped unit is called the ______________. Seed rests exposed upon ovuliferous scale.

sporophyte integument ovule

relative to Polytrichum antheridia, Antheridia are elongate and oval in shape and consist of a sterile layer of cells called.... The sterile jacket cells surround the spermatogenous tissue, which produces the ....., and paraphyses are support structures

sterile jacket cells, (sterile meaning not making sperm/egg). sperm cells

Considering how the gametophyte and its gametangia are oriented relative to the soil, explain how fertilization of the egg would occur in ferns.

they would be in wet, damp areas because water is needed. Fertilization of the egg in ferns thus occurs when water is available or present so the sperm can swim from the antheridia to the archegonia.

Name the two distinct regions of each stamen:

Anther and Filament

______________ are bryophytes. Liverworts Oak trees Ferns Cycads Conifers


In Pinus the pollen grains are released from their cones toward the end of __________. At the same time the young seed or female cones open and the pollen, by sifting down through the cone scales, comes to lie in the chamber at the base of the micropyle, which is a tiny hole in the ovule wall. The pollen grains germinate producing a slender pollen tube, containing the male gametes, which digests its way to the archegonium where fertilization takes place. Because growth of the pollen tube and development of the megagametophyte is quite __________, fertilization does not take place for as long as thirteen months and the seed with its embryo (young sporophyte) does not mature until late summer in the year after pollination

May slow

The fluctuation between diploid and haploid stages that occurs in all plants is specifically named ________________. alternation of generations alternating life cycles repeating generations plant metamorphosis None of the other choices

alternation of generations

what is the correct order for the 4 whorls in flowering plants from the outermost whorl to innermost whorl?

calyx, corolla, androcium, gynoecium

a pistil is the same as the


The green algae called ______________ are the closest relatives of land plants. One charophyte, Chara, is believed to be the closest living relative of land plants.


Would you describe the moss sporophyte as dependent or independent?


Cuticle, stomata & seed coat overcome _________________. Vascular tissue overcomes _______________ but not all land plants have vascular tissue

desiccation gravity

Ferns - Phylum Monilophyta The most abundant group of seedless vascular plants are the ferns. The conspicuous fern sporophyte is __________ and produces haploid spores. These spores disperse and grow into tiny inconspicuous independent gametophytes which, in turn, produce eggs and sperm. Because the sperm must swim through a water film to the egg, reproduction is restricted to .....

diploid ;; wet areas or wet seasons.

In alternation of generations, there are two multicellular stages called a .....

gametophyte and a sporophyte.

. Would you describe the gametophyte or sporophyte as the dominant stage in the moss life cycle?


Would you describe the fern gametophyte as dependent or independent?


seed plants: The multicellular gametophytes of plants that produce seeds consist of ..... The female gametophytes develop completely within the sporophyte from megaspores (larger, female spores that make eggs) and are dependent upon the _______________ for all their nutritional needs. The megaspore is produced inside of a megasporangium, which is in turn wrapped in an integument. After development of the female gametophyte (produces egg) is complete, the integument-wrapped unit is called the ovule. The male gametophytes are pollen (produce sperm) and develop from microspores (smaller, male spores).

only a few cells sporophyte

Relative to seed plants (angiosperms), The swollen base of the carpel is the __________ which contains one to many ovules. The ovary will eventually develop into the __________, and the ovules will develop into the _________.

ovary fruit ;; seeds

Among the seed plants known as gymnosperms (Gr. gymnos, naked + sperma, seed) the ovule, which becomes the seed, rests exposed (hence, naked) upon an ........ when it is fertilized. In angiosperms (Gr. angeion, vessel + sperma, seed) the ovule is enclosed in other sporophyte tissues at the time of fertilization, and is therefore not directly exposed to the environment.

ovuliferous scale

corolla (a collective term for ____________)


Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Coniferophyta (Conifers): The pine tree produces two kinds of cones (strobili) on the same tree. Each cone is composed of a central axis that bears spirally-arranged spore-bearing scales. The smaller male or pollen cones produce ____________ , and the larger female or seed cones will produce eggs and develop ____________

pollen ;; seeds

calyx (a collective term for ___________)


for non-vascular plants (mosses & liverworts): -Simple diffusion and what was their size? -dominant stage?

small Gametophyte

would you describe the gametophyte or sporophyte as the dominant stage in the fern life cycle?


relative to phylum coniferophyta (pinus): the pine tree produces two kinds of cones (____________) on the same tree. Note the sac-like microsporangia (pollen sacs: sporophyte tissue) arranged on the lower surfaces of the scales. The scales, or ____________________, are attached spirally to the cone axis. The microsporangia will give rise to the microspores (male spores) which, in turn, give rise to ....... (produce sperm) by mitotic division.

strobili microsporophylls pollen grains

relative to kingdom plantae (land plants), the terrestrial habitat offered .....

sunlight, increased amounts of carbon dioxide and soil with many mineral nutrients

A seed results when ..... The seed is therefore an embryo (young sporophyte). The embryo is wrapped in several tissue layers, with the ..... forming the protective seed coat. Seeds are much better protected against desiccation than spores and the evolution of a seed allows the plant to exist under drier conditions. In addition, the advent of pollen has eliminated the need for external water during reproduction.

the egg in the female gametophyte is fertilized, and the resulting zygote grows into a tiny embryo outer integuments

Most plants are vascular plants, which possess an internal system of specialized cylindrical cells extending from the tips of their roots to their leaves for .....

the movement of water, minerals and dissolved foods.

Relative to seed plants (angiosperms), The tip of the carpel is the stigma, the place where ...... The structure between the ovary and the stigma is the __________.

the pollen grains will collect and begin their trip toward the ovule style

The gametophyte produces sperm from structures called ______________ and eggs from structures called _________________.

antheridia ; archegonia

relative to Phylum Hepatophyta (liverworts): Sporophyte is not very conspicuous, retained on female gametophyte. Female gametophyte resembles a palm tree called an __________________. When moisture is present, flagellated sperm are released from the antheridiophore and swim to the archegoniophore. Gemma cups contain asexual gemmae, which are..... The gemmae dislodge and disperse away from the parent plant by drops of rain. Asexual reproduction: ___________

archegoniophore haploid tissue that will develop into independent gametophytes. Fragmentation

Seeds ______________________. are produced by angiosperms are formed in the antheridia are haploid are covered in chitin more than one of the other choices

are produced by angiosperms

Angiosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Anthophyta (Flowering Plants): The flower is a modified stem bearing modified leaves. Its evolutionary significance is as an ...... Flowers and insects have coevolved for millions of years and form an important mutualistic relationship in which .....

attractant for insects to facilitate pollination the insect pollinates the flowers and the insects receive pollen and nectar as food rewards

Plants are green alga-like organisms characterized by ..... (3).

being autotrophic, having cellulose cell walls, and a sporic life cycle (alternation of generations)

adaptations for the land plants? (4)

- Cuticle (waxy layer) - Stomata (tiny pores) - Seed coat (shield) - Vascular tissue (support structure)

for seed plants (gymnosperms), who is dependent on who?

Gametophyte is dependent upon the sporophyte for all their nutritional needs.

The sporophyte undergoes ___________ to produce spores, and the gametophyte undergoes __________ to produce gametes. Meiosis; mitosis Mitosis; meiosis Binary fission; mitosis Cytokinesis; meiosis Mitosis; binary fission

Meiosis; mitosis

for vascular plants (ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms): -what did they have for transportation purposes? -dominant stage?

Phloem and xylem Sporophyte

relative to seedless vascular plants: ___________ are clusters of sporangia where the spores are produced that are located on the underside of the leaves. . _____________ is dominant; gametophyte is independent because it can obtain its nutrients by itself and it grows independently from sporophyte.

Sori ;;; Sporophyte

Plants have some unique traits that have allowed them to adapt to a life on land. - A cuticle, which is..... - Tiny pores called ___________ extend across the cuticle and outer leaf surface to open and close as needed to balance gas exchange and demands for water conservation. -....... evolved as cells forming tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body

a secreted waterproof coating that prevents evaporative water loss is found in some mosses and all other land plants stomata Vascular tissue

relative to fern prothallium, Gametophyte is bisexual, tiny, and heart-shaped. Gametangia (antheridia + archegonia) face ______________. The archegonia (producing eggs) are very tiny and dark, and are crowded just beneath the ...... The antheridia (producing sperm) are usually below and to the sides of the archegonia, and are very round and lighter in color. Below the gametangia are many ____________. Gametangia are very close to (touching) the ground to allow for sperm to move along water on ground surface to reach the egg and fertilize it.

downward apical notch rhizoids

relative to angiosperms: The pollen grains germinate on the stigma and form a pollen tube which extends down through the style and ovary and enters the ovule through a micropyle, much in the same way as in gymnosperms. Of the two sperm nuclei that come down the pollen tube, one will unite with the egg to produce the zygote, and the second unites with another cell which will produce a nutrient-rich tissue called the ______________.


The word monocot means "one cotyledon", whereas the "dicot" part of eudicot refers to "two cotyledons". A cotyledon is the ......

first leaf produced by the embryo and stores food materials in the seed and then expands as the seed leaf when the seed germinates.

The endosperm serves as a ....... for the developing embryo.

food source

Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Coniferophyta (Conifers): The structures of Pinus male have sac-like microsporangia arranged on the ____________ surfaces of the scales. The scales, or microsporophylls, are attached spirally to the cone axis. The microsporangia will give rise to the microspores which, in turn, give rise to pollen grains by ______________ division

lower ;; mitotic

androecium (a collective term referring to the .......)

male parts or stamens

Gymnosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo biloba): You may have heard of the herbal supplement called Ginkgo biloba extract which allegedly improves ....... This product is derived from seeds of the ginkgo, or maidenhair tree, which is the sole living representative of the phylum Ginkgophyta. Many other species are known only as fossils. In fact, even Ginkgo biloba is extinct in nature, existing only as a cultivated tree. The plant is a heavily branched tree bearing distinctive ______-shaped leaves. The male trees bear small, loose cones that produce pollen, whereas the female tree produces many stalked pairs of ovules rather than female cones. Ginkgos have flagellated sperm.

memory function fan

Seedless vascular plants - Phylum Monilophyta One of the two major seedless vascular plant lineages is the phylum Monilophyta. This is a diverse group of plants also called the pteridophytes, that was formerly classified into several phyla, but has recently been combined into a single phylum because all members are thought to be closely related. Seed plants are thought to have evolved from ______________ ancestors. The monilophytes include the whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns. Ferns are far and away the most diverse monilophytes


Systematists are actively studying the relationships among flowering plants, and from this work they have discovered several major lineages within the group. Two of the largest, most commonly encountered lineages are the ....... Monocots include familiar plants like grains, grasses, lilies, palms, and orchids, whereas eudicots include oaks, maples, roses, beans, etc.

monocots and eudicots

Plants can be divided into two major groups, which are?

nonvascular plants/ bryophytes and vascular plants.

Angiosperm Seed Plants - Phylum Anthophyta (Flowering Plants): The flowering plants are termed "angiosperms" because ...... The ovary wall eventually becomes the fruit containing the mature seeds. In terms of distribution, abundance and numbers of species, they are clearly the most successful of the modern plants. The diploid sporophyte is the large mature organism bearing flowers that one easily recognizes. The haploid gametophyte is reduced to a ....... that produces the sperm or an embryo sac that produces the egg within the ovule

their ovules are enclosed in ovary wall tissues at the time of fertilization pollen grain

Phylum Coniferophyta (Pinus), Fertilization: pollen grains are released from their cones and lie in the chamber at the base of the micropyle, which is a .... The pollen grains germinate producing a slender pollen tube, containing the male gametes, which digests its way to the archegonium where fertilization takes place. The seed is therefore an embryo (young sporophyte). The embryo is wrapped in several tissue layers, with the outer integuments forming the...... Seeds are much better protected against desiccation than spores. The stem apex will have developing seed leaves (cotyledons). The developing root tissue is on the other end

tiny hole in the ovule wall. protective seed coat

true or false: the sporophyte is always diploid.


It may be helpful to think about how reproduction in animals differs from plants. In animals, the diploid adult has specialized organs that produce haploid cells called gametes (sperm or eggs). This haploid stage is always_____________ and only lasts from gamete production until fertilization. The egg and sperm will combine to form a zygote that grows into a diploid adult. In contrast, plants have two alternating multicellular life stages, one haploid (gametophyte) and one diploid (sporophyte). In more ancient plant lineages (mosses and liverworts) the haploid phase is dominant (what you see when you look at the plant) while in the more recent lineages (ferns, gymnosperms and flowering plants) the diploid stage is dominant.


relative to seed plants (angiosperms), The flower is a modified stem bearing modified leaves composed of __________. The outermost whorl, called the _________, is composed of the sepals. The next whorl, called the corolla, is composed of the ___________. The third whorl is called the androecium (Gr. andros, male + oikos, house) and is composed of _______________. Each stamen consists of a pollen-bearing anther at the end of a stalk or filament. At the center of the flower is the innermost whorl called the gynoecium (Gr. gynos, female + oikos, house) consisting of one or more .........

whorls calyx petals stamens carpels or pistils.

One type of vascular tissue, ____________, transports water and dissolved minerals, while another type of tissue, ____________ (sap), transports carbohydrates in solution. Because of this specialized transport and support system, the vascular plants can be _______________ and are the most conspicuous of the terrestrial plants. Vascular plants include ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms.

xylem ;;; phloem larger

does moss require water for fertilization?


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