lab test unit 3: fungi and protozoa information

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what is the study of protozoa?


what is a mycelium?

-a collection of hyphae (hyphae found in a group)

What is schizogony?

-a means of multiple fissions -performed by protozoa -for example 1 single cell could go on to become 32 cells through this process

what is the optimal pH for fungi?

-a slightly acidic pH of about 5-6

what is a pellicle?

-a thin structure that supports the CM -it functions to protect and maintain the cell's shape

how are algae classified?

-algae are classified based upon the color of their photopigments

are any algae pathogenic to humans?

-algae are not pathogenic to humans -these do not cause disease in humans

can algae be toxic or poisonous to humans?

-algae can be toxic or poisonous to humans -an example of this is red tide which is caused by algal blooms -algal blooms deplete oxygen in waters and can release toxins that may cause illness in humans

in what forms can algae exist?

-algae exists as the following: -single cells -aggregate (clumps) of cells as in the case of seaweed

do algae have a cell wall?

-algae have a cell wall (in this way they are like plants)

do all fungi have cell walls? what are these cell walls made form?

-all fungi have cell walls -these are made from chitin

when will dimorphic fungi grow to form a yeast?

-at body temperature dimorphic fungi grow as a yeast

when will dimorphic fungi grow to form a mold?

-at room temperature dimorphic fungi grow as a mold

protozoa are classified as what?

-chemoheterotrophic (carbon comes from organic source; energy comes from chemical means)

all fungi are classified as what?


in septate hyphae, the septa usually have an opening so what type of hyphae do we consider these?

-coenocytic hyphae due to the hole in the wall that allows materials to pass

What is conjugation?

-form of reproduction used by some prokaryotes in which the prokaryotic cells attach to each other and exchange genetic material -paramecium do this -this is a form of sexual reproduction

what are the 2 main types of protozoa?

-free living (non-pathogenic) -parasitic (pathogenic)

what should be noted about fungal spores and their purpose?

-fungal spores are used as reproductive structures

oxygen utilization: most fungi are classified as what as it pertains to oxygen use?

-fungi are mostly aerobic (need oxygen) and facultative anaerobes -very few are anaerobes

what do fungi assist with?

-fungi assist with the decomposition of dead/decaying plant and animal materials

how do we identify fungi?

-fungi identification is based upon physical appearance

what does fungi include?

-fungi includes the following: -molds -yeasts -mildews -rusts -mushrooms

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora: giardia lamblia

-giardia lamblia is a parasitic microorganism -this organism is unique in that it is binucelate (has 2 nuclei)

what happens if part of a hypha breaks off?

-if it breaks off it can elongate and form a new hypha -this is a form of asexual reproduction (2 hyphae coming from 1 parent)

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora: leishmania donovani

-leishmania donovani is a parasitic organism

what are the 3 types of binary fission?

-longitudinal binary fission -transverse binary fission -irregular binary fission

What are saprobes/saphrocytes?

-microorganisms (fungi) that obtain food from dead, decaying organic matter -most fungi are classified as these

for our purpose which forms of fungi do we study?

-molds -yeasts -mushrooms

what are the 2 types of fungi?

-molds which are filamentous (fuzzy/furry in appearance) -yeasts which are non-filamentous (don't look fuzzy)

are most protozoa aerobic or anaerobic?

-most are aerobic although some like intestinal parasites are anaerobic (no oxygen in the intestines)

are protozoa microscopic or macroscopic?

-most are microscopic, some are macroscopic

are most protozoa pathogenic or non-pathogenic?

-most are non-pathogenic -some are pathogenic

are most algae multicellular or unicellular? some live in what arrangement?

-most are unicellular though some are multicellular (like seaweed) -some are colonial (they live in groups for protection)

what do most hyphae contain? what are they then called?

-most hyphae contain walls and are called septate hyphae

are most protozoa motile or non-motile? what does this mean?

-most protozoa are motile -this means these can move on their own

overall how do most of the forms of protozoa reproduce?

-most reproduce asexually (except for those that we named previously

4 classes of protozoa: ciliata: paramecium caudatum

-moves by way of cilia -cilia are found at the edge of this organism

Are most fungi unicellular or multicellular?

-multicellular like mushrooms -though some are unicellular such as yeasts

Are fungi photosynthetic or non photosynthetic?


of those species of fungi, how many are pathogenic to humans?

-only about 200-300 of those 100,000 are pathogenic to humans -some of these pathogenic fungi can be fatal

classifications of fungi: ascomycetes: what are the asexual forms of this that we need to know?

-penicillium notatum -saccharomyces cerivisiae -candida albicans

all algae are classified as what?

-photoautotrophs (like plants)

4 classes of protozoa: sporozoa: plasmodium falciparum

-plasmodium falciparum is a parasitic organism

Are protozoa photosynthetic?

-protozoa are non-photosynthetic with the exception of 1 that we'll discuss

what type of environment do protozoa thrive in?

-protozoa thrive in a moist environment -they are typically found in water or soil

classifications of fungi: phycomycetes/zygomycetes: what is the sexual and asexual form of this fungi?

-rhizopus nigricans (black bread mold) -we need to know both the sexual and asexual form of this fungi

what are the 4 classes of protozoa?

-sarcodina -ciliata -mastigophora -sporozoa

What is amoebic dysentery?

-severe diarrhea with blood and mucus in the feces

any disease that causes dysentery will have what characteristic signs/symptoms?

-severe diarrhea with blood and mucus in the feces

many fungi have beneficial qualities such as: break down the hard parts of plants

-some fungi can break down the hard parts of plants that animals lack the enzymes to break down -this allows the hard parts to be recycled back into the environment

what is another way that protozoa can reproduce sexually?

-some protozoa reproduce sexually by producing gametes much like humans -plasmodium genus does this

3 types of binary fission: irregular binary fission

-something like an amoeba which pinches in half -these are irregular shaped

what are the 3 types of algae we look at?

-spirogyra -desmids -diatoms

3 types of algae: diatoms

-the CW of this form of algae appears shiny as they contain silica (which is used in making glass) -ground up diatoms make up fertilizer and pesticides

many fungi have beneficial qualities such as: to produce drugs

-the drug penicillin comes from the penicillium mold

What does sexual reproduction involve?

-the fusion of nuclei from 2 parents

what do the majority of fungi use for their growth?

-the majority of these use sucrose or other sugars for growth

4 classes of protozoa: ciliata: balantidium coli

-the only ciliate that parasitizes humans and causes dysentery

what part of the algae conducts photosynthesis?

-the photopigment conducts photosynthesis

what should be specifically noted about conjugation as it pertains to protozoa?

-the process of conjugation as it pertains to protozoa is completely unlike bacterial conjugation

What is fission?

-the splitting of the nucleus where 1 cell is split in half

what is mycology?

-the study of fungi

3 types of algae: desmids

-there are a variety of these -see picture

how many different species of fungi are there?

-there are more than 100,000 different species of fungi

fungi, protozoa and algae are eukaryotic or prokaryotic organisms?

-these are all eukaryotic organisms

thallus: what are the long filaments of cells known as specifically?

-these are called hyphae -these can grow extremely large

3 different types of hyphae: reproductive hyphae

-these are essentially aerial hyphae that contain spores

what are the characteristics of algae?

-these are eukaryotic single celled organisms -these are plant-like (though they're not actually plants) -belong to the kingdom protista (along with protozoa)

4 classes of protozoa: sarcodina: amoeba proteus

-these are free-living and don't cause disease -these contain pseudopods -this organism practices cytoplasmic streaming to move towards food, get away from a predator, etc -cytoplasmic streaming uses lots of ATP

what are hyphae without walls called?

-these are known as coenocytic hyphae (non-septate hyphae)

classifications of fungi: deuteromycetes

-these are known as fungi imperfecti -there is only 1 from this group that we need to know which is: aspergillus niger

classifications of fungi: basidiomycetes

-these are known as the club fungi -there is only 1 from this group that we need to know which is: coprinus species

what are protozoa known as? are they actually animals?

-these are known as the first animals -these aren't actually animals but rather are animal-like

classifications of fungi: phycomycetes/zygomycetes

-these are known as the lower fungi -we need to know a sexual and asexual form of these

classifications of fungi: ascomycetes

-these are known as the sac fungi as their spores are produced in sacs -we need to know 3 asexual forms of this

3 different types of hyphae: vegetative hyphae

-these are like roots -this form of hyphae penetrates whatever the fungus is growing on and absorbs food -these hyphae obtain nutrients

4 classes of protozoa: sarcodina

-these are motile and use pseudopods/cytoplasmic streaming/ameboid movement to move -we look at 1 parasitic and free-living from this class

what are the characteristics of yeasts?

-these are non-filamentous fungi -these are unicellular -have an oval shape

what are pseudohyphae?

-these are not true hyphae -these come from yeast buds that have fail to break off

what are the characteristics of eukaryotic organisms?

-these cells contain membrane bound organelles (such as the mitochondria, chloroplasts)

how do parasitic protozoa enter their host?

-these enter their host by ingestion or insect vector bite -most of the ingested protozoa enter in the encysted form and develop into their vegetative form inside the small intestine

2 main types of protozoa: free living

-these free living forms can usually be found in their vegetative or natural state unless adverse environmental conditions cause them to encyst (coat themselves with protective proteins) for protection

how do hyphae grow?

-these grow by elongating at their tips (at their end)

What is a dimorphic fungi?

-these grow either as a mold or yeast

what do some protozoa such as the paramecium specifically have?

-these have a pellicle

3 types of algae: spirogyra

-these have an appearance as is shown

what structures do algae lack?

-these lack the following: -true roots -stems -leaves -flowers

what is a photoautotroph?

-these organisms get their carbon from an inorganic source (auto) -their energy comes from sunlight (photo)

what are the characteristics of chemoheterotrophs?

-these organisms get their carbon from an organic source (hetero) -their energy comes from chemical means (chemo)

3 different types of hyphae: aerial hyphae

-these project off the surface (come up and off of whatever the fungus is growing on)

4 classes of protozoa: ciliata

-these protozoa are motile by way of cilia -we look at 1 parasitic and free-living organism from this class -members of this class have a characteristic mouth and anal pore

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora

-these protozoa are motile by way of flagella -this is the largest class of protozoa -we look at 5 members of this class

4 classes of protozoa: sporozoa

-these protozoa are non-motile -all of these protozoa are parasitic -we look at 2 organisms from this group

how do yeasts reproduce?

-these reproduce asexually by budding

what temperature do fungi thrive at?

-these thrive between 68 degrees and 86 degrees

can parasitic protozoa be transmitted via direct contact?

-they can be transmitted via direct contact -this is the case with sexually transmitted forms of parasitic protozoa

Do protozoa have a cell wall?

-they lack a cell wall (making them animal like)

how do all protozoa reproduce?

-they reproduce asexually by fission, budding or schizogony (multiple fission) -they also can reproduce sexually by conjugation

what is the benefit of mycorrhizae to plants?

-this helps the plant take in more water and nutrition from the soil it's planted within -this allows the plant to grow better overall -mycorrhizae has a white appearance

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora: euglena desi

-this is a free-living organism -this organism is photosynthetic and specifically has a red spot on it which is light sensitive

many fungi have beneficial qualities such as: mycorrhizae

-this is a fungus that grows on the roots of plants

classifications of fungi: deuteromycetes: aspergillus niger

-this is a pathogenic fungi -only has an asexual form -no sac enclosing it's spores

classifications of fungi: ascomycetes: what are the asexual forms of this that we need to know: candida albicans

-this is a pathogenic yeast

classifications of fungi: ascomycetes: what are the asexual forms of this that we need to know: saccharomyces cerivisiae

-this is brewer's yeast

how do most protozoa protect themselves from adverse environmental conditions?

-this is done when they form a cyst -most but not all protozoa do this

4 classes of protozoa: sarcodina: entamoeba histolytica

-this is parasitic organism -transmitted via ingestion -this causes amoebic dysentery

what is the thallus of a fungus/mold?

-this is the body of a fungus/mold and consists of long filaments of cells joined together -AKA: mycelium

many fungi have beneficial qualities such as: fungi can serve as a food source

-this is the case with mushrooms -yeasts is also used as a food source as it allows bread to rise

what is a trophozoite?

-this is the feeding, growing form of a protozoan -all protozoa have a trophozoite form (like the vegetative cell in bacteria this is their normal everyday form)

classifications of fungi: basidiomycetes: coprinus species

-this is the sexual form of this fungi -these are mushrooms (coprinus mushrooms) -their spores grow on basidia (mini-clubs) -there are usually 4 spores to 1 basidia

classifications of fungi: ascomycetes: what are the asexual forms of this that we need to know: penicillium notatum

-this is used to make penicllin -this has spores free on its surface (these aren't enclosed in a sac)

3 types of binary fission: transverse binary fission

-this is where the organism splits across

3 types of binary fission: longitudinal binary fission

-this is where the organism splits length-ways in 2

4 classes of protozoa: sporozoa: toxoplasma gondii

-toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic organism

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora: trichomonas vaginalis

-trichomonas vaginalis is a parasitic organism

4 classes of protozoa: mastigophora: trypanosoma gambiense

-trypanosoma gambiense is a parasitic organism

Are protozoa unicellular or multicellular?


how do vector bites specifically transmit pathogenic protozoa?

-vector bites allow the protozoa to enter the saliva (containing an anti coagulant) that prevents the coagulating of blood in the insects proboscis (thing that sucks blood from us) and cause blood infections

what are the 3 different types of hyphae?

-vegetative hyphae -aerial hyphae -reproductive hyphae

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