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Marx's notion that religion diverts the thoughts of workers to the afterlife rather than toward rebellion against their worldly oppressors is expressed by his statement ________.

"Religion is ... the opium of the people."


"Stratification exists because some jobs in society are more important than others and therefore must carry greater rewards. In this way, people who are talented enough to perform the important tasks will be motivated to undertake them." This statement is part of the argument for the existence of stratification that would be made by a"

primary market

"clean" jobs

Family as defined by Sociologist

"those sharing economic property, sexual access among the adults, and a sense of commitment among members"; The most basic institution of society

political ideology

(attitude) affects how people think and behave about a variety of issues related to power

The Effects of Prejudice, Racism, and Discrimination

+Individual Effects -unequal life chances, health, and class to access to property -victims can also have low self-esteem from devalued status in society +Organizations and communities -Lose the talents of individuals they exclude- inability to reach human potential and to maximize their contribution to the society -government subsidies cost millions but made necessary by lack of opportunities for minority individuals +Cultural costs -attempts o justify racism by stereotyping and labeling. The bad side effect is that individuals are less able to reach their full human potential to maximally contribute to the society.

Dobi!Kung tribes:more equality between men and women


Women are a "minority group" because: - Dis*nguished by physical, cultural, or social characteris*cs - Share of desired goods is limited by the dominant group - Ideological or other jus*fica*ons are used to deny them equal treatment - They have a collec*ve iden*ty used to help insulate them from unequal treatment - Minority group status is generally determined by rules of descent, with members born into a status they cannot change - Benefited from the Civil Rights Era


females and minorities have less income in part because they are more often employed in periphery industries / less unionized


much of the improved position of women is associated with a shift in attitude among both men and women


Minority groups

- Distinguishable - Excluded or denied full participation - Defined and valued differently • usually less favorably - Stereotyped, ridiculed, condemned, or otherwise defamed - Develop collective identities

Prejudice, racism, and discrimination are dysfunctional for society in many ways

- They result in a loss of human resources - They cost society due to poverty and crime - They maintain hostilities between groups - And they fuel disrespect for those in power

structural-functionalist theory

- each sex has a role to play in the interdependent groups and ins*tu*ons of society - As socie*es organize, roles and rela*onships change • Mechanical solidarity • Organic solidarity - Complimentary roles are necessary for efficiency in society • Expressive • Instrumental

symbolic interactionalism

- gender is socially constructed; physical, biological differences come to be regarded as symbols that differen*ate rights and rewards in society - Gender is not intrinsically related to sex - Humans have agency to influence the society around them - "Doing" gender is an op*on

sticky floor

- social forces that keep the vast majority of the world's women stuck in low-paid jobs

Split Labor Market theory

-- characterizes the labor market as having two levels - Primary market: • highwagesandadvancementpossibilities - Secondary market: • lowwagesandfewbenefitsorcareeropportunities-underclass minorities are more likely to work in this sector Split labor market keeps workers in competition against one another for jobs. The focus is an antagonism between worker groups and not against employers. Employers also get cheaper labor as workers compete against each other.

Processes that Keep Minorities Unequal from the Dominant Group

-Stratification results in minority status -Prejudice results in poor self concept, negative relations with others -Racism results in negative attitudes, stereotypes, self-fulfilling prophecy -discrimination results in poor jobs, income, education, housing -negative contact results in hostilities, war, conflict between groups

Gender roles

-gender roles are socially constructed - gender roles are created by humans to meet the needs of their societies -life chances in the stratification system depend upon the combination of age and sex

Which of the following is not a basic proposition of interactional psychology?

. A person is changed by situations, rather than changing situations.

Which statement is TRUE about espoused values?

. They are what members say they are.

Class, status, and party

. What three concepts did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?

Herzberg's hygiene factors relate to:

. both job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction.

Common assumptions often go unchallenged among a group of scholars who share the same

. culture.

Almost 60% of all women work. • 50% of all working women hold administrative support and service sector jobs. • Women hold primary responsibility for household duties. • Our culture gives more responsibility for parenting to women. • On average, women earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. • 17 of the 1,000 largest US corporations have a woman chief executive officer.


Are Women a Minority? • At every class level, women have less income, wealth, educa*on, and power than men. • Intersec*on theory-The interplay of race, class, and gender, oCen resul*ng in mul*ple dimensions of disadvantage. - Disadvantages linked to gender and race oCen combine to produce especially low social standing. • Mul*layered system of disadvantage for some and privilege for others


Gender roles are socially constructed • Gender roles are created by humans to meet the needs of their socie*es • Life chances in the stra*fica*on system depend upon the combina*on of age and sex (and other ascrip've categories as well)


Marcus Garvey's Back-to-Africa movement in the United States was an example of which minority group strategy to dealing with prejudice and discrimination? A. Aggression B. Acceptance C. Avoidance D. Assimilation LOOK UP


Meso-‐level agents include: - Corpora*ons Educa*on - Mass Media Religion


by 2007, women had almost reached parity with men in professional degrees in medicine, dentistry, and law


dual economy research indicates that unionization is a factor in lower female and minority income


occupational attainment of Thai women is higher than in most western industrial nations -common for Thais to use only first names


women mostly found in lower management and nonmangement


women much more likely to be in nonmanagement positions


Which of the following statements about rape is false?

1 in 20 college women in the U.S. will be raped or survive a rape


1. The majority of people in the world are uninvolved in the political process, either because they feel it has little relevance for them

Six activities are typical function of meso level political institutions

1. To maintain social control 2. To serve as an arbiter in disputes 3. To protect citizens of the group 4. To make plans for the future of the group 5. To provide for the needs of their citizens 6. To represent the group in relations with other groups or societies

Global conflict

1. War is armed conflict occurring within, between, or among societies or groups..."organized mass violence"

gender empowerment measure (4 indicators)

1. female members of the legislature 2. female participation in selected positions in public and private sector 3. female participation in academic and technical work 4. estimated income

Emergence off Democracy

1. high levels of economic well-being 2. the absence of extreme inequalities in wealth and income 3. social pluralism 4. a market-oriented economy 5. influence in the world system of democratic states 6. a culture that is relatively tolerant of diversity and can accommodate compromise 7. a literature population informed about issues

Chafetz (conflict theories) three things must be considered to understand position of women

1. how work is organized 2. the type of kinship system that exists 3. degrees of ideological support for sex inequality

1. caste 2. social classes 3. slavery

1. rigid, immobile system 2. more movement from one stratum to another 3. people are owned by other people

theories of gender inequalities into 3 types

1. theories of difference: women's location in most situations is different from that of men in the situation 2. theories of inequality: women's location in most situation not only different but less privileged than or unequal to that of men 3. theories of oppression: women are oppressed, and actively restrained, subordinated, molded, and used, and abused by men

macro levels of gender socialization ceiling 2. sticky floor 3. glass escalator

Even the most prestigious of schools has experienced grade inflation. In 1970, the average GPA of students at Princeton was _____, while it was _____ in 2000.

2.99, 3.40

_____ evaluation provides performance feedback from the full circle of daily contacts that an employee might have.


Types, Methods of measuring, Factors that Affect, Land of Opportunity

4 issues dominate the ability of mobility

In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, voter turnout was:


Grapevine studies have shown that ____ percent of employees hear about matters first through rumors on the grapevine.


John Kotter's _____ for implementing change builds on Lewin's three-step model.

8-step plan

"By keeping women in traditional gender roles, men maintain control over institutions and resources." This statement most closely reflects: A. Conflict theory B. Structural-functional theory C. Rational choice theory D. Symbolic interaction theory


"People learn to conform or deviate from the individuals they spend time with." With which theory does this statement best fit? A. Differential association B. Feminist C. Labeling D. Rational choice


. The stage of a social movement in which the context for the movement is set is the ___________ stage. . . A. . preliminary . . B. . institutionalized . . C. . fragmentation . . D. . popularization


. The theory of social change that assumes that change is inevitable because of inequality in society is: . . A. . Conflict . . B. . Functionalist . . C. . Systems . . D. . Symbolic interactionist


. Which of the following is not true about social movements? . . A. . The are usually begun by individuals within the power structure. . . B. . They are most common in industrial or postindustrial societies. . . C. . They often stimulate counter movements. . . D. . They are focused on common interests


1. "Control is concentrated in the hands of the privileged, and the masses have little influence." This statement most closely reflects: A. Power elite theory B. Symbolic interaction theory C. Pluralist perspective D. Functionalist perspective


1. Which of the following scenarios best depicts how power operates at the micro-level? A. Husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household. B. Counties pass laws that regulate how long one's grass can be before imposing a fine. C. Large organizations such as Disney have complex power hierarchies. D. Interest groups attempt to influence the political process in a variety of ways.


1. To be deviant, a person must: A. Not conform to one of society's norms B. Break a law C. Be a sick, twisted individual D. All of the above


A belief that becomes a reality is: A. Self-fulfilling prophecy B. Strain C. Labeling D. Anomie


A system of planned organizational change in which workers in the company are involved in the decision-making process to change the internal dynamics of a company to make it more efficient is a: . A. . Human relation approach . B. . Closed system model . C. . Social exchange approach . D. . None of the above


According to Stanley Lieberson's research on the unequal levels of success different immigrant groups have experienced in the United States, one primary factor contributing to the group's success is: A. Whether the groups were voluntary or involuntary immigrants B. The language skills of the group C. The willingness of group members to get a job D. The willingness of group members to get an education


According to Stanley Lieberson's research on the unequal levels of success different immigrant groups have experienced in the United States, one primary factor contributing to the group's success is: A. Whether the groups were voluntary or involuntary immigrants B. The language skills of the group C. The willingness of group members to get an education D. The willingness of group members to get a job


According to the text, which of the following models for planning organizational change combine both internal processes and the external environment? . . A. . Open systems models . . B. . Human relations models . . C. . Theory Y . . D. . Theory X


All of the following are main assumptions of stratification except: A.Wealth is the most important resource B.People are divided into ranked categories C.There is an unequal distribution of desired resources D.Each society determines what it considers to be valued resources


Although Ting is greatly disadvantaged by her culture's treatment of women, she largely accepts her position as the child-care provider for her family and has little desire to change the structure of her family. Ting exhibited which of the following reactions to being a discriminated minority group? A. Acceptance B. Aggression C. Assimilation D. Avoidance


Although unconstitutional a(n) _________ is a requirement that employers must hire a certain percentage of minorities. A. quota system B. privilege policy C. preference policy D. strict affirmative action policy


By using ___________, a more accurate picture of crime may be seen. A. triangulation of multiple data sources B. self-reported surveys C. Uniform Crime Reports D. victimization surveys


Crimes against the company are more likely to occur when: A. The company is large B. Employees are mentally stimulated by their jobs C. Employees have strong loyalty toward the company D. Employees are adequately compensated


Discrimination that is done deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior to or fundamentally different from men: A. De jure discrimination B. De facto discrimination C. De malo discrimination D. None of the above


Education University is being sued. To increase the number of minority students attending their university, the president mandated that "5% of every freshman class must be a minority student." Education university is being sued for enacting a(n) _______ system. A. quota B. one-drop C. percentage D. affirmative action


First-generation college graduates who become physicians reflect: A. Intergenerational mobility B. Intragenerational mobility C. Horizontal mobility D. Open Mobility


How does primary deviance differ from secondary deviance? A. Individuals are not labeled as "deviant" unless they commit secondary deviance. B. Individuals do not begin to take on a deviant identity until they commit primary deviance. C. Primary deviance is the violation of a norm, but secondary deviance is a violation of a law. D. Both A and B


It is the year 3130 and we have begun to colonize Mars. The native Martian population is being moved to the Moon, so that Earth can build a casino, water park, and oil drilling rig on their holy grounds. Governmental officials claim that Martians can and will live happily on the moon, with "little disruption in their day-to-day lives." The Martians are experiencing: A. Population transfer B. Genocide C. Segregation D. Subjugation


Jordan feels that his dark, long hair causes many of his classmates to recognize him as the member of a minority group. In an effort to blend in with his peers, Jordan dyes his hair blond and cuts it very close to his scalp. Jordan exhibited which of the following reactions to being a discriminated minority group? A. Assimilation B. Aggression C. Acceptance D. Avoidance


Juan Carlos originally hoped to purchase a home. However, because he could not earn enough money to ever afford one, he decided that a home was no longer important. Instead, he found happiness through quitting his job, moving into a shack in the woods, and enjoying the solitude. Merton would classify Juan Carlos's adaptation to strain as: A. Retreatism B. Rebellion C. Conformity D. Innovation


Recidivism is: A. Returning to prison after already serving a prior term B. The conflict that occurs between the elites and minority groups C. The extortion of funds in exchange for "protection" D. A theory that attempts to explain deviance


Social forces that keep the vast majority of the world's women stuck in low-paid jobs: A. Sticky floor B. Sticky elevator C. Glass escalator D. Glass ceiling


The Hindu religion holds that individuals are born into one of four Varna or into a fifth group below the caste system known as the _______________ group. A. Dalits B. Brahmans C. Rajputs D. Sudras


The idea that "sometimes people must be treated differently in order to treat them fairly and create equality" is the central idea of: A. Preference policies B. Quota systems C. Privilege policies D. Strict affirmative action policies


The process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender is: A. Gender socialization B. Gender roles C. Gender identity D. Sex roles


Thomas, a revolutionary sociologist, is organizing a social movement in Kentucky. Unfortunately, his social movement lacks a clear leadership structure, division of labor, or sense of group action. Thomas's social movement is best classified as: . . A. . Mass behavior . . B. . Fad behavior . . C. . Crowd behavior . . D. . A lynch mob


To be deviant, a person must: A. Not conform to one of society's norms B. Break a law C. Be a sick, twisted individual D. All of the above


To study why women kill their abusive husbands, Robin plans to look at the positive and negative sanctions they weighed when deciding to do so. Which theory is Robin most likely using? A. Rational choice B. Differential association C. Feminist D. Labeling


Ulla wants to study the way that groups of individuals react to a terrorist attack in their area. She feels that their confusion following the attack will lead to the development of new definitions of acceptable behavior. Which theory is Ulla most likely using? . . A. . Emergent norm theory . . B. . Minimax strategy theory . . C. . Conflict theory . . D. . Value added theory


When Mary, the owner of a large apartment complex, was deciding who to rent an open apartment to, she immediately disregarded the application of 84-year-old Millie because Mary does not rent apartments to old women. Mary's treatment of Millie is best described as: A. Individual discrimination B. Negative contact C. Institutional discrimination D. Stereotypes


When the Serbian army massacred Bosnian civilians while conducting "ethnic cleansing," they were participating in this type of group relation, where the dominant group makes a systematic effort to destroy a minority group: A. Genocide B. Assimilation C. Subjugation D. Population transfer


Which is the highest social caste in India's caste system? A. Brahmans B. Kshatriyas C. Dalits D. Rajputs


Which of the choices below is not true about terrorists? A. They generally act alone. B. They are highly committed to their cause. C. They often feel that they are victims of more powerful forces. D. All of the above choices are true.


Which of the following assumptions do sociologists make about social change? . . A. . Some change can be controlled. . . B. . Change is gradual. . . C. . Change in one level affect only that level. . . D. . Both A and B


Which of the following is a key assumption of conflict theorists' view of social stratification? A. Stratification is the outcome of struggles for dominance in scarce resources. B. Stratification is the outcome of values, speech patterns, consumption habits, appropriate group memberships, and self-concepts learned through socialization. C. Customs and traditions in a society often prevail over rational criteria in determining the distribution of scarce resources. D. Differential rewards must be offered to motivate talented individuals into difficult positions.


Which of the following is a macro-level factor that can shape social stratification? A. The economic position of a society B. The occupational prestige of an individual C. The amount of education of a person D. The community's influence on schools


Which of the following is a necessity to have pluralism in a society? A. Legal protection of the distinct group B. A numerically large minority group C. One clear minority group and one clear dominant group D. A social class stratification system


Which of the following scenarios best depicts how power operates at the meso-level? A. States make decisions about which corporations receive tax breaks. B. Parents often spank their children to control their behavior. C. Husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household. D. Global treaties influence the autonomy of the countries involved.


Which of the following statements about gender roles is false? A. Gender roles are universal. B. Gender roles are socially constructed. C. Gender roles are created by human beings. D. Gender roles are designed to meet the needs of each society.


Which of the following statements do not follow Duncan and Moore's model of inequality? A. Stratification is part of the social system. B. Some jobs are, naturally, more prestigious than others. C. Father's occupational prestige influences the child's occupational prestige. D. "Good" jobs require talent, preparation, and money to do well.


Which of the following statements is true about charismatic leaders? A. They are effective during transitional periods but are often replaced by rational-legal leaders once affairs of state become stable. B. They are granted authority positions because they have proper training or have proven their merit. C. They are usually members of a royal family, whose authority is granted based on tradition. D. Their leadership structure is usually bureaucratic and rule-bound.


Which of the following types of authority is most typical of modern nation-states? A. Rational-legal authority B. Traditional authority C. Irrational authority D. Charismatic authority


Which theoretical perspective argues that deviance will always exist unless the current structure of society is changed dramatically? A. Conflict B. Labeling C. Structural-functionalist D. Strain


Which type of stratification system allows movement between classes? A. Open B. Closed C. Ascribed D. Vertical


because he was gay. The killing of Matthew Shepard is a form of: A.Crowd behavior B.Mass behavior C.Riot behavior D.Both A and B


Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A belief that becomes a reality.

economic position

A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on

Social Inequality

A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called

African Americans and Latinos

A disproportional percentage of which ethnic group falls in the upper class?

the underclass

A family lives in a remote area of Appalachia, where coal mines that once employed many workers have been idle for years. There are no jobs in the area, the distant schools are poorly funded, and because of the remote location, there are no churches or medical facilities nearby. These poor, chronically unemployed people who barely survive from winter to winter are an example of


A group of people related by marriage, blood or adoption.

Which of the following is a proactive social movement?

A group promoting gay marriage

Primary Group

A group with a strong sense of loyalty to one another, that cares deeply about each other and belonging provides members with intrinsic value.


A group within the human species that is identified by a society a presumably having certain biologically inherited physical characteristics.

absolute poverty.

A homeless man in tattered clothes begs in the streets for money and food. His ;poverty is an example of

Sociologically, what is a blended family?

A husband or wife brings a child into the new family from a prior relationship.

What is an organigraph?

A map that gives an overview of a company's functions and the way people organize themselves at work

Which of the following statements is true about the selection of names for newborn children?

A name that is for males may for a time be given to either sex, but then is demoted to girls.

Which of the following is an accurate description of Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

A person's EI predicts performance better than IQ.

Which of the following best describes brainstorming?

A process for generating ideas.

lower class

A single mother who works in a factory sewing large sheets of canvas would be considered to be a member of which social class?


A social structure in which mobility between classes is difficult is known as a caste system


A state of normlessness.

open stratification system

A stratification system that implies that the position of each individual is influenced by the person's achieved status is referred to as


A system of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others is known as

estate system

A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection was known as

Labeling Theory

A theory that says members of a society create deviance by defining certain behaviors as deviant.


A violation of social norms.


A well-known Hollywood actress owns a home in Beverly Hills and another one on the French Riviera. She owns her own movie production company along with a large portfolio of stocks. The total of the different things she owns minus what she owes is considered her

Class system

A woman is born into a homeless, single-parent family. She is very talented and as an adult, becomes a wealthy, world-acclaimed pianist. This scenario most closely represents which type of stratification system?

intergenerational mobility.

A woman who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the U.S. Postal Service. She has experienced upward

All of the following are factors that are necessary in the communication process EXCEPT

A) trust

According to Marx, which of the following is a characteristic of the proletariat?

A. They have the power to create a classless society if they develop a class consciousness.

Values can subtly influence science by guiding

A. scientists' assumptions and preconceptions. B. the labels scientists use for their concepts. C. scientists' thoughts about what ought to be.

The answers respondents give to surveys may be influenced by biases from which of the following sources?

A. the order in which questions are asked. B. the wording of the questions themselves. C. the response options.

institutionalized privilege

AKA disprivilege; patterns of social action that are embedded in the entire social system may influence men and women, providing unrecognized privileges

hierarchy of needs theory

Abraham Maslows hierarchy that assumes human needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance

Although she works 30 hours a week, Natalie is unable to earn enough money to bring her and her sons to the poverty line, according to the income requirement set by the federal government. She and her family are experiencing:

Absolute Poverty

According to Kolb's Learning Style Type, which of the following describes the convergent learning style?

Abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, problem-solving

cheat or plagarize to pass a course or win a contest

According to Merton's strain theory, a student who is an innovator will

It is inevitable that a small group will rule societies.

According to power elite theorists:


According to resource theory, Yesina, a heart surgeon, would do less housework than her husband Ian, a firefighter.

Gerhard Lenski Jr.

According to the textbook, which sociologist notes that while a system of rewards for filling highly expert professions demanding long years of education and skill may have once served the overall purposes of society, this situation no longer exists?

Marx's four ways to distribute wealth

According to what a person needs According to what a person wants According to what a person earns According to what a person can take

minimum wage

According to your text, one of the contributors to poverty in the U.S.A. are large numbers of people employed at

Informal Positive Sanction

Actions like smiling that are not official actions required by society when someone does something nice for us.

sex, gender, and identity at meso-level

Adults roles and responsibili*es in social ins*tu*ons differ by age and sex • Rites of passage differ by age and sex • Women's reduced power in micro-‐level seRngs is oCen related to a lack of power in meso-‐level organiza*ons and ins*tu*ons

_____ is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience.


Which of the following is considered a racial group?

African Americans

sex, gender, and identity at the micro-level

Agents of socializa'on teach us from birth how to display "proper" gendered behaviors - Failure to comply oCen results in sanc*ons - Compliance is celebrated

Which dimension of the Big Five model refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others?


All of the following accurately describe Alderfer's ERG theory EXCEPT

Alderfer reworked Herzberg's theory to align with empirical research

Leadership is the domain of which group of employees?

All employees

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

All managers are not leaders.

Communist systems

All matters of production and labor are governed with the "communal" good in mind. One key criticism of communist systems is that placing economic power and political power in the hands of the leadership can lead to control by a few leaders

Information technology

All of the following disciplines have contributed to the foundations of the field of organizational behavior EXCEPT

Individual qualities

Also influence cultural and social capital

When Black respondents are asked how they get along with different minority groups, which group do they say they have the least difficulty getting along with?

American Indians

America and the Myth of the Middle Class

Americans generally believe that class is unimportant and that most Americans are middle class. In fact, however, class inequality is growing. • Since the start of the twentieth century, the middle class has expanded greatly, and as people have gained access to new goods (homes, stocks) they began to identify with owners rather than workers. As a result, most people define themselves as middle class even when they have to stretch the definition quite a bit to do so.

ascribed status

An 83-year-old woman is placed at a small table in a dark corner of a trendy nightclub and is ignored by the staff. Her shoddy treatment is probably due to her age, which is a(an)

What is an affinity group?

An employee-involvement group made up of professional-level workers


An individual's salary and wages are referred to as

vertical mobility.

An inner-city youth spends many hours in the neighborhood playground shooting baskets on the basketball court and engaging in every game that he can play. His skills become outstanding, and he receives a college scholarship and then signs a lucrative contract to play in the National Basketball Association. This is an example of


An ongoing _____________ process

Structural-Functionalist Perspective

Anomie and Strain are associated with this perspective.

_____ has helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior between people in different countries.


____ seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization and build on these to improve performance.

Appreciative inquiry

One's place in the stratification system is an

Ascribed Status

The structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups that results in minority members losing their original identity refers to:


According to the text, in which of the following countries is it a violation of the law to fail to vote?


_._____ leaders know who they are, know that they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly.



Authority style of a family in which both parents ague over issues and the father's position always prevails.

"Members of society create deviance by defining certain behaviors as deviant." This statement most closely reflects: A. Strain theory B. Labeling theory C. Differential association theory D. Rational choice theory


"People learn to conform or deviate from the individuals they spend time with." With which theory does this statement best fit? A. Feminist B. Differential association C. Labeling D. Rational choice


"Power is distributed among various groups so that no one group rules." This statement is most likely to be made by a(n): A. Conflict theorist B. Pluralist theorist C. Elite theorist D. Feminist theorist


. According to Ogburn, the findings of stem cell research are: . . A. . Innovations . . B. . Discoveries . . C. . Inventions


. Justin Bieber clothing and Jelly Bands are examples of: . . A. . Mobs . . B. . Fads . . C. . Crowd behavior . . D. . Fashions


A biological term that refers to ascribed genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences between men and women: A. Gender B. Sex C. Sexual orientation D. Sexuality


A group seeking change can attempt to set up a situation in which desired behavior is rewarded." This statement most closely reflects: . . A. . Symbolic interaction theory . . B. . Rational choice theory . . C. . Functionalist theory . . D. . Conflict theory


According to Weber, governments are given legitimate power when: A. They are able to oppress all opposition to their rule B. Citizens acknowledge that the government has the right to exercise power over them C. They coerce the people into submission D. Other countries recognize their power as legitimate


All of the following are predetermined in caste stratification systems except: A. Occupational position B. How many children an individual will have C. Where one will live D. Marriage partners


An analysis of the payoffs in favor of change and the forces rewarding the status quo is known as a: . . A. . Cyclical analysis . . B. . Force-field analysis . . C. . Stress-strain analysis . . D. . Symbolic interactionist analysis


Before the civil rights laws were passed in the United States in the 1960s, a number of states had __________ laws that spelled out differential treatment for racial groups. A. apartheid B. Jim Crow C. one-drop D. Dred Scott


Countries such as Sweden and Great Britain that have incorporated some democratic socialist ideas into their governmental policies are sometimes called: A. Planned democracies B. Welfare states C. Nationalist states D. Liberal democracies


For the first time ever, Carson smoked marijuana just to experience it. People observing Carson doing this see this as a one-time behavior. According to labeling theory, Carson committed: A. Negative sanctions B. Primary deviance C. Secondary deviance D. Positive sanctions


Jason is studying race among the homeless. He finds that blacks and Mexicans are more likely to be in "public housing" than whites and Asians. He interprets this finding as "those in power exploiting those without power." Most likely, Jason adheres to: A. Symbolic interaction theory B. Evolutionary theory C. Conflict theory D. Structural-functional theory


Jimmy's gang is warring with Francisco's gang. To keep Francisco from attacking, Jimmy has bought an assault rifle. This is an example of: A. Anomie B. Deterrence C. Democracy D. Culture of poverty


John, who does not claim to be racist, strongly supports a policy that would prohibit mixed-race couples from adopting children. John is demonstrating: A. Ideological racism B. Symbolic racism C. An ideology that has nothing to do with racism D. Traditional racism


Khayyam is examining the evolution of the various tribes of people in Malawi, a small country in Africa. Khayyam believes that each of the societies will have become more advanced over the last 300 years, but each will have done so in their own way. Which perspective is Khayyam likely taking? . . A. . The world systems perspective . . B. . The multilinear social evolutionary perspective . . C. . The cyclical perspective . . D. . The unilinear social evolutionary perspective


Maria's group formed to move for greater student rights. At this point, the interest in the group seems to be waning and Maria has been unable to raise the necessary funds to keep the group going. It appears that the group is dissolving. Which stage is the group likely in? . . A. . Preliminary . . B. . Fragmentation . . C. . Popularization . . D. . Institutionalized


Patriarchy is the cause of women's oppression" is a tenet of which sociological theory? A. Conflict B. Feminist C. Structural-functionalist D. Symbolic interactionist


Puja got a very short new haircut, so she wore a dress, big earrings, and lots of makeup so that she would still look feminine. Puja is: A. Doing sex B. Doing gender C. Socializing D. Naturalizing


Racketeering is: A. Returning to prison after already serving a prior term B. The extortion of funds in exchange for "protection" C. The conflict that occurs between the elites and minority groups D. An act that marks an offender as deviant


Smiles, frowns, and hugs are all examples of: A. Informal internal controls B. Informal external controls C. Formal external controls D. Formal internal controls


The existence of a sector of "clean" jobs and a sector of "dirty" jobs is the key assumption of which theory of group relations? A. Structural functional B. Split labor market C. Symbolic interaction D. Frustration aggression


Todd, an English-born lawyer, went to law school in France. Although he practices law in France, he is employed by an English company and maintains residences in London and Paris. He refused to go to the last World Cup Final because France and England were playing, and he is very loyal to both countries. Todd's situation is best described as __________, because he fully participates in and has loyalty to two nations and cultures. A. assimilation B. transnationalism C. subjugation D. pluralism


Which of the following best describes the role of the federal government in defining ethnicity? A. The government only provides services to ethnic minorities. B. The government creates ethnic groups by naming them and providing the group with funding. C. The government passes laws that define how much ancestry an individual must have to be a member of a minority group. D. The government allows individuals to create their own ethnic identification on the census.


Which of the following countries is considered a core nation by world systems theorists? . . A. . Philippines . . B. . France . . C. . Saudi Arabia . . D. . Mexico


Which of the following is a micro-level factor that can shape social stratification? A. Occupational structure B. Physical attractiveness C. Family income D. Religious affiliation


Which of the following is an effective alternative to prison? A. Shock probation B. Building social capital C. Harsher sentencing D. Both A and B


Which of the following is an example of a consensus crime? A. Chemical offenses B. Murder C. Political disenfranchisement D. Prostitution


Which of the following is an example of social capital? A. Professional licensure B. Country club membership C. Postdoctoral training D. All of the above


Which of the following is incorrect? A. People with certain characteristics are more likely to be defined as deviant. B. Deviants always purposely and knowingly break the law. C. Deviance is socially constructed. D. Deviance is not related to "human nature."


Which of the following statements about rape is false? A. Redefining masculinity can reduce rapes. B. One in 20 college women in the United States will be raped or survive a rape. C. Rape can be influenced (increased or decreased) in frequency according to cultural norms. D. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, only 1 out of 10 rapes are reported.


Which of the following statements about terrorism is false? . . A. . Terrorism can create jobs. . . B. . Modern terrorist organizations are national governments (e.g., Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea). . . C. . Terrorism can create a recession. . . D. . Terrorism has been decreasing in frequency over the past 3 years.


Zari is a successful lawyer, but her career has begun to suffer and she was recently demoted because the school nurse, Melissa, always expects Zari to pick up her daughter from school when she is ill. Zari's boss expects her to never leave work, but Melissa refuses to call Zari's husband because "a sick girl needs her mama." Zari is experiencing: A. De malo discrimination B. Side-effect discrimination C. De jure discrimination D. Past-in-present discrimination


__________ is a form of subjugation that keeps minorities powerless by formally separating them from the dominant group and depriving them of access to the dominant institutions. A. Slavery B. Segregation C. Population transfer D. Which of the following solutions addresses racism at an individual level? Selected Answer: C. Human rights movements Correct Answer: C. Tolerance-education programs Genocide


__________ refers to how individuals are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess. A. Social capital B. Social stratification C. Social status D. Social differentiation


Performance evaluation serves a number of purposes, including determining who gets merit increases and other rewards. This is an example of which of the following functions of performance evaluation?

Basis for reward allocations

Elite theory

Believe it is inevitable that a small group of elite will rule societies

Which of the following is considered an ethnic group?

Blacks, Asians, Norwegian Americans

All of the following are TRUE about both positive and negative reinforcement EXCEPT:

Both positive and negative reinforcement tend to weaken behavior and decrease it subsequent frequency.

means of production

Bourgeois control _____________

norms and values of society

Bourgeois control _____________ of society

Which is the highest social caste in India's caste system?


Which of the following is an effective alternative to prison?

Building social capital

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a bureaucratic organizational structure?

Bureaucratic controls can suppress initiative and decision making at lower levels.

Which of the following is an example of what Vablen called conspicuous consumption?

Buying a new cadillac Escalade


By 2008, the number of female householders accounted for 51 percent of the poor in the U.S. This alarming trend is referred to as ________ of poverty

A manager trying to motivate an employee should

By observing leaders and socialization

de facto discrmination

By policy, women are allowed to compete for spots on a particular high school football team. However, in practice, most are unable to try out because of rules that permit only people who have played on junior high school teams are to join, and none of the local junior high schools allow girls to play football. Therefore, girls who want to try out for this high school's football team are victims of

"Deviance serves vital social functions." This statement most closely reflects: A. Feminist theory B. Symbolic interaction theory C. Structural-functional theory D. Conflict theory


"Each sex plays a complimentary role to ensure the survival and efficiency of society" is a tenet of which sociological theory? A. Symbolic interactionist B. Conflict C. Structural-functionalist D. Feminist


"Gender division of labor exists in modern societies because it is efficient and useful to have different-but-complementary male and female roles." This statement most closely reflects: A. Conflict theory B. Symbolic interaction theory C. Structural-functional theory D. Feminist theory


. According to the text, lynching, killings, and hate crimes are all examples of: . . A. . Fads . . B. . Riots . . C. . Mobs . . D. . Demonstrations


. Which of the following is a proactive social movement? . . A. . A group that is against gay marriage . . B. . A group that lobbies for men to earn a "family wage" . . C. . A group promoting gay marriage . . D. . A group that supports stay-at-home mothers


. Worldwide networks of labor resources and production processes that create a product are called: . . A. . International markets . . B. . International chains . . C. . Commodity chains . . D. . Channels of productivity


According to ___________, the U.S. flag has become a sacred icon. A. symbolic interactionists B. rational choice theorists C. exchange theorists D. structural-functionalists


According to evolutionary theory, societies typically move through stages in which order? . . A. . Horticultural, hunting and gathering, agrarian, industrial . . B. . Agrarian, hunting and gathering, horticultural, industrial . . C. . Hunting and gathering, horticultural, agrarian, industrial . . D. . Hunting and gathering, agrarian, horticultural, industrial


According to the text, in which of the following countries is it a violation of the law to fail to vote? A. The United States B. Canada C. Australia D. None of the above


According to the text, teachers are most likely to reward girls for being: A. Passive and erasing the board B. Competitive and good listeners C. Obedient and passive D. Obedient and strategic thinkers


According to the text, which country accounts for 48 percent of world military spending? A. Great Britain B. Iran C. The United States D. North Korea


According to your text, which of the following types of authority is passed on through the generations? A. Rational-legal authority B. Royal authority C. Traditional authority D. Charismatic authority


All of the following individuals are considered charismatic leaders except: A. Jesus B. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. C. Captain Jack Sparrow (the pirate) D. Adolf Hitler


Carlin wants to study the civil rights movement in the United States. His hypothesis is that the movement has actually been a series of slow, small changes that have helped society run more smoothly. Carlin is most likely using a ________ perspective. . . A. . world systems . . B. . symbolic interactionist . . C. . functionalist . . D. . conflict


Discrimination that is done deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior to or fundamentally different from men: A. Side effect discrimination B. De facto discrimination C. De jure discrimination D. Past-in-present discrimination


In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, voter turnout was: A. 51 percent B. 42 percent C. 62 percent D. 85 percent


Irene has been working at Megacorp for 10 years. She has an impeccable record and has received wonderful reviews. Still, she cannot figure out why the men that started the job at the same time she did have been promoted several levels while she has only received one promotion. Irene may be experiencing: A. The glass escalator B. Gender vertigo C. The glass ceiling D. The sticky floor


It is the year 2100 and you are the first sociologist on Mars. Your job is to understand inequality on the Martian Base. Which of the following scenarios would you not expect? A. The smarter, more sexually attractive scientists are given more Martian Rocks. B. The scientists have collectively decided that Martian Rocks are valuable. C. There is no inequality on Mars; it is a utopian society that shares all things equally. D. Inequality exists due to the social allocation of Martian Rocks.


Josh, a young black adult who grew up poor in New York, is having difficulty in college. He does not know how to dress for "formal" events, how to tie a tie, or own a pair of dress shoes. According to sociologists, Josh lacks: A. Prestige B. Solidarity C. Cultural capital D. Class consciousness


Leilani is struggling to get a promotion at her law firm, spend quality time with her husband, and ensure her children get enough attention from her. She is most likely being affected by: A. Xeno syndrome B. Gender privilege C. Superwoman image D. Beauty image


Minority groups in the United States have, on average, significantly lower net worth than white Americans even when the two have similar education, income, and occupations. Sociologists attribute the wealth gap largely to housing policies that excluded minority individuals from home ownership. This is an example of __________ discrimination. A. de jure B. purposeful C. past-in-present D. side-effect


The forms of deviance in which formal penalties are imposed by society are considered ________. A. stigmas B. deviant norms C. crimes D. recidivism


The self-fulfilling prophesy is associated with: A. Differential association theory B. Strain theory C. Labeling theory D. Social control theory


The spread of a new finding from one place to another is known as: . . A. . Discovery . . B. . Innovation . . C. . Diffusion . . D. . Invention .


The structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups that results in minority members losing their original identity refers to: A. Transnationalism B. Cultural relativism C. Assimilation D. Pluralism


The term ________________ refers to "identification as someone who is challenging, questioning, or changing gender from that assigned at birth to a chosen gender." A. gender identity B. intersexed C. transgender D. transvestite


Thomas is a boy who was ridiculed for wearing a skirt to school one day. Which of the following did Thomas violate? A. Sexual expectations B. Gender identity C. Gender roles D. Sexual orientation


When Eric was waiting for class to start, he considered starting a conversation with one of his classmates. However, Eric decided they all looked like "frat boys" and he figured they would have nothing in common, so he sat silently and waited for class to start. Eric's behavior can be best described as: A. Negative contact B. Racism C. Stereotyping D. Institutionalized discrimination


Which of the following aspects is not characteristic of the "ideal" American male? A. 6′2ʺ B. Lightish brown if black or Hispanic C. Compassionate D. Strait white teeth


Which of the following economic systems stress individual planning and private ownership of property? A. Open systems B. Market systems C. Centralized systems D. Planned systems


Which of the following facts are untrue regarding hate crimes? A. Most are directed against property, not people B. Most are due to racial bias C. Most are due to homophobia D. Both A and B


Which of the following is a social cost of group inequalities? A. Minority individuals may suffer from poor self-concepts and low self-esteem. B. Minorities may be the target of hate crimes through frustration displacement. C. Minority members of a society may not be able to reach their full human potential to maximize their contribute to the society. D. Minority individuals may die as a result of ethnic conflict.


Which of the following is an example of institutionalized discrimination? A. Two women in Wisconsin were fired because their employer hated the fact that they were pregnant B. Sarah earning less money than Paul for doing the exact same job C. Women are expected to changed their names when they marry and questioned if they do not D. A man refusing to offer an older woman his seat on the bus


Which of the following is not a necessary element for collective behavior to occur, according to value-added theory? . . A. . Structural strain . . B. . The spread of a generalized belief . . C. . Strong social controls . . D. . Structural conduciveness


Which of the following is not one of the characteristics shared by "ideal-type" democracies? A. Civil liberties are guaranteed B. Constitutional limits are placed on governmental powers C. They are usually headed by military juntas D. Citizens participate in selecting the government


Which of the following solutions addresses racism at the group level? A. Tolerance-education programs B. Education reforms C. Positive contact D. Human rights movements


Which of the following statements about rumors is false? . . A. . Rumors involve unsupported or unproven reports about something. . . B. . Rumors may spread locally or spread more widely because of technology such as the Internet. . . C. . Rumors are a form of mass behavior. . . D. . Rumors are a form of crowd behavior.


Which of the following statements about social mobility in the United States is false? A. There is a high level of occupation inheritance. B. Sons are more likely to move up than down. C. The mobility of women reflects the occupational achievements of their mothers. D. The higher the father's occupation level, the better the son's chance for occupational achievement.


Which of the following statements is true about the selection of names for newborn children? A. Girls are more often given strong, hard names that end in consonants. B. Boys' names are given to girls only when they are feminized. C. A name that is for males may for a time be given to either sex, but then is demoted to girls. D. None of the above is true


Which theoretical perspective argues that deviance will always exist unless the current structure of society is changed dramatically? A. Labeling B. Strain C. Conflict D. Structural-functionalist


_______ is defined as the violation of social norms. A. Stigma B. Crime C. Deviance D. Recidivism


_______________ refers to the social institution that determines and exercises power relations in society. A. Congress B. Law enforcement C. Politics D. Economics


__________________ theorists believe political systems serve important purposes in society. A. Conflict B. Pluralist C. Functional D. Power-elite


____________________ theorists think underlying social problems cause disruptions to the system, including war, terrorism, and revolution. A. Pluralist B. Conflict C. Functional D. Elite


__________________focuses on social processes that define homosexuality as deviant and legitimize heterosexuality as the only normal lifestyle. A. Heteronormativity B. Xenophobia C. Heterosexism D. Homophobia


failures and shortcomings. A. Prejudice B. Self-fulfilling prophecy C. Scapegoating D. Stereotyping


5 Social classes

Capitalists Managers Petty Bourgeoisie Workers Underclass

All of the following individuals are considered charismatic leaders except:

Captain Jack Sparrow (the pirate)

Which of the four system of strati faction allows the least opportunity for social mobility among all members of a society?


Clothing, speech patterns, family name and identity, skin color,

Castes are recognized through

Occupational positions, marriage partners, residencies, social associations, prestige levels

Castes predetermine

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a spiritual organization?

Censorship of employee expression

Which of the following economic systems involve state-based planning and control of property?


_____ are responsible for initiating and managing change within an organization.

Change agents

Which of the following is NOT a barrier to effective communication?

Channel richness

_____ refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode.

Channel richness

Who Is Poor in America?

Children and mothers are more likely than others to be poor, while the elderly are less likely than others to be poor.

Which of the following individuals would have the narrowest field of elligible marriage partners based on background expectations?

Christian, the son of a CEO of a major corporation

According to Weber, governments are given legitimate power when:

Citizens acknowledge that the government has the right to exercise power over them

According to Karl Marx, the working class must develop ____ ___ to bring about social change.

Class consciousnesses

According to Karl Marx, which of the following was the crucial determinant of economic, political, and social inequality?

Class differentiation

A has ____ power over B if A can dismiss, suspend, or demote B, assuming that B values his or her job.



Concepts or ideas that vary in frequency or occurrence across people, times, or places.

According to Kolb's Learning Style Type, which of the following describes the accommodative learning style?

Concrete experience, active experimentation, adaptive

Which theoretical perspective argues that deviance will always exist unless the current structure of society is changed dramatically?


________________ theorists argue that poor women in capitalistic economic systems are used as reserve labor force that can be called and dismissed as needed.


Which of the following is true about conflict?

Conflict can be both positive and negative.

important decisions that benefit one over another. Evolutionary theory

Conflicts of interest occur over _____


Conformity of behavior or ________________ is emphasized by a number of religions such as Islam.

Lindsey needs a car to get back and forth from her home in the city to her university, which are 4 miles apart. When shopping for a car, Lindsey decides to buy a Hummer H3 because she wants a car that her peers will notice and respect. Through this purchase, Lindsey exhibits:

Conspicuous Consumption

Lindsey needs a car to get back and forth from her home in the city to her university, which are 4 miles apart. When shopping for a car, Lindsey decides to buy a Hummer H3 because she wants a car that her peers will notice and respect. Through this purchase, Lindsey exhibits:

Conspicuous consumption

People with positive _____ believe in their inner worth and basic competence.

Core self-evaluations

Which of the following is an example of social capital?

Country Club Membership

Which of the following statements is not true about cohabitation trends?

Couples who cohabit before marriage are less likely to get divorced.

As a rule of thumb, in the absence of information, what do many employees do?

Create and spread rumors

What is the trend in work space design?

Creating public spaces for employees to use for various purposes

Problem recognition, immersion, incubation, insight, and verification describe what organizational process?

Creative decision making

Matthew Shepard was killed by a group of young men simply because he was gay. The killing of Matthew Shepard is a form of:

Crowd behavior

Wealth, power and prestige are awarded according to (2)

Cultural Capital Social Capital

'Ethnicity' refers to

Cultural differences

Which is true about flat organization structures?

Customer problems can be solved quickly.

All of the following are tenets of the structural functionalist view of social stratification except:

Customs and traditions in a society often prevail over rational criteria in determining the distribution of scarce resources

All of the following are tenets of the structural functionalist view of social stratification except:

Customs and traditions in a society often prevail over rational criteria in determining the distribution of scarce resources

. Bai-lin is studying a group of anarchists who are working to try to eliminate all government and government control as a whole from the United States, and encourage everyone to rule himself or herself instead. The group Bai-lin is studying is likely a part of a(n): . . A. . Resistance movement . . B. . Social reform movement . . C. . Expressive movement . . D. . Revolutionary movement


. Variations or alterations in the behavior patterns, culture, and structure of society are known as: . . A. . Cyclical theories . . B. . Strain . . C. . Stress . . D. . Social change


. Which of the following is an example of a crowd behavior? . . A. . Rumors . . B. . Fashions . . C. . Fads . . D. . Panics


1. The U.S. prison system was originally designed to: A. Provide revenge and retribution against perpetrators of crimes B. Deter deviance C. Rehabilitate offenders D. All of the above


A clear example of gender socialization is: A. Reading a story to your son B. Taking children on a trip to Disneyworld C. Encouraging children to do math D. Not allowing girls to play in the mud because girls are not supposed to get dirty


A justification to invade Iraq was "to bring democracy to the Iraqi people." This is an example of a(n) ________ justification for war. A. expansionist B. religious C. economic D. ideological


A(n) __________ is a group within the human species that is identified by a society as presumably having certain biologically inherited physical characteristics. A. minority group B. out-group C. ethnic group D. race


According to ___________, the U.S. flag has become a sacred icon. A. symbolic interactionists B. structural-functionalists C. rational choice theorists D. exchange theorists


According to most sociologists, gender roles are: A. Socially constructed B. Created by human beings C. Designed to meet the needs of each society D. All of the above


According to power elite theorists: A. It is primarily through interest groups that we influence decision-making processes B. Politics involves negotiation and compromise between competing groups C. Multiple power centers offer the best chance to maintain democratic forms of government D. It is inevitable that a small group will rule societies


According to social control theory, which of the following actions might influence a person to conform? A. Disapproving nods B. Laws C. A conscious that explains right from wrong D. All of the above


According to the data presented in the text, the United States has more crime than: A. Japan B. Germany C. Australia D. All of the above


According to the text, which of the following is not a typical function of meso-level political institutions? A. To maintain social control B. To protect citizens of the groups C. To serve as an arbiter in disputes D. To socialize new citizens


According to world systems theory, what type of nation provides raw materials and cheap labor for production? . . A. . Core nations . . B. . Semi-periphery nations . . C. . Periphery nations . . D. . Both B and C


According to your text, the oldest warring parties are: A. United States and Iraq B. Columbia and the National Liberation Army C. Sudan and Darfur Rebels D. The Israelis and Palestinians


Anomie and strain are associated with the: A. Symbolic interactionist perspective B. Feminist perspective C. Conflict perspective D. Structural-functionalist perspective


Based on what has worked in Africa, how could the United States improve political representation among women? A. Become a more patriarchal culture B. Discourage women from applying for lower-level offices C. End all quota and affirmative action systems D. Encourage proportional representation


Casey could not believe that her friends were continuing on to college after high school. She found it much more important to try to overthrow the current government, and she planned to chain herself to the capital building and stage a hunger strike until her demands were met. Merton would argue that Casey was coping with strain through: A. Innovation B. Retreatism C. Ritualism D. Rebellion


Comedians such as Dave Chapelle, who use their art to make satirical commentary about race relations in the United States, use which of the following strategies of minority groups when dealing with discrimination and prejudice? A. Direct assimilation B. Direct aggression C. Indirect assimilation D. Indirect aggression


Discriminatory practices that are no longer allowed but that continue to affect people today: A. De jure discrimination B. Side-effect discrimination C. De malo discrimination D. Past-in-present discrimination


Elizabeth argued that one reason women are abused by their husbands is because their unpaid labor is undervalued in society. Which perspective is Elizabeth most likely using? A. Strain B. Structural-functionalist C. Symbolic interactionist D. Feminist


In __________ stratification systems, the characteristics individuals are born with determine one's position in society. A. mobile B. open C. achieved D. ascribed


Juan Carlos originally hoped to purchase a home. However, because he could not earn enough money to ever afford one, he decided that a home was no longer important. Instead, he found happiness through quitting his job, moving into a shack in the woods, and enjoying the solitude. Merton would classify Juan Carlos's adaptation to strain as: A. Rebellion B. Innovation C. Conformity D. Retreatism


Kina is a 17-year-old young woman. Her parents describe her as sweet, kind, and responsible. They say she is this way because they encouraged her to attend church, study hard, and believe that "nice girls finish first." To which theory of deviance do Kina's parents most likely subscribe? A. Labeling theory B. Differential association theory C. Conflict theory D. Social control theory


Lisa strongly believes that certain groups of humans are biologically inferior to other groups of humans and that this is what explains the cultural and social differences between racial groups. Lisa is demonstrating __________ racism. A. traditional B. institutional C. symbolic D. ideological


Organized crime is more prevalent among: A. Men B. Elites C. Whites D. Marginalized ethnic groups


Social forces that keep women from reaching the highest levels of corporate and public responsibility: A. Sticky elevator B. Glass escalator C. Sticky floor D. Glass ceiling


Susan would love to be a lawyer but cannot afford to go to law school. Her boyfriend suggested that she steal from her grandmother's estate in order to finance her education, but she refuses. Instead, she took a two-year course and became a librarian. Merton would classify Susan's actions as: A. Retreatism B. Conformity C. Innovation D. Ritualism


The __________ model of power suggests that individuals with powerful positions in political, business, and military arenas interact with each other and ensure that their power is not threatened. A. evolutionary B. pluralist C. conspicuous consumption D. power elite


The first time humans were systematically classified into different groups in scientific work was in: A. 1816 by Joseph Arthur B. 1909 by Charles Darwin C. 1939 by Adolf Hitler D. 1735 by Carl von Linne


The socially constructed meanings associated with males and females are called: A. Sex B. Gender roles C. Sexuality D. Gender identity


When minority group members internalize prejudiced views about their group and allow these beliefs to shape their behavior, it creates a(n): A. Prejudice B. Stereotype C. Frustration D. Self-fulfilling prophecy


Which country has the lowest percentage of women in national politics? A. Rwanda B. Denmark C. Norway D. The United States


Which of the following economic systems involve state-based planning and control of property? A. Non-Western systems B. Open systems C. Market systems D. Centralized systems


Which of the following individuals is credited with the most often used definition of power? A. Auguste Comte B. Karl Marx C. Émile Durkheim D. Max Weber


Which of the following is a function of a ready labor force, according to structural-functional theorists? A. Ethnic conflicts establish the dominant group. B. Hostilities between groups create social change. C. Minority groups provide a target for frustrations. D. The ready labor force will complete menial, unskilled jobs largely unattractive to the majority of society.


Which of the following is an example of a consensus crime? A. Chemical offenses B. Prostitution C. Political disenfranchisement D. Murder


Which of the following social scientists distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate power? A. Wilfred Pareto B. Robert Michaels C. C. Wright Mills D. Max Weber


Which of the following statements about gender and the mass media is false? A. By the time they start school, average American children will have spent more time in front of a television than they will in classrooms in the coming 12 years of school. B. Video games that dehumanize women teach and perpetuate stereotypes about women. C. Women in soap operas and ads are often depicted as having problems in carrying out their role responsibilities. D. Women who are quite large are almost entirely depicted as positive role models


Which of the following statements regarding language and sexual inequality is false? A. Women who use direct, unsoftened language are perceived as "bitchy." B. Women who "soften" their language are more accepted. C. Women who "soften" their language may be perceived as insecure. D. The terms spinster and bachelor are equivalent in terms of positive connotation.


Which of the following types of authority is held by an individual with extraordinary personal characteristics? A. Traditional authority B. Irrational authority C. Charismatic authority D. Rational-legal authority


Which of the following types of authority is held by leaders that have the expertise to carry out the duties of their positions? A. Charismatic authority B. Irrational authority C. Traditional authority D. Rational-legal authority


White-collar crime is: A. Less visible than violent crimes B. More costly than violent crimes C. More deadly than violent crimes D. All of the above


William Julius Wilson refers to the urban poor that exist outside of the functioning economic system as the: A. True minority B. Trapped poor C. Urban center D. Underclass


Your boss pressuring you to donate to the company charity when you have never supported the charity before is a: . . A. . Stigma . . B. . Symbolic change . . C. . Strain . . D. . Stress


Zhen Wu lives in a rapidly changing society. Technology is changing more quickly than most people can keep up, and the government was recently overthrown. Zhen Wu as well as his family, friends, and neighbors experience a host of new opportunities, excitement, and anxiety. Which of the following is most likely to be the result of these changes? A. Strain B. Restitution C. Communism D. Anomie


_________ occurs when each ethnic group or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions. A. Transnationalism B. Genocide C. Assimilation D. Pluralism


The Hindu religion holds that individuals are born into one of four Varna or into a fifth group below the caste system known as the _______________ group.


According to the Holmes and Rahe "Social Adjustment Rating Scale," which of the following is considered the most stressful event?

Death of a spouse

Since 1969, the middle class in the United States has:


During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties exchange their initial proposals or demands?

Definition of ground rules

What are demand characteristics and how might they threaten the validity of laboratory research findings?

Demand characteristics are things that participants in experiment observe that they think are clues as to how they are supposed to act and what the purpose of the experiment is. This threatens the validity of the experiment because it changes how the participants might act in according to what they think the experimenter expects of them. This creates inaccurate results.

Which of the following individual qualities is not required in ethical decision making?

Dependence on a supervisor to always tell you what is right.

Access to healthcare

Depends on one's position in the stratification system


Determining exactly how to measure concepts.

more difficult. Lower level positions and mothers may not have worked full time.

Determining mobility of women is

Which of the following is incorrect?

Deviants always purposely and knowingly break the law.

"People learn to conform or deviate from the individuals they spend time with." With which theory does this statement best fit?

Differential association

The gap between those with access to information technology and those without is known as the:

Digital divide

The gap between those with access to information technology and those without is known as the:

Digital divide

Discrimination: Meso-Level Analysis

Discrimination is actions taken against members of a minority group Discrimination and prejudice are often found working together and reinforce one another

Past-in-Present Discrimination

Discriminatory practices that are no longer allowed by that continue to affect people today.

Conspicuous Consumption

Displaying goods in a way that others will notice and will presumably earn the owner respect

Conspicuous consumption

Displaying goods in a way that will get the owner noticed and earn the respect of others is

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of trust?



During the popularization stage, the purpose for a social movement is known and concrete.

According to the Myers-Briggs type Indicator, people who are classified as _____ are conceptualizers.



Educated guesses about the empirical relationship between two variables.

Social Status

Educational organizations treat children differently according to

Which of the following is true concerning online leadership?

Effective on-line leaders need to develop the skill of deciphering the emotional components of messages.

Which of the following statements about elite theory is false?

Elite theorists believe that no one group dictates all policy.

Ulla wants to study the way that groups of individuals react to a terrorist attack in their area. She feels that their confusion following the attack will lead to the development of new definitions of acceptable behavior. Which theory is Ulla most likely using?

Emergent norm theory

_____ refers to an employee's expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions at work.

Emotional labor

_____ refers to an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work she does.

Employee engagement

_____ is a participative process that uses the entire capacity of employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organization's success.

Employee involvement

Which of the following is true about employee recognition?

Employees welcome praise as much as a paycheck.

Which of the following is true about stress?

Employees with external locus of control perceive situations to be more stressful than employees with internal locus of control.

precarious work

Employment that is poorly paid and from the worker's perspective, insecure and unprotected is called

Based on what has worked in Africa, how could the United States improve political representation among women?

Encourage proportional representation

Which of the following is NOT a key element in motivation?


_____ exists when an individual perceives that the ratio of their inputs to outcomes is dissimilar to the ration of relevant others.

Equity tension

_____ is an increased commitment to a previous decision in spite of negative information.

Escalation of commitment

Family of Procreation

Established when we find a life mate and/or have our own children.

ownership of land, position one is born into, military strength

Estate systems are based on

Which term is used to describe a group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns?

Ethnic group

status group

Every evening at a neighborhood bar, the clientele, which consists of construction workers, police officers, plumbers, and factory workers, watches sports events on the big screen television set and plays pool. The people who hang out in this bar are an example of a


Everyone who lives in country X is considered to be Buddhist. The religion in country X is a(n):

_____ is a field of study that examines the extent to which emotions, whether positive or negative, serve a purpose.

Evolutionary psychology

Structural functionalism and Conflict theory

Evolutionary theory draws from

According to ___________, the U.S. flag has become a sacred icon.

Exchange theorists

According to Karl Marx, which of the following will inevitably lea to the destruction of the capitalist system?

Exploitation of the proletariat.

undermine productivity.

Extraordinary amounts of differential access to resources may

Because members of the capitalist class have the greatest opportunities for travel and to meet people from various walks of life, their children have a wide field of "eligibles" from which to choose a husband or wife. T/F


Defining social class in America is an objective science because there are clear-cut, agreed-upon definitions of each class.T/F


Functionalists believe that deviance has no useful purpose in society and only contributes to social chaos. T/F


People in the capitalist class are more likely to experience mental health problems because of the excessive stress associated with managing high-powered jobs.T/F


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is binding on all moments of the United Nations, effectively put an end to all forms of slavery.


The higher a persons position on the social class ladder the more likely they will become a victim of crime. T/F


The rate of divorce among remarried couples is much lower than the rate of divorce among first time marriages.T/F


The split labor market and reserve labor force are most aligned with the symbolic interactionist perspective. T/F


Wealth and income are interchangeable terms, each meaning the same in reference to social class. T/F


With the need for independence and greater opportunity, children are leaving home at an earlier age and less likely to return home after they leave. T/F


Movement up and down the ladder from one generation to the next

Fathers and sons: Considerable

Occupational inheritance

Fathers and sons: High level of

move up than down

Fathers and sons: More likely to

Which of the following was NOT specifically suggested by your author as a general category of employee skills?


Intergenerational Mobility

First-generation college graduates that become physicians reflect [?]

How many classes did Daniel Rossides include in his model of class structure in the United States?


An analysis of the payoffs in favor of change and the forces rewarding the status quo is known as a:

Force-field analysis

____ groups are defined by the organization's structure.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organizational culture?


Which of the following is NOT a technique to enhance creativity?

Forming homogeneous work groups


Forms of deviance in which formal penalties are imposed by society.

Which of the following is NOT a way that culture is created?

Founders poll early employees to determine the appropriate cultural values.

Which organization structure is best suited to leveraging specialization?


__________________ theorists believe political systems serve important purposes in society.


____________________ theorists think underlying social problems cause disruptions to the system, including war, terrorism, and revolution.



Functionalists argue that social norms define what counts as illness and how to treat it.

In which of the following ways can a person rise to what Weber would call a higher status group?

Gain membership in an influential group

_____ is an incentive plan where improvements in group productivity determine the total amount of money that is allocated.


Functionalist Perspective

Gerhard Lenski argues that social inequality may have once served the overall purposes of society, but the degree of social and economic inequality that now exists far exceeds the need to provide for goods and services. This facet of Lenski's analysis is consistent with which perspective

Which of the following statements is true concerning change?

Global competition is the leading force driving change at work.

Which of the following statements is true about group dynamics?

Groups go through predictable stages to become productive.

Which is NOT a weakness of group decision-making?

Groups offer increased diversity of views.

Which of the following describes people with a directive style of decision making?

Has a low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality

Which of the following is NOT an example of racial profiling?

Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a black Harvard University professor, was arrested in his own home for disorderly conduct.

Which of the following is true of heuristics?

Heuristics lead to biases in judgment.

_____ are more likely to engage in impression management, molding their image to fit the situation.

High self-monitors

Which of the following is the foundation of all organization cultures?

History of the company and its founders

Which of the following statements is true?

Homophobia is highly correlated with a belief in a traditional gender

Which of the following statements is true?

Homophobia is highly correlated with a belief in traditional gender roles.


Hostility or rejection of outgroup members, strong feelings of superiority and feelings of prejudice and ethnocentrism are all characteristics of...

Relationships between rich and poor people. Conflict Theory

How are _______________ shaped by this process.

identities are formed because they feel welcomed and belonged in a group, maintained by interpreting the faith, sometimes altered because they don't feel belonging or govt

How are religious identities formed, maintained and, in some cases, altered?

being treated differently, being denied the right to do normal things, denied a job based on race or accent.

How can we identify racism?

alienated in routine, dull jobs . Conflict theory

How do many people become _______ in which they have little involvement and no investment in the end product?

Necessities. Conflict Theory

How do societies produce ______________

Socialization Process

How does the family reinforce status?

Manufacturing jobs have moved to developing countries. Upward mobility is taking place among those who come from small highly educated families with get ahead values.

How have opportunities for upward mobility changed significantly with globalization

Social Stratification

How individuals and groups are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess.

Social Stratification

How individuals are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess.

All of the following are predetermined in caste stratification systems except:

How many children an individual will have


How we experience our bodies individually and in relation to others.

A system of planned organizational change in which workers in the company are involved in the decision-making process to change the internal dynamics of a company to make it more efficient is a:

Human relations approach

According to evolutionary theory, societies typically move through stages in which order?

Hunting and gathering, horticultural, agrarian, industrial

Which of the following scenarios best depicts how power operates at the micro-level?

Husbands and wives often argue about the division of labor within the household.


Identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group and observance of that group's customs, beliefs, and language.

_____ occurs when people associate two events, when there is no real connection.

Illusory correlation

world system theory

Immanuel Wallerstein's theory that the interconnectedness of the world system began in the 1500s, when Europeans began their economic and political domination of the rest of the world. Because capitalism depends on generating the maximum profits for the minimum expenditures, the world system continues to benefit rich countries (which acquire the profits) and harm the rest of the world (by minimizing local expenditures and therefore perpetuating poverty)

_____ is the process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them.

Impression management

Revolutionary leaders

In Karl Marx's view of class conscious workers in revolt, who will guide the working class in its struggle?

false consciousness

In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a

the primary mode of economic production

In Karl Marx's view, social relations during any period of history depend on who controls

Which of the following is correc

In negotiations, Brazilians are likely to use physical contact.

Upper class

In sociologist Daniel Rossides's model of the class system of the U.S., which social class contains the smallest portion of the population?

The U.S. System of Ethnic Classification

In the U.S. everyone is assigned to one of two ethnic categories: - 1. Hispanic or Latino - (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American cultures or other Spanish culture or origin - can be of any race). - The term applies to 21 Latin American countries (excluding Brazil) - 2. Not Hispanic or Latino - Includes anyone who is not Hispanic or Latino - can be of any race The government dose not recognize multi-ethnic origins: - People with one Hispanic/Latino parent and one who is not cannot officially claim both heritages. The government considers such people to share their mother's ethnicity only. If the mother is a mix of both categories above, the child is assigned to the first ethnicity the mother names when asked her ethnic backgrounds.

which of the following is the most basic characteristic of class system?

Income inequality

Which is NOT one of the three primary factors that differentiate virtual teams from face-to-face teams?

Increased social rapport

What is the relationship between size and group performance?

Increases in group size are inversely related to individual performance.

Through rapidly fading, a caste system still exist in which of the following countries?


Policies to Reduce Prejudice, Racism, and Discrimination

Individual or small group Therapy solutions • Human relations workshops, group encounters and therapy is functional with small numbers of people. For example close interaction in a school will bring interracial relationships closer on the individual level. The higher the people's education levels, the more likely they are to respect and like others and to have tolerance for differences. Tolerance-education programs helps racism at an individual level but not meso- macro level problems. Group contact • Integrated housing projects, job programs to promote minority hiring, busing children to schools. Institutional and societal strategies -Lobbying, educational information dissemination, canvassing Government agencies -Civil Rights Commission, Fair Employment Practices Commission, Equal Employment -Opportunity Commission Legislation -Nonviolent Resistance Protest marches, rallies, watchdog monitoring, and boycotts

In terms of false consciousness, Karl Marx worried that the workers would adopt which of the following viewpoints?

Individualistic viewpoint

How does primary deviance differ from secondary deviance?

Individuals are not labeled as "deviant" unless they commit secondary deviance.

Symbolic Interaction (3)

Individuals learn their position through socialization Cultural Capital Influences children's school and home environments Symbols often represent social positions

control as much as possible, Conflict theory

Individuals will attempt to ______

Which of the following accurately describes organizational change?

Individuals' ability to learn to deal with change is a major part of managing change.

top 10 women CEOs in US corporations

Indra Nooyi, Pepsico Irene Rosenfeld, Kraft Foods Pat Woertz, Archer Danields Midland Angela Braly, Wellpoint Corporation Andrew Jung, Avon Products Ophra Winfrey, Harpo

Which of the following is NOT a determinant of an organization's structure?


sex, gender, and identity at macro-level

Inequality at the global/na*onal level is independent of personal prejudices • Ins'tu'onalized discrimina'on-‐ paVerns of social ac*on that are imbedded in the en*re social system may influence women and men, providing unrecognized privileges or disadvantages

_____ bargaining builds long-term relationships and facilitates working together in the future.


__________________ theorists focus on symbols and constructions of reality that allow some persons to assume power.


Social Units

Interconnected parts of the social world ranging from small groups to entire societies.

First-generation college graduates who become physicians reflect:

Intergenerational mobility

_____ skills training includes learning how to be a better listener and how to be a more effective team player.


Which of the following statements is true concerning the climate of trust?

Interpersonal trust among team members reduces the need to monitor each others behavior.

Which of the following is a frequently used research method for organizational behavior?


Which of the following statements is true about Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.

Each of the following is a question your text suggests to analyze ethical questions except:

Is the action legal?

Which of the following is true about job enrichment?

It increases employee responsibility.

What does the spirit of capitalism refer to, as proposed by Max Weber?

It is a new approach to work and money that emphasizes investment to make profit.

Which sentence best describes the divorce rate of remarried people without children?

It is about the same as the divorce rate of first marriages.

Which of the following accurately describes social loafing?

It is also known as freeloading.

Which of the following is true about gender differences in leadership?

It is difficult to judge the truth about stereotypes of gender differences.

Which of the following is NOT descriptive of institutional discrimination?

It is frequently unintended and unconscious.

John was adopted as an infant by the Smiths, and has always considered them his real family. What do sociologists classify the Smith family as it is regarded by John?

It is his family of orientation.

According to power elite theorists:

It is inevitable that a small group will rule societies

The concept of the relativity of deviance is BEST illustrated by which of the following statements?

It is not the act itself, but the reaction of others to the act that makes it deviant.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Vroom's expectancy theory?

It is one of the most widely accepted theories of motivation.

personal approach to decision making

Janis Mann process called the conflict model

The practice the South employed after the Civil War to segregate blacks from whites was called ________.

Jim Crow Law

_____ may be implemented by combining tasks, forming natural work units, establishing client relationships, expanding jobs vertically, and opening feedback channels.

Job enrichment

____ (or cross-training) is the periodic shifting of an employee from one task to another.

Job rotation


Jose walks into a realtor's office and inquires about renting an apartment in an upscale neighborhood in his city. The desk receptionist can be heard muttering to herself silently "Great, another Mexican who wants to bring down that neighborhood." Nevertheless, she hands him an application and pen and tells him to be seated while she gets a realtor to assist him further. Jose has been a victim of

class differentiation

Karl Marx argued that social, economic, and political inequalities are dependent on

Means of production

Karl Marx defined classes in terms of their relationship to:

the working class

Karl Marx used the term "proletariat" to refer to

The term affirmative action first appeared in an executive order issued by President


Which theorist(s) is/are most strongly associated with the structural functionalist view of social stratification?

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill functionally important positions

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore argue that stratification is universal and that social inequality

Cultural capital

Knowledge and access to important information in society

Who created the three-step model for change that includes unfreezing, movement, and refreezing?

Kurt Lewin

The self-fulfilling prophesy is associated with:

Labelling theory

Which type of firm is likely to use a territorial departmentalization structure?

Large service firm

Jim Crow Laws

Laws enacted in the US prior to the 1960s which spelled out differential treatment for racial groups.

Which of the following ideas are associated with Fiedler's contingency theory?

Leaders are classified using an assessment tool called Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale.

____ research emphasizes style; whereas research on ____ focuses on tactics for gaining compliance.

Leadership; power

Which of the following is NOT an individual factor related to political behavior?

Level of trust

conspicuous consumption

Lindsey needs a car to get back and forth from her home in the city to her university, which are four miles apart. When shopping for a car, Lindsey decides to buy a Hummer H3 because she wants a car that her peers will notice and respect. Through this purchase, Lindsey exhibits:


Living with someone in a marriage-like arrangement without the legal obligations and responsibilities of formal marriage.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of physical ability?


Which of the following best describes the observed relationship between religion and social class?

Lower-class individuals in the United States are disproportionately represented in fundamentalist religions.

Which of the following best describes the observed relationship between religion and social class?

Lower-class individuals in the United States are disproportionately represented in fundamentalist religions.

Which of the following social scientists distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate power?


Which of the following economic systems stress individual planning and private ownership of property?

MArket systems

Individuals who are high in the _____ dimension of personality manipulate more, win more, are persuaded less, and persuade others more.



Many men receive privileges in society that they did not request and of which they may not even be aware.

Organized crime is more prevalent among:

Marginalized ethnic groups

Which of the following is true of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

Maslow believed that humans were creative beings seeking self-actualization.

Thomas, a revolutionary sociologist, is organizing a social movement in Kentucky. Unfortunately, his social movement lacks a clear leadership structure, division of labor, or sense of group action. Thomas's social movement is best classified as:

Mass behavior

crowd behavior

Matthew Shepard was killed by a group of young men, simply because he was gay. The killing of Matthew Shepard is a form of:

life chances

Max Weber referred to people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable experiences as

wealth and income

Max Weber uses the term "class" to refer to people who share a similar level of

Which of the following individuals is credited with the most often used definition of power?

Max weber

Which one of the following is NOT a factor that influences perception?


Which of the following is considered an ethnic group

Mexican Americans, Irish Americans, Puerto Ricans

The estate system was associated with feudal societies during what period of history?

Middle ages


Middle class makes up _____% of population

Occupational Structure, Population Trends, Gender and Ethnicity, Interdependent global market

Mobility depends on macro factors (4)

Socialization, Family Background, Education

Mobility depends on micro factors (3)

According to the text, lynching, killings, and hate crimes are all examples of:


What is the relationship between stress and job performance?

Moderate stress correlates with high performance.

Which of the following statements about terrorism is false?

Modern terrorist organizations are national governments (e.g., Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea).

middle class

Most Americans, when asked to identify their social class, claim that they belong to the

Which of the following facts are untrue regarding hate crimes?

Most are due to homophobia

Caste systems

Most rigid ascribed systems

_____ is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end, and relaxation, tranquility, and poise on the low end.

Negative affect

Social Capital

Networks with others who have influence

A technique for bringing about change at the institutional and societal levels used by Mahatma Gandhi, Jesse Jackson, and Caesar Chavez was:

Nonviolent resistance

_____ commitment refers to an employee's obligation to remain with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.


overrepresented occupation in women

Number 1: dental hygienists secretaries receptionist child care workers

____ training includes job rotation, apprenticeships, understudy assignments, and formal mentoring programs.


false consciousness

One shortcoming of Karl Marx's work is that he failed to anticipate the extent to which political liberties and relative prosperity could contribute to

Illustrate the power of the situation using an example from your own life (e.g., describe a time when others failed to recognize you because the situation was different from usual, or describe a time when a given situation influenced you to act contrary to your beliefs).

One time I had a history class where I was the only girl and so when discussing women's suffrage I feel like my comments were maybe toned down on the feminism because I had no one else in the class who understood the role of women and at times our apparent inferiority in society.

achieved status

One's level of education is always

Which of the following statements is true about organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior is a study of individuals, groups, and structure.

Teams are most effective when staffed with people who are _____.

Organizational demographics

_____ is a paradigm that values human and organizational growth, collaborative processes, and a spirit of inquiry.

Organizational development

Determining the tasks to be done, who should do them, and who reports to whom is an example of which management function?


culture of poverty

Oscar Lewis's theory that poverty is not a result of individual inadequacies, but of larger social and cultural factors. Poor children are socialized into believing that they have nothing to strive for, that there is no point in working to improve their conditions. As adults, they are resigned to a life of poverty, and they socialize their children the same way. Therefore poverty is transmitted from one generation to another


Our social positions.

Which of the following is an example of a crowd behavior?


The two main forms of democratic constitutional government are:

Parliamentary and presidential

Who developed the situational leadership model?

Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard

Ranked Categories

People are divided into

Significant Others

People primary to us and who we have sustained interactions with.

personality and occupation are in agreement


_____ tests assess the applicant's ability in an authentic situation.

Performance simulation

According to world systems theory, what type of nation provides raw materials and cheap labor for production?

Periphery nations

What does the P stand for in the equation B = ƒ(P x E)?


Which of the following is NOT an organizational constraint on decision-making?


Which of the following is considered an unethical political tactic to gain power in an organization?

Playing territorial games

"Power is distributed among various groups so that no one group rules." This statement is most likely to be made by a(n):

Pluralist theorist

Pluralist theory

Pluralist theorists believe that power is distributed among various groups so that no one group rules Politics involves negotiation and compromise between competing groups Multiple power centers offer the best chance to maintain democratic forms of government because no one group dominates and many citizens are involved

______ occurs when people within organizations use whatever influence they can to taint the facts to support their goals and interests.


_______________ refers to the social institution that determines and exercises power relations in society


Most studies confirm that the concept of _____ is central to understanding sexual harassment.


What type of power will help a leader establish a power base?

Power as an expert

"Control is concentrated in the hands of the privileged, and the masses have little influence." This statement most closely reflects:

Power elite theory

Conflict Perspective on deviance

Power is central, marxist/critical theory, feminist perspectives and the confluence of race, class and gender

Which of the following is the most effective technique for preventing and reducing stress?

Power napping

Which of the following is an ascribed status?



Prior to the 19th century, the primary influence on the way people viewed the world was based on...

Which of the following is NOT a substitute for leadership?

Professional orientation of employees

According to the text, the goal of capitalism is:


class consciousness

Proletariats will remain exploited as long as they do not develop a

Debate the pros and cons of deception in social psychological experimentation.

Pros: -more accurate results -more control over the experiment -can help create more valid and reliable results Cons: -possible psychological harm to the participant because of the false information they are possibly fed during the experiment -can create demand characteristics

What behavioral science discipline has made the MOST significant contributions to understanding individual behavior?



Racial and ethnic majority groups are the groups to which the largest percentage of a country's population belongs.

To study why women kill their abusive husbands, Robin plans to look at the positive and negative sanctions they weighed when deciding to do so. Which theory is Robin most likely using?

Rational choice

"A group seeking change can attempt to set up a situation in which desired behavior is rewarded." This statement most closely reflects:

Rational choice theory

Which of the following types of authority is held by an individual with extraordinary personal characteristics?

Rational-legal authority

Which of the following types of authority is held by leaders that have the expertise to carry out the duties of their positions?

Rational-legal authority

Which of the following types of authority is most typical of modern nation-states?

Rational-legal authority

Religious Affiliation

Reflects one's social status

Political systems

Reinforce the stratification system through laws, courts and policing

_______ conflicts are almost always dysfunctional.


Emily works and makes a modest salary. However, Emily is unable to provide new clothes or a two-bedroom apartment for her or her children. She is experiencing:

Relative poverty

Which of the following is true about Total Quality Management (TQM)?

Relies on bottom-up, participative decision making in planning and execution

Which of the following usually dictates one's hereditary rank in a caste system?


Why can't sociologists empirically study religion?

Religion is a matter of faith that is beyond objective evaluation.

Which of the following is an example of strain experienced by an organization?

Religious beliefs of management

Social Desirability

Respondents' tendency to answer questions in ways that make them look good.

Juan Carlos originally hoped to purchase a home. However, because he could not earn enough money to ever afford one, he decided that a home was no longer important. Instead, he found happiness through quitting his job, moving into a shack in the woods, and enjoying the solitude. Merton would classify Juan Carlos's adaptation to strain as:


Recidivism is:

Returning to prison after already serving a prior term


Returning to prison after already serving a prior term.

Bai-lin is studying a group of anarchists who are working to try to eliminate all government and government control as a whole from the United States, and encourage everyone to rule himself or herself instead. The group Bai-lin is studying is likely a part of a(n):

Revolutionary movement

The degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual is the ____ relationship.

Rewards-personal goals

micro costs and consequences of gender stratification

Rigid stereotyping can have psychological and social consequences for individuals - For men-‐ guilt, anxiety; early death - For women-‐ superwoman image; beauty image • An alterna*ve: androgyny

Susan would love to be a lawyer but cannot afford to go to law school. Her boyfriend suggested that she steal from her grandmother's estate in order to finance her education, but she refuses. Instead, she took a two-year course and became a librarian. Merton would classify Susan's actions as:


Which sociologist developed the typology distinguishing prejudice and discrimination?

Robert Merton


Robert's parents strongly want him to marry another Mormon, preferably from their own congregation. His family is practicing:

_____ describe how others believe you should act in a given situation.

Role expectations

_____ refers to the attitudes and behaviors that are consistent with a role

Role identity

With 54 million members, which denomination has the highest membership in the United States?

Roman Catholic

Which of the following statements about rumors is false?

Rumors are a form of crowd behavior.

__________ occurs when a minority group is blamed for others' failures and shortcomings.


Which is NOT one of the steps in the rational decision making model?

Selecting the decision that satisfices

Which of the following is NOT a common form by which culture is transmitted to employees?


_____ is the drive to become what one is capable of becoming in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


_____, one of the dimensions of emotional intelligence, is awareness of one's feelings.


A belief that becomes a reality is:

Self-fulfilling prophecy

_____ teams go farther than problem-solving teams in getting employees involved in work-related decisions and processes.



Sell their labor to capitalists

Which of the following is NOT identified that managers can create a more ethical culture?

Set aggressive performance goals.

_____ is the learning concept of reinforcing closer and closer approximations to the desired new behavior.


Which of the following is not necessary for a social movement?

Shared social positions among members

What differentiates a team from a group?

Shared versus individual accountability

Patricia J. Williams, an African American academic, writes about her experiences with redlining. What happened after the lender found out she was Black?

She was suddenly asked to pay more and offered a less attractive loan, She was offered the original loan terms only after she threatened to sue, She was told her loan was a "risk" due to falling prices in the neighborhood.

Races can be clearly distinguished on the basis of

Skin color

Kina is a 17-year-old young woman. Her parents describe her as sweet, kind, and responsible. They say she is this way because they encouraged her to attend church, study hard, and believe that "nice girls finish first." To which theory of deviance do Kina's parents most likely subscribe?

Social control theory

Glass Ceiling

Social forces that keep women from reaching the highest levels of corporate and public responsibility.

_____ illustrates a process loss as a result of using teams.

Social loafing

__________ refers to the extent and direction of individual movement in the social stratification system.

Social mobility

_____ is the process that adapts employees to the organization's culture.


Talented individuals; most important positions. SF Theory, Davis and Moore

Societies must motivate ______ to occupy the most ______

class conflict

Sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf has merged Marx's emphasis on __________ with Weber's recognition that power is an important element of stratification.

Karl Marx

Sociologist ______________ has identified a number of social, economic, and political functions that the poor perform for society (e.g., poor people do society's dirty work at low cost; poverty creates jobs for those in occupations serving the poor; the existence of poor people guarantees the higher status of the more affluent).

Ralf Dahrendorf

Sociologist ________________suggests that managers of industry, heads of the government bureaucracy, and legislators are among bourgeoisie, industrial managers, legislators, the judiciary, heads of the government bureaucracy, and others.

closed system

Some analysts suggest that inner-city riots have frequently occurred when poor people realize that their chances of climbing out of poverty are unlikely, because of the structure of our social system. Their frustration is based on their perception that they are living in

Which of the following assumptions do sociologists make about social change?

Some change can be controlled.

very important to society. SF Theory, Davis and Moore

Some positions are more highly valued because people feel they are


Some sociologists have suggested that in the southern U.S. in the pre-civil rights era, an African-American individual was born into a status that would always be subordinate to the status of all of the White members of the community. This would be an example of

Which of the following scenarios best depicts how power operates at the meso-level?

States make decisions about which corporations receive tax breaks.

Individual styles are likely to come into conflict during which stage of group development?


meso and macro costs and consequences of gender stratification

Stra*fica*on has consequences for all social ins*tu*ons Men are able to "take gender privilege with them" Stra*fica*on can lead to: - Poor educa*onal achievement of female children - Loss of human talents and resources of half of the popula*on - Lack of health care coverage for women, which impacts both those women and their children - Social divisiveness leading to aliena*on, if not hos*lity.

The impact that the large "baby boom" generation is having on the U.S. Social Security system is a:


Inevitable and Necessary. SF Theory

Stratification is _______ and ______ part of the social world.

Which of the following is a key assumption of conflict theorists' view of social stratification?

Stratification is the outcome of struggles for dominance in scarce resources.

Carry out their roles. SF Theory

Stratification system motivates individuals to_____________

position in the social world. SF Theory

Stratification system provides each individual a _____________

What triggers the fight or flight response?


Your boss pressuring you to donate to the company charity when you have never supported the charity before is a:


Examples of resources (5)

Strong educational system Well paying jobs Productive land Ample supply of water Access to technology

"Gender division of labor exists in modern societies because it is efficient and useful to have different-but-complementary male and female roles." This statement most closely reflects:

Structural Functional theory

"Deviance serves vital social functions." This statement most closely reflects:

Structural-functional theory

Anomie and strain are associated with the:

Structural-functionalist perspective

In order to build teamwork, a manager should avoid which of the following?

Supervising the group closely

Sara is looking at how sexism is maintained in Britain. Her data suggest that symbols of women as deferential, supplicating, sex-starved beings perpetuate the sexist structure in the isles. Sara is a ___________ theorist.

Symbolic Interaction

_____ is an attribute of work teams which results in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs.


_____ uses high-interaction group activities to increase trust and openness among team members.

Team building

According to the Leadership Grid®, which is the best leadership style?

Team management

Which of the following does NOT explain the current popularity of teams?

Teams enable organizations to better utilize employee talents.

Which is NOT a common class of norms appearing in most work groups?



Terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda are considered [?] in American Society.

Formal Positive Sanction

The Dean's List acts as a [?] in many colleges and universities.

According to your text, the oldest warring parties are:

The Israelis and Palestinians

The U.S. Racial Classification

The U.S. government recognizes 5 official racial categories plus a sixth category as other - 1. American Indian or Alaskan Native - Original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) - tribal affiliation - 2. Asian - People of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent - 3. Black or African American - Origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa - 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific islander - Origins in Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands - 5. White - Origins in Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa - 6. Other - For people who resist identifying with one of the five racial categories above As of 2000 the federal government allowed people to identify with more than one racial category on the census Source: Sociology A Global Perspective by Joan Ferrante

According to the text, which country accounts for 48 percent of world military spending?

The US

Income Inequality

The United States has the most extreme income inequality in the developed world, with the top 5 percent earning an average of 11 times more than the bottom 20 percent. Further, the income gap in the United States is widening, more than doubling between 1980 and 2000. There are even greater gaps between white people and people of color.

Which of the following is not true about social movements?

The are usually begun by individuals within the power structure

Which of the following statements about the history of the car is false?

The car changed dating behavior, as it allowed women to travel farther to find husbands.

Absolute poverty

The commonly used "poverty line" measure of poverty used by the federal government is used to measure which type of poverty?

Crimes against the company are more likely to occur when:

The company is large

Material Culture

The currency a culture uses to purchase goods, the trash disposed of by individuals and the buildings and dwellings where individuals live are all examples of...

Macro Factors Influencing Stratification (3)

The economic system The geographic location of nations Resources


The expectations associated with a social position.

Social Mobility

The extent and direction of individual movement in the social stratification system.

Racketeering is:

The extortion of funds in exchange for "protection"


The fact that an unemployed coal miner in Appalachia has a higher standard of living than a doctor in Congo, illustrates the idea that poverty is

What is a dependent variable?

The factor that an experiment or hypothesis tries to explain or predict that is affected by some other factor

the affluent

The federal tax policies of the last four decades, especially in the 1980s and in the ten years from 2001 to 2010, have favored


The force that can fuel cultural conflict, but make members of a society feel loyalty and unity to their culture.

Bourgeoisie and Capitalist class

The haves.


The idea behind Mary not wanting to eat fish eyeballs when visiting China because she is an American.

Preference Policies

The idea that sometimes people must be treated differently in order to treat them fairly and create equality.

According to Herbet Gans, the poor perform several positive economic, political, and social functions for more affluent members of society. Which of the following are functions that Gans highlights?

The identification of the poor as deviants upholds the legitmacy of conventional social norms regarding hard work, thrift, and honesty. Because of their lack of political power, the poor often absorb the costs of social change. Within a relatively hierarchical society, the existence of poor people guarantees the higher status of the more affluent.


The lifelong process of learning to become a member of the social world.

Life Chances

The likelihood of one's life turning out the way that one desires.

Assimilation tends to take longer under which of the following conditions?

The minority group maintains its own culture.

Which of the following statements about social mobility in the United States is false?

The mobility of women reflects the occupational achievements of their mothers.

Which of the following statements about social mobility in the United States is false?

The mobility of women reflects the occupational achievements of their mothers.

occupation, education, income, and place of residence

The objective method of assessing social class assigns individuals to classes on the basis of


The owner of a major league baseball team can fire employees for not winning a pennant, have the city build him a new ballpark, and prevent companies that compete against his own team from airing advertisements during the team's televised games. In Max Weber's view, this owner would most likely be considered to have

what was the basis of the estate system?

The ownership of the land


The part of you that wants to get up, tear up the test, leave and get pizza.


The part of you that will keep trudging through the test because you want a good grade and to graduate from college.

Social Self

The perceptions we have of who we are.

Which of the following is an ethnophaulism?

The personnel manager told the applicant that she had excellent work experience for a woman.

Gender Socialization

The process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes and behaviors appropriate to their gender.

corporate welfare

The recent bail out of the automobile industry is an example of

relations of production

The relationships people develop to facilitate this process are called the relations of production.

Micro-Level Research

The research level that would examine how elementary school children form cliques on the playground.

What historical event largely shaped conflict theorists' view of social stratification?

The shift from the feudal system to urban industrialism

Nuclear Family

The smallest group of individuals that can legitimately be called a family.

George Herbert Mead

The social theorist that developed the concepts of the "I" and the "Me" in order to explain how the social self develops within the individual.

Gender Identity

The socially constructed meanings associated with males and females.

Criteria societies use to rank others depends on (5):

The society's history Its geographical location Level of development The society's political philosophy The decisions of those in power

C. Wright Mills

The sociologist most closely associated with the sociological imagination.

What region of the United States has the highest clustering of people in poverty?

The south


The structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups which results in minority members losing their original identity.


The study of society.

the titanic

The textbook author uses the historical tragedy of _______ to illustrate the impact of social class on life chances.

Structural Functionalism

The theoretical perspective that assumes social processes work together harmoniously.

Conflict Theory

The theoretical perspective that assumes that society is marked by inequality and change.

Karl Marx

The theorist who's perspective on social stratification suggests that capitalism leads to the development of two social classes known as the proletariat and bourgeoisie.

Conflict Theory

The theory that says by keeping women in traditional gender roles, men maintain control over institutions and resources.

Symbolic Interaction

The theory that says culture dictates the language we learn and how we interpret various situations.

Structural-Functional Theory

The theory that says gender division of labor exists in modern societies because it is efficient and useful to have different-but-complementary male and female roles.

Differential Association Theory

The theory that says if one doe not spend a great deal of time with his deviant friends, he may not become deviant himself.

Structural-Functional Theory

The theory that says sexual regulation ensures that this strong biological drive is satisfied in an orderly way that does not create on-going disruption or jealousy.

Differential Association Theory

The theory that would say people learn to conform or deviate from the individuals they spend time with.

Which statement regarding the nation's income is MOST accurate?

The top 20 percent of Americans earn nearly half the income.

Organic Society

The type of society that, according to Emile Durkheim, would constitute a large, modern society with a complex division of labor.

Open System

The type of stratification system that allows movement between classes.

Social Capital

The various social networks that one is a part of, and all of the relationships that one has with other people.


The way of life shared by a group of people.


The working class, the have nots

Sociologists consider Jewish Americans an ethnic group because

Their religion is their culture

Karl Marx

Theorist that focused primarily on economic relations in describing social stratification.

Max Weber

Theorist that said there are three dimensions of social class - Power, Prestige and Wealth.

struggle over scarce goods. Evolutionary theory

There is likely to be a struggle over _____

Which of the following generalizations about organizational structures and employee performance and satisfaction is MOST true?

There is no evidence that supports a relationship between span of control and employee performance.

It is the year 2100 and you are the first sociologist on Mars. Your job is to understand inequality on the Martian Base. Which of the following scenarios would you not expect?

There is no inequality on Mars; it is a utopian society that shares all things equally.

Which of the following statements accurately describes situational leadership?

There is no one best way to influence group members.

What do denial, stereotyping, and projection have in common?

They are all ways to deal with sensory information

Which of the following statements is true about charismatic leaders?

They are effective during transitional periods but are often replaced by rational-legal leaders once affairs of state become stable.

Which of the following is NOT true of charismatic leaders?

They are focused on their personal needs.

According to LMX theory, which of the following is NOT true of those individual's who fall into the out-group?

They are trusted.

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics shared by "ideal-type" democracies?

They are usually headed by military juntas

Which of the following is true about virtual teams?

They benefit companies that are spread out in a wide geographic area.

Which of the choices below is not true about terrorists?

They generally act alone.

According to Marx, which of the following is a characteristic of the proletariat?

They have the power to create a classless society if they develop a class consciousness.

conflict perspective.

Thorstein Veblen suggested persons at the top of the social hierarchy convert wealth into conspicuous consumption while the behavior of the lower classes is often subjected to ridicule. Veblen's views are from the

Which of the following would not describe the proletariat according to Karl Marx?

Those who subsist on welfare

According to the text, which of the following is not a typical function of meso-level political institutions?

To socialize new citizens

cooperate. Evolutionary Theory

To survive one must________

Which of the following solutions addresses racism at an individual level?

Tolerance- education programs

placing students into groups based upon their ability and performance levels

Tracking refers to the practice of

According to your text, which of the following types of authority is passed on through the generations?

Traditional authority

According to your text, which is the most likely explanation for the higher absentee rate for women?

Traditionally, women have had the responsibility of caring for home and family.

_____ theory states that people are born with certain characteristics that predispose them to being leaders.


41 states still limit marriage to men and women. T/F


A person may voluntarily become a minority. T/F


Based on the Strain Theory there are four deviant models of adaptation and one mode considered to be socially acceptable. T/F


Based on the model of Gilbert and Kahl, the upper middle class is the class most shaped by education. T/F


Because deviance is inevitable, the more important focus is to find ways to protect people from harmful deviant acts, to find ways to tolerate behavior that is not harmful, and to develop a system of fair treatment for deviants.T/F


Because the term "Latino" refers to an ethnic group, Latinos may identify themselves as being black, white, or Native American. T/F


Discrimination can occur without the awareness of both those doing the discriminating and those being discriminated against. T/F


Functionalists note the incest taboo serves to avoid role confusion in families. T/F


In state religions, the government and religion work together to try to shape society. T/F


Karl Marx focused primarily on class conflict, whereas more recent theorists have extended the analysis to include conflicts based on gender, race, age, and other dimensions.


People who are prejudiced against one racial or ethnic group tend to be prejudiced against other groups. T/F


Research has demonstrated that prejudice can have positive ramifications. T/F


Research shows divorced fathers often have little contact with their children. T/F


Slavery as it was practiced in the pre-Civil War South and apartheid as practiced in South Africa are two examples of internal colonialism. T/F


Status inconsistency is common for winners of multimillion-dollar lotteries, especially when the status of their new wealth exceeds the status of their education and occupation.T/F


Stripping an individual of his or her identity as a group member is an example of using a degradation ceremony to brand someone as an outsider.T/F


The United States Census Bureau allows respondents to choose as many races as they wish in describing who they consider themselves to be. T/F


The process of compartmentalization helps people who engage in genocide to maintain a sense of being good and moral. T/F


The text points out a number of high-profile examples of white-collar crime by large corporations for which violators never went to jail.T/F


The theory of differential association suggests that people who associate with certain groups receive an eccess of definitions about either deviance or conformity. T/F


There is a direct relationship between the amount of education an occupation requires and the prestige it holds in society. T/F


Based on the Marxist orientation of conflict sociologists, how many distinct social classes exist?



Type of marriage where a wife has more than one husband.

_____ is the degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructured situations.

Uncertainty avoidance

Which of the following contributed to the end estate system in Europe?


fair and justified

Use their power to make the distribution of resources seem ________

social control

Use____________to maintain their control in society

In demand; in short suply. Evolutionary theory

Valued items are always _____

Symbolic Interactionist

View that says we learn the meaning of symbols through our interaction with others.

The leader-participation model was developed by _____.

Vroom and Yetton

modernization theory

W. W. Rostrow's theory focusing on the conditions necessary for a lowincome country to develop economically. Arguing that a nation's poverty is largely due to the cultural failings of its people, Rostrow believed poor countries could develop economically only if they give up their "backward" way of life and adopt modern Western economic institutions, technologies, and cultural values that emphasize savings and productive investment (p. 214).

Who was the first African American to earn a doctorate from Harvard?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Who formulated a typology that shows how prejudice and discrimination are related but not the same thing?

W.E.B. DuBois

Which of the following statements about social classes in the United States is true?

Wages and salaries for the upper classes have risen in the past 30 years.

Which of the following statements about social classes in the United States is true?

Wages and salaries for the upper classes have risen in the past 30 years.

Which of the following statements about the middle class in the United States is false?

Wages and salaries in the middle classes have increased since the 1980s.

Which of the following statements about the middle class in the United States is false?

Wages and salaries in the middle classes have increased since the 1980s.


Wages in middle class have ____ since the 80s

Workfare and aid programs, WIC, Head Start

Ways trying to help eliminate poverty

healthcare, education, housing, t.v shows (entertainment), assumptions, clothing, gender

What are different forms that racism can take?

caste (ascribed status), class (achieved status, some inherited money, possessions, property),

What are different types of social stratification?

It is universal, social (classes, power, property), ancient, diverse

What are some characteristics of social stratification?

kids are placed in the right track for their abilities, they can excel because they are talented

What are successes for education as a proxy for merit?

Keeps children of the streets Provide young people with a place to congregate Foster a "youth culture" Mate selection market Weakens parental control over youths Moves youth toward independence Provides experience in large, impersonal secondary groups

What are the latent function of education?

Socialization Training individuals Promoting Change Enhancing Personal and Social Development

What are the manifest functions of education?

College education is the most important factor in moving up. The value of an education increases as new jobs are created

What are your changes of mobility?

power, property, education, money

What characteristics define people as members of different social classes?

Social mobility

What concept is used to refer to the movement of individuals or groups from one position of society's stratification system to another?

Relative poverty

What concept refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?


What is being violated when one goes to the doctor's office and sits directly beside the only other person in the office even though there are multiple empty seats in the office.

Conspicuous leisure

What term did Thorstein Veblen use to describe the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner?


What term is used to refer the hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?


When a minority group is blamed for others' failures and shortcomings.

What is cognitive dissonance?

When attitudes or beliefs held by a person are contradictory

centralized systems

Which of the following economic systems involve state-based planning and control of property?

The sick person relaxes and enjoys resting while recovering.

Which of the following is not a requirement of the sick role?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective suggests that the higher rates of poverty among single mothers are due to the difficulty women have finding affordable child care, sexual harassment, and sex discrimination in the labor market?

Functionalist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to argue that most talented people would not go to school for many years to become biochemists if they could make as much money and gain as much respect working as elevator operators?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a person's health and educational opportunities are affected by his or her class position in important ways?

Feminist perspective

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that studies of social class have tended to neglect the occupations and incomes of women as determinants of social rank, thereby elevating the status of males?

Conflict perspective

Which sociological perspective would most likely urge policy makers and the general public to look closely at corporate tax breaks, rather than focusing on the allowances given to welfare mothers and their children?

Pitrim Sorokin

Which sociologist first made the distinction between vertical and horizontal mobility?


Which term is used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the means of production?

decentralized national health care

Which type of health care does the government regulate, but not operate?

Which of the following is NOT considered an ethnic group?

White Americans

we the people/elites/privileged people

Who decides which characteristics fit into racial definitions?


Widowhood, becoming a parent and prison rehabilitation programs are both sources of...

The Feminization of Poverty

Women make up an increasing number of poor people both in the United States and globally Of the poor over the age of 18, 61, are women and 39% men. In high income countries, women live much longer than men eg. France =8.26 years, Switzerland =7.35 years

Which of the following is a difference between men's and women's communication styles?

Women prefer to communicate to build rapport, and men use communication to display knowledge and skill.

Which of the following is NOT true about stress?

Women respond more intensely to stress than men and have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

What did peasants have to do under the estate system in exchange for military protection and other services from the nobles?

Work for free on leased land

____ means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.

Workforce diversity


[?] govern social contexts to let us know what is the right and proper behavior in social interaction.

Customs and traditions. Evolutionary theory

_____ determine the distribution of scares resources.

_____ is the only power tactic that is effective across organizational levels.

_____ is the only power tactic that is effective across organizational levels.

Talented individuals , Structural Functionalism

_____ need to be motivated

Differential rewards; most qualified individuals; most valued positions. SF Theory, Davis and Moore

______ must be offered to attract the _______ into the _________

Intellectuals in society

_____________ could help the proletariat develop a class consciousness and to overthrow the bourgeoisie


a behavior that violate criminal law and is punishable with fines, jail, or negative sanctions


a behavior which causes people to behave to gain power and to control the behavior of others


a biological term referring to ascribed physical differences between males and females.

What of the following best describe action research?

a change process based on the systematic collection of data and then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate

MBO - management by objectives

a collaborative goal setting process through which organizational goals cascade down throughout the organization

general adaption syndrome GAS

a cycle through which stress occurs alarm resistance and exhaustion

nonprogrammed deicision

a decision that recurs infrequently and for which there is no previously established decision rule

impression management

a direct and intentional effort by someone to enhance his or her own image in the eyes of others

channel noise

a disturbance in communication that is primarily a function of a medium


a disturbance in the social order


a few men dominate all others, including women, children, less powerful men.

problem solving

a form of decision making in which the issue is unique and alternatives must be developed and evaluated without the aid of a programmed decision rule


a frantic superficial pursuit of some satisficing strategy

The nominal group technique is

a group decision-making approach that generates creative alternatives independently

composition of a group

a group described in terms of the homogenity or hetergeneity of group members


a group of people sharing the same social position in society. Class is based on income, power, and prestige


a group of people working together to attain common goals

friendship group

a group that is relatively permanent and informal and draws its benefits from the social relationships among its members

interest group

a group that is relatively temporary and informal and is organized around a common activity or interest of its members

Individuals with a high need to achieve prefer all of the following EXCEPT _____

a high degree of risk

constructionists view on deviance

a label, defined as such at a given time and place, subjective experience, and voluntary act

radical innovation

a major breakthrough that changes or creates whole industries

delphi tenchnique

a method of systematically gathering judgments of experts for use in developing forecasts

civil religion

a movement that develops in complex societies which is based on a set of beliefs, symbols, and rituals that pervade many aspects of secular life and institutions; they endorse what the nation stands for.

Prejudice is

a negative attitude, not behavior.

Sociologically, how would a cult be defined?

a new or different religion at odds with the dominant culture and religion

workplace behavior

a pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness

change agent

a person responsible for managing a change effort


a person's ability to get along with others

psychological contract

a person's set of expectations regarding what he or she will contribute to the organization and wht the organization will provide in return

organizational commitment

a persona identification with and attachment to an organization


a persons complexes of beliefs and feelings about specific ideas situations or other people

effort to performance expectancy

a persons perception of the probability that effort will lead to performance


a political-economic system under which powerful countries established, for their own profit, rule over weaker peoples or countries and exploited them for their resources and cheap labor

organizational downsizing

a popular trend aimed at reducing the size of corporate staff and middle management to reduce costs

linking role

a position for a person or group that serves to coordinate the activities of two or more organizational groups

command group

a relatevely permanent formal group with functional reporting relationships usually included in the organization chart


a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral potential resulting from direct or indirect experience

state religion

a religion that has some autonomy but receives state tax money

What does D represent in the equation A + B + C → D?

a resulting ethnocultural-racial group in society

positive reinforcement

a reward or other desireable consequence that a persona receives after exhibiting behavior


a sense of exhaustion that develops when someone experiences too much stress for an extended period of time

big five personality traits

a set of fundamental traits that are especially relevant to organizations

classical conditioning

a simple form of learning that links a conditioned response with an unconditioned stimulus


a social group or organization where people are allocated to positions according to their ability and credentials

Achieved status

a social position that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts

ascribed status

a social position that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts


a standard against which the appropriateness of a behavior is judged

decision rule

a statement that tells a decision maker which alternative to choose based on the charcteristics of the decision situation


a strong stimulus that results in stress


a structural policy in which decision making authority is concentrated at the top of the organizational hierarchy

class consciousness

a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action bring about social change

According to the text, the best approach for obtaining knowledge about human behavior is_____.

a systematic approach

rational decision making approach

a systematic step by step process for making decisions

structural change

a systemwide organization development involving a major restructuring of the organization or instituting programs such as quality of work life

An integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events is called

a theory.

conflict model

a very personal approach to decision making because it deals with the personal conflicts that people experience in particularly difficult decision situations


a year or longer punishment

6 In order to create a conflict-positive organization, there are many interrelated steps to follow. They include which of the following?

a. Empower employees to feel confident and skillful.

In organizational justice, distributive justice:

a. concerns the fairness of outcomes individuals receive.

Which of the following is one of the competencies that make up emotional intelligence?

a. empathy

5 Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in Lewin's change model?

a. freezing

Which of the following is a level of cognitive moral development?

a. the premoral level

Which of the following is an element of the informal organization?

a. values

Change and acquisition is:

a. when the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job.

Ideal type democracies

a.Citizens participate in selecting the government b.Civil liberties are guaranteed c.Constitutional limits are placed on governmental powers d.Governmental structure and process are spelled out e.Written documents such as constitutions are the basis for the development of legal systems


about four percent of the U.S. population, this group has no income, no connection to the job market, little education, inadequate nutrition, and substandard housing or none at all. They have no possibility of social mobility and little chance of achieving the quality of life that most people would consider minimally acceptable

A fixed standard based on a minimum level of subsistence below which families should not be expected to exist is called

absolute deprivation.

Although she works 30 hours a week, Natalie is unable to earn enough money to bring her and her sons to the poverty line, according to the income requirement set by the federal government. She and her family are experiencing:

absolute poverty

In __________ stratification systems, individuals are allowed to earn positions through their ability and effort.


A social position that people attain largely through their own efforts is called a(n)

achieved status

The manifest needs as identified by McClelland include

achievement, affiliation, and power.

Members of a minority or subordinate group

acquire membership by being born into that group, have less power over their lives than do members of a majority, share physical or cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant group.

individual discrimination

actions against minority group members which can take the form of exclusion, avoidance, or physical violence

organizational politics

activities carried out by people to acquire enhance and use power and other resources to obtain thier desired outcomes

Research shows that differences in intelligence scores between Blacks and Whites are almost eliminated when

adjustments are made for social and economic characteristics.

Efforts to recruit members of subordinate groups for jobs, promotions, or educational opportunities are called

affirmative action

Sociologists use what term to refer to the conscious experience of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities?

affirmative action


aggressive action motivated by frustration against minority groups because an individual is unable to vent frustration toward a cause

According to most sociologists, gender roles are:

all of the above

According to social control theory, which of the following actions might influence a person to conform?

all of the above

According to the data presented in the text, the United States has more crime than:

all of the above

In the study of the Saints and the Roughnecks, Chambliss found that:

all of the above

The U.S. prison system was originally designed to:

all of the above

White-collar crime is:

all of the above

The _____ communication network is best illustrated by an unstructured committee.


Which of the following types of people would be unlikely to do much to change themselves?

all-weather liberal

achieved stratification system

allow individuals to earn positions through their ability and effort (open systems)

Unilateral no fault divorce

allows one person to insist that the marriage has "irreconcilable differences." The two do not have to agree

contingency plans

alternative actions to take if the primary course of action is unexpectedly distupted or rendered inappropriate

Relativity of Deviance

an act becomes deviant when it is socially defined as such by a place, time, personal consequence

trait approach

an approach that attempted to identify stable and enduring character traits that differentiated effective leaders from non leaders

human resource approach

an approach to motivation that assumes employees want and are able to make genuine contributions to the organization

human relations approach

an approach to motivation that suggests that favorable employee attitudes result in motivation to work hard

universal approach

an approach to organization design in which prescriptions or propositions are designed to work in any circumstance

contingency approach

an approach to organization design in which the desired outcomes for the organization can be achieved in several ways

classical organization theory

an early approach to management that focused on how organizations can be structured most effectively to meet thier goals

The following are true about making good business decisions EXCEPT

an estimated 20 percent of decisions made in organizations fail


an individual who has a strategic position in the network that allows him or her to control information moving in either direction through a channel


an individual who inks the organization to the external environment and may also be an opinion leader in the group


an individual who tends to work alone and to interact and communicate little with othes

performance to outcome expectancy

an individuals perception of the probability that performance will lead to certain outcomes


an individuals personal beliefs about what is right and wrong or good and bad


an individuals response to a strong stimulus

Institutionalization is the process through which _____.

an organization takes on a life of its own

pluralistic organization

an organization that has diverse membership and takes steps to fully involve all people who differ from the dominant group

social responsibility

an organizations obligation to protect and contribute to the social environment in which it functions


an unpleasant or aversive consequence that results from behavior


and everyone else works for them. Marx called the upper class, who owned the means of production, the bourgeoisie, and the lower class, who worked for the owners, the proletariat. Marx said that the system was inherently unfair because the proletariat was

According to strain theory, the underlying cause of deviance is that people experience a sense of normlessness. This sense of normlessness is referred to as ________.


Zhen Wu lives in a rapidly changing society. Technology is changing more quickly than most people can keep up, and the government was recently overthrown. Zhen Wu as well as his family, friends, and neighbors experience a host of new opportunities, excitement, and anxiety. Which of the following is most likely to be the result of these changes?


Functionalist deviance: Mertonian Strain Theory

anomie forms with very specific norms, culturally defined gaps and the means to get them are not available equally or even at all to everyone; set goals but can't be obtained equally so people feel strain and deviate


anything that can stand for something else


anything that results from performing a particular behavior

When Anthony worked as a prison counselor, he would often ask property offenders why they committed the crime. The overwhelming response was, "I had to feed my family." How would Sykes and Matza classify this response?

appeal to higher loyalties

behavioral approach

approach to leadership that tries to identify behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from nonleaders uses rules of thumb suboptimizing and satisficing in making decisions

Preference policies

are policies based on the belief that sometime people must be treated differently in order to treat them fairly and to create equality

Quota systems

are policies that require employers to hire a certain percentage of minorities

job specialization

as advocated by scientific management it can help improve efficiency but it can also promote monotony and boredom

In __________ stratification systems, the characteristics individuals are born with determine one's position in society.


Estate systems

ascribed systems characterized by the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a small minority of political military elete

The equation A + B + C = A describes


The process by which an individual gives up his or her own cultural tradition to become part of a different culture is known as


behaviorial approach to decision making

assumes decision makers act with bounded rationality rather than with perfect rationality

critique of liberal feminist

assuming that equal opportunities and greater individual rights for women alone would lead to greater equality

Labeling Theory

audience determines what is deviant and people move from primary to secondary deviance. The labeler enforces social norms and rules and establishes boundaries

5 A process of self-motivation and evaluations by a manager, peers, and possibly customers is known as?

b. 360 degree feedback

________ is a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment resulting from in-group pressures.

b. Groupthink

________ results from inaccurate definition of the expected job performance.

b. Invalidity

________ is the belief that one has the ability to do a job well.

b. Self-determination

Cognitive dissonance is caused by a conflict between:

b. attitudes and behavior.

The characteristics which appropriately impact the design of an organization's design processes are known as:

b. contextual variables.

The most simplistic name for two or more people having common interests or objectives is a ________.

b. group

6 In attribution theory, a non-performing employee's internal attribution might include:

b. lack of commitment.

On the Leadership Grid, a manager who has a medium concern for people and production is a(n):

b. organization man manager.

A dynamic follower is one who:

b. practices self-management.

Teams are very useful when:

b. the tasks are interrelated.

Silence as a response has:

b. value for the listener who needs to sort out thoughts.

Scientific management emphasized:

b. work simplification.

social class system

based on achieved status, share comparable styles of living, levels of education, culture, and patterns of social interaction

Racial profiling is

based on stereotypes.

preference policies

based on the concept of equity, the belief that people must be treated differently in order to be treated fairly

The exploitation theory explains the

basis of racial discrimination in the United States.

American Psychological Association ethical principles dictate that potential research participants should be told enough about the experiment to

be able to give their informed consent.


because they do not feel they can affect the process

The application of reinforcement concepts to individuals in the work setting is referred to as _____.

behavior modification

employee centered leader behavior

behavior occurs when the leader attempts to develop a cohesive work group and ensure that employees are basically satisfied with thier jobs

job centered leader

behavior occurs when the leader pays close attention to the work of subordinates

employee centered leader behavior

behavior that involves attempting to build effective work groups with high performance goals

consideration behavior

behavior that involves being concerned with subordinates feelings and respecting subordinates ideas

initiating structure behavior

behavior that involves clearly defining the leader subordinate roles so that subordinates know what is expected of them

job centered leader behavior

behavior that involves paying close attention to the work of subordinates explaining work procedures and demonstrating a strong interest in performance

continuous reinforcement

behavior that is rewarded every time it occurs

job centered and employee cenetred leader

behavior were presumed to be at opposite ends of a single dimension


behavior, belief, condition that violates social norms in the society or group in which it occurs


believe that citizens legitimize political systems by supporting them

Conflict theorist

believe that the state protects the privileged position of a few. The power elite theory stems from conflict theory's contention that power is concentrated in the hands of the elite

Conflict theorists generally agree that two major sources of power in American society, ____ and _______, are closely interrelated.

big business and government


biological characteristics

Decision makers operate within the confines of _____ i.e., they construct simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity.

bounded rationality

The capitalist societies the means of production are controlled by members of what Marx called the _______.


Empowerment is a strategy focused on improving all of the following EXCEPT


The ____ is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization.


property crime

burgulary, motor vehicle theft, larceny theft and arson

organized crime

business operation that supplies illegal goods and services for profit


by cultural beliefs

conflict theory

by keeping women in subordinate roles, men ensure that they control the means of produc*on and protect their privileges - Men will not voluntarily give up their current beneficial posi*ons of power

Conflict theory idea on sex-based stratification

by keeping women in subordinate roles, men ensure that they control the means of production and protect their privileges ␣ Men will not voluntarily give up their current beneficial positions of power

Which tactic is an American manager most likely to use when dealing with a tardy employee?

c. If you don't start reporting on time for work, I will have to cut your pay.

________ conflict occurs when a person experiences conflict among the multiple roles in his or her life.

c. Interrole

Which of the following statements about barriers to communication is TRUE?

c. They include gender differences and language.

The mechanics approach to job design emphasizes:

c. a lower chance of mental overload.

In studying motivational theories, we are learning that:

c. achievement is more of a motivator for Americans than for other nationalities.

It is the position of the authors, Nelson and Quick, that:

c. adapting, flexibility, and responsiveness are desirable hallmarks in change management.

The most visible and accessible level of culture is:

c. artifacts.

The "interpersonal glue" that helps work groups stay together is known as:

c. group cohesion.

Type theory states that introverts:

c. have excellent social skills but prefer the internal world of ideas, thoughts, and concepts.

In comparing the organizational design needs of the small organization and the large organization, which of the following is a consideration for the small organization?

c. more centralization

Which of the following job core characteristics does NOT directly relate to meeting the needs of a critical psychological state?

c. rate of pay

Identify the five major barriers to social perception.

c. selective perception, stereotyping, first-impression error, projection and self-fulfilling prophecies

behavioral approaches to leadership

came from Michigan studies - the Ohio state studies and the leadership grid

An economic system in which the means of production are held largely in private hands and the main incentive for ecnomic activity is the accumulation of profit is called ______.



capitalist bourgeoisie, controlled the means of production, social control to maintain society

the bourgeoisie is called the

capitalist class

which of the four systems of stratification allows the least opportunity for social mobility among all members of a society?


If attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, individuals will most likely _____

change either their attitudes or behavior

Intergenerational mobility

change in status compared to parents' status, usually resulting from education and occupational attainment

Changes in corporate strategy precede and lead to _____.

changes in an organization's structure

social mobility

changing one's social position, refers to the "extent to which people move up or down in the class system"

ascribed stratification system

characteristics determine one's position in society (closed systems)

ascribed stratification systems

characteristics individuals are born with determines ones position in society

negative emotionality

characterized by moodiness and insecurity

estate system

characterized by the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a small minority of political-military elite, with the peasantry tied to the land, common in Europe and Japan, based on ownership of land, position one's born into, or military strength

split market theory

characterizes the labor market as having 2 levels

Someone with an outstanding gift or exceptional quality that draws others to them and their message is said to possess ________.


Which is a major contributing factor to the transformational leader?


People's social class can affect which of the following?

child rearing formal schooling religious affiliation

According to the garbage can model of decision making, the four factors that need to connect to make a decision are problems, participants, solutions, and

choice opportunities

Functionalist Perspective on deviance

clarifies rules, unites a group, and promotes social change

Weber's three distinct components of stratification are _____, _______. and _______.

class power status group

Max Weber identified distinct components of stratification. Which of the following are the components?

class status power

In Max Weber's view, social stratification is driven by

class, status, and power

Max Webber -

classical organization theory was concerned with structuring organizations effectively

a social system that allows little or no possibility of individual social mobility is called and a(n) ____.


Functionalist Deviance: Opportunity Strain theory

cloward and ohlin, must be opportunity for the individual to deviate and they must have access to illegitimate opportunity structures

Which of the following is the least effective method of influencing others?

coalition formation

The belief that "discrimination is wrong" is a value statement. Such an opinion is the _____ component of an attitude.


affinity group

collections of employees from the same level in the organization who meet on a regular basis to share information capture emerging opportunities and solve problems

crowd behavior

collective behavior in which a crowd acts, at least temporarily, as a unified group

According to Karl Marx, the proletariat need_____ _____ _______ to bring about social change.

collective political action

All of the following are processes that may create subordinate groups EXCEPT


The maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period of time is known as


The use of race-neutral principles to defend the racially unequal status quo is called

color-blind racism

product development teams

combinations of work teams and problem solving teams that create new designs for products or services that will satisfy customers needs

Open System Model

combine internal processes and external environment; the external environment provides the organization with inputs (workers and raw materials) and feedback (accessibility of the product)

practical approach to decision making

combines the advantageous features of the rational and behavioral approaches

matrix design

combines two different designs to gain the benefits of each typically combined are product or project departmentalization scheme and a functional structure

beauty image

come from billboards, magazine covers, TV, and movie screens; some of these images are unattainable by most women because they have been created through surgeries and eatting disorders

Worldwide networks of labor resources and production processes that create a product are called:

commodity chains

gender roles

commonly assigned tasks or expected behaviors linked to an individual's sex determined status

gender roles

commonly assigned tasks or expected behaviors linked to an individual's sex determined statuses

The only way a person can influence someone else is to


self reactions

comparisons of alternatives with internatlized moral standards

Which of the following aspects is not characteristic of the ideal american male?


performance management system PMS

comprises the processes and activities involved in performance appraisals

Hawthorne Studies

conducted between 1927 and 1932 led to some of the first discoveries of the importance of huma behavior in organizations

The theory of social change that assumes that change is inevitable because of inequality in society is:


Which of the following perspectives on race and ethnicity tends to emphasize group tensions between the privileged and the exploited?


________________ theorists argue that poor women in capitalistic economic systems are used as reserve labor force that can be called and dismissed as needed.


__________________ theorists believe that state protects the privileged position of a few, allowing them to consolidate power.


"By keeping women in traditional gender roles, men maintain control over institutions and resources." This statement most closely reflects

conflict theory

which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant economic, political, and social inequality?

conflict theory

Social Movements

consciously organized attempts outside of established institutions to enhance or resist change through group action


consequence of behavior

_____ is the extent to which a person is likely to have job relationships that are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings.


management teams

consist of manages from various areas they coordinate work teams

Family of orientation

consists of parents and siblings

Thorstein Veblen called purchasing obviously expensive automobiles and building very large houses with excessive rooms _____ ________.

conspicuous consumption

A Hispanic college student from the southwest U.S. arrives at college to find that her roommate is a Jewish woman from New York. As they get to know one another, they are able to overcome their initial prejudices and grow to appreciate each other's strengths and talents. This is an example of the

contact hypothesis

incremental innovation

continues the technical improvement and extends the applications of radical and systems innovations

unconflicted adherence

continuing with current activities if doing so does not entail serious risks

Stan is trying to implement a new organizational structure at his company. A group of key employees is resisting the change. In an attempt to "buy off" the leaders, Stan is giving them a key role in the change decision. He doesn't really value their opinion, but wants their endorsement. Stan is using the change strategy of _____.


Individuals with a positive _____ like themselves, see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment.

core self-evaluations

A researcher is interested in learning whether young people whose fathers are absent from the home are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior. She compares the arrest rates of boys whose fathers are absent with those of boys whose fathers are present in the home. This is an example of

correlational study.

Which of the following is an example of social capital?

country club membership

systems innovation

creates a new functionality by assembling parts in new ways

The forms of deviance in which formal penalties are imposed by society are considered _______


The forms of deviance in which formal penalties are imposed by society are considered ________.



cultural blending of groups which results in minority members losing their original identity

Josh, a young black adult who grew up poor in New York, is having difficulty in college. He does not know how to dress for "formal" events, how to tie a tie, or own a pair of dress shoes. According to sociologists, Josh lacks:

cultural capital

oganizational climate

current situations in an organization and the linkages among work groups employees and work performance

Which one of the following is NOT one of the five major elements in a managing culture?

d. How well leaders know their employees.

Which of the following statements best describes our understanding of the "avoidance approach" to conflict?

d. It is all right to use this approach when issues seem trivial.

In Perrow's study of the impact of technology on organization design, he considered all but which of the following elements?

d. The span of control in an organization as a whole.

The idea of placing human consideration at the center of job design is called:

d. anthropocentric.

Powerful external forces for change do not include:

d. bureaucratic guidelines.

Responsibilities of a team leader, in contrast to a manager, include:

d. hands-on skills of direct involvement and full membership in the team.

The correspondence between attitudes and behaviors doesn't depend on:

d. selective perception.

According to the Situational Leadership model, a ________ style is characterized by high task behavior and high relationship behavior.

d. selling

Power distance is:

d. the degree to which a culture accepts unequal distribution of power.

3 Problem solving and decision making are often examples of

d. two-way communication.

side effect discrimination

de facto discrimination that rests on links between practices in different institutions

past in present discrimination

de facto discrimination where practices from the past that no longer be allowed still affects people

Discrimination that is done deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior to or fundamentally different from men:

de jure discrimination

Discrimination that is done deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior to or fundamentally different from men:

de-facto discrimination

Subordinate groups include

deaf people, women, Roman Catholics

The Delphi technique is best suited for

decision making for groups that are difficult to bring physically together

Victor Vroom - and Philip Yetton

decision model that takes the form of tree

Janis Mann process

decision process that makes 5 assumptions - deals only with important life decisions

The working class is

declining in size


decreases the frequency of behavior by eliminating a reward or desirable consequence that follows that behavior

Social Change

defined as variations or alterations over time in the behavior patterns, culture (including norms and values), and structure of society

Mintzberg, Henry

defined basic managerial roles such as interpersonal roles - informational roles critical managerial skills

Social Class

defined by property, power, and prestige; it is officially achieved, but actually inherited in part

Which of the following is NOT one of the key factors in creating effective teams?


generally supports the basic values of the larger society, has a clear hierarchy, trained leadership, and accommodates the state


Avoidance of ______ is why most organizations develop multiple suppliers rather than give their business to only one.


A research psychologist manipulates the level of fear in human participants in the laboratory and then examines what effect the different levels of fear have on the participants' reaction times. In this study, reaction time is the __________variable.


In a psychological experiment, the factor being measured is called the __________ variable.


Opinion polls and surveys

describe public opinion at the moment they are taken.

theory X

described by Douglas McGregor is an approach to management that takes a negative and pessimistic view of workers

theory Y

described by Douglas McGregor is an approach to management that takes a positive and optimistic perspective on workers

rational approach to decision making

describes a systematic - step by step rocess

Jimmy's gang is warring with Francisco's gang. To keep Francisco from attacking, Jimmy has bought an assault rifle. This is an example of:


French and Raven

developed - legitimate power - reward power - coercive power -expert power and referent power

John RP French and Bertram Raven

developed a framework for studying five general bases of power in organizational change

Path goal theory of leadership

developed by Martin Evans and Robert House

Fred Fiedler

developed the contingency theory - considers the personality of the leader and the complexities of the situation

_______ is defined as the violation of social norms.


SI differential association theory

deviance is learned through face to face interaction

The theory of behavior in which people who associate with some groups learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant is ________.

differential association theory

symbolic interactionist perspective on deviance

differential association theory, burgess and akers, rational choice theory, hirschos social control theory, labeling theory,

SI burgess and akers

differential re-enforcement and includes operant conditioning

According to the goal-setting theory of motivation, goals should be _____.

difficult but attainable

The spread of a new finding from one place to another is known as:



diminishing influence and role of religion in everyday life; a movement away from the supernatural and sacred in favor of logic and empirical evidence

The relocation of Native Americans to reservations and the transfer of Americans of Japanese descent to internment camps during World War II are examples of ________.

direct transfer

A _____ leadership style, identified by House in path-goal theory, leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are ambiguous or stressful than when they are highly structured and well laid out.


According to Ogburn, the findings of stem cell research are:


Reluctant liberals are those who

discriminate if there is social pressure to do so.

The president of a bank refuses to hire the most qualified candidate for a key management position because he is Jewish. This is an example of


de jure

discrimination that is deliberate, often justified by beliefs about women's inability to carry out certain tasks.

de facto

discrimination that is unintended

Labor-management negotiations over wages exemplifies _____ bargaining.


Work specialization is also referred to as ___

division of labor

Puja got a very short new haircut, so she wore a dress, big earrings, and lots of makeup so that she would still look feminine. Puja is:

doing gender

In sociological terms, a majority is the same as a

dominant group.

De jure discrimination

done deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior to or fundamentally different from men

de jure discrimination

done legally & deliberately because of cultural images of women as inferior/weaker to or fundamentally different from men

The question "To whom do you go to for information about what's going on?" is commonly asked

during a social network analysis

Structural-functionalist theory idea on sex-based stratification

each sex has a role to play in the interdependent groups and institutions of society ␣ As societies organize, roles and relationships change ␣ Mechanicalsolidarity(commonvaluesand emotional ties between members) ␣ Organicsolidarity(separate,but interdependent ties between members) Gender division exist because two types of complimentary roles are necessary for efficiency and survival of a society: ␣ Expressive(privatesphere-familyrelated work) ␣ Instrumental(publicsphere-workoutside the home)

A state religion is referred to as a(n) ________ when the government and religion work together to try to shape society.


claims everybody in certain boundaries


Minimum - wage earners constitute a social class because they share the same

economic position

Which of the following plays the most critical role in social mobility?


Which of the following solutions address racism at the societal level?

education reforms

Jane is concerned that her company is selling products of very poor quality. However, when meeting with customers, Jane feels obligated to be positive and express confidence about the quality of the product. Jane is likely experiencing _____.

emotional dissonance

People who exhibit _____ know their own emotions and are good at reading others' emotions may be more effective in their jobs

emotional intelligence

Which of the following is NOT thought to be a determinant of personality?

emotional intelligence

Six universal _____ are anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, and surprise.


Tannen's research indicates that men use talk to ___, while women use it to _____.

emphasize status; create connection

marxist/ critical conflict theory

emphasizes relationship between deviance and capitalism

A mechanistic organization

emphasizes specialization and control

According to equity theory model,

employee satisfaction is dependent on how fairly the employee believes he or she is treated in comparison to others

Which of the following is an example of institutional discrimination?

employment and housing discrimination

Based on what has worked in Africa, how could the U.S. improve political representation among women?

encourage proportional representation

job enrichment

entails giving workers more tasks to perform and more control over how to perform them

defensive avoidance

entails making no changes in present activities and avoiding any further contact with associated issues because thre appears to be no hope of finding a better solution


entrepreneurial activity that takes place within the context of a large corporation

The practice of locating landfills near minority neighborhoods exemplifies

environmental justice.

poverty line

estimated minimum income required to pay for food, shelter, and clothing.Anyone falling below this income is categorized as poor

A(n) _____is a situation in which an employee must define right and wrong conduct.

ethical dilemma

For the last five years, Sarah has been trying to recover her ethnic heritage by tracing her family line. This attempt to trace her family line is an example of ________.

ethnic work

While race might reflect our biological heritage, ________ reflects our cultural heritage.


The tendency to assume that one's culture and way of life are superior to all others is termed


decision criteria are used to

evaluate alternatives

glass escalator

even if men do not seek to climb in the organiza*onal hierarchy, occupa*onal social forces push them up the job ladder into higher echelons, especially in female-dominated occupa*ons

Glass Escalator

even if men do not seek to climb in the organizational hierarchy, occupational social forces push them up the job ladder into higher echelons, especially in female-dominated occupations

organizational environment

everything outside an organization including people other organizations economic factors objects and events that lie outside the boundaries of the organization

Jason is studying race among the homeless. He finds that blacks and Mexicans are more likely to be in "public housing" than whites and Asians. He interprets this finding as "those in power exploiting those without power." Most likely, Jason adheres to:

evolutionary theory

environmental uncertainty

exists when managers have little information about environmental events and their impact on the organization

In some tribal societies it is highly encouraged for the son or daughter of one tribe to marry the son or daughter of a neighboring or rival tribe to build camaraderie and form an alliance. This pattern of marital behavior is called ________.



expectation that people will be sexually attracted to members of the other sex

Manipulating one or two factors while holding others constant is the essence of

experimental control.

When the laboratory experiment deeply absorbs and involves participants, the experiment has

experimental realism.

To determine whether changing one variable (like education) will produce changes in another (like income), we need to conduct __________________ research.


Which research method have social psychologists used in about three-fourths of their studies?


Which approach explains how racism can stigmatize a group as inferior so that the exclusion of that group can be justified?

exploitation theory

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Bill is a thinking-type. When reviewing a vendor proposal with his boss, he will most likely

express his opinion

Nonverbal communication has the main purpose of

expressing the communicator's emotions behind the message

Eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining an unwanted behavior is called _____.


When organized around the Big Five, _____ is the most important trait of effective leaders.


micro level factors of mobility

factors of what and what level by these examples: family background, socialization, education, and personal characteristics

macro level factors of mobility

factors of what and what level by these examples: occupational structure and economic vitality, discrimination based on gender or race, global economic situation, population trends

group performance factors

factors that affect the success of the group in fulfilling its goals including composition size norms and cohesiveness

primary dimensions of diversity

factors that are either inborn or exert extraordinary influcene on early socialization age ethnicity gender physical abilities race and sexual orientation

hygiene factors

factors that are extrinsic to the work itself and include factors such as pay and job security

motivation factors

factors that are intrinsic to the work itself and include achievement and recognition

Which of the following is an example of a mass behavior?


Equal opportunity legislation is likely to influence the behavior of

fair-weather liberals, reluctant liberals, timid bigots.

A prejudice is an action that one individual directs toward another individual.


Ideological racism is one's insistence that one is not prejudiced or racist.


The definition of blackness in the United States has always been that an individual is black if at least one or more of the person's parents is black.


The term "dominant groups" refers to a numerical majority.


The term minority group is used to denote that a group is the statistical minority in a society or culture.


key factor in maintaining gender streotypes and gender inequality in the paid labour force

family responsibilities and child care continue to be disproportionately assigned to women

Meso level political institutions are influence by other institutions

family, education, religion, health care, an economics

Employees resist change most often because of the

fear of an adverse outcome


female authority

Elizabeth argued that one reason women are abused by their husbands is because their unpaid labor is undervalued in society. Which perspective is Elizabeth most likely using?


People with authoritarian personalities

fight against conventional values.

interpersonal roles

figurehead role - leader role - liasion role - are involved primarily with interactions with other people

Jake tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. He is engaging in _____.


underrepresented occupation in women

firefighters, airline pilots

Fiedler's contingency model assumes that an individual's leadership style is _____.


caste system:

fixed and permanent, assigned to it at birth, without any chance of getting out

The three most popular types of _____ are modular plans, core-plus options, and flexible spending accounts.

flexible benefits

Susan works from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day, while other employees in her office work from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. It appears that Susan's employer offers a _____ option.


All of the following are ways to become a learning organization EXCEPT

focus development efforts on senior management


focuses on profit, made through free competition between competitors for the available markets. Marx argued that institutions like education, politics, laws, and religion would evolve to preserve the position of the elite. Pure capitalism is that profit is the only value that drives the system

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory differs from other leadership theories most clearly because it _____.

focuses on the followers

When the Native Americans were pacified by the military in the late 1800s, they were forced to learn the English language, dress like the white man, renounce their religion, and give up their customs. This was a classic example of ________.

forced assimilation


form in protest against its parent religion; separated from other religions and social groups, claim a monopoly over religious truth, and often demand total allegiance of their members

All of the following serve to sustain a culture EXCEPT _____.


The _____ stage in group development which is characterized by uncertainty.


Hurschi's sociol contron/ bonding theory

four bonds of attachment, commitment, involvement and belief an individual my have to society

Leaders demonstrate _____ when they use language to influence followers' perceptions of the world, the meaning of events, beliefs about causes and consequences, and visions of the future.


Carlin wants to study the civil rights movement in the United States. His hypothesis is that the movement has actually been a series of slow, small changes that have helped society run more smoothly. Carlin is most likely using a ________ perspective.


Which type of sociologists would consider deviance to be a natural part of society?


Stereotypes are applied to

gamblers, lesbians, peoples with disabilities

The socially constructed meanings associated with males and females are called:

gender identity

liberal feminist

gender inequality in sex role socialization and sexism

Marxist feminist

gender inequality is rooted in class oppression under capitalism, a system based on private ownership of property -women provide household labour and service therby making it possible for capitalist to extract more work from wage laborers

Symbolic interactionism idea on sex-based stratification

gender is socially constructed; physical, biological differences come to be regarded as symbols that differentiate rights and rewards in society ␣ Gender is not intrinsically related to sex ␣ Human agency - humans are influenced by and influence the society they live in ␣ Doing gender - routinely interacting with others in ways that recreate gendered norms - how men and women behave

The process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender is:

gender socialization


generally seen as a term referring to ascribed genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences between males and females

The massacre of Native Americans in the 1800s, the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the slaughter of the Tutsis in Rwanda are all examples of ________.


The war between the Hutu and Tutsi people of Rwanda would be considered


Which term is most appropriate in describing the U.S. government's policies toward the Native Americans in the nineteenth century?


A manager trying to motivate an employee should

give ample feedback

global commodity chain:

global inequality

John's performance evaluation rates him on a scale of 1 to 5 for characteristics such as job knowledge and cooperation. John's company is using a _____ performance evaluation system.

graphic rating scale

Crimes committed by a person in top positions in business have a _______ economic cost, especially for tax payers, than street crime. (greater, lower)



group activities in which myths are reinforced

fragmentation (demise)

group breaks apart due to unmet goals, exhausted resources, or leadership that is inept, no longer legitimate, or co-opted by powerful mainline organizations


group identified by a society because of physical characteristics

Japanese are more likely than Americans to complete the sentence "I am . . ." with their

group identities.

According to Max Weber, the word "class" refers to a

group of people who have a similar level of wealth and income


group within the human species that is identified by a society as presumably having certain biologically inherited physical characteristics

minority group

groups in a population that differ in characteristics and are therefore subject to less power, fewer privileges, and discrimination

New religious movements

groups survive for several generations, become established, and gain some legitimacy, they become new religions in the society rather than new denominations of the existing faith

ethnic group

groups within the human species that are based on cultural factors

Process consultants wil

guide and coach on workflow, informal relationships, and communication

Reinforcement theory

has operant conditioning at its foundation


has virtually no property, prestige, or power

Members of a minority or subordinate group

have a sense of group solidarity.

When theories are discarded, it is usually because they

have been displaced by newer, better theories.

The not-so-empty nest is a phrase that refers to when children ________.

have moved out as young adults, then return to live with their parents

Authoritarian Systems

headed by dictators or military juntas with absolute power are and have been common forms in the world The totalitarian form is often based on a specific political ideology and run by a single ruling group or party, often referred to as an oligarchy

A team member in the role of process observer contributes by

helping the group look at how it's functioning

__________________focuses on social processes that define homosexuality as deviant and legitimize heterosexuality as the only normal lifestyle.


People in good moods use _____, or rules of thumb, to make decisions.


Exposure to ________ appears to improve racial tolerance.

higher education

Amy reads a research article and feels like it didn't tell her anything she didn't already know. However, when asked to guess the results of another experiment before reading it, she cannot. Amy's experience illustrates the

hindsight bias.

Outsourcing means that a company

hires other companies to do some of its work

The type of social mobility people experience when they move form one social position to another of the same rank is called ______ mobility.



how are social movements ignited?


how culture shapes the meanings of our experiences with our own bodies and our bodies in relation to others.

dual career, power, who makes more money, technology, addiction

how do broader social factors influence divorce?

family formation depends on religion, where you live, govt, money

how do broader social factors influence family formation?

it is where we are born and raised and where our parents instituted the characteristics and beliefs into us.

how do family of orientations help determine who we are as individuals?

the norms of the society help determine if a person is sick (socially defined symptoms and circumstances) if they are sick they are subjected to certain sick roles

how do social factors determine what is regarded as illness and how we respond to it?

social stratification

how individuals and groups are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess

gender identity

how individuals form their identity using gender categories

job design

how organizations define and structure jobs

Cognitive style is determined by

how people gather and evaluate information

Social psychology is the scientific study of

how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.

Karl Marx focused on...

how stratification benefits those on top at the expense of those on the bottom. For Marx, stratification is a case of oppression and exploitation. This perspective best describes the sociological view of stratification today. Stratification divides people, and elites maintain it for their own benefit. They allow a small amount of social mobility to continue so that people will blame themselves when they do not succeed in rising in social class.


how we experience our own bodies and our bodies in relation to others


how we experience our own bodies and our bodies in relation to others

Global interdependencies

i. The more dependent a country is, the more inequality is likely to exist between that country and core countries

job characteristics approach

identifies five motivational properties of tasks and three psychological states of people

dual structure theory

identifies motivation factors which affect satisfaction and hygiene factors which determine dissatisfaction

A justification to invade Iraq was "to bring democracy to the Iraqi people." This is an example of a(n) ________ justification for war.


homogeneous group

if members are similar in one of the several traits such as age - work experience education or technical specialty or cultural background

heterogeneous group

if members of the group differ along one or more dimensions

occupational (white-collar) crime

illegal activities committed in the course of a persons employment or financial affairs

political crime

illegal or unethical acts involving the use of power by government officials

male stereotypes

image of perfect body, unemotional can lead to guilt, anxiety and neuroses

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was given the power to

impose fines on organizations in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

circle network

in this type of network -each member communicates with the people on both sides but with no one else

all channel network

in this type of network all members communicate with all other members

chain network

in this type of network each member communicates with the person above and below except for the individuals on each end who each communicate with only one person

wheel network

in this type of network information flows between the person at the end of each sopke and the person in the middle


in which those who rule the society, and those who take the most important jobs, are in those positions because they deserve to be.

work teams

include all the people working in an area are relatively permanent and do the daily work making decisions regarding how the work of the team is done

individual processes

include individual differences -attitudes personalities perception attribution, employee motivation learning reinforcement and work stress


includes your attitudes, values, beliefs, behavior patterns, and other aspects of your place in the world

Relative poverty

income falls below the poverty line, resulting in inadequate standard of living relative to others in a given country.

Results of the contingency model

inconsistent LPC lacks validity

self-fulfilling prophecy

incorporation of stereotypes behavior into an individuals view of themselves

Between the year 2010 and 2050, the proportion of the U.S. population that is Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American will likely

increase from 36% to 54%

Advances in information technology have

increased access to information and made delayering possible

What is a common result of information overload?

increased work stress

An experimenter exposes participants to different temperature levels to determine its effect on aggression. Temperature is the

independent variable.

The traditional view of conflict argues that conflict _____.

indicates a malfunctioning within the group

social inconsistency

individual can have a great deal of prestige, yet not command much wealth

Personality psychologists are more interested in _______________, while social psychologists more likely focus on _____________________.

individual differences; our common humanity

tertiary deviance

individual relabels behavior as nondeviant

leadership substitutes

individual task and organizational characteristics that tend to outweigh the leaders ability to affect subordinates satisfaction and performance

achieved stratification systems

individuals are allowed to earn positions through their ability and effort

mass behavior

individuals communicate or respond in a similar manner to an ambiguous situation, often based on common information from the news or on the internet


individuals join efforts, define goals and strategies, develop recruitment tactics, and identify leaders; the social movement enters the public arena

Social psychology is to _____________ as sociology is to ________________.

individuals; groups

Social_____ is the result of certain groups having more power an standing in the social hierarchy.


Smiles, frowns, and hugs are all examples of:

informal external controls

The office grapevine is an example of

information communication

According to attribution theory,

information on causation is gathered on three dimensions of behavior

The boundaryless organization relies heavily on _____.

information technology

primary deviance

initial rule breaking

Susie is a first-year college student. Although she wants to be popular, she has refused invitations to attend underage drinking parties. Susie has a strong respect for authority, even when it conflicts with a simple matter such as attending a college party. Susie's decision in this situation demonstrates a quality of control theory called ________.

inner control

At one time, many Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet a height requirement. This was an example of

institutional discrimination

The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups which results from the normal operations of a society is known as

institutional discrimination

The 4I framework of a learning organization consists of intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and


Which of the following is not a social that Karl Marx focused on in capitalist society?



intense fear and hatred of homosexuality and homosexuals ␣ Highly correlated with a belief in traditional gender roles ␣ Homosexual slurs are used to reinforce gender conformity

Institutional discrimination

intentional and unintentional actions engrained in the normal or routine part of the way an organization operates that have consequences that restrict minority group members • Side-effect discrimination • Past-in-present discrimination

institutional discrimination

intentional and unintentional actions in a normal or routine part of the way an organization operates

The _____ view of conflict argues that some conflict is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively.


What category of sociologists would be most interested in the way that social class shapes individual lifestyles?


__________________ are interested in how physical differences between men and women come to be symbols that result in different social rights and rewards


A slot machine is an example of _____ reinforcement.


Slavery and apartheid are both examples of the ways in which a country's dominant group exploits minority groups for its economic advantage. What do sociologists call this policy?

internal colonialism

About 1.7 percent of babies are born with "anomolies of sex chromosomes, internal procreative organs, and external genitalia in a variety of combinations" otherwise known as the:


About 1.7 percent of babies are born with "anomolies of sex chromosomes, internal procreative organs, and external genitalia in a variety of combinations" otherwise known as the:


In the book Profiles of Genius, thirteen key executives were interviewed and tested and all were found to be _____ types. This result is particularly interesting because this type represents only about five percent of the population.

intuitive thinking

informational roles

involve some aspect of information processng - monitor - disseminator - spokesperson decision making entrepreneur - disturbance handler resource allocator negotiater role

Job _____ measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his or her job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self-worth.



involves a few men dominating and holding authority over all others

strict affirmative action

involves affirmative or positive steps to make sure that unintentional discrimination doesn't occur

job enlargement

involves giving workers more tasks to perform

unconflicted change

involves making changes in present activities if doing so presents no serious risks


involves the esteem and recognition one receives based on wealth, position, or accomplishment

vigilant information processing

involves thoroughly investigating all possible alternatives weighing their costs and benefits before making a decision and developing contingency plans

nation state

is a political, geographical, and cultural unit with recognizable boundaries and a system of government


is a ranking of people. All societies rank people in some way, although different societies use different criteria. Once ranked, people receive benefits and rewards (money, fame, power, etc.) according to their social location and regardless of their individual abilities. People nearly always stay in the social class into which they were born, even in societies like ours where some social mobility is possible.

Affirmative Action

is a social policy created to change the unequal distribution of resources - Strict affirmative action is a policy that involves affirmative or positive steps to make sure that unintended discrimination does not occur • Employer must advertise to attract a diverse applicant pool • Employer must hire the most qualified candidate that applies for the position

Individual discrimination

is action taken against minority group members which can take the form of exclusion, avoidance, or violence. Action is taken by individuals.


is any attitude, belief, or institutional arrangement that favors one racial group over another; this favoritism may result in intentional or unintentional consequences for minority groups

technical learning

is based on conscious learning where a consciously learning method has been chosen

Social class

is both a source of identity and a structure of inequality.

informal learning

is learning by imitation. normally on a uncounscious level where the learner picks up the skills by another employee who masters the skill

In comparison to the sociologist, the social psychologist

is more likely to study individuals than groups.

Rational legal authority

is most typical of modern nation-states; leaders have the expertise to carry out the duties of their positions, and the leadership structure is usually bureaucratic and rule-bound.

Traditional authority

is passed on through the generations so that the positions are inherited ex: king, queen

Charismatic authority

is power held by an individual that results from the claim of extraordinary, even divine, personal characteristics. often emerge at times of change when strong new leadership is needed. ex:jesus, muhammad

Escalation of commitment:

is simply hanging on to a poor decision.

Social class

is the best indicator of an individual's "life chances" (the sort of life he or she is likely to have).

Class consciousness

is the perception that a class structure exists, as does the feeling of shared identification with others in one's class.


is the process of designing jobs grouping jobs into units and establishing patterns of authority between job and units


is the process of determining an organizations desired future position and the best means of getting there


is the process of determining the organizations desired future position and deciding how best to get there


is the process of getting the organizations members to work together toward achieving the organizations goals


is the process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization and its people to keep them headed toward their goals


is the process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organziation and its members to keep them directed toward their goals


is the process of motivating members of the organization to work together toward the organizations goals


is the social institution that deals with production and distribution of goods and services


is used by sociologists to refer to a structured ranking of groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society?

The great disadvantage of correlational research is that

it does not specify cause and effect.

Two contradictory criticisms faced by social psychology are that its findings are obvious and that

its findings could be used to manipulate people.

The _____ says that internal rewards are obtained by individuals when they learn that they personally have performed well on a task that they care about.

job characteristics model


judgements about others that reinforce beliefs about superiority and inferiority

distribute wealth

karl marx said these are 4 ways to what: each persons needs, each persons wants, each persons earns, each person can take

Job rotation is used primarily to

keep employees from getting bored

decision making roles

key roles include the entrepreneur, the disturbance handler the resource allocator and the negotiator

interpersonal roles

key roles include the figurehead the leader and the liasion

informational roles

key roles include the monitor the disseminator and the spokesperson

female infanticide

killing of newborn girls


knowingly accepting less than the best possible outcome to avoid unintended negative effects on other aspects of the organization

cultural capital

knowledge and access to important information in the society

post modern perspective on deviance

knowledge is power, take away free will to think and act, panopticon model of prison

"Members of society create deviance by defining certain behaviors as deviant." This statement most closely reflects:

labeling theory

Which of the following is not a reason that the middle class is shrinking?

lack of immigration reform by the federal government

The basis of the estate system was the nobles' ownership of the ____.


The most visible expression of pluralism is called


Which of the following is NOT one of Hofstede's five dimensions of national culture?

language proficiency

pay equity

laws making it illegal to pay different wages to women and men doing similar tasks

comparable wealth

laws placing the same value to work requiring similar skill and complexity level for men and women in the labor force

achievement oriented leadership

leader sets challenging goals - expects subordinates to perform at thier highest level

The main difference between a leader and a manager is that:

leaders are advocates for change, and managers for the status quo.

Vroom decision tree approach

leadership model focuses on a songle aspect of leader behavior - subordinate participation in decision making

Racial beliefs serve all of the following functions for the dominant group EXCEPT

leading to feelings of responsibility among dominant group's members for subordinate group problems.

formal learning

learning by means of rewards and punishments such as incentives bonuses or reprimands and punishment

Compared with slavery and caste systems, social classes are

less rigid

What percentage of the population belongs to the upper class according to Daniel Rossides?

less than 2%


less than a year of punishment

According to Gehard Lenski's sociocultural evolution approach, the ______ causes economic systems to change as they become more complex.

level of technology

A _____ leader has five essential qualities: (1) individual capability; (2) team skills; (3) managerial competence; (4) the ability to stimulate others to high performance; and (5) a blend of personal humility and professional will.


Groupthink is

likely to occur when the group values getting along more than getting things done

Which category of sociologists would be most interested in the way that social classes shapes individuals lifestyles?


Sociologists now reject the view that minorities have

low self-esteem, a particular personality, a preference to belong to another group.

In _____ cultures, the words themselves are the primary conveyors of meaning.


Which of the following is not one of the social classes in the model proposed by Daniel Rossides?

lower- lower class

Quietly continuing to do your work, even though you're dissatisfied, is an example of _____ response to dissatisfaction.


Which of the following sociological perspectives focuses on an entire society and global issues?


Refreezing involves _____

making a new change permanent

The most important challenge facing the field of organizational behavior is

managing workforce diversity

A leader with Machiavellian tendencies would likely

manipulate others for his or her personal gain

The status of being between two cultures at the same time is


Members of the dominant group usually

marry within their group

The ____ violates the unity-of-command concept.

matrix structure

Proportional representation

means that each party is given a number of seats corresponding to the percentage of votes it received in the election

The _____ is a structure characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization.

mechanistic model

The _____ assumption assumes that people who are different will want to assimilate.


of a minority or subordinate group generally marry within their group because

members of the subordinate group have a strong sense of group solidarity that discourages outsiders.

A ______ is a senior employee who sponsors and supports a less-experienced employee.


mass media

meso level agents of gender socialization: EX: magazines, ads, films, TV, music videos

religious beliefs

meso level agents of gender socialization: defines, reinforces, and perpetuates gender role stereotypes and cultural beliefs; provide explanations of all aspects of life, including proper male/female roles


meso level agents of gender socialization: produce materials that help socialize children into proper conduct EX: children's books, toys

educational systems

meso level agents of gender socialization: socialization agents of children through textbooks, classroom activities, playground games, and teachers attitudes

structural functionalism

meso/macro theory, each sex has a role to play in society

conflict theory

meso/macro theory, sees males as haves and women as have nots.

symbolic interactionism

micro theory, physical biological sex differences act as symbols that differentiate rights and rewards.

feminist theory

micro/macro patriarchy is primary cause of women's oppression

The formation of a subordinate-group-dominant-group relationship emerges through

migration, colonialism, & annexation.

According to studies on occupational mobility, most social mobility in the United States is relatively


What term did Louis Wirth use to define groups of people who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination?

minority group


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: members attempt to pass members of the dominant group so as to avoid bigotry and discrimination


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: model for this is Ghandi's struggle for independence from Britain in the 1950s


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: pretending to be a member of the privileged group when one is not fully apart of the community


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: resulting from anger and resentment over minority status and from subjugation may lead to retaliation or violence


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: shunning all contact with dominant group


minority reactions to prejudice, discrimination, and racism: some minority groups have learned to live with their minority status

Hersey Blanchard Model

model of leadership identifies different combinations of leadership presumed to work best with different levels of organizational maturity on the part of followers

hersey and blanchard model

model that identifies different combinations of leadership presumed to work best with different levels of organizational maturity on the part of followers

Classical conditioning is:

modifying behavior so that a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and elicits an unconditioned response.

Minorities are discriminated against by redlining when

mortgages are denied for houses in minority neighborhoods.

Conformity Gap

most common, one accepts both goals and means

political system

most direct source of power, with the ability to influence decisions about how society is run

When researcher Karl Teigen gave students the actual proverb "fear is stronger than love," most rated it as true. When he gave others the reverse form, "love is stronger than fear,"

most rated it as true.

caste system

most rigid ascribed stratification system and are maintained by cultural norms and social control mechanisms


movement becomes a formal organization, which gains members and resources


movements of people across borders; people who fully participate in and have loyalty to 2 nations and cultures and hold dual citizenship

one important feature related to the narrowing of the wage gap btwn women and men

much of the reduction is due to decline or stagnation in men's wages rather than increases in women's earrings

When the laboratory experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations, the experiment is said to be high in

mundane realism.

Which of the following is an example of a consensus crime?


violent crime

murder, rape, robe eery and aggravated assault


n a (n) _______ system of stratification, the ownership of property and the exercise of power is monopolized by an elite who have total control over society resources.

World systems theory addresses the conflict between

nations who control wealth and nations who provide natural resources and labor.

"The way things are is the way they ought to be." This statement reflects the

naturalistic fallacy.

Functionalists believe that a stratified society is


The following are all conditions that favor social learning EXCEPT

need for power

A Theory X manager would assume employees would _____.

need to be controlled

external social control

negative sanctions that proscribe certain behaviors and punish rule breakers

Steve is unhappy with his job. He takes every possible vacation and sick day and sometimes shows up for work late. He is expressing his dissatisfaction with a _____ response.


social capital

networks with others who have influence

secondary deviance

new identity accepted, deviance continues

To be deviant, a person must:

not conform to one of society's norms

absolute poverty

not having resources to meet basic needs, no prestige, no power no wealth EX: Outcastes of India

Absolute poverty

not having resources to meet basic needs. No prestige, no power, no wealth and insufficient means to survive.

Sociologically, a family that consists of a husband, wife and children is called a ________.

nuclear family

According to the text, teachers are most likely to reward girls for being:

obedient and passive

Which of the following is not an ascribed status?



occurs because numerous organizational systems are in place to ensure that employees and systems behave as expected to maintain stability


occurs when a leader gradually and purposefully turns over power responsibility and control to a sel managing work group


occurs when each ethnic or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions but has recognized equity in the society

social learning

occurs when people observe the behaviors of others recognize their consequences and alter their own behavior as a result


occurs when people quit their jobs


occurs when the goals are incompatible and the interactions between groups are important to meeting goals

accomomodation among groups

occurs when the groups goals are compatible but interactions are not considered important to goal attainment


occurs when the interaction between groups is very important to goal attainment and the goals are compatible

directive leadership

occurs when the leader lets subordinates know what is expected of them -gives specific guidance


occurs when the parties goals are compatible and the interaction between groups is relatively unimportant to the goals attainment

mode of production

ociety organizes itself in order to produce the things it needs, and to distribute rewards for this, and this system is our mode of production


of desired resources is unequal


official crime statistics

innovation gap

one accepts the goals but not the means, illegal means

scientific management

one of the first approaches to management focused on the efficiency of individual workers and assumed that employees ar emotivated by money

scientific management

one of the first approaches to management focused on the efficiency of individual workers and assumed that employees are motiviated by money

ritualism gap

one rejects or lowers the goals but accepts the means

life chances

one's opportunities based on achieved or ascribed statuses


one's socially defined position in a group; it is often characterized by certain expectations and rights

Life chances

ones opportunities, depending on their achieved and ascribed status in society.

Which type of stratification system allows movement between classes?


According to the text, which of the following models for planning organizational change combine both internal processes and the external environment?

open systems models


oppression/exploitation • "slavery" • "segregation" (formal/informal separation depriving access to the dominant institutions) • "domestic colonialism"

The chief means of conveying messages is _____ communication.


_____ studies behavior as it relates to concerns such as absenteeism, turnover, productivity, and performance.

organizational behavior

A strategy, or method, for increasing organizational effectiveness by bringing about planned change is called

organizational development

The contingency approach to organization design affirms that

organizations are more effective when they are structured to fit the situational demand

Which of the following would not be a member off the lower-middle class?

orthopedic surgons

rebellion gap

overthrow both goals and means

Petty bourgeoisie

own some means of production but control little labor of others

petty bourgeoisie

own some means of production but control little labor of others; they have modest prestige, power, and property


own the means of production


owning or controlling the means of production

The development of solidarity among ethnic subgroups is called


task versus relationship motivation

parallels job centered and initiating structure leader behavior

Discriminatory practices that are no longer allowed but that continue to affect people today:

past-in-present discrimination

Theory that allows for the possibility of adapting leadership to the situation

path goal theory

feminist theory

patriarchy is the cause of women's oppression - Patriarchy-‐ a few men dominate and hold authority over all others, including women, children, and less powerful men - Class, race, and gender intersect in a way that privileges some women over others, though most women are s*ll subordinate to most men

Feminist theory

patriarchy is the cause of women's oppression ␣ Patriarchy- a few men dominate and hold authority over all others, including women, children, and less powerful men ␣ Class, race, and gender intersect in a way that privileges some women over others (example: the rich women vs. the poor women), though most women are still subordinate to most men within their own social class and ethnic group. ␣ This means that our gender identity is impacted by our other identities like social class or racial identities. This concept is offered by the intersectionality theorist.

superwoman syndrome

pattern by which women assume multiple roles and try to do well, takes its toll


pay back and punishment should fit the crime for offender

main assumptions of stratification

people are divided into groups and ranked, there is an equal distribution of desired resources, each society determines what it considers to be valued resources

type a individuals

people who are extremely competitive highly committed to work and have a strong sense of time urgency

negative affectivity

people who are generally downbeat and pessimistic see things in a negative way, and seem to be in a bad mood

type b individuals

people who are less competitive less committed to work and have a weaker sense of urgency

positive affectivity

people who are upbeat and optimistic have an overall sence of well being and see things in a positvie light

long term orientation

people who focus on the future

status group

people who have the same prestige or lifestyle

short term orientation

people with focus on the past or present

Conflict must be _____ by the parties to it.


Individual level independent variables include _____.


work teams

permanent groups to do normal everyday work of the team and usually make decisions about how the work of the team will be performed

individual differences

personal attributes that vary from one person to another

John Holland argues that job satisfaction is highest and turnover lowest where _____.

personality and occupation are in agreement


persons with ambiguous genitalia, such that sex is difficult to assign.

process based perspectives on motivaiton

perspectives that focus on how people behave in thier efforts to satisfy thier needs

phases of implementation

phase 1 startup - reality and unrest - leader centered teams - tightly formed teams - self managing teams

Which of the following is a micro-level factor that can shape social stratification?

physical attractiveness

steps in implemeting teams

planning the change - making the decision - preparing for implementation

Which of the following allows a minority group to express its own culture and still to participate without prejudice in the larger society?


The _________ model of power argues that power is shared among many power centers, each of which has their own self-interests to protect.


The _________ model of power argues that power is shared among many power centers, each of which has their own self-interests to protect.


Antinatalist Policies

policies that discourage fertility

Which of the following is a meso-level factor that can shape social stratification?

political affiliation

_______________ refers to the social institution that determines and exercises power relations in society.



popularized by Karl Marx, term for the upper-class capitalists who owned the means of production. In Marx's time, they owned factories instead of farms. Today the term is also used to refer to upper-class managers who wield a lot of power


popularized by Karl Marx, the term for the lower classes who were forced to become wage laborers or go hungry. Today, the term is often used to refer to the working class

Power granted to a person by an organization is an example of

position power

davis and moore theory

positions in society are neither equally valued nor equally please to perform, preparation requires talent, time, and money, differences in rewards in turn lead to the unequal distribution of resources

Which of the following solutions address racism at the group level?

positive contact

What is the term used to describe an attitude that exaggerates the virtues of a group, such as all Asian Americans being brilliant or all African Americans being great athletes?

positive prejudice

Suicide bombers in Iraq are accorded high praise by those who oppose an American presence in the Middle East and are considered heroic warriors such honor and praise is an example of a ___.

positive sanction

During the _____ stage of the conflict process, conditions are present that create opportunities for conflict to arise.

potential opposition or incompatibility

Egalitarian Family pattern

power and authority is shared between spouses

The __________ model of power suggests that individuals with powerful positions in political, business, and military arenas interact with each other and ensure that their power is not threatened.

power elite

Contemporary social psychology emphasizes the

power of the situation, power of the person, and applicability of social psychological principles


power that has been ligitimzed with a particular social context

Affirmative action has caused a re-examination of

preferences by law and medical schools for children of alumni, height and weight procedures, "last hired, first fired" policies.

According to Myers-Briggs typology, a sensation-type individual is best described as someone who

prefers routine and order when gathering information

A person with a high achievement need

prefers tasks of intermediate difficulty


prejudice against (fear or dislike of) homosexual people and homosexuality


prejudiced attitudes are manifested in actions, differential treatment of and harmful actions against minorities

The stage of a social movement in which the context for the movement is set is the ___________ stage.


The term ______ refers to the level of respect and admiration that people have for an occupation.


For the first time ever, Carson smoked marijuana just to experience it. People observing Carson doing this see this as a one-time behavior. According to labeling theory, Carson committed:

primary deviance

At an Alcoa aluminum tubing plant in upstate New York, production is organized into five departments: casting; press; tubing; finishing and inspecting, packing, and shipping. This is an example of _____ departmentalization.


gender socialization

process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, behaviors appropriate to their gender


process of categorizing large number of people and attributing to their person qualities based on their dress, language, skin color, and other identifying features

Accounting firms, consulting firms, and hospitals are examples of

professional bureaucracies

The internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II is an example of _____.


What is considered a standard response for routine problems?

programmed decision

Max Webber

proposed the development of what he called the bureaucratic form of organization structure

New Religious Movement/Cult

protest or splinter groups that if they survive for several generations, become established, and gain legitimacy, they then become new religions in society rather than new denominations of the existing faith (as sects do)

fixed ratio reinforcement

provides reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors

fixed interval reinforcement

provides reinforcement on a fixed time schedule

The _____ model is effective at describing decision-making within temporary groups, particularly those with deadlines.


An example of _____ is when an employee receives a one-week suspension from work and is fined $200 for stealing company property.



purpose of the movement is set

de jure discrimination

purposeful discrimination built into the law or is part of the explicit policies of an organization

A strong culture builds all of the following EXCEPT ____.


A _____ is a group of employees and supervisors who meet regularly to discuss their quality problems and recommend solutions.

quality circle

Which of the following best describes the observed relationship between religion and social class?

r-class individuals in the United States are disproportionately represented in fundamentalist religions.

What is a group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group?


Which of the following ascribed statuses most influences a person's wealth and social class position?



racial or ethnic group share power but maintain its own identity, culture or separate set of institutions- separate but equal - Pluralism is possible through intervention - legal protection

Studies consistently document that increased formal education is associated with

racial tolerance.

In conducting your research, you make sure that every person in the population has an equal chance of participating in your survey. This procedure is known as

random sampling.

In spite of the fact that short-term stock price changes are essentially random, a large proportion of investors believe that they can predict the direction that prices will move. This is an example of _____.

randomness error

Which of the following types of authority is most typical of modern nation-states?

rational-legal authority

Positivists view on deviance

real, observable object and determined behavior

Casey could not believe that her friends were continuing on to college after high school. She found it much more important to try to overthrow the current government, and she planned to chain herself to the capital building and stage a hunger strike until her demands were met. Merton would argue that Casey was coping with strain through:


Percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested is known as _____.


legitimate power

recognized as rightful by those who are subject to it

Openly discussing the worst-case possibilities of a situation is a way a company can

reduce the negative consequences of rumors


refers to "social and political transformation of a nation, resulting from failure of state regimes"


refers to "social and political transformation of a nation, resulting from failure of state regimes" They typically occur when the government does not respond to citizen needs and when leadership to challenge the existing regime emerges


refers to an individual's social recognition, esteem, and respect commanded from others, ranking is closely correlated with the value system or society


refers to attitudes that prejudice a group, usually negatively and not based on facts

intragenerational mobility

refers to change in position in a single individuals life

intergenerational mobility

refers to change in status compared to their parents status

domestic colonialism

refers to exploitation of minorities


refers to how cultures shape the meaning of sexuality and sexual acts and how we experience our bodies in relation to others; also socially constructed

Social Stratification

refers to how individuals and groups are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess

vertical mobility

refers to movement up or down in the hierarchy and sometimes involves changing social classes

indirect compensation - benefits

refers to nonwage or salary compensation such as paid time off and insurance coverage

past in present discrimination

refers to practices from the past that may no longer be allowed but that continue to affect people today

side effect discrimination

refers to practices in one institutional area that have a negative impact because they are linked into practices in another institutional area; unintentional discrimination


refers to socially constructed notions of masculinity and femininity


refers to the ability to control or influence others to get them to do what you want them to do

Intragenerational mobility

refers to the change in position in a single individual's life

Democratic socialism

refers to the collective or group planning of the development of the society, but within a democratic political system

Second shift

refers to the housework and child care that employed women do after their first-shift job

Hidden curriculum

refers to the implicit demands found in every learning institution that students have to learn and respond to in order to succeed within the educational system

population transfer

refers to the removal of a minority group from a region or country


refers to the social institution that determines and exercises power relations in society


refers to the structural and cultural merging of minority and majority groups, a process which minority members may lose their original identity


refers to the subordination of one group to another that holds power and authority EX: slavery

feminization of poverty

refers to the trend in which single females make up a growing proportion of those in poverty

relative poverty

refers to those whose income falls below the poverty line

Authoritarian System

regimes headed by dictators or military juntas with absolute power

retreatism gap

rejection of both goals and means

Dominant group members tend to have access to more opportunities, which translates to better quality of life in many ways. Sociologists call this type of inequality

relative deprivation.

Emily works and makes a modest salary. However, Emily is unable to provide new clothes or a two-bedroom apartment for her or her children. She is experiencing:

relative property

command group

relatively permanent group

The owner of a car dealership refuses to hire a female applicant not because he feels women are incompetent, but because he fears that customers will be less likely to buy a car from a woman. According to Merton, the owner is being a(an)

reluctant liberal

Population Transfer

removal to new location

human organization

renis likerts approach that is based on supportive relationships participation and overlapping work groups

Bi-lateral no fault divorce

required both parties to agree that they wanted out of the marriage

personal power

resides in the person regardless of the position he or she fills


respect and admiration that an occupation holds in a society

Gender roles

rigidly assigned tasks or expected behaviors of individuals because of their sex category

Next week, Abraham and Hazel will attend the bar mitzvah of their nephew. Their nephew's bar mitzvah is an example of a religious ________.


rites of passage

rituals and formal processes that acknowledge a change of status

The feeling of sexual attraction and idealization of another is called ________.

romantic love

Which of the following has become a significant source of workplace conflict?

rudeness and incivility


rule by God (or religious leaders who act in accordance with God's presumed wishes)

Karl Marx believed that the dominant ideology in a capitalist society always serves the ___ ______.

ruling clas

In 1936, the news magazine, Literary Digest, collected the opinions of over two million Americans regarding the presidential election. The results suggested that Alf Landon would win in a landslide over Franklin D. Roosevelt. Weeks later, FDR won in a landslide. This survey was plagued by

sampling bias.

_____ describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.


least preferred coworker - LPC scale

scale that presumes to measure a leader's motivation

Many U.S. citizens blame immigrants for social problems such as unemployment and crime. The immigrant, in this instance becomes the


schedules of reinforcement

schedules that indicate when or how often managers should reinforce certain behaviors

The objective of effective _____ is to match individual characteristics such as ability and experience, with the requirements of the job.


Because it is impossible for us to assimilate everything we see, we engage in _____.

selective perception

Manager's can increase an employee's _____ through enactive mastery, vicarious modeling, verbal persuasion, and arousal.


A person or group is described as having particular characteristics and then begins to display the very traits that were said to exist. This is an example of the

self-fulfilling prophecy

In certain situations, we may respond to stereotypes and act on them, with the result that false definitions become accurate. This is known as the

self-fulfilling prophecy


sell and manage their labor to capitalists


sell their labor to capitalists and low on prestige, power, and property


sell their labor to capitalists and manage the labor of others for the capitalists

The _____ initiates a message by encoding a thought.


Opponents see the Afrocentric perspective as


management functions

set forth by henri fayol they include planning organizing command coordination and control

A biological term that refers to ascribed genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences b/w men and women:


class consciousness

shared awareness of their poor status in relation to the means of production

Zari is a successful lawyer, but her career has begun to suffer and she was recently demoted because the school nurse, Melissa, always expects Zari to pick up her daughter from school when she is ill. Zari's boss expects her to never leave work, but Melissa refuses to call Zari's husband because "a sick girl needs her mama." Zari is experiencing:

side-effect discrimination

Feminization of poverty

single females, increasingly younger and with children, make up a growing proportion of those in poverty.

When errors are detected in _____, the correction process relies on past routines and present policies.

single-loop learning

interpersonal skills

skills used to communicate with understand and motivate individuals and groups

conceptual skills

skills used to think in the abstract

diagnostic skills

skills used to understand cause and effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions to problems

Experts predict that the predominant style of organization in the future will be


quality circles

small groups of employees from the same work area who meet regularly to discuss and recommend solutions to problems

quality circles

small groups of employees from the same work area who regularly meet to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems

Variations or alterations in the behavior patterns, culture, and structure of society are known as:

social change

property power and prestige

social class position is based on three factors

What are the four general system off stratification?

social classes slavery estates castes

What is a groups formal and informal means of enforcing norms called?

social control

sticky floor

social forces that keep the majority of the world's women stuck in low-paid jobs

Sticky Floor

social forces that keep the vast majority of the world's women stuck in low-paid jobs The work place itself is gendered ␣ For example, workplaces do not provide for childcare which narrows the opportunities for women. Must they quit or alter family schedules?

Glass ceiling

social forces that keep women from reaching the highest levels of corporate and public responsibility

glass ceiling

social forces that keep women from reaching the highest levels of corporate and public responsibility

glass ceiling

social forces that keep women from reaching the highest levels of corporate and public responsibility =kept out of the very top of authority structures

glass escalator

social forces that push men up the organizational hierarchy even if they do not seek to climb it, especially in female-dominated occupations.

__________ refers to the extent and direction of individual movement in the social stratification system.

social mobility

The movement of individuals or grops from one social class position in a society's stratification system to another is called.

social mobility.

_______ is a system that places entire categories of people into unequal groups.

social stratification

__________ refers to how individuals are layered or ranked in society according to how many valued resources they possess.

social stratification


social system in which the greater the functional importance of the job, the more rewards it brings, in salary, perks, power, and prestige

Which of the following were considered higher-order needs by Maslow?

social, esteem, and self-actualization needs


socially and culturally constructed definitions


socially constructed notions of masculinity and femininity

The concept of race is

socially constructed.


society reinforces heterosexuality and marginalizes anyone who does not conform to this norm

Racial formation refers to the

sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created and manipulated.

feminization of poverty

sociological term for the confluence of factors that has made women a disproportionate number of the poor. (Worldwide, of all impoverished people over the age of 18, 61% are women and 39% are men) (p. 205).


special privileges awarded to selected members of an organization usually top managers

6 There are several things that can assist a large organization to decentralize, including:

specialization of products/market/technology.

collective behavior

spontaneous, disorganized group actions that often violate norms; arises when people are trying to cope with stressful situations or uncertain conditions

The four management functions include all of the following EXCEPT _____.


frustration aggression theory

states that acts of prejudice and discrimination are motivated by anger and frustration when people can't achieve goals

Viewing Blacks as superstitious, Whites as uncaring, and Jews as shrewd are examples of


Social forces that keep the vast majority of the world's women stuck in low-paid jobs:

sticky floor

Erving Goffman used the term ________ to refer to characteristics that discredit people.



stories embodying ideas about the world

Companies who fail to install adequate safety equipment because they feel pressured not to cut into their profits by spending money on safety features commit a crime against their employees. This behavior can best be explained by what theory?


Conflicts theorist see___ as a major source of societal tension and conflict


Social class systems

stratification based on achieved status

Market systems

stress individual planning and private ownership of property, with much less governmental coordination or oversight

If an employee misperceives an event that occurs in the workplace, it is likely that he or she has

strong attitudes about that event

Which of the following is not a necessary element for collective behavior to occur, according to value-added theory?

strong social controls

"Each sex plays a complimentary role to ensure the survival and efficiency of society" is a tenet of which sociological theory?

structural-fuctional theory

"Gender division of labor exists in modern societies b/c it is efficient and useful to have different but complementary male and female roles" This statement most closely reflects:

structural-fuctional theory

Ohio state studies

studies based on a questionairre designed to assess subordinates perceptions of ther leaders behavior

The great strength of correlational survey research is that is

studies factors in real-world settings that cannot be manipulated in the laboratory.

In sociology, minority refers to the

subordinate group.

International organizations

such at the United Nations and World Bank, and military, political and economic alliances such as North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

female stereotypes

super image, beauty image can lead to depression and health issues

Leilani is struggling to get a promotion at her law firm, spend quality time with her husband, and ensure her children get enough attention from her. She is most likely being affected by:

superwoman image

Sociologists who believe we help to produce our own orientations to life by joining specific groups is most alligned with with sociological perspective.

symbolic interactionalist

class system

system of stratification based on economic position in which people are ranked based on achieved status. The most open form (i.e., permitting the most social mobility) of stratification


systematic effort of a dominant group to destroy a minority group


systematic effort of extermination of minorities by a dominant group

social control

systematic practices developed by social groups to encourage conformity


systematic study of crime and the criminal justice system

social stratification

taken from the geological term for layers of rock or "strata," the ranking of people into defined layers. Social stratification exists in all societies and is based on things like wealth, race, and gender

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore believe that positions in society must be distributed and that these positions must be filled by people with the appropriate

talents and abilities

Delphi Technique

technique developed by the Rand Corp - a method of systematically gathering the judgments of experts for use in developing forecasts

nominal group technique

technique in which group members follow a generate discussion vote cycle until they reach an appropriate decision

Writers, attorneys, analysts, and employees who spend the majority of their time on computers or on the telephone are natural candidates for _____.


Electronic communication includes all of the following EXCEPT:

telephone calls.

problem solving teams

temporary teams established to attack specific problems in the workpplace

According to Rokeach, _____ values refer to desirable end-states of existence.


Federal guidelines bar federal agents from using race and ethnicity as a reason for investigating someone, but cases involving ________ are exempted.


State terrorism

terror is used as a tactic to deal with both internal and external dissent

A research hypothesis is a

testable prediction.

C. Wright Mills Argues

that there is an invisible but interlocking power elite in U.S. society consisting of leaders in military, business, and political spheres who make the key political, economic, and social decisions for the nation

What was Weber's term to describe the ideal of a self-denying, highly moral life, accompanied by hard work and frugality?

the Protestant Ethic

Weber's definition of Power

the ability of a person or group to realize their own will in communal action, even against resistance of others participating in the action


the ability to affect the perceptions attitudes or behaviors of others


the ability to control or influence others


the ability to exercise one's will over others.


the ability to generate new ideas or to conceive of new perspectives on existing ideas


the ability to get others to do what you want them to do, regardless of their own desires

valuing diversity

the act of putting an end to the assumption that everyone who is not a member of the dominant group must assimilate

cognitive dissonance

the anxiety a person experiences when he or she siimultanously possesses two sets of knowledge or perceptions that are contradictory or incongruent

cognitive dissonance

the anxiety a person experiences when he or she simultaneously possesses two sets of knowledge or perceptions that are contradictory or incongruent

organizational behavior modificaiton OB mod

the application of reinforcement theory to people in organizational settings

Which theory would be most likely to point out that the movement to keep Chinese out of the U.S. became strongest during the late 19th century when Chinese immigrants and Whites fought over dwindling number of jobs?

the authoritarian personality

strategic values

the basic beliefs about an organizations environment that shape its strategy

human relations movement

the beginning of organizational behavior was based on the assumption that employee satisfaction is a key determinant of performance


the belief that one is being treated fairly in relation to others inequity is the belief that one is being treated unfairly in relation to others


the belief that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social systems such as organizations

general environment

the broad set of dimensions and factors within which the organization operaties including political legal sociocultural technological economic and international factors


the capacity to entertain new ideas and to change as a result of new information

Caste/ Ascribed Status

the caste one is born into determines one's occupation, potential marriage partners, residence, group memberships, and prestige level


the channel or path through which the message is transmitted

goal specificity

the clarity and precision of a goal

African American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois said in 1900 that the century's major problem would be

the color-line

Sociologists who view law as an instrument of oppression used to control workers are aligned most with which sociological perspective?

the conflict perspective

Which of the following states that interracial interaction between people with equal status in cooperative circumstances will cause them to become less prejudiced and to abandon previously held stereotypes?

the contact hypothesis

conflict stimulation

the creation and constructive use of conflict by a manager

The term genocide would NOT be used to describe which of the following historical events?

the creation of Pakistan and the geographic separation of Muslims and Hindus


the degree of attractiveness or unattractiveness a particular outcome has for a person

communication fidelity

the degree of correspondence between the message intended by the source and themessage understood by the receiver

group composition

the degree of similarity or difference among group members on factors important to the groups work

risk propenjsity

the degree to which a person is willing to take chances and make risky decisions

Assertiveness is _____.

the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy his/her own concerns


the degree to which rules and procedures shape the jobs and activities of employees

environmental dynamism

the degree tow hich environmental components that impinge on organizational decision making change

What is institutional discrimination?

the denial of opportunities resulting from the normal operations of society

need for achievement

the desire to accomplish a task or goal more effectively than in the past

need for power

the desire to control the resources in ones' environment

Karl Marx's main focus was on

the effect economic inequality had on all aspects of society.

Culture is most likely to be a liability when _____.

the environment is dynamic

Interactionists seek to explain society as a whole by studying

the everyday forms of social interaction

Being "in the zone" is also known as

the experience of flow

Social mobility

the extend and direction of individual movement in the social stratification system.

goal acceptance

the extent t which a person accepts a goal as his or her own

self esteem

the extent to which a person believes he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual

goal commitment

the extent to which a person is personally interested in reaching a goal

organizational citizenship

the extent to which a person's behavior makes a positive overall contribution to the organization

job satisfaction

the extent to which aperson is gratified or fulfilled by his or her work

Leon Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance would be determined by all of the following EXCEPT _____.

the extent to which attitudes are widely held by society.

power distance

the extent to which less powerful persons accept the unequal distribution of power

emotional intelligence - EQ

the extent to which people are self aware can manage thier emotions can motivate themselves express empathy for others and possess social skills

locus of control

the extent to which people believe their circumstances are a function of their own actions versus external factors beyond their control

self efficacy

the extent to which people believe they can accomplish their goals even if they failed to do so in the past


the extent to which people emphasize the good of the group or society


the extent to which people place primary value on themselves

uncertainty avoidance

the extent to which people prefer to be in unambiguous sitatuions

masculinity assertiveness or materialism

the extent to which the dominatnt values in a society emphasize aggressiveness and the acquisition of money and material goods over concern for people relationships among people and the overall quality of life

procedural justice

the extent to which the dynamics of an organizations decision making processes are judged to be fiar by those most affectied by them

goal compatibility

the extent to which the goals of more than one person or group can be achieved at the same time

person job fit

the extent to which the individuals contributions match the inducements offered by the organization

quality of work life

the extent to which workers can satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organization


the final stage of the creative process in which the truthfulness of the insight is determined


the final stage of the creative process in which the validity or turthfulness of the insight is determined

The term 'melting pot' refers to

the formation of a new cultural entity

Husbands remain primarily responsible for earning the income and wives are primarily responsible for the house and children. This is an arrangement sociologists call ________.

the gendered division of labor

Irene has been working at Megacorp for 10 years. She has an impeccable record and has received wonderful reviews. Still, she cannot figure out why the men that started the job at the same time she did have been promoted several levels while she has only receive done promotion. Irene may be experiencing:

the glass ceiling

The inability of women to move laterally within a company is known as

the glass wall

Closed System Model

the goal of closed system models is to move the organizational closer to ideal bureaucratic efficiency and effectiveness

What is the relationship between births and no births to single women and their level of education?

the greater level of education the fewer births to single women

parliamentary governments

the head of state (often a monarch) and the head of government (a prime minister, chancellor, premier) are two E.g., Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark

According to the text, ___________________ tends to make people overconfident about the validity of their judgments and predictions.

the hindsight bias.

bounded rationality

the idea that decision makers cannot deal with information about all the aspects and alternatives pertaining to a problem and therefore choose to tackle some meaningful subset of it


the identity of someone who is challenging or changing the gender they were assigned at birth.


the individual group or organization interested in communicating something to another party


the institutionalization of heterosexuality as the only socially legitimate sexual orientation

job categories

the jobs in work groups are usually defined in narrow descriptions of highly specialized jobs that require minimal training


the manner in which divided tasks are combined and allocated to work groups

organizational technology

the mechanical and intellectual processes that transform inputs into outputs

social mobility

the movement from one class to another, it can occur in two forms: intergenerational—that is, your parents are working class, but you become lower, or your parents are middle class, but you become upper class; and intragenerational—that is, you move from working to lower, or from middle to upper, all within your lifetime

Vertical mobility

the movement up or down in the hierarchy, which sometimes involves changing classes.

need for affiliation

the need for human companionship

Social neuroscientists seek to understand

the neurobiology that underlies social behavior.


the number of goals on which a person focuses

environmental complexity

the number of invironmental components that impinge on organizational decision making

surface value

the objective meaning or worth a reward has to an employee

avoidance - negative reinforcement

the opportunity to avoid or escape from an unpleasant circumstance after exhibiting behavior

avoidance -negative reinforcement

the opportunity to avoid or escape from an unpleasant circumstance after exhibiting behavior


the plans and actions necessary to achieve organizational goals

presidential governments

the president tends to have more autonomy than the heads of parliamentary governments E.g., the U.S., Italy, France, Germany

gender socialization

the process by which people learn the cultural norms, aRtudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender through sanctions


the process by which people become aware of the need for change

performance measurement -

the process by which someone evaluates an employees work behaviors by measurement and comparison with previously established standards


the process by which the message is translated from an idea or thought into transmittable symbols


the process by which the reciever of themessage interprets its meaning


the process of categorizing or labeling people on the basis of a single attribute

decision making

the process of choosing from among several alternatives


the process of creating and doing new things that are introduced into the marketplace as products and services or processes


the process of designing jobs grupong jobs into manageable units and establishing patterns of authority amoung jobs and groups


the process of enabling workers to set their own work goals make decisions and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority


the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about thier own work


the process of making new behaviors relatively permanent and resistant to further change


the process of optimizing the size of an organizations workforce through downsizing expanding and or outsourcing

organizational development

the process of planned change and improvement of the organization through application of knowledge of the behavioral sciences

selective perception

the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradicts oru beliefs

transition management

the process of systematically planning organizing and implementing change

organizational socialization

the process through which emploees learn about the firm's culture and pass thier knowledge and understanding on to others


the process through which individuals become social beings


the process through which memb ers of a minority group are forced to learn the ways of the dominant group


the quality of being comfortable with relationships the opposite extreme introversion is characterized by more social discomfort

The conflict perspective emphasizes

the redistribution of resources, social change, & the exploitation of minorities by dominant groups.


the relatively stable set of psychological attributes that distinguish one persona from another

Environmental justice refers to

the right to live in communities free from the threat of hazardous waste.


the roles we play in ____ differ by sex, as well as age.

transformational leadership

the set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for change to create a vision to guide that change and to execute that change effectively


the set of processes by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment

organization culture

the set of values that helps the organizations employees understand which actions are considered acceptable and which unacceptable

technical skills

the skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the organization

Gender identity

the socially constructed meanings associated with males or females and how individuals construct their gender identity within these constraints


the socially constructed meanings associated with males or females and how individuals construct their gender identity within these constraints


the specialized or technical language of a trade profession or social group


the stage in the creative process when all the scattered thoughts and ideas that were maturing during incubation come together to produce a breakthrough

mutual acceptance group

the stage of group development that is characterized by members sharing information about themselves and getting to know each other

control and organization

the stage of group development when the group is mature members work together and are flexible adaptive and self correcting

communication and decision making

the stage of group development where members discuss their feelings more openly and agree on group goals and individual roles in the group


the stage of less intense conscious concentration during which a creative person lets the knowledge and ideas acquired during preparation mature and develop

organization behavior

the study of human behavior in organizational settings of the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself


the study of human populations


the study of language forms

symbolic value

the subjective and personal meaning or worth a reward has to an employee

administrative hierarchy

the system of reporting relationships in the organization from the lowest to the highest managerial levels

organization structure

the system of task reporting and authority relationships within which the organization does its work


the tangible and intangible rewards provided by organizations to individuals

group polarization

the tendency for a groups average post discussion attitudes to be more extreme than its average prediscussion attitudes

Ethnocentrism is

the tendency to assume that one's culture is superior to all others.

Which of the following statements regarding language and sexual inequality is false?

the terms spinster and bachelor are equivalent in terms of positive connotation

acceptance theory of authority

the theory that the managers authority depends on the subordianates acceptance of the managers right to give directives and to expect compliance with them

structural imperatives

the three structural imperatives environment, technology and size and the three primary determinants of organizational structure


the total of all a persons material assets, including savings, land, stocks, and other types of property.

performance behaviors

the total set of work related behaviors that the organization expects the individual to display


the transfer to others of the authority to make decisions and use organizational resources

A Black worker is shown how to perform her factory job by a White male supervisor. According to the contact hypothesis, this situation would be unlikely to reduce prejudice because

the two individuals do not have equal status.


the type of group relation where the dominant group makes a systematic effort to destroy a minority group.

When used by sociologists the term wealth refers to ___.

the value of a persons property minus that persons debt, a persons net worth

Secession is

the withdrawal of a group of people from a dominant group to establish a new nation.

need based theories of motivation

theories that assume that need deficiencies cause behavior

symbolic interactionist theorist

theorists focus on symbols and constructions of reality that allow some persons to assume power. A core concern is on the legitimacy of power

reinforcement thoery

theory based on the idea that behavior is a function of its consequences

Functionalist Deviance: Anomie Strain Theory

theory by emile Durkheim that people feel strain when they are exposed to cultural goals that they are unable to obtain because they do not have access to the culturally approved means of achieving goals; a society with no set goals so people feel lost and deviate

ERG theory

theory that describes existence relatedness and growth needs

dependency theory

theory that focuses on the unequal relationship between wealthy countries and poor countries, arguing that poverty is the result of exploitation

expectancy theory

theory that suggests people are motivated by how much they want something and the liklihood they perceive of getting it

LPC theory of leadership

theory that suggests that a leaders effectiveness depends on the situation

Path goal theory of leadership

theory that suggests that effective leaders clarify the paths - behaviors- that will lead to desired rewards - goals

situational perspective

theory that suggests that in most organizations situations and outcomes are contingent on or influcence by other variables

michigan leadership studies

these studies defined job centered and employee centered leadership as opposite ends of a single leadership continuum

ohio state leaderships studies

these studies defined leader consideration and initating structure behaviors as independent dimensions of leadership

Mark and Sally are married, both are working, and they chose not to have children. What classification best fits them?

they are DINKS

When individuals experience status inconsistency, what is their likely choice of behavior?

they will claim the higher status

practical approach to decision making

this approach combines the steps of the rational approach with the conditions in the behavioral approach to create a more realistic process for making decisions in organizations

task environment

this environment includes specific organizations groups and individuals that influence the organization

vroom's decision tree approach to leadership

this model attempts to prescribe how much participation subordinates should be allowed in making decisions

PRAM model

this model guides the negotiater through the four steps of planning for agreement building relationships reaching agreements and maintaining relationships


this religion allows women equal participation in 3 of their 5 branches


this religion treated women as 2nd class citizens and excluded women from a variety of leadership roles


this religion views women as dangerous to men, although many women in this religions society today are full participants in the public and private sphere

statement of race

this stated that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights, racism stultifies personal development, conflicts cost nations money and resources, prejudices foments international conflict

professional bureaucracy

this structure is characterized by horizontal specialization by professional area of expertise little formalization and decentralized decision making

mechanistic structure

this structure is primarily hierarchical interactions and communications are typically vertical instructions come from the boss knowledge is concentrated at the top and loyalty and obedience are required to sustain membership

organic structure

this structure is set up like a network interactions and communications are horizontal knowledge resides where ever it is most useuful to the organization and membership requires a commitment to the organizations tasks

machine bureaucracy

this structure is typical of large well established organizations work is highly specialized and formalized and decision making is usually concentrated at the top

divionalized form

this structure is typical of old very large organizations the organization is divided according to the different markets served

simple structure

this structure is typical of relatively small or new organizations and has little specialization or formalization power and decision making are concentrated in the chief executive


this structure is typically found in young organizations in highly technical fields within it decision making is spread throughout the organization power resides with the experts horizontal and vertical specialization exists and there is little formalization

feminist theory

this theory, regarding gender stratification, agrees with Marx and Engels that gender stratification is based on power struggles, not biology

structural functional theory

this theory, regarding gender stratification, argued that men and women carry out different roles that have developed since early human society

symbolic interaction theory

this theory, regarding gender stratification, looks at gender as socially contructed; stresses the idea of human agency, the notion that humans are not only influenced by the society in which they live, but help create it

conflict theory

this theory, regarding gender stratification, views males as haves----controlling the majority of the power positions and most wealth----and femals as have-nots.

The best way to influence reluctant liberals towards less discriminatory behavior is

through equal-opportunity legislation

Flextime, job sharing, and part-time work are examples of _____ for managing work-life conflicts.

time-based strategies

A person who harbors prejudice but will not discriminate if it costs money or reduces profits is called a(an)

timid bigot

primary way to improve one's position in modern industrial societies

to attain political influence


to make people better and stop committing crime

Evolutionary psychologists argue that the forces of natural selection predispose us

to particular actions and reactions when dating and mating.

false consciousness

to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position.


to stop people rom committing a crime

highest authority position

top manager upper manager supervisor nonmanagement

The term ________________ refers to "identification as someone who is challenging, questioning, or changing gender from that assigned at birth to a chosen gender."


By using ___________, a more accurate picture of crime may be seen.

triangulation of multiple data sources

It is easier to determine an individual's class position in closed systems such as slavery and caste systems than in open system.


There is no clear biological or genetic difference between different racial groups.


Sociologically, what is a family?

two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption

isolated dyad

two people who tend to work alone and to interact and communicate little with others

power pluralist theorist

type of theorist that argue that power is not held exclusively by an elite group but is shared among many power centers, each of which has its own self-interest to protect

secondary market

undesirable, hard, dirty work

defacto discrimination

unequal treatment that is unintended,customary

De facto discrimination

unequal treatment that is unintended are in two forms -Side effect discrimination - practices in one institution is linked to practices in another institution. Ex: family roles and responsibilities of women means less devotion to work and therefore less chance for job promotions. There is no intention to harm women. It is the societal unofficial arrangements that leads to unintentional sexism -Past-in-present discrimination- ex: heavy equipments that were designed to require physical force excludes women the opportunity of having such jobs. These machines were engineered in the past, are very expensive to replace, and continue to disadvantage women. The intention was not to discriminate.

de facto discrimination

unintentional discrimination resulting from policies that have a unanticipated consequence of favoring one group over another

Gangs are frequently thought of as a ________ problem because gangs organized around drug dealing have become prominent (urban/ rural)


cross functional teams are

used most often for the purpose of product development

task groups

usually are established to solve a particular organizational problem

a team

usually refers to people or animals organized to work together


usually the first tage in the creative process includes education and formal training


usually thought of as a biological term referring to ascribed genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences between males and females, but it is actually determined by socially accepted biological criteria

Decisions made so as to provide the greatest good for the greatest number are based on _____.


Piece-rate plans, merit based pay, bonuses, profit sharing, gainsharing, and employee stock ownership plans are all forms of _____ programs.


For a salesperson who is paid commission, reinforcement occurs on a _____ schedule.


social change

variations or alterations over time in the behavior patterns, culture (including norms and values), and structure of society

variable interval reinforcement

varies the amount of time between reinforcements

variable ratio reinforcement

varies the number of behaviors between reinforcements

juvenile delinquincy

violation of law or the commission of status offense by young people

conventional (street) crime

violent crime, property crime, public order crime

The ____ is also called the network or modular organization.

virtual organization


virtually no property, power or prestige

A charismatic leader's _____ is key to follower acceptance.


______ is an inclusive term that encompasses all of a person's material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property.


What are the three variables identified as defining social class?

wealth, power, prestige

Based soley on the idea of life chances, which group would have the greatest chance of survival in times of danger??

wealthy and powerful people

ideal bureaucracy

weber's model that is characterized by a hierarchy of authority and a system of rules and procedures designed to create an optimally effective system for large organizations

The Bell Curve presented the research of Herrnstein and Murray on the IQ, where they claimed that

welfare should be ended to discourage births among low-IQ poor women, 60 percent of IQ is inheritable, whites are inherently more intelligent than Blacks.

Countries such as Sweden and Great Britain that have incorporated some democratic socialist ideas into their governmental policies are sometimes called:

welfare states

Which of the following psychological terms reflects a disguised value judgment?

well-adjusted B. mentally ill C. self-actualized

The study conducted by Richard La Piere described in the text showed that people

were more willing to accept Chinese in person than they were in theory.

kids might be placed in wrong track because of race or assumed abilities, area of living, do not provide equal learning opportunities

what are shortcomings for education as a proxy for merit?

preliminary, popularization, institutionalized, fragmentation (demise)

what are the stages of a social movement?

Traditional authority Charismatic authority Rational-legal authority - most common today

what are the three different ways to gain legitimate power?

socialized and decentralized

what are the two different types of health care systems?

where the govt regulates but does not operate the system

what is a decentralized health care system?

produce goods and services and distribute them unequally, giving some citizens more privileges than others

what is economic power?

power taken by force or the threat of force

what is illegitimate power?

Whether the state can govern without the use or threat of forceful coercion, and Whether challenges to state authority are processed through normal channels

what is legitimate power measured by?

relationships between individuals and larger social institutions

what is political power?

where the government supports consumer service with equal access to all, the govt owns all facilities and pays providers directly

what is socialized health care system?


what the individual's contributes to an organization including effort skills ability time and loyalty

SI rational choice theory

when a person weighs the cost and benefits of nonconventional behavior

structural mobility

when people experience social mobility because the entire society got wealthier

internal social control

when people follow norms and values

competition among groups

when the goals of the interacting groups are incompatible and the interactions are important to goal attainment

cyclic process

where the employee is doing - then reflecting then thinking then deciding and this process continues with re-doing

conflict theory

which theory, regarding race and ethnic stratification, argues that creating a "lesser" group protects the dominant group's advantages

structural functional theory

which theory, regarding race and ethnic stratification, says maintaining a cheap pool of laborers who are in and our of work serves several purposes

symbolic interaction theory

which theory, regarding race and ethnic stratification, says that people are defined as belonging to a group based on physical appearance

symbolic interaction theory

which theory, regarding stratification, says to learn our social position means learning values, speech patterns, and our us understand how individuals learn and live their positions in society

structural functional theory

which theory, regarding stratification, says to view stratification within societies as an inevitable part of the world...societies survive by having an organized system into which each individual is born

conflict theory

which theory, regarding stratification, sees stratification as the outcome of struggles for dominance and scarce resources with some individuals in society taking advantages of others

Numerically, what is the race of the majority of the poor in the United States?


Which of the following groups will NOT increase as a percentage of the workforce?

white males

fred fiedler

who contends the only alternative is to change the situation through job engineering

Gerald Cavanaugh - Dennis Moberg and Manuel Velasquez

who developed a model of ethical political behavior

Gary Yukl

who developed a useful perspective for understanding how power might be used

Robert Blake and Jane srygley Mouton

who developed the Leadership grid

Max Weber

who developed the structuring the organization effectively


who own the means of production and purchase and control the labor of others

According to the triarchic theory of intelligence,

wisdom, street smarts, and common sense are important factors of intelligence

When determinng social rank, studies of social class have tended to neglect the occupations and incomes of _____.


The international Women Count Network seeks to give a monarchy value to

woman's unpaid work

Chodorow's reproduction of modering

women almost always do the mothering, both girls and boys identify with a female view of the self. but boys come to reject this self, focus on its opposite, to devalue everything that is feminine

radical feminists locate women's subordination in patriarchal system rooted in male domination and control of all institutions in public and private life

women and men are taught to internalize female subordination and devaluation of women's roles and contributions

Which of the following is an example of institutionalized discrimination?

women are expected to change their names when they marry and questioned if they dont

gender segregation

women mostly work in jobs where most of the other workers are also women

Which of the following statements about gender and the mass media is false?

women who are quite large are almost entirely depicted as positive role models.

dysfunctional behaviors

work related behaviors that detract from organizational performance

According to Daniel Rossides, which class makes up the largest percentage of the population?

working class

Politically the social class of people who are more likely to feel that the government should intervene in the economy to make citizens financially secure are the ___.

working class


working class proletariat's, unorganized lower classes can be exploited as long as they do not have a class consciousness

Two-factor theory suggests that extrinsic factors such as _____ cause dissatisfaction.

working conditions

Commodity Chains

worldwide networks of labor resources and production process that create a product

institutional discrimination

woven into the social structure and taken for granted

socioeconomic status

your social connections, your taste in art, your ascribed and achieved statuses, and more. Because there are so many components, sociologists today tend to prefer the concept of socioeconomic status to that of social class, to emphasize that people are ranked through the intermingling of many factors, economic, social, political, cultural, and community


ystem of stratification common in medieval Europe between the eleventh and sixteenth centuries, in Japan, and a few other regions, where there were a few merchants and "free men," but most of the population consisted of peasants and serfs, who worked the estates belonging to feudal lords (1 to 3% of the population). Feudalism was also a fixed and permanent system: If you were born a lord or a serf, you stayed there your whole life (p. 192).

Which of the following is not used by sociologists as a measure to determine someone's socioeconomic status.

zip code

Theoretical Explanations of Dominant-Minority Group Relations: Structural Functional Theory

• A cheap pool of labors (the poor) who are in and out of work serves several functions for society - A cheap pool of labor provides a labor force to do "dirty work" - They make occupation which service the poor (middle class jobs: social workers, criminology , public health workers, and etc.) - They buy goods others do not want - They set examples for others of what not to be - They allow others to feel good about giving to charity

Ethnic Groups

• Ethnic groups are groups where membership is based on shared cultural heritage and is often connected with a national or geographic identity • - Many racial groups are ethnic groups - Some ethnic groups concentrated in ethnic enclaves • Little Italy, Chinatown, Polish neighborhood, and etc. The federal government plays central role in creating ethnic groups. This process in the U.S. emphasizes that ethnic identity is socially shaped and created. The U.S. government classified large aggregates of people who vary in ethnicity, under one umbrella category for example: • Asian Americans (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and etc.) • Hispanics or Latinos (Brazilians, Mexicans, Cubans, and etc.) • Indian or Native Americans (Chippewa, Dine, Lakota, and etc.) • Black or African American (from many ethnic backgrounds)

Minority Reactions to Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism

• Five common reactions to dealing with a minority group status: - Assimilation - Acceptance - Avoidance - Aggression - Change-oriented Action

Explanations of Prejudice: Micro-Level Analysis

• Frustration-aggression theory is a theory which states that acts of prejudice and discrimination are motivated by anger and frustration individuals feel when they cannot achieve their work or goals -Scapegoating is a form of aggressive action motivated by frustration against minority groups because an individual is unable to vent frustration toward the real target or cause - Scapegoating occurs when a minority group is blamed for others' failures or shortcomings

Global Movements for Human Rights: Macro- Level Policies

• Global issues and ethnic conflicts in the social world are interrelated • Human Rights macro level policies are directed at improving dominant and minority group relations worldwide. • The United Nations passed a Declaration of Universal Human Rights after the Holocaust to ensure that every global citizen is awarded particular human rights • National governments and privately funded advocacy groups work for international human rights

What Characterizes Race and Ethnic Groups?

• Minority groups are determined by history and ideology • Dominant groups are not always a numerical majority • Ethnic and racial groups are the most common minority groups in the world

Theoretical Explanations of Dominant-Minority Group Relations: Cultural Explanations

• Prejudice and discrimination are passed on from generation to generation through cultural transmission through socialization, institutional structure, and media stereotypes - Stereotypes limit the opportunities available to minority group members

Prejudice and Racism: Micro-Level Analysis

• Prejudice are attitudes that prejudge a group, usually negatively and not based on facts - Stereotyping is the categorization of large numbers of people by prejudiced individuals • Often distorted, oversimplified, or exaggerated ideas • Passed down over generations through the culture and tradition • Applied to all members of a group • Used to justify prejudice, discrimination, and unequal distribution of resource - A self-fulfilling prophesy is the incorporation of stereotyped behavior into an individual's view of themselves

Theoretical Explanations of Dominant-Minority Group Relations: Conflict Theory

• Privileged people perpetuate prejudice and discrimination against minority group members to keep privileges and resources • Three critical factors contribute to hostility over resources - If two groups of people are identifiably different then "we" versus "they" thinking may develop - If the groups come into conflict over scarce resources that both groups want for themselves, hostilities are very likely to arise - If one group has much more power than the other, intense dislike between the two groups and misrepresentation of each group by the other is virtually inescapable

Discrimination: Meso-Level Analysis

• PurposefulorDejurediscrimination-isbuiltinto the law or is part of the explicit policies of an organization • Unintentional or De facto discrimination - results from broad policies that favor one group and disadvantage another • Past-in-presentdiscrimination-practicesfrom the past that may no longer be allowed but that continue to affect people today

The Concept of Race

• Race is a group within the human species that is identified by a society as presumably having certain biologically inherited physical characteristics • Racial classifications have been based on numerous physical characteristics - One culturally convenient racial grouping divided humans in four major categories: Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid, and Australoid.

Biracial and Multiracial Populations: Immigration, Intermarriage, and Personal Identification

• Race is asocial construct that can change with conditions in a country • Immigration results in a mix of peoples that create many multiracial individuals • The U.S. accepts more new immigrants than any other country • In the 2000 Census, 7 million or 2.3% of the U.S. population selected two or more racial categories with white/American Indian being the most common mixed category

The Significance of Race versus Class

• Racial stratification was the central stratification system in the US for many years • The division of Black America - Two in five African Americans are middle-class - Majority of urban, black underclass are unemployed • Inequality between Blacks and Whites persist


• Racism is any attitude, belief, or institutional arrangement that favors one racial group over another; this favoritism may result in intentional or unintentional consequences for minority groups - Ideological racism - Symbolic racism - Institutional racism

Social Construction of Race: Symbolic Interaction Analysis

• Social significance is the idea from Symbolic interaction theory that social consequences constitute reality - People assign group membership, in part, on physical appearance - All individuals classify objects, including humans - Classifications used to scientifically study humans - Classifications can provide individuals with an identity • Becausepeoplelookdifferent(physicalfeatures, and inherited genes), it has been presumed there are also differences in psychological and moral characteristics. This results in discrimination. Justification of discrimination in the U.S. and South Africa resulted in consequence like: - Apartheid Laws between 1948 and 1990's in South Africa - Jim Crow Laws in Southern states before Civil rights laws of 1960s

Dominant and Minority Group Contact: Macro- Level Analysis

• The form of dominant and minority group relations in a nation depend on several factors: - Who has more power - The needs of the domination group for commodities - The cultural norms of each group - The social histories of the group - The times and circumstances

Nonviolent Resistance; Institutional and Societal Policy for Change

• The model for this technique comes from India's Mahatma Gandhi who led the struggle for independence from Britain in the 1950s • In the U.S., Martin Luther King, Jr. followed in the nonviolent resistance tradition

Origins of the Concept of "Race"

• • Race relation problems are social in origin - Racist doctrines lack any scientific basis In the 1970s, the United Nations issued a "Statement on Race" that stated: - All people are born free and equal both in dignity and in rights - Racism stultifies personal development - (Racial) conflicts cost nations money and resources - Racism foments international conflict

Sex, gender, and sexuality at the micro-level

␣ Agents of socialization teach us from birth how to display proper gendered behaviors ␣ Failure to comply often results in sanctions

Gender socialization- Meso level

␣ Corporations produce materials that help socialize children ␣ Language and pictures in children's book ␣ Toys given to boys and girls differ ␣ Anticipatory socialization- preparation for the assumption of future roles. Toys and games prepares children through anticipatory socialization. ␣ Mass Media ␣ Women in video games are stereotyped and dehumanized ␣ Recent in action films have been shown women as ␣ Competent/strong, adventurous, but also thin and beautiful: Harry Potter, Star Wars, Tomb Raiders ␣ Consequences: dieting and steroid use ␣ Television - children spend more time watching TV from birth until age 5 than they do in the classroom for 12 years of school ␣ Working women in sop operas and ads are shown as having problem in carrying out their roles. ␣ Large women are shown as comic figures ␣ More television children watch, the more gender stereotypes they hold so TV affects gender role socialization

Educational Systems

␣ Encouraged boys in active play and sports (benefits include strategic thinking and networking skills). Encouraged girls in supportive roles (cheerleaders) ␣ Boys in classroom act out and receive more classroom attention (positive/negative) and do more physical chores while girls are rewarded fro being passive and obedient. ␣ Title IX-legislated equal opportunity in educational programs, including sport

Gender socialization

␣ Gender socialization is the process by which people learn the cultural norms, attitudes, and behaviors appropriate to their gender through sanctions ␣ Ex: soft men defined as wimp/aggression in women defined as disturbed ␣ Stages in gender socialization: Parents focus on gender socialization during infancy and childhood ␣ Meso-level agents include: ␣ Corporations Education ␣ Mass Media Religion

Sex, gender, and sexuality at the macro-level

␣ Inequalityattheglobal/nationallevelisindependentof personal prejudices ␣ Institutionalizeddiscrimination-patternsofsocialaction that are imbedded in the entire social system may influence women and men, providing unrecognized privileges or disadvantages ␣ Inmanypartsoftheworld,womenaregaininggreater political representation ␣ Women in parliament or congress: ␣ Rwanda 48.8%, Sweden 45%, Costa Rica and Norway 38%, Cuba and Spain 36%, Argentina and Mozambique 35%, Canada 21%, U.S. 15% females and ranks 83rd nation with female politicians. The U.S. has the lowest percentage of women in national politics.

Changing gender stratification

␣ Practices used by other groups may be effective ␣ Non-violent protests, sit-down strikes, boycotts, and walkouts ␣ Support groups ␣ Using the internet to carry the message to others ␣ Building on traditions of community and church activism ␣ Difficult to end women's subjugation because most women agree on the goal, but not the means for achieving the goal

Sex, gender, and stratification

␣ Sex- usually thought of as a biological term referring to ascribed genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences between males and females, but it is actually determined by socially accepted biological criteria ␣ Intersexed- persons with ambiguous genitalia

Meso and macro costs and consequences of gender stratification

␣ Stratification has consequences for all social institutions ␣ Men are able to "take gender privilege with them" ␣ Stratification can lead to: ␣ Poor educational achievement of female children ␣ Loss of human talents and resources of half of the population ␣ Lack of health care coverage for women, which impacts both those women and their children ␣ Social divisiveness leading to alienation, if not hostility.

Gender, homosexuality, and minority status

␣ The government and dominant religious group determines how gay men and lesbians are treated in society ␣ Lesbians seen as threatening because they are not reliant on men ␣ Gay men seen as inferior because they are perceived to be more feminine

Religious Beliefs

␣ Though changing, women have restricted roles within religious organizations. This is partly due to women perceived as sinners because of the Adam and Eve story ␣ In traditional Hindu and Islamic religions, female sexuality is seen as a threat to men's spirituality and must be tightly controlled ␣ Most major religious groups now feature both traditional fundamentalist and more modern branches that have changed to fit the modern world. ␣ Even governments and legal systems interpret and enforce religious laws differently, as seen in news stories replete with conflicts between modern and fundamentalist Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Hindu groups. The function of these laws, taboos, and other cultural expectations is to protect family lineage.

Gender and minority group status

␣ Women are a minority group because: ␣ Distinguished by physical, cultural, or social characteristics ␣ Share of desired goods is limited by the dominant group ␣ Ideological or other justifications are used to deny them equal treatment ␣ They have a collective identity used to help insulate them from unequal treatment ␣ Minority group status is generally determined by rules of descent, with members born into a status they cannot change

Sex, gender, and sexuality at the meso-level

␣Adults roles and responsibilities in social institutions differ by age and sex ␣Rites of passage differ by age and sex ␣Women's reduced power in micro-level settings is often related to a lack of power in meso-level organizations and institutions

Micro costs and consequences of gender stratification

␣Rigid stereotyping can have psychological and social consequences for individuals ␣ For men- guilt, anxiety; early death ␣ For women- superwoman image; beauty image ␣An alternative: androgyny

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