Largest Organs in the Human Body

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How many kg does the liver weigh?

1.3-1.5 kg

What is the most complicated organ in the body?

The brain

How long does the heart beat for?

The human heart keeps on beating until the death of an individual.

What is the largest internal organ in the human body?

The liver

Where is the liver located?

The liver is located in the upper right portion of the abdomen and is the organ found only among the vertebrates.

How much blood does the heart pump a day?

2,000 gallons

Roughly, how many times does the average heart per hour?

4200 times per hour

Roughly, how many times does the average heart beat per minute?

70 times per minute

What do the kidneys produce?

Along with excretion, kidneys also produce a hormone called Renin, which regulates blood pressure.

How many large organs are there in the body, and what are they?

Altogether, there are 10 large organs in the body, which include skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and joints.

What does the kidney do?

It functions by filtering excess water and removing harmful toxins from the blood.

What is the eyes structure and where is it located?

It is a spherical shaped organ, which is enclosed within the eye sockets in the skull and is anchored down by muscles within the sockets.

What does the pancreas produce?

It is also involved in producing hormones, such as glucagon, insulin, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide and secreting digestive enzymes such as proteases, amylase and lipase into the duodenum.

What type of organ is the pancreas, and where is it located?

It is an abdominal organ located behind the stomach and surrounded by the spleen, liver and small intestine

What do the small intestines do?

It is narrower than the large intestine and is responsible for the absorption of nutrients from the digested food, secretion of intestinal juice, receives bile juice from the liver and pancreatic juice from the pancreas.

What is the brain responsible for?

It is responsible for thoughts, interpretation, regulation and control of body movements.

What organ plays a major role in the respiratory system?


Whats the largest external organ of the human body?


What specialized sense organ that helps us to perceive the world around us?

The eye

Where is the brain located?

The human brain is located in our head and is surrounded by a strong bony structure, called the skull and is suspended in a layer of fluid called the cerebrospinal fluid, which functions by protecting the brain from minor mechanical shocks and jolts.

Where is the heart located, be specific?

The human heart is located in the thoracic cavity medial to the lungs, slightly towards the left and behind the breastbone. Two-thirds of the heart is situated on the left side of the chest, and the remaining part is balanced on the right side of the chest.

Where are the lungs located?

The lungs are situated within the thoracic cavity of the chest.

Which organ is a vital part of the human digestive system and is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels?

The pancreas

How much square feet does skin take up on the human bodies surface?

The skin acquires an area of 19 to 20 square feet on our body surface.

What is the small intestine, and where is it located?

The small intestine is the longest part of the alimentary canal and a part of the digestive system that runs between the stomach and large intestine.

What do the kidneys look like, and what do they do?

They are bean-shaped structures located on either side of the backbone and are protected by the ribs and muscles of the back.

What are the lungs lined with? Also, describe the lungs.

They are lined by a thin membrane, the presence of bronchioles - the smaller tubes, alveoli - a balloon-like structure and the group of blood capillaries, which expands the surface area for the exchange of gases.

What are the eyes for?

They are the visual sensory organs in our body, which are sensitive to light images.

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