Launchpad Ch 4

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Samantha and Gabriel have decided to take their son to Sea World. When they asked him two years later if he remembered going he answered no. Their son was _____ years of age at the time of the trip.


Only a small proportion, about _____ percent, of U.S. teens wish they were someone else.


For the first time in her life, Margaret has little sexual desire. She is not alarmed as this is common in others around her age. What age range is Margaret likely in?

75 to 80

The Markowitz family has a son, Noah, who has exceptionally high intelligence and excels in math. However, he lacks social and communicative skills, which limit his ability to sustain normal peer relationships. Noah will MOST likely be diagnosed with:


Which list contains items that all belong together?

Ainsworth, attachment, anxious

Nadine hears a television talk show guest remark, "A baby's mother provides it with food, and that's the basis for attachment." Nadine immediately realizes that this statement is false because she is familiar with:

Harlow's work with monkeys

Which statement BEST reflects a conclusion of the Carolyn Rovee-Collier infant research discussed in the textbook?

Infants retained specific motor learning, but not generalized motor learning.

At 12 months of age, James is classified as securely attached. Which behaviors in the strange situation would be consistent with his classification?

James is moderately distressed when his mother leaves him alone and pleased when she returns.

_____ is the orderly sequence of biological growth.


With respect to the evaluation of Piaget's theory, contemporary research has revealed that:

Piaget's sequence of cognitive development is valid across many cultures.

Imagine that 10-year-old children were shown photographs of 3-year-old preschoolers and asked to spot former classmates. What were the MOST likely results?

They forgot all their classmates.

Why did research participants state that they would kill one person to save five when it involved flipping a trolley switch, but then refuse to apply the same rule when it involved pushing a person?

They used the emotional part of the brain to refuse to push.

Three-year-old Sam is talking to his grandmother on the phone. He says, "Look what I got today." Sam's mom explains that his grandmother cannot see him. Is Sam's mom wasting her time explaining?

Yes, Sam has not developed a theory of mind yet.

The increasing rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may suggest:

a relabeling of childhood disorders.

Amir is concerned because he cannot remember events before he was about 4 years old. This is called infantile _____.


In Piaget's theory, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemas is called _____. The process of adjusting ideas to make room for new information is called _____.

assimilation; accommodation

With respect to parenting style, coercive is to confrontative as _____ is to _____.

authoritarian; authoritative

Luca's parents set firm rules but are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to explain himself, and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight. Luca's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Which term is NOT matched with the correct social development concept?

avoidant—parenting style

Humans have the MOST brain cells they will ever have at:


Becky babysits two sisters, Jasmin and Erum. Last week when the two girls were eating cookies, Jasmin complained about how unfair it was that Erum had more cookies than her. To solve the problem Becky took one of Jasmin's cookies and divided it in half. Jasmin then thought that the cookies were equal between her and her sister and was happy. Several months later Becky is babysitting them again. She bakes the girls brownies and Jasmin again complains that her sister has more brownies than her. Becky divides one of Jasmin's brownies in half and asks her if it is now fair. Jasmin replies, "No, all you did was cut it in half." Jasmin is now in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

The local hospital has publicized for years that new parents should have their babies sleep on their backs and not their stomachs in order to reduce incidences of crib death. How might following this good advice impact their baby's development?

crawling will be delayed

Arthur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Arthur is in the stage of development called integrity versus _____.


Boris was raised in a Russian orphanage where he was given minimal care. At age 6, he was adopted by a loving American family. As he matures, it is MOST likely that Boris will:

display anxiety

Which term is matched with the correct social development concept?


Gabriela is a 22-year-old recent college graduate. She is preparing to move to the largest city in her region to complete a prestigious internship. She has dated several young men but does not envision settling into a serious relationship for at least a few years yet. Gabriela is in a life stage many developmental psychologists call _____ adulthood.


Grace is a 19-year-old college sophomore. She is living away from home for the first time and is trying to decide on a major. Grace is in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call _____ adulthood.


Raul is 20 years old and still very much dependent on his parents. They are paying for his college tuition as well as his living expenses. He spends his school holidays at home with them. According to some researchers, he is in the phase of life known as _____ adulthood.


The textbook states that "after high school, those who enter the job market or go to college may be managing their own time and priorities. Yet they may be doing so from their parents' home, unable to afford their own place." These individuals are in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call _____adulthood.


According to Kohlberg, decisions at the postconventional level of moral reasoning are based on:

ethical principles

Christina is in the eighth grade and is taking pre-algebra. She is doing very well and will be studying algebra next year. Christina is MOST likely in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operational

During adolescence, most individuals achieve Jean Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Following the death of a local teenager, Melissa came to believe that the teen had been profiled as a potential threat because he was an African-American youth. She decided to join in the protests and actively engaged in public demonstrations in her community and high school. According to Piaget, Melissa has entered the _____stage of development.

formal operational

Leslie is in the tenth grade and is currently taking calculus. She is doing very well and has even earned an A in the class. Leslie is MOST likely in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operational

Children start to gain control over their attention beginning in preschool. This control is related to a growth spurt in the _____ lobe.


Children start to gain control over their attention beginning in preschool. This control is related to a growth spurt in the brain's _____ lobe.


In part, the trademark impulsivity of adolescence reflects that brain development proceeds more slowly in the brain's _____ than in its _____.

frontal lobe; limbic system

According to Erikson, adults experience a sense of _____ when their activities contribute positively to society.


Morris is the son of a teenage mother. She could not handle taking care of him and put him up for adoption when he was 4 weeks old. Morris was moved from one foster family to another. He was never adopted. It is MOST likely that Morris will:

have anxiety and lower intelligence.

After midlife, positive feelings _____, and negative feelings _____.

increase; decrease

Carolyn Rovee-Collier's research on infants revealed that:

infants remember specific associations.

Rebecca takes her 1-year-old son, Adam, to visit an infants and toddlers program in which she hopes to enroll him. Adam appears very anxious and is unwilling to explore and play with the toys, even though Rebecca is close by. When Rebecca leaves the room to fill out some forms, Adam becomes extremely upset and remains inconsolable. When Rebecca returns, Adam stays close to her, holding onto her pant leg. However, Adam makes it very clear he does not want her to touch him or pick him up. Which term BEST describes Adam's attachment style?


Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter. She frequently ignores her daughter's cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is MOST likely to display signs of:

insecure attachment

Wilbur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Wilbur is in the stage of development called _____versus despair.


Making an analogy between Freud's and Erikson's views of adulthood, love is to work as _____ is to _____.

intimacy; generativity

Jenny has a job, a cat named Joker, and 31 candles on her birthday cake. She is worried about finding the right partner. She frequently spends nights alone and knows she is not getting any younger. According to Erik Erikson, Jenny is in the stage of development called _____ versus _____.

intimacy; isolation

If professional baseball players are a valid indication, one's physical peak occurs in one's:

late twenties.

As is typical of infants and young children everywhere, Janae first produced one-word sentences, then two-word sentences, and, finally, sentences of several words. This orderly sequence of language acquisition reflects:


A game of peekaboo with his dad excites Warren during the first six months of his life because Warren actually thinks his dad has disappeared. This is because Warren lacks:

object permanence

Which choice BEST expresses the number of genes that have been linked to autism spectrum disorder?

over 400

Reflecting a use-it-or-lose it approach, unused synaptic connections are eliminated during infancy and childhood in a process called:


There are many computerized game programs that are designed to improve cognitive functioning and reduce cognitive decline by exercising both memory and attention. Research has shown that those who engage in such games:

show improvement in the practiced skills.

James walks into the gas station to prepay for his gas. It seems like everyone pauses and looks at him. He is now aware that he is the only African-American male in the store. He is aware of his:

social identity

Scott is 61. He has just celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary at his company. He feels that his gold watch is just a meaningless trinket and is glad that he balanced his work with family life. According to Erik Erikson, Scott is in the stage of development called generativity versus _____.


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