Leadership - FINAL

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Research on gender and leadership gained traction in the _______


Paternalistic and maternalistic leaders use both 1,9 and ______ styles but never combine the two.


______, or the identification of basic patterns, can be used to determine the difference between adaptive and technical challenges.


Which researcher developed a practical approach to authentic leadership?

Bill George

According to the SLII® model, which developmental level represents followers who have some ability to complete a task but lack motivation to actually complete the task?


Which of the following statements best describes situational leadership?

Different situations demand different kinds of leadership.

Ethics has its roots in the Greek word ______.


The research on leadership generally has found it to be a relatively simple process


What role do followers play in charismatic leadership?

Followers must validate the charismatic leader in order for them to have influence

Which scholar's work has significantly influenced how servant leadership has developed on a practical and theoretical level?


Who is credited with developing the situational approach that focuses on matching leader styles to the competence and commitment of employees in 1969?

Hersey and Blanchard

______ is a central part of successful diversity mangement.


Which statement is true regarding servant leadership?

It is one of the only leadership approaches concerned with social injustice and inequalities

The most recognized followership typology has been offered by ______


The interest in the nature of ethical leadership continues to grow in large part due to ______.

Scandals in corporate America and the political realm

LMX theory focuses on

The dyadic relationship between the leader and follower

Which statement is most accurate regarding servant leadership?

There is a lack of agreement on what specific characteristics define servant leadership

Which statement is true regarding authentic leadership?

There is no single accepted definition of authentic leadership

Many organizations initially approached diversity management in what way?

They increased the number of underrepresented group members in their workforce.

The trait approach focuses primarily on the leader, not on the followers or the situation.


Which is true of human capital differences that affect the labyrinth?

Women assume more responsibility for domestic duties than men.

What famous report predicted that for organizations to remain competitive, they must learn to integrate and support women and people of color in the workplace?

Workforce 2000

Inclusion is best described as ______.

a basic human need to be connected to and valued by others

Paternalism/maternalism refers to a leader who is ______.

a benevolent dictator

Authentic leadership is ________

a complex process that is difficult to fully define

Typologies can best be thought of as ______.

a starting point for further research and theory building

Conceptual skills are the

ability to work with ideas

Technical skills are

ability to work with things

The adaptive leadership process suggests that effective leaders use ______ leadership behaviors for adaptive challenges.


Which Big Five personality factor is only weakly associated with leadership


The origins of the study of leadership can be traced back to

ancient Greeks

Theoretical formulations of leadership ethics ______

are a relatively new topic of scholarly research

Leadership and management

are both needed in organizations

The leader behaviors listened in the adaptive leadership model ______

are generally prescribed in order but may overlap

Agentic characteristics include _______


According to the Leadership Grid, a leader who treats employees as tools to accomplish tasks most likely falls under which type of leadership style?


One cannot be a leader without being ______

aware of one's values

Why is followership difficult to define?

because it conjures up different meanings for different people

The inclusion framework depicts inclusion as a combination of ______

belongingness and uniqueness

In the SLII® model, leaders evaluate how competent and ______ followers are toward performing a task.


According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, ______ refers to a leader's ability to focus on the members of the organization who are working toward the organization's goals.

concern for people

According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, ______ refers to a leader's interest in achieving organizational tasks.

concern for production

_____refers to a leader's self-efficacy or the belief that they have the ability to accomplish a task


The definition of what constitutes a team ____

continues to evolve

According to Chaleff, followers need to have the ______ to support and challenge the leader.


Inclusive leadership requires that leaders ________

create environments in which differences are valued and incorporated into the main work

What factor in authentic leadership describes major events that shape people's lives?

critical life events

An in-group member would most likely be characterized by which type of behavior?

desire to go beyond prescribed roles

The toxic triangle describes the interrelationships between _____

destructive leaders, susceptible followers and conducive environments

In the Hill Model for Team Leadership, ______ refers to the cohesiveness of the team along with team members satisfying their own needs


Which perspective on authentic leadership suggests that authenticity is something that grows in people over a lifetime and can be triggered by major life events?


The goal of the trait approach is to

distinguish leaders from nonleaders

Groups with positive ______ hold a collective view that diversity can enhance the overall performance of the group.

diversity cognitions

The two leadership outcomes outlined in the skills model are

effective problem solving and performance

Rather than "direct, tell, and sell," inclusive leaders ______

ellicit and facilitate dialogue

A leader's respect for others is shown by being _______


Social competence in emotional intelligence includes


Research from the University of Michigan studies identified which two types of leadership behaviors?

employee and production orientation

The overall goal of adaptive leadership is to ____

encourage people to change and learn new behaviors

______ reflects a leader who acts in ways to create the greatest good for themselves

ethical egoism

Transactional leadership is best described as the

exchanges that occur between leaders and followers as a natural part of the job

The central purpose(s) of the behavioral approach is to ______.

explain how leaders influence followers using task and relationship behaviors

Michi takes a Big Five personality assessment. His results are high conscientiousness and openness, moderate agreeableness, and low neuroticism and extraversion. Which trait should Michi focus on improving to increase his readiness for a leadership position?


Followers with an external locus of control believe that ______.

fate is in charge of life's events

The approach know as servant leadership

focuses on followers needs

Adaptive leadership is _____

follower centered

Which outcome of servant leadership suggests that followers are often likely to become servant leaders themselves?

follower performance and growth

The three outcomes of servant leadership are _______

follower performance and growth, societal impact, organizational performance

According to Uhl-Bien et al.'s theory of followership, which construct is concerned with followers' confidence and motivation?

followership characteristics

According to the servant leadership approach, leaders should be held accountable for failing to anticipate future trends and problems in the organization because leaders should possess _____


Uhl-Bien and her colleagues were the first to propose a _____

formal theory of followership

LMX theory has been criticized for failing to look at ______ issues.


Women who are promoted to leadership positions that place them in precarious situations with greater risk are in positions called the _____

glass cliff

The number of women of color in U.S. Congress ______.

has risen but is still lower than white females in Congress

Commitment in the Situational Leadership® approach can be defined as

having motivation and confidence in doing the work

A leader who invites a follower to take on more responsibility may be attempting to ______.

help the follower into the in-group

The adaptive leader is conceptualized as one who ____

helps followers learn new ways to deal with inevitable changes

If followers are low in competence and high in commitment, a leader should adopt which style?

high-directive and low-supportive style

According to the Full Range model, which transformational factor describes leaders who serve as role models for followers?

idealized influence

Which adaptive leader behavior involves analyzing and diagnosing new problems?

identify adaptive challenges

When a leader tries to apply the right style of behavior to the situation, they must do what?

identify follower developmental level, then adapt their style appropriately

Team leaders need to construct a mental model to _____

identify problems and solutions within the team

The basic premise of the skills approach is to

identify the abilities of leaders

Followership as an area of study is considered ______.

in its early stages

The term glass ceiling _________

inadequately represents the myriad challenges women face in securing top positions

Group members who are treated like insiders and are encouraged to be unique are experiencing ______.


_______ is the optimal way for organizations to handle diversity


The essential ingredient in leadership is


To coerce means to

influence others to do something against their will

Which factor of transformational leadership supports followers as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues?

intellectual stimulation

General cognitive ability is often described as one's


During the mature partnership phase of leadership development,

interests are group-focused

McGrath describes taking remedial action as part of ______

internal action

A supervisory-level manager of a company who applies the level of technical skills to the degrees delineated in Katz's model

is more "hands-on" with producing the company's product than interacting with staff

The "natural leader" trait definition of leadership

is restricted to those with inborn talent, qualities, or characteristics

The situational approach

is used widely in leadership training and development

Defining leadership as a process means

it is a transactional event between leader and followers

Mumford et al.'s skills-based model is characterized as a capability model because ______.

it studies the relationship between capabilities and leader performance

The study of followership is______

just as important as the study of leadership

Teamwork is an example of ______ decision making.


The behavioral approach focuses on

leader actions

Liden's servant leadership model is "trait-like" in that

leader attributes shape how individuals demonstrate servant leadership

In path-goal theory, the main components are __________

leader behaviors, follower characteristics, task characteristics, and motivation

The skills apporach, like the trait approach, takes a(n) _________ perspective on leadership.


Path-goal theory was developed to explain how _______

leaders motivate followers to be satisfied and successful in their work

The trait definition of leadership suggests

leadership occurs because of who the leader is

Authentic leadership focuses on ________

leadership that is genuine

What is pseudotransformational leadership?

leadership that provides inspiration yet is often manipulative

Research shows that women in management roles have

less inclusion in key networks

The practical approach suggests that authentic leadership is a _______

life-long developmental process

Servant leaders communicate by ______ first.


Altruistic service behaviors include ______

listening and self-promoting

During the stranger phase of leadership development, leader-member exchanges are generally ______.

low quality

During the acquaintance phase of leadership development, leader-member exchanges are generally

medium quality

A leader's _____ is their ability to see and interpret the team's experiences.

mental model

According to the Leadership Grid, a leader who finds balance between caring about people and emphasizing work tasks is displaying which type of leadership style?

middle-of-the-road management

Adaptive leadership is a unique kind of leadership in that it _____

mobilizes people to address change and learn new ways of doing things

In the team leadership model, the leader's job is to ____

monitor the team and help ensure team effectiveness

Path-goal theory is ultimately about how leaders _________ subordinates to accomplish organizational goals.


Path-goal theory could best be described as a ______ theory.


In a major review in 1948, Stogdill suggested

no consistent set of traits differentiates leaders from nonleaders

______ refers to a leader who uses any combination of the five basic styles for the purpose of personal advancement.


Followers who have an internal locus of control benefit from ________ leadership.


Leaders who invite their followers to share in the decision-making process are using ______ leadership behaviors.


Human skills are about working with


Goleman (1995) suggests that emotional intelligence

plays a major role in a person's success

Competence in the situational leadership approach can be defined as ______.

possessing the skills necessary to complete the task

Adaptive leaders _______

prepare people to deal with change

Most of the literature on servant leadership is _____


The primary functions of management are

producing order and consistency

Charismatic leadership is thought to be

reserved for a gifted few

Ethics is concerned with _______

right and wrong

Which characteristic is an example of a character strength?


Compassion refers to a leader's ________

sensitivity toward others and their willingness to help

Chaleff argues that followers ______.

serve a common purpose along with leaders

A charismatic leader would most likely exhibit which type of behavior?

serve as a strong role model with high expectations for followers

Research indicates that a leader's intellectual ability

should not differ too much from that of followers

Being socially aware, possessing social acumen, practicing self-monitoring, and having the ability to decide on the best response for any given situation, then following through with said decision are all part of Zaccaro's definition of

social intelligence

Authentic transformational leadership is ______ leadership.


Authentic transformational leadership is _______ leadership, which is concerned with the collective good.


An out-group member would most likely be characterized by which type of behavior?

strict adherence to role responsibilities

A leader who gives recognition and social support to followers is using ________ behaviors.


Leaders who are friendly and approachable are using ______ leadership behaviors


Path-goal theory suggests that leaders should respond to followers who need affiliation using a(n) ______ style.


Teamwork success requires an organizational culture that ______.

supports lateral decision making

According to Katz, the most important leadership skills for lower-levels of management are

technical and humans skills

The model of adaptive leadership addresses which kinds of situational challenges?

technical, technical and adaptive, and adaptive

The term heterarchy refers to

the dynamic and fluid shifts in power among team members

What is shared leadership

the leadership repertoire of the entire team

One of the underlying assumptions of expectancy theory is that followers will be motivated if they believe ______.

they are capable of performing their job

From a relational-based perspective, followership is ______.

tied to interpersonal processes

According to Greenleaf, servant leaders have a social responsibility to concern themselves with which group?

undertrained and unskilled workers

Both active and passive management by exception

use more negative reinforcement than positive reinforcement

Heifetz's perspective on ethical leadership is ______


The early research on LMX theory was called

vertical dyad linkage theory

Transformational leadership often incorporates which types of leadership?

visionary and charismatic

What are citizenship behaviors?

voluntary employee behaviors that go beyond prescribed job roles

Women were found to be more effective than men

when in middle-management positions

A barrier to women's advancement in leadership positions is _____

women are less likely to promote themselves for leadership positions

The gender leadership gap occurs in part because ____________

women who take time off from work find reentry difficult

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