Leadership Final

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culture intensity


protect themselves against adverse information


use informal conversations to learn about others; offer sincere and timely praise and recognition


using intimidation or threats

characteristics of the performing stage in tuckman's model of group development include

- goal achievement - constructive conflict resolution - open communication

drivers of organizational culture

national culture business environment founder's values firm's vision and strategy

an attitude, feeling, opinion, or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior is a


the stage in tuckman's group development process when the group resolves its power struggles in order to accomplish its goals is the ____ stage


three levels of organizational culture

observable artifacts basic underlying assumptions espoused values

what type of reward system recognizes both individual and team performance

a hybrid reward system

position power, which includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power, is power that is connected with what

a job within an organization

what is true of informal groups

- Informal groups are based on friendship

what are components of confirmation bias

- a decision is made before investigating why it is the right decision - information is sought that confirms the already made decision and discounts information that does not

examples of situations where punctuated equilibrium can occur

- an inciting event - innovation

what are some of the tactics interviewer use to impress job candidates

- appearance of promotional items - nonverbal cues - administrative follow-up

what should be considered in assessing the feasibility of an alternative

- are customers resistant - does time permit

big data, the vast quantity of data available to decision makers, can

- enhance productivity - make information more transparent and usable - be used to develop new products and services

what are examples of bases of power that have a positive effect on the organizing framework

- expert - referent - reward

what are disadvantages to big data

- leaked private information - cybersecurity breaches

what describes the behavioral styles theory of leadership

- there is no one best style of leadership - leader behaviors can be improved and developed - leader behavior is more important than traits

what are the characteristics of companies with a market culture

- they are driven by results and achieving goals - they are focused externally and value stability

what reflects companies with an adhocracy culture

- they focus externally and value flexibility - they emphasize creation of new products and services - they are highly responsive to marketplace changees

what are the characteristics of basic underlying assumptions

- they guide the behavior of an organization - they are taken for granted over time - they reflect employee's core beliefs about the company

what are characteristics of high-performing teams

- they have an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities - they have clear goals and responsibilities - they have trust and communication

what are reasons why it is import to assign blame correctly

- to keep your influence intact - to influence your behavior in the future

when decision makers are influenced by the first information they receive even if it is irrelevant

anchoring bias

characteristics of the rational decision-making model include the assumption that managers:

are objective possess all information needed to make the best decision

what is the primary purpose of task-oriented leader behaviors

assisting others in achieving their goals as well as the goals of the working group

the tendency to base decisions that is recent and easily recalled from memory is

availability bias

why does servant leadership promote leadership effectiveness

because it concentrates on providing support and growth opportunities to employees

the change stage entails providing employees with new

behavior models process/procedures technology information

what approach tries to find the unique behaviors that effective leaders have

behavioral styles

How do the news media influence availability bias?

by emphasizing unusual events

although personality and demographic similarities between leaders and followers are often associated with higher leader-member exchange relationships, what should managers avoid

creating a homogeneous work environment for the sake of having positive relationships

building a network

creating a support system inside and outside the organization

according to many CEOs, corporate ____ is key to making a company one of the best


what technologies have recently begun to be used to improve direct patient care and medical supply chains

digital ordering virtual reality virtual reality and drones drones and digital ordering

if people display the personality trait that makes them less likely to make changes and more likely to have negative attitudes toward change, they are exhibiting what

dispositional resistance to change

what are the implications of LMX theory

diversity must be embraced expectations must be clear initiatives to improve poor LMX are critical


fear of inadequate performance

due to margie's strong technical skills and "can do" attitude, Lon perceives a high LMX between himself and his employee, Margie. Lon is considering how ___ influences the quality of an LMX

follower characteristics

workers who meet regularly to discuss ways to improve product quality are in a ___ group


during the ___ stage of group development, members are likely to be uncertain about the group's leaders and goals


during which stage of group development are people anxious about their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals


maintenance roles in a group are those that

foster supportive interpersonal relationships

internal forces of change

job satisfaction reward systems productivity

cognitive shortcuts or biases that are used to simplify the process of making decisions are known as

judgemental heuristics


laughing, smiling, leaning in


making higher ups feel good

extra organizational

managing career and education


mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor

researchers determine leadership characteristics by using a statistical procedure called ____ - _____, which computes average relationship between two variables

meta analysis

organizational identity, collective commitment, social system stability, and sense making device are the four functions of ____ culture


a model of occupational stress suggests that potential stressors can be at which levels

organizational group extra organizational individual

intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed or aligned with those of the organization are known as

organizational politics

a negative byproduct of positively reinforcing group role and norm adherence is that groups tend to

ostracize those who do not conform

initiating structure represents leader behaviors that define what group members should be doing to maximize


what is it called when decision makers overestimate their skills relative to those of other participants

overconfidence bias


people respect credible experts


people want information and opportunities that are hard to get


perceived lack of control over events

the stage of group development characterized by a lot of helping behavior among group members to achieve goals is the ___ stage


which stage in tuckman's model of group development focuses on resolving task problems and achieving more than one person could alone


rhonda operates a small restaurant with a very large and complex menu. the employees form a coalition to convince rhonda to streamline and focus the menu. this change in policy ultimately results in decreased food costs, more customer satisfaction, and greater profits. this is an example of ___ that is

political action; positive

the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done is


hard influence tactics include

pressure legitimating tactics


protects "pet" ideas and assumptions


pulls together ideas and suggestions

the decision-making model that assumes managers are fully objective and have all the data needed is the

rational decision model

personal appeals

referring to friendship or loyalty when making a request

if you focus on reducing the symptoms of stress, you are using

symptom management strategies

what type of thinking is described by daniel kahneman as intuitive and unconscious thought

system 1

what type of thinking is described to be analytical and conscious thought

system 2

the extent to which team members are dependent on each other to accomplish their work is called

task interdependence

one way for companies to improve productivity, competitiveness, and customer service is through



test group's accomplishments against criteria

the group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgments from physically dispersed experts is

the delphi technique

the expanded view of resistance states that it is caused by the interaction between the changer, the change recipient, and

the relationships between the change recipient and change agent

picking a solution is which step in the rational decision-making process



timing of communication, feedback, and follow up

in order to address changing demographics, firms are changing the work environment and benefits packages

to attract and retain diverse employees


trading favors, making or implying promises

trying to identify the personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can differentiate leaders from followers is called

trait approach

clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing followers the positive and negative rewards contingent and performance is called

transactional leadership

when tom installed controls for things such as accounting procedures and inventory audits and then rewarded his employees for using the system, he was making use of

transactional leadership

triggers such as change, strong competition, or vague performance measures create

uncertainty in organizations

stereotyped views of the opposition

underestimates opponents

at which stage of lewin's three stage model of planned change does the organization provide employees with a convincing reason to change


creating the motivation to change occurs in the ____ stage of lewin's change model


rational persuasion

using logic, reason, or facts to convince another

blaming others

minimizing association with failure

because gaps can influence attitudes and performance, it is important for managers to reduce gaps between espoused values and what other type of values



encourages all members to participate

what type of leadership is exhibited in sustained displays of hostile verbal and nonverbal behavior

abusive supervision

what are some upward impression management techniques employees use to impress their managers

- associating themselves with other employees on the fast track - working on key projects that need help

what can leaders engage in to promote psychological empowerment in employees

- behaviors that enhance perceptions of meaning - behaviors that encourage self-determination - behaviors that encourage employee competence

the three blaming styles researchers found in people from a large variety of industries include

- blaming oneself - denying blame - blaming others

the forms of power associated with one's job or position in an organization are referred to as position power and include

- coercive power - legitimate power - reward power

the bases of power that result in compliance include

- coercive power - reward power - negative legitimate power

the main ways that people react when others try to manage or influence them are

- commitment - compliance - resistance

core traits that are associated with leaders

- conscientiousness - emotional stability - intelligence

commonly used influence tactics include

- consultation - ingratiation - inspirational appeals - rational persuasion

what statements are true about emotional intelligence and leadership

- emotional intelligence helps people with transformational leadership - emotional intelligence helps people lead; however, it does not help solve all problems

making sense of their surrounding helps employees with what two things

- knowing how the organization intends to achieve it long term goals - understanding why the organization does what it does

what are aspects of team composition

- knowledge and experience of members - skills and abilities

the theory that assumes leaders will develop unique personal relationships with each of the people reporting to them is called

- leader - member - exchange

how can artificial intelligence help managers enhance business operations

- managing customer communications - gaining insight through data analysis - automating processes

what are the disadvantages to kahneman's system 2 thinking

- mental energy requirement - time consumption

Among the stages of group development in Tuckman's model are:

- norming - forming - performing

what are types of task interdependence

- pooled - sequential - reciprocal

collaboration includes which aspects

- task coordination - information sharing

types of task-oriented leadership

- transactional leadership - initiating structure

inspirational appeals

appealing to emotions, ideals or values


appearance, manner of dress, visual items presented

which approach tries to find the unique behaviors that effective leaders have

behavioral styles

when someone you are attempting to influence not only joins your cause, but works at it even harder than you do, it is


contributes to the team's work

completes work accurately and on time

the collection of jobs, personalities, skills, experience, and knowledge of team members is the team's


what is a goal of collaboration

ensuring a collective outcome is completed

social loafers can be prevented by

ensuring accountability


get a personal commitment


inconsistent manager behavior

role conflict, role ambiguity, and job security are examples of stressors at which level


a set of shared expected behaviors for members of a group as a whole is called a group


social proof

role models and peer pressure build influence

the least effective way to use evidence based decision making is to

support a decision that has already been made


what interviewers say and how they say it

under what circumstance can change resistance be reduced

when change agents and recipients have a trusting relationship

interpersonal attributes that leaders may possess

- extraversion - agreeableness - narcissism - machiavellianism

what are true about implementing corporate change

- gathering feedback about the change is beneficial - don't assume people consciously resist change - people often resist change due to work environment issues

what are some of the individual level behavioral outcomes associated with high level leader member exchange (LMX) relationships

- greater employee engagement in organizational citizenship - less employee turnover

important characteristics of organizational culture

- impacts outcomes at multiple levels - learned over time - influences our behavior at work - shared concept

what are some of the forms that resistance takes when opposing those who try to assert their power

- indifference - sabotage - passive-aggressiveness

what are examples of core influence tactics that are most effective at building commitment

- inspirational appeals - rational persuasion - consultation

bernard bass associated what behaviors with leaders

- inspiring others - rallying employees around a common goal - creating vision and strategic plans

robert cialdini's research identified six principles for influencing people. what ideas were these principles based on

- people have fundamental responses to influence attempts if your efforts align with the fundamental responses, your influence increases

what are positive uses of politics

- protesting unfair treatment by employers - helping an organization adapt to new policies

what are the negative effects of organizational politics at the individual level

- reduced job satisfaction - increased employee turnover - increased stress

what are forms of power you possess independent of your job or position in an organizaiton

- referent power - expert power

what are the negative effects of organizational politics at the group and organization levels

- restricted information flow - wasted time - diverted attention

the forms of power associated with one's job or position in an organization are referred to as position power and include

- reward - legitimate - coercive

four functions of organizational culture

- sense making device - organizational identity - social system stability - collective commitment

what are causes for internal human resource problems and may signal a need for organizational change

- the match between individual and organizational needs - employee perceptions regarding the way they are treated at work

what best reflects companies with hierarchy culture

- they view efficiency as one measure of effectiveness - they emphasize stability and control - they focus internally, with a high degree of structure

important takeaways from trait theory include that

- traits impact leader effectiveness - it can be important to hiring and promoting decisions - having a "global mindset" is important

high LMX relationships create what

- trust - mutual obligation

the three levels of organizational culture differ in what ways

- visibility - resistance to change

creating a favorable image

adhering to organizational norms


both good and bad deeds will be repaid in kind

a technique used to help groups generate ideas by silently and individually writing them down and then sharing them is



breeds excessive optimism and risk taking

how does organizational socialization embed their cultures in new employees

by promoting and reinforcing core values and beliefs

what describes someone who helps organizations to deal with old problems in new ways

change agent

stages in lewin's change model

changing refreezing unfreezing

when confronting failure, what do experts suggest you do

choose who you share it with fail productively talk about it

companies with an internal focus with a value on flexibility rather than stability and control are said to have a _____ culture


what type of company culture resembles family type organizations where collaborations are encouraged with trust and support among employees


the process by which people evaluate the meaning of events and demands on their own well-being is called ___ appraisal


leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust while concentrating on the group members' needs and desires is called


what type of problem solving technique, also called brainwriting, allows participants to submit their ideas over the internet

electric brainstorming

what are the values that employees actually exhibit based on their observations of what occurs on a daily basis

enacted values

the three phases in daniel feldman's organizational socialization model are

encounter change and acquisition anticipatory socialization

what are goals of relationship oriented leadership

enhancing employees' skills creating positive work relationships between employees and their leaders creating positive work relationships among coworkers

the tendency to stick to an ineffective course of action when it is unlikely that a bad situation can be reversed is

escalation of commitment bias

actions in which you avoid or ignore stressors are called

escape strategies

___ ___ represent aspirations that are explicitly communicated to employees

espoused values

the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization are called

espoused values

standard setter

evaluates group processes

expects quality work

expects the team to succeed and cares about producing quality work

large organizations often hire lobbyists with experience in regulatory agencies because the lobbyists have

expert power

forces that originate outside of the organization are


other known reasons people resist change

fear of failure loss of status peer pressure fear of the unknown

customers prefer meat that is sold as "85% lean" instead of "15% fat", shows that people view choices more favorably when shown in terms of gains rather than losses. this is an example of what type of bias

framing bias

what type of bias relates to the manner in which a question is posed

framing bias

coalition tactics

getting others to support your efforts to persuade

characteristics of servant leadership

healing awareness stewardship listening

keep team on track

helps plan and organize work

the competing values framework identifies what fundamental types of organizational culture

hierarchy adhocracy clan

what are some of the emerging sources of stress according to the american psychological association

housing instability discrimination hunger

kotter believes that change most often fails not because of poor planning but because of ineffective


dressing for success is the political tactic also know as

impressing management

according to cialdini's research on influencing people, how should the six principles he found be used

in combination

conscious efforts to affect and change a specific behavior in others are

influence tactic

soft influence tactics include

inspirational appeals rational persuasion

organizational politics is defined as

intentional actions to improve individual or organizational interests

what do you call changes that come from inside the organization

internal forces for change

bending the rules

interpreting or not enforcing rules to serve your own interests


involving others in planning and making decisions about changes

possesses relevant skills, knowledge, and abilities

is able to make meaningful contributions to the team

bernard bass concluded that leaders manage, and manager do what


managers who obtain compliance because of their formal authority to make decisions use

legitimate power

interpersonal relationship variables that have the greatest effect on LMX

like each other trust similar to each other

when employees understand why the firm does what it does and how it intends to accomplish it long term goals, the culture is said to be helping members

make sense of their surroundings

what are powerful internal forces for change

production slowdowns strikes significant absenteeism

what are influences of a change agent's actions and perceptions

recipients' inactions recipients' actions the quality of agent's relationship with recipients

one of the reasons that networking is a useful skill is that it provides ____ power


individuals or organizations that obtain compliance by promising or granting rewards use which base of power

reward power

when jen received a bonus for reaching her sales goal, her employer was using which form of power

reward power

perceptions of how able you are able to deal with a given demand is called

secondary appraisal

servant leaders demonstrate the conceptualization characteristic by

seeking equilibrium between long range and short term thinking

a focus on increased service to others rather than oneself is called

servant leadership

a focus on increased service to others rather than oneself is called ____ ____

servant leadership


serves as a passive audience

managers can reduce the likelihood of escalation of commitment bias if they

set minimum targets for performance and compare results to targets make decision makers aware of the costs of persistence


sexual harassment

extra organizational

socioeconomic status

how do soft influence tactics differ from hard influence tactics

soft tactics are friendlier

observable artifacts that can be present in a firm's culture are

special parking spaces manner of dress awards

a company's ability to make a profit without sacrificing the resources of its people, the community, and the planet is called


legitimating tactics

using one's authority or organizational rules or policies; support from superiors


using praise, flattery, humor, or helpfulness before making request

the competing ___ framework was first developed by researchers trying to classify different ways to assess organizational effectiveness


what do behavioral scientists call a leader member exchange relationship

vertical dyad


work overload

a norm is ___ shared by two or more people that guides behavior

- attitude - feeling - opinion

evidence based decision making holds the promise of

- avoiding decision making biases - improving performance

know as the three C's, what characteristics must team players possess in order for their team to be successful?

- collaboration - competency - commitment

group influence brings individuals into the social fabric of an organization by

- communicating norms - communicating role expectations

the delphi technique is useful when

- conflicts will impair communications - certain individuals may dominate the group - face-to-face discussions are impractical

the task that facilitate a group's work include

- defining a common purpose - clarifying a common purpose

what elements influence decision makers falling into the trap of anchoring bias

- feedback - stereotypes - impressions

Rank Tuckman's five stages of group development. The first stage should be the top item on your list.

- forming - storming - norming - performing - adjourning

list the four steps in the rational decision making model

- identify the issue - come up with potential solutions - evaluate the possibilities and select a solution - put the solution into practice and evaluate it

what are included in common teamwork competencies

- interacting with team members constructively - keeping the team on track - contributing to the team's work

daniel kahneman describes two types of thinking. why is system 1 "fast"

- it is automatic - it relies on mental shortcuts - it is instinctive

daniel kahneman describes two types of thinking in his book, "thinking, fast and slow". why is system 2 "slow"

- it is deliberate - it helps override wrong intuition - it is logical

what are the disadvantages to kahneman's system 1 thinking

- jumping to conclusions - poor follow-through

what are the benefits of norms

- norms provide more efficient group operations - norms bring a sense of order to a group - norms help groups move through the development process

a role is a set of expected behaviors for a particular ____ position, while a ____ role is a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole

- position - group

the purposes served by norms in an organization include

- reducing time spent on the development process for groups - having pre-established guidelines for groups

what accurately describes social loafers

- social loafers can distract or disrupt the work of other team members - social loafers expect the same rewards as other members of the team - social loafers produce low-quality work

what statements describe how building workflow rhythm fosters collaboration in teams

- team efforts are better coordinated - team members know what they need to do and when - team members have their interdependent needs met

what are three ways managers use evidence or data in the decision making process

- to support a decision - to inform a decision - make a decision

what is it called when a decision maker recognizes information that supports a decision, while ignoring contracting information

confirmation bias


documents discussions and outcomes

what statement is true about effective team members

effective team players display commitment, collaboration, and competence

the first two steps in the rational decision-making model are

generating alternative solutions determining the issue at hand

what are the disadvantages of hindsight bias

having overconfidence in foresight, which leads to bad decisions

clear goals and responsibilities with an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities are specifically associated with ____ teams


what is an example of a formal group

hiring committee

Punctuated equilibrium is concerned with

how a group functions in the face of change

inherent morality

ignores ethical implications

interacts constructively with team members

listens to teammates and accepts feedback

peer pressure

loyalty of dissenters is questioned

what is an example of an informal group activity

making a craft together

the decision making heuristic used when people estimate the probability of an event occuring based on impressions about similar occurrences is

representativeness bias

cost and quality are criteria that are crucial in evaluating



stifles critical debate

during which which stage of tuckman's group development process are people likely to test the leader's policies, form subgroups, and determine how they fit in the group's power structure


individuals may test or rebel against the leader's policies in tuckman's ____ stage of group development



suggests new goals or ideas

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