Leadership test 1

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1. Which statement best describes functional nursing care delivery

A) Nursing care is holistic and patient centered B) The nurse must be a licensed person C) Emphasis is on getting work done through tasks D) It is also known as total patient care Ans: C Feedback: Functional nursing is task focused. None of the other options identify that connection.

2. What is the best definition for the process of planning

A) Problem oriented B) Short-term goal setting C) Continuous with cyclic evaluation checkpoints D) A long-range needs assessment Ans: C Feedback: Planning can be short term or long term, but should always include built-in evaluation checkpoints so there can be a midcourse correction if unexpected events occur.

20. What are the reasons for losing this power

1. Being politically naive 2. Failure to use appropriate political strategies 3. The lack of a dynamic and powerful persona 4. Association with others who desire similar power A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 4 Ans: A Feedback: Power gained may be lost because one is politically naive or fails to use appropriate political strategies. The other options are not major factors in the loss of power.

17. Which factors are associated with the empowerment of staff

1. Allow 2. Develop 3. Enable 4. Lead A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: A Feedback: The empowerment of staff is a hallmark of transformational leadership. Empowerment means to enable, develop, or allow. Leading is not associated with empowerment.

7. What is the most important component in being well organized and increasing productivity on the unit

A) Adequate resources B) A well-trained staff C) A well-thought-out plan D) Time to carry out your duties Ans: C Feedback: Unless the plan is well thought out, patient care has the potential to be disorganized. None of the other options identify that connection.

14. What is the oldest form of organizing patient care that is still widely used today

A) Total patient care B) Functional nursing C) Team or modular nursing D) Primary care nursing Ans: A Feedback: Total patient care, utilizing the case method of assignment, is the oldest form of patient care organization and is still widely used today.

2. The nurse is assigned to administer medications to all patients throughout the shift. What is this an example of

A) Team nursing B) Case method nursing C) Primary care delivery D) Functional nursing care Ans: D Feedback: Being assigned a specific task to do is part of functional nursing. None of the other options identify that connection.

3. Which time waster does the manager have least control over

A) Failure to set objectives B) Inability to say no C) Procrastination D) Paperwork overload Ans: D Feedback: Excessive paperwork is an external time waster; the others are time wasters created by the manager (internal).

15. Time management can be reduced to cyclic steps. What are the steps

1. Allow time for planning and establish priorities. 2. Complete the quickest priority tasks first. 3. Complete the highest priority task, and whenever possible, finish one task before beginning another. 4. Reprioritize based on remaining tasks and new information that may have been received. A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: C Feedback: Time management can be reduced to three cyclic steps: (a) allow time for planning and establish priorities; (b) complete the highest priority task, and whenever possible, finish one task before beginning another; and (c) reprioritize based on remaining tasks and new information that may have been received.

13. How can subordinates be discouraged from taking up a nursing manager's time unproductively

1. Being accessible in the nursing station 2. Instituting an open-door policy 3. Have limited office seating available 4. Refocus conversations as needed A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 4 Ans: D Feedback: Do not make yourself overly accessible. Make it easy for people to ignore you. Try not to ìworkî at the nursing station, if this is possible. Interrupt. When someone is rambling on without getting to the point, break in and say gently, ìExcuse me. Somehow I'm not getting your message. What exactly are you saying?î Avoid promoting socialization. Having several comfortable chairs in your office, a full candy dish, and posters on your walls that invite comments encourage socializing in your office. Be brief. Watch your own long-winded comments, and stand up when you are finished.

18. What is included in an MAP

1. Critical path 2. Nursing care plan 3. Indication of times when nursing interventions occur 4. Nurses follow the care plan to facilitate expected outcomes A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: A Feedback: The care MAP is a combination of a critical path and a nursing care plan, except that it shows times when nursing interventions should occur as well as variances. All health-care providers follow the care MAP to facilitate expected outcomes.

20. In prioritizing all the ìdo nowî items, the manager may find preparing a written list helpful. What is important to remember about the written list

1. It is a plan 2. It is a product 3. It is a planning tool 4. It is the final goal to be accomplished A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 3 D) 3, 4 Ans: B Feedback: In prioritizing all the ìdo nowî items, the manager may find preparing a written list helpful. The list is a planning tool. Remember, however, that a list is a plan, not a product, and that the creation of the list is not the final goal.

14. What are necessary components of leadership and management

1. Power 2. Authority 3. Empowerment 4. Authorityñpower gap A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 4 Ans: A Feedback: Power and authority are necessary components of leadership and management. The gap that sometimes exists between a position of authority and subordinate response is called the authorityñpower gap. Empowerment is the concept of sharing power.

19. When work is redesigned, it frequently has consequences for employees that must be considered. What consequences must be considered

1. Professional interactions 2. Degree of autonomy 3. Employee evaluation 4. Communication patterns A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: D Feedback: When work is redesigned, it frequently has personal consequences for employees that must be considered. Social interactions, the degree of autonomy, the abilities and skills necessary, employee evaluation, and communication patterns are often affected by work redesign.

10. Which is a true statement about the patterns of patient care management

A) Functional nursing is organized according to the desires of the worker B) Primary nursing and total patient care are synonymous C) Team leading includes the concept of patient care conferences D) Case load nursing provides little autonomy for nurses Ans: C Feedback: Team leading includes the need for patient care conferences. None of the other options identify that need.

18. At the unit level, what time frame may be considered long-range planning

A) 3 months B) 4 months C) 5 months D) 6 months Ans: D Feedback: At the unit level, any planning that is at least 6 months in the future may be considered long-range planning.

21. What is the primary outcome resulting from the implementation of the functional nursing care delivery system

A) A cost-effective method of care delivery B) Another permanent care delivery option C) Ancillary staff with varying levels of training and education D) A care delivery system addressing the needs of the baby boom patient Ans: C Feedback: The employment of personnel with various levels of skill and education proliferated as new categories of health-care workers were created. Currently, most health-care organizations continue to employ health-care workers of many educational backgrounds and skill levels. None of the other options represent a primary outcome of resulting from the implementation of functional nursing.

17. A good plan incorporates which characteristic

A) A midterm evaluation B) Built-in evaluation checkpoints C) The rejection of plans that originally failed D) Over-planning to arrange required details Ans: B Feedback: Good plans have built-in evaluation checkpoints so that there can be a midcourse correction if unexpected events occur. A final evaluation should always occur at the end of the plan. If goals were not met, the plan should be examined to determine why it failed. This evaluation process assists the manager in future planning. One who overplans may devote excessive time to arranging details that might be better left to those who will carry out the plan.

19. What do the ìdo nowî requests reflect

A) A unit's day-to-day operational needs B) Issues related to short-term goals C) Large, time-consuming tasks D) Problems that cannot be delegated Ans: A Feedback: The ìdo nowî requests most commonly reflect a unit's day-to-day operational needs. These ìdo nowî requests are not necessarily related to short-term goals or time-consuming. Nor are they also non-delegatable.

17. What is the most critical skill in good time management

A) Allow adequate time for planning B) Recognizing the need for daily planning C) Priority setting D) Handling situations as they arise Ans: C Feedback: Priority setting is perhaps the most critical skill in time management because all actions taken are some type of relative importance.

5. Which policy implemented by a manager will minimize unproductive socialization

A) An open-door policy B) Scheduled appointments C) Informal, impromptu meetings D) Maintaining strict professional boundaries Ans: B Feedback: Appointments will discourage unproductive socialization since time will be allotted and a schedule maintained. Open-door policies and impromptu meetings encourage socialization while strict professional boundaries may actually interfere with communications.

6. How is the leadership role and management function associated with operational and strategic planning

A) Articulating the unit philosophy in writing B) Assessing unit resources available for planning C) Developing unit policies and procedures that operationalized unit objectives D) Encouraging subordinates to be involved in policy formation Ans: D Feedback: Encouraging subordinates is a leadership function; the others are management functions. The other options do not achieve this goal.

8. Which statement best describes case management

A) Clinical outcomes should occur within a prescribed time frame B) Case managers do not provide direct patient care C) Managed care practice is a unit-based model of care D) The goal is outcome management for every patient Ans: A Feedback: In case management, clinical outcomes need to occur within prescribed time frames. Case managers do not provide care; neither is managed care unit based. The goal is outcome management for specific patients, but not every patient needs case management.

12. Which activity is associated with a leadership role in time management

A) Assisting followers in working cooperatively to maximize time use B) Prioritizing day-to-day planning to meet short-term and long-term unit goals C) Building time for time management planning into the work schedule D) Utilizing technology to facilitate timely communication and documentation Ans: A Feedback: A leadership role is to assist followers in working cooperatively to maximize time use. Management functions include the following: Appropriately prioritizes day-to-day planning to meet short-term and long-term unit goals; builds time for planning into the work schedule; utilizes technology to facilitate timely communication and documentation.

22. What is the foundation of reference power

A) Association with others B) Ability to grant favors C) Personality D) Fear Ans: A Feedback: Referent power is power that a person has as others identify with that leader or with what that leader symbolizes. Referent power also occurs when one gives another person, feelings of personal acceptance or approval. It may be obtained through association with the powerful. Reward power, charismatic, and coercive are the powers associated with the other options.

6. What does proactive political strategy include

A) Assuming authority to do something if it is not expressly prohibited B) Using competitive approaches to the decision-making process C) Attempting to appear as a victim so future gains can be made D) Verbalizing discontent with the politics of an organization Ans: A Feedback: Assuming authority to do something that is not prohibited allows the individual to accomplish goals for the organization, which will lead to greater empowerment. None of the remaining options are associated with the proactive political strategy.

22. What makes an organizational philosophy useless

A) Being expensive to implement B) Viewed as being impossible to implement C) Not having the support of all the involved parties D) Involving a change in the organizational point of view Ans: B Feedback: An organizational philosophy that is not or cannot be implemented is useless. While challenging, the other options are surmountable.

9. What is necessary when implementing care multidisciplinary action plans (MAPs)

A) Caregivers alter the plan as they deem necessary B) Variances be indicated for patient deviations C) Time frames for implementation be left open D) Critical paths not be considered in care planning Ans: B Feedback: In care MAPs, it is necessary to provide variances when there are patient deviations, because this is a major component to case management. None of the other options identify that connection.

11. Where did critical pathways originate from

A) Case management B) Functional nursing C) Team nursing D) Primary care nursing Ans: A Feedback: Critical pathways were developed as a result of the case management system. None of the other options identify that original connection.

1. Which is the first step in the time management process

A) Completing the highest priority task B) Allowing enough time for sufficient daily planning C) Reprioritizing based on new information received D) Delegating work that cannot be accomplished in a day Ans: B Feedback: Daily planning is essential if the manager is to manage by efficiency rather than by crisis. The remaining options are steps that occur after planning.

14. Which element influences the nurse executive most heavily when assessing the organization's philosophy for nursing services for possible revision

A) Consumer surveys B) Financial resources C) Mission statement D) Policy statements Ans: C Feedback: The philosophy flows from the mission statement, the highest priority in the planning hierarchy. The other options are not as influential.

6. What is the goal of case management

A) Containing health-care costs B) Providing challenging work C) Enhancing professionalism D) Decreasing length of hospital stays Ans: A Feedback: The ANA maintains that case management is designed to contain health-care costs. None of the other options identify a goal of casement.

12. What does empowerment encourage

A) Delegation of responsibility B) Sharing authority with others C) Relinquishing informal power D) Successful authoritarian leadership Ans: B Feedback: Empowerment is sharing power or authority with others but not relinquishing either power inherent in a position or its responsibility. Authoritarian leadership is not associated with empowerment.

13. What is one of the most important differences between case management and disease management

A) Disease management referrals begin in the hospital inpatient setting B) Disease management is a collaborative process to meet patient needs C) High-cost population groups are targeted in disease management D) Disease management treatment is episodic Ans: C Feedback: Although there are many similarities between disease management and case management, the primary goal of disease management is to target high-cost disease populations.

9. What is one of the most politically serious errors one can make

A) Dispensing fictitious information B) Promoting the advancement of subordinates C) Withholding or refusing to divulge information D) Delaying decision making until there is additional information Ans: A Feedback: Lying to others is a serious political error. The other options represent appropriate behaviors.

10. Which technique will help the manager prioritize

A) Doing ìtrivialî items first to get them out of the way B) Putting some items in the ìdon't doî category C) ìBreaking ofî overwhelming tasks D) ìDelegatingî the most important things to someone else Ans: B Feedback: The ìdon't doî list contains items that will take care of themselves, are already outdated, or are best accomplished by someone else. In the case of items that are best done by someone else, the manager should pass these along in a timely fashion. None of the remaining options address prioritization.

22. How does the effective nurse-manager most effectively deal with the ever-changing nature of the nursing work environment

A) Evaluating the management skills of the nursing team leaders B) Providing time management classes for staff members C) Frequently reassessing personally established priorities D) Encouraging staff to engage in daily planning Ans: C Feedback: Setting new priorities or adjusting priorities to reflect ever-changing work situations is an ongoing reality for the unit manager. While the other options are appropriate, they are not directed to the management role in dealing with the ever-changing nature of the environment of nursing.

8. Which term is used for strategies that are neither written nor stated verbally and that have developed over time called

A) Implied policies B) Expressed policies C) Understood precedents D) The organizational culture Ans: A Feedback: Implied policies are neither written nor stated verbally and have developed over time. The other options fail to meet this description.

13. Two of the organizational goals are to increase physician satisfaction and reduce costs. A unit goal is to increase professional RN staffing. Which statement best supports all the stated goals

A) Increasing the RN staff will cut down on nursing errors, prevent burn out, and decrease the cost associated with staff turnover B) Increasing the RN staff will result in increased patient safety and quality care, and thus improve physician satisfaction C) Increasing the RN staff will free more nurses to be available to answer doctors' concerns during their rounds and will reduce our costly use of overtime D) Increasing the RN staff will lead to improved patient education and a reduction in costly patient stays Ans: C Feedback: Politically wise requests should always be made using the goals of the organization; therefore, stating that increasing the staff would meet the organization's goals is most appropriate. The other options do not address all of the stated goals.

17. What was the focus historically for case management

A) Individual patient B) Care for populations C) Group of patients with same chronic illness D) Group of patients with same acute need for surgery Ans: A Feedback: While the focus historically for case management has been the individual patient, the case manager employed in a disease management program plans the care for populations or groups of patients with the same chronic illness.

19. One of the most commonly used tools in health-care organizations is SWOT analysis. What is the definition for S

A) Internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objectives B) Internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving its objectives C) External conditions that promote achievement of organizational objectives D) External conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement of organizational objectives Ans: A Feedback: Strengths are internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objectives. Weaknesses are internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving its objectives. Opportunities are external conditions that promote achievement of organizational objectives. Threats are external conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement of organizational objectives.

20. One of the most commonly used tools in health-care organizations is SWOT analysis. What is the definition for opportunities

A) Internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objectives B) Internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving its objectives C) External conditions that promote achievement of organizational objectives D) External conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement of organizational objectives Ans: C Feedback: Opportunities are external conditions that promote achievement of organizational objectives. Strengths are internal attributes that help an organization achieve its objectives. Weaknesses are internal attributes that challenge an organization in achieving its objectives. Threats are external conditions that challenge or threaten the achievement of organizational objectives.

5. Which statement identifies a characteristic of a planning objective

A) It has a specific time frame for completion B) It is subjectively evaluated on a periodic basis C) It has a100% compliance as a minimum criterion D) It is broad and inclusive in its nature Ans: A Feedback: Multiple planning objectives, each with a target completion date, make up a goal. The remaining options are not characteristics of this objective.

2. Which statement about power is correct

A) It is a finite quality and, once gained, is very difficult to lose B) It is destructively manipulative but is necessary for effective management C) Women generally view power more positively than do men D) Having power generally results in the gain of additional power Ans: D Feedback: The only true statement here is that power is likely to bring more power in an ascending cycle, whereas powerlessness often generates more powerlessness.

8. Which statement concerning the queen bee syndrome is true

A) It occurs more often with women than with men B) It encourages the empowerment of subordinates C) It prevents the sharing of power D) It is an informal leadership role Ans: C Feedback: Individuals who have the queen bee syndrome do not empower others, because they want to keep all the power for themselves. None of the other options are associated with the queen bee syndrome.

4. What does the good manager have to remember about creating a daily list

A) It should remain changed once initial planning is completed B) It is a planning tool, and thus must have flexibility in its implementation C) It should include all the planner's short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals D) It should be highly structured, thus decreasing the possibility of procrastination Ans: B Feedback: The daily list should be flexible, changeable, leave some time for the unexpected, and include appropriate short-term goals.

16. What is the name of the gap that sometimes exists between a position of authority and subordinate response

A) Leadership subordinate B) Manager subordinate C) Administrator power D) Authority power Ans: D Feedback: The gap that sometimes exists between a position of authority and subordinate response is called the authorityñpower gap. None of other options is the term used to identify the described power gap.

1. What type of power does a professional nursing certification provide

A) Legitimate B) Expert C) Charismatic D) Organizational Ans: B Feedback: A nursing certification provides the proof of earned expert power such as having knowledge or skill not possessed by all nurses.

7. Which statement about time management is true

A) Most people have an accurate perception of the time they spend on a particular task or the total amount of time they are productive during the day B) Nurses who are self-aware and have clearly identified personal goals and priorities have greater control over how they spend their time C) Writing goals down is not necessary if the goals are limited to fewer than five in number D) A time inventory for 2 or 3 days is sufficient to identify a time management pattern Ans: B Feedback: Nurses who are self-aware and have clearly identified personal goals and priorities have greater control over how they spend their time. The other options are not true statements regarding time management.

16. Primary care nursing is organized so that the patient is at the center of the structure. How many nurses have 24-hour responsibility for care planning and coordination

A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four Ans: A Feedback: Primary care nursing is organized so that the patient is at the center of the structure. One nurse has 24-hour responsibility for care planning and coordination.

10. What is represented in a document entitled Fourteen Specific Steps to Successful Intravenous Catheterization at Hospital XYZ

A) Philosophy B) Mission statement C) Policy D) Procedure Ans: D Feedback: Procedures delineate a series of specific steps of required action. None of the other options is the focus of this document.

8. Which task should the team leader initially engage in when planning care for a group of patients

A) Plan so that each patient on the team receives equal amounts of nursing care B) Prioritize the amount and type of nursing care each patient requires C) Identify the staff who will comprise the individual care teams D) Assign patients to the specific nursing teams Ans: B Feedback: Prioritizing the care each patient will require is the initial step in care planning. The other options are considered but implementation will happen after the prioritizing.

6. Which plan is an effective way of handling a large task

A) Plan to finish the task with few breaks B) Delegate portions of the task to qualified staff C) Break the task into smaller, less intimidating units D) Delay beginning the task until it has your undivided attention Ans: C Feedback: Breaking down a task, or chunking, prevents the person from becoming overwhelmed by the size of the task. It may not be possible or advisable to finish the task without breaks or delegating it to staff.

3. A nurse has accepted a position as a staff nurse and will practice primary care nursing. The nurse will be the only RN on the team. What is an appropriate role expectation for role fulfillment

A) Planning nursing care independently of others B) Assigning work according to the expertise of group members C) Being responsible for care planning 24 hours a day D) Carrying out the majority of personal care for your patients Ans: B Feedback: In primary nursing, the sole RN would not plan the care without others' input or be responsible for care planning for 24 hours. Neither would the RN carry out the majority of personal care.

12. What nursing model provides the foundation for matching patient needs with nursing competencies

A) Primary nursing practice B) Differentiated nursing practice C) Modular nursing D) Case management Ans: B Feedback: To facilitate the effective use of nursing resources, patient needs and nursing competencies should be matched. None of the other options identify that connection.

13. Which statement describes an emerging paradigm that is likely to influence strategic planning for health care in the twenty-first century

A) Reduced emphasis on cost containment B) Reduced regulatory oversight of health-care organizations C) A shift from interdependence of health-care professionals to greater autonomy D) A movement from client-as-customer to population-as-customer Ans: D Feedback: Health services are increasingly being provided to large groups of people, usually defined by employers, through managed care or capitated contracts. The other options do not describe an influential twenty-first-century paradigm.

5. Which statement is correct concerning primary nursing care

A) Requires minimal RN staffing B) Is easy to implement C) Provides challenging work D) Has proved to be a failure Ans: C Feedback: Primary care provides challenging work for nurses; however, it is not easy to implement and requires an all-RN staff. None of the other options accurately describes the concept of primary nursing care.

7. Which strategy is most effective in empowering staff

A) Serving as a role model of an empowered nurse B) Following a rigid but consistent rule enforcement policy C) Providing all employees with an annual cost-of-living raise D) Encouraging staff to establish a strong unit culture with turf boundaries Ans: A Feedback: By serving as a role model of an empowered nurse, the individual encourages others to become empowered. The remaining options are not examples of effective empowering strategies.

11. Which is the foundational principle of nursing time management

A) Short-term planning B) Strategic planning C) Immediate attention to care needs D) Adhering to a daily plan Ans: A Feedback: The foundational principle of time management is short-term planning. Strategic planning is a long-term activity while the other options lack the flexibility needed by time management.

7. What is required in a health-care organization philosophy statement

A) Should be evident in a nursing department's decisions, priorities, and behavior B) Has value, even if not implemented, because it provides a picture of what the organization would like to accomplish C) Should reflect the values and priorities of each specific unit manager D) Should be consistent with that of other health care agencies in the area to avoid competition Ans: A Feedback: The unit philosophy will be congruent with the organizational philosophy. A philosophy delineates the set of values and beliefs that guide all actions. The other options do not accurately describe requirements of a health-care organization philosophy statement.

18. What category of prioritizing will an item that will take care of itself be placed

A) Squeaky wheel B) Don't do C) Do later D) Do now Ans: B Feedback: One simple means of prioritizing what needs to be accomplished is to divide all requests into three categories: ìdon't do,î ìdo later,î and ìdo now.î The ìdon't doî items probably reflect problems that will take care of themselves, are already outdated, or are better accomplished by someone else.

23. Which is the positive outcome for a manager perceived to possess manager power

A) Staff have trust in the manager B) Unit staffing tends to remain stable C) The manager will be a leader as well D) Administration supports the manager's decisions Ans: A Feedback: The term manager power may explain subordinates' response to the manager's authority. The more power subordinates perceive a manager to have, the smaller the gap between the right to expect certain things and the resulting fulfillment of those expectations by others. None of the other options present a positive outcome of manager power.

9. What will the nurse-manager do to best reduce paper clutter in the workspace

A) Support face-to-face communication between staff members B) Encourage paper clutter to be thrown away at the end of each shift C) Deal with paper correspondence as soon as possible after it arrives. D) Place additional recycling and trash receptacles throughout the unit Ans: C Feedback: Whenever possible, incoming correspondence should be handled the day it arrives. It should either be thrown away or filed according to the date to be completed. The other options do not have the same amount of impact on controlling clutter.

19. What is coercive power based on

A) The ability to grant rewards to others B) The power of fear and of punishment C) The power inherent in one's position D) The gaining of knowledge and skills Ans: B Feedback: Coercive power is based on fear and punishment. Reward power is obtained by the ability to grant rewards to others. Legitimate power is the power inherent in one's position. Expert power is gained through knowledge or skill.

4. With modular nursing, who checks the completion of tasks assigned to a team member

A) The charge nurse B) The area manager C) The team leader D) Another team member Ans: C Feedback: The team leader should check the work of team members. None of the other options identify the role correctly.

25. What is the suggested perception of a nurse-manager who is consistently late for appointments

A) The manager is overworked with too many responsibilities B) The manager needs additional management training C) The manager does not value other people's time D) The manager lacks time management skills Ans: C Feedback: A lack of punctuality suggests that one does not value other people's time. The other options may be true but the perception is the more emotional perception.

10. Which statement describes both self-power and feminist power

A) The militant expression of power by assertive women B) The power gained from knowing other powerful people C) The narrowing of the authority gap between nurses and physicians D) Personally awareness that is demonstrated by having power over one's life Ans: D Feedback: Self-power, sometimes referred to as feminist power, is power over self rather than over other people. The concept of self-power/feminist power is not described accurately by any of the other options.

16. Benefits of effective planning include timely accomplishment of higher quality work and the best possible use of capital and human resources. Because planning is essential, managers must be able to overcome barriers that impede planning. What is an important point for successful organizational planning

A) The organization can be more effective if movement within it is directed at specified goals and objectives B) Plans to reach a goal must be rigid and not be distracted by current events C) The manager should include in the planning process the leadership people of units that could be affected by the plan D) A global plan and outline is sufficient to encourage and motivate employees Ans: A Feedback: The organization can be more effective if movement within it is directed at specified goals and objectives. Because a plan is a guide to reach a goal, it must be flexible and allow for readjustment as unexpected events occur. The manager should include in the planning process all people and units that could be affected by a plan. A plan that is too global or unrealistic discourages rather than motivates employees.

5. What determines the size of the authorityñpower gap between a manager and an employee

A) The organizational philosophy B) The degree of rigidity in the corporate chart C) How credible the manager is perceived to be D) How much informal power the manager possesses Ans: C Feedback: When a manager loses credibility, the authorityñpower gap widens. None of the other options are relevant.

23. Which statement regarding nursing policies and procedures is most important to their successful role in achieving goals

A) The policies and procedures are created by staff representatives B) All policies and practices are based on current evidence related to practice C) Policy or procedure adoption is dependent upon effective utilization of resources D) 100% of the staff adheres to established policies and procedures 100% of the time Ans: B Feedback: Policies and procedures should be evidence based. While the other options are influential to success, they are the most important aspect of policies and procedures.

11. Which statement is true regarding individual values

A) They are often modified by parents, peers, and role models throughout life B) They seldom change as a result of life's experiences C) They have little influence on decision making once employed because organizational values eliminate personal values D) They show little variation between nursing managers once they have achieved some level of authority Ans: A Feedback: Personal values are shaped by the socialization processes experienced by that person, and values change with time. The remaining statements are not true regarding individual values.

15. How are preactive planners described

A) They consider and value the past, the present, and future B) They use evolving technologies to accelerate change C) They consider the status quo as a stable environment D) They direct planning in response to a crisis Ans: B Feedback: Dissatisfied with the past and present, preactive planners do not value experience and believe the future is always preferable. Their focus is not necessarily crisis response.

2. What is the reason that first- and middle-level managers experience more interruptions than higher-level managers

A) They generally interact directly with a greater number of subordinates in daily planning B) They seldom have the clerical and secretarial help assigned to higher-level managers C) They are more social in nature and personal interactions D) They are busier than higher-level managers Ans: A Feedback: Frequent interruptions are common for first- and middle-level managers, who have a larger number of direct reports than do higher-level managers. The other options are not generally true statements.

11. A nursing administrator believes that the organization supports an inadequate distribution of power. What is the administrator's initial action to combat this situation

A) To form a coalition to extend administrative networking. B) To pose a plan for organizational restructuring. C) To gain entry into an informal power group. D) To improve one's personal power base Ans: C Feedback: To gain power one needs entry into informal lines of communication provided by informal power groups. The other options would be effective only after the correct option is achieved.

15. What type of nursing uses mini teams, typically an RN and unlicensed health-care workers, to provide care to a small group of patients who are centralized geographically

A) Total patient care B) Functional nursing C) Modular nursing D) Primary care nursing Ans: C Feedback: Modular nursing and model RN line use mini teams, typically an RN and unlicensed health-care worker(s), to provide care to a small group of patients, centralized geographically. None of the other options provide that staffing format.

18. Which statement concerning women's views of power is true

A) Women view power as a male right B) Women view power differently than men do C) Gender views regarding power differ only slightly D) Gender views regarding power are rapidly changing Ans: B Feedback: Traditionally, women have been socialized to view power differently than men do. However, recent studies show that gender differences regarding power are slowly changing.

21. Which statement identifies a common mistake made related to daily planning

A) ìCrises always come up so my plan is always changing.î B) ìI have always handled my patients' needs as they arise.î C) ìSometimes it's difficult to reserve time for daily planning.î D) ìPatient care requires a lot of reassessment by nursing.î Ans: B Feedback: Two mistakes common in planning are underestimating the importance of a daily plan and not allowing adequate time for planning. The remaining options reflect an understanding of the importance of planning.

24. A staff member asks the manger for a particular day off on the next schedule. Which response demonstrates the concept of underpromising and help the manager retain the staff's trust

A) ìI will do my best to give you the time off.î B) ìBe sure to get the written request in early.î C) ìIf staffing stays the same, I will arrange for your request.î D) ìIf you don't take any sick time before then, I'll give it to you.î Ans: C Feedback: Less trust is lost between the manager and the subordinate when underpromising occurs than when a granted request is rescinded, as long as the subordinate believes that the manager will make a genuine effort to meet his or her request. Underpromising occurs when the manager explains the uncontrollable factors that affect granting the request. While being sick is uncontrollable, the issue is staffing at the time of the actual request.

3. Which statement represents a powerful image of a team leader

A) ìI'm in charge here, and so all requests need to come to me.î B) ìI'm too tired to deal with Dr. Jones today. When he gets here, tell him I've gone to lunch.î C) ìIs it okay with the rest of you if I do all the charting and you do the direct patient care?î D) ìWe have a great deal to accomplish today, but I am confident that, by working together, we can do it and do it well.î Ans: D Feedback: The empowerment of staff is a hallmark of transformational leadership. To empower means to enable, develop, or allow. Empowerment can be defined as decentralization of power. Empowerment occurs when leaders communicate their vision; employees are given the opportunity to make the most of their talents; and learning, creativity, and exploration are encouraged. Empowerment plants seeds of leadership, collegiality, self-respect, and professionalism.

22. Which statement demonstrates an intervention focused on the primary disadvantage of team nursing

A) ìWe are working with 1 fewer team members today.î B) ìThe team will be meeting for a care report update in 5 minutes.î C) ìOur patient assignment is comprised of both males and femalesî D) ìWe will be having a member of the float pool on our team today.î Ans: B Feedback: Disadvantages to team nursing are associated primarily with improper implementation rather than with the philosophy itself. Frequently, insufficient time is allowed for team care planning and communication. This can lead to blurred lines of responsibility, errors, and fragmented patient care. None of the other options address a known disadvantage of team nursing.

14. What is the best response for a nurse-manager to handle someone who has a pattern of lengthy chatter

A) ìWe'll need to make it brief since my schedule is tight today.î B) ìI can't speak with you now, but I'm going to have free time at 11 am.î C) ìStop by and we can talk during your lunch break.î D) ìI am sorry but I do not have anytime today to talk with you.î Ans: B Feedback: If someone has a pattern of lengthy chatter and manages to corner you on rounds or at the nurse's station, say, ìI can't speak with you now, but I'm going to have some free time at 11 AM. Why don't you see me then?î Unless the meeting is important, the person who just wishes to chat will not bother to make a formal appointment. If you would like to chat and have the time to do so, use coffee breaks and lunch hours for socializing.

15. What is the primary influence that shapes a person's response to authority A) Power figures in the family unit B) Work experiences in each job held C) Administrative figures in the workplace D) Experiences in the spiritual dimension of life

Ans: A Feedback: A person's response to authority is conditioned early through authority figures and experiences in the family unit. While the other options may influence an individual, none are the primary influence.

24. What is the primary reason for documenting nursing interventions as soon as possible after an activity is completed A) Decreasing the risk of inaccurate documentation B) Implementing effective time management skills C) Demonstrating professional nursing behavior D) Observing an established nursing principle

Ans: A Feedback: Document your nursing interventions as soon as possible after an activity is completed. Waiting until the end of the workday to complete necessary documentation increases the risk of inaccuracies and incomplete documentation. The remaining options are accurate but lack the primary focus of patient safety.

16. When is the best time of day for the manager to spend appropriate time on planning A) Whenever a block of time is available B) Beginning of the day C) Middle of the day D) End of the day

Ans: B Feedback: Setting aside time at the beginning of each day to plan the day allows the manager to spend appropriate time on high-priority tasks.

3. Which is a true statement about planning A) All plans should be defined well so that changes aren't necessary B) Long- and short-range plans should be kept separate so priorities do not become confused C) Objectives and goals must be established before the philosophy is written D) All plans should include reasonable time limits

Ans: D Feedback: Every plan should have a reasonable time span for completion. The other statements are not true regarding the process of planning.

20. What is the positive patient outcome during a single shift of case method nursing

Select all that apply. A) Clear lines of responsibility B) Nursing autonomy C) Holistic patient care D) Unfragmented care Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: This method of assignment is still widely used in hospitals and home health agencies. This organizational structure provides nurses with high autonomy and responsibility. Assigning patients is simple and direct and does not require the planning that other methods of patient care delivery require. The lines of responsibility and accountability are clear. The patient theoretically receives holistic and unfragmented care during the nurse's time on duty. To maintain quality care, this method requires highly skilled personnel and thus may cost more than some other forms of patient care.

21. Which factor contributes to the difficulty health-care organizations are having in planning for identified long-term needs

Select all that apply. A) Government regulations B) Rapidly changing technologies C) Decreased provider autonomy D) Changing population demographics Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Because of the rapidly changing technology, increasing government regulatory involvement in health care, changing population demographics, and reduced provider autonomy, health-care organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to appropriately identify long-term needs and plan accordingly. Consumer distrust is not a current factor contributing to the difficulty health-care organizations are experiencing with long-term planning.

4. During the process of acquiring values, criteria should be used to assist in clarifying the chosen value. Which is a criterion for a true value

Select all that apply. A) It is freely chosen from among alternatives B) It is prized and cherished C) It is positively affirmed D) It is acted upon Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: A value is prized and cherished, positively affirmed and acted upon, and chosen freely from among alternative. Because our values change with time, periodic clarification is necessary to determine how our values may have changed.

4. Which power-building strategy would be the appropriate for a new employee

Select all that apply. A) Maintaining a sense of humor B) Gaining additional nursing certifications C) Learning the institution's organizational culture. D) Attending a training seminar on a new piece of unit equipment Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Trying to induce change when one is a new employee is not an appropriate power-building strategy while the other options are all appropriate for a new employee to engage in.

24. Which concept should a care delivery system support

Select all that apply. A) Organization B) Nursing process C) Cost effectiveness D) Patient satisfaction Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Each unit's care delivery structure should facilitate meeting the goals of the organization, be cost-effective, satisfy the patient, provide role satisfaction to nurses, allow implementation of the nursing process, and provide for adequate communication among health-care providers. While important, nursing research is not a concept that is considered when selecting a care delivery system.

21. Which statement regarding the view of power held by some women is true

Select all that apply. A) Power is inherently possessed by men B) Power is associated with personal attributes C) Power is viewed as dominance versus submission D) Power is associated with personal qualities not accomplishment Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: As a result, some women view power as dominance versus submission; associated with personal qualities, not accomplishment; and dependent on personal or physical attributes, not skill. Also, some women believe that they do not inherently possess power but instead must rely on others to acquire it. Thus, rather than feeling capable of achieving and managing power, some women feel that power manages them. The end result has been that so far too many women have remained unskilled in the art of the political process.

12. What is a characteristic of strategic planning

Select all that apply. A) Requires managerial expertise in health-care economics B) Should reflect political issues related to health care C) Human resource expertise is required D) Should be based on a planning theory Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Strategic planning generally forecasts 3 to 10 years into the future and requires managerial expertise in health-care economics, human resource management, and political and legislative issues affecting health care, as well as planning theory.

24. Which statement regarding rules is true

Select all that apply. A) Rules should be flexible B) There should be as few rules as possible C) Rules should be changed on a regular basis D) Enforcement of the rules supports staff morale Ans: A, B, D Feedback: Rules are fairly inflexible, so the fewer rules, the better. Existing rules, however, should be enforced to keep morale from breaking down and to allow organizational structure. It is neither reasonable nor necessary for all involved parties to agree with the rules but all must follow them. Rules require regular evaluation but change may not be warranted.

25. Which statement concerning the role of the leader-manager in organizational planning is true

Select all that apply. A) They need to be future oriented B) They must be willing to take risks C) They must possess human resource management skills D) They need to be prepared to appraise the social climate that affects the organization Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Planning requires managerial expertise in health-care economics, human resource management, political and legislative issues affecting health care, and planning theory. Planning also requires the leadership skills of being sensitive to the environment, being able to appraise accurately the social and political climate, and being willing to take risks. Managers then must draw on the philosophy and goals established at the organizational and nursing service levels in implementing planning at the unit level. The manager then draws on his or her leadership skills in creativity, innovation, and futuristic thinking to problem solve.

23. Which statement demonstrates adherence to habits that supports good time management skills

Select all that apply. A) ìIt's important to me to be professional.î B) ìI can depend on the members of my team.î C) ìI've learned that I'm most energetic in the morning.î D) ìI'll adjust my sleep schedule now that I'm on night shift.î Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Habit 1: Strive to be authentic. Be honest with yourself about what you want and why you do what you do. Habit 2: Favor trusting relationships. Build relationships with people you can trust and count on, and make sure those same people can trust and count on you. Habit 3: Maintain a lifestyle that will give you maximum energy. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. Habit 4: Listen to your biorhythms and organize your day accordingly. Pay attention to regular fluctuations in your physical and mental energy levels throughout the day and schedule tasks accordingly. Habit 5: Set very few priorities and stick to them. Select a maximum of two things that are your highest priority, and work on them.

25. Which statement supports the manager's commitment to staff empowerment

Select all that apply. A) ìUnit goals include hiring an additional 2 nursing assistants.î B) ìA staff committee will be formed to address that unit issue.î C) ìWe can arrange for you to spend 2 months working on another unit.î D) ìI'm got funding to support staff who are interested in earning certifications.î Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Empowerment, as discussed in Chapter 2, can be defined as decentralization of power. Empowerment occurs when leaders communicate their vision; employees are given the opportunity to make the most of their talents; and learning, creativity, and exploration are encouraged. While an open-door policy supports communication, it is not associated with empowerment.

23. Which statement demonstrates an understanding of the factors that are considered when a change in the care delivery system is being proposed

Select all that apply. A) ìWe have determined that our level of care would improve if we provided it differently.î B) ìIt's questionable whether our current nursing staff is large enough to support the proposed change.î C) ìWe will discuss our proposed change with the multidisciplinary team members.î D) ìAdministration has been supportive of the planned change in our care delivery system.î Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: If evaluation of the present system reveals deficiencies, the manager needs to examine available resources and compare those with resources needed for the change. There must be a commitment on the part of top-level administration and a majority of the nursing staff for a change to be successful. Because health care is multidisciplinary, the care delivery system used will have a heavy impact on many others outside the nursing unit; therefore, those affected by a system change must be involved in its planning. The philosophy of the nursing services division must support the delivery model selected. Changing the philosophy is not appropriate.

7. What is the conclusion of interactional theories regarding successful leadership

A) Leaders, followers, and the situation were all variables that interacted B) The situation had the most profound effect on success in leadership C) The situation has a greater effect on outcomes than followers do D) Good results would occur if leaders led well Ans: A Feedback: The successful leader will diagnose the situation before applying strategies from a large repertoire of skills that involve assessing the various variables presented by the leader, the followers and the situation. The remaining options are not related to interactional leadership theory.

3. What assumption about workers does Theory X hold A) Workers will naturally put forth effort B) Workers need threats to be motivated C) Workers are diligent and responsible D) Workers are in tune with organizational needs

Ans: B Feedback: Theory X managers believe that their employees are basically lazy, need constant supervision and direction, and are indifferent to organizational needs.

6. What is the idea that workers should be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities related to A) Part of the management functions identified by Fayol B) The result of the human relations studies C) The outcome of studies done by Mayo at the Hawthorne Works D) One of the four overriding principles of scientific management

Ans: D Feedback: Frederick Taylor, the ìfather of scientific management,î had the idea that workers should be hired, trained, and promoted based on their competence and abilities. This concept is not associated with any of the other options.

9. Which statement about situational or contingency leadership theory is correct A) High relationship behavior is much more essential to a good manager than high task behavior B) This leadership model is effective in bureaucratic organizations because it is task focused C) Management should be consistent in different situations so workers understand what is expected of them D) The leadership style chosen by a manager should reflect the task/relationship behavior of those being managed

Ans: D Feedback: The idea that leadership style should vary according to the situation or the individuals involved was first suggested almost 100 years ago by Mary Parker Follett, one of the earliest management consultants and among the first to view an organization as a social system of contingencies. The other options present statements that are incorrect.

12. Which characteristics are associated with a constructive culture

1. Affiliative norms 2. Self-actualization 3. Encouragement of humanism 4. Perfectionist norms A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: A Feedback: Affiliation, self-actualization, and encouragement are all characteristics of a constructive culture, whereas perfectionist norms are a characteristic of destructive organizational cultures.

2. Max Weber, as part of the scientific management era, contributed immensely to the development of organizational theory. Which statement is not representative of his beliefs

A) Bureaucracy could provide a rational basis for administrative decisions B) Worker satisfaction was integral to productivity C) Organization charts could depict the hierarchy of authority D) Impersonality of interpersonal relationships should exist in organizations Ans: B Feedback: Max Weber's theories did not address worker satisfaction. The other options do represent the Weber organizational theory.

3. Which statement concerning nonverbal communication is true

A) It is consistent across cultures B) It is given more credence than verbal communication when the two are incongruent C) It should be minimized because it confuses the receiver regarding the true intent of the message D) It is a significant part of the communication exchange only when it is not congruent with the verbal exchange Ans: B Feedback: Because nonverbal communication indicates the emotional component of the message, it is generally considered more reliable than verbal communication. None of the remaining options present true statements regarding nonverbal communication.

7. Which statement describes assertive communication

A) It makes you respect yourself and allows you to get what you want B) Although it is unfeminine, it is a necessary communication skill for female managers C) It involves rights and responsibilities for all parties in the communication D) Assertive communication will never offend anyone Ans: C Feedback: Assertive communication allows people to express themselves in direct, honest, and appropriate ways that do not infringe on another's rights. The remaining statements do not correctly describe assertive communication.

8. Which statement about organizational centrality is true

A) It refers to the decision-making structure in an organization B) It occurs when there is consonance of subunit cultures in the organization C) It is a position on the organizational chart where types of communication occur D) It occurs primarily in line relationships Ans: C Feedback: Centrality is a position on an organizational chart where it is possible to have many different types of communication (upward, downward, lateral, and diagonal). The other statements do not describe organizational centrality accurately.

15. What occurs during implementation of a shared governance model

A) Lines of authority are altered B) Joint practice committees are formed C) Participatory management is initiated D) The roles of first-level managers are stabilized Ans: B Feedback: In shared governance, the organization's governance is shared among board members, nurses, physicians, and management. Joint practice committees are developed to assume the power and accountability for decision making, and professional communication is egalitarian rather than hierarchical. Shared governance is not associated with the other options.

24. Which vocal delivery suggests that a person is asking a question rather than making a statement

A) Loudness B) Slurred words C) Tentativeness D) Rapid delivery Ans: C Feedback: Vocal clues such as tone, volume, and inflection add to the message being transmitted. Tentative statements sound more like questions than statements, leading listeners to think that you are unsure of yourself, and speaking quickly may be interpreted as being nervous. Loud and slurred speech can be barriers to communication.

12. Regarding group building, what is the responsibility of the gatekeeper

A) Mediating, harmonizing, and resolving conflict B) Accepting and praising the contributions and viewpoints of group members C) Facilitating and promoting open communication of all group members D) Recording the group's process and providing feedback to the group Ans: C Feedback: The gatekeeper makes sure all voices in the group are heard in order to facilitate and promote open communication. The role of gatekeeper is not accurately described by any of the other options.

2. What does traditional management science focuses upon A) Meeting worker satisfaction B) Delineating barriers to productivity C) Using a laissez-faire approach D) Encouraging employee participation

A) Meeting worker satisfaction B) Delineating barriers to productivity C) Using a laissez-faire approach D) Encouraging employee participation Ans: B Feedback: Classical, or traditional, management science focuses on production in the workplace and on delineating organizational barriers to productivity. Little attention was given to worker job satisfaction, and workers were assumed to be motivated solely by economic rewards.

10. Which statement describes the informal communication referred to as ìthe grapevine

A) Most personnel engaging in the unofficial exchange of information. B) Information exchange is initiated by subordinates and directed upward C) Information is conveyed unofficially by administration through department heads D) The exchange of information initiated by someone in a staff position to someone in a line position Ans: A Feedback: Informal communication through the ìgrapevineî occurs when most personnel are involved in the unofficial exchange of information. This process is not accurately described by any of the other options.

1. What is the best combination that characterizes the communication process

A) Sender receiver message B) Receiver message sender C) Sender message receiver D) Message sender receiver Ans: C Feedback: The combination that best characterizes the communication process is sender message receiver. The other options would result in the likelihood of miscommunication.

15. What location of the SBAR charting tool states the patient's problem

A) Situation B) Background C) Assessment D) Recommendation Ans: C Feedback: Assessment is where the nurse states the patient's problem. The problem is not documented in any of the other SBAR locations.

23. Which nursing action demonstrates compliance with the American Nurses Association (ANA) principles for social networking by nurses

A) Strictly avoiding the use of social networking in a professional setting B) Participating in the development of institutional policies governing online conduct C) Ignoring any information that appears to have the potential to harm a patient's welfare D) Realizing that social networking is not related to a nurse's professional boundaries Ans: B Feedback: The ANA has developed principles for social networking that include participation in policy development, nurseñpatient boundaries, separating personal and professional online information, and reporting to authorities when patient welfare has been potentially harmed.

5. The hospital is facing low census and downsizing. However, the RNs have been assured that everyone on the unit will keep their jobs and downsizing will occur through normal attrition and voluntary absences without pay. Today, the evening charge nurse reported that last evening the staff was discussing various rumors about mass layoffs. What is the best approach to take

A) Tell an informal leader on the evening shift the truth and let the leader spread the news informally B) Hold a meeting for all staff members and tell them that the rumor is not true C) Ignore the rumor because it will soon pass D) Find out who started the rumor and correct the information Ans: B Feedback: Nurse-leaders should intervene appropriately when communication problems (in this case, rumors) arise. The remaining options fail to fulfill that responsibility as effectively as the correct option does.

16. Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence identifies self-awareness as one of the five components of emotional intelligence. What is self-awareness

A) The ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others B) The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment C) A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment D) The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people Ans: A Feedback: Self-awareness: The ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others. Self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment. Motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment. Empathy: The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people.

4. Which statement is true regarding depiction of staff positions on an organizational chart

A) They are depicted as unbroken lines B) They are represented by double dotted lines C) They are shown as a solid, vertical line D) They are identified with a dotted line. Ans: D Feedback: Dotted or broken lines on the organization chart represent staff positions. Formal relationships, lines of communication, and authority are depicted on a chart by unbroken (solid) lines. Double dotted lines are not generally used on an organizational chart.

23. Which activity supports the principles of strengths-based leadership

A) Tuition reimbursement for LPN to RN transition programs B) Rehab services to staff diagnosed with abuse problems C) Mental health counseling for depression and anxiety D) Smoking cessation support classes Ans: A Feedback: Strengths-based leadership, which grew out of the positive psychology movement (began in the late 1990s), focuses on the development or empowerment of workers' strengths as opposed to identifying problems, improving underperformance, and addressing weaknesses and obstacles.

18. What is the basic premise of the interactional theory A) Leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader's personality and the specific situation B) Manager behaviors are generally determined by the relationship between the manager's personality and the specific situation. C) Both managers and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality. D) Both leaders and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality.

Ans: A Feedback: The basic premise of interactional theory is that leadership behavior is generally determined by the relationship between the leader's personality and the specific situation. Transformational leadership is where both leaders and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality.

20. What type of manager is concerned with the day-to-day operations A) Transactional B) Transformational C) Interactional D) Bureaucratic

Ans: A Feedback: The traditional manager, concerned with the day-to-day operations, is termed a transactional leader. This is not a characteristic of the other options.

11. Gardner states that integrated leaders-managers distinguish themselves from more traditional managers in six ways. Which is a distinguishing trait of a traditional manager rather than an integrated leader-manager A) They are politically astute B) They look outward, toward the larger organization C) They extend influence only to their own group D) They emphasize vision, values, and motivation

Ans: C Feedback: Traditional managers influence those in their own groups while integrated leaders influence others beyond their own group. The remaining options represent traits that may be shared by both types.

5. What does the term unity of command mean A) The number of individuals directly reporting to a manager B) Having a limited number of top-level managers C) Each employee having only one boss D) A flexible structure that encourages participative decision making

Ans: C Feedback: Unity of command means one immediate boss per employee. None of the other options correctly describes the term unity of command.

20. Which characteristics are associated with Magnet hospital status

1. Centralized environment 2. Open, participatory management 3. Improved patient outcomes 4. Higher staff nurse satisfaction A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4 Ans: D Feedback: Magnet designation is conferred by the ANCC to health-care organizations exemplifying well-qualified nurse executives in a decentralized environment, with organizational structures that emphasize open, participatory management. Magnet-designated organizations demonstrate improved patient outcomes and higher staff nurse satisfaction than organizations that do not have Magnet status.

24. Which statement by a subordinate demonstrates the greatest problem for the leader A) ìYour plans for the changes will be difficult to implement.î B) ìI don't think you heard what the rest of us had to say.î C) ìDo you have an idea what direction we need to go?î D) ìCan you tell me why my suggestion will not work?î

A Ans: A Feedback: The statement is a clear indication that the subordinate feels the leader is not listening and collaborating; this is a fatal flaw. The other statements are more open to explanation by and with the subordinate and leader.

15. How many characteristics such as servant leadership does Tabaka suggest is required of an agile organization today

A) 1 B) 5 C) 10 D) 15 Ans: C Feedback: Tabaka suggests that servant leadership is one of the top 10 characteristics of an agile organization today.

11. Which statement regarding a memo is true

A) A memo makes it main point at least twice B) A memo is written using an authoritative format C) Headings are not used in a memo to avoid confusing the reader D) Only essential information is included in a memo Ans: D Feedback: Only essential information is included in a memo since extraneous information will detract from the message. None of the other options presents correct information concerning a memo.

12. What statement describes the concept of quantum leadership

A) Ability to use emotions effectively that is required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success B) In order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly C) One individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things D) The environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity Ans: D Feedback: Quantum leadership suggests that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success. Authentic leadership suggests that in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly. Thought leadership refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things.

21. How can the Internet be best used as a means of improving one's personal nursing practice

A) Accessing the latest research and best practice information B) Communicating with other health-care team members C) Minimizing the need for paper documentation D) Securing patient information for confidentially Ans: A Feedback: As an information source, the Internet allows nurses to access the latest research and best practice information so that their care can be evidence based. The remaining options are not focused on personal nursing practice.

14. There are current and future paradigm shifts in health care that affect the leadership skills needed by nurses in the twenty-first century. What issue at the organizational and unit levels are nurse-leaders being directed to address

A) Active involvement in greatly needed health-care reform B) Persistent and growing international nursing shortage C) Shortage of qualified first-level nursing managers D) High turnover rates by staff nurses Ans: D Feedback: At the organizational and unit levels, nurse-leaders are being directed to address high turnover rates by staff, an emerging shortage of qualified top-level nursing administrators, growing trends toward unionization, and intensified efforts to legislate minimum staffing ratios and eliminate mandatory overtime, while maintaining cohesive and productive work environments. At the national level, nurse-leaders and nurse-managers are actively involved in greatly needed health-care reform and in addressing a persistent, and likely growing, international nursing shortage. The other options, while describing noteworthy issues, do not include the issue that affects needed skills.

7. How does decentralized organizational structure promote decision making

A) Allows problems to be solved at the level at which they occur B) Encourages decisions to be made by top-level hierarchy C) Limits communication to managers at various levels D) Assigns responsibility at the highest practical level Ans: A Feedback: Decentralized organizational structure allows decision making to be made at the level at which problems occur. None of the other options describes how decentralized organizational structure promotes decision making.

4. An RN is a team leader for a small module of patients. While listening to a tape-recorded report on Mr. Smith, one of your team members remarks, ìMy mother lives near him and she says his wife is a terrible housekeeper.î As the leader of the team, what will the RN do A) Ask the informant to be quiet B) Include the information in report for the next shift C) Ask the team member what the purpose was in sharing the information D) Ignore the comment

A) Ask the informant to be quiet B) Include the information in report for the next shift C) Ask the team member what the purpose was in sharing the information D) Ignore the comment Ans: C Feedback: The role of the leader is to encourage communication that is appropriate and discourage communication that is inappropriate among staff. The other options fail to convey that responsibility.

19. Avolio states that there are four factors that cover the components of authentic leadership. What is occurring when analyzing data rationally before making decisions

A) Balanced processing B) Internalized moral perspective C) Relational transparency D) Self-awareness Ans: A Feedback: Balanced processing refers to analyzing data rationally before making decisions. Internalized moral perspective suggests that the authentic leader is guided by internal moral standards, which then guide his/her behavior. Relational transparency refers to openly sharing feelings and information appropriate to a situation, and self-awareness alludes to a knowing of self so as to make sense of the world.

20. Avolio states that there are four factors that cover the components of authentic leadership. What is occurring when one openly shares feelings and information appropriate to a situation

A) Balanced processing B) Internalized moral perspective C) Relational transparency D) Self-awareness Ans: C Feedback: Relational transparency refers to openly sharing feelings and information appropriate to a situation. Balanced processing refers to analyzing data rationally before making decisions. Internalized moral perspective suggests that the authentic leader is guided by internal moral standards, which then guide his/her behavior, and self-awareness alludes to a knowing of self so as to make sense of the world.

22. Which behavior by a team member is demonstrated through cynicism and a nonchalance attitude about the group's work

A) Blocker B) Playboy C) Dominator D) Recognition seeker Ans: B Feedback: The playboy remains uninvolved and demonstrates cynicism, nonchalance, or horseplay. The blocker persists in expressing negative points of view and resurrecting dead issues. The dominator attempts to control and manipulate the group while the recognition seeker works to focus positive attention on himself.

5. To decrease overtime, the manager of a surgical unit offers nurses who get their work finished on time for an entire 2-month period an extra day off with pay at regular time. What is this an example of

A) Bribing nurses B) Quantum leadership C) Principal agent theory D) Servant leadership Ans: C Feedback: Principal agent theory suggests that followers may have an informational (expertise or knowledge) advantage over the leader as well as their own preferences, which may deviate from that of the principal. This may lead to a misalignment of goals. To influence the agent, the principal offers an incentive that corrects excessive overtime. The remaining options do not represent the example offered.

11. What is a focus of thought leadership

A) Challenging the status quo B) Learning new technology C) Keeping up with current nursing knowledge D) Being a transformational leader Ans: A Feedback: Thought leadership applies to a person who is recognized among his or her peers for innovative ideas and who demonstrates the confidence to promote those ideas. Thus, thought leadership refers to any situation in which one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things. None of the other options is a focus of thought leadership.

18. What should the leader remember when forming committees

A) Committees work best when there is an adequate supply of workers, with 10 members being the minimum B) Willingness to work hard is the most important criterion for appointment C) Written agendas provide excessive structure and stifle committee creativity D) There should be sufficient expertise among committee members to accomplish the assigned task Ans: D Feedback: The most important criterion for committee selection is overall adequate expertise to accomplish the agenda. The remaining options are not as relevant as the correct option.

9. Which is a symptom of poor organizational structure

A) Communication follows the chain of command B) The smallest possible number of managers exists to keep units functioning C) The chain of command is fairly short D) There is a heavy reliance on committees to solve unit problems Ans: D Feedback: A heavy reliance on committees to solve problems is an indication of a poorly structured organization and often results in delays in critical decision making. The other options describe examples of good organizational structure.

17. What is the leadership role when a unit is attempting to overcome the decentralization of patient care

A) Determining what changes will be made to the plan of care B) Facilitating the group's work C) Identifying the patient care problems D) Selecting solutions to problems Ans: B Feedback: In a patient-centered focused activity, the team leader should facilitate the work of the group and should not be the sole decision maker.

8. What is an example of a positive outcome of a leader's emotional intelligence

A) Emotions are held in check B) Emotions are used effectively C) Expression of one's emotions is expected D) Expression of one's emotions is encouraged Ans: B Feedback: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to use emotions effectively and is required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success. Holding one's emotions in check can be unhealthy. The remaining options do not address the usefulness of emotions.

10. An organization has hired six RNs who have recently immigrated to the United States. The manager has noticed they interact very little with other staff, often speaking in their own language during their breaks, although they speak English while on duty. Which intervention would be the most helpful action for the manager to help these new RNs better assimilate

A) Explain to the new nurses the problem that their isolating is causing. B) Arrange to send them to an English language course at the local adult school. C) Ask the established RNs to make an effort to include the new nurses in after-work activities. D) Begin a short sharing session before client report, so all RNs can share information about their cultures and differences in client care. Ans: D Feedback: Providing an opportunity for both groups of nurses to share their cultural heritage and differences in nursing care is an opportunity to promote acceptance among all members of the staff. It has been established that speaking the language is not a problem since they do so while on duty. Including them in after-work activities may demonstrate willingness on the staff's part but will not address work-related isolation. Merely presenting the problem to the new nurses does not show managing initiative.

20. Which method best provides a structured orderly approach to communicating accurate, relevant information, in emergent patient situations as well as routine handoffs

A) GRRRR listening model B) SBAR tool C) Hospital information system D) Wireless, local area networking Ans: B Feedback: SBAR provides a structured, orderly approach to provide accurate, relevant information, in emergent patient situations as well as routine handoffs. The other options are not as focused on providing information in all the described situations.

1. Which information is too much in flux to identify on an organizational chart

A) Grapevine lines of communication B) Line and staff authority C) Span of control D) Scalar chains Ans: A Feedback: The grapevine lines of communication cannot be placed on an organizational chart because they are constantly in flux. The remaining information is stable and so identified on the chart.

17. What portion of GRRRR (greeting, respectful listening, review, recommend or request more information, and reward) is being used when the speaker summarizes the information conveyed to make sure the message was understood correctly

A) Greeting B) Respectful listening C) Review D) Recommend or request more information Ans: C Feedback: Review occurs when the speaker summarizes the information he/she has conveyed to make sure the message was understood correctly. Once the speaker is finished conveying this summary and the other party has validated or clarified it, the listener has enough information to recommend or request more information. This does not occur in any of the other portions of the model.

6. Which behaviors would be associated with a group in the ìnormingî stage

A) Group members actively attempt to impress each other with their credentials B) Group members establish short- and long-term goals for the group to accomplish C) Group members achieve stated goals D) The group terminates and celebrates its accomplishments Ans: B Feedback: In the norming stage, consensus evolves as group cohesion develops. This is the only option that describes a behavior associated with a group's norming stage.

19. What is the most significant barrier to effective interpersonal communication

A) Incongruence between verbal and nonverbal messages B) Incongruence between telephone and written messages C) Incongruence between verbal and written messages D) Incongruence between telephone and nonverbal messages Ans: A Feedback: The incongruence between verbal and nonverbal messages is the most significant barrier to effective interpersonal communication.

25. A nurse sits at the foot of a patient's bed during an admission interview. This positioning supports the proxemics concept of which psychological comfort zone

A) Intimate relationships B) Personal interactions C) Social exchange D) Public distance Ans: D Feedback: The study of how space and territory affect communication is called proxemics. In the United States, between 0 and 18 inches of space is typically considered appropriate only for intimate relationships; between 18 inches and 4 feet is appropriate for personal interactions; between 4 and 12 feet is common for social exchanges; and more than 12 feet is a public distance (Loo). Most Americans claim a territorial personal space of about 4 feet.

23. Research supports that organizational restructure affects nursing in what manner

A) It decreases nursing autonomy B) It decreases nursing's formal authority C) It increases the effectiveness of patient care D) It increases patient autonomy Ans: C Feedback: Current research suggests that changing an organization's structure in a manner that increases autonomy and work empowerment for nurses will lead to effective patient care. The remaining options failed to describe the research supported effect of organizational restructure on nursing.

11. What does the term ìoptimum span of controlî mean

A) It defines the manager's decision-making authority B) It identifies the manager's abilities and responsibilities C) It refers to a line-and-staff organizational structure model D) It is the number of subordinates and manager is responsible for Ans: B Feedback: The number of people directly reporting to any one manager represents that manager's span of control and determines the number of interactions expected of him or her. None of the remaining options correctly describes this term.

25. Which statement is true concerning a bureaucratic organization

A) It is commonly referred to as a line organization B) It is typically found in large health-care organizations C) They resemble Weber's original design of organization D) Its authority is represented by its staff organizational chart Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Bureaucratic organizational designs are commonly called line structures or line organizations. Those with staff authority may be referred to as staff organizations. Both of these types of organizational structures are found frequently in large health-care facilities and usually resemble Weber's original design for effective organizations. Because of most people's familiarity with these structures, there is little stress associated with orienting people to these organizations.

13. What statement about the maintenance of confidentiality is true

A) It must never be breached B) It is made easier with electronic technology C) It is primarily the duty of the medical records staff D) It can be breached when necessary for legitimate professional need Ans: D Feedback: Confidentiality of patients must be upheld, unless there is a legitimate professional need to know, such as when a provider must share information about a patient with another provider so that the other provider can assume care. None of the other options is an accurate statement regarding confidentiality.

3. Which statement concerning organizational culture is true

A) It presents how employees ìperceiveî an organization B) It defines how power is used by organizations to direct the work of others C) It describes the predictable stages of group and organizational development D) It is a system of symbols, beliefs, values, history, and communication patterns Ans: D Feedback: Organizational culture is the symbols and beliefs, values, history, and communication patterns of the organization. It differs from organizational climate, which is how the employees perceive the organization. The other options are not relevant to the term organizational culture.

16. What is the primary responsibility of the committee chairperson during a committee meeting

A) Keeping members on task B) Asking questions C) Resolving conflicts D) Providing information on each agenda item Ans: A Feedback: Although all the items may be something the chairperson does, the primary responsibility is to keep members on task so committee work gets completed.

13. What is needed to change a unit culture that has become firmly entrenched

A) New leadership B) A change agent with management skills C) Identification with a unit that is not entrenched D) Administration support Ans: A Feedback: It is extremely difficult to change a unit culture without new leadership. The remaining options are directly involved in the change out of entrenchment.

13. Which is a characteristic of Theory Z A) Non-consensus decision making B) Fitting employees to their jobs C) Rapid career promotions D) Authoritative problem solving

A) Non-consensus decision making B) Fitting employees to their jobs C) Rapid career promotions D) Authoritative problem solving Ans: B Feedback: Characteristics of Theory Z include fitting employees to their jobs, consensus decision making, job security, slower promotions, examining the long-term consequences of management decision making, quality circles, guarantee of lifetime employment, establishment of strong bonds of responsibility between superiors and subordinates, and a holistic concern for the workers.

22. What is an institutional grapevine

A) Organizational gossip B) An informal channel of communications C) An institution's informal authority chain D) The connecting format used on an organizational chart Ans: B Feedback: The informal structure also has its own communication channels, often referred to as the grapevine. None of the remaining options accurately describes an organizational grapevine.

16. What type of management was emphasized in the human relations era of management A) Participatory B) Authoritarian C) Democratic D) Laissez-faire

A) Participatory B) Authoritarian C) Democratic D) Laissez-faire Ans: A Feedback: The human relations era of management science emphasized concepts of participatory and humanistic management. Three primary leadership styles have been identified: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire.

1. Which represents the management functions that are incorporated into the management process A) Power figures in the family unit B) Work experiences in each job held C) Administrative figures in the workplace D) Experiences in the spiritual dimension of life

A) Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, and evaluating B) Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling C) Organizing, planning, staffing, directing, and evaluating D) Organizing, staffing, planning, implementing, and controlling Ans: B Feedback: Management functions include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. These are incorporated into what is known as the management process.

6. Which position is characteristic of a middle-level manager

A) Primary care nurse B) Team leader C) Charge nurse D) Nursing supervisor Ans: D Feedback: Nursing supervisors are middle-level managers. All the others are first-level managers.

18. Shirey suggests there are five distinguishing characteristics of authentic leaders. Which characteristic is occurring when authentic leaders link between purpose and passion by having congruence in beliefs and actions

A) Purpose B) Values C) Heart D) Relationships Ans: B Feedback: Values: Authentic leaders link between purpose and passion by having congruence in beliefs and actions. Purpose: Authentic leaders understand their own purposes and passions as a result of ongoing self-reflection and self-awareness. Heart: Authentic leaders care for themselves and the people they lead, and their compassion is genuine. Relationships: Authentic leaders value building relationships and establishing connections with others, not to receive rewards but rather to strengthen the human connection.

13. A transition has occurred in the twenty-first-century industrial age leadership to what type of leadership

A) Relationship age B) Quantum C) Authentic D) Thought Ans: A Feedback: A transition has occurred in the twenty-first-century industrial age leadership to relationship age leadership. Quantum leadership suggests that the environment and context in which people work is complex and dynamic and that this has a direct impact on organizational productivity required by leader-managers in order to enhance their success. Authentic leadership suggests that in order to lead, leaders must be true to themselves and their values and act accordingly. Thought leadership refers to any situation whereby one individual convinces another to consider a new idea, product, or way of looking at things.

10. Which term is used to identify having official power to act

A) Responsibility B) Authority C) Accountability D) Leadership Ans: B Feedback: Authority means having the official power to act. None of the other terms is used to identify having official power to act.

17. Goleman in his best seller Emotional Intelligence built upon work in his identification of five components of emotional intelligence. Which component of emotional intelligence is occurring when a person is proficiently handling relationships and building networks

A) Self-regulation B) Motivation C) Empathy D) Social skills Ans: D Feedback: Social skills: Proficiency in handling relationships and building networks; an ability to find common ground. Self-regulation: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as the propensity to suspend judgment. Motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status; a propensity to pursue goals with energy and commitment. Empathy: The ability to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people.

3. Which principle will help increase the likelihood that followers do not mislead their leader

A) Support the followers' right to disagree B) Rely only on facts and discount intuition C) Discourage acceptance until the facts are proved D) Identify who to rely upon and who not to listen to Ans: A Feedback: There is no guarantee that followers will not mislead leaders, but adhering to certain principles, such as making sure that followers are allowed to disagree, will guard against this happening. The remaining options are flawed in the principles they support.

19. During a strategic planning committee meeting to develop futuristic technology goals, several unit managers spend a considerable amount of time discussing current staffing problems. What is the primary action of the chairperson of this committee

A) Take the remainder of the meeting time to discuss staffing with all members B) Adjourn the meeting and reschedule at a time when there are no staffing problems C) Request that committee members return to discussing items on the agenda D) Excuse those discussing staffing from the remainder of the meeting Ans: C Feedback: Committee time is wasted when agendas are not adhered to. The remaining options do not address the issue of wasted time effectively.

6. Which statement concerning nursing leadership functioning at its potential is true

A) The leadership role is most important in nursing today B) Leadership is most important in managing health-care costs C) The most important nursing leadership role is being charismatic D) There is a need to integrate nursing management and nursing leadership Ans: D Feedback: For managers and leaders to function at their greatest potential, the two roles must be integrated. The other statements are not true.

1. What determines the functions and priorities of an organization

A) The organization's mission statement B) The organization's budget C) Consumer satisfaction surveys D) The organization's policy and procedure statements Ans: A Feedback: The mission statement is a brief statement identifying the reason the organization exists and its future aim or function. This is not the function of the other options.

14. Which would suggest that flattening of the organization is occurring

A) There is a collective spirit B) There is reduction in the administration levels C) There are shared work goals across units D) There are formal and informal systems are in place to address conflicts Ans: B Feedback: Reducing the numbers of administration levels is called flattening the organization. The remaining options are not related to organizational flattening.

4. Which statement regarding the characteristics of a good leader is true

A) They are totally trustworthy B) They may have character flaws C) They are by nature good intentioned D) Charisma is their strongest attribute Ans: B Feedback: Leaders may be deceitful and trustworthy, greedy and generous, and cowardly and brave. To assume that all good leaders are good people is foolhardy and makes us blind to the human condition. It is only when we recognize and manage our failings that leaders achieve greatness.

1. What concept is servant leadership based uponA) Planning B) Organizing C) Staffing D) Controlling

A) Trusting and valuing employees B) Genuinely liking your colleagues C) A laissez-faire style of leadership D) A dynamic leadership charisma Ans: A Feedback: These managers, termed servant leaders, put serving others, including employees, customers, and the community, as the number-one priority. In addition, servant leaders foster a service inclination in others that promotes collaboration, teamwork, and collective activism. The servant leader is not necessarily associated with the concepts identified in the other options.

16. What is the traditional form of communication in organizations that helps to coordinate activities in various levels of the hierarchy

A) Upward B) Downward C) Horizontal D) Diagonal Ans: B Feedback: In downward communication, the manager relays information to subordinates. This is a traditional form of communication in organizations and helps to coordinate activities in various levels of the hierarchy. The other forms are not as effective as the various levels of an organization's hierarchy.

9. A manager has proposed to the hospital board that it hires someone to teach management and leadership classes and that head nurses are paid to attend the classes. What is this an example of

A) Using emotional intelligence B) Transformational leadership C) Building human capital D) Using quantum leadership Ans: C Feedback: By providing classes in leadership, the manager is investing in the potential of the head nurse staff to become better leaders and managers. Human capital refers to the attributes of a person that are productive in some economic context, although it is normally measured and conceived of as a private return to the individual as well as a social return. None of the remaining options relate to the example provided.

18. What communication mode is considered most reliable in conveying the emotional component of the message

A) Written B) Verbal C) Nonverbal D) Telephone Ans: C Feedback: Nonverbal communication is considered more reliable because it conveys the emotional part of the message. The other modes are not as effective with conveying emotion.

25. Which response is characteristic of a servant leader

A) ìI don't think you have the skills necessary to be effective.î B) ìLet me think about that request for 24 hours.î C) ìDo whatever it takes to get it done fast.î D) ìI'll personal handle this situation.î Ans: B Feedback: A servant leader always thinks before reacting. This leader also chooses words carefully so as to not damage those being led, provides directions toward goal achievement, and finds asking for input more important than personally providing solutions.

8. An RN is orienting a new graduate nurse to the unit and has found this individual's charting to be inadequate. What is the most appropriate statement to initiate a discussion with the new RN

A) ìTell me in your own words what you intend your charting to convey.î B) ìYour charting is non-descriptive.î C) ìDo you think a refresher course in charting would help you?î D) ìAre you having difficulty assessing your patient?î Ans: A Feedback: Assertive communication is not rude or insensitive, nor is it passive-aggressive.

9. The RN overhears the nurses' aide speaking in a harsh tone to Mrs. Smith, who has some early Alzheimer's memory loss. Which statement will the RN make to begin addressing this issue

A) ìYou must remember to watch your tone of voice with patients. Someone might overhear.î B) ìDo you think it would be a good idea to have an in-service on dealing with Alzheimer's patients?î C) ìI am concerned about your conversation with Mrs. Smith. It seemed short and impatient.î D) ìI have decided to reassign Mrs. Smith to another aide.î Ans: C Feedback: Assertive communication effectively identifies and addresses an issue without being rude, insensitive, or passiveñaggressive. None of the remaining options actually identifies the communication problem.

4. What does the Hawthorne effect implied about people A) Human beings under investigation will respond to the fact that they are being studied B) Production will increase or decrease as light in a factory is increased or decreased C) Membership in small groups forms social control D) People are inherently good and will seek out work

Ans: A Feedback: Hawthorne effect indicated that people respond to the fact that they are being studied, attempting to increase whatever behavior they feel will continue to warrant the attention. The other statements do not reflect implied beliefs about people.

8. Which leadership style maintains strong control over the work group and uses coercion to motivate others A) Authoritarian B) Democratic C) Laissez-faire D) A contingency approach

Ans: A Feedback: Lewin identified three common leadership styles: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leadership results in well-defined group actions that are usually predictable, reducing frustration in the work group and giving members a feeling of security. Productivity is usually high, but creativity, self-motivation, and autonomy are reduced. Authoritarian leadership is frequently found in very large bureaucracies such as the armed forces. Coercion to motivate is not associated with the other options.

2. When does communication have the greatest likelihood of being accurately interpreted A) More than one mode is used B) Face-to-face communication is used C) Written communication is used D) The sender repeats the message using the same mode

Ans: A Feedback: Using various communication methods in combination increases the likelihood that everyone in the organization who needs to hear the message actually will hear it. The other options are single methods.

21. What is the typical focus of managersSelect all that apply. A) Establishing a legitimate source of power B) Delegating responsibilities to staff members C) Formulate the budget to achieve the stated goals D) Direct attention to the management of unwilling subordinates

Ans: A, B, C Feedback: The manager is typically involved in the delegation of responsibilities through the power of the legitimate power associated with the position. To manipulate people, the environment, money, time, and other resources to achieve organizational goals is also a manager's focus. Attention to both willing and unwilling subordinates as well as established responsibilities is associated with the role of the manager.

23. The failure to engage in which activity is considered a fatal flaw of leadershipSelect all that apply. A) Collaboration B) Communication C) Self-improvement D) Staff development

Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Leadership is flawed and likely ineffective when the leader does not collaborate and communicate effectively with others in the organization. The improvement and development of both others and oneself is vital to the effectiveness of a leader. Clear forward thinking is associated with good leadership.

22. Which activity is associated with a leadership roleSelect all that apply. A) Mentoring two new managers B) Establishing goals for the coming year C) Advocating for employee regarding personal policies D) Providing a motivational speech at the new employee orientation

Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Leadership roles include mentoring, decision making, advocating, andenergizing. Risk taking is also considered a leadership role.

24. When considering the interprofessional approach to healthcare, to whom does the nurse owe accountability A) The physician B) Their patients C) Their unit manager D) Their director of nursing

Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Nurses frequently feel as though they have many individuals to account to because health care often involves an interprofessional approach. Additional individuals the nurse may need to be accountable to may include the immediate supervisor, the patient, the patient's family, central administration, and the physician. The nurse has no accountability to other nurses in this situation.

22. A manager demonstrating an understanding of the principles of Human Capital theory will schedule which staff in-service.Select all that apply. A) Effective communication skills B) Financial planning for retirement C) Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation D) Meeting the needs of the patient's family

Ans: A, C, D Feedback: Human capital can refer to a group's collective knowledge, skills, and abilities. Human capital theory suggests that individuals and/or organizations will invest in education and professional development if they believe that such an investment will have a future payoff. Communication, meeting family needs, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are all skills and abilities that will enhance the individual's professional development and ultimately the services of the facility. The other options are related to the personal interests of the staff.

14. What type of leader is the person who is committed, has a vision, and is able to empower others with this vision A) Transactional B) Transformational C) Interactional D) Bureaucratic

Ans: B Feedback: Transformational leadership positively impacts the leader and the follower, who have a collective purpose. The traditional manager, concerned with the day-to-day operations, was termed a transactional leader. The remaining options are not associated with these characteristics.@ 15. How many primary leadership styles have been identified? A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four Ans: C Feedback: Three primary leadership styles have been identified: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire.

7. Max Weber, a well-known German sociologist, began to study large-scale organizations to determine what made some more efficient than others. What was his conclusion A) Workers had to have a say in management to work most effectively B) Consistent rules and regulations for workers increased efficiency C) Employees should feel appreciated and valued D) Workers need frequent rest periods to increase overall production

Ans: B Feedback: Weber saw the need for legalized, formal authority and consistent rules and regulations for personnel in different positions. He thus proposed bureaucracy as an organizational design. None of the other options reflect his conclusions.

17. What is a distinguishing trait of integrated leader-managersSelect all that apply. A) Inward thinkers B) Long-term thinkers C) Concerned with employee motivation D) Possess influence beyond their own group

Ans: B, C, D Feedback: Gardner asserted that integrated leader-managers possess six distinguishing traits: They influence others beyond their own group; they emphasize vision, values, and motivation; they think longer term; they look outward, toward the larger organization they are politically astute; they think in terms of change and renewal.

10. Which statement depicts leadership A) A leadership position is assigned B) A leadership position carries a legitimate source of power C) Members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position only by choice D) Leadership requires meeting organizational goals

Ans: C Feedback: A leader is the person who guides direction, opinion, and course of action without having an assigned position within the formal organization and so people choose to follow them. The other options are not accurate descriptions of leadership.

5. Managing conflict among staff members would occur in which part of the management process A) Planning B) Organizing C) Directing D) Evaluating

Ans: C Feedback: Directing sometimes includes several staffing functions. However, this phase's functions usually entail human resource management responsibilities, such as motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration. Planning encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and rules; carrying out long- and short-range projections; determining a fiscal course of action; and managing planned change. Organizing includes establishing the structure to carry out plans, determining the most appropriate type of patient care delivery, and grouping activities to meet unit goals.

12. What concept does early leadership-theory development suggest A) Leadership is a process of influencing others within an organizational culture B) The interactive relationship between the leader and the follower is significant C) Some are born to lead, whereas others are born to be led D) Vision and empowerment are two of the most critical leadership skills

Ans: C Feedback: Early leadership theorists focused on broad conceptualizations of leadership that assumed that people have certain characteristics or personality traits that make them better leaders than others. The remaining options do not describe a concept suggested by early leadership-theory development.

14. What is important to remember about gender differences in communication A) Men are more collaborative communicators B) It rarely impacts nursing care C) It affects the quality of organization communication D) Women are more competitive communicators

Ans: C Feedback: Men are usually more competitive and less collaborative than women in their communication patterns, and differences often impact the quality of organization communication.

2. What is the critical leadership skill when attempting to build a cooperative and effective team A) Showing their true feelings B) Empathizing with followers C) Identifying existing emotions in themselves and others D) Manipulating the emotions of all involved to achieve stated goals

Ans: C Feedback: Theorists studying emotional intelligence posit that the ability to identify emotions in themselves and in others is a critical ingredient of leaders, enabling them to build a cooperative and effective team. While the other options may have value, they do not represent the critical skill related to team building.

19. It is the idea that context is an important mediator of transformational leadership, that led to the creation of full range leadership theory early in the 21st century. This theory originally developed by Antonakis, Avolio, and Sivasubramaniam suggests how many transformational factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers A) One B) Three C) Five D) Nine

Ans: C Feedback: There are nine factors impacting leadership style and its impact on followers; five are transformational, three are transactional, and one is a nonleadership or laissez-faire leadership factor.

25. Which function of the management process involves the performance evaluation of staff A) Planning B) Organizing C) Staffing D) Controlling

Ans: D Feedback: Controlling is the function that includes performance appraisals, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional and collegial control.

21. Which action is associated with relationship age leadership

Select all that apply. A) Communicates regularly with subordinates B) Encourages teamwork to achieve problem solving C) Includes committee representatives from all areas that will be affected by the change D) Recognizes staff members who have contributed plausible problem-solving solutions Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: People skills, cooperation, and valuing staff knowledge are all characteristics of the relationship age leader. Focus on fact gathering rather than finding the meaning of the data is characteristic of an industrial age leader.

21. Which component is considered a part of an organizational structure

Select all that apply. A) Group formation B) Lines of communication C) Decision-making process D) Channels of legitimate authority Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: Organizational structure refers to the way in which a group is formed, its lines of communication, and its means for channeling authority and making decisions.

24. Which characteristics are associated with Collin's Highly Capable Individual level of leadership

Select all that apply. A) Possesses useful knowledge B) Builds effective interdisciplinary teams C) Galvanizes members to achieve goals D) Demonstrates effective organization skills Ans: A, D Feedback: Level 1: Highly capable individual makes high quality contributions with their work; possesses useful levels of knowledge; and has the talent and skills needed to do a good job. Team building is a Level 2 characteristic. Organizational skills are associated with Level 3 while galvanizing members to achieve goals is demonstrated by Level 4 leaders.

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