Leading Cops In Turbulent Times

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T/F...According to Sir Robert Peel, you must maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police.


T/F...Agencies prepare for these eventualities, but managers must do more to become proficient at handling these incidents, from the tactics to the media and the aftermath.


T/F...An early positive influence in a young officer's career becomes vital to his or her success.


T/F...Delegation is not abdication.


T/F...Effective leadership is quietly present but clearly visible.


T/F...Forming partnerships with universities and other public entities can yield significant in-kind contributions to any outreach plan.


T/F...Great leaders frequently seek opposing thoughts and views and relish a good debate before deciding on critical paths for them or the organization.


T/F...If you don't have a recorded acknowledgment by each officer that they received the policy, it will be difficult to prove in any court or a discipline hearing that the officer was aware of it.


T/F...It is far better to spend money and resources up front than to deal with lousy employees or, worst, organizational terrorists.


T/F...One must focus on both Hard and Soft Metrics to understand what's going on in the field and the organization.


T/F...One's interest is a powerful motivator--for good or bad.


T/F...Past performance is nearly indicative of future performance.


T/F...Risk management must be one of your top priorities.


T/F...Smart supervisors learn to understand not only the needs of their units but their professional and personal strengths and weaknesses as well.


T/F...Sometimes you have to give up formal power to gain legitimate organizational power.


T/F...Successful police chiefs get ahead critical events not only using the goodwill banked over the years, but also by providing timely info and reaching out to stakeholders in the community.


T/F...The more a supervisor knows about technology and its relationship to policing, the more likely they are to support the agency's efforts.


T/F...The more content a community becomes the more it is apt to cooperate with the cops in traditional enforcement and problem-solving.


T/F...The way to blunt criticism and move forward is to quickly admit mistakes, develop a realistic plan of action to fix them, and then put a good team on the project and bring it to fruition on a realistic timeline.


T/F...Those that aspire to leadership positions seek out these opportunities early in their careers and make the most of them.


T/F...Vast majority of cops think police management is doing a poor job of controlling and weeding out toxic cops.


T/F...When a police manager can't or won't do his job, the effects can be devastating or dangerous to the organization and the community.


T/F...When drafting or modifying policies or procedures, make sure you work with all stakeholders is critical.


T/F...When working on significant initiatives, don't skimp on any part of SWOT as it will help you achieve desired outcomes.


T/F...With the economy recovering qualified police candidates are becoming harder to find, prompting some agencies to lower standards and look away from even the recent use of marijuana.


T/F...Writing and speaking are twins in the leadership skills continuum.


T/F...You must do the right thing to ensure your agency's best interests and those of existing employees and the community outweigh everything else.


T/F...There is a clear relationship between dogged police work and crime reduction.


T/F...There is a fine line between leadership and management.

True....Leadership is about propelling the organization forward, while management is about maintaining what is already there.

T/F... Leadership, competence, and integrity are equal parts of the whole.

True...Don't dismiss one at the expense of the others.

T/F...Tackling mediocrity means setting up the support system to rise above it, even if you don't always achieve everything you inend.

True...If laziness and inattention aren't challenged by supervisors, you'll end up with a lousy department that serves no one well.

T/F...Few things undermine morale more effectively than the boss taking credit for the team's hard work.

True...It saps enthusiasm and gives folks little incentive to go the extra mile or show initiative.

T/F...Rolling up your sleeves and working with your troops is a good way to lead by example.

True...Leading by example is the foundation from which all managerial and supervisory work emanates. Allows you to connect with your troops.

T/F..Healthy debate is essential to police executives' success.

True...They should not fear it.

T/F....Lack of improved hiring, training, retention of the most qualified applicants, and removing those from the organization that commit serious misconduct is a shared system problem..

True...police unions must work with police management

What is the main component of delegation?


What is the result of political game-playing in an organization?

Unfulfilled personal and organizational potential.

Where did the road to competence start in your law enforcement career?

With your life experiences and formal education.

Leadership by Example

the ability to influence others by consistently setting the example and modeling desired behavior, even when it is difficult.

What shapes the habits of new employees and reinforces the behavior of seasoned members of the team?

An agency's culture

3 Ways to Deal With Morale Issues

1. Keep your eyes and ears open and measure morale regularly. 2. Do not ignore morale issues by assuming they are only perceptions that have no basis on fact. 3. Develop clear goals and a reasonable timeline for attaining them, keeping employees apprised of progress as well as obstacles.

A good supervisor possess these 2 skills.

1. Leadership 2. Management

3 Essential Qualities in any Public Safety Manager or Supervisor

1. Leadership by example 2. Competence 3. Integrity

What are the cornerstones of success for anyone wishing to lead men and women in policing, especially in these turbulent times?

1. Leadership by example 2. Competence 3. Integrity

What are the 3 basics police leadership should focus on?

1. Leadership by example 2. Developing supremely skilled teams 3. Demanding straight up honesty from themselves and those around them

What are the 3 Hallmarks of a Great Leader

1. Learning to be introspective 2. Learning to tear down walls 3. Willing become vulnerable

What should an agency test for in a candidate?

Important indicators of potential success: -- Physical strength -- Common sense -- Capacity to think on one's feet

The one quality that is indispensable in any supervisor?

Experience in one's craft.

When are agencies able to develop a culture of trust that often helps prevent failures and endless crises?

Only when folks feel free to express concerns to management.

T/F...If individual members don't feel as though they are part of a larger purpose and reminded of that purpose through leadership by example, they will work harder to try to fit in.

False...They withdraw from the effort and tend to be ineffective.

T/F....A hands off community approach will help build trust outside your organization.

False...Unrelenting community outreach and empowerment is a must.

T/F..Most tragic events that ultimately result in termination or incarceration of an officer happen suddenly.

False...Usually a series of small performance or misconduct incidents that are ignored by supervision or management, ultimately adding up to bigger issues.

T/F...If a decision is made that is not the outcome you desired, you should step back and let those who support the decision carry it out.

False...You should carry it out as long as it is moral, legal, and ethical.

T/F...Never delegate to a "Doubting Thomas".

False...You want someone to challenge your thinking and tell you why and how you might be on the wrong track.

How should you look at your career to make you better suited for promotion?

Strategically as well as Practically -- helps round out your experience and sharpens your intellect

How much time does a leader have to put in?

At least as much as your hardest worker.

What metrics help you determine the state of your community beyond arrests, citations, and reports?

-- Do your residents feel safe? -- Is the fear of crime--whether you believe it justified or not--so pervasive as to blunt the hard work of your department? -- How does your community feel about their municipal services and, in particular, their police or sheriff's dept? -- To what extent does the public have access to your jurisdiction's strategic planning process, and what input are they afforded to help shape policy? -- Do residents have easy access, online or through the local library, to educational materials, referral networks or counseling services? -- Do neighborhoods in your city or county appear neglected and, at times, lawless?

How to develop your personal skill set.

-- Don't be afraid to leave a good assignment if the move will give you more varied experience and improve your chances for promotion. -- Get as much experience as you can in as many fields as possible. -- Volunteer to take on challenging problems, both in the community and administratively within your agency. -- Find a mentor who is willing to share experiences, pitfalls and the path to success.

Ways to deal constructively, intelligently, and consistently with police unions.

-- Educate managers and supervisors on employment law and honing the agency's disciplinary investigations and processes. -- Conduct investigations as quickly as possible; ensuring that accused employees get the rights to which they are entitled. -- Develop policies that are clear, succinct, and enforceable.

Who must be involved in the development of objective, job-related standards that become the basis for a complete performance evaluation system that is woven into the organizational culture is one part of the framework that helps you avoid mediocrity?

-- Employees -- Supervisors -- Managers -- The union

Great leaders encourage what and work with who?

-- Encourage spirited debate for the right reasons -- Work with their teams to develop rules for engagement

When engaging a superior who feels entirely different than you, and demands blind loyalty or prefers the soft-shoe rather than the truth, what should you do?

-- Engage in a meaningful discussion regarding merits of operating under the right assumptions when making a decision. -- Point out how you will always seek to protect the interests of the organization and the executive himself by broaching difficult subjects promptly and thoroughly. -- Most importantly, emphasize how you'll work hard not only to identify problems but to find solutions.

Describe a Disruptor

-- Challenge assumptions -- Shake the status quo -- Curious and creative -- Adapt and improvise -- Rather forge new ground than blindly salute the flag of the past. -- In every organization

Campaigns (arguments) should always be?

-- Constructive -- Within the system

Elements of a Baseline Audit System

-- Create a comprehensive list of all areas in the organization that need to be audited and determine how often that will occur. -- Assign the audit responsibility to specific individuals in a particular functional unit of the agency. --Train these individuals properly and give them the resources they need. -- Coordinate efforts with the overarching organization's audit team to eliminate duplication of effort. -- Codify the audit function and responsibilities in a general order. -- Confer with your attorney or legal advisor to determine the most advantageous way to document your audits to minimize liability, -- Don't limit the audit process to non-financial areas. -- Create an audit template for each area to be audited, modifying it when criteria or legislation changes. -- Work with your county counsel or city attorney to make sure you have all the legal support needed and have them review all audit templates for compliance with federal and state law.

What are the results of inaction to deal with problem employees?

-- Damage an organization -- Expose the organization to lawsuits -- Loss of public trust -- Cause issues of low morale

How should you deal with perceptions?

-- Deal with the issues in question head on, quickly and without equivocation. -- Find out what's feeding the perceptions and determine if they are accurate, or if there are circumstances that contribute to the confusion which you may be able to explain or improve relatively quickly.

Elements of a Good Mentoring Program

-- Define the purpose, scope,and importance of a formal mentoring program. -- Formalize the program, its goals, objectives, and operational guidelines in a departmental policy document. -- Develop peer leadership skills by fostering a culture where everyone in the organization is encouraged to take the initiative to do the right thing, solve problems and set an example. -- Develop a set of metrics that can be tracked over the short, medium and long term to validate the design and implementation of the program. == Train your mentors. -- As the chief executive, define your expectations of the program and what you are willing to do to make it successful. -- Give your mentors the necessary time to reach out to those with whom you've matched them. -- Make participation voluntary for more seasoned individuals but consider making it mandatory for less experienced personnel. -- Keep in mind gender differences and enlist the help of your female staff as well. -- Meet with the union and enlist them in the development and structure of the mentoring program. -- Don't be afraid to bring in a professional consultant that has developed mentoring programs for police. -- Take a look at successful police mentoring programs in communities across the nation to see if you can adapt the best of them to your environment.

Internal Affairs Strategies

-- Develop a comprehensive internal investigation policy that complies with state and federal laws and regulations. -- Develop an internal investigation manual and provide training, -- Establish a time limit for investigations, so they are concluded in a timely fashion, and in compliance with any statute of limitations imposed by the legislature. -- Decide whether the investigator or a manager will come up with the conclusions and findings of the investigation. -- Develop a sound complaint intake process that doesn't discourage anyone from making a legitimate complaint and makes it clear your agency will investigate it and get back to the complainant with whatever information can be revealed under the law. -- Establish some method for determining whether the punitive action you are considering is generally consistent with discipline previously imposed under similar circumstances. -- Establish an early warning system (EWS), data-driven system to identify employees who may be in need of counseling, training or additional measures to correct behavior. -- Provide for robust due process for your employees. -- Use paid administrative leave sparingly and judiciously, but don't be afraid to take action. -- Develop a policy that states when an administrative investigation should be referred for a criminal investigation, and to whom it should be referred. -- Deal with truthfulness issues promptly and decisively.

Trust and Verify

-- Developing mechanisms and metrics to determine how effective and efficient a police dept. truly is. -- Identifying good people in the dept. and in the community whose judgment and insight can be gleaned from time to time to assess how things are going.

Ways to strengthen your position and that of the organization when dealing with union issues.

-- Ensure that you train all managers and supervisors (especially new ones) in all applicable laws with respect to the role of the union. -- Work with union leadership to plan and implement a series of periodic roundtables with management with the aim of identifying issues that you can resolve early. --Identify a staff officer at the rank of lieutenant/commander or above that will become your agency's management liaison with the union leadership. -- Learn not to take it personally. -- Learn to understand that management labor relations will often become adversarial and that for unions to justify their existence there has to be some conflict or issue with which they can rally the troops.

According to research, why don't merit raises work?

-- Individual managers "don't stick with the program. -- It is difficult for managers to hold performance-related conversations with employees, especially when financial incentives are involved

What can social media sites provide?

-- Intelligence about gang recruitment and activities -- Data can be analyzed to determine the mood in certain communities or groups --Provides law enforcement with leads and info that can be pursued through further analysis and investigation

According to Project Oxygen by Google, what makes a good manager?

-- Is a good coach -- Empowers the team and does not micromanage -- Expresses interest in and concern for team members' success and personal well-being -- Is productive and results-oriented -- Is a good communicator--listens and shares info -- Helps with career development -- Has a clear vision and strategy for the team -- Has key technical skills that help him or her advise the team

Supervisors and managers generally get promoted based on this criteria.

-- Leadership skills -- Competence -- Their views on a host of issues

Through what means should police agencies seek to develop good managers who can become great leaders?

-- Mentoring -- Education -- Training -- Exposure to different jobs

Leading by example

-- Modeling the behavior you and the organization expect -- Acting clearly in support of what you preach -- Not asking others to do what you have not done or are unwilling to do yourself --Developing a firm commitment to the right thing regardless of consequences, even though your decisions may go against your own interests -- Sticking to the right path even though you will falter at times -- Plumbing the depths of your character to do the things that are right and matter most to those who trust you -- Admitting when you are wrong -- Learning to respect the opinions of others

The process of Gap Analysis

-- Must dovetail with the strategic plan for the agency -- Begin with a list of skills and abilities that every individual should have within a set period -- Conduct an inventory of each individual's skills and abilities to determine a baseline from which you determine the gap -- The organization then develops a plan to close or eliminate the gapthrough training, assignments, formal education, etc.

Emotional Intelligence

-- One's ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions in oneself and others, and using that info to guide one's thinking and actions -- Accurate predictor of a person's ability to deal successfully with people.

Signifiers of a fear-based culture that can erode trust in an organization.

-- Petty issues -- Misconceptions

Recommendations for managing a budget

-- Provide all supervisors training on the topic of budgets. -- Ensure that managers understand the big picture concerning the city or county and how the safety budget affects all other expenditures, -- Develop an organization-wide budget team. -- Create a financial triage system for each department. -- Develop performance metrics to determine organizational effectiveness for each activity and tie it to actual outcomes. -- Create a budget early-warning system and budgetary milestones across departments. -- Give each budget account a realistic figure and then hold all managers accountable for living within their means, understanding that unforeseen circumstances will occur.

Tools for Strategic Planning

-- SWOT model -- Pareto Principle

Trust (in leadership)

-- Single most important attribute that a leader can have -- Forms the cornerstone of any binding commitment from members of any organization. -- That glue that binds the organization together in good times and bad.

What is necessary when tasking a subordinate with a project?

-- Staying engaged and available -- Having checkpoints to esure progress and a timely completion

Primary reasons to place someone on administrative leave pending an investigation.

-- The alleged offense could result in termination or criminal charges, and early review indicates the allegations may likely be sustained. -- Removing the accused employee from the organization because sabotage or serious damage to--or misuse of--departmental records or equipment is possible. -- Removal is necessarry because allegations involve serious sexual harassment or other discrimination charges, and the employee cannot be isolated to prevent recurrences. -- Removal is warranted to facilitate an investigation, or an employee is being disruptive or threatening to other employees. -- The employee has been arrested.

Why is there a lack of great cops in many organizations?

-- The lack of qualified applicants -- The selection process -- Lack of training -- Lack of expectations -- Lack of motivation

System for Delegating with Confidence

-- The person(s) to whom you delegate must understand your vision and values, and the overarching framework within which they will assume the delegated responsibilities or task. -- Make sure when you delegate a task, the desired outcome, scope and deadline are stated and acknowledged. -- Decentralize decision making as much as possible to facilitate innovation and problem-solving, perhaps by using small, autonomous teams that you task with specific projects that don't require frequent input from management. -- Ensure that the person to whom you delegate has the capacity to accomplish the task or project. -- Don't rely exclusively on those whom you know can deliver and get a task done. -- Establish checkpoints at reasonable intervals depending on the complexity of the task. -- Communicate the relative importance of the task or project, as well as your concerns and expectations. -- If the project is substantial, use software or another method to track progress. --Give the person the authority and responsibility for the work and help remove obstacles within your sphere of influence. -- If you've got a sound system for tracking progress and have provided the authority, training, and flexibility, trust the folks to whom you delegate, but stay involved.

"Eat your own dog food" (as related to police agencies)

-- Would I want to live in the community I serve? -- Would my leadership be acceptable to my family? -- Is of paramount importance to any organization that serves the public.

Keys to Humility

-- admitting mistakes -- being willing to listen to others -- openly celebrating the accomplishments of the team and its members

Why are unfit individuals in positions of authority continued to be given passes?

-- civil service rules -- union contracts -- legal precedent

Gap Analysis

-- determining the gap between where you are and where you want to be -- crucial to the timely accomplishment of goals, objectives and strategic initiatives, and gives the management team the data it needs to prepare a clear roadmap

The current policing crisis demands leaders who will:

-- unequivocally focus on all these issues -- work with all private and public partners to build systems that will withstand the test of time -- move beyond tactics to strategies that build capacity to solve problems

2 Qualities that are particularly relevant to police leaders

1. Conceptualization 2. Foresight

Bill Belichick's 4 Leadership Traits

1. Deploying one's dependable employees, rather than the stars all the time 2. Having the gumption to be the boss and not being afraid to confront problems 3. Caring about what goes on in the lives of your employees 4. Never resting on your laurels

6 Simple Truths to becoming a Constructive Dissenter

1. Accept the fact you are not omnipotent and don't know it all. 2. Make it clear to those in positions of leadership that you want the "rocks to tumble" as Steve Jobs believed. 3. Check your ego at the door. 4. Reward organizational courage. 5. As the cheif executive, make it clear you want--no, you must have--constructive dissension at all levels of the department. 6. You must model the behavior you expect from others.

Ways to command credibility through speaking and writing. (7)

1. Assess your writing abilities early and honestly. 2. Write to communicate, not impress. 3. Master the art of outlining. 4. Use all the tools available to you to make your writing stronger and clearer. 5. Look at the writings of others whom you believe are good communicators and pick out the style elements that make out his/her products a standout. 6. Push your organization to establish a mentoring program to help individuals overcome deficiencies and become better supervisors and managers, which may include mock interviews and presentations. 7. Learn to tell stories.

3 Dimensions of the Social Progress Index Framework

1. Basic human needs 2. Foundations of wellbeing 3. Opportunity

What are 3 characteristics individuals in positions of authority in public safety should possess?

1. Be of the highest caliber 2. Helps to propel organizations to successful outcomes 3. Helps to propel subordinates to becoming better than they are

If every conceivable method has been tried to get a problem employee in line with organizational priorities and objectives to no avail, then it's time to do one of two things...

1. Build a legitimate case to fire or demote them. 2. If #1 does not work, marginalize them, so they have the least amount of power and influence in the agency.

4 Leadership Styles

1. Charismatic leadership 2. Transformational leadship 3. Transactional leadership 4. Servant leadership

6 Traits of an Inclusive Leader

1. Cognizance -- Highly inclusive leaders are mindful of personal and organizational blind spots and self-regulate to help ensure "fair play". 2. Curiosity -- Because different ideas and experiences enable growth. 3. Cultural Intelligence -- Because not everyone sees the world through the same cultural frame. 4. Collaboration -- Because a diverse-thinking team is greater than the sum of its parts. 5. Commitment -- Because staying the course is hard. 6. Courage -- Because talking about imperfections involves personal risk-taking.

The 2 most important qualities in the Leadership Lexicon

1. Dignity 2. Respect

2 Crucial Elements to Good Management

1. Don't relinquish responsibility by delegating and forgetting; stay involved to ensure the right path is taken. 2. Admit mistakes and fix them as quickly as possible.

4 Ways An Agency Can Minimize the Potential for Fraud or Abuse

1. Establish effective claims reporting and investigation systems that ensure legitimately injured officers get all the benefits, medical care and compensation they deserve, and that their claims are processed promptly. 2. Any claim deemed suspicious or for which there is credible evidence of fraud must be thoroughly and aggressively investigated. 3. Establish a program whereby injured officers are returned to temporary light duty as soon as possible. 4. Work with your leadership team to create an organizational culture that values hard work and shared responsibility for the agency's resources.

3 Types of Audits

1. Financial 2. Performance 3. Compliance

Promotion System -- 3 Part Plan of Action

1. Foundation phase 2. Expansion phase 3. Rounding Out phase

7 Principles for Managing A Relationship With the Media

1. Get it all out as quickly, accurately and prudently as you can. 2. Consider the short and long-term impact of your decision. 3. Be honest as you can and follow up on your promises. 4. Assign the best you have to the PIO function. 5. Don't play favorites. 6. Use social media as much as you can but control the message and assign responsibility for all outgoing messages to the PIO and a trustworthy manager or supervisor as back up. 7. Create an overarching media relations policy that spells out exactly what everyone's role should be in the organization, and what information each person can release.

What areas must police unions work with police management to improve in their departments?

1. Hiring 2. Training 3. Retention of the most qualified applicants 4. Removal of those from the organization that commit serious misconduct

T/F....The bottom line is that thinking strategically at any level is one way to remain relevant and well-positioned to help your organization transcend limitations and achieve meaningful results.

False...it's the ONLY way.

6 Steps to Developing a Sound System for Risk Management

1. Make sure that the chief or sheriff makes the task mandatory at all levels, including the rank and file. 2. Develop a system for collecting and analyzing data to identify and prioritize risks in all of Gordon Graham's Families of Risk. 3. Once the data has been mapped, work with your risk manager or the person in charge of the database, to create reports that can regularly be delivered to managers and supervisors. 4. Review the data and the original documentation if necessary, to look for any commonalities and determine the likely causation factors. 5. Make sure that your policies and procedures are current, legally defensible and systematically enforced. 6. Develop a program for training, testing, and acknowledgment that directly addresses your policies.

What 4 things are used in Conceptual Thinking?

1. Past professional or technical training and experiences 2. Creativity 3. Inductive reasoning 4. Intuitive processes that lead to potential solutions or viable alternatives that may not be obviously related or easily identified

Gordon Graham's 5 Pillars of Organizational Risk Management

1. People 2. Policy 3. Training 4. Supervision 5. Discipline

What are the two types of Performance audits?

1. Qualitative 2. Quantitative Can be either or but both are necessary to get a clear picture.

3 Qualities of an Effective Leader

1. Reasonably intelligent 2. Competent 3. Lead by example

Emotional Intelligence Tests

1. Reuven Bar--On's EQ-i 2. Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS) 3. Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ) 4. Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI)

4 Parts of Emotional Intelligence (Soft Skills)

1. The accurate perception of emotion, including body language and other non-verbal indicators 2. The ability to reason using emotions to promote thinking and cognitive activity 3. The ability to understand emotion and determine the meaning of those emotions 4. Capacity to manage emotions, including controlling one's own, and responding appropriately to those of others

4 things police managers look for in a promotion candidate

1. They want to know how you think, how you handle matters that challenge your integrity, how you deal with the community and how you solve problems. 2. They want to know if you are reasonably intelligent and whether your emotional IQ has prepared you to deal with employees and challenging situations with empathy and genuine concern. 3. They want to test your ability to break down complex issues and problems into manageable chunks, ultimately arriving at a reasonable conclusion. 4. They want to see if you possess the right communication skills--writing and speaking clearly and persuasively.

What 2 Traits can marginalize anyone in a position of authority?

1. Timidity 2. Lack of confidence

2 Steps to Visualizing Where You Want To Go and How You'll Get There

1. Understanding yourself 2. Making a commitment to becoming a great supervisor or manager

What percentage of women make up an agency's force?

10-15% 2-3% in some agencies

Pareto Principle

80/20 rule...you should focus your efforts on the 20% of activities that will get you 80% of the results that are likely to truly make a difference in your organization

What is the cause of agencies hiring errant officers?

File sealing

What do employees crave?

A disciplined workplace with leadership that walks the talk and treats employees like they matter.

Red Team

A group of individuals commissioned by the agency (internally and from outside consultants) to review or study organizational issues, processes, plans, etc., and challenge assumptions, data, and operational concepts

Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, MO 2014 initiated this.

A movement that some perceived made it socially acceptable to challenge and discredit the actions of law enforcement.

SWOT analysis

A planning tool used to analyze an organization's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

The only way to get to a state of readiness is by using?

A systematic and strategic employee development roadmap and sticking to it over the long haul.

Who is the author's favorite leadership role model?

Abraham Lincoln

Humility in leadership

An indispensable quality in a leader that fuels the team to reach beyond their benchmark and accomplish the mission under the most adverse conditions,

What amount of cops have lost confidence that their management teams can control errant or bad cops?

As many as three-quarters (3/4)

Who is included in the "culture fit" interview?

Consider including a group of respected rank and file employees.

What is involved in the process of becoming a exceptional police leader?

Begins by: -- Understanding one's skills, abilities and limitations -- Formulating a plan early on in one's career to improve on assets and reduce liabilities

What is truly the only way to build trust within and outside your organization?

By focusing on leadership basics, with unrelenting community outreach and empowerment.

How does a leader create a condition for success?

By picking people that complement his skills and help make up for his deficits, personal and professional.

Vicious Cycle

Cases where unions get bad cops reinstatement or a markedly reduced punishment has a tendency to erode the support good cops have for the union until they need representation.

The Ferguson Effect

Caused police to be less proactive to stops, field interviews , and arrests.

With who is the chief's or sheriff's most important relationship?

City Manager or County Chief Executive

It should be one element of your strategic plan to hire who to do appropriate duties?

Civilians or non-sworn personnel


Community Oriented Policing

These audits are those an agency usually conducts because they are mandated by grants, legislation or agency policy. They help ensure that the dept. is complying with specific requirements.

Compliance audits

The key to understanding the complexity and intricacies of most organizational and community problems is what?

Constructive conflict

Instead of developing comprehensive legislative, social and economical reforms to address the issues, who has society placed in charge of fixing the problems?

Cops...without giving them the funding and the tools to do the job.

What way can you make an employee critique most effective?

Critique constructively, with clear examples of work that can improve--and specifically how it can improve--given in a private setting.

Transactional Leadership

Day-to-day communication and exchanges between leader and subordinates.

How do you build a measure of trust with subordinates?

Develop a relationship with them so you can delegate without having to check on them constantly.

Lincoln Team Model

Don't surround yourself with "yes" men.

What must the leadership team be closely attuned to that make up the organizational culture?

Emerging trends and risks to the norms

The primal job of leadership is?


What should be tested for those seeking promotions?

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

With the very few individuals that are tasked with readying an organization to handle all sorts of emergencies, we fail to do this?

Ensure that their knowledge and proficiency gets passed on to all managers and supervisors

What is needed to get a strategy to the finish line?

Excellent management skills and a good management team to back you up.

T/F...Having a sound delegation system, using periodic checkpoints to measure progress and gauge compliance with organizational values equals micromanaging.


T/F...Civilians prevent police agencies from tackling crime and building community relations.

False....Civilians give agencies more leeway in tackling crime and building a relationship with their communities.

T/F....Departments should design their recruitment outreach to look for traditional candidate pools, including folks that may have a business aptitude.

False....Departments should look for non-traditional candidates including those that may have a liberal arts aptitude.

T/F....Do not use senior executives as mentors, especially for new officers.

False....Do not be afraid to include some senior execs as mentors not only for staff officers but also for new officers and supervisors.

T/F...There is no quicker way to lead organizations astray than allowing constructive criticism of the leadership or management team.

False....If you inhibit constructive criticism the organization can go astray.

T/F....Cursing a union negotiator for doing his job within the law and gaining the upper hand on an issue is a way to even the scoreboard.

False....It is counterproductive.

T/F....A humble leader isolates himself.

False....Not isolating yourself is a critical component of being a humble leader. Get out of the office. When your employees see you up close, unimpeded by walls or artificial barriers, they know you care and are interested in the quantity and quality of work.

T/F...Leadership and management are parts individually in an organization.

False....They are parts of the whole, complementing each other and building on the skills and competencies all managers and supervisors need.

T/F...Public safety budgets comprise between 10% and 30% of the budget for most cities or counties.

False....They comprise between 50% and 75%.

T/F...Leading cops effectively is more of a sprint.

False....it is more of a marathon

T/F...Personal loyalty is fine even if the organization's best interest is sacrificed..

False....it is only fine if you do not sacrifice the organization's best interest.

T/F...Strategies and tactics must work separately.

False....they must work in tandem.

T/F...Don't personalize whatever you plan to do in your community or department.

False...It is always good to personalize.

T/F...After you delegate you can set back and wait for it to be finished.

False...It must be delegated and be intimately involved with what happens next.

T/F...Lincoln's example is an exclusive realm of chief executives.

False...Managers and supervisors must also put together effective teams.

T/F....Blind loyalty is fine as long as you don't sacrifice the organization's best interest.

False...Personal loyalty

T/F....Predictive policing computer models should be the only tool used by an organization?

False...They are excellent tools but you can't forget about good old human intelligence sources departments have in their field officers and detectives.

T/F...Leaders are just as effective when they impact only a portion of an organization.

False...They become personally and professionally ineffective.

T/F....Communities need law enforcement that is not involved in the community and is there only when needed.

False...They need unrelenting and enlightened police leadership that seeks to forge strong community ties and build accountable agencies.

A police officer's career should be about?

Growth and development; a slow, incremental exposure to new and more challenging situations that ultimately help forge a leader's mettle.

Servant Leadership

Focuses first on serving, especially the needs of subordinates , even above one's own, to accomplish organizational goals and help others grow and become better people.

Transformational Leadership

Focusing on subordinates needs and wants.


Geographic Information System -- excellent technology supervisors must be familiar -- depicts data based on layers that include locations, times and frequencies that can be manipulated and mined to produce management reports -- Basis for "hot spot"

A manager or supervisor must surround himself with what type of people?

Good people with different backgrounds and experiences who are willing to present differing views and who won't tell you what you want to hear unless it is the truth.

What do cops possess that make them invaluable to an organization?


What is the only way to keep risk and liability under relative control?

Have sound risk management practices that are systematically applied throughout the organization.

What fuels the power of a single person to make a difference in a meaningful way?

Having a vision, backed by the leadership and management skills to carry it out.

According to the Lincoln Team Model, in team problem solving, what does a leader gain by surrendering power?

He gains insight and coherence for a plan of action.

According to Winston Churchill, a leader must shun what?

He must shun privileges that separate and isolate them from those who do the agency's work.

According to Lincoln's Team Model, what type of people does a good leader select?

He selects team members whose skills and abilities will complement and even surpass their own.

What is the way to overcome an agency's culture that has become so toxic and entrenched?

Hire those who share your vision and values.

What is important for team members to understand when they are assigned a critical task?

How the project fits into the strategic goals of the organization and how critical they are to the effort.

What is a preferred trait of a leader?



Identifying similar or like agencies (successful ones preferably) and looking at their practices and results to see how they compare to the standard practices in the industry, and your own department's in particular. Critical importance to public safety agencies looking to achieve extraordinary results. Leads to saved time and effort by learning from other projects and initiatives without having to do all the research and development work.

Grit Factor

In police work it is critical because often the circumstances we face defy the most intelligent approach, forcing us instead to dig deep and find ways to solve problems with steadfast doggedness

How can a bad boss affect a subordinate?

In real, physical ways, leading to poor health, reduced productivity and increased worker's compensation claims and costs.

When are the skills of a Servant leader particularly relevant?

In times of distress and uncertainty.

Soft Metrics

Includes the opinions, thoughts, and perceptions of the community.

Charismatic Leadership

Influencing others through personality traits.

How do you resist the urge to hire B and C players?

Insist on thorough and competent background investigations.

What does the SARA model do?

It allows you to take a deep dive into the factors and relationships that contributed to incidents, which created a problem.

What largely dictates how an organization's members and managers interact with each other when debating policy decisions?

Its culture.

An organization's culture is a direct result of what?

Its leadership and management.

Who does the fault lie with when an agency becomes a poor performer--or engages in practices that marginalize the community?

Its leadership.

In the aftermath of the Michael Brown Shooting in Ferguson, MO 2014, how did law enforcement feel about their politicians?

LE not only felt that their national political leaders publicly stood against them, but also that the politicians' words and actions signified that disrespect to law enforcement was acceptable.

What are most deficiencies or failures in law enforcement attributed to?

Lack of leadership.

What is the best way to influence people?

Lead by example.

With whom does an agency's culture start with?

Leadership, especially at the top.

The key to becoming a great leader.

Master both hard and soft skills.

Hard Metrics

Measuring organization variables such as: -- arrests -- traffic collisions -- crime rate -- officer productivity

The feeling of entitlement will lead to?

Mediocrity and a disgruntled workforce.

What are the Building Blocks of Competence?

Mentoring and Succession Planning

Should you keep an employee in a job because they are good at that job?

No....Rotate them and have them develop a broad set of competencies.

If a recruit can not demonstrate the skills to do the job during his probation period, you should keep extending his probation.

No...It may be tempting because of inadequate manpower but you should always err on the side of the department.

The ability to lead by example is what kind of attribute of an effective leader?


Amorphous Concept

Organizations with high morale experience higher productivity and staff engagement, they show lower employee turnover and absenteeism, and they have a happier workforce. These effects directly affect the bottom line.

Constructive Dissension

Passionate, yet respectful, arguments are made for one position or the other regardless of politics or rank structure.


People Oriented Policing -- looking for and treating the root causes of crime rather than its symptoms

These audits are the most neglected and under-performed in most police agencies, but they are the most influential in an organization's efficiency and effectiveness.

Performance audits

What is a major reason why legal precedent has been established to protect bad bosses?

Police management overstepped its authority or willfully violated doctrines of fair practice that govern how a peace officer is treated in a disciplinary matter or performance improvement effort.

Police unions based partly on what, places police management teams at a disadvantage.

Political Action Committees and their support or non-support of political candidates.

Nearly every bad outcome is?

Predictable thus preventable

The case of Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca

Prime example of delegation gone wrong.

When is the ideal time to hone an officer's speaking and writing skills?

Probationary period

When should a management team focus on the issues that are ailing the agency.

Quickly, then promptly letting the employees know that management is aware of the perceptions and will work to fix the problems.

How often should financial audits be done on areas such as the property/evidence room and vice and narcotics bans?


What must police leaders embrace as a primary function that has to become institutionalized to reduce liability?

Risk Management

What police department did the author retire as a Captain from?

Santa Ana P.D. in California

SARA model

Scanning Analysis Response Assessment

Larry Spears (The Spears Center) definition of Servant Leadership

Seeks to involve others in decision making, is strongly based in ethical and caring behavior, and enhances the growth of workers while improving the caring and quality of organizational life.

What is an indipensable quality in a leader?

Smart delegation

What happens when management teams do not handle fraudsters?

Staff begins to lose confidence in the system, which erodes the agency's effectiveness and efficiency at all levels.

Leadership by example, developing supremely skilled teams, and demanding straight up honesty from themselves and those around them are examples of what?

The "basics" police leadership should focus on.

Sir Robert Peel

The Father of modern policing.


The ability to foresee the likely outcome of a situation is hard to define but easier to identify.


The ability to look at a problem or an organization from a conceptualizing perspective means that one must think beyond day-to-day realities.

Big Data

The ability to mine huge amounts of data from diverse sources, understand the accuracy and reliability of that data, and then make critical analyses--and sometimes difficult decisions--based on what you've learned.

What skills are most important to public safety supervisors and managers?

The ability to speak and write clearly, succinctly and persuasively.

In risk management, what areas should you focus relentlessly and practically on?

The areas that give you the most headaches.

What should be the characteristics of a FTO?

The best models of: a) behavior b) intellect c) work ethic

Who are the only ones that can dangle the carrots to keep mangers and supervisors on the same page?

The chief or the sheriff

No matter how great your tools are you can't use them unless you are giving them this?

The data they need.

Conceptual thinking includes?

The integration of issues and factors into a conceptual framework.

Power of One

The power of one person to make a difference in the lives of many.

Why are agencies across the country increasingly embracing community policing and problem-solving philosophies?

They are team efforts that help base merit pay.

How do mentors (informal leaders) command respect?

They care and can be trusted.

What do our communities need from law enforcement?

They need unrelenting and enlightened police leadership that seeks to forge strong community ties and build accountable agencies.

What does the errant employee expect in a punishment?

They want discipline to be consistent and fair, and that a distinction will be made between mistakes of the mind and those of the heart.

The West Wing Model

Those that oppose you on the merits of an initiative or issue will respect you because you had the guts to try and fought a good, clean fight.

According to the author, what kind of employees should be sought?

Those who have--or can be taught--critical thinking skills.

What is the primary goal of Strategic Planning?

To develop a vision for the agency or division, along with the values that will guide you along the way.

The ultimate goal of a leader is?

To get things done through others and, more importantly, getting others to do it willingly, through legitimate persuasion and motivation.

What is the challenge for police executives?

To train and mentor new lieutenants or commanders, so they develop the skills of a leader.

What does Foresight enable the Servant leader to do?

To understand the lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and the likely consequence of a decision for the future.

T/F....Disruptors know that speed and innovation now trump rigidity and conformity. They know that dicovering fresh solutions and unleashing new ideas are top priority for both success and sustainability.


T/F....There is a clear link between a leader's embrace of negative feedback and his performance.


T/F....Too often the culture in organizations encourages leaders to see themselves as better and more important than others.


T/F....You should not be afraid to leave a good assignment if the move will give you more varied experience and improve your chances for promotion.


T/F...A good leader will welcome constructive feedback as long as it is well-intentioned.


The "culture fit" interview

Used extensively in private industry, and it has been validated to produce better hires than those whose sole review is by management.

Communities are looking for what kind of leaders?

Visionary for sure, but they desperately need those who can provide competent management of resources and initiatives.

When does an agency lose trust from the media, the community and department employees?

When a chief executive is reluctant to lead from the front in dire situations.

Concurrent Development

When crafting any significant initiative or program, one needs to look at all of the interrelated system parts that maybe affected to make sure the finished product reflects the needs and capabilities of the whole.

Rounding Out Phase

When the importance of relationships, resources, policing philosophies and data-driven analysis becomes more obvious, offering you the potential to be truly influential in your organization.

When should you attempt to achieve a promotion?

When you feel comfortable with your level of experience, maturity, and knowledge of the job.

When is it ok not to promote?

When you find fulfillment in the work you do and give it all you have.

Foundation Phase

When you gather as much and as varied an experience base as you possibly can. --Is as long as your career and should be evaluated yearly

Expansion Phase

When you use your experience, insight, and talent to make even more valuable contribution to your agency in a variety of areas beyond your performance in the field. --Tends to begin after 4-5 yrs. on the job

Can leadership qualities of bad bosses over time exert a heavy toll on employees' health?


Is it ok to disagree with a Red Team assessment?

Yes...Don't get defensive. If you do not heed to their criticism or recommendations, make sure you tell them why.

Sacrosanct Duty

You have a heavy burden and must earn the respect of others to function properly. Humility gets you half way there. Hard work, setting the example, competence, and integrity get you across the finish line.

How do you purposely use humility to open up lines of communication?

You have to actively seek negative feedback from those around you.

According to Winston Churchill, what must you do to gain the respect you need to be an effective leader?

You must back your words with actions.

What is the purpose of speaking clearly?

You must be able to orally paint vivid and worthy pictures that not only inform but also inspire others to want to follow you as a leader.

How often should you consciously seek to understand the needs of the community?

You should refresh the data as frequently as possible.

Recommendations for Successful Promotional Interviews

a) Do your homework. b) Reach out to those you respect for advice. c) Review and develop your personal story. d) Be yourself. e) Assess at least one of your weaknesses and be ready to discuss it. f) Don't suppress your speaking DNA--just manage it. g) Make eye contact--but don't stare. h) Think out loud--thoughtfully. i) If possible, try and find common ground with panel members early in the interview. j) Make a visceral connection with the interview panel. k) When asked a hypothetical question, learn to identify the key issues, define a couple of alternatives if appropriate, and then make a decision. l) Assess your soft skills and lead the interview with them in mind. m) Have a powerful closing statement. n) Participate in mock interviews.

Behaviors that lead to loss of trust

a) Engaging in misconduct b) Failing to share info c) Mediocrity d) Favoritism e) Going back on your word f) Not admitting mistakes g) Letting your position go to your head h) Appearing unable or unwilling to step forward during difficult times or while in the midst of an extraordinary event

How to encourage innovation in your agency.

a) Hire the best and brightest if you can but look for that sparkthat questions the status quo. b) Challenge your employees to solve persistent and entrenched community problems and give them the time and tools to do it. c) Design and implant training programs that exercise the critical thinking skills of your employees by not only providing theoretical models but practical application as well.

To make sound decisions that add value to the organization and the community, you must?

a) Seek diverse opinions b) Listen more than you talk c) Then make up your own mind

The Essential Qualities that define Servant leaders (according to Larry Spears)

a) receptive listening b) empathy & understanding c) stewardship d) commitment to the growth of people

To lead men and women in policing successfully....

you must exemplify the behavior you wish to see in others and they have to believe you truly care; about them as well as the community.

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