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Approximately how long ago did green algae and the land plants share a common ancestor? Multiple choice question. -500 million years ago -700 million years ago -1 billion years ago -100 million years ago

1 billion years ago

Place the following plant structures in the correct order based on how water moves through them starting at the top of the list with the entry of water into a plant. Choice 1 of 4. Leaves toggle button Leaves Choice 2 of 4. Xylem toggle button Xylem Choice 3 of 4. Root toggle button Root Choice 4 of 4. Stomata toggle button Stomata

1. Root 2. Xylem 3. Leaves 4. Stomata

Order the following from lowest to highest water potential, starting with lowest water potential at the top (assume a typical plant growing in a properly watered soil). Instructions Choice 1 of 4. roots toggle button roots Choice 2 of 4. atmosphere toggle button atmosphere Choice 3 of 4. leaves and stems toggle button leaves and stems Choice 4 of 4. soil toggle button soil

1. atmosphere 2. leaves and stems 3. roots 4. soil

Which phyla are included within the bryophyte clade? Multiple select question. -Anthocerotophyta (hornworts) -Bryophyta (mosses) -Pterophyta (ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns) -Lycophyta (club mosses) -Hepaticophyta (liverworts)

Anthocerotophyta (hornworts) Bryophyta (mosses) Hepaticophyta (liverworts)

What types of plants typically form aerenchyma? Multiple choice question. -Aquatic plants -Desert plants -Deciduous trees -Conifers

Aquatic plants

In this moss life cycle, the male gametophyte generation is indicated by the letter ------, while the female gametophyte generation is indicated by the letter -------.. (se på bio.jpeg)

Blank 1: A Blank 2: B

Transport that requires a cell to expend some of its own energy, typically from------ , is called ------ transport.

Blank 1: ATP or Adenosine triphosphate Blank 2: active

While ------ transport requires the cell to expend some of its own energy, ----- transport does not.

Blank 1: active Blank 2: passive

A substance that moves through the space between cells is following the route.

Blank 1: apoplastic

Transpiration can pull water up a plant because of two phenomena involving water molecules: --------- (water molecules sticking to each other), and ------- (water molecules sticking to the walls of conducting cells).

Blank 1: cohesion Blank 2: adhesion

Hornwort gametophytes are typically provided with nitrogen by their symbiotic, nitrogen-fixing ------ .

Blank 1: cyanobacteria

In plants, the gametophyte produces ------ and the sporophyte produces ----- .

Blank 1: gametes Blank 2: spores

In plants, the haploid generation is called the -------, and the diploid generation is the -----.

Blank 1: gametophyte Blank 2: sporophyte

Over the course of plant evolution from bryophytes to seed plants, the general trend has been toward a significant decrease in the size of the --------- stage in the life cycle.

Blank 1: gametophyte or haploid

The cells that border stomata are called ------ cells.

Blank 1: guard

In a typical terrestrial plant, water is absorbed mostly in the zone of the root that has root -----.

Blank 1: hairs

Plants that can tolerate saline soils are called ------.

Blank 1: halophytes

(diploid or haploid) In this moss life cycle, the structure indicated by letter A is ------- and the structure indicated by letter C is -------. (se bio.jpeg)

Blank 1: haploid Blank 2: diploid

Cellular membranesBlank 1Blank 1 ------ , Correct Unavailable are said to be selectively permeableBlank 2Blank 2 ------ , Correct Unavailable because they allow some substances to pass through easily while other substances pass through very slowly or not at all.

Blank 1: membranes Blank 2: permeable

Endocytosis of discrete particles is called ----- while endocytosis of liquids is called ----- .

Blank 1: phagocytosis Blank 2: pinocytosis

Carbohydrates in the phloem move from source to --------.

Blank 1: sink

The ------ of bryophytes are carried away from the sporophyte by air currents, germinating into ------- if they land in a moist environment.

Blank 1: spores Blank 2: gametophytes

Water is pulled through the xylem by the process of ------ .

Blank 1: transpiration

A cell that is swollen with water is said to be ----- .

Blank 1: turgid

Plant strategies to limit ------ loss include dense trichomes, thick leaves, and placing stomata in pits.

Blank 1: water

The gametophyte of bryophytes has simple conducting cells rather than true vascular tissue for the transport ------ of ------- and .

Blank 1: water Blank 2: nutrients, minerals, sugars, carbohydrates, photosynthate, or food

Transpiration aids in the movement of ------- and dissolved ------- over long distances in plants.

Blank 1: water or water molecules Blank 2: minerals or nutrients

Plants are always dealing with the trade-off between open stomata, in which CO2 is taken in but ------- is lost, and closed stomata, in which the same compound is retained, but CO2 is not taken in.

Blank 1: water, H2O, or H20

Bryophytes are often found in moist areas in tropical and temperate regions because they rely on the presence of -------- for sexual reproduction.

Blank 1: water, moisture, or rainwater

In bryophytes, the sperm are flagellated and have to swim to the archegonia; therefore, the presence of -------- is necessary for fertilization.

Blank 1: water, rainwater, H2O, or rain water

The vascular tissue that conducts water and minerals is called ----- , while the vascular tissue that conducts sucrose and hormones is called ------ .

Blank 1: xylem Blank 2: phloem

Together, the Hepaticophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerotophyta make up what clade? Multiple choice question. -Tracheophytes -Pterophytes -Bryophytes -Charophytes


What is the main function of succulent leaves in mangroves? Multiple choice question. -Discourage herbivores -Store water -Dilute salt -Block salt uptake

Dilute salt

Select all plant adaptations to drought, including those that limit water loss. Multiple select question. -Lack of trichomes -Dormancy -Stomata located in pits on the leaf surface -Stomata only on the upper leaf surface -Loss of leaves -Hard, thick leaves

Dormancy Stomata located in pits on the leaf surface Loss of leaves Hard, thick leaves

Which region of a phospholipid molecule is hydrophobic? Multiple choice question. - Fatty acid hydrocarbon chains - Phosphate group - Polar or charged molecule attached to the phosphate group

Fatty acid hydrocarbon chains

Select all true statements about transpiration. Multiple select question. -It creates tension in the xylem -It is driven by evaporation -It results from ion transport into xylem vessels -It requires energy input from the plant

It creates tension in the xylem It is driven by evaporation

Which of the following describes passive transport? Multiple choice question. - It does not require an expenditure of energy by the cell itself. - It does not require a concentration gradient. - It can only be used to move materials up a concentration gradient. - It requires energy from ATP.

It does not require an expenditure of energy by the cell itself.

Which of the following describes passive transport? Multiple choice question. -It does not require an expenditure of energy by the cell itself. -It requires energy from ATP. -It can only be used to move materials up a concentration gradient. -It does not require a concentration gradient.

It does not require an expenditure of energy by the cell itself.

Select all that apply Choose all features that confined the green algal ancestors of plants to water. Multiple select question. -Less water availability in a terrestrial environment -Higher levels of UV light on land -The inability to produce chlorophyll in a high oxygen environment -More predators in land-based ecosystems

Less water availability in a terrestrial environment Higher levels of UV light on land

Choose all that are carried in vascular tissue. Multiple select question. -Ribosomes -Gas vesicles -Minerals -Water -Hormones -Sucrose

Minerals Water Hormones Sucrose

Bryophytes are particularly common in what areas? Multiple select question. -Moist areas of the tropics -Near stream beds -Damp forest floors -Grasslands -Arctic regions

Moist areas of the tropics Near stream beds Damp forest floors

Select all true statements about hornworts. Multiple select question. -Of all bryophytes, their sporophytes are most similar to those of vascular plants. -Their gametophytes are photosynthetic. -They are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen. -Their sporophytes have stomata. -Their cells contain multiple small chloroplasts.

Of all bryophytes, their sporophytes are most similar to those of vascular plants. Their gametophytes are photosynthetic. Their sporophytes have stomata.

How do phagocytosis and pinocytosis differ? Multiple choice question. -Only pinocytosis is a form of bulk transport. -Only phagocytosis involves expelling materials from the cell. -Only pinocytosis involves intake of liquids. -Only phagocytosis requires expenditure of energy by the cell itself. -Only phagocytosis can be used to move materials against their concentration gradient.

Only pinocytosis involves intake of liquids.

What happens when solute concentrations increase inside guard cells? Multiple choice question. -Primary active transport carries water across membranes. -Symport transport carries a proton with a water molecule across membranes. -Osmotic water uptake occurs via plasma membrane aquaporins.

Osmotic water uptake occurs via plasma membrane aquaporins.

Choose the two types of vascular tissue. Multiple select question. -Cortex -Phloem -Xylem -Pith

Phloem Xylem

The thin structure made of a bilayer of lipids with embedded proteins that surrounds all cells is called the ------ ------.

Plasma membrane

Which structure surrounds all cells? Multiple choice question. -Extracellular fluid -Cell wall -Plasma membrane -Capsule

Plasma membrane

Select all that apply Which regions of a phospholipid molecule are hydrophilic? Multiple select question. -Fatty acid hydrocarbon chains -Polar or charged molecule attached to the phosphate group -Phosphate group

Polar or charged molecule attached to the phosphate group Phosphate group

Choose all that contribute to the surface area through which a plant can absorb water. Multiple select question. -Trichomes -Root hairs -Stomata -Mycorrhizae

Root hairs Mycorrhizae

Select all structures produced by mosses. Multiple select question. -Leaves -Roots -Sporangia -Rhizoids

Sporangia Rhizoids

Which of the following statement accurately describes the relationship between CO2 concentration and stomatal opening? Multiple choice question. -Stomata may close when CO2 concentrations are high. -Stomata may close when CO2 concentrations are low. -Stomatal closing is not influenced by the concentration of CO2. -Stomata may close when CO2 concentrations are high, but only during the night.

Stomata may close when CO2 concentrations are high.

Choose all materials that are transported in the phloem. Multiple select question. -Sucrose -DNA -CO2 -Amino acids -Plant hormones -Ions

Sucrose Amino acids Plant hormones Ions

The function of pneumatophores in mangroves is to do which of the following? Multiple choice question. -Absorb carbon dioxide -Enhance root hair production -Improve mineral uptake -Take up oxygen

Take up oxygen

Select all adaptations of land plants that distinguish them from their algal relatives. Multiple select question. -The presence of stomata for gas exchange -The presence of chlorophyll for photosynthesis -The presence of a waxy cuticle on air-exposed surfaces -The ability to use aerobic metabolism in the dark -The presence of specialized water transporting tissues

The presence of stomata for gas exchange The presence of a waxy cuticle on air-exposed surfaces The presence of specialized water transporting tissues

Which of the following statements accurately describe the sizes of plant sporophytes and gametophytes? Multiple select question. -The gametophyte can be large or small. -The sporophyte may be large or small. -The sporophyte is never large. -The gametophyte is never large.

The sporophyte may be large or small. The gametophyte is never large.

What feature of guard cells allows them to open stomata when turgor pressure in them changes? Multiple choice question. -Their cells are thicker on the inside and thiner elsewhere. -They don't have cell walls on the inside. -They have Casparian strips in their cell walls. -Their cell walls are thinner on the inside and thicker elsewhere.

Their cells are thicker on the inside and thiner elsewhere.

Which of the following is true of bryophyte rhizoids? Multiple choice question. -They aid in absorption of water. -They have vascular tissue. -They are two cells thick.

They aid in absorption of water.

Select all ways in which moss leaflike structures differ from true leaves. Multiple select question. -They lack stomata -They lack a midrib -Most of their surface is one cell layer thick -They lack veins

They lack stomata Most of their surface is one cell layer thick They lack veins

Select all features of liverworts. Multiple select question. -They may be leafy or lobed. -Gametophytes have rhizoids. -Sexual reproduction is rare. -They may possess stomata.

They may be leafy or lobed. Gametophytes have rhizoids.

Select all cell types that typically carry minerals via bulk transport upwards in a plant. Multiple select question. -Sieve tube members -Vessel elements -Tracheids -Companion cells

Vessel elements Tracheids

Select all major limiting factors for the establishment of early terrestrial plant life. Multiple select question. -Water availability -Carbon dioxide -Sunlight -Soil nutrients

Water availability Carbon dioxide

A major adaptation to a terrestrial lifestyle in land plants is Blank______. Multiple choice question. -enhanced nutrient uptake capacity -a modified form of meiosis -a cuticle on exposed surfaces -the production of genetically uniform gametes

a cuticle on exposed surfaces

If you compare two aqueous solutions which differ in the amount of solutes dissolved, the aqueous solution with a higher concentration of solutes will have Blank______. Multiple choice question. -a higher concentration of free water molecules -the same concentration of free water molecules as the other aqueous solution -a lower concentration of free water molecules

a lower concentration of free water molecules

In bryophytes, sperm and egg unite to produce Blank______. Multiple choice question. -a sporophyte enclosed within gametophyte tissue -a sporophyte that grows upright from a ground-dwelling gametophyte -a gametophyte enclosed within sporophyte tissue -a gametophyte that grows upright from a ground-dwelling sporophyte

a sporophyte that grows upright from a ground-dwelling gametophyte

If you were designing an experiment that required you to limit water uptake by plants, you could Multiple choice question. -warm the air more than the soil. -mulch the plants. -add excess fertilizer. -increase plant density.

add excess fertilizer.

Select the two processes that allow transpiration to pull water molecules up a plant. Multiple select question. -diffusion -adhesion -cohesion -translocation

adhesion cohesion

Plants that grow in fresh water have specialized parenchyma tissue containing large spaces. This tissue is called Blank______. Multiple choice question. -sclerenchyma -collenchyma -aerenchyma


Transpiration rates may be slowed down due to the closing of stomata when Multiple choice question. -blue light is detected by a plant. -atmospheric CO2 concentrations are high. -red light is detected by a plant. -atmospheric temperatures are 20-30oC.

atmospheric CO2 concentrations are high.

The adaptation of plants to a terrestrial environment required Blank______. Multiple choice question. -increased oxygen uptake ability -more efficient photosynthetic pigments -better water loss management -a higher leaf surface area

better water loss management

When the concentration of a substance varies from one region to another, the substance is exhibiting a(n) Blank______. Multiple choice question. - equilibrium - concentration divergence - concentration gradient - net movement

concentration gradient

Xylem and phloem Blank______. Multiple choice question. -conduct minerals and sucrose, respectively -conduct sucrose and minerals, respectively -both conduct sucrose and minerals, but in different directions

conduct minerals and sucrose, respectively

Due to the constant random motion of its atoms and molecules, a substance will exhibit net movement from a region where it has a higher concentration to a region where it has a lower concentration. This net movement is called -------.


Net movement of a substance from a region where it has a higher concentration to a region where it has a lower concentration is called which of the following? Multiple choice question. -Diffusion -Active transport -Equilibrium -Endocytosis -Osmosis


One reason bryophytes require water for fertilization is because their sperm are Blank______. Multiple choice question. -hydrophobic -flagellated -unicellular -hydrophilic


When the concentration of a substance on one side of the membrane is different from its concentration on the other side of the membrane, the substance is said to exhibit a concentration ------- .


Approximately 1 billion years ago, land plants shared a common ancestor with Blank______. Multiple choice question. -green algae -animals -brown algae -bacteria -red algae

green algae

An aqueous solution with a lower concentration of solutes will have a ----- concentration of free water molecules.


Guard cells open when their solute concentrations Multiple choice question. -decrease. -are isotonic to the outside. -increase.


In land plants, the gametophyte Blank______. Multiple choice question. -may be larger than the sporophyte -is never larger than the sporophyte -is always larger than the sporophyte

may be larger than the sporophyte

Over the course of plant evolution, the general trend has been toward Blank______. Multiple choice question. -more embryo protection and a larger gametophyte -more embryo protection and a smaller gametophyte -less embryo protection and a smaller gametophyte -less embryo protection and a larger gametophyte

more embryo protection and a smaller gametophyte

When minerals are relocated via bulk flow in the xylem, they Multiple choice question. -must move with the upward flow of water in the xylem. -always move opposite to the water flow in the xylem. -can move upwards (with water in xylem) or downwards (opposite to the water flow) depending on when they are needed.

must move with the upward flow of water in the xylem.

The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called --------.


Transport that occurs without a cell expending any of its own energy is called ------- transport.


Mosses differ from other bryophytes because their gametophytes Blank______. Multiple choice question. -are smaller than their sporophytes -are not photosynthetic -produce structures that look like leaves and stems -produce roots to absorb water and anchor to substrates

produce structures that look like leaves and stems

Plasma membranes allow some substances to pass through easily while other substances only pass through very slowly or not at all. For that reason, plasma membranes are said to be Blank______. Multiple choice question. -amphipathic -fluid -hydrophobic -selectively permeable -partially permeable

selectively permeable

Liverworts reproduce through Blank______. Multiple choice question. -asexual processes only -sexual and asexual means -sexual processes only

sexual and asexual means

In bryophytes, water and nutrients are transported throughout the gametophyte by Blank______. Multiple choice question. -tracheids -vessel elements -xylem and phloem -simple conducting cells

simple conducting cells

A turgid cell is Multiple choice question. -limp. -stiff.


In most terrestrial plants, water enters through the roots and exits the plant through the Blank______. Multiple choice question. -lenticels -epidermis -cuticle -stomata


Under mild drought conditions, plants may be stunted because Multiple choice question. -under water stress, plants cannot take up minerals. -increased transpiration results in the loss of sugars. -stomata are closed so carbon dioxide is not taken in for photosynthesis. -embolisms prevent water from moving through the xylem.

stomata are closed so carbon dioxide is not taken in for photosynthesis.

A substance moving from cell to cell through plasmodesmata is following the Multiple choice question. -symplast route. -transmembrane route. -apoplast route.

symplast route.

An important difference that distinguishes the leaflike structures of moss gametophytes from true leaves is Blank______. Multiple choice question. -the lack of a thickened midrib -the lack of vascular tissue -the presence of chlorophyll a in chloroplasts -the presence of chlorophyll b in chloroplasts

the lack of vascular tissue

Bryophyte rhizoids are not true roots because Blank______. Multiple choice question. -they cannot take up minerals from the soil -they are unicellular -they are too short to properly anchor the plant -they do not absorb water

they are unicellular

Because water availability was a limiting factor for the growth of early terrestrial plant life, such plants likely had the ability to Blank______. Multiple choice question. -produce vascular tissue -tolerate desiccation -eliminate salts -reproduce asexually

tolerate desiccation

Osmosis occurs when there is a selectively permeable membrane and it refers to the diffusion of Blank______. Multiple choice question. -proteins -NaCl -glucose -water


The cytoplasm contains ions and molecules dissolved in -------.


The most abundant molecule in the cytoplasm is the ------ molecule.


Evaporation of water in a leaf creates negative pressure in the xylem. This causes Multiple choice question. -water to be pulled up the stem from the roots. -water to to be pushed from the stem down to the roots. -water to slowly diffuse up the stem from the roots.

water to be pulled up the stem from the roots.

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