Learning Environment - Face to Face & Virtual Learning

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Always have video on. Pin the speaker/teacher or use Speaker mode instead of Gallery view.

Attention in videoconference

Students are required to obtain all assignments ItsLearning - Calendar - Plans.


When you return from absence, please report to the office before school so you may get the slip & turn in doctor's excuse if needed.

Absence Slip

Check ItsLearning - Overview - Announcements


Raise your hand (real or virtual), use attention tool, write question in chat and keep working.

Assistance/ Attention

I raise my hand. 1) Stop your actions 2) Stop your talking 3) Keep eyes on teacher 4) Wait for instruction.

Attention in classroom

Five minutes in between classes. Go at end of lunch. Use passes for emergencies. Raise hand with pass when needed. (4 per nine weeks.) In videConf - turn video off to go. Turn video on when back.


Be seated when the bells rings. Follow the instructions posted on board. If you do finish in the 5 minutes, please complete for homework.

Bell work in classroom

There is a hole punch, stapler, tape and pencil sharpener on table. Use only during bell work or at the end. (Bring your own Kleenex.)

Class supplies

Student last name: Ms. Alvarado - A to Gar, Mrs. Solana - Gas to Ol, Ms. Zamora - Om to Z. Email them to make appointments or see or speak to them before or after school.


Only material being used on desk. Backpack under desk (I walk around). Keep desks clean, uncluttered. If accident: spill or writing get paper towel from teacher.


STISD Medical Professions, Infinite Campus, ItsLearning, Google Suite (Drive, Docs, Forms...) Quizlet, Office 365, Middlebury Interactive.

Educational Technology you need to know how to use

If I must leave the room/ conference, please continue to work on the assignment until I return. Please be respectful of the situations, stay quiet and on task.


In classroom, please remain seated and put your materials away. Stand and align the desks correctly. In videoconf, please write me a message privately on chat explaining why you are leaving early.

End of class

End of day used to relax, for homework, getting help from students, NHS, teacher, etc.

Enrichment Period

Classroom and Library materials facilitate the communication process for learning. Please be respectful and careful. Check out suplemental materials at library as needed to stay connected.


Because of different learning styles, if you finish early, work on other Spanish homework/projects or read quietly so I may help others.

Finishing assignment early

We will go to our designated place quietly. We will exit one row at a time. First person will hold door. I will leave last. Please remain together and quiet. In code blue we will go to designated space and stay quiet.

Fire Drill &Code Blue

If necessary, clear with teacher. Be clean and careful because of electronic equipment.

Food and beverages

In between classes or any chance clean your hands. Use your mask & keep acceptable distance. Cover coughs or sneezes and ask to go to nurse. Follow all school protocol for health safety.

Germex & washing hands

Polite demeanor will improve our communication. "Please", "Thank you," "Yes M'am." Sorry." as well as raising our hand to speak, listening until instructions are fully given, good posture, eyes directed to speaker or screen.

Good Manners

It is a privilege which allows you to share and receive information with classmates. Stay on task and be mindful of time limit. Always introduce yourself and speak to others by name.

Group work & Breakout rooms

Please smile at them and continue to work on assignment. You should be able explain the assignment and the objective to the visitor.

Guests & visitors

FULL Name: Ana Ruvalcaba; Period: 1A 3A.. Title: Grammar, Alphabet... Homework, Corrections...

Heading/ Title

Online software, Online assignments, Test corrections, notes or current project, correctly highlighted/annotated handouts. Use your bus ride (WiFi) and Enrichment, tutorial and class/computer time correctly.

Homework Types

When someone is addressing the class, (you, I or classmate), do not carry on side conversations. Be respectful of other scholars.


There is a box on my shelf where items left behind are placed. There is one in the office also.

Lost and Found

Bring your notebook/folder, black & red pen, pencil/eraser, paper, highlighters, charged & logged in to wifi (STISD Guest) smartphone/tablet.


If you need to discuss my assessment of a situation, see me at the end class time or email me privately. For the time being just say "Yes M'am" and wait to communicate with me.

Teacher vs. Student point of view

Please throw trash and sharpen pencils at the beginning or end of class. There are several recycling options.


For videoconferences you are to have the video camera on always. Please have professional clothing and grooming as well as select an appropriate place to participate. Preferably away from noise. Always mute your microphone and sign in using your FULL name.

Virtual Presence

Will be used in class as directed by instructor. Taking pictures is used for notes. Sign in to STISD Guest before class. At home log into your school Google account ([email protected]) before working on class work.

smart devices

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