Learnsmart Chapter 8 Part 1 and Part 2

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Which element has the lower *second* ionization energy? Si, Al, Mg, P


The electron configuration of an element describes___.

the distribution of electrons in the orbitals of its atoms

For which elements are outer electrons and valence electrons the same?

Main-group elements

IE increases

from left to right across a period

Which set of quantum numbers correctly designates the indicated electron in the orbital diagram shown? ¹ˢ)↑↓ ²ˢ)↑↓ ²ᵖ)↑↓ ↑ ↑

2 , 1 , - 1 , -½

Which electrons are removed first when forming cations of Period 4 transition elements?


Rank the following elements in order of increasing metallic character (from least metallic at the top of the list to most metallic at the bottom).

P, Al, Zn, Cs

Which of following species has a pseudo-noble gas configuration? Select all the apply.

Zn²⁺ Sn⁴⁺

IE decreases

down a group

The lowest-energy distribution of electrons in the sublevels for an atom of a particular element is called the ___(1)____ state electron configuration for that element. This is a close relationship between the distribution and the position of the element on the ___(2)_____ table, since electron configuration determines both the chemical and physical ___(3)____ of an element

(1) ground (2) periodic (3) properties

Hund's rule states that when a sublevel contains several orbitals of equal energy, ___(1)___ electron(s) must be placed in each orbital before electrons are ____(2)____.

(1) one (2) paired

Which of the following statements correctly describe how to place electrons in orbitals of the same sublevel? Select all that apply.

- All unpaired electrons in a sublevel should have parallel spins [Explanation: By convention all unpaired electrons in the same sublevel are shown to have parallel spins. This reflects the lowest energy configuration possible] -One electron must be placed in each orbital of equal (degenerate) energy before electrons are paired up. [Explanation: When electrons occupy a subshell with more than one degenerate orbital, Hund's Rule states that the lowest energy is attained by maximizing the number of electrons with the same electron spin.]

Which of the following statements correctly describe ground-state electron configurations? Select all that apply.

- The ground-state electron configuration has the lowest-energy distribution of the electrons. -The ground-state electron configurations are the basis for the recurring pattern of chemical behavior.

Which of the following electron configurations are associated with increased stability? Select all that apply.

-A filled sublevel -A half-filled sublevel -A full valence shell or level

Which of the following elements exhibit an irregular filling pattern of the orbitals? Select all that apply.

-Cr -Cu

Which of the following statements correctly describe general trends in electron configurations? Select all that apply.

-For any principal energy level n, the total number of orbitals possible for that level is equal to n². -Among main-group elements the outer electron configurations within a group are identical -The period number of an element corresponds tot he n value of the highest energy level containing electrons.

Which of the following options correctly describe metallic behavior? Select all that apply.

-High electrical and thermal conductivity -A tendency to lose electrons and form cations

According to the quantum-mechanical model, which element will have similar chemical properties to an element with Z = 7?

-P [explanation : Nitrogen (Z = 7) is in Group 15(5A) and will have similar properties to other Group 15(5A) elements, such as P.]

Which of the following options correctly describe the order in which sublevels (designated by nl) are most commonly filled with electrons? Select all that apply. (Ignore anomalous electron configurations).

-The 1s sublevel must be filled before electrons are placed in the 2s orbital -The 3d orbitals are generally filled after the 4s orbital.

Which of the following statements describe/define ionization energy correctly? Select all that apply.

-The ionization energy of an element is a measure of how easily it forms a cation -Ionization energy is the energy required for the complete removal of 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms or ions.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the original periodic table? Select all that apply.

-The original periodic table had 65 elements. -The original periodic table was developed by Dmitri Mendeleev -The original periodic table predicted the properties of elements that were not discovered until later.

Which of the following options correctly interpret the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p³? Select all that apply.

-There are two electrons in the 1s sublevel -The electrons in the 2p orbitals might be spinning either clockwise or counterclockwise -The two electrons in the 2s sublevel have opposite spin.

What does it mean if two species are isoelectronic? Select all that apply.

-They have the same electron configuration -They have the same number of electrons

The ground state electron configuration _____.

-obeys Hund's rule -obeys the aufbau principle

Using the periodic table, place the sublevels in the correct order for placing electrons. Start with the first sublevel to be filled at the *bottom* of the list.

1) 4p 2) 3d 3) 4s 4) 3p 5) 3s

Arrange the following elements in order of *increasing* ionization energies(IE) based on periodic trends,starting with the smallest element that has the lowest IE at the top of the list.

1) Rb 2) K 3) Ca 4) Br

An atom of vanadium (Z = 23) in its ground state has _____ valence electrons.

5 [Explanation: Since V is a transition metal, both the 4s and the 3d electrons are valence electrons.]

What orbitals are the last orbitals being filled in the actinide series?


Which of the following species are isoelectronic with each other? Mg2+, Ar, Cd2+, Br-, Sr2+

Br-, Sr2+

Match each element with the correct description of its properties or behavior, based on periodic trends.

C : forms acidic oxides Sb : the most metallic metalloid in its group Ba : most readily forms a cation F : most readily gains electrons

Match each group of the periodic table with the correct description of its behavior.

Group 1A(1) elements : Metals tend to lose electrons more easily than nonmetals Group 7A(17) : Nonmetals tend to form acidic oxides. Group 8A(18) : Noble gases are generally unreactive

The energy required for the complete removal of 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms or ions is called _______ energy. For a neutral element this energy is a measure of how easily the element forms an ion with a ________ charge.

Ionization, Positive

List the following species in order of increasing radius, with the species with the smallest radius at the top of the list.

Li+ , Cl , Cl- , S(2-) , P(3-)

List the following elements in order of decreasing atomic size (largest at the top to smallest at the bottom)

Li, B, N, He

Match each chemical behavior to the correct description of an element's ionization energy. Noble gases are not included in these descriptions.

Low Ionization Energy: -good reducing agent -forms cations readily -is easily oxidized High ionization energy -good oxidizing agent -tends to form anions -tends to be reduced

The atomic radius of an element may differ depending on how it is measured. Match each type of radius with the correct description.

Metallic radius : Half the shortest distance between nuclei o adjacent atoms in a crystal of the element Covalent radius: half the shortest distance between the nuclei of atoms in a molecule of the element

Which element has the ground-state electron configuration 1s²2s²2p³?


Which of the following monatomic ions have the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶? Select all that apply.

O(2-) Na+ F-

Match each monatomic ion with its correct electron configuration.

Pd2+ : [Kr]4d8 Zn2+ : [Ar]3d10 Ti2+ : [Ar]3d2 Mn2+ : [Ar]3d5

Arrange the following elements in order of *increasing* atomic size, starting with the smallest atom at the top of the list.

S Br Se I

Why does atomic size generally increase down a group on the periodic table?

The outer electrons are increasingly farther away from the nucleus and shielded more effectively by additional shells of inner electrons.

Which of the following accounts for the observation that Li, Na, K, and Cs have similar chemical properties?

They have the same outer electron configuration.

Which of the following is the correct condensed electron configuration for titanium (Z = 22)?

[Ar] 4s²3d²

Which of the following is the correct condensed electron configuration for selenium (Z = 34)?

[Ar] 4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴

What is the correct ground-state electron configuration for Mo (Z = 42)?

[Kr] 5s¹4d⁵ [Explanation: Molybdenum exhibits an irregular filling pattern, half-filling the 4d and the 5s shells.]

An element with a low ionization energy is more likely to form _____ during reactions, while elements with high ionization energies tend to form _______. Noble gases are excluded from this trend.

cations; anions

Match each category of electron with the correct description.

core electron : electrons in the previous noble gas and any filled d or f sublevels outer electrons : electrons in the highest energy level that contains electrons valence electrons : electrons involved in bonding

In general for main-group elements atomic size______from left to right across a period and _____down a group

decreases, increases

Ionization energy generally decreases down a group because as one moves down a group, the outermost electron moves _______ the nucleus and it takes _______ energy to remove it.

farther away from; less

When drawing an orbital diagram, orbitals of ______ energy are filled first. By convention, the __________ electron in a given orbital is designated as ↑ and the direction of the arrow indicates the electron _________.

lower; first; spin

Electron configuration can be designated using a shorthand notation of the general form nl# (e.g., 1s²). Match each letter and number in the notation with its correct meaning.

n : principal energy level or shell of the relevant electrons l : sublevel of the relevant electrons # : number of electrons in the given sublevel

Match each electron configuration to the correct description. Assume that all electron configurations represent ions.

noble gas configuration : 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶ pseudo-noble gas configuration : 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d¹⁰ inert pair configuration : 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d¹⁰4s²

A condensed electron configuration includes the element symbol of the ________ gas that is _______ to the relevant element in square brackets, followed by the configuration of the energy level being filled.

noble; prior

Match each type of oxide correctly with its acid-base behavior.

nonmetal oxides : are acidic metal oxides : are basic oxides of metalloids : are amphoteric

For any element in the periodic table the ____ number gives the n value of the _____ principal energy level containing electrons. For main-group elements *only*, the A_____ number is always equal to the number of valence electrons.

period; highest; group

Elements that are in the same ___(1)___ of the periodic table will have the same __(2)__ electron configuration and will have very similar chemical___(3)____.

(1) group (2) outer (3) properties

Which of the sublevels maybe utilized in constructing a partial orbital diagram for a Period 3 element? Select all that apply.

-3p -3s

Metal oxides are _______ and basic, whereas nonmetal oxides are _____ and acidic.

ionic; covalent

Mg2+, Na+, and F- all have the same electron configuration as Ne, and are described as being _____ with Ne and with each other.




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