Lesson Quiz 6

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Choose the correct definition for craniorhachischisis.

a congenital fissure of skull and spine

Choose the correct definition of gastroschisis.

a congenital fissure remaining open in the abdominal wall

Choose the correct definition of toxonosis.

a disease resulting from poison

Choose the correct synonym for epistaxis.

a nose bleed

Choose the correct definition of osteochondrodystrophy.

a skeletal growth disorder resulting from bone and cartilage malformation

Choose the correct definition of plegaphonia.

a sound produced by percussion in the larynx when the glottis is open

Spondylolysis is the breaking down of what structure?

a vertebral structure

Choose the correct definition of hypotrichosis.

abnormal deficiency of hair

Choose the correct definition of brachycheilia.

abnormal shortness of the lips

Ankylodactylia: what is the condition of the fingers or toes?

adhesion (fusing) of 2 or more fingers or toes

Choose the correct definition of anthelmintic.

agent that treats or destroys parasitic worms

Choose the correct definition of anaphrodisiac (antaphrodisiac).

an agent that depresses sexual desire

Choose the correct definition of erotophobia.

an aversion to sexual love

Choose the correct term for 'resembling a male.'


Choose the correct definition of chromophore.

any chemical displaying color in a properly prepared cell

Choose the correct definition of synthetic.

artificially prepared

How would you characterize dysphoria?

as a long-lasting mood disorder

Choose the correct definition of onychatrophia.

atrophy of the nails

What does a chromatophore cell do?

bears pigment

Choose the correct definition of nematoid. (You have to consider the meaning of the Greek for 'thread' - which Taber's gives - to get the right answer).

belonging to the class Nematoda: thread shaped

Choose the correct term for 'abnormal shortness of fingers and toes.'


Choose the correct term for 'congenital deformity in which the head is inapparent.'


Thanatophobia is a morbid fear of what?


What do androgynous people lack?

definite sexual characteristics

Choose the correct definition of exodontia.

dental extraction of teeth

Endodontitis: what is inflamed?

dental pulp

What does an antaphrodisiac agent do?

depresses sexual desire

Choose the correct term for an '(abnormally) long colon.'


Choose the correct definition of chondrodystrophy.

dwarfism marked by short limbs

Choose the correct term for 'producing sexual excitement.'


Choose the correct definition of panasthenia (neurasthenia).

functional (psychosomatic) illness

Choose the correct term for 'paralysis of the stomach.'


Choose the correct definition of panoptosis.

general prolapse of abdominal organs

What does a hermaphrodite possess?

genital and sexual characteristics of both sexes

Euphoria is a condition of what?

good health or elation

Choose the correct term for 'resembling the female (of the species).'


Hypertrichosis is an excessive growth of what?


Choose the correct definition of sclerotrichia.

hardness and brittleness of the hair

What do the 2 combining forms of brachycephalous (brachycephalic) indicate?

having a short head

Choose the correct definition of gynecophonus.

having a soft, high-pitched voice

Choose the correct definition of microdontism.

having one or more abnormally small teeth

Choose the correct term for 'the study of worms.'


Choose the correct term for 'pertaining to nutrients carried in the blood.'


Choose the correct definition of oligodontia.

hereditary development anomaly: having fewer teeth than normal

Choose the correct definition of metachromasia.

histological staining when one stain may produce a variety of colors

Demography is the study of measurable characteristics of what?

human populations

Heterodromus means acting, arranged, or moving how?

in the opposite direction

Choose the correct definition of photogenic.

induced by or inducing light

Choose the correct definition of spondylarthritis.

inflammation of the joints of the vertebrae (arthritis of the spine)

Choose the correct definition of rachitome.

instrument used to open the spinal canal

Choose the correct definition of palilalia.

involuntary repetition of words or phrases

Photodysphoria (photophobia) is the unusual intolerance of what?


Photosynthesis is a plant process that uses what energy?


Choose the correct definition of periodontal.

located around a tooth

Paraplegia is paralysis of what part of the body?

lower and both legs

Choose the correct definition of gynandrism.

male hermaphroditism

Amyotrophia: what is 'not nourished'?


Choose the correct term for 'science (of description or classification) of diseases.'


Choose the correct definition of cryptogenic.

of unknown or indeterminate origin

Hemidiaphoresis is what kind of sweating?

on one side of the body

Choose the correct term for 'fear of everything.'


Choose the correct definition for diplegia.

paralysis of similar parts on both sides of the body

Choose the correct definition of palingraphia.

pathological repetition of words and phrases in writing

Choose the correct term for 'around a vertebra.'


Choose the correct definition of trophedema.

permanent, localized edema of limb(s)

Choose the correct term for 'hemorrhage from a tooth socket.'


Choose the correct term for 'dissolution or disintegration under stimulus of light rays.'


Choose the correct definition of androgynoid.

possessing ovaries but secondary male sex characteristics

Choose the correct definition of antatrophic.

preventing or curing atrophy

Choose the correct definition of protopathic.

primitive or undiscriminating (with respect to pain)

Diaphoresis describes what condition?

profuse sweating

Choose the correct term for '(congenital) fissure of the face.'


Choose the correct definition of autoerotism.

self-gratification of the sexual instinct

Erogenous means causing what?

sexual excitement

Who does endemic disease affect?

specific populations or particular regions of the world

Choose the correct term for 'inflammation of the spine' (inflammation of the joints of the vertebrae; arthritis of the spine.)


A trichogen is an agent that does what?

stimulates hair growth

Choose the correct definition of aphrodisiac.

stimulating sexual desire

Apoplexy is an outdated term for what condition?


What kind of memory is cryptanamnesia (cryptomnesia)?


Choose the correct definition of spondylopyosis.

suppuration with inflammation of a vertebra

A mesodont has what of medium size?


Odontonecrosis is the excessive decay of what?


Hydrorrhachis (hydromyelia) is an increase of fluid where?

the central canal of the spinal cord

What is dermonosology the science of?

the classification of skin diseases

Osteosynthesis is the mechanical fastening of what?

the ends of fractured bones

Prosopoplegia is the paralysis of what?

the face

Choose the correct definition of symphysodactyly.

the fusion of one or more fingers or toes

Choose the correct definition of trichophagia.

the habit of eating hair

Schizonychia is the splitting of what?

the nails

Choose the correct definition of endocrinotherapy.

therapeutic use of hormones

Choose the correct definition of odontodynia.

tooth ache

Choose the correct term for 'concerned with nourishment.'


Choose the correct definition of helminthemesis.

vomiting of intestinal worms

What is atrophy?

wasting; decrease in organ size or tissue

Gynecopathy describes diseases specific to what group?


What causes infestation in helminthiasis?


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