Mgt 300 chapter 12

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Which of the following statements about disabilities is true?

Accommodations for disabilities needn't be expensive.

For which of the following positions would the hiring organization be most likely to require someone who has high degree of emotional stability?

911 operator

helps companies grow by improving the quality of problem solving and improving marketplace understanding.


Which of the following statements explains why diversity actually makes good business sense?

Diversity helps companies attract and recruit talented employees.

Affirmative action is required by law for all private employers, while diversity is voluntary.


The fastest-growing population group in the United States is ____.


As compared to men's career choices, women's career choices are more likely to choose jobs or careers that also give them the greater sense of accomplishment, more control over their work schedules, and easier movement in and out of the workplace.


The purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women is called ____.

affirmative action

The world's biggest manufacturer of locks is part of a national program in which employers are encouraging workers to continue working as long as they are physically able. To help its aging workers, the lock maker has provided them with magnifying lenses that give them the vision acuity they need to work on the small parts within a lock. These lenses are an example of ____.

assistive technology

A key difference between affirmative action and diversity is that ____.

diversity has a broader focus

The glass ceiling is most closely associated with ____

ethnic, racial, and gender discrimination

To make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else, organizations can ____.

make a commitment to reasonable workplace accommodations

When the world's biggest manufacturer of locks looked at its employee composition, it discovered that its workers were either over 50 or under 30 because the company had done little hiring during the 1980s and 1990s. ____ was needed to get these two groups to respect each other's work abilities.

social integration

Organizational plurality is consistent with ____.

the learning and effectiveness paradigm.

Affirmative action actually makes good business sense in terms of cost savings, the ability to attract and retain talent, and business growth.


The two basic types of diversity training are cultural training and attitude-based diversity training.


The three different methods or paradigms for managing diversity are the discrimination and fairness paradigm, the access and legitimacy paradigm, and the learning and effectiveness paradigm.


Bentley College launched a comprehensive diversity initiative that includes frequent diversity retreats for faculty, staff, and student leaders; innovative recruitment efforts; employee benefits for domestic partners; and extensive support services focused on race, gender, and disability. Bentley uses the ____ paradigm for managing diversity.

learning and effectiveness

The learning and effectiveness paradigm for managing diversity focuses on the acceptance and celebration of differences; so that the diversity within the company matches the diversity found among primary stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and local communities.


Unilever has operations in 150 countries. Recently, Unilever took 100 of these top managers on a jungle retreat to Costa Rica. To the dismay of Unilever's chair, there were no women in the group. Upon investigation, he learned that only one woman had even been invited. As the retreat progressed, its participants commented on the richness of diversity in nature and how everything needs diversity to grow. These comments caused Unilever's chair to establish an executive committee to examine practical ways to overcome barriers to women's promotion. They decided to avoid setting numerical targets because they encourage positive discrimination and instead examined recruitment and promotion practices. Refer to Unilever. This is an example of a diversity program because it ____.

is done voluntarily.

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