Level D, Unit 12 sent

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"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I _??_ weak and weary.


Despite his image as a "hard-boiled businessman," he is notably _??_ in his dealings with all of his employees.


I needed the job badly, but the working conditions in that company were so _??_ that I finally had to quit.


I resented the _??_ manner in which he told us--without even asking for our opinion--what we should do to improve our situation.


In 1875 New York State instituted child protection laws that made it criminal to _??_ children.


Instead of trying to accomplish something worthwhile on her own, she spends her time boasting about her _??_ ancestors.


Mexico City is located deep in the tropics, but because of the altitude, its climate is _??_.


Only when the new drug was administered did the patient begin to show _??_ signs of improvement.


Our climb up the mountain was so _??_ that we had to take a long rest before starting to back down.


Some _??_ fibers are actually better than natural materials for certain purposes.


Some people were amused and others were outraged by the speaker's lighthearted, _??_ attitude toward the institutions of government.


Students joined with faculty in a(n) _??_ effort to increase the school's involvement in community affairs.


The _??_ scout leader hoisted the canoe on his shoulders and carried it up the steep hill.


The bite of the rattlesnake and the sarcatic words of a supposed friend can be equally _??_.


The mountain climbers had to _??_ with unfavorable weather and with the fatigue brought on by high altitude.


The suspect was charged with writing and printing pamphlets that were considered _??_ by the government.


The years had _??_ the auburn from her hair, which now resembled a crown of snowy white.


We learned too late that the _??_ fox had escaped our trap by doubling back on its own track.


When I said that the famous rock star was singing off-key, his devoted fans seemed to think I was guilty of _??_.


While a weight lifter generally has a muscular build, a gymnast typically is slim and _??_.

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